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4.3.3 div-iter and div-rec

;;;; Recursive and iterative benchmark divides by 2 using lists of ()'s.
(define (create-n n)
  (do ((n n (- n 1))
       (a '() (cons '() a)))
      ((= n 0) a)))
(define *ll* (create-n 200))
(define (iterative-div2 l)
  (do ((l l (cddr l))
       (a '() (cons (car l) a)))
      ((null? l) a)))
(define (recursive-div2 l)
  (cond ((null? l) '())
        (else (cons (car l) (recursive-div2 (cddr l))))))
(define (test-1 l)
  (do ((i 300 (- i 1))) ((= i 0))
    (iterative-div2 l)
    (iterative-div2 l)
    (iterative-div2 l)
    (iterative-div2 l)))
(define (test-2 l)
  (do ((i 300 (- i 1))) ((= i 0))
    (recursive-div2 l)
    (recursive-div2 l)
    (recursive-div2 l)
    (recursive-div2 l)))
;; for the iterative test call: (test-1 *ll*)
;; for the recursive test call: (test-2 *ll*)