Theses supervised by Hari Balakrishnan
PhDs (inv. chron. order of graduation)
- Kyle A. Jamieson
June 2008
Current position: Assistant Professor, University College London
- Michael Walfish
Defending Networked Resources Against Floods of Unwelcome Requests, November 2007
Current position: Postdoc at Stanford; will join UT Austin as Assistant Professor of CS after that.
- Allen K.-L. Miu
Improving Packet Delivery Efficiency Using Multi-Radio Diversity in Wireless LANs, May 2006
Current position: Ruckus Wireless.
- Jaeyeon Jung
Real-Time Detection of Malicious Network Activity Using Stochastic Models, May 2006
Current position: MTS, Intel Research, Seattle (after a stint at Mazu).
Magdalena Balazinska
Fault-Tolerance and Load Management in a Distributed Stream Processing System
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 2005.
Current position: Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Nicholas Greer Feamster
Proactive Techniques for Correct and Predictable Internet Routing
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 2005.
Current position: Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA.
Nissanka Bodhi Priyantha
The Cricket Indoor Location System
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, May 2005.
Current position: Researcher at Microsoft Research, Seattle, WA.
David Godbe Andersen
Improving End-to-End Availability Using Overlay Networks
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 2004.
Current position: Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Mark Alexander Connell ("Alex") Snoeren
A Session-Based
Approach to Internet Mobility
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, December 2002.
Current position: Assistant Professor of Computer Science &
Engineering, Univ. of California, San Diego.
Wendi Beth Heinzelman
Protocol Architectures for Wireless Networks
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, May 2000. Co-supervised with Anantha Chandrakasan.
Current position: Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering,
Univ. of Rochester.
- Mythili Vutukuru
- Bret Hull
- Michael Walfish
Allen Miu
Design and Implementation of an Indoor Mobile Navigation System
SM Thesis, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, May 2002
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May 2002.
David G. Andersen
Resilient Overlay Networks
SM Thesis, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, May 2001
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May 2001.
Jorge Rafael Nogueras
A Stream Redirection Architecture for Pervasive Computing Environments
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, May 2001.
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May 2001.
Nissanka Bodhi Priyantha
Providing Precise Indoor Location Information to Mobile Hosts
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, January 2001.
Deepak Bansal
Congestion Control for Streaming Video and Audio Applications
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, January 2001. [Postscript
(1.37 MB)] (54 pages)
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May 2001.
William Adjie-Winoto
A Self-Configuring Resolver Architecture for Resource Discovery and Routing in Device Networks
S.M. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, May 2000. [Gzipped
postscript (708KB)] [Postscript
(3.9 MB)](104 pages)
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May 2000.
Hariharan S. Rahul
Unified Congestion Control for Unreliable
S.M. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, August 1999. [Gzipped
postscript (225KB)] [Postscript
- Sam Gross
- Alex Vandiver
Distributed speak-up.
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, August 2007.
- Hongyi Hu
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2007.
- Kevin Chen
CafNet: A Carry-and-Forward Network Stack
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 2007.
- J.D. Zamfirescu
Measuring the Performance of a Distributed Quota Enforcement System for Spam Control
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2006.
- Rohit Rao
- Hiroyoshi Iwashima
Differential Bandwidth Allocation with Multiplexed TCP Connections
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, August 2003. PDF, PS here.
- Winston Wang
Implementation and Security Analysis of the Infranet Anti-Censorship System
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2003. PDF, PS here.
- Todd Nightingale
A Simulation Study of Reordering-Resilient TCP Enhancements
M. Eng. Thesis, MIT, February 2003.
- Jon Salz
TESLA: A Transparent, Extensible Session-Layer Framework for End-to-end Network Services
M. Eng. Thesis, MIT, May 2002. PS here
- Kyle Jamieson
Implementation of a Power-Saving Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 2002. PS here.
- Nicholas G. Feamster
Adaptive Delivery of Real-Time Streaming Video
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2001.
(11.9 MB)][.ps.gz
(2.9 MB)][PDF (3.15
MB)](92 pages)
Winner of the William A. Martin
Memorial Award for Best MEng Thesis in Computer Science, May
Peter Yang
Improving TCP Performance over
Networks with Packet Reordering
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 2001. [Postscript]
Co-supervised with Robert Morris.
Jeremy Lilley
Scalability in an Intentional Naming
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 2000. [Postscript
(85 pages)]
Winner of the Charles and Jennifer
Johnson Thesis Prize, May 2000.
Emil Sit
An Analysis of DNS Caching Behavior
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 2000. Co-supervised with Robert Morris.
Anit Chakraborty
A Distributed Architecture for Mobile,
Location-Dependent Applications
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 2000. [PDF
(656KB)] (58 pages)
Elliot Schwartz
The Design of Intentional Names
M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 1999. [Gzipped
postscript (358KB)] [Postscript
(4.1 MB)]