Hsin-Jung Yang

NOTE: PDF version of CV available upon request


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
(GPA: 5.0/5.0) (Expected graduation date: 01/2017)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (GPA: 5.0/5.0)

National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan


B.S. in Electrical Engineering (GPA: 4.0/4.0) (Class Rank: 1/224)

Industry Experience

Application-Optimized FPGA Cache Network Partitioning, Intel SSG Group


Research Intern, Mentored by Kermin Fleming and Michael Adler

  • Developed algorithms and microarchitectures for partitioning FPGA-based cache networks to efficiently utilize the bandwidth of multiple board-level memories on modern FPGAs
  • Designed a resources-aware compiler to automate program-optimized cache network partitioning
Cache Optimization under FPGA Memory Abstraction, Intel VSSAD Group


Research Intern, Mentored by Michael Adler and Joel Emer

  • Examined prefetching as a means of improving the performance of the LEAP memory, an automatically synthesized FPGA memory abstraction
  • Designed an FPGA-optimized microarchitecture for prefetching, which is tuned for the behavior of typical FPGA applications

Research Experience

Automatic Construction of Application-Optimized FPGA Memories, MIT


Advised by Prof. Joel Emer and Prof. Srini Devadas

  • Built program introspection tools to analyze FPGA applications' runtime memory access characteristics
  • Developed optimization algorithms to construct cache networks that minimize network latency impact and achieve good load balance cross multiple board-level memories
  • Designed a complier (in Python) that automatically customizes the memory system tailored for a given application based on program introspection results and available hardware resources
  • Extended optimized memory services to high-level-synthesis (HLS) applications
FPGA-based Shared Memory and Synchronization Primitives, MIT


Advised by Prof. Joel Emer and Prof. Srini Devadas

  • Built a shared memory infrastructure for FPGA-based parallel programming algorithms
  • Developed a shared-memory service that automatically manages multiple coherent caches and coherence domains across multiple FPGAs
  • Built novel lock and barrier primitives outside of shared memory to leverage native FPGA communication capabilities
Authenticated Storage Using Small Trusted Hardware, MIT


Advised by Prof. Nickolai Zeldovich and Prof. Srini Devadas

  • Built an authenticated cloud storage system that efficiently ensures data integrity and freshness by attaching a small piece of high-performance trusted hardware to an untrusted server
  • Designed security mechanisms for trusted storage, including memory authentication, system state protection against power loss, access control, and crash recovery
  • Implemented the trusted hardware on FPGA (using Verilog), the untrusted server on a Linux machine (using C++ and Ruby), and a client model with filesystem support
  • Partitioned the functionality across software and hardware to improve system performance
Hybrid Color Calibration for Multiview View Synthesis, NTU


Advised by Prof. Liang-Gee Chen

  • Proposed a hybrid color calibration algorithm for the virtual view synthesis and tested it using C++
  • Conducted hardware architectural analysis and implemented the hardware-oriented algorithm (in Verilog)
  • Assisted a tape-out work for the view-synthesis chip in 45nm technology

Teaching Experience

6.823 Computer System Architecture, MIT   [Course Website]


Teaching Assistant

  • Co-led weekly tutorials to walk through problem set questions and clarify concepts from lectures
  • Assisted students with laboratory exercises modeling different microarchitectures with Intel Pin tool
  • Created and graded monthly quizzes

Technical Skills

  • Programming: C/C++, OpenMP, Python, Ruby, MATLAB
  • Circuit design: Bluespec, Verilog, Spice
  • Tools: Xilinx Vivado, Xilinx Vivado HLS, Xilinx ISE, Design Compiler, SOC encounter, HSPICE, Virtuoso

Relevant Courses

  • Computer System Architecture, Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
  • Machine Learning, Algorithms, Data Structure and Programming, Network and Computer Security, Optimization Methods
  • Design and Analysis of Digital Integrated Circuits