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These are operations that treat lists a representations of trees.
makes a copy of tree, substituting new for
every subtree or leaf of tree which is equal?
to old
and returns a modified tree. The original tree is unchanged, but
may share parts with the result.
and substv
are similar, but test against old
using eq?
and eqv?
respectively. If subst
called with a fourth argument, equ? is the equality predicate.
(substq 'tempest 'hurricane '(shakespeare wrote (the hurricane))) ⇒ (shakespeare wrote (the tempest)) (substq 'foo '() '(shakespeare wrote (twelfth night))) ⇒ (shakespeare wrote (twelfth night . foo) . foo) (subst '(a . cons) '(old . pair) '((old . spice) ((old . shoes) old . pair) (old . pair))) ⇒ ((old . spice) ((old . shoes) a . cons) (a . cons))
Makes a copy of the nested list structure tree using new pairs and
returns it. All levels are copied, so that none of the pairs in the
tree are eq?
to the original ones – only the leaves are.
(define bar '(bar)) (copy-tree (list bar 'foo)) ⇒ ((bar) foo) (eq? bar (car (copy-tree (list bar 'foo)))) ⇒ #f