Mirror Mirror is an application that provides crowdsourced feedback regarding clothing choices. Before you commit to a purchase, take a photo of yourself with the new outfit and upload it through the app and see if others like your new look!

Mirror Mirror provides the following features:

A user can do two things with this app:

Specifically, the UI has several features that make it simple to use:

  1. The user can swipe between the Rate and Feedback tab.
  2. Both the Rate tab and the Feedback tab provide a refresh on scroll feature where the user can just scroll up and refresh the page to either retrieve a new image to rate or update one’s profile page with a new clicked picture.
  3. There is support for persistent login, meaning users remain logged in even if the app is not in the foreground as long as they don’t explicitly logout.
  4. If you forgot your password, you can reset it by simply clicking Forgot Password and clicking a link in the subsequent email.