Sam Hasinoff mugshot

Sam Hasinoff

Principal Software Engineer
Google Research

1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
(650) 429-8086

My research is in computational photography, with the broad goal of extending what's possible with conventional photography. Before joining Google in 2011, I was a Research Assistant Professor at TTIC. Before that, I was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT CSAIL, working with Frédo Durand and Bill Freeman. I received my Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Toronto in 2008, under the supervision of Kyros Kutulakos

[Brief bio] [CV - Sep 2012] [Google scholar]


   The Google Camera app authors images using the new Ultra HDR image format introduced in Android 14. This format is backwards compatible, providing a more true-to-life rendering for HDR displays. Google Photos now supports HDR as well, preserving the HDR rendering when editing and upgrading legacy images to HDR.

   HDR+ in the Google Camera app improves image quality by capturing bursts of full-resolution images and merging them into a single result. Night Sight mode is also based on HDR+. Starting from Pixel 4, the viewfinder is WYSIWYG and supports live HDR editing. An early version of HDR+ ran on Google Glass.

   The controls for shadows, highlights, and clarity introduced in Lightroom 4 and Photoshop CS6 are inspired by our work on local Laplacian filters.

Ph.D. Thesis

Variable-Aperture Photography
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto, 2008
Alain Fournier Ph.D. Thesis Award


Mobile burst photography system [HDR+ project page] [Night Sight project page]

Handheld Mobile Photography in Very Low Light
Orly Liba, Kiran Murthy, Yun-Ta Tsai, Tim Brooks, Tianfan Xue, Nikhil Karnad, Qiurui He, Jonathan T. Barron, Dillon Sharlet, Ryan Geiss, Samuel W. Hasinoff, Yael Pritch, and Marc Levoy
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2019), 38(6), 16 pp.
Burst photography for high dynamic range and low-light imaging on mobile cameras
Samuel W. Hasinoff, Dillon Sharlet, Ryan Geiss, Andrew Adams, Jonathan T. Barron, Florian Kainz, Jiawen Chen, and Marc Levoy
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2016), 35(6), 12 pp.

Learning fast image processing [project page]

Deep Bilateral Learning for Real-Time Image Enhancement
Michaël Gharbi, Jiawen Chen, Jonathan T. Barron, Samuel W. Hasinoff, and Frédo Durand
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2017), 36(4), 10 pp.

Accelerating image processing operators

Bilateral Guided Upsampling
Jiawen Chen, Andrew Adams, Neal Wadhwa, and Samuel W. Hasinoff
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2016), 35(6), 8 pp.

Pyramid-based image processing [project page] [new project page]

Local Laplacian filters: edge-aware image processing with a Laplacian pyramid
Sylvain Paris, Samuel W. Hasinoff, and Jan Kautz
Communications of the ACM, 58(3), pp. 81-91, Mar 2015
Research Highlight; Cover story
Fast Local Laplacian Filters: Theory and Applications
Mathieu Aubry, Sylvain Paris, Samuel W. Hasinoff, Jan Kautz, and Frédo Durand
ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at SIGGRAPH 2014), 33(5), 15 pp.
Local Laplacian Filters: Edge-aware Image Processing with a Laplacian Pyramid [low-res]
Sylvain Paris, Samuel W. Hasinoff, and Jan Kautz
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2011), 30(4), 11 pp.
Fast and Robust Pyramid-based Image Processing
Mathieu Aubry, Sylvain Paris, Samuel W. Hasinoff, Jan Kautz, and Frédo Durand
MIT technical report, November 2011 (MIT-CSAIL-TR-2011-049)

Laser speckle [project page]

Laser Speckle Photography for Surface Tampering Detection
YiChang Shih, Abe Davis, Samuel W. Hasinoff, Frédo Durand, William T. Freeman
Proc. 25th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012, pp. 33-40

Reflections on unmirrored geometry [project page]

Diffuse Reflectance Imaging with Astronomical Applications
Samuel W. Hasinoff, Anat Levin, Philip R. Goode, and William T. Freeman
Proc. 13th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2011, pp. 185-192

High ISO for noise reduction and efficient HDR [project page]

Noise-Optimal Capture for High Dynamic Range Photography
Samuel W. Hasinoff, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman
Proc. 23rd IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2010, pp. 553-560

Propagating edits over personal photo collections [project page]

Search-and-Replace Editing for Personal Photo Collections  (oral)
Samuel W. Hasinoff, Martyna Jóźwiak, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman
Proc. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, ICCP 2010, 8 pp.

Multiple exposures for more efficient photography [project page]

Time-Constrained Photography  (oral)
Samuel W. Hasinoff, Kiriakos N. Kutulakos, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman
Proc. 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2009, pp. 333-340

Depth of field extension using computational cameras [project page]

4D Frequency Analysis of Computational Cameras for Depth of Field Extension [extended TR]
Anat Levin, Samuel W. Hasinoff, Paul Green, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2009), 28(3), Article No. 97, 14 pp.

Large apertures for faster in-focus capture [project page]

Light-Efficient Photography [doi]
Samuel W. Hasinoff and Kiriakos N. Kutulakos
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 33(11), pp. 2203-2214, 2011.
Light-Efficient Photography  (oral)
Samuel W. Hasinoff and Kiriakos N. Kutulakos
Proc. 10th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2008, pp. 45-59
Focal Stack Photography: High-Performance Photography with a Conventional Camera
Kiriakos N. Kutulakos and Samuel W. Hasinoff
Proc. 11th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, MVA 2009, pp. 332-337 (invited paper)

High-resolution 3D reconstruction by controlling aperture and focus [project page]

Confocal Stereo [doi]
Samuel W. Hasinoff and Kiriakos N. Kutulakos
International Journal of Computer Vision, 81(1), pp. 82-104, 2009 (invited paper)
Confocal Stereo  (oral)
Samuel W. Hasinoff and Kiriakos N. Kutulakos
Proc. 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2006, pp. 620-634
Longuet-Higgins Best Paper Award, Honorable Mention

Aperture bracketing for HDR and synthetic refocusing [project page]

Multiple-Aperture Photography for High Dynamic Range and Post-Capture Refocusing
Samuel W. Hasinoff and Kiriakos N. Kutulakos
Tech. Report, University of Toronto, Dept. of Computer Science, 2009
A Layer-Based Restoration Framework for Variable-Aperture Photography
Samuel W. Hasinoff and Kiriakos N. Kutulakos
Proc. 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2007, 8 pp.

3D reconstruction of semi-transparent scenes [project page]

Photo-Consistent Reconstruction of Semitransparent Scenes by Density-Sheet Decomposition
Samuel W. Hasinoff and Kiriakos N. Kutulakos
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29(5), pp. 870-885, 2007
Photo-Consistent 3D Fire by Flame-Sheet Decomposition  (oral)
Samuel W. Hasinoff and Kiriakos N. Kutulakos
Proc. 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2003, pp. 1184-1191
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Fire from Images
Samuel W. Hasinoff
MSc Thesis, University of Toronto, Dept. of Computer Science, 2002

Matting object boundaries for improved rendering from new viewpoints [project page]

Boundary Matting for View Synthesis [doi]
Samuel W. Hasinoff, Sing Bing Kang, and Richard Szeliski
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 103(1), pp. 22-32, 2006
Boundary Matting for View Synthesis  (oral)
Samuel W. Hasinoff, Sing Bing Kang, and Richard Szeliski
Second IEEE Workshop on Image and Video Registration (with CVPR 2004), 8 pp.


Photon, Poisson noise [doi]
Samuel W. Hasinoff
Computer Vision: A Reference Guide, Springer, pp. 608-610, 2014 (invited)
Saturation (imaging) [doi]
Samuel W. Hasinoff
Computer Vision: A Reference Guide, Springer, pp. 699-701, 2014 (invited)
Solving Substitution Ciphers
Samuel W. Hasinoff
Tech. Report, University of Toronto, Dept. of Computer Science, 2003
Code available at SourceForge
Reinforcement Learning for Problems with Hidden State
Samuel W. Hasinoff
Tech. Report, University of Toronto, Dept. of Computer Science, 2002
