Designing a Caching-Based Relible Multicast Protocol.

Authors: Carolos Livadas, Idit Keidar, and Nancy Lynch.

Fast abstract in the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'01), pages B44-B45, July 2001.


With the increasing use of the Internet, multi-party communication and collaboration applications are becoming mainstream. This trend calls for high-performance multicast services that scale to large groups and higher bandwidth requirements. Although packet loss characteristics have a large impact on the performance of multicast services, few protocols attempt to adapt and actively exploit such characteristics. In this paper, we describe a reliable multicast protocol that exploits packet loss locality through caching. Several studies have observed that packet losses in multicast communication are bursty, i.e., links drop numerous multicast packets while temporarily congested. Thus, consecutive losses as witnessed by individual hosts are likely to occur on the same lossy link. By caching pertinent information regarding the error recovery of prior losses and optimistically presuming that future losses occur on the link responsible for prior losses, our protocol streamlines the recovery of future losses. This scheme demonstrates how packet loss locality can be actively used to reduce the recovery latency and the bandwidth overhead of multicast error control. Moreover, in view of increasing our confidence in the correctness and performance of our protocol, we use a rigorous design approach.

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