# 	$Id: info-dylan-news2mail.pl,v 1.6 1999/12/17 16:33:10 gregs Exp gregs $	
# Check comp.lang.dylan newsgroup for new posts, and forward
# them to the info-dylan mailing list.
# Called from my (gregs) crontab on soggy-fibers.ai.mit.edu 
#    every 15 minutes.
# Greg Sullivan   July, 1999.

## print "not doing news2mail right now.\n";
## exit 1;

## gregs -- what's this?: use blib;
## use Getopt::Long;

use Net::NNTP;

$NewsServer = 'news.lcs.mit.edu';
## $NewsServer = 'news.mit.edu';
## $GroupName = 'mit.test';
$GroupName = 'comp.lang.dylan';
$MailToName = 'info-dylan-from-news@ai.mit.edu';
$BaseDir = '/home/ai/gregs/info-dylan/tools/data';
$LastArticleNumberSent = undef;
$opt_debug = undef;
$TimeString = localtime(time);
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = 
$logFileName = sprintf("%s/%s/news2mail-19%2d%02d%02d.log",
		       $BaseDir, $GroupName, $year, $mon + 1, $mday);

sub check_for_skippable_header;
sub munge_header_news2mail;

open(LOG, ">>$logFileName");
## *LOG = *STDOUT;

$nntp = Net::NNTP->new($NewsServer, Debug => $opt_debug ? 1 : 0);
if (not $nntp) {
    print LOG "Could not connect to $NewsServer\n";
    die "Could not connect to $NewsServer";

print LOG "Opened connection to $NewsServer at $TimeString\n";

# find the last article sent out

open(LAST, "<$BaseDir/$GroupName/lastsent");
$LastArticleNumberSent = *LAST ?  : 0;
print LOG "Last article number mailed from group $GroupName = $LastArticleNumberSent\n";
close LAST;

# look at the group on the server, and get article number range

($NumArticles, $FirstNum, $LastNum, $RealGroupName)
    = $nntp->group($GroupName);
print LOG "From server, num = $num_articles, first = $FirstNum, last = $LastNum, name = $RealGroupName.\n";

$GetArtNum = ($FirstNum > $LastArticleNumberSent) ? $FirstNum : $LastArticleNumberSent + 1;

while ($GetArtNum <= $LastNum) {
    $ArtID = $nntp->nntpstat($GetArtNum);
    $BodyRef = $nntp->body();
    @Body = @$BodyRef; $BodyLen = @Body;
    if ($BodyLen > 0) {	# skip empty articles
	$HeadRef = $nntp->head();
	@HeadArr = @$HeadRef;
	print LOG "\n\nGot article number $GetArtNum, with header: \n";
	print LOG @HeadArr;
	print LOG "[eoh]\n";
	print LOG "\nwith body:\n";
	print LOG @Body;
	print LOG "[eob]\n";

	if (check_for_skippable_header(\@HeadArr)) {
	    $GetArtNum = $GetArtNum + 1;
	    next; }

	$NewHeaderRef = munge_header_news2mail($HeadRef);
	@NewHeader = @$NewHeaderRef;
	print LOG "\nNew header:\n";
	print LOG @NewHeader;
	print LOG "[eonh]\n";
	open (MAIL, "|rmail $MailToName");
	## open (MAIL, ">>news2mail.mail");
	print MAIL @NewHeader;
	print MAIL "\n";
	print MAIL @Body;
	close MAIL;
	print LOG "sent to $MailToName\n";
    $GetArtNum = $GetArtNum + 1;

## update LASTSENT counter

open(LAST, ">$BaseDir/$GroupName/lastsent");
print LAST $LastNum;
close LAST;
print LOG "Updated lastsent to $LastNum.\n";

print LOG "Done ($TimeString).\n";

close LOG;
exit 0;

# Check for loops in mail<->news:
# Fail if X-mailer is ".*mail2news" and Organization is "mail2news@nym.alias.net".
# *** this will fail if: 
#   1. someone sends to info-dylan, which is mail2news'ed to comp.lang.dylan, then
#   2. someone else follows up with a post to comp.lang.dylan, AND uses
#      nym.alias.net/anon.lcs.mit.edu to do it (!!!!!) AND their news software
#      keeps the X-* headers intact.

sub check_for_skippable_header {
    my $headerRef = shift(@_);
    my @header = @$headerRef;
    $organization = undef;
    $sentFromMail2News = 0;
    foreach $line (@header) {
	if ($line =~ /^Organization:/) {
	    ($organization = $line) =~ s/^Organization:\s*//;
	if ($line =~ /^x-mailer:.*info-dylan-mail2news/i) {$sentFromMail2News = 1;}
	## if ($line =~ /mail gatewayed to news/i) {$sentFromMail2News = 1;}
	## if ($line =~ /news2mail/i) {$sentFromMail2News = 1;}
    if (($organization and $organization =~ /mail2news\@nym/ and $sentFromMail2News)
	or (!$organization and $sentFromMail2News)) {
	print LOG "Found Organization = $organization or X-mailer.*mail2news, so skipping article!\n";
	return 1;
    else {
	return 0;
}				# sub check_for_skippable_header

sub munge_header_news2mail {
    $OldHeaderRef = shift(@_);
    @OldHeader = @$OldHeaderRef;
    @NewHeader = ();
    push @NewHeader, "To: info-dylan\@ai.mit.edu\n";
    foreach $line (@OldHeader) {

	## strip some headers:
	if ($line =~ /^Posted:/) { next; }
	if ($line =~ /^Control:/) { next; }
	if ($line =~ /^Distribution:/) { next; }
	if ($line =~ /^NNTP-Posting-Host:/) { next; }
	if ($line =~ /^Nntp-Posting-Host:/) { next; }
	if ($line =~ /^Path:/) { next; }
	if ($line =~ /^X-mailer:/) { next; }
	if ($line =~ /^X-news2mail:/) { next; }

	## X-ise some headers:
	$line =~ s/^Date:/X-Date:/;
	$line =~ s/^Received:/X-Received:/;
	$line =~ s/^To:/X-To:/;
	$line =~ s/^Cc:/X-Cc:/;
	$line =~ s/^Newsgroups:/X-Newsgroups:/;
	$line =~ s/^In-Reply-To:/X-In-Reply-To:/;
	$line =~ s/^Message-Id:/X-Message-Id:/;

	push @NewHeader, $line;
    }				# foreach $line in header
    push @NewHeader, "X-news2mail: $TimeString\n";
}				# sub munge_header