AEEOUU EUOUAE# s# a name for a Gregorian cadence, also EVOVAE# AAEEOZ ZOAEAE# AINQRT QINTAR s, ka# a monetary unit of Albania AEEOOZ ZOOEAE# ANQRST TRANQS ADINQR QINDAR s, ka an Albanian currency, also QINTAR, QUINTAR AEEFOV FOVEAE AIITUW TAUIWI# s# (Maori) literally "foreign race", the non-Maori people of New Zealand AINOQU QUINOA s a weedy plant AEEQTU ad co, inad EQUATE d s to be regarded as equal EIOTUV OUTVIE d s to surpass in competition [v OUTVIED, OUTVYING, OUTVIES] AFIQRS FAQIRS EEINQU EQUINE s, ly a horse AEGHIO HOAGIE s a long sandwich, also HOAGY AEENUV AVENUE s a wide street AEFIJO FEIJOA s, da#, das# an edible fruit EEIINW WIENIE s a frankfurter, also WIENER ADEIOT per IODATE d s to treat with iodine, also IODINATE ADEOVW re un, dis AVOWED ly DEEIOV VOIDEE# s# a light supper AALQST TALAQS# AEEGOT GOATEE d s a small pointed beard AGIOTU AGOUTI s, es a burrowing rodent, also ACOUCHI#, ACOUCHY#, AGOUTY, AGUTI# AANQST QANATS EEHIIN HEINIE s the buttocks EIRTUV un# VIRTUE s, less moral excellence, also VERTUE# EFIOOT FOOTIE r s, st a flirting game played with the feet, also FOOTSIE, FOOTSY AANOQY YAQONA# s# the Fijian name for kava DEIINO radio# IODINE s a nonmetallic element, also IODIN ABEIIT TIBIAE AMOQRS QORMAS# EOQRTU mis QUOTER s 3 one who {repeats=v} c, pa, par# ROQUET s, ed te, ing tes to cause one's ball to hit another in croquet TORQUE d r s, rs, ses to cause to twist ABINQS NIQABS# AEIOPT OPIATE d s to treat with opium AAEITV margr, landgr# AVIATE d s to fly an aircraft EEIPQU EQUIPE# s# a motor-racing team AHOQTU QUOTHA indeed IIQTUV QIVIUT s wool of the arctic musk-ox EEIJNN JINNEE a supernatural being in Muslim mythology, also DJIN, DJINN, DJINNI, DJINNY, GENIE, JANN#, JIN, JINN, JINNI EGIORV VOGIER# AEOUVZ ZOUAVE s a French infantry man AIJORW JOWARI# s# durra (Indian millet), also JOWAR, JAWARI# ACEINO p# AEONIC eternal EIILOT oph sep var IOLITE s a mineral AAINOT cat ATONIA s muscular debility, also ATONY DEOQTU re# un, mis out, under# QUOTED ABEIOT BOATIE# s# a boating enthusiast DIIJNN DJINNI a supernatural being in Muslim mythology, also DJIN, DJINN, DJINNY, GENIE, JANN#, JIN, JINN, JINNEE, JINNI [n DJINN] AEEINT TENIAE AEORUV AVOURE# s# an {avowal=n} AEINOZ convers AZIONE# s# a musical composition AEILQU EQUALI# ng se ty ze, sed ser ses zed zer zes ..12 pieces for a group of instruments of the same kind e.g. Beethoven's Equali for four trombones. AAIRUW WAIRUA# s# (Maori) one's spirit which leaves when dreaming or dying IIOOTT TOITOI# s# New Zealand grass, also TOETOE# AAIORZ poly# ZOARIA l AEGITU AUGITE s a mineral EINOOT TOONIE s a Canadian two-dollar coin, also TWOONIE, TWONIE# AEIRVW WAIVER s 2 the act of {waiving=v} WAVIER AADGIO ADAGIO s a slow musical composition ABEEIN BEANIE s a small cap, also BEANY# EIQRUV a QUIVER s y, ed er, ers ful# ier# ing ish#, fuls# ..3 to shake slightly EEFIIR FEIRIE r#, st# {nimble=adj} ADEIVZ AVIZED# ADEOTU AUTOED ADEIVW WAIVED DEIQSU EQUIDS AAITUY YAUTIA s a tropical plant DEIOOW rig# WOODIE r s, st a wood-panelled station wagon, also WOODY AEEHIR HEARIE# {hairy=adj} ADEIUX ADIEUX AEINNO a EONIAN everlasting DEIQTU re, unre QUITED# BEINOV ovi# BOVINE s, ly an animal of the cattle family BIINOU BINIOU# s# a small Breton bagpipe EIIPRU EURIPI EEILOT ETOILE s a star EOQTTU TOQUET s a close-fitting woman's hat, also TOQUE EIOORR m OORIER# DEIQRU s, ac en es in re, reac unre#, prere QUIRED AGIORU GIAOUR s a non-Muslim ADOOUV VAUDOO# s# a primitive religion, also VODUN, VOUDON, VODOUN, VOUDOUN / to bewitch, also VOODOO, VODOU, VAUDOUX#, VOUDOU# AEEQRU QUAERE d# s, ing# to inquire or question ENQRSU QUERNS tone#, tones# AENQTU EQUANT# s# a geometric adjustment to explain planetary motion DEGIOO GOODIE r# s, st# a desirable thing, also GOODY ABGIOU BAGUIO# s# a hurricane EEOOTT TOETOE# s# New Zealand grass, also TOITOI# ABILQS QIBLAS# DEFIOO FOODIE s an enthusiast for food and its preparation, also FOODY# AEILNX XENIAL 2 concerning hospitality ceph, phyto ALEXIN e s, es ic# a substance in the blood which protects against disease, also ALEXINE AEINTZ ZEATIN s a chemical compound DEIOOR OROIDE s an alloy used to imitate gold EIOORT TOORIE# s# a small heap EEIORT TOEIER# AAEFNU in, avi epi, mega meio#, angui# macro# ..5 FAUNAE ACDEIO CODEIA s a narcotic alkaloid, also CODEIN, CODEINA, CODEINE AOQRTU QUARTO s, deciman#, decimans# a paper size BEIORU OUREBI s an African antelope, also ORIBI AEELNO LOANEE# s# a person who receives a loan; a sportsperson who is loaned from one organization to another EEIINN NEINEI# s# a New Zealand shrub DEEMQU QUEMED# EIINQU QUINIE# s#, la, las a worthless woman, also QUEAN, QUEYN#, QUINE#, QUEYNIE# BEGIOU BOUGIE s a wax candle AADEIT IDEATA# GIOORV VIGORO# s#, so us, usly, usness, usnesses a ball game played by women AEGIUZ AGUIZE# d# s# to adorn, also AGUISE# EIINOZ l, de eb# un, fict miss sect#, emuls# ..9 IONIZE d r s, rs to convert into ions, also IONISE AEEGOP APOGEE s the farthest point from the earth of a heavenly body ADEEIN AEDINE pertaining to an {aedes=n} AEGHIW AWEIGH as an anchor hanging clear of the bottom EINUVW UNWIVE# d# s# to deprive of a wife FIOQSU QUOIFS# EINRVW WIVERN s in heraldry, a dragon with wings, the tail of a snake and two legs, also WIVER, WYVERN ADENOU DOUANE# s# a custom-house EEEIJL JEELIE# d# s#, ing# to make into a jelly, also JELLY, JEELY# AEMOOV AMOOVE# d# s# to {rouse=v} AEIJRV JARVIE# s# a driver of a horse-drawn taxi, also JARVEY AAEGOR AGORAE 2 OARAGE# s# a rowing movement AEILUV ELUVIA l, te, ted tes, ting tion, tions ACEEOT COATEE s a small coat EILOOW WOOLIE r s, st a woollen garment, also WOOLLY, WOOLY ADEEIW DEAWIE# covered with dew, also DEWY, DEAWY# AELOOZ ZOOEAL# pertaining to {zooea=n} EENRTZ ENTREZ# imperative come in AEGORU AERUGO s a green film that forms on copper, also ERUGO AIORRU OURARI s an arrow poison ILNOQU hydro# QUINOL s, in, ine ins one, ines ones a chemical compound EFILOU FOULIE# s# (Australian) a foul mood AIIMOR MOIRAI EINOVW INWOVE n AGNOQU QUANGO s, cracy#, cracies# a government board ABEILO l OBELIA s a marine hydroid also pl of OBELION# AEEFIR FAERIE s 2 a {fairy=n} in# FERIAE AEQRUV semi, demisemi QUAVER s y, ed er, ers ier# ing, iest# ings#, ingly to {tremble=v} AILORU w# OURALI# s# a plant which yields curare, also URALI#, WOURALI# AEITTV VITTAE ADEEIT IDEATE d s to form an idea AEELOT lin OLEATE s a chemical salt DDEIIO per# IODIDE s a compound of iodine, also IODID, PERIODID CEIOOT COOTIE s a body louse EIOTTU TOUTIE# r#, st# {petulant=adj} AACEFI FACIAE AEHIQU HAIQUE# s# an Arab head covering, also HAIK, HAICK#, HYKE# AEGOTU OUTAGE s a failure in use ADETVW VAWTED# EINNOO IONONE s a chemical compound ADEOOR ROADEO s a competition for truck drivers EIOOPW WOOPIE# s# a well-off older person ENOUVW UNWOVE n AEQRRU s QUARER# AIJOSU OUIJAS# AANQTU QUANTA l, lly BEEIOT TOEBIE# s# (Afrikaans) a sandwich AEEFGU FEAGUE# d# s# to {whip=v} EENQUY QUEENY# camp or effeminate [adj QUEENIER#, QUEENIEST#] ADEILO EIDOLA ADIOSU AUDIOS DEEIWZ WEIZED# AEIRSZ ZAIRES AEIUVX EXUVIA e l, te, ted tes, ting tion, tions ADEGUV VAGUED# EILRUW curlie# WURLIE# s# an Aborigine hut, also WURLEY# AEFLOV FOVEAL relating to a fovea ABEEOR an AEROBE s an organism that requires free oxygen, also AEROBIUM IMOOTV VOMITO s, ry us, ria#, ries rium# the black vomit of yellow fever CDEEOO COOEED ACEGIU GAUCIE# r#, st# portly, also GAUCY#, GAWCY# AADIQS QASIDA# s# an Arabic poem of praise or mourning GGINOQ QIGONG# s# a deep breathing exercise AANTUV par# AVAUNT s#, ed#, ing# to {depart=v} EIOPRU POURIE# s# a cream jug DEFIRV per FERVID er# ly, est# ity, ness, ities, nesses {zealous=adj} AACEIL AECIAL pertaining to the aecium, also AECIDIAL AEELQU QUELEA s a bird EIILOR n# r s# OILIER AAHIOT TAIHOA# (Maori) wait, slow down EENOTV VOTEEN# s# a {devotee=n} ACEIOZ ZOECIA ADEOTV n#, inn ren rot# OVATED# DEEIOR OREIDE s an alloy used to imitate gold EGIOOR GOORIE# s# 2 (New Zealand) a mongrel, an extinct native dog, also GOORY#, KURI# GOOIER EIQTUY in EQUITY moral justice [n EQUITIES] AEEIKV KEAVIE# s# a hen coop, also CAVIE EQRTWY QWERTY s the usual keyboard layout [n QWERTIES# or QWERTYS] EIOORZ ZOOIER 2 b w, sn, shm#, schm OOZIER EIIJRV JIVIER GINQSU GUQINS# AIOPTU UTOPIA n s, ns st#, sts#, nise# nism nize# ..11 a place of perfection GIORUV VIGOUR s active strength or force, also VIGOR AEGILO GOALIE s a player who defends against goals AEEJNT JANTEE# briskly self-assured, also JANTY, JAUNTY, JAUNTEE# AAEILV AVAILE# d s# to find benefit, also AVAIL EFIQSU FIQUES EIJNOR en, con non JOINER s y, ies 2 a carpenter sur# REJOIN s, ed, der ing, ders dure#, dures# to join again AACIOT COAITA# s# 2 a type of spider monkey ATOCIA# s# sterility in a female AGIORV VIRAGO s, es, ish# a noisy, domineering woman DEIIOZ per# IODIZE d r s, rs to treat with iodine, also IODISE ACEEOR OCREAE EIISTY mo# YITIES# IIMNOU IONIUM s an isotope of thorium EGIOTY EGOITY# the essence of the ego [n EGOITIES#] CEEENO pal EOCENE of rock formed in the second epoch of the Tertiary geological period EFILOO FLOOIE awry, also FLOOEY ADETUV VAUTED# 2 VEDUTA# a view of the town [n VEDUTE#] AEEGNV sc AVENGE d r s, rs, ful, ment# ress#, ments#, resses# 2 to take retribution for, also VENGE GENEVA s a liquor EINQTU QUINTE s t, ts tt#, tte tti# tto# tts#, ttes ..3 2 an attacking fencing position QUEINT# old-fashioned AEGIRZ AGRIZE# d# s# 2 to terrify, also AGRISE#, AGRYZE# GAZIER# EEILNO OLEINE s a glyceride of oleic acid, also OLEIN, ELAIN, TRIOLEIN# DEGOUV VOGUED BDEEEI BEEDIE# s a cheap thin Indian cigarette, sometimes fruit-flavoured, also BEDI, BEEDI AAENOZ OZAENA# s# a fetid discharge from the nostrils ADEITU DAUTIE s a small pet, also DAWTIE AIJLOV JOVIAL ly ty, ity, ness# ties, ities, nesses# good-humoured ADEOTZ AZOTED 2 having {azote=n} TOAZED# EFIORX FOXIER 2 ORIFEX# es# a mouth-like opening, also ORIFICE DEIOOX EXODOI EEIIMN MEINIE s a retinue, also MEINEY#, MEINY, MENYIE# EEIJSW JEWIES# ACEEIP se APIECE for each one CEIOOR COORIE# d# s#, ing# (Scots) to nestle or snuggle, also COURIE# AEEOVV EVOVAE# s# a name for a Gregorian cadence, also EUOUAE# AEOPQU radi semi, rontgen#, roentgen# OPAQUE d r s, ly st, ness, nesses to make {opaque=adj} / impervious to light ADHIOO HOODIA# s# an African plant whose sap suppresses appetite ILOQRU be LIQUOR s, ed, ice ing ish, ices, ishly#, ishness#, ishnesses# to intoxicate with an alcoholic beverage EILOOT z# OOLITE s 2 a variety of limestone, also OOLITH, ROESTONE# s TOOLIE# s# in Australia, an adult who gatecrashes the Schoolies Week celebrations,esp one who makes sexual advances towards students AAIOPR APORIA s in rhetoric, a professed doubt EEQRUU QUEUER s one who lines up EIORTU s TOURIE# s# a small heap EEEINW t# WEENIE r s, st a frankfurter EENOVZ EVZONE s a Greek soldier AAENOP APNOEA l s temporary cessation of breathing, also APNEA AIORTV a, de ob, alle, abbre VIATOR s, es, ial# a traveller EIORRU c l#, fl# st#, sav OURIER# EEHQTU QUETHE# s# to {say=v} [v QUOTH, QUETHING#, QUETHES#] IOQSTU QUOITS 2 QUOIST# s# a pigeon, also CUSHAT, QUEEST#, QUIST# AAEFLV FAVELA s a slum area, also FAVELLA CEIORU s# COURIE# d# r s#, rs, ing# red#, ring# (Scots) to nestle or snuggle, also COORIE# EELOUV EVOLUE# s# a primitive person improved by education AAEEGT esch# EATAGE# s# horse fodder AENOTV in re NOVATE# d# s# to substitute a new obligation for an existing one AAGOTU AGOUTA# s# a rare Haitian mammal that eats insects EIJSUV JUVIES# IINORV VIRION s 2 a virus particle VIRINO# s# a hypothetical organism ABEOTV o, su BOVATE# s# as much land as one ox could plough EGINOO GOONIE r s, st 2 an albatross, also GOONEY, GOONY NOOGIE s a playful rubbing of one's knuckles on another's head ACEEJT d EJECTA ble, menta# ejected matter AINQTU QUINTA l n r s, in ls ns rs, ins 2 a country house ac, reac unac#, preac# QUAINT er ly, est, ness, nesses old-fashioned EILOTU OUTLIE d# r s, rs to lie beyond [v OUTLAY or OUTLIED#, OUTLAIN, OUTLYING, OUTLIES] DEIINY YINDIE# s# a person in his or her early 30's who combines a lucrative career with non-mainstream tastes EEHLQS SHEQEL s an ancient unit of weight and money, also SHEKEL [n SHEQELS or SHEQALIM] DEJLOU JOULED# BEGIOO BOOGIE d s, ing man men to dance to rock music, also BOOGEY, BOOGY DEFIOT FOETID er# ly#, est#, ness#, nesses# stinking, also FETID EIOSWY YOWIES DEQTUY QUYTED# AHIORV be, misbe, interbe HAVIOR s {behavior=n} BIOTUW WOUBIT# s# a hairy caterpillar, also WOOBUT# DIIORV VIROID s a virus-like plant pathogen AEGITY GAIETY festive activity, also GAYETY [n GAIETIES] EIJRSV JIVERS ADEITW a, out WAITED 2 DAWTIE s a small pet, also DAUTIE DEIJNO ad co en re un, con dis mis sub, inter surre# JOINED AEILNO a, cr#, hypoa# EOLIAN pertaining to the wind AEIJSX JAXIES# DEILOO DOOLIE s a stretcher for the sick, also DOOLEE, DOOLY AEORVW dis AVOWER s 2 one who {avows=v} REAVOW s, ed, ing to vow again AEFSUV FAUVES AEGINU GUINEA s a former British coin EGILOU OUGLIE# d# s#, ing# to make ugly (pr p OUGLIEING#), also OUGHLY# AEIPTU TAUPIE# s# a clumsy girl AADEGZ AGAZED# struck with amazement DEGIIW WIDGIE# s# an Australian Teddy Girl CEIORV VOICER s one who {voices=v} AIQRSU QUAIRS# AGOORV VORAGO# es# a {gulf=n} EFIOOR b# g p# r# w#, sp# OOFIER# 2 ROOFIE r# s, st# a tablet of a powerful sedative FIINOT FINITO finished ACEINX AXENIC ally free from germs ADILOO z OOIDAL# egg-shaped CEIJRU JUICER s a juice extractor AENOPV PAVONE# s# a peacock ACHOUV dis# AVOUCH ed er es, ers ing, able# ment, ments to {affirm=v} EIOTVV VOTIVE s, ly, ness, nesses performed in fulfilment of a vow / a votive offering EGILOO GOOLIE# s# a small stone, also GOOLY#, GOOLEY# ADEISU ADIEUS AIIRTV TRIVIA l, lly, lise lism# list lity lize ..15 unimportant details CDEHIV ar CHIVED# EGIIJL JILGIE# s# a yabby (a freshwater crayfish) INOTVY NOVITY# innovation [n NOVITIES#] EHNOOV HOOVEN# of cattle, swollen with gas AAIORR hon ORARIA# n#, ns# BEIOOT BOOTIE s a baby's sock, also BOOTEE BIIORV VIBRIO n s, id ns, nic ses sis a bacterium with a slight spiral curve, also VIBRION DEINTV VINTED# ADEELO ELODEA s an aquatic herb AILOOR w OORALI s 2 a {curare=n} OORIAL# s# a Himalayan sheep, also URIAL ADEHIJ JEHADI# s#, sm# st#, sms# sts# one who takes part in a jehad, also JIHADI#, JEHADIST#, JIHADIST# AAINTV AVANTI# st#, sts# go forward ENORUZ ZONURE# s# an African lizard AEIRTW a, dumb head land# tide# WAITER s, ed, age# ing, ages# hood# ings#, hoods# 2 one who serves at table / to serve at table TAWIER# AEEJRV EVEJAR# s# the nightjar (a bird) EEEGTV VEGETE {healthy=adj} EHINUV UNHIVE# d# s# to drive from a hive AAEORT AORTAE AEERVW inter#, basket# WEAVER s, bird, birds one who {weaves=v} AEITTW TWAITE# s# 2 a British species of shad TAWTIE# r#, st# {tatty=adj} ADEEMO myx OEDEMA s, ta, tose# tous# {edema=n} EEIILM MIELIE# s# an ear of corn, also MEALIE AOORTV inn ren rot# OVATOR# s# one who {ovates=v} AEIORT g#, fl, thr OATIER# AEENNX ANNEXE d s something joined or attached DEEIRU UREIDE s a chemical compound ACEOTU COTEAU x the higher ground of a region EEEIRR b l p#, ch sk# sn EERIER AEIJLR JAILER s, ess#, esses# a keeper of a jail, also JAILOR AEGOTX OXGATE# s# as much land as one ox could plough, also OXGANG#, OXLAND# ADEMOV AMOVED# EERTUV VERTUE# s# moral excellence, also VIRTUE DEEFTW WEFTED# AEGOTW s TOWAGE s the price paid for towing DIIOOP OPIOID s a peptide that acts like opium IILNOV VIOLIN s, ist, ists, istic, istically# a stringed instrument AEINRZ ZANIER AIILOS AIOLIS EEIIKR bokma# KIERIE# s# a stick, also KIRRI# ADEIOR ROADIE s a person who works for travelling entertainers EEORUV des# man, outman# OEUVRE s a work of art BEIIRV VIBIER# ABEIIL BAILIE s, ship#, ships# a Scottish magistrate AEFJNT FANJET s a type of jet engine FIINOR FIORIN# s# a type of grass ABEITW BAWTIE s a dog AEGRUV VAGUER ADEIRU UREDIA l AAGINU IGUANA s a large lizard, also IGUANID AEGOVY VOYAGE d r s, rs ur, urs, able# to {travel=v} AEHINV VAHINE s a Maori woman, also WAHINE CDEIOV de in re un, out VOICED EIJLTU JULIET# s# (In international radio communication) a code word for the letter j EELTVW TWELVE s, mo, mos, fold#, month, months a number CEEIRU ECURIE# s# a team of motor racing cars IJNORU JUNIOR s, ate ity, ates, ities one who is lower in rank or age than another EFIORW FROWIE# r#, st# musty or rancid DEEQUU de# en# QUEUED EIJOPT POTJIE# s# a three-legged iron pot used for cooking over a wood fire AEELTU ELUATE s liquid obtained by eluting DIIMOU OIDIUM a type of {fungus=n} [n OIDIA] EEGIJN con# JEEING DNOOUV VODOUN s 2 a primitive religion, also VODUN, VOUDON, VOUDOUN, VOODOO, VODOU, VAUDOO#, VAUDOUX#, VOUDOU# VOUDON s a primitive religion, also VODUN, VODOUN, VOUDOUN, VOODOO, VODOU, VAUDOO#, VAUDOUX#, VOUDOU# AAOTTV OTTAVA s an {octave=n} INOTUW OUTWIN# d g# s#, ds gs#, ded ged#, ding ging# ning# to get out of [v OUTWON#, OUTWINNING#, OUTWINS#] ADEEJN JEANED wearing jeans ABIOOS BOOAIS# INORTX NITROX# es# yl#, yls# a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, used in underwater breathing apparatus ADEEIR REDIAE 3 AERIED pertaining to an {aerie=n} DEARIE s {darling=n} EENQSU un# QUEENS hip ide, hips ides AEILOP LEIPOA# s# an Australian bird AAILQU QUALIA ILORSZ ZORILS FILORV FRIVOL s, ed er, ers ing ity led ler ous, lers ..5 to behave playfully AALNOZ intr AZONAL not arranged in zones AAIJNT TINAJA# s# an earthenware jar DEOTUZ TOUZED# DEISVW SWIVED AEIMNO ANOMIE s hopelessness caused by a breakdown of rules, also ANOMY AFORUV dis FAVOUR s, ed er, ers ing ite#, able# ably# ..8 to regard with goodwill, also FAVOR ADEFIW WAIFED GIINOY YOGINI s a female {yogi=n} EGOUVY VOGUEY# {modish=adj} [adj VOGUIER#, VOGUIEST#] ENTUVX UNVEXT not vexed ADIQTU DIQUAT s a herbicide EINQUZ QUINZE# s# a card game ADFIRT ADRIFT drifting AADILO ALODIA l ADEIMV VIDAME# s# a minor nobleman AIJLOR JAILOR s, ess#, esses# a keeper of a jail, also JAILER EEHITV out THIEVE d s, ry, ries to {steal=v} AEINTU j# v AUNTIE s an aunt, also AUNTY DEOTUV in un DEVOUT er ly, est, ness, nesses {pious=adj} EEENVW VENEWE# s# the chosen location for an event, also VENUE, VENEY#, VISNE# EINRUV ERUVIN# ADDEEV un EVADED 2 DEAVED AEIOPZ EPIZOA n#, ns# EEEFIR FEERIE# s# fairyland AAAITW WAIATA# s# a Maori song CEIJNT re, micro INJECT s, ed or, ant ing ion ive ors, able ants ..2 to force liquid into ADEIJL JAILED AEIIRR h l# v#, gl AIRIER ADIINV AVIDIN s a protein found in egg-white AEIORR h r# OARIER# 2 ROARIE# r#, st# {noisy=adj} EIJLRT JILTER s one who {jilts=v} EIJNTY JITNEY s a small bus AAEGTU GATEAU s x a rich layer cake AEEIPR PEREIA 2 EPEIRA# s# a type of spider, also EPEIRID# EEIJST EEJITS# DEIJLT JILTED EEEIPR PEERIE r# s, st# a wooden spinning top / small, also PEERY ADEINZ ZANIED# BEEOOT BOOTEE s a baby's sock, also BOOTIE DEIPUV UPDIVE d s to spring upward [v UPDIVED, UPDOVE, UPDIVING, UPDIVES] DEIORW WEIRDO s, es 2 a very strange person, also WEIRDIE, WEIRDY sha DOWIER# EIILMU MILIEU s x environment CEHIQU QUICHE d# s a pastry tart ACEILU ACULEI ACEIQU CAIQUE s a light narrow boat ACEIRU CURIAE EHILOO sc# HOOLIE r# s#, st# a lively party EEEIPW WEEPIE r s, st a highly emotional film ORSUVW VROUWS AEEEHL HEALEE# s# someone who is being healed AENSTZ ZANTES# 2 STANZE# s# a pattern of verse, also STANZO# AEEGJR JAEGER s a German army marksman, also JAGER, YAGER DEEGNV a, re, sca una, unre# VENGED ANORTV VORANT# devouring ADILUV di, indi, nonindi, interindi superindi VIDUAL# empty, also VIDUOUS# DEOTWZ TOWZED# AITTWX ATWIXT# betwixt AIMOSU MIAOUS ADEEVW in re, inter WEAVED DEEGIJ GIDJEE# s# a small acacia tree, also GIDGEE# AEELOR AREOLE s a small space in a network of leaf veins, also AREOLA AFILOR FOLIAR pertaining to a {leaf=n} ENORVY RENVOY# s# the sending back of an alien by a government IIIRTT TIRITI# s# Maori word for treaty, especially the treaty of Waitangi EIJRTT JITTER s y, ed, bug ier ing, bugs iest, iness ..3 2 to {fidget=v} TRIJET s an aeroplane powered by three jet engines AELUUV UVULAE ADETTV cra# VATTED HIOORU ORIHOU# s# a small New Zealand tree AFILNV acri# ribo, lacto# FLAVIN e s, es a yellow pigment, also FLAVINE AEIJNR INJERA# s# a type of Ethiopian bread AACGIU GUAIAC s, ol um, ols ums a medicinal resin, also GUAIACUM, GUAIOCUM DEIKNV KNIVED# AEINNV VIENNA# associated with Vienna, as in vienna steak EFIRSV FIVERS ADHIIJ JIHADI# s#, sm# st#, sms# sts# one who takes part in a jehad, also JEHADI#, JEHADIST#, JIHADIST# AEMRUV MAUVER# ACINUV VICUNA s a ruminant mammal, also VICUGNA AEOTTU OUTATE 2 OUTEAT s, en, ing to surpass in eating [v OUTATE, OUTEATEN, OUTEATING, OUTEATS] ADGIJO ADJIGO# s# an Australian edible yam EILORY b# OILERY# an oil business [n OILERIES#] IOPQSU QUIPOS# EEQRSU QUEERS AEFINR FAINER 3 INFARE s a reception for newlyweds NAIFER# AAINOP hemi# prot# trit#, deuter ANOPIA s a visual defect AEQRTU QUARTE r s t, rn rs ts tt#, red rer rly rns tte ..38 2 a fencing movement QUATRE s, foil, foils, feuille#, feuilles# the four in cards or dice AAINOX ANOXIA s deficient supply of oxygen to the tissues EINRUW UNWIRE# d# s# to take the wire from DEEIMV MIEVED# CDEIJU ver# JUICED ACOOTV OCTAVO s a page size DIIOTT DOITIT# senile ELORVW WOLVER s, ene# ine, enes# ines a hunter of wolves DELOTV la# re VOLTED# DEHOOV be HOOVED EIINTV re, dis pre INVITE d e r s, es rs, ment#, ments# to request the presence of CINOOV OVONIC s an electronic device AIMQSU UMIAQS 2 MAQUIS ard#, ards# a thick underbrush, also MAQUI [n MAQUIS] EINRVX VERNIX es a fatty substance covering the skin of a fetus AELOTZ ZEALOT s, ry, ism#, isms# ries a fanatic, also ZEALANT#, ZELANT# AEJLSV JAVELS# AFHIIR HAIRIF# s# the plant cleavers AAEELT TALEAE# BEORTV OBVERT s, ed, ing to turn, to show a different surface GIIOPR PIROGI es a small dumpling with a filling AENOTZ o ZONATE d marked with zones EEFGIT GIFTEE s one that receives a gift BEFGIT BEGIFT# s#, ed#, ing# to present with gifts CIIIRT IRITIC pertaining to {iritis=n} DEIJRU JURIED AIIPTW WAPITI s a large {deer=n} AAEEGL GALEAE EIMOTV e, pro, auto loco, terre#, electro# ..2 MOTIVE d s, less, lessly, lessness# to inspire to action, also MOTIVATE CEIOTZ ZOETIC# relating to life DEHIOO HOODIE r s, st a hoodie crow EEOPTU TOUPEE d# s a hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot EEILOR LOERIE# s# an African bird, also LOURIE# IJNOST ab# ad in# un, dis JOINTS AOQSTU QUOTAS DELSTV VELDTS EEILVW WEEVIL s y, ed ly, led# a small beetle AAIJSV AJIVAS CIORTV e VICTOR s y, ia, ess# ias ies ine#, iana# ines# ..5 one who defeats an adversary ADIIMO DAIMIO s a former Japanese nobleman, also DAIMYO ADJNOR JORDAN s a chamberpot AINNOW WANION s vengeance CEIRTW TWICER# s# a compositor and pressman EFIISW WIFIES# IKOORU KOUROI EHOORV HOOVER s, ed, ing to use a vacuum-cleaner ACDETV ADVECT s, ed, ing ion ive, ions to transport by the flow of a fluid EINOTX TOXINE s a poisonous substance, also TOXIN AEFIRY AERIFY ing to {aerate=v} [v AERIFIED, AERIFYING, AERIFIES] ANTUVY VAUNTY boastful, also VAUNTIE, VAWNTIE [adj VAUNTIER#, VAUNTIEST#] DENORV VENDOR s a seller, also VENDER ADEEFZ FEAZED AABCEO COBAEA# s# one of a family of South American shrubs AEIJNT TAJINE# s# a clay pot, also TAGINE# ACINOV INCAVO# the hollowed portion of an intaglio [n INCAVI#] EEINNV VENINE s a toxin found in snake venom, also VENIN, VENENE AGOTUY AGOUTY a burrowing rodent, also AGOUTI, ACOUCHI#, ACOUCHY#, AGUTI# [n AGOUTIES] DEGITW WIDGET s a {gadget=n} EILTTV VITTLE d s to provide with food, also VICTUAL DEEITV EVITED BEILOO BLOOIE being out of order, also BLOOEY ADEEIM MEDIAE val, vals, vally#, valism# valist# ..3 BIQSTU QUBITS EEINTX EXTINE# s# the outer layer of some spores, also EXINE EGORUV VOGUER s one who moves like a groovy model DEIJRS JERIDS AIJLTW WILTJA# s# an Aboriginal shelter, also WILJA# EEJNNT JENNET s, ing#, ings# a small horse DEIPQU re# PIQUED EGINOW WIGEON s a river duck EORTVX VORTEX es a whirling mass of fluid [n VORTEXES or VORTICES] AAIRVY AVIARY a large bird enclosure [n AVIARIES] DEETUV VEDUTE# DEFINU FUNDIE# s# a radical within the German Green Party, also FUNDY# IILNRV RIVLIN# s# a shoe made of untanned hide EIPQTU PIQUET s, ed#, ing# to strengthen with pickets, also PICKET, PICQUET IORSVZ VIZORS ADDEEI un IDEAED# provided with ideas AAJNOY YOJANA# s# an Indian measure of distance 5 miles, also YOJAN# EGORSZ GROSZE a Polish coin, also GROSZ [n GROSZY] DEEMOV r, pr#, unr# EMOVED# ENQSUY QUEYNS# AAENPV PAVANE s a slow formal dance, also PAVEN# BEERTV BREVET e# s, cy ed, ing ted, cies ting to confer an honorary rank upon DELOVW WOLVED# CEINQU QUINCE s, ntenary, ntennial, ntenaries ntennials 2 a fragrant, acid fruit CINQUE s, foil, cento foils, centos, centist, centists the number five ALOTUW OUTLAW s, ed ry, ing, ries to {prohibit=v} DEEEIP DEEPIE# s# a film with three dimensional effects EILNTV VENTIL# s#, ate, able# ated ates ator, ating ..5 a valve in wind instruments ACEGOW COWAGE s a tropical vine, also COWHAGE INOORZ ZORINO# s# shrunk fur used for garments EIMRUV ERUVIM# AEEIMN MEANIE s a nasty person, also MEANY AGILOV OGIVAL pertaining to an {ogive=n} CEIRUV CRUIVE# s# a pen or sty, also CROOVE#, CRUVE# BIIRTU BURITI# s# a miriti palm AEGJLT JETLAG s the disruption of body rhythms after a flight through several time zones EINORV RENVOI s 2 the expulsion by a government of an alien ENVIRO n s, ns, ned, nics# ning, nment, nments ..2 an advocate for the preservation of the natural environment EIORTW TOWIER# AEINSZ di ox, atr mag sim thi tri, bomb hydr ..18 AZINES 2 ZANIES t BDEIRV o VERBID s a non-finite part of a verb CEGIOT GOETIC# pertaining to black magic BEINSZ ZINEBS ADIJNO ADJOIN s t, ed ts, ing to lie next to AAIJNR JARINA s the seed of a palm tree AFIORT FAITOR# s# an imposter, also FAITOUR DDEIIV DIVIED# 2 re, mis sub DIVIDE d r s, nd rs, dly nds, dness, ndless, dnesses to separate into different parts ADENRZ ZANDER s a fish AEGIRW EARWIG s, gy#, ged, ging, gings# to bias someone against AAGIOS ASIAGO# s# an Italian cheese EJNOTT JETTON s a piece of metal used as a counter, also JETON AAILTV intr supr AVITAL# ancestral EGILRV VERLIG# te#, tes# liberal EIINRW t WINIER AENQSU QUENAS# 2 cot QUEANS DEELOO DOOLEE s a stretcher for the sick, also DOOLIE, DOOLY AAGILO par# ALOGIA# s# 2 inability to speak LAOGAI s the system of forced labor camps in China EFIINT de in, cof# non, inde, trans FINITE s, ly, ness, nesses something that has as end or limit ADENTV ADVENT s, ive ure, itia ives ured urer ures ..18 {arrival=n} AEEIRR AERIER EEGNOX EXOGEN s, ism ous, etic# isms, ously a plant which grows by thickening its outer layer ENORUV UNROVE n EINQRU lamb REQUIN s a voracious shark DGIOTW GODWIT s a wading bird DEOPUV UPDOVE DEEIVW re un#, pre sur#, rere tele unre, inter ..2 VIEWED CIIRTV VITRIC s pertaining to glass ELNOVY LENVOY# s# the author's final words AGINPV im# re, pre PAVING s a {pavement=n} BEHITZ ZIBETH s an Asian civet, also ZIBET AIIORS ARIOSI DEFINO FOINED EIQRTU REQUIT# e s#, al ed er es, als ers ing ted#, able# ..5 to repay (pa p REQUITTED#), also REQUIGHT# EEIRVW p, re, pre REVIEW s, al ed er, als ers ing, able 2 to view again re, non pre, tele, inter under# VIEWER s, ship, ships one that {views=v} AEGISU AGUISE# d# s# to adorn, also AGUIZE# AAMNOO MANOAO# s# (New Zealand) a shrub of the heath group, also MONOAO# ADGIRV GRAVID a, ae as ly, ity, ness#, ities, nesses# {pregnant=adj} DIOOSV OVOIDS ADIRVZ un# VIZARD s, ed, ing# to mask or disguise DEFNOU FONDUE d s, ing to cook a dish of melted cheese, also FONDU EIILRW WILIER AENOPW un#, bio, super WEAPON s, ed ry, eer ing ise# ize, eers ised# ..9 to supply with an instrument of offence or defence EEJQRU JERQUE# d# r# s#, rs# to search for contraband ADEILU AUDILE s one who thinks in terms of sounds DEFGIT FIDGET s y, ed er, ers ier# ing, iest#, iness ..2 2 to move about restlessly be# re# un GIFTED ly, ness, nesses DGIJOU JUDOGI# s# a judo costume EHILTV THIVEL# s# a porridge-stick, also THIBLE# AEENPU EUPNEA s normal breathing, also EUPNOEA DEOORV OVERDO g, er es gs ne se, ers ing sed ses, sage ..9 to do to excess [v OVERDID, OVERDONE, OVERDOING, OVERDOES] EIPRTV PRIVET s an ornamental shrub EGHIOT HOGTIE d s, ing to tie the legs together [v HOGTIED, HOGTIEING or HOGTYING, HOGTIES] CEEINV EVINCE d s, ment#, ments# to show clearly AGIISV VIGIAS EEILRX EXILER s one that {exiles=v} AAELOR AREOLA e r s, te, ted, tion#, tions# a small space in a network of leaf veins, also AREOLE ADEEIL AEDILE s, ship#, ships# a magistrate in ancient Rome, also EDILE DEGLOV un GLOVED CEILOO COOLIE s an Oriental labourer, also COOLY AELNTZ ZELANT# s# a fanatic, also ZEALOT, ZEALANT# EINOTW TWONIE# s# 2 a Canadian two-dollar coin, also TOONIE, TWOONIE TOWNIE r# s, st# a nonstudent who lives in a college town EEGGIV VEGGIE s, burger#, burgers# a vegetable, also VEGETIVE, VEGIE AIOPRV PAVIOR s one that paves, also PAVER, PAVIOUR EINNTV co re, dis# INVENT s, ed er or, ers ing ion ive ors ory ..16 to devise originally AENNOV NOVENA e s, ry#, ries# a religious devotion lasting nine days EGIRTV GRIVET s a small monkey DEENUV VENDUE s a public sale DEFIRZ FRIZED AIILRY f# AIRILY in an airy manner, also AERILY DELNUV VULNED# EEITTY YETTIE# s# a young entrepreneur using technology EIORRW OWRIER# EENORW ERENOW before this time ADEITV se, exu lau oxi pre#, degra eluci ..4 DATIVE s, ly a grammatical case DEEITX EXITED AFIRUY AURIFY# ing# to turn into gold [v AURIFIED#, AURIFYING#, AURIFIES#] AEHOSV HOVEAS# IOTTUW OUTWIT h s, ted, ting to defeat by superior ingenuity AIMOSW MIAOWS AEKNOW re AWOKEN 2 WEAKON s a subatomic particle AEMNTV VATMEN# EIRSVZ VEZIRS# DIOOSZ anthero# ZOOIDS ADFISV VIFDAS# EORUVY VOYEUR s, ism, isms, istic, istically one who seeks sexual gratification by viewing sexual objects ACIOTZ AZOTIC {nitric=adj} AEITTX eu# TAXITE s a volcanic rock ACDEIV mis ADVICE s, ful# counsel EEITTW WETTIE# s# (New Zealand) a wetsuit ACENRZ ZARNEC# s# sulphide of arsenic, also ZARNICH# ACENUV disa#, capti# VAUNCE# d# s# to {advance=v} EEILTV LEVITE# s# a clergyman ADIIKO AIKIDO s a Japanese martial art AADLNV VANDAL s, ic, ise ish ism ize, ised ises isms ..9 one who destroys or defaces property AFINNO FANION s a cape worn by the Pope, also FANO, FANON EFGIOS FOGIES EENSTV pr, mis non EVENTS 2 STEVEN# s#, graph#, graphs# a voice AACDEI ACEDIA s {apathy=n} GILTYZ GLITZY {showy=adj} [adj GLITZIER, GLITZIEST] EFIRVY re VERIFY ing to prove to be true [v VERIFIED, VERIFYING, VERIFIES] CEOQTU COQUET s, ry te, ted tes, ries ting tish, tishly, tishness to flirt, also COQUETTE ABEOTX TEABOX es a box for storing tea leaves ADILOZ OZALID s a process of printing positive images from film EGIOSV OGIVES ACIITV a, flu# VIATIC a, al um, als ums pertaining to travelling, also VIATICAL AEPRTX PRETAX existing before provision for taxes ACEITV f#, co en in pr# re tr un#, bio imp non ..42 ACTIVE s, ly, ness, nesses a participating member of an organization EILORU LOURIE# r# s#, st# an African bird, also LOERIE# DIILQU il ob# so, non, semi LIQUID s, ly us#, ate ise# ity ize, ated ates ..21 a substance that flows freely DEENOV d OVENED# INRTVY VINTRY# a wine-shop [n VINTRIES#] DEENRZ DZEREN# s# an Asian antelope ABEEIL BAILEE s a person to whom property is bailed BDEIOO BOODIE# d# s 2 a type of rat-kangaroo DOOBIE s a marijuana cigarette DEJOTT JOTTED EIJNRU re INJURE d r s, rs to harm or do hurt to DFJORS FJORDS BEFITU BUFTIE# s# (Coll.) a homosexual, also BUFTY# AILOTX f OXTAIL s the tail of an ox EEEMTU EMEUTE s a popular uprising EENTUX EXEUNT they leave the stage -- used as a stage direction EEGMOT witena GEMOTE s a public meeting in Anglo-Saxon England, also GEMOT CEINRW WINCER s one who {winces=v} ELNOUV UNLOVE# d s#, ly, able# lier, liest rlike# ..2 to cease to love ADIOSV AVOIDS ACFNOR FRANCO# lin, lins phil#, mania# phile# phils# ..8 post-free EEGNRV a, re, sca VENGER# s# an {avenger=n} AEORVY AVOYER# s# a chief magistrate ADENWZ WANZED# 2 WEZAND# s# the throat, also WEASAND, WEASON, WEAZAND, WESAND#, WESSAND DEEOTV pre# DEVOTE d e s, es, dly, ment, dness ments, dnesses 2 to give oneself wholly to VETOED EFIMOT FOMITE s a substance capable of carrying infection, also FOMES# ALOQTU LOQUAT s a small evergreen tree AAIJRW JAWARI# s# durra (Indian millet), also JOWAR, JOWARI# EIMOTY MOIETY a half, also MOYITY# [n MOIETIES] BEIMOZ ZOMBIE s, like a snake God of voodoo, also ZOMBI AACEMO CAEOMA s a spore-forming organ of a fungus JNNOTU JOTUNN# s# a giant, also JOTUN# ADEKQU earth# QUAKED EINNOY YONNIE# s# (Australian slang) a stone, when thrown, also BRINNY# DEIORZ o, deo DORIZE# d# s# 2 to become like the Dorians, also DORISE# DOZIER AEHILW AWHILE for a short time ABLOTV ABVOLT s a unit of electromotive force EIKNOV re INVOKE d r s, rs to appeal to for help, also INVOCATE AABETU BATEAU x a flat bottomed river-boat, also BATTEAU AEKQRU QUAKER s one who {quakes=v} ADEGHI HIDAGE# s# a type of land tax GINOVW a, rea, disa VOWING EINSVW VINEWS# DEIIVZ VIZIED# EHIMOR HOMIER AEMNQU MANQUE frustrated in the fulfilment of ambition EGHITW un, bob# fly, dead make over, catch# ..15 WEIGHT s y, ed er, age# ers ier ily ing, ages# ..11 to add heaviness to EIIRVZ VIZIER s, ate ial, ates ship, ships a high official in some Muslim countries CELOQU CLOQUE s an embossed fabric ABEGHI ABEIGH# aloof EIINRV VINIER ALNOTV VOLANT e, es# capable of flying, also VOLITANT EOQRSU ba pi ROQUES AAELTZ ALTEZA# s# highness, also ALTESSE#, ALTEZZA# GIIINR NIGIRI# s# a small oval block of cold rice, wasabi and fish ACGIOR ORGIAC of the nature of an orgy, also ORGIC AAEPTW WATAPE s a thread made from tree roots, also WATAP, WATTAPE AEHNUW WHENUA# s# (Maori) land DEEMOU MEOUED AAEOSZ ZOAEAS# ENORSZ bla hiz, embla ZONERS AAEGPV PAVAGE# s# a charge for paving streets ABHIOO BOOHAI# s# in the New Zealand phrase "up the boohai", lost AAGIRW WARAGI# s# a Ugandan alcoholic drink made from bananas DEEIPZ PEIZED# AALOVW dis AVOWAL s a declaration GINOTV de pi re, non out, over VOTING s# casting a vote EIIRWZ WIZIER# s# a minister in a Muslim state FGIOTZ ZOFTIG full bosomed, also ZAFTIG ABEOSV ABOVES AEEHTV THEAVE# s# a young ewe EJLORT JOLTER s, head#, heads# one that {jolts=v} AADDOU AOUDAD s a wild sheep, also AUDAD DFILUV FULVID# dull yellow, also FULVOUS EEINTV oli VENITE# s# the ninety fifth Psalm ADEVYZ AVYZED# AAEILX par# ALEXIA s loss of power to read AGMORV VAGROM wandering EHINTZ ZENITH s, al the highest point ILQSTU bed QUILTS AEEHMU HEAUME s a medieval helmet EGIRUZ GUIZER# s# a person in disguise, also GUISER# CENOTV COVENT# s# a convent ADIOSX AXOIDS# EIMOOR ROOMIE r s, st a {roommate=n} AADILU AUDIAL pertaining to the ear ABEJOR JERBOA s a small {rodent=n} ADNOSZ ZONDAS# ACEEFT FACETE d, ly {witty=adj} AEISVZ AVIZES# BEGOTW BOWGET# s# a budget or financial statement, also BOUGET# BEITUY d UBIETY the state of having a definite location [n UBIETIES] AEGJTU bi, con sub tri uni, assub# multi# JUGATE occurring in pairs AAEINT TAENIA e s, te#, ses sis, cide# fuge#, cides# fuges# a headband worn in ancient Greece ABDERV ADVERB s, ial, ials, ially, ialise# ialize# ..6 2 a word used to modify the meaning of another word em#, out BRAVED ACEIMU gyn AECIUM a cup-shaped structure in rust fungi, also AECIDIUM [n AECIA] DEGJRU mis# pre JUDGER s one who {judges=v} EISUVZ SUIVEZ# to follow (music) AAABLQ QABALA h s, hs a Jewish doctrine based on hidden meanings in sacred texts, also CABALA, CABBALA, CABBALAH, KABALA, KABBALA, KABBALAH, QABALAH EGIMNV MEVING# ADEFIN FAINED# 2 FADEIN s a gradual increase in the brightness of an image ADENNV cara VANNED EILOOR gl ORIOLE s an American songbird DEIJRR JERRID s a wooden javelin, also JEREED, JERID, JERREED EIIRRW WIRIER CEELOU COULEE s a small {ravine=n} CDIORV CORVID s a type of crow AILQSU s# QUAILS 2 SQUAIL# s#, ed# er#, ers# ing#, ings# to pelt with sticks ABDEIZ BAIZED# AEEGJY JAYGEE s a military officer AERTUU h AUTEUR s, ism ist, isms ists the creator of a film DELOTX EXTOLD# AEJPRY JAPERY {mockery=n} [n JAPERIES] DFGIIR FRIGID er# ly, est# ity, aria# ness, arium# ..2 chillingly stiff EEINRX REXINE s a strong, coated cloth used as a covering material for books EGNOOT GENTOO s a Falkland Island penguin EHORTV THROVE EIPQSU re EQUIPS 2 re#, demi# PIQUES ABEGNW BEGNAW# s#, ed#, ing# to {gnaw=v} EEILNY YEELIN s an animal over one but not two, also YEARLING ADEEHX HEXADE s, cane#, canes# cimal, canoic# cimals a group of six, also HEXAD GIJOST JIGOTS# EGIRRV VIRGER# s# a church official, also VERGER AEEHNV HEAVEN s, ly, lier ward, liest wards, liness, linesses the sky EGINVX con# VEXING s#, ly, ness#, nesses# the act of vexing EKOOQU QUOOKE# EEEHIZ HEEZIE# s# a lift AEINTV co do in# sa un#, ema non uri, deto ..40 NATIVE s, ly, ness, nesses one who belongs naturally to an area ENOPRV un, dis non PROVEN d#, ds# ly, der, ance ders, ances dered# ..6 DGILOT DIGLOT s, tic# a bilingual book EEFIRZ FRIEZE d# s, like to put a decorative band on the top edge of a wall AISUWX WUXIAS# IIIMRT MIRITI# s# a palm DEGORV GROVED covered with a grove AABDEU AUBADE s a sunrise song DEFGUU FUGUED CEEOPU COUPEE# s# a dancing move BEELOV BELOVE# d s#, ds to {love=v} JNOORU JOURNO s a journalist IORRTW WORRIT s, ed, ing to worry, also WHERRIT# BCIITU de# CUBITI DIJNNY DJINNY a supernatural being in Muslim mythology, also DJIN, DJINN, DJINNI, GENIE, JANN#, JIN, JINN, JINNEE, JINNI AFIQRU FAQUIR s a religious ascetic in India, also FAKIR, FAQIR AAGRUV AVRUGA# s# herring roe, cheaper than caviar CGIOOT COGITO s a philosophical principle ADEHLV un HALVED AIMNUV MAUVIN# e# s#, es# a mauve dye, also MAUVEIN#, MAUVEINE#, MAUVINE# CGINOV COVING s a concave moulding EEEILR s#, sk# st wh# EELIER AILOWY OILWAY s a channel for the passage of oil ADERUW WAURED# ADEISZ thi, hydr, isoni#, semicarb#, chlorothi AZIDES CDEINW WINCED AGLOTV GATVOL# (Afrikaans) annoyed, fed up ACEJNT ad, sub, coad#, inter# nonad super, circum JACENT# {sluggish=adj} AEEPRV PAREVE 2 made without meat or milk, also PAREV#, PARVE p REPAVE d s to pave again BEEINW NEWBIE s a new arrival into some interest group EINORX OREXIN# s# a hormone that stimulates the appetite and is thought to be important for sleep regulation, aka HYPOCRETIN AEINSX philo# XENIAS ADFNOT FANTOD s a fidgety state, also FANTAD# AFISTW WAIFTS# DEGINZ ZINGED ENOSVW non WOVENS AEFSTV FAVEST# DEEENZ s NEEZED# AFGOTU FUGATO s a fugal composition EEKORV REVOKE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# 2 to annul by taking back r EVOKER s one who {evokes=v} AEIMPV IMPAVE# d# s# to set in a pavement EIQRSU e SQUIRE d s, en ly# ss#, age# dom# ens, ages# ..15 4 to serve as an escort s, ac en es in re, ver#, reac, prere QUIRES RISQUE s# a hazard or danger SQUIER# s# a carpenter's square DEGITT GITTED ABEILV en in le ob un, non pre, unen, imper# ..2 VIABLE capable of living DEFJLS FJELDS ADIMTX ADMIXT ure, ures ACEOTV sub#, super#, contra, subcontra OCTAVE s 2 a type of musical interval AVOCET s a wading bird, also AVOSET AGITTW WITGAT# s#, boom#, booms# a South African tree AEHINW WAHINE s a Maori woman, also VAHINE CDEGIO GEODIC pertaining to a geode (a type of rock) AERTYZ AZERTY# an unconventional computer keyboard layout, cf QWERTY AADGOP PAGODA s a Far Eastern temple AQRTUZ QUARTZ y#, es, ier# ite ose ous, iest# ites ..2 a mineral AEIPTW TAWPIE s a foolish young person ABIJRU JABIRU s a wading bird AEIKOR cr OAKIER DEEGIW WEDGIE r s, st a type of woman's shoe DEEHLV s HELVED ABERUU sub BUREAU s x, crat, cracy crats, cratic, cracies ..14 a chest of drawers EEIPTW PEEWIT s the lapwing, also PEWIT AGIIJN GAIJIN foreigner in Japan [n GAIJIN] AEHRVW WHARVE s a piece of wood used for spinning thread, also WHERVE EJNOST JETONS 2 JETSON# s# discarded cargo, also JETSAM, JETSOM AEIOPS SOAPIE# r s#, st a serial melodrama on radio or television, also SOAPER EGINOT tip, tippy TOEING EELNNV VENNEL# s# a {lane=n} EFORRV per# FERVOR s, ous# great intensity, also FERVOUR ACEINU sem# UNCIAE 2 EUCAIN# e s#, es an anaesthetic safer than cocaine, also EUCAINE AELOVV VOLVAE# AAORRV VARROA# s# an Asiatic mite AERRUZ emb# RAZURE# s# the act of scraping FINTUX UNFIXT EGILNZ ZINGEL# s# a fish AACDEU CAUDAE# 2 CADEAU# x# a gift EIJMOS OJIMES# AINSYZ ZAYINS AADMOU AMADOU s a tinder made from fungi AJLOOR JAROOL# s# a tree with purple blooms, also JARUL# AADEGJ JAGAED# EEENTW s, outs# pres, overs WEETEN# to detect (no inflections), also WEETE# BDIOSV BOVIDS ELNOUZ ZONULE s t#, ts# a small zone, also ZONULA EIJNNO ENJOIN s, ed er, der ers ing, ders ment#, ments# to order or direct EGILTW t# WIGLET s a small wig AIKOTW KWAITO# s# a type of South African pop music AGNOOZ GAZOON# s# a sod in fortification, also GAZON# ADERSZ ZERDAS# 2 DAZERS# CEILPV PELVIC s a bone of the pelvis DIJNNS DJINNS AAAHIT TAIAHA# s# a Maori weapon AACETU v#, ev ACUATE {sharp=adj} AGHTUW willie# WAUGHT s, ed, ing to drink deeply, also WAUCHT EENTWY TWEENY a housemaid, also TWEENIE# [n TWEENIES] EGOORV OVERGO# t#, ad es# ne#, ads ing# rge#, aded ..9 2 to {exceed=v} [v OVERWENT#, OVERGONE#, OVERGOING#, OVERGOES#] en# in# re, micro GROOVE d r s, rs, less# like# to form a groove (a long narrow depression) AABERU BAUERA# s# an Australian flowering shrub EILOTV ultra VIOLET s 2 a flowering plant OLIVET# s# a button shaped like an olive ADEEHV s, up HEAVED GIIJNV JIVING AHOTUU TAUHOU# s# a greenish-coloured tropical songbird BEIJRS JIBERS AEHIRY HAYIER# ACIINV INCAVI# ng# AAFIJT FAJITA s a Mexican dish AAIILS AALIIS AAJNOW AJOWAN s an Egyptian fruit, also AJWAN# ABEQRU BARQUE s, tte, ttes, ntine, ntines a small ship EGORTV GROVET# s# a wrestling hold DEETWY TWEEDY of a refined, traditional, upscale character [adj TWEEDIER, TWEEDIEST] BCEEQU QUEBEC# s# (In international radio communication) a code word for the letter q EINQUU bi, non, comm UNIQUE r s, ly st, ness, nesses something that is rare or the only one of its kind / existing as the only one of its kind FIINVY di# VINIFY ing to convert into wine by fermentation [v VINIFIED, VINIFYING, VINIFIES] CDIIIR an# IRIDIC pertaining to {iridium=n} AHIORT THORIA s, nite, nites an oxide of thorium AAIKNO AIKONA# (Bantu) it is not DEEORZ re ZEROED AFGITZ ZAFTIG full bosomed, also ZOFTIG IQRSTU SQUIRT s, ed er, ers ing, ings# 2 to throw out in a jet s QUIRTS EIKOSZ OZEKIS# EELOVV d r, co EVOLVE d r s, nt# rs, ment, ments to {develop=v} DEEGRV di, con VERGED EILNOO LOONIE r s, st a crazy person, also LOONEY, LOONY, LUNY / {crazy=adj} AEIJLZ JEZAIL s a heavy Afghan musket DEEILX EXILED DEIIPT be# un, out PITIED EHIOTT HOTTIE s a hot-water bottle, a sexually attractive person, also HOTTY# CEESVZ CEZVES# AEEILM MEALIE r s, st an ear of corn, also MIELIE# GIINVW s, un#, mid WIVING AAAELZ AZALEA s a flowering shrub ACIQTU ACQUIT e# s, es#, ing# tal ted ter, ment# tals ..7 to free from a charge AINQUY YANQUI s a United States citizen INOQSU QUOINS 2 QUINOS# BDGIIO GOBIID# s# a fish of the goby family, also GOBIOID DOOUUV VOUDOU# n s#, ed# ns, ing# to {bewitch=v} DEJLOT JOLTED DEFNOY FOYNED# AEHIJR HEJIRA s an exodus, also HEGIRA, HIJRA, HIJRAH DGINOV DOVING# GIOPTU PIGOUT s an instance of eating to excess GHINOV s, be, ducks# HOVING# EEFHOR t w HEREOF concerning this EHILOT n, pal, pala# EOLITH s, ic a prehistoric stone tool ABEIRZ ZERIBA# s# 2 an improvised stockade, also ZAREBA, ZAREEBA, ZARIBA, ZEREBA# he BRAIZE s a sea-bream AEEGLU col non LEAGUE d r s, rs, red, ring to come together for a common purpose DEIIOS per# IODISE d r# s, rs# to treat with iodine, also IODIZE AFNORT se AFRONT# in front DEHIOW HOWDIE d s a midwife AAAITX ATAXIA s loss of muscular coordination, also ATAXY GIORTU OUTRIG s, ht, ged ger, gers ging htly 2 to equip (a boat) with outriggers (projections having floats) RIGOUT# s# a person's distinctive costume AENTTX s, non EXTANT still in existence EENOTW TOWNEE s a {townsman=n} BEEGIY BIGEYE s a marine fish DEETTV re ri un#, bre cor# cur VETTED AEGLMV MAGLEV s a magnetically levitating train EGINRZ ZINGER s a witty remark AAHIRV VIHARA# s# a Buddhist temple AEIMRU UREMIA s an abnormal condition of the blood, also URAEMIA, URINEMIA AIINNZ ZINNIA s a flowering plant HIORSU HOURIS AEENTW ATWEEN between ALNOUZ ZONULA e r s a small zone, also ZONULE DNOUWY WOUNDY# excessive DEHINO HOIDEN s, ed, ing ish#, ishness#, ishnesses# 2 to act like a tomboy, also HOYDEN p HONIED ly# AAJNSZ ZANJAS# ANNOTX NONTAX es, able a tax of little consequence ADEFIT FIATED# 2 DAFTIE# s# someone who is silly AJNTUY JAUNTY briskly self-assured, also JANTY, JANTEE#, JAUNTEE# [adj JAUNTIER, JAUNTIEST] AEHLRV HALVER# s someone who halves AAINRU pl#, mel# ANURIA s 2 failure to urinate URANIA n# s uranium dioxide EGIOOS SOOGIE# d# s#, ing# to clean ships with a special cleaning agent, also SOOGEE# AADEMZ un AMAZED ly, ness#, nesses# AEGHOR GHERAO s#, ed es, ing to coerce by physical means AEGLOV VOLAGE# 2 {giddy=adj} LOVAGE s a perennial herb EINOPW POWNIE# s# a pony, also POWNY#, POWNEY# AGHIQU QUAIGH s a small drinking vessel, also QUAICH ADERVV VARVED having a varve deposit CEEJRT REJECT s, ed ee er or, ees ers ing ion ive ors ..7 to refuse to accept AEFIKR FAKIER# DEIRTV VERDIT# e# s#, er es#, ers 2 a judicial decision DIVERT s, ed er, ers ing ive#, ible#, icula ..17 to turn aside EHIRTV THRIVE d n r s, rs, less# to grow vigorously [v THROVE or THRIVED, THRIVEN, THRIVING, THRIVES] ABCEFI BIFACE s a stone tool having a cutting edge AABETZ ZABETA# s# a stated tariff AAEERT de AERATE d s to put air into ACEENV ENCAVE# d# s# to secrete, also INCAVE# AOPRUV VAPOUR s y, ed er, ers ing ish#, able# ings# ..8 mist, fume or smoke / to turn into vapour also VAPOR ADEETZ TEAZED# EIISTV VISITE# d e# r s#, es# rs a woman's cloak AMNOOO MONOAO# s# a New Zealand shrub of the heath group DEGITU DUGITE# s# an Australian venomous snake AAERWY AWEARY {weary=adj} AEEKRU h# EUREKA s# a great discovery BEESUV BEVUES# AORTUW OUTWAR d s, ds, dly red, ring, dness, dnesses to surpass in {warring=v} AIIMNV VIMINA l AEHOTW AWHETO# s# the so-called vegetable caterpillar of New Zealand EIKNOO NOOKIE r# s, st# sexual intercourse AGJNOR JARGON s y, ed el, eer els ing ise# ish ist ..16 to use words specific to a trade or group ADEGRV en, reen, photoen GRAVED AINQSU co, quin#, quina# QUINAS# EENRTX EXTERN e s, al at# es, als ats#, ally ship, alise ..16 a non-resident of an institution, also EXTERNE ACORVY COVARY ing to vary mean values [v COVARIED, COVARYING, COVARIES] AABILU ABULIA s loss of will power DEEKRV KERVED# DEGIIR DIRIGE# s#, nt# a {dirge=n} AAJNNO JOANNA# s# a {piano=n} DDILNR DIRNDL s a woman's dress ADEGIT GAITED DEINOV NEVOID pertaining to a {nevus=n} EEFHIR HEIFER s a young cow EERTVX VERTEX es the highest point of something [n VERTEXES or VERTICES] KNOQSU QUONKS# EGNORV mis, over GOVERN s, ed or, all# ess ing ors, able alls# ..25 to rule or direct DGIRTU TURGID er# ly, est# ity, ness, ities, nesses swollen, having a laboured writing style ENNRUW WUNNER# s# {oner=n} AFLTUV VATFUL s as much as a vat can hold AABEFN BEFANA# s# an Epiphany gift, also BEFFANA# EEIKSV KIEVES# EIINOS l, de# eb# un, fict# miss# sect#, emuls# ..9 IONISE d r# s, rs# to convert into ions, also IONIZE IILTTU TITULI# ng# DIRSUZ DURZIS# AGNORW AWRONG# {wrongly=adv} AENOPY PAEONY# a showy flower, also PEONY, PINY, PIONEY#, PIONY# [n PAEONIES#] ENNOTZ TENZON# s# a competition in verse, also TENSON# DEGLOZ GLOZED AEGILV VAGILE 2 free to move about GLAIVE d s a {sword=n} AEGINW AWEING ADEENY un YEANED AEELPU EPAULE# s# t, ts, tte, ment# tted ttes, ments# the shoulder of a bastion AAEELP PALEAE EGLOUV VOULGE# s# a foot-soldier's weapon, also VOUGE# ABINSV BAVINS# DEIINV un#, semi DIVINE d r s, ly rs st, ness# ress#, nesses# resses# having godlike qualities (DIVINER, DIVINEST) / to foretell by occult means / pertaining to a god EJORTT JOTTER s one that {jots=v} EGIJRS REJIGS CDERUV de in re un# up CURVED ly, ness#, nesses# EFLORX FLEXOR s a muscle that bends part of the body AEFNOR FORANE# {foreign=adj} BEGISW BEWIGS CEEJNO CONJEE# d# s#, ing# to {starch=v} BEINOR BONIER ADEINW coxs, cocks# WAINED# 2 DEWANI# s# the office of dewan, also DEWANNY# BEEHOV BEHOVE d s, ly#, ful# to be fit, right or necessary, also BEHOOVE ADGINV e, in, per, rein VADING# DEGIMT MIDGET s a very small person BFINOW BOWFIN s a freshwater fish DIIMTW DIMWIT s, ted a {dunce=n} ADIMOT DIATOM s, ic, ist# ite, ists# ites, icity# ..2 any of a class of algae AEIRWX WAXIER EEGOSY YOGEES DEMOOV a# MOOVED# CDEEJT DEJECT a s, ed, ing ion ory#, edly ions, edness, ednesses to {depress=v} ALORUV VALOUR s 3 courage, also VALOR, VALIANCE, VALIANCY an bi, bin# mon OVULAR y pertaining to the ovule LOUVAR# s# a large silvery whalelike scombroid fish EIRTVY in se VERITY truth, also VERITAS [n VERITIES] AEQRSU four head# SQUARE d r s, ly rs st, head# ness wise#, heads#, nesses to make equal all over / rigidly conventional EEERTW s t WEETER# AENOSX AXONES ADHIOR HAIRDO s a style of wearing the hair EEINOS EOSINE s a red dye, also EOSIN ACIMOV VOMICA e s# a cavity in the body containing pus AORTVY VOTARY a person who is bound by religious vows, also VOTARIST [n VOTARIES] OORTUW OUTROW s, ed, ing to surpass in rowing NOOTUW OUTWON# EGRTUZ GUTZER# s# a heavy fall, also GUTSER# DEILOV LIVEDO# s# a discoloured patch on the skin ADIMQU QUIDAM# s# a certain person FGIORT FRIGOT# s# a {frigate=n} CDEGUW GWEDUC k s, ks a large edible clam, also GEODUCK, GWEDUCK CEIQRU semi# CIRQUE s a deep basin on a mountain, also CORRIE, CWM ALTUVY VAULTY resembling an arched ceiling [adj VAULTIER, VAULTIEST] IIPRTU PITURI# s# a type of Australian shrub EEGINY over#, after# EYEING EFIRRZ FRIZER s one that frizzes, also FRIZZER DEEEPV PEEVED EFIPRX PREFIX al ed es, ing ion, ally# ions ture#, tures# to add to the beginning of a root word EOSUUV UVEOUS pertaining to the uvea AGINVW pico, micro short WAVING s# the act of waving EMORUV MEVROU# s# (South Africa) a title of respect for a woman EHIRTZ ZITHER n s, ns, ist, ists a stringed instrument, also ZITHERN AERSUZ r#, embr# AZURES ENOOSZ OZONES 2 SNOOZE d r s, rs to sleep lightly AIOORS ARIOSO s a melody resembling an aria [n ARIOSOS or ARIOSI] AILNUV UNVAIL# e# s#, ed# es#, ing# to remove one's veil, also UNVAILE# FGIOSU FUGIOS ADENOY NOYADE s an execution by drowning CIINQU QUINIC of quinine ADNOOW WANDOO# s# an Australian tree EILNUV UNLIVE d s, ly, able#, liness#, linesses# 2 to live so as to make amends for UNVEIL s, ed er#, ers# ing, ings to remove a covering from ADGIJN be# JADING ADEITX TAXIED BIINOT BIOTIN s a vitamin B EEORVW wi# REWOVE n DEEFHT HEFTED AEOOSZ ZOOEAS# AEILTY TAILYE# s# a limitation of inheritance to certain heirs, also TAILZIE# ADDITZ TZADDI# k q# s#, ks# qs#, kim qim# the eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also SADHE, SADE ABELRV de, non pre, cruci# VERBAL s, ly, ise# ism ist ity# ize led#, ised# ..18 to attribute a statement or admission to AADFIR un AFRAID struck with fear EIMNRV VERMIN s# y#, ed#, ate# ous, ated# ates#, ating# ..5 troublesome animals or birds CDEIOY DIOECY separation of sexes in plants [n DIOECIES] ADELUW cater WAULED DINOOZ ZONOID# resembling a zone DIOORT TOROID s, al, ally a type of geometric surface EOOPSV POOVES CIIOTT bi, par, perid OTITIC pertaining to {otitis=n} CERTUV CURVET s, ed, ing ted, ting to {prance=v} EGIJNW JEWING AGINUX GUANXI# s# a Chinese social concept based on the exchange of favours AABINW WABAIN# s# a poisonous alkaloid BEHIOT BOTHIE# s a humble cottage AINTVY VANITY inflated pride in oneself [n VANITIES] ADENOT b#, un, mis ATONED 2 o DONATE d s to contribute EFIORZ FOZIER ADEEPV PAVEED set close together to conceal a metal base ENRVWY WYVERN s in heraldry, a dragon with wings, the tail of a snake and two legs, also WIVER, WIVERN ABQRSU BURQAS FIJLOR FRIJOL e, es a bean used as food, also FRIJOLE AINOSX AXIONS ADILOP sym, mono para, chiro#, pseudo PODIAL# pertaining to the podium AACETX EXACTA s, ble a type of horse racing bet EILORW d# j l, gr OWLIER# 2 LOWRIE# s# a small parrot, also LORY, LOWRY# AABEMO end ent myx AMOEBA e n s, ean a one-celled animal of ever-changing shape, also AMEBA BEGOTU BOUGET# s# 2 a budget or financial statement, also BOWGET# OUTBEG s, ged, ging to surpass in begging BEEILV BELIVE immediately, also BLIVE#, BYLIVE# BDIOTU OUTBID s, den der, ders ding to bid higher than BEIITT BITTIE# r s#, st a small piece EEMQSU QUEMES# DEEKOV r, re, unr EVOKED BEHINT HENBIT s a perennial herb EINRTV VIRENT# 2 {green=adj} INVERT s, ed er in or, ase ers ing ins ors, ases ..7 to turn upside down BDEOOZ BOOZED IINOPT POITIN# s# Irish whiskey distilled unlawfully, also POTEEN, POTHEEN, POTTEEN BEFILO FOIBLE s a weakness or failing ACDIOZ ZODIAC s, al an imaginary belt in the heavens AACITV ATAVIC pertaining to a remote ancestor DDIOTU OUTDID DEIKNZ ZINKED# 2 ZENDIK# s# a {heretic=n} AHILRW AWHIRL whirling ADERTV anim ADVERT s, ed, ent ing ise ize, ence ency ised ..20 to {refer=v} EILNTW WINTLE d s to {stagger=v} CDIIOY IDIOCY the state of being an idiot, also IDIOTCY#, IDIOTISM [n IDIOCIES] BDEEJL DJEBEL s a {mountain=n} AEFMNO FOEMAN an enemy in war [n FOEMEN] EIRTTV TRIVET s a small stand with three legs, also TREVET EFIIVX FIXIVE# acting to fix a photographic image ACEORW CROWEA# s# an Australian shrub with pink flowers BIJOSU BIJOUS BEIMTX BEMIXT AGIRTU GUITAR s, ist, fish ists, fishes a stringed musical instrument BIILTW TWIBIL l s, ls a battle-axe with two cutting edges, also TWIBILL ACIMOO OOMIAC k s, ks an open Eskimo boat, also OOMIACK, OOMIAK EEEJRR JEERER s one who {jeers=v} AILOTY ALIYOT h# EHOPUV UPHOVE AELQUZ QUEZAL s, es a tropical bird, also QUETZAL AENNRV cara VANNER s a person who owns a van DEFITT be re un, mis out, back bene semi, reout retro FITTED 2 TIFTED# DEHIOX OXHIDE# s# leather from the hide of an ox EIILRV in, non, super ultra VIRILE ly, scent#, scence#, scences# 2 having masculine vigour LIVIER s a permanent resident of Newfoundland, also LIVYER, LIVEYERE#, LIVEYER# AIJMOR ROMAJI s a system of transliterating Japanese into the Latin alphabet EEHRVW WHERVE s a piece of wood used for spinning thread, also WHARVE BINNOU BUNION s a painful swelling on the toe EGHLNT a#, over wave, multiwave LENGTH s y, en, ens ful# ier ily man# men# ..11 the extent from end to end AEENWZ WEAZEN# s#, ed#, ing# to become dry and shrivelled BEEGIL BEIGEL# s# a hard ring-shaped roll, also BAGEL AEIMRW AWMRIE# s# a cupboard for sacred vessels, also AMBRY, ALMERY#, ALMIRAH#, AMBERY, AUMBRY#, AWMRY# DEENTV e#, in un#, con pre, coin rein, disin# ..2 VENTED AEINRV marg, landg# palsg# waldg# RAVINE d s 4 a narrow, steep-sided valley VAINER AVENIR# s# {future=n} NAIVER AAEHNT ANEATH# beneath BIIMUV BIVIUM# part of a starfish [n BIVIA#] ADEJRR JARRED DEGOTU DEGOUT# s# distaste EEPRUV PREVUE d s to {preview=v} EILSUZ br sp# ULZIES# DENOUW UNOWED# not due AGHOQU QUAHOG s an edible clam, also QUAHAUG, QUOHOG EILTVY LEVITY frivolity [n LEVITIES] DEIJNX out JINXED AADRVW VAWARD s the foremost part BDIOOT BIODOT# s# a tempearature sensor stuck to the skin AAENNZ ZENANA s a section of the house for Indian women, also ZANANA DEIMRV MIRVED# AADINV NAVAID s a navigational device ACDEGT GEDACT# s# a flutelike organ stop. Also GEDECKT# AADENX ADNEXA l conjoined anatomical parts AFINTU FIAUNT# s# a judge's warrant AERTTV VATTER# s# 2 one who uses a vat TAVERT# {stupid=adj} EFILTU FUTILE r#, ly st#, ness, nesses ineffective CEFINT co re, dis, super INFECT s, ed er or, ant ers ing ion ive ors ..9 to contaminate with germs EJOTTU OUTJET# s#, ting#, tings# a projection IOPSTV PIVOTS IIRSVZ VIZIRS hip#, hips# AORVWY AVOWRY# the act of {avowing=v} [n AVOWRIES#] AFLORV FLAVOR s y, ed er, ers ful ing ist ous, ings ..4 to impart a special taste to, also FLAVOUR ADIRWZ WIZARD s, ly ry, ries a {sorcerer=n} IINTTU INTUIT s, ed, ing ion ive, able ions, ional ..14 to know without conscious reasoning DEEJTT up# JETTED AEGOPT POTAGE r# s, rs# a thick soup EIILRX ELIXIR s a sovereign remedy ADELUV de re un up#, dis mis out pre, over ..2 VALUED CEIILX pre, post EXILIC pertaining to exile, also EXILIAN INNOOY ONIONY like an onion [adj ONIONIER#, ONIONIEST#] DEEEFZ FEEZED DEINRV bili, turaco# VERDIN s 2 a small bird co re un#, mis out, over DRIVEN ness, nesses ACITUY v, hyper, stereo# ACUITY sharpness [n ACUITIES] ABETUY BEAUTY ing# to {beautify=v} [v BEAUTIED#, BEAUTYING#, BEAUTIES] AFIJNN FINJAN# s# a small cup without a handle, also FINGAN# EFNORZ de# en# re un, non pre, deep FROZEN ly, ness, nesses EEFSUZ FUZEES BDEGOU BOUGED# DIOOTX TOXOID s a type of {toxin=n} CEOORV CROOVE# s# a pen or sty, also CRUIVE#, CRUVE# EGPRUW UPGREW DIOSTV DIVOTS AABEIL ABELIA n s a plant with pink or white flowers AORTUY YAOURT# s# food made from fermented milk, also YOGHURT, YOGHOURT, YOGURT CENOVX bi CONVEX ed# es ly, ing# ity, edly# ness#, ities, nesses# a surface that curves outward DEORVY VERDOY# charged with flowers as a bordure AAEEPR PERAEA# EEFIPR PREIFE# s# 2 a proof, also PREIF#, PRIEF#, PRIEFE# re# PRIEFE# s# a proof, also PREIF#, PREIFE#, PRIEF# EIPRTX EXTIRP# s#, ed#, ate ing#, able# ated ates ..7 to root out AABHIJ BHAJIA# AEFITX FIXATE d s to make {stable=adj} EILNUY LUNYIE# s# the {loin=n} EGINVY YEVING# BEIJNU BUNJIE# s# a strong rubber rope, also BUNGEE, BUNGEY#, BUNGIE#, BUNGY#, BUNJE#, BUNJEE#, BUNJY# ADEERX EXEDRA e a curved bench in a recess, also EXHEDRA ADEFTU FAUTED# DEGIIM MIDGIE# r# s#, st# a small biting insect such as a midge or sandfly CEIOPW COWPIE s a dropping of cow dung, also COWPAT, COWFLAP, COWFLOP, COWPLOP EEIPRV re PRIEVE# d# s# to prove, also PREEVE#, PREVE# BEEJNU BUNJEE# s# a strong rubber rope, also BUNGEE, BUNGEY#, BUNGIE#, BUNGY#, BUNJE#, BUNJIE#, BUNJY# EGILTU GLUTEI ALNOOZ ZOONAL like a zoon DEEPRV PERVED# 2 PREVED# AEINNZ ENZIAN# s# a type of flavoured schnapps EEHITT HETTIE# s# a heterosexual person ADEEPZ PEAZED# CEIORW s# COWRIE s 2 a glossy seashell, also COWRY COWIER DDEGIU un, mis out pre GUIDED CEJNOU JOUNCE d s to {jolt=v} AAGINV VAGINA e l s, nt# te, lly ted the passage leading from the uterus to the vulva ADEFNU UNDEAF# s#, ed#, ing# to free from deafness AABLOV LAVABO s, es a fixed basin or washstand CELNOV un# CLOVEN split AAHIIK HAIKAI# a type of Japanese poem [n HAIKAI#] DENOOZ ZOONED CEIILT ELICIT s, ed or, ing ors, able#, ation, ations to draw forth GIINRV non VIRGIN s, al ed# ia# ly#, als ias# ing# ity ..10 3 to continue to be chaste VIRING# d, ar de sc sh st th, cod dep red rep# ..9 RIVING EEHINT THEINE s caffeine, also THEIN ACINOZ AZONIC not limited to a zone EIOOST OTIOSE ly, ness, nesses {lazy=adj} CEEOOS COOEES EEGISV VEGIES EORTUV c# OUVERT# e# {open=adj} AAHINW HANIWA Japanese clay sculptures ELRUWZ mangel#, mangold# WURZEL s a variety of beef ABEEJM JAMBEE# s# a light cane AEMORX XEROMA# s#, ta# a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva CEGHIO CHIGOE s a tropical flea DNOSUV VODUNS DGIINO w INDIGO s, es id, ids tic# tin, lite# tins, lites# a blue dye DEEETW s# t WEETED CGIILT TIGLIC# as in tiglic acid ADEGGV VAGGED# IRTTUX TUTRIX# es# a female tutor [n TUTRIXES# or TUTRICES#] EOQSTU TOQUES 2 re# un, mis out, under# QUOTES BEEIMT BETIME d# s to {betide=v} EGILOP EPILOG s, ic# ue, ise# ist# ize# ued ues, ised# ..16 a conclusion BDEGIU BUDGIE s a small parrot AEEJVY JAYVEE s 2 a junior varsity player VEEJAY s an announcer on a programme of music videos GIJNOW JOWING AAEILM c AMELIA# s# 2 being born without one or more limbs LAMIAE IIJNNS JINNIS AEIQSU SAIQUE# s# a ketch-like vessel EEETWZ TWEEZE d r s, rs to pluck with a tweezer BEORVY OVERBY# a little way over, also OWERBY# ELOTUV e, in ob re, con, super# VOLUTE d s a spiral architectural ornament EFLOUW WOEFUL ly, ler, lest ness, nesses full of grief, also WOFUL, WOEFULLER, WOEFULLEST AEMSYZ AZYMES# 2 ZYMASE s an {enzyme=n} AIJPTU JUPATI# s# a type of palm BEOTUY OUTBYE {outby=adv} AFORSV dis, over FAVORS AGLRUV un# VULGAR s, er ly, est ian ise ism ity ize, ians ..16 a common person / {crude=adj} GHIQTU ac# re# QUIGHT# s#, ed#, ing# to depart from CEIISV CIVIES BDEGIO BOGIED# 2 BODGIE# r# s#, st# a male cult figure of the 1950s / useless or fraudulent AGIIST ATIGIS# DGINOU GUIDON s a small flag EJLORW JOWLER# s# a heavy-jawed hound IINNQU QUININ a e s, as es an alkaloid, also QUININE, QUININA FIILVY VILIFY ing to defame, also VILIPEND [v VILIFIED, VILIFYING, VILIFIES] EHINOR HEROIN e s, es, ism, isms an addictive narcotic EEFHRT HEFTER s one that lifts up ABEFMO BEFOAM# s#, ed#, ing# to cover with foam ACEIVV VIVACE s a musical passage played in a brisk, spirited manner ACDEEZ CEAZED# CDEFIO COIFED FINOTY re, pre NOTIFY ing to {inform=v} [v NOTIFIED, NOTIFYING, NOTIFIES] DEEGHR HEDGER s, ow, ows one that {hedges=v} ACFIRT FRACTI ng# on, ons ous, onal oned, onary# ..37 AAINTW ATWAIN {asunder=adv} IPRTWY TWIRPY# like a twirp, also TWERPY# [adj TWIRPIER#, TWIRPIEST#] ABEJTU JUBATE# {maned=adj} DEIOOZ DOOZIE s an extraordinary one of its kind, also DOOZER, DOOZY DEFGOW GOWFED# AGNOSZ GAZONS# AABDGO DAGOBA s a Buddhist memorial shrine, also DAGABA# ADEEJY DEEJAY s, ed, ing to act as a disk jockey, introducing recorded music ADEFNW out FAWNED DEFILO un, tre# FOILED ILOTTW WITTOL s, ly# a man who tolerates his wife's infidelity ALMQUY QUALMY having misgiving [adj QUALMIER, QUALMIEST] BDEEIT BETIDE d s to {befall=v} [v BETID# or BETIGHT# or BETIDED, BETIDING, BETIDES] ADHORU DOURAH s a cereal grain, also DOURA EEISWZ WEIZES# EILUVV LUVVIE# s#, dom#, doms# an entertainer, especially a camp one, also LUVVY# EEFMNO FOEMEN AERSTZ ERSATZ es a substitute FNOORU s UNROOF s, ed, ing to remove the roof CEORTV con non, eigen, pseudo# VECTOR s, ed, ial ing ise# ize#, ings# ised# ..12 3 to guide in flight by means of radioed directions dis, under# COVERT s, ly, ure, ness ures, nesses a hiding place CORVET s, ed# te, ing# ted# tes, ting# of a horse, to act friskily EINRVY VINERY a place in which grapevines are grown [n VINERIES] CDFIOU FUCOID s, al a brown seaweed ADEINV re INVADE d r s, rs to enter by military force INQSTU a SQUINT s y, ed er, ers est ier ing, iest ings#, ingly 2 to look with the eyes partly closed / cross-eyed s QUINTS DDEFGI FIDGED DEGIRU mis GUIDER s one that {guides=v} DENRUW UNDREW CEIRVX CERVIX es a necklike opening, especially the lower part of the uterus [n CERVIXES or CERVICES] AEHNUY HAUYNE# s# a blue mineral ADDGIO GADOID s a type of fish, also GADID ABEEHV mis BEHAVE d r s, rs to act properly AEFLLV FAVELL# a, as light brown, also FAVEL# BDEINU BEDUIN s a nomadic Arab, also BEDOUIN, BEDAWIN#, BEDU ADESVW ADVEWS# AEHRTV THRAVE s a unit of measure for grain CINOSZ ZINCOS# AETUXY EUTAXY good order [n EUTAXIES] DEENTX DENTEX# es# 2 a voracious Mediterranean fish co, over, hyper EXTEND s, ed er, ant# ers ing, able edly ible ..6 to {expand=v} EENNUV UNEVEN er ly, est, ness tful, nesses tfully, tfulness not even AEGOTT TOGATE d pertaining to ancient Rome DEGIIK KIDGIE# r#, st# cheerful, also CADGY AEINRW WANIER 2 f l# t y#, br sp#, scr AWNIER# ACIILV CLIVIA s a flowering plant ABDEGO BODEGA s a grocery store DEITTU DUETTI# ng no# st, nos# sts ABEEGZ BEGAZE d s to look at fixedly AGIJNW JAWING s# talk ILORTU TORULI# n#, ns# AEGJLN JANGLE d r s, rs to make a harsh metallic sound AENNOY ANYONE s# anybody at all AEFGOR FORAGE d r s, rs to search about AEMNNV VANMEN EGINWX WEXING# ADILOR LAROID# of the gull family EEOSXY OXEYES CIIMTV VICTIM s, ise ize, hood ised iser# ises ized ..16 one who suffers from a destructive or injurious action AGIJRS JIRGAS# 2 JAGIRS# EGIILR GIRLIE r s, st a girl, also GIRLY DEIORV a VOIDER s 3 one who {voids=v} DOVIER# DEVOIR s an act of respect ELNOOW WOOLEN s a fabric made of wool ACORTV CAVORT s, ed er, ers ing to {frolic=v} AAIMSZ macro# ZAMIAS EERTVV VERVET s an African monkey AEELNW WEANEL# s# a {weanling=n} ADIOSZ DIAZOS# DEORUV DEVOUR s, ed er, ers ing, ment#, ingly# ments# to eat voraciously ADNRUW UNDRAW n s, ing to draw open [v UNDREW, UNDRAWN, UNDRAWING, UNDRAWS] ELMOUV multi VOLUME d s, ter try#, ters tric, tries#, trical# ..3 to send or give out in large quantities DEFOOT re# un#, big hot out web#, bare club ..5 FOOTED DEOPRV ap im re un, dis, reap unap unim unre# ..4 PROVED or#, ore# ors#, itor# ores#, itore# ..2 GIMOTU GOMUTI s a palm tree, also GOMUTO# EEHNOX HEXONE s a hydrocarbon solvent ABCEGO BOCAGE# s# a thicket, also BOSCAGE, BOSKAGE AEEPVY PEAVEY s a lever used to move logs, also PEAVY ADEFTW up WAFTED ACDINW WINDAC# s# a windlass, also WINDAS# AEERTY p#, ch# EATERY a restaurant, also EATERIE# [n EATERIES] ADHIJS HADJIS 3 JIHADS JADISH ly worn-out ADEFNY FAYNED# BEGIRU BRIGUE# d# s# to {intrigue=v} EILOSU LOUIES EORTTX EXTORT s, ed er, ers ing ion ive, ions, ioner ..6 to obtain something by violence or intimidation ADHNOU HOUDAN# s# a type of domestic fowl CEIOTX un, non EXOTIC a s, ism ist, ally isms ists ness, nesses something from another part of the world BDEELN horn, pitch BLENDE d r s, rs a shiny material BCIINU INCUBI DINORU DIURON s 2 a herbicide DURION s an East Indian tree, also DURIAN AAELTV VALETA# s# a dance in waltz time MNOSUV NOVUMS# EIJLLT JILLET# s# a loose young woman ADEEIS EASIED# ACEJNU JAUNCE d s to prance, also JAUNSE# AEFNRW FAWNER s one that {fawns=v} CEHTVY k VETCHY# covered with vetches [adj VETCHIER#, VETCHIEST#] EEFRSV en FEVERS AIKNOT debar demar# embar impar#, disembar KATION s a positively charged ion, also CATION EGNUVY UNGYVE# d# s# to {unfetter=v} AALNOT ATONAL ly, ism ist ity, isms ists, ities lacking tonality BDEEJM DJEMBE# s# a West African drum, beaten withn the hand CELORV VELCRO s 2 a closure consisting of a piece of fabric of small hooks that sticks to a corresponding fabric of small loops CLOVER s y, ed, leaf, grass# leafs, leaves, grasses# a plant EISTVW SWIVET s a state of nervous excitement EEEIKL KEELIE# s# a {kestrel=n} ADEILW be, unbe# WAILED ADEIRV co un, chi, chari VARIED ly, ness#, nesses# 2 AVIDER# CENTUU UNCUTE not cute EENRVV VERVEN# s# a flowering plant, also VERVAIN EGNNOU GUENON s a long-tailed monkey AEHINR HERNIA e l s, te, ted tes, ting tion, tions the protrusion of an organ through its wall ADEHIN c, enc unc, disenc# interc# HAINED# IILNNU INULIN s a chemical compound AENSVW NAVEWS# EGIRTY TIGERY# like a tiger CELNUW UNCLEW# s#, ed#, ing# to {unwind=v} AAMNTV VATMAN# a customs employee [n VATMEN#] EHORTZ ZEROTH being numbered zero in a series AAEFGR AGRAFE s an ornamental clasp, also AGRAFFE AABIRZ ZARIBA s an improvised stockade, also ZAREBA, ZAREEBA, ZEREBA#, ZERIBA# AATTUU TUATUA# s# an edible marine bivalve mollusc of New Zealand AEFOSV FOVEAS 2 FAVOSE# honeycombed CEINOX EXONIC pertaining to an {exon=n} FIOTTU re OUTFIT s, ted ter, ters ting, tings# to {equip=v} DEHIOR RHODIE# s# a rhododendron, also RHODY# DGIMTU MIDGUT s the middle part of the embryonic digestive tract BEEFIL un, dis mis non BELIEF s, less# a conviction of the truth of anything DEIMOW MOWDIE# s#, wart# wort#, warts# worts# (Scots) a mole, also MODIWORT#, MOWDIEWORT# CDEIOX EXODIC# pertaining to an {exodus=n} DDEGIT GEDDIT# do you get it? AACJOU ACAJOU s the cashew tree CEINOV NOVICE s, hood# ship#, hoods# ships# a {beginner=n} EFISWY WIFEYS LLOQSU QUOLLS ABEEHN BEENAH# s# a Sri Lankan form of marriage INNOTW INTOWN located in the centre of the city AEFIRT TREIFA# not kosher also TREF, TREFA#, TREFAH AEEGGW GEEGAW s a showy trinket, also GEWGAW, TRANGAM AAEPRZ ZARAPE# s# a woollen riding blanket ADILRZ LIZARD s an order of scaly reptiles EFIOSX FOXIES# t CEEIMT m#, anti, hyper# EMETIC s, al#, ally a substance which induces vomiting AEGIRV RIVAGE s 2 a coast, shore or bank GARVIE# s# a sprat, also GARVOCK# AAGNOT TAONGA# s# (Maori) something highly prized AEJRVY JARVEY s a driver of a horse-drawn taxi, also JARVIE# ALNTUW WALNUT s, wood#, woods# a tree ENOSUW SWOUNE# d s# a fainting fit, also SWOWND#, SWOWNE# BDEIIM IBIDEM in the same place ABDNOU over#, super ABOUND s, ed, ing to exist in great plenty BEFORY FORBYE 2 close by, also FORBY, FOREBY, FOREBYE FOREBY e close by, also FORBY, FORBYE, FOREBYE DESTUV DUVETS EEMNOV ENMOVE# d# s# to affect emotionally, also EMOVE#, EMMOVE# DFIIRT TRIFID divided into three parts IKQRUY QUIRKY twisted [adj QUIRKIER, QUIRKIEST] BEEFOR herein, therein# BEFORE hand time in front of DORUVY DYVOUR s y#, ies# one who is bankrupt AEISTX t, eut# AXITES 2 a, eu, epi zoo#, antho# photo pleio ..2 TAXIES ELLQSU QUELLS BEORUZ BROUZE# s# a wedding race, also BROOSE# AEIMRY RIMAYE# s# a bergschrund, a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall EEGILT ELEGIT s an old English writ of execution AFIIMN INFIMA# AEJTWY JETWAY s a telescoping corridor that extends from an airport terminal to an aircraft AACEJR JACARE# s# the {caiman=n} DDEIOV a, una# VOIDED 2 DEVOID completely lacking BDIITT TIDBIT s a choice bit of food, also TITBIT EIPTTU PUTTIE d r s, rs a legging formed from a cloth wound around the leg, also PUTTEE AOOSWZ WAZOOS IINOSV di en re, pre pro, redi tele, cable# ..6 VISION s, al ed er#, ary ers# ing ist#, ally ..6 to {imagine=v} INOSUV co# VINOUS ly pertaining to wine, also VINEAL DDEEGW WEDGED ADLNOX OXLAND# s# as much land as one ox could plough, also OXGANG#, OXGATE# ACEIRV CAVIER# s# the roe of sturgeon, also CAVIAR, CAVIARE, CAVIARIE# EILMRV VERMIL# s# y#, ies# ion led#, ions ling# lion ..3 to colour red, also VERMEIL DFIRTY DRIFTY full of masses of wind-driven snow [adj DRIFTIER, DRIFTIEST] FISTWY SWIFTY# a deceitful trick, also SWIFTIE#, FASTIE# [n SWIFTIES#] BEEGNO ENGOBE# s# 2 a white undercoat in ceramics wo, woe BEGONE be off BEENTW BEWENT# IIKOTT TITOKI# s# a New Zealand tree AAAGIP AGAPAI AIORSX IXORAS 2 ORIXAS# AAERWX EARWAX es a waxy secretion of the ear BDENOW BOWNED# ABJOST JABOTS CEINWY WINCEY s, ette#, ettes# a {cloth=n} BEISTZ ZIBETS AFIILN FINIAL s, ed a decorating on the top of a gable ACEINV INCAVE# d# s# to secrete, also ENCAVE# AAIPTY PITAYA s a cactus of southwestern U.S. and Mexico, also PITAHAYA AAORRU AURORA e l s, lly the dawn EEERVW WEEVER s a marine fish ABDDEO ABODED EINOTT ben, babing# wollas, cumming# TONITE# s# a blasting explosive EINOPY PIONEY# s# a showy flower, also PEONY, PAEONY#, PINY, PIONY# ADEMOW MEADOW s y, land lark, lands larks sweet, sweets a tract of grassland CEIKOO COOKIE s a small flat cake, also COOKEY, COOKY DIINRT NITRID e s, ed es, ing, ings# a compound of nitrogen EEEPRV PEEVER# s# 2 a tile used in hop-scotch re# PREEVE# d# s# to prove, also PREVE#, PRIEVE# ILMOOV MOOLVI# e# s#, es# a teacher of Islamic law, also MAULVI#, MOOLVIE# AJLOSU JOUALS AGILOT GALIOT s 2 a small galley, also GALLIOT LATIGO s, es a strap used to fasten a saddle EIJSTU be# JESUIT s, ic ry, ism, ical isms ries, ically a crafty person AEFILT FETIAL s, es is a priest of ancient Rome, also FECIAL, FETIALIS CDFINU FUNDIC pertaining to a {fundus=n} AEEHRV up HEAVER s one that {heaves=v} DINPUW WINDUP s 2 a conclusion UPWIND s, ing# to wind up [v UPWOUND#, UPWINDING#, UPWINDS] CEILQU CLIQUE d s y to form an exclusive group DEHOSV duck# SHOVED BEEIRY RIBEYE# s# a choice cut of beefsteak, cut from the rib ENOTTU ri#, sos TENUTO s a sustained note or chord [n TENUTOS or TENUTI] EIJKOR JOKIER ACEILV CLAVIE# r s#, rs, rist, rists, ristic a tar barrel burnt for luck ABEJNT BEJANT# s# a freshman, also BAJAN# AEILNW LAWINE s an avalanche, also LAUWINE AAFINR FARINA s, ceous a fine meal made from cereal grain IMOPRV IMPROV e s, ed er es, ers ing ise, able ably# ..37 improvisation AHIINT TAHINI s a paste of sesame seeds AERVWY WAVERY {unsteady=adj} [adj WAVERIER#, WAVERIEST#] ALRUUV UVULAR s, ly a uvularly produced sound DDEIIW rig# WIDDIE s a hangman's noose, also WIDDY ANPSUZ ZUPANS# EGNOPU UPGONE# AEGINZ AGNIZE d s to acknowledge, also AGNISE# EEHNOT EOTHEN# from the east EEHNOR t w HEREON upon this AABDIT IBADAT# ACIINP PIANIC relating to pian ADEJRU ADJURE d r s, rs to command solemnly AINOSV AVIONS AHOSTZ AZOTHS FILNOW INFLOW s, ing#, ings# the act of flowing in CDEIIT CITIED having {cities=n} EFGINT buf FETING DEIRWY WEIRDY a very strange person, also WEIRDIE, WEIRDO [n WEIRDIES] EELNUV VENULE s a small vein, also VEINULE, VEINULET AEISVW WAIVES 2 WAVIES t AAEFGN FANEGA s, da, das a Spanish unit of dry measure, also FANGA BEIQUU UBIQUE everywhere AGOSTV GAVOTS DILOTU TOLUID e s, es in, ide ine ins, ides ines a derivative of glycocoll, also TOLUIDE, TOLUIDIN CEELOV VELOCE rapidly (music) EELNOV ELEVON s a type of wing-flap BEFIWY WEBIFY# ing# to put a piece of (possibly already existing) material on the Web [v WEBIFIED#, WEBIFYING#, WEBIFIES#] EEEEPT TEEPEE s a conical tent of the North American Indians, also TEPEE, TIPI CFIINU UNIFIC ation, ations unifying [adj UNIFIED] AAIRWY f, st AIRWAY s a passage for air EGQSSU SQUEGS ADEMOT MOATED AACDGI CADAGI# s# a eucalyptus tree, also CADAGA# CDEINZ de ZINCED 2 DEZINC s, ed, ing ked, king to remove zinc from, pa t DEZINCED, DEZINCKED, pr p DEZINCING, DEZINCKING AGLOOT GALOOT s an awkward or uncouth person, also GALLOOT CNOOVY CONVOY s, ed, ing to {escort=v} ENNOSX XENONS EEENSZ SNEEZE d r s, rs, less# weed wood# wort#, weeds ..2 2 to make a sudden expiration through nose and mouth s NEEZES# AIPRUY PYURIA s the presence of pus in the urine AGINTX re un#, sur, over, under TAXING s#, ly imposition of taxes AEESTX EXEATS# FIMNUY MUNIFY# ing# to fortify, also MUNITE# [v MUNIFIED#, MUNIFYING#, MUNIFIES#] AGOORT AGOROT h EHIOPT OPHITE s an igneous rock CFGINU FUNGIC ide, idal ides, idally pertaining to a fungus, also FUNGOUS ADDEFG FADGED EGJLTU JUGLET# s# a small jug EINSWZ WINZES 2 WIZENS AHIRRW WIRRAH# s# a saltwater fish with bright blue spots DEIRTW TWIRED# CEIRUZ CRUZIE# s# an oil lamp, also CRUIZIE# EEFGIN FEEING DEFHOU HOUFED# CDIIOX per OXIDIC pertaining to {oxide=n} ADEILY EYLIAD# s# an amorous glance, also OEILLADE, ELIAD#, EYELIAD#, ILLIAD# AADINT AIDANT# {helpful=adj} AHILLZ ZILLAH s an administrative district in British India, also ZILA#, ZILLA# HIIOPT PITHOI# AEEIMS SEMEIA# BCEIOX ICEBOX es a cabinet for keeping food cool AADELV AVALED# AFINTY FAINTY# somewhat faint, also FAINTISH [adj FAINTIER#, FAINTIEST#] CDEFII DEIFIC al, ation, ations godlike, also DEIFICAL CDEEFN de re un, out FENCED AALTUV VALUTA s the exchange value of a currency ACELOV ALCOVE d s 2 a recess COEVAL s, ly, ity, ities one of the same era EERTTV VETTER s 2 one that evaluates something for approval TREVET s a small stand with three legs, also TRIVET AESVWY WAVEYS BDEITT un, bab bob# BITTED IJNRUY re, non INJURY harm inflicted or suffered [n INJURIES] EIQSTU e, ac# re, mes mez, monchi# QUITES# 2 in un, dis QUIETS ome# AILMUV VALIUM# 2 as in valium picnic, a day on the New York Stock Exchange when business is slow MAULVI# s# a teacher of Islamic law, also MOOLVI#, MOOLVIE# AEGMUZ ZEUGMA s, tic, tically# a figure of speech AEOPTY TEAPOY s a small table used in serving tea, also TEPOY EIOSTZ TOZIES# CEFRUW CURFEW s an imposed time-limit ABDINT BANDIT o s, os ry ti, tis#, ries an outlaw ABDENP BEDPAN s a toilet pan for use in bed DIINOX DIOXIN s a toxic solid hydrocarbon CDEIOZ COZIED DEIPTU UPTIED# AILVWY WAVILY in a wavy manner EFINNU UNFINE# not fine EGIMPU GUIMPE d# s a short blouse EFNORR FRORNE# 3 frozen, also FRORE, FROREN#, FRORN#, FRORY# FORREN# {foreign=adj} FROREN# frozen, also FRORE, FRORN#, FRORNE#, FRORY# ACHOSV HAVOCS ADHILO omp#, encep#, hydrocep# neandert# HALOID s a chemical salt EENNOZ ENZONE# d# s# to {engirdle=v} EGOTTU GOUTTE# s# a drop AEEHRW WHEARE# where CELOUV VOCULE# s# a way of articulating AEFLOR mega# myco, macro# micro FLORAE 2 LOAFER s, ish# one who {loafs=v} EEEEPV VEEPEE s a vice president, also VEEP EGIINT re un, hog sor TIEING 2 l, re, gel IGNITE d r s, rs to set on fire DEHINW WHINED ALOTUY OUTLAY s, ing 2 to pay out [v OUTLAID, OUTLAYING, OUTLAYS] LAYOUT s an arrangement or plan CEHINV CHEVIN# s# the chub a river fish DELOVV e, de in re, coe con une, rein unin, disin# ..4 VOLVED# ABEFPR PREFAB s, bed, bing, ricate, ricated ricates ..5 to construct beforehand AAGMNZ ZAMANG# s# the raintree, also ZAMAN# AIJLSW WILJAS# EEQSTU QUEEST# s# a pigeon, also CUSHAT, QUIST#, QUOIST# CEELRV CLEVER er ly, est ish, dick# ness, ality# ..3 intelligent EFIRTT un#, out, pipe# ship shop#, steam FITTER s 2 one that {fits=v} TITFER s a hat AIRSWZ WAZIRS# EIMRTX p REMIXT ure, ures AHINSU HINAUS# AEENPW PAWNEE s one to whom something is pawned BEILOW BLOWIE# r s#, st a {blowfly=n} AAEIMN anti ANEMIA s a disorder of the blood, also ANAEMIA AGILOR GLORIA s a halo ACITVY con sub, bicon CAVITY an unfilled space within a mass [n CAVITIES] ACEEJY JAYCEE# s# a member of a Junior Chamber of Commerce, an organization that promotes business skills for young people ABEILZ BLAIZE# hardened clay, also BLAES#, BLAISE# BCEESZ ZEBECS EEORTV VETOER s 2 one who {vetoes=v} REVOTE d s to vote again GIMNOV a# e#, em# en# re un, com mis non out ..4 MOVING ly AABEEM end ent myx AMEBAE ACDIIP ADIPIC relating to animal fat DGIINV up, sky, free# nose DIVING s# the act of diving BDEOTT BOTTED# EEGRRV VERGER s, ship#, ships# a church official, also VIRGER# EIRRTW co re, non sky sub, copy song tele# ..10 WRITER s, ly, ess#, ship#, esses# ships# one who {writes=v} EELNVY un EVENLY in an even manner AIOSYZ ZOYSIA s a perennial grass BDIILO LIBIDO s psychic drive or energy especially sexually DEEEHZ p# w HEEZED DEOTUX TUXEDO s, ed es a man's semiformal dinner coat EENNUY ENNUYE d# e bored, also ENNUYEE GINOOW WOOING s#, ly the act of {courting=v} ACLNUV VULCAN# s#, ic, ian ise ism ist# ite ize, ised ..29 a blacksmith BEEPTW BEWEPT IILTTW TWILIT lit by twilight NOORTU UNROOT s, ed, ing 2 to {uproot=v} NOTOUR# notorious EILOOS LOOIES 2 f LOOSIE# s# in rugby, a player free from the scrum DEOOTT TOOTED EEGOOS SOOGEE# d# s#, ing# to clean ships with a special cleaning agent, also SOOGIE# ACEFIR FARCIE d# s 2 in cookery, stuffed, also FARCI FIACRE s a small {carriage=n} AADEGN AGENDA s, less a list of things to be done EGOTYZ homo, hetero ZYGOTE s, ne, nes a cell formed from the union of two gametes CGIINV ser, reser, overser VICING AEGJRS JAGERS AEFNTT FATTEN s, ed er, ers ing, able# ings# to make {fat=adj} DGOTUU DUGOUT s a canoe made by hollowing out a log DEHIKT KITHED ADENUW UNAWED not awed AAIMNV VIMANA# s# a temple gate CEEITX pre, over EXCITE d r s, rs, dly, ment, dness# ments, dnesses# to arouse the emotions of CEIINT z, re, hydroz# INCITE d r s, rs, ment, ments to arouse to action AEFGMU FUMAGE# s# hearth-tax CEEFNR FENCER s, ow, ows one that {fences=v} EFMNOT FOMENT s, ed er, ers ing, ation, ations to foster or promote BEILVY BYLIVE# immediately, also BELIVE, BLIVE# BEOQSU BOSQUE s t, ts a thicket, also BOSK, BOSQUET CILOTU TOLUIC 2 containing toluene COUTIL# s#, le#, les# a type of cotton fabric, also COUTILLE# AEMQRU re MARQUE e s, es ss, try, sses, ssate terie tries ..2 {reprisal=n} DFIINY NIDIFY ing to {nest=v} [v NIDIFIED, NIDIFYING, NIDIFIES] ADIILN INLAID ADGORW WARDOG# s# a dog used in war DGIMOO OMIGOD# of surprise, dismay, pleasure etc BENOOT OBENTO s 2 a Japanese meal packed in a box, also BENTO BOTONE# e having buds, also BOTTONY# AEFLUW WAEFUL {woeful=adj} DEFOOW WOOFED EEOSTU OUTSEE n s, ing to see beyond [v OUTSAW, OUTSEEN, OUTSEEING, OUTSEES] AENRUW UNWARE# s#, ly#, ness#, nesses# {wary=adj} BOOTUW WOOBUT# s# a hairy caterpillar, also WOUBIT# EHINSZ HIZENS# DEFGOO GOOFED DEHOTU s, bes uns#, outs HOUTED# 2 THOUED DEIPSW side SWIPED 2 WISPED BILNTZ BLINTZ e, es a thin pancake, also BLINTZE CEEEGN r# EGENCE# s# need, also EGENCY# ADILVY gr, imp# AVIDLY in an avid manner AHILTU THULIA s an oxide of thulium CDEIIR DICIER ABEILW BEWAIL s, ed er, ers ing, ings#, ingly# to {lament=v} AAEILR sub AERIAL s, ly, ist ity#, ists, ities# 2 an {antenna=n} REALIA objects used by a teacher to illustrate everyday living AEEGHZ GEEZAH# s# an eccentric old man, also GEEZER AEEGLV GLEAVE# s# a {sword=n} EINTTY YITTEN# 2 (English dialect) frightened id, non, nonid ENTITY the basic essential nature of something [n ENTITIES] BEEHIP EPHEBI c AAAEKT AKATEA# s# a New Zealand vine with white flowers BDINOU BOUDIN s a spicy Cajun sausage ELPRUV PULVER# s#, ed#, ine# ing# ise ize ous#, able ..22 to reduce to powder AABDHI IBADAH# (Arabic) in Islam, service, worship [n IBADAT#] DEINTW en in un, disen# inter TWINED BEFGOS BEFOGS AIINTT die TITIAN s a reddish-brown colour BCNOOR BRONCO s, buster, busters a wild horse IRSTUV VIRTUS BEIORX BOXIER EEKNOT di#, diphenyl# KETONE s, mia, mias a type of chemical compound CEEFIR ef# en# FIERCE r, ly st, ness, nesses violently hostile or aggressive AIJORS RIOJAS AEJMRT sc RAMJET s a type of engine DEEGMN MENGED# AEJPRS JAPERS 2 JASPER s y, ise# ize# ous#, ised# ises# ized# ..5 a variety of quartz EJOPRT PROJET s a plan or outline ADGILO v ALGOID 2 resembling {algae=n} DIALOG s, ed er ic ue, ers ing ise# ism# ist ..20 to {converse=v} AEHORX HOAXER s one who {tricks=v} ABDEEZ BEDAZE# d# s# to {dazzle=v} EEIPSU EPUISE# e# worn out AELRVV VARVEL# s#, led# a ring for a hawk's jess, also VERVEL# ELORUV VELOUR s 3 a fabric resembling velvet, also VELVERET LOUVRE d s a type of window LOUVER s, ed a type of window AJMRTU JUMART# s# the supposed offspring of a bull and a mare FGIINW mid WIFING BEIJLR JERBIL# s# 2 a type of small rodent JIRBLE# d# s# to pour unsteadily AOSTUW OUTSAW ADELVV bi, tri# uni, inequi VALVED ENPTUW UNWEPT 2 not wept UPWENT# BGIORU RUBIGO s red iron oxide EGNOTT be un, for mis#, unbe#, misbe unfor# GOTTEN CEIORZ COZIER s# a cobbler, also COSIER EGNOPW GOWPEN# s#, ful#, fuls# a double handful ABEGTU BAGUET s, te, tes 2 a rectangular gemstone, also BAGUETTE TUBAGE# s# the insertion of a tube EINSVX VIXENS IINTTW NITWIT s, ted#, tery#, teries#, tedness#, tednesses# a stupid person ELNRUZ LUZERN# s# a plant resembling clover CEHKTV KVETCH y, ed er es, ers ier ily# ing, iest, iness#, inesses# to {complain=v} AKNORU KORUNA s a monetary unit of the Czech Republic [n KORUNAS or KORUN or KORUNY] EIKLNV KELVIN s a unit of temperature EEFMTW FEWMET# s# the dung of a deer EEGINW s#, wee WEEING# ACEHRV VARECH# s# kelp, also VAREC# AEELMU AEMULE# d# s# to {emulate=v} CEEGIR con CIERGE# s# 2 a type of candle, also CERGE# GRIECE# d# s# a step, also GRECE#, GRECIAN#, GREECE#, GREESE#, GREESING#, GRESE#, GRESSING#, GRIZE# FIITXY un# FIXITY stability [n FIXITIES] BEEFRT un# BEREFT 2 BEFRET s, ted, ting to {gnaw=v} AEELTW ATWEEL# well DEJLOW JOWLED FINORX FORNIX an arched anatomical structure [n FORNICES] IINPRT PIRNIT# striped IKQRSU QUIRKS ABEERV BEAVER s y#, ed, ies# ing, board, boards to work hard EFIMRU per# FUMIER EEFNNR FRENNE# s# a stranger BDEHIN BEHIND s, hand the buttocks ADITTY DITTAY# s# a legal charge in Scots law ABEGOZ GAZEBO s, es a roofed structure open at the sides AAAEGP AGAPAE AINPRW INWRAP s, ped, ping to cover by wrapping, also ENWRAP ABFHIT BIFTAH# s# a cannabis cigarette, also BIFTER# EEMNYZ co, apo exo iso pro, ecto# endo holo, multi ENZYME s a complex protein, also ENZYM EIJKNT INKJET relating to a high-speed printing process BIOPRT PROBIT s y, ies a unit of statistical probability EGIJLN JINGLE d r s t#, rs ts# to make a tinkling sound BCEOTT OBTECT ed covered by a hardened secretion, also OBTECTED ADEIVV VIVAED# BDELNO BLONDE r s, st, ness#, nesses# 2 a fair complexioned and haired person, also BLOND em im BOLDEN# s#, ed#, ing# to make {bold=adj} EQSSTU ac be in re, con, recon QUESTS BDFIOR un# FORBID s, al, als dal# den der, dals# ders ..7 to command not to do something [v FORBAD or FORBADE, FORBIDDEN, FORBIDDING, FORBIDS] AAEGGV GAVAGE s introduction of material into the stomach by a tube ABENTZ BEZANT s a coin of ancient Rome, also BEZZANT, BYZANT EINTWY WITNEY s a heavy woollen fabric EIIMNT INTIME intimate, cosy CEOTTU CUTTOE# s# a large knife, also CUTTO# BEEGUY BUGEYE s a small boat EEILRY b# l, ch EERILY in an eerie manner AABDET un ABATED CDIINT re INDICT s, ed ee er or, ees ers ing ion ors, able ..5 to charge with a crime ADDEOW WOADED dyed blue with woad ANNOOX XOANON# a primitive statue [n XOANA#] AEMNOY YEOMAN ly ry, ries an independent farmer [n YEOMEN] EEMORV p# REMOVE d r s, rs, dly, able, dness#, dnesses# to transfer to another place [v REMOUD# or REMOVED, REMOVING, REMOVES] CDEIRV CERVID s# a type of {deer=n} / of the deer family GHIINV c#, un#, arc HIVING NNOTUW UNWONT# ed, edly, edness, ednesses {unusual=adj} EENTTX EXTENT s the range over which something extends BEINTT re# un, back, cross# frost snake under# BITTEN ABEHNO HEBONA# s# anything with a poisonous juice, also HEBENON# EEFILN li FELINE s, ly, ness#, nesses# a member of the cat family, also FELID AHORTX pro, meso meta, hydro, pneumo, cephalo THORAX es the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen [n THORAXES or THORACES] ADIMOY DAIMYO s a former Japanese nobleman, also DAIMIO DEOTTW s WOTTED 2 TOWTED# ADEFMO be# de FOAMED 2 DEFOAM s, ed er, ers ing to remove foam from AGIJLN JINGAL l s, ls a heavy musket, also GINGAL, GINGALL, JINGALL ACEJLO CAJOLE d r s, rs ry, ment ries, ments to persuade by flattery AIMNUZ MIZUNA s a Japanese mustard AABINN BANIAN s a Hindu trader ALOPRV VORPAL# as in vorpal blade in Lewis Carroll's poem Jabberwocky EEIMNY MEINEY# s# 2 a retinue, also MEINIE, MEINY, MENYIE# MENYIE# s# a retinue, also MEINEY#, MEINIE, MEINY AELUVV VULVAE AHIPRU RUPIAH s a monetary unit of Indonesia BDEFIR FIBRED# having fibre, also FIBERED DGIILR RIDGIL s a male animal whose testicles have not descended, also RIDGLING, RIDGEL ELNOOY LOONEY s a crazy person, also LOONIE, LOONY, LUNY / {crazy=adj} [adj LOONIER, LOONIEST] ACNORU CORNUA l CIOORT OCTROI s a tax on certain articles brought into a city AEFINN FAINNE# s#, ss#, sses# a ring-shaped badge worn to show suport for the Irish language DHIORR HORRID er ly, est, ness, nesses {shaggy=adj} EFGINU sub# FEUING DILNOO e IDOLON# a mental image, a fallacy, also IDOLUM# [n IDOLA#] ADILTU TULADI s a freshwater fish AEFNRU FURANE s a chemical used in tanning, also FURAN, FURFURAN DEIOTT s# TOITED AABELZ ABLAZE on fire BIJOUX BIJOUX INORTU cen TURION s an underground bud DEJTTU out JUTTED ILNOOT LOTION s a liquid preparation for external application IINNOP o PINION s, ed, ing to remove the wing feathers to prevent flight [v PINIONED, PINNOED#, PINIONING, PINIONS] AEFILR FERIAL pertaining to a {feria=n} BDEINT BIDENT# s#, al, als# ate, ated# a sheep two years old BFIINR FIBRIN s, oid ous, ogen oids, ogens, ogenic# ..8 an insoluble protein, also FIBROIN AAELRU LAURAE ELOSVX VOXELS# AIMOSX AXIOMS ABIRTU ABITUR# s#, ient#, ients# 2 in Germany, the final-year school examinations RUBATI GIILSV VIGILS EENRTV a# VENTRE# d# s# 2 to {venture=v} e#, in, fer# pre, circum# VENTER s the {abdomen=n} EHRTUW WUTHER s, ed, ing to move swiftly or with force FINOPR FRIPON# s#, nerie#, neries# a {knave=n} EIMOSV MOVIES EEGIMR EMIGRE s 2 an {emigrant=n} REGIME n s, ns nt, nts, ntal nted, ntals nting ..3 a system of government FGOORT un FORGOT ten, tenness#, tennesses# DEEINV de un, inter# VEINED 4 ENDIVE s a salad herb un ENVIED DEVEIN s, ed, ing to remove the dorsal vein of AELPQU anti PLAQUE s, tte#, ttes# an ornamental plate or disk AEGMRW MAWGER# (Caribbean) lean, thin BIISTV VIBIST s one who plays the vibraphone AELNUW UNWEAL# s# an affliction ILMORW WORMIL s a lump in the skin of an animal's back BDEIMU un IMBUED EIIRSV VISIER# s# a minister, also VIZIR BGIJNO JOBING# ADEJRY JADERY# the tricks of a perverse woman [n JADERIES#] EFGIRT REGIFT# s#, ed#, ing# to take a gift that has been received and give it to somebody else, sometimes in the guise of a new gift BIMNOT INTOMB s, ed, ing to place in a tomb, also ENTOMB EEIPRX EXPIRE d r s, rs to come to an end IJMOOT MOJITO# s# a traditional Cuban cocktail EEGIRV REGIVE n s 2 to give again [v REGAVE, REGIVEN, REGIVING, REGIVES] ag en# GRIEVE d r s, rs to feel grief, also GREAVE IILRWY WIRILY in a wiry manner AAAATT ATAATA# s# (Maori) a marine gastropod AAHOTW AWHATO# s# the so-called vegetable caterpillar of New Zealand DEESTZ ZESTED ABCEGU CUBAGE s cubical content, also CUBATURE EGLORW REGLOW s, ed, ing 2 to glow again GLOWER s, ed, ing, ingly# to {scowl=v} AMOORV VAROOM s, ed, ing 2 to run an engine at high speed, also VROOM MOORVA# s# a bowstring hemp, also MURVA# BIORTT BITTOR# s# a wading bird, also BITTERN, BITTOUR#, BITTUR# ACEFRU FURCAE# AEKNSV be# KNAVES hip#, hips# ANOORT RATOON s, ed er, ers ing to sprout from a root planted the previous year, also RATTOON EELQSU SEQUEL a s, ae, ise# ize, ised# ises# ized ..3 that which follows CFIRTU FRUICT# s# fruit HIIOPR POHIRI# s# a Maori ceremony of welcome to a marae, also POWHIRI# CEEGHO CHEGOE s a tropical flea EEGMNO GENOME s a haploid set of chromosomes, also GENOM EGIORT GOITER s, ed# 2 an enlargement of the thyroid gland, also GOITRE GOITRE d# s an enlargement of the thyroid gland, also GOITER ADIKOT DAKOIT i# s y, is#, ies a member of an Indian robber gang, also DACOIT EEFMOR FORMEE having narrow arms, but expanding at the ends -- used of a heraldic cross AAEHNY HYAENA s a wolflike mammal EHINRW WHINER s one that {whines=v} ELMTUW UMWELT# s# environmental factors which affect behaviour CFIORT FICTOR# s# a person who makes images from clay DIISTX DIXITS DGLNOP PLONGD# AGHNOU ANOUGH# enough ILRTWY TWIRLY curved [adj TWIRLIER, TWIRLIEST] DEIOSV VIDEOS AFOORT FOOTRA# s#, ce, ces a worthless fig, also FOUTRA# CINORZ ZIRCON s, ia ic, ias ium, iums a mineral ACEFPU FACEUP with the front part up AAOSTW AWATOS# EIIPSX PIXIES AEGNRV en# GRAVEN ess, esses ELOSUZ OUZELS EHOOPY PHOOEY used as an exclamation of disgust or contempt EGGIMO MOGGIE s a cat, also MOGGY DIOOSU mel, comm, unmel, incomm, discomm# ODIOUS ly, ness, nesses 2 {hateful=adj} IODOUS pertaining to {iodine=n} EGILPT PIGLET s a small pig AELRUV trans# under# VALUER s one who {values=v} ACEFTU FAUCET s a tap ADFMNO FANDOM s an aggregate of enthusiastic devotees AACETV VACATE d s 2 to make {vacant=adj} CAVEAT s, ed or, ing ors to enter a type of legal notice IOSSTZ hylo ZOISTS# DEEGGV VEGGED BEIKOO BOOKIE r# s, st# a wager taker ADINOR INROAD s 2 a hostile raid re, pre, fore ORDAIN s, ed er, ers ing, able# ment, ments to {decree=v} HIINTW INWITH# 2 within there# WITHIN g s, doors {inside=n} EGLOUY EULOGY a speech or writing in praise, also EULOGIUM [n EULOGIES] EGHITY w EIGHTY a number [n EIGHTIES] AEGLTW TALWEG# s# the middle of a water-way DEIOSX di ep, alk eth# mon per sub tri, hydr ..10 OXIDES 2 caco# para#, ortho, hetero, unortho, neoortho DOXIES BEIJLU JUBILE e s, es a celebration, also JUBILEE BDENOT OBTEND# s#, ed#, ing# to {allege=v} AAGJSU AJUGAS EEJLSW be JEWELS EEGRXY EXERGY# a measure of the maximum amount of work that can theoretically be obtained from a system [n EXERGIES#] AACNTV non VACANT ly, ness, nesses {empty=adj} IRSTUZ TZURIS a series of misfortunes, also TSOORIS, TSORIS, TSORES, TSORRISS, TSURIS [n TZURIS] ACIIRT bar ger ped pod, chem# hipp# paed ..5 IATRIC al pertaining to medicine, also IATRICAL AHJOOP POOJAH# s# a Hindu worship practice, also PUJA, POOJA#, PUJAH AAFLOT AFLOAT floating GHNORT THRONG s, ed, ful# ing, ings# to crowd into ADIINZ DIZAIN# s# 2 a ten-line stanza DIAZIN e s, es on, ons a chemical compound, also DIAZINE AEEGMT METAGE s, nic, neses nesis netic, netically# 2 an official weighing of coal, grain etc a, oo, iso zoo, mega, macro micro plano# ..2 GAMETE s a mature reproductive cell BDEEFW WEBFED pertaining to a type of printing press AEGISW GAWSIE r#, st# well-fed and healthy looking, also GAWSY EFRTUX FRUTEX# a shrub [n FRUTICES#] BEEHOT BEHOTE# s# to {vow=v} [v BEHOTE#, BEHOTING#, BEHOTES#] BEJORU OBJURE# d# s# to {swear=v} ELLNOV VELLON# s# old Spanish copper money ADEGIM re, pilgr IMAGED 2 DEGAMI s a tropical tree, also DEGAME IMNTUX UNMIXT AELNTV re, irre, nonre LEVANT s, ed er, ers ine ing, ines to avoid a debt ABERTX BAXTER# s# a {baker=n} EFGISU FUGIES# DHOSVZ VOZHDS# AGNTWY TWANGY twanging [adj TWANGIER, TWANGIEST] EQSTUY QUYTES# ABDEEJ BEJADE# d# s# to tire out ERTTUX URTEXT s the original text ABEPTU UPBEAT s an unaccented beat in a musical measure AIORSU SOUARI s a tropical tree EHIORT HERIOT s, able# a feudal tribute or payment EFLOOY ker FLOOEY awry, also FLOOIE ACIRTU cen TAURIC# 3 relating to a bull URTICA# s#, nt te, nts ria ted tes, rial rias ..5 a plant of the nettle genus URATIC pertaining to {urate=n} ADEMPV re VAMPED EFIKNR KNIFER s, est#, ests# someone who knifes EENORZ REZONE d s to zone again GINOTU d# h# l p r t, cl fl gl gr kn sc sh sm# ..14 OUTING s a short pleasure trip IIPRRU PURIRI# s# a timber tree of New Zealand, with red berries and glossy green leaves EFIRUX FIXURE s {firmness=n} EJLRSU JURELS ACEGIR CAGIER EFLORU be, bio FOULER 2 fur# FUROLE# s# a liquid obtained from bran and acid, also FURFURAL, FURAL#, FURFUROL#, FUROL# ADEJPR JARPED# COORUU ROUCOU# s# a yellowish red dye, also ACHIOTE, ANATTA#, ANNATTO, ANNATTA#, ROUCOU# ADEGPW GAWPED BEINNO BONNIE r s#, st a sweetheart, also BONNY / pretty or healthy AAIIKZ ZAIKAI s the business community of Japan AIJPRU PUJARI# s# (Hindu) a priest EHIMTU HUMITE# s# a particular impurity in marble EFRTUU FUTURE s, less, lessness the time yet to come ACINOX mon#, poly# AXONIC 2 relating to an axon, also AXONAL ANOXIC relation to a deficiency of oxygen to the tissues FIRTUY FRUITY tasting of fruit [adj FRUITIER, FRUITIEST] EEEIKR REEKIE# r, st {smoky=adj} AEGHPT HATPEG# s# a peg on which to hang a hat AGGIOR GORGIA# s# an improvised passage in 16c singing ABISWZ BWAZIS# DEOTTU DUETTO# s# 2 a musical performance by two people, also DUET, DUETT# [n DUETTOS# or DUETTI#] TOUTED AEIRRV ARRIVE d r s, rs, derci# 2 to reach a destination VARIER s one that {varies=v} DINTUY semi NUDITY 2 the state of being {nude=adj} [n NUDITIES] UNTIDY ing to make {messy=adj} [v UNTIDIED, UNTIDYING, UNTIDIES] / {messy=adj} [adj UNTIDIER, UNTIDIEST] ABORSV BRAVOS GJNOOU GOUJON# s# a small strip of fish deep fried AGINSZ ZIGANS# ELNOOT LOOTEN# AGHINV s, be, res, misbe HAVING s# possession ABEEJR BAJREE# s# a type of millet, also BAJRA#, BAJRI# DEINOT INTOED# 3 having the toes pointed inwards DITONE# s# an old musical scale interval j n# p, an ar, abj# app inj# rep# unj ..13 OINTED# CIJNOO COJOIN s, ed, ing to join together EILSVX VEXILS 2 SILVEX es a herbicide ACEEGP CEPAGE# s# a kind of wine ALNNOU NOUNAL ly relating to a noun ADEJPU JAUPED EILVWY VIEWLY# pleasing to look at ADIRRZ RIZARD# s# a red currant, also RIZZART# EGHNOU ENOUGH s sufficient CEIIRR p RICIER# AADGIR GARDAI AAARTV AVATAR s the incarnation of a Hindu deity AAEGLM AGLEAM gleaming AIMNVY MAYVIN s an expert, also MAVIN, MAVEN ACIOSV OVISAC s a sac containing ova GHOOQU QUOHOG s an edible clam, also QUAHOG, QUAHAUG HNOORU dis# HONOUR s, ed ee# er, ees# ers ing, able ably# ..2 to treat with respect, also HONOR ADEENV ADVENE# d# s# to be added over and above CEGGII CIGGIE# s# a cigarette EIOSTU SOUTIE# s# an English speaking South African., also SOUTPIEL# ACGNOU COUGAN# s# (Australian slang) a rowdy heavy drinker EEENNV anti# VENENE s a toxin found in snake venom, also VENIN, VENINE DEIILP LIPIDE s any of a class of fatty substances, also LIPID, LIPIN, LIPOID AJNRTU JURANT s one who takes an oath EELTVV VELVET s y, ed, een ier ing#, eens iest ings# ..4 a soft, smooth fabric, also VELLET# DEFOPU POUFED DEFINN be# FINNED AADFNT FANTAD# s# a fidgety state, also FANTOD AALNRX LARNAX# a coffin [n LARNAKES#] ENOSVY l# r# ENVOYS hip#, hips# CEGNTY CYGNET s a young swan DEILMW MILDEW s y, ed, ing to grow a whitish fungi BCDIOU CUBOID s, al a bone of the foot DGLOOU DUOLOG s, ue, ues a conversation between two people, also DUOLOGUE CEEHIW CHEWIE# r s#, st chewing-gum DEIMTU TEDIUM s the state of being tedious, also TAEDIUM# CEEINT p#, pr, appr ENTICE d r s, rs, able# ment, ments to lead astray AEFIMN FAMINE s 2 extreme scarcity of food in a district INFAME# d# s# to {defame=v} DEIISX DIXIES# 2 en# DEIXIS es use of words relating to the utterer's time and place [n DEIXISES or DEIXES#] AEIILS LIAISE d s to form a link with EGINTU GUNITE s a fine grained mixture of cement, sand and water ANORYZ ZONARY pertaining to a zone AABORZ ABRAZO# s# an embrace CEGGIO COGGIE# s# a small bowl ACIRVY VICARY# a vicarship [n VICARIES#] DEGGOU GOUGED BENRTY YBRENT# AAQSTU ASQUAT# in a squatting manner ADINRU DURIAN s an East Indian tree, also DURION AEEHLW AWHEEL# s# on wheels, also AWHEELS# ADENPX over EXPAND s, ed er or, ers ing ors, able, ability, abilities to increase in size or volume GNOTUU OUTGUN s, ned, ning to surpass in fire power EGHIIN HIEING ABIINN BAININ# s# a type of Irish wool, also BAWNEEN# AEIKOS OAKIES# t ABILRU re BURIAL s the act of {burying=v} ADLNOT DALTON s, ic, ian ism, isms a unit of atomic mass BEINOZ BIZONE s a country formed of two zones AAGJRU JAGUAR s, ondi undi, ondis undis a powerful feline beast of prey EEIPTT ap PETITE s, ness, nesses a clothing size for small women ADIIPR DIAPIR s, ic, ism#, isms# a bend in a layer of rock BEORVV BOVVER# s# rowdy behaviour of street gangs ANNOTW wit# WANTON s, ed er ly, ers est# ing ise# ize# ..8 to behave immorally / {immoral=adj} AABHNV BHAVAN# s# (India) a large house, also BHAWAN# ACGILO CALIGO# s#, es# a reduction in vision ABDEJM en JAMBED AINPSV SPAVIN s, ed 2 a disease of horses, also SPAVIE s PAVINS ACEHQU QUEACH# y#, es#, ier#, iest# a {thicket=n} AAGILV GAVIAL s, oid an Indian crocodile, also GARIAL#, GHARIAL ACDELV CALVED ADEOSV VADOSE located above the permanent groundwater level DEEEJP JEEPED FGOOSU FOGOUS# EGINTW TWINGE d s, ing 2 to affect with a sharp pain s, bi, whi TEWING BCEESX XEBECS IIMNNO do, interdo MINION s a servile follower CDEEIX EXCIDE d s to cut off ABDEOT show, motor BOATED BCEJOT re OBJECT s, ed or, ify ing ion ive ors, ions ival# ..33 to argue in opposition ACEGIN INCAGE d s to put in a cage, also ENCAGE EOOPRX PEROXO# containing the bivalent group of two oxygens, also PEROXY AEGLRV GRAVEL s y, ed ly, ess ike ing ish# led, ling to pave with gravel (rock fragments) AIMRSZ ZIRAMS 2 MIRZAS DIINNW INWIND s, ing to enwrap (pa t INWOUND), also ENWIND [v INWOUND, INWINDING, INWINDS] BEQTUY QUBYTE s a sequence of eight quantum bits AELNRZ RANZEL# s#, man# men# a search for stolen goods, also RANCEL#, RANSEL# ADEORW REDOWA s a lively dance AENPTZ PEZANT# s# a peasant, also PESANT#, PESAUNT# EGNOTU ox, out#, blue, beard TONGUE d s, let#, less lets# like ster#, sters# to touch with the fleshy organ of the mouth AEFLOT FOETAL 2 pertaining to a fetus, also FETAL FOLATE s a form of vitamin B EGLNOP em# PLONGE# d# s# to plunge, also PLONG# AILORT RIALTO s 2 a market place re TAILOR s, ed, ess# ing, bird ings made# make# ..4 to fit with clothes BIORTY ORBITY# bereavement [n ORBITIES#] ADDOOR el# DORADO s a marine fish IINPTX PINXIT# (Latin) used in art to denote the painter of a picture that is reproduced by the process of engraving, lithography, or photogravure, literally "he/she painted it" CELRUW CURLEW s a shore bird AIKOPT KATIPO# s# a New Zealand spider ADEHIL HALIDE s 2 a chemical compound, also HALID un, for#, over# HAILED AANRTZ TARZAN s a person of superior strength and agility ABEILY BAILEY s an outer castle wall ABERRV BRAVER s y, ies one that {braves=v} ADQSSU god# SQUADS EGMORU MORGUE s a place where dead bodies are kept for identification IORRTY RIOTRY# riot [n RIOTRIES#] BEEHRT BERTHE# d s# a woman's lace collar ABDIRU RIBAUD# s#, ry#, red#, ries# an obscene writer EGHOTT bor# lar non GHETTO s, ed es, ing ise# ize, ised# ises# ..8 to isolate in a slum BENORU winter# BOURNE s 3 a stream UNROBE d s to {undress=v} UNBORE# EJNOSY re ENJOYS EEEKLU EKUELE a former monetary unit of Equatorial Guinea, also EKPWELE AEJKSY JAKEYS# CEIINR e s# IRENIC s, al on#, ism# ons#, ally isms# peaceful in purpose, also EIRENIC, IRENICAL AADLNO di# ANODAL ly pertaining to an {anode=n} EENOPT POTEEN s Irish whiskey distilled unlawfully, also POTHEEN, POTTEEN, POITIN# AIKMOO OOMIAK s an open Eskimo boat, also OOMIAC, OOMIACK GIKRTU TUGRIK s a monetary unit of Mongolia, also TUGHRIK EGOSUV VOUGES# 2 VOGUES DIMOPU s#, sym, filo lyco mono para, stylo ..2 PODIUM s a small {platform=n} [n PODIUMS or PODIA] AEELWY LEEWAY s the lateral drift of a ship AEIKMT KETMIA# s# as in bladder ketmia, a plant with yellow flowers AOPRVY VAPORY resembling {vapor=n} ALMQSU QUALMS CDEEIV DEVICE s, ful# something constructed for a specific purpose EEIRTV cala# tele# VERITE s a technique of filming so as to convey candid realism AEFHLN HALFEN# deale# half EFGORW GOWFER# s# one that golfs, also GOLFER ADGINO GANOID s a type of fish ABNOOT BATOON# s#, ed#, ing# to strike with a truncheon, also BATON DEHITW WITHED 2 WHITED amp#, amps# EIILNT LINTIE# r s#, st a European songbird, also LINNET CGNOOU CONGOU s a Chinese tea, also CONGO EIOPSY PIOYES# AEGHLZ GHAZEL# s# a Persian or Arabic verse form, also GHAZAL#, GAZAL# DEGTTU GUTTED ADFMOU FUMADO# s#, es# a smoked fish AEHIRZ HAZIER EGIOPR PORGIE# s 2 an American sea fish, also PORGY PEROGI# es# a traditional Polish dish, a semicircular filled dumpling, also PIEROGI, PIROGI EHORTX EXHORT s, ed er, ers ing, ation ative atory, ations to admonish earnestly AESTVW VAWTES# ACEOPW COWPEA s a black-eyed pea ACEEFN ENFACE d s, ment#, ments# to stamp or print on the front of CEISTV EVICTS 2 CIVETS DIORRT sub TORRID er ly, est ity, ness, ities, nesses extremely hot DDNORW DROWND s, ed, ing to {drown=v} ANOSTZ STANZO# s#, es# a pattern of verse, also STANZE# ABEGGI BAGGIE r s, st the stomach DINNUW UNWIND s, er, ers ing, able# ings# to reverse the winding of [v UNWOUND, UNWINDING, UNWINDS] ACENPW PAWNCE# s# a pansy flower, also PANCE#, PAUNCE# ADEGOR DOGEAR s, ed, ing to turn down a corner of a page ABCEJT ABJECT s#, ed# ly, ing# ion, ions ness, nesses to cast down EQSTUU TUQUES CDEIOT COEDIT s, ed or, ing ors to edit together EEIRVV REVIVE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# scent#, scence# ..3 to bring back to life or consciousness DEGNOO NOODGE d s to nag, also NUDZH DEEEJL JEELED# EENORY ONEYRE# s# 2 one, also ONEYER# b m ONEYER# s# one, also ONEYRE# BENORZ BRONZE d n# r s, rs 2 to colour brown or tan BONZER very good, also BONZA# DENOTW un WONTED ly, ness, nesses EEEJST JESTEE# s# the object of a jest ADELOV LOAVED# CEESUV CUVEES ADEEFT de, rede unde FEATED# 2 re DEFEAT s, ed er, ers ing ism ist ure, isms ists ..3 to win a victory over CDIOTT COTTID# s# a type of fish, also COTTUS# EILORV VIOLER# s# 2 a {fiddler=n} OLIVER# s# a forge-hammer worked by the foot INNORT INTRON s an intervening sequence in the genetic code GHITTW TWIGHT# s#, ed#, ing# to {taunt=v} ABHIOP eu#, eco# neo# zoo, acro aero# algo# ..77 PHOBIA s an obsessive or irrational fear, also PHOBISM# ABCOSV VOCABS BEILOT BETOIL# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to weary with toil BOLETI EFGMNO FOGMEN# ADEGOT TOGAED 3 wearing a toga anec DOTAGE s the state of senility DOGATE# s# the office of a doge, also DOGESHIP, DOGEATE# AFOSUV FAVOUS# like a honeycomb BIOOSV OVIBOS es# the musk ox ABEFTY TABEFY# ing# to waste away [v TABEFIED#, TABEFYING#, TABEFIES#] OORRSZ ZORROS# ABFOOR FOOBAR# ucked Up Beyond All Repair, also FUBAR [adj F] EIKOOR b ROOKIE r s, st a {novice=n} FILOUZ ZUFOLI# AANOTT ANATTO s a yellowish red dye, also ACHIOTE, ANATTA#, ANNATTA#, ANNATTO, ROUCOU# GIJLNU JUNGLI# s#, er st#, est sts# an uneducated peasant EIMNUX XENIUM# a present or offering [n XENIA] HIOTTU OUTHIT s, ting to hit further than DEHINT HINTED ADEGLZ de re un, non, over GLAZED ANORTU OUTRAN g k, ce ge ks, ces ged ges ked, ging king BENNOT du un, sun war, blue BONNET s, ed, ing to put on a head covering tied with ribbon AFINRU f UNFAIR s#, ed# er ly, est ing#, ness, nesses to deprive of beauty / {unjust=adj} ADEENW un WEANED 2 DEEWAN s an official in India AGOTTU TAUTOG s a marine fish, also TAUTAUG EFOORW sub WOOFER s a loudspeaker for low-pitched sounds AJLOPY JALOPY a decrepit car, also JALOPPY [n JALOPIES] EEIORS SOIREE s an evening party ADDOTU OUTADD s, ed, ing to surpass in adding BEENOT BEENTO# s# (W Africa) someone who was educated in England BCIIOT a, ana epi# pre pro sym zoo#, aero# ..15 BIOTIC s, al, ally# pertaining to {life=n} EHINOT ETHION s, ine, ines, amide, amides a pesticide AEGTTU GUTTAE ADEISX AXISED having an axis DEPRUW UPDREW# CEGNOT COGENT ly convincing AOORRY ARROYO s a {creek=n} CGIINO CONGII BCIIOP BIOPIC s a film about a celebrity AEGJSU GAUJES# CEHIIN ECHINI AEFNNT ENFANT# s# a {child=n} AEHILN INHALE d r s, rs to take into the lungs AEHIMN HEMINA# s# 2 a liquid measure HAEMIN s a chloride of haematin EIINPT vul# PINITE s 2 a mineral TIEPIN s a pin for holding a necktie ADNNOU ADNOUN s an adjective used as a noun ILNOTU OILNUT# s# 2 a North American butter nut ULTION# s# revenge DEILOT be# en, over TOILED EERRVY REVERY 2 a daydream, also REVERIE [n REVERIES] VERREY# variegated with vair, also VERRY# DEENUY UNEYED# unseen ABEERW BEWARE d s to be on one's guard ALRTUW TULWAR# s# an Indian sabre AEGIMP MAGPIE s a black and white crow- like bird NOPTUW UPTOWN s, er, ers the upper part of a city ACGGIO an ap ep# is, dem par# ped, chol# hypn ..7 AGOGIC# s# accenting a note by dwelling on it ADEERZ RAZEED ACORTX OXCART s an ox-drawn cart EOPRTX re EXPORT s, ed er, ers ing, able, ation, ations ..2 to send goods out of a country ELORTV REVOLT s, ed er, ers ing, ingly to rise up against authority ABEJLS JELABS# CINOUZ COUZIN# s# (South Africa) a friend AABGIR AIRBAG s an inflatable safety device in an automobile EFGORT FORGET s, ful ive ter, ters tery# ting, fully ..6 to fail to remember [v FORGAT or FORGOT, FORGOTTEN, FORGETTING, FORGETS] CEINTY NICETY delicate discrimination [n NICETIES] DEEEJR JEERED 2 JEREED s a wooden javelin, also JERID, JERREED, JERRID AGHIJR JAGHIR# e# s#, es#, dar#, dars# a land tax, also JAGHIRE#, JAGIR# DDEFGU FUDGED AEGGIM MAGGIE# s# a {magpie=n} ADEFMT MAFTED# suffering under oppressive heat AEGRVY GARVEY s a small flat-bottomed boat AINSUX anti, hetero AUXINS AEQUYZ QUEAZY squeamish, also QUEASY [adj QUEAZIER, QUEAZIEST] BDEIIR BRIDIE# s# 2 a meat and onion turnover BIRDIE d s, ing to score one under par in golf EILNOT ENTOIL s, ed, ing, ment#, ments# 2 to {ensnare=v} LIONET# s# a young lion AEEHNX cyclo HEXANE s a volatile liquid CIILMU CILIUM a short hairlike projection [n CILIA] ENNORU moto, inter NEURON e s, al es ic the basic cellular unit of the nervous system, also NEURONE BELNTY YBLENT# DIIMNU INDIUM s a metallic element AHNRTW THRAWN ly twisted BCIINO BIONIC s 2 relating to bionics NIOBIC pertaining to {niobium=n} DEGGIO DOGGIE r s, st a small dog CDEEIN phag# EDENIC 2 pertaining to a {paradise=n} INCEDE# d# s# to advance majestically BCDEIO CEBOID s 2 one of a family of monkeys, also CEBID BODICE s a corset DEGORU DROGUE s t#, ts# 4 a sea anchor GOURDE s a monetary unit of Haiti pro ROGUED be sc un# ROUGED GOPRUW UPGROW n s, th, ing ths, ings# to grow up [v UPGREW, UPGROWN, UPGROWING, UPGROWS] ADEGSW as SWAGED AFMNOT FANTOM s something existing in appearance only AQRRUY QUARRY ing man men, ings, master#, masters# to dig for stone [v QUARRIED, QUARRYING, QUARRIES] AGINWX de re, bees# WAXING s the act of one that {waxes=v} ELRUWY WURLEY# s# an Aborigine hut, also WURLIE# AEEMPW WAMPEE# s# edible Asiatic fruit ADINTY super# DAINTY {tasteful=adj} [adj DAINTIER, DAINTIEST] / something that is tasteful [n -TIES] CINOOZ ZOONIC# 2 relating to animals OZONIC pertaining to {ozone=n} ADGHNO HAGDON s a sea bird, the greater shearwater, also HACKBOLT#, HAGBOLT#, HAGDEN#, HAGDOWN# AAAILR ARALIA# s#, ceous# a plant of the ivy family BEHILT BLITHE r, ly rs st, ful red, ness# ring some ..3 2 {merry=adj} THIBLE# s# a porridge-stick, also THIVEL# AIMOPY MYOPIA s a visual defect, also MYOPY ENOSUV ra, lea# non, intra, arterio VENOUS ly, ness#, nesses# full of veins, also VENOSE DDFIOR FORDID AILLNV VILLAN# s# y#, age# ies# ous#, ages# ella ..4 a malevolent evil-doer, also VILLAIN ADINNU INDUNA# s# a South African tribal councillor ADIIKY YIDAKI# s# a long wooden wind instrument played by the Aboriginal people of Arnhem Land: YIDAKIS# ELOTWY OWELTY# {equality=n} [n OWELTIES#] EIRSVW WIVERS ADINPU UNPAID not paid EKNORW KNOWER s 2 one who {knows=v} WROKEN# ADEEHJ HADJEE s a person who has made a hadj, also HADJI, HAJI, HAJJI EFLOOT FOOTLE d r s, rs ss, ssly, ssness, ssnesses to potter about ABDEIT re un#, red, ground# BAITED ABEENT un, dry# sun#, brow over BEATEN EJLOSU kilo mega# JOULES AFORTU FAUTOR# s# 2 a {favourer=n} FOUTRA# s# a worthless fig, also FOOTRA# EIIKLT KILTIE s one who wears a kilt (a type of skirt), also KILTY AHNTUW UNTHAW# s#, ed, ing# to cause to melt EINSUX UNISEX es, ual, ually#, uality, ualities the condition of not being distinguishable as to sex ADEGGZ zig ZAGGED DEITTW DEWITT# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to {lynch=v} t, de# un, dim nit# out, half#, nimble#, thimble# WITTED having intelligence AAHNUW WHANAU# s# (Maori) a family, especially an extended one AANORT TORANA# s# an arched gateway, also TORAN# AAIRTY RAIYAT# s#, wari#, waris# an Indian peasant, also RYOT CDEOTU DOUCET# s# a sweet dish, also DOWSET# DEEILY EYELID s a fold of skin that covers the eye DEEISW WEISED# CDEIMO para# MEDICO s, legal a doctor or medical student EFGOOR FOREGO er es ne, ers ing, ings#, neness#, nenesses# to go before [v FOREWENT, FOREGONE, FOREGOING, FOREGOES] AEGSUZ GAUZES DDEENV VENDED HIOPRU HUPIRO# s# a New Zealand name for stinkwood AINNOT re, dis# ANOINT s, ed er, ers ing, ment, ments 2 to consecrate with oil e, ad ag co do lu ve zo, are# car cog ..202 NATION s, al, als, ally hood less# wide, alise ..21 people who share common descent, language and culture EFINPR PERFIN# g# s#, gs# a postage stamp perforated to identify theft by employees, also SPIF# ADLNOO wag, wagg# ONLOAD s, ed, ing 2 to load a vehicle or container DOOLAN# s# (New Zealand) a Roman Catholic ADEFOR FEDORA s a felt hat with a brim and a crease ADIKNO DAIKON s a Japanese radish DEFNNO FONNED# CIINOP ne#, pro#, scor# PIONIC pertaining to a {pion=n} EIJRSU in, con# non per, rein JURIES AAJRST JARTAS# BEEGOR GREEBO# es# a dirty young man DEEFGL FLEDGE d s, ling#, lings# to furnish with feathers DEEMOT d, over EMOTED 2 DEMOTE d s to lower in rank AAGSUV GUAVAS EPRTWY TWERPY# like a twerp, also TWIRPY# [adj TWERPIER#, TWERPIEST#] ABCFIR FABRIC s, ant ate ked#, ants ated ates ator ..6 to construct EEGRRW REGREW AAEFLM AFLAME in a flaming state BJNOTU NUTJOB# s#, ber#, bers# (slang) a crazy person AABDIN INDABA s a meeting of South African tribes FIMOST leit MOTIFS FIOPRT FORPIT# s# 2 a measure of grain, also FORPET# dis# non, super PROFIT s, ed er, eer ers ing, able ably eers ..12 to gain an advantage or benefit AEEIRS f AERIES t 2 cr gr qu un EASIER EIOTTT s# TOTTIE# r# s#, st# a small {child=n} IIIRST m# t# IRITIS es inflammation of the iris EIMOSU MOUSIE# r s#, st a young mouse ADNORU run, kick# turn work# wrap, shoot# AROUND on all sides ILMOTU ULTIMO geniture, genitures of or occurring in the preceding month IKMOTV MIKVOT h ACDEIN CNIDAE 3 DECANI# cally# on the south side of a choir dis# CANDIE# d s an Indian weight AEEWXY WAXEYE# s# a small New Zealand bird with a white circle round its eye, also TAUHOU# AHIILT LITHIA s, ses sis an oxide of lithium GIJLNO ca JOLING# EEFPTY TEPEFY ing to make {tepid=adj} [v TEPEFIED, TEPEFYING, TEPEFIES] EITTTX TETTIX# es# a {cicada=n} ABIORR BARRIO s a Spanish-speaking district EEIRSZ RESIZE d s 2 to size again SEIZER s one that seizes, also SEISER ABEGMT GAMBET# s#, ta#, tas# a red-legged wading bird, also GAMBETTA# EGMNOO MONGOE s the waste produced in a woollen-mill from felted cloth, also MUNGO, MONGO AGHNRT THRANG# s#, ed#, ing# to {throng=v} DEGGIZ ZIGGED CEEGNO CONGEE d s, ing to bow politely EINQSU e, bas#, tota, meflo# prima#, chloro QUINES# 2 SEQUIN s, ed, ing ned to apply shiny ornamental disks to CDINTU re INDUCT s, ed ee or, ees ile ing ion ive ors ..11 to bring into military service GOORVY GROOVY {trendy=adj} [adj GROOVIER, GROOVIEST] EOSTWZ TOWZES# DDEGJU ad re un, for mis pre, fore JUDGED ACILOX OXALIC pertaining to a {oxalis=n} ADEFRU FADEUR# s# {dullness=n} BEGIRT BEGIRT AEIJSZ JAZIES# AIMRTX sub# MATRIX es the womb DEGILY EDGILY in an edgy manner DDEEUX EXUDED ANOPUY YAUPON s an evergreen shrub BEIPTY BEPITY# ing# to pity greatly [v BEPITIED#, BEPITYING#, BEPITIES#] AEENRW WEANER s one that {weans=v} DEOPTU s, bes# POUTED AEKMOT MATOKE# s# plantain used as food, also MATOOKE# AGINRX RAXING DIILOP LIPOID s, al any of a class of fatty substances, also LIPID, LIPIDE, LIPIN BEENOR BOREEN s 2 a {lane=n} ENROBE d r s, rs to {dress=v} DEEENV VENDEE s 2 a {buyer=n} pr# EVENED EHILOR un HOLIER DJNNOO DONJON s the main tower of a castle DEENOT si# DENOTE d s, ment, ments to {indicate=v} DEFIKN jack KNIFED 2 FINKED DEFLOU be de# FOULED 2 DEFOUL# s#, ed#, ing# to {defile=v} JNOSTU con JUNTOS 2 JOTUNS# HILNPT PLINTH s a stone that supports a column ABEJMR JAMBER# s# armor for the legs below the knees, also JAMBART#, JAMBE, JAMBEAU, JAMBIER# BDFILO BIFOLD twofold FILNOR FLORIN s a former gold coin of Europe BGIINO OBIING# AAFGIN FAAING# DDEEGH un HEDGED AJRSTU JURATS ADNOTT DOTANT# s# someone who dotes, also DOTARD ADEENN ENNEAD s, ic a group of nine EHIRSV s, bes, diss# HIVERS# 3 a#, be, dis# SHIVER s y, ed er, ers ier# ing, iest# ings#, ingly# to tremble with fear or cold SHRIVE d l n r s, ls rs, led, ling lled, lling to hear a confession and grant absolution (pa t SHRIVED, SHROVE), also SHRIEVE ACHIQU QUAICH s, es a small drinking vessel, also QUAIGH ADEFHT s HAFTED EIKOPR POKIER AGILMO GLIOMA s, ta, tous#, toses# tosis# a type of {tumour=n} EGNNOO NONEGO s all that is not part of the ego EGNOOY z OOGENY 2 the development of ova [n OOGENIES] GOONEY s, bird#, birds# an albatross, also GOONIE, GOONY CEFHIT FITCHE# e s t w, ts ws 2 in heraldry, coming to a point, also FITCHY, FITCHEE FETICH e#, es, ise# ism ist# ize#, ised# ises# ..7 a fixation, also FETISH, FETICHE# IORSUV VIROUS# poisonous AEFRWY WAFERY like a wafer DEFGIR FRIDGE d# s to {rub=v} ABGNOO BOONGA# s#, ry#, ries# 2 (New Zealand) offensive word for a Pacific Islander GABOON s a {spittoon=n} EFORTW TWOFER s something that is sold at the rate of two for the price of one DEIISV VISIED# ADDEGO over GOADED ACILMX dis sub, anti, plagio# CLIMAX ed es, ing, less to reach a high point EINOSZ SOZINE s a type of protein, also SOZIN BDEEWY DWEEBY socially inept, also DWEEBISH [adj DWEEBIER, DWEEBIEST] EIILNR NIRLIE# r#, st# 3 {knotty=adj} ga, unga INLIER s a type of rock formation LINIER ADGNOO GOONDA# s# a hired thug INNOOR RONION s a mangy animal or person, also RONYON AEEHRR s, sheeps HEARER s 2 one that {hears=v} REHEAR d s, se, ing sal sed ser ses, ings sals ..3 to hear again EILNNW WINNLE# s# an appliance for winding yarn ADIORT mal ADROIT er ly, est, ness, nesses {skillful=adj} ADILNR ALDRIN s an insecticide BCENOU BOUNCE d r s, rs, down#, downs# to spring back AAFHTW FATWAH# s#, ed#, ing# to threaten death by religious decree, also FATWA EENSVW SWEVEN s a dream or vision ANNOTY TANNOY s, ed#, ing# to use the tannoy sound-system AAFLNU in, avi epi, mega meio#, micro, ichthyo FAUNAL ly pertaining to {fauna=n} ADEHTW un THAWED GIMNOU oo, asco peri#, arche carpo hormo ..5 GONIUM an immature reproductive cell [n GONIA] EIOPTT TIPTOE d s, ing to walk on the tips of one's toes, also TIPPYTOE AGIJNP JAPING s#, ly the act of {joking=v} AACLRW ACRAWL# crawling AEOSTZ ep AZOTES 2 TOAZES# ADDEIW s#, bull# WADDIE d s a {cowboy=n} LOSTYZ ZLOTYS EORSTZ ZOSTER s 2 a Greek waist-belt ROZETS# AFGGOT FAGGOT s y, ed ry, ing, ings ries to bind together in a bundle, also FAGOT AEFMNN FENMAN# a fen country resident [n FENMEN#] ADIRSZ l r# v w, unv# IZARDS# 2 DARZIS# AEELTY EYALET# s# a Turkish province DEORRV VORRED# 2 DROVER s a driver of cattle or sheep AEILRY AERILY in an airy manner, also AIRILY DEHIIM MIHIED# DEINNR ENDRIN s 2 an insecticide pre DINNER s, ed#, ing#, less time ware, times wares to {dine=v} HIOOSV SHIVOO# s# a noisy party ADENUX UNAXED not axed EIINSX NIXIES ADKOSV VODKAS AFPTUW UPWAFT s, ed, ing to waft upward AEFILN FINALE s a termination of something AIILNN ros ANILIN e s, es, gus, ctus, guses, ctuses a chemical compound, also ANILINE EHINWY WHINEY tending to whine [adj WHINIER, WHINIEST] ELOPRV PLOVER s y# a shore bird EEINSX r, al, ekt end EXINES ADLNOU UNLOAD s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to remove cargo from ADINPT PANDIT s an Indian wise man EMNSUW UNMEWS EIILLW guid WILLIE d s, waught#, waughts# a {penis=n} EIRTTW t, at WITTER# s#, ed#, ing# to mutter peevishly ACDINO ANODIC ally pertaining to an {anode=n} AEEHMT MEATHE# s#, ad, ads an alcoholic drink, also MEATH# AEGNSV GANEVS 2 VEGANS EGLORV GLOVER s 2 a maker or seller of gloves GROVEL s, ed er, ers ess ing led ler, lers ling ..3 to crawl in an abject manner DEHIMO HEMOID pertaining to the blood, also HAEMAL, HAEMATAL, HAEMIC, HAEMOID, HEMAL, HEMATAL, HEMIC EHIOPR EPHORI GIJNOY en, pop#, over reen JOYING EERTUY TUYERE s a pipe through which air is forced into a blast furnace, also TUYER, TWIER, TWYER, TWYERE# EIIPRT PERITI 2 PITIER s one who {pities=v} ABIKMO AKIMBO with hand on hip and elbow out AAANNZ ZANANA s a section of the house for Indian women, also ZENANA EEORRZ REZERO s, ed es, ing to reset (a gauge) back to zero EHINTW WHITEN s, ed er, ers ess ing, ings, esses to make {white=adj} EGINRW s, ins# kno, bags# outs# WINGER s a soccer player AFGIJM FIGJAM# s# a bighead (Forsooth I'm Good, Just Ask Me) AEGPUZ UPGAZE d s to gaze up EIKMTU KUMITE# s# freestyle martial arts fighting or sparring HILORT LIROTH EMNOSV en, out#, anti VENOMS ABEEGH BHAGEE# s# 2 in Indian cookery, an appetizer, also BHAJEE#, BHAJI# BEEGAH# s# an Indian land measure, also BIGHA# BCEIRT yt TERBIC pertaining to {terbium=n} BEJOST OBJETS BNOOTU BOUTON s, ne#, nee#, niere, nieres 2 an enlarged end of a nerve fibre UNBOOT# s#, ed, ing# to take off the boots BEFHOO BEHOOF s# benefit or convenience DOOOOV VOODOO s, ed, ing ism ist, isms ists, istic a primitive religion, also VODUN, VOUDON, VODOUN, VOUDOUN / to bewitch, also VODOU, VAUDOO#, VAUDOUX#, VOUDOU# BEGGII BIGGIE s one that is big DEFGOR re un, drop FORGED ADFINR FRIAND# e# s#, es# an {epicure=n} EEFLNN FENNEL s, flower#, flowers# a perennial herb ADISTV affi DAVITS ADEHOX OXHEAD# s# 2 a blockhead HOAXED AEHNTU UNEATH# es# difficult AAERTU in# AURATE d s# a salt containing gold DEEFUZ DEFUZE d s to remove the fuse from, also DEFUSE EFIMRT FREMIT# s#, us, uses a stranger, also FREMD, FRAIM# ACEFIN af de FIANCE e s, es a man engaged to be married AAHILT HIATAL pertaining to a {hiatus=n} INPSUZ UNZIPS DFILOR FLORID er# ly, ean# est# ity, eans# eous# ..3 {ruddy=adj} HNORTW up, mis out, over, unover# THROWN AEHMUW MAHEWU# s# in South Africa, fermented liquid mealie-meal porridge, used as a stimulant CEELRW CREWEL s, ist# led#, ists# lery# ling# work ..2 a woollen yarn ADILPU UPLAID# AILNYZ ZANILY in a zany manner DEIINT TINEID s 2 one of a family of moths INDITE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# to write or compose DDEEEV DEEVED# CENOTU ECONUT# s# an environmentalist ADFILU AIDFUL {helpful=adj} DEORTX DEXTRO se us, rse ses, gyre# rsal# usly# ..14 turning to the right IILLOY OILILY in an oily manner ABEEJS BASEEJ# in Iran, volunteer vigilantes who enforce strict Islamic behaviour and dress code, esp on women, also BASIJ# ACIILT gen ITALIC s, ise ize, ised ises ized izes, ising ..5 a style of print FILOTU TUFOLI a large macaroni shell [n TUFOLI] AEELTZ TEAZEL s, ed, ing led, ling 2 to raise a nap on fabric, also TEASEL, TEAZLE TEAZLE d s to raise a nap on fabric, also TEASEL, TEAZEL BEENNT BENNET s a dry grass stalk EEEGRZ GEEZER s an eccentric old man, also GEEZAH# EELRUV che VELURE d s to smooth with a velvet or silk pad, as a hat AAAPTZ ZAPATA# denoting a drooping moustache INRTWY WINTRY having the characteristics of winter, also WINTERLY, WINTERY [adj WINTRIER, WINTRIEST] AILMOT bu#, bum# MALOTI 2 pros, peris TOMIAL# pertaining to a {tomium=n} DINOPU DUPION# s# 2 a double cocoon UNIPOD s a one-legged support BEGINU BUNGIE# s# 2 a strong rubber rope, also BUNGEE, BUNGEY#, BUNGY#, BUNJE#, BUNJEE#, BUNJIE#, BUNJY# BEGUIN# e s#, es, age#, ages# a man living monastic life without vows EIISVZ VIZIES# DINOOR ma# INDOOR s pertaining to the interior of a building DEIIKT TIKIED# CEORTX neo sub CORTEX es the outer layer of an organ [n CORTEXES or CORTICES] DEIPRZ ap re# un, com dis mis out# sur, over, under# PRIZED EFILNO di, poly, cyclo OLEFIN e s, es ic an alkene, also OLEFINE BEGIMR BEGRIM e s, ed es, ing med, ming to make {dirty=adj} ADENTW un WANTED CDEHNR be in# DRENCH ed er es, ers ing, ings# to wet thoroughly [v DRENT# or DRENCHED, DRENCHING, DRENCHES] EIRRVY RIVERY# like a river AAGNUY GUANAY s a Peruvian cormorant EIINNT TINNIE# r s#, st 2 a can of beer INTINE s the inner membrane of a spore EORTWY TOWERY very tall [adj TOWERIER, TOWERIEST] AEFSTW FETWAS# DEEHIL HEILED EEELNV ENLEVE# ment#, ments# 2 abducted ELEVEN s, th, ses ths, thly# a number AENNNO NONANE# s# a hydrocarbon EGINXY YEXING# BDEIPR PREBID s, den, ding to bid beforehand, pa t PREBADE, pa p PREBIDDEN [v PREBADE, PREBIDDEN, PREBIDDING, PREBIDS] ADEEFN be DEAFEN s, ed, ing, ings, ingly to make {deaf=adj} ANORRW NARROW s, ed er ly, est ing ish, band cast# ..8 to make {narrow=adj} / having little width ABENNO NANOBE# s# a very small microbe AAELLU ALULAE ADEEFS FEASED GHIRTW cart# mill play ship wain, wagon# ..2 WRIGHT s a {maker=n} EFHSTW WHEFTS# DGHOTU DOUGHT y, ier ily, iest, iness, inesses AIRTTY YTTRIA s a chemical compound EEFRTW FEWTER# s#, ed#, ing# to set in a rest, also FEUTRE# EEEFRZ de# en# re un, pre, anti deep post FREEZE r s, rs to turn into a solid by lowering the temperature [v FROZE, FROZEN, FREEZING, FREEZES] AEGMUY MAGUEY s a tropical plant ENPTUU TUNEUP s an adjustment to insure efficient operation ABDDEI ABIDED 2 BADDIE s a {villain=n} EILPTU PLUTEI 2 PUTELI# s# a flat-bottomed boat BEENTU iso, amino# BUTENE s, dioic# a gaseous hydrocarbon AEFLNX FLAXEN pale yellow FIILPR RIFLIP s a fragment of DNA ADDGIP GIDDAP used to tell a horse to go faster, also GIDDYAP, GIDDYUP GHIORT RIGHTO used to express cheerful consent DEEJST out# JESTED AALORT AORTAL pertaining to the aorta EGGIIP PIGGIE r s, st a small pig, also PIGGY AACIRV CAVIAR e s, es ie#, ies# the roe of sturgeon, also CAVIARE, CAVIARIE#, CAVIER# IMNNOW top MINNOW s a small fish, also MINNY AGNNUW WANGUN s a logger's chest for supplies, also WANGAN, WANIGAN, WANNIGAN DEIJSU JUDIES# ABESUZ BUAZES# FOOTUX OUTFOX ed es, ing to {outwit=v} AELMRV VERMAL# 2 of worms MARVEL s, ed, ing led ous, ling lous, ously ..4 to be filled with wonder HILOOT THOLOI 2 z# OOLITH s a variety of limestone, also OOLITE, ROESTONE# CDEIPT DEPICT s, ed er or, ers ing ion ive# ors ure# ..4 to {portray=v} EIITTT TITTIE s a sister ADNORY cotyle DONARY# a thing given to sacred use [n DONARIES#] EFIMST METIFS# CEEELV CLEEVE# s# a {cliff=n} AEIMSV MAVIES DEEKNT KENTED# DHIOOT DHOOTI e s, es a loincloth worn by Indian men, also DHOOTIE, DHOTI, DHUTI ACIRSV VRAICS# 2 sub VICARS hip, hips NORTUU OUTRUN g s, ner, ners ning 2 to run faster than [v OUTRAN, OUTRUNNING, OUTRUNS] RUNOUT s the end of a film strip GIINOR ab# ORIGIN s, al, als ate, ally ated ates ator ..8 first existence EEHMUV HUMVEE s a type of motor vehicle ADIIMR MIDAIR s the midst of a course through the air AEMNTX TAXMEN ADFGIN un, non pre FADING s an Irish dance CHINTZ CHINTZ y, es, ier, iest a cotton fabric DEGOOP POGOED# 2 GOOPED# as in gooped up, sticky with goop AELNRV VERLAN# s# 3 a variety of French slang using back-to-front words, eg meuf for femme NERVAL# of the nerves VERNAL ly, ise# ity# ize, ised# ises# ized ..8 pertaining to spring DIILTY un TIDILY in a tidy manner AALNOX AXONAL relating to an axon, also AXONIC AISTVV VIVATS# EEGNOP PONGEE s a type of silk ACEILT phil ATELIC pertaining to a type of verb form DEEISZ re un, dis SEIZED CDINOO an, fal CONOID s, al ic#, ally# ical# a geometric solid AHNRVY HRYVNA s a monetary unit of Ukraine, also HRYVNIA, HRYVNYA# IPQSUU QUIPUS AEFGRY FEGARY# a whim, also VAGARY [n FEGARIES#] EHNNUW UNHEWN not hewn EFHOOR HOOFER s a professional dancer FINORT FORINT s a monetary unit of Hungary EIJMPR JIMPER DHORTU DROUTH s y, ier, iest, iness#, inesses# {drought=n} BEINOX BONXIE# s# the great skua DEIKLO KELOID s, al a scar caused by fibrous tissue EHINNN HENNIN# g# s# an old French hat worn by women BDEEOY un#, dis OBEYED ADEFIK FAIKED# GILOOY GOOILY# in a sticky way AAGIKN KAINGA# s# a Maori village DINOWW shop, multi# WINDOW s y, ed, ing, ings# less pane sill, panes sills to provide an opening for air or light ABIILN perfecti# BILIAN# s# a tree of Borneo ABHORT ATHROB# with throbs AELOPX POLEAX e, ed es, ing to strike with an axlike weapon, also POLEAXE AKQRSU SQUARK s 2 the hypothetical boson analogue of a quark s, di#, anti, penta# QUARKS AAILNY INYALA# s# a South African antelope ABEHOS OBEAHS 2 BOHEAS DEILPX DIPLEX er, ers pertaining to transmission of radio signals ACEEGN ENCAGE d s to put in a cage, also INCAGE CFIITY CITIFY ing to {urbanize=v} [v CITIFIED, CITIFYING, CITIFIES] EEELTY EYELET s, ed#, eer# ing# ted, eers# ting to make a small hole in ADEPUY YAUPED ABEERZ ZEREBA# s# an improvised stockade, also ZAREBA, ZAREEBA, ZARIBA, ZERIBA# AFJLRU JARFUL s as much as a container can hold [n JARFULS or JARSFUL] DENOTU DEUTON# s# the nucleus of heavy hydrogen, also DEUTERON EFILRU FLUIER# 2 d IREFUL ly, ness#, nesses# full of anger AFHLOO LOOFAH s a tropical vine, also LOOFA, LUFFA AORRTW TARROW# s#, ed#, ing# to {hesitate=v} AEHJRS HEJRAS# ADILMO AMIDOL s a chemical compound ENNORW WONNER s 2 a {prodigy=n} RENOWN s, ed er#, ers# ing to make famous CDEILT DELTIC 2 pertaining to a delta, also DELTAIC DELICT s an offense against civil law AEGLNZ GLAZEN# {glassy=adj} ABENNT BANNET s a bonnet DENNOO NOONED# AEGISV en VISAGE d s the face of facial expression of a person ADEGJS GADJES# GLOOTU LOGOUT# s# to exit from a computer mainframe or server, also LOGOFF# ADDEHI HADDIE# s# a type of cod EFINRY re FINERY elaborate adornment [n FINERIES] ABEPRW BEWRAP s t, ped, ping to wrap completely ILOORT LORIOT# s# the golden oriole EHINPX PHENIX es a mythical bird, also PHOENIX AEIRTV TAIVER# s# t#, ed#, ing# to wander aimlessly ADFRSW be, sub, semi DWARFS AHLTUZ c HALUTZ im an Israeli farmer AEEILS LAESIE# {lazy=adj} ABGIKT KITBAG s a {knapsack=n} ENTTWY TWENTY ish#, fold#, folds# a number [n TWENTIES] EIIKNR KEIRIN# s# 2 a cycling race originating in Japan, in which groups of cyclists follow a pacesetter and then sprint for the last part of the race d h k l# p# s# z#, ch pl# sl st INKIER GLNOOU OULONG# s# a variety of black tea, also OOLONG BEGILO dis OBLIGE d e r s, es rs, ment#, ments# to bind by some favour rendered DEFHOO c# w HOOFED ADEMOP APEDOM# s# 2 the world of apes POMADE d s to apply a perfumed hair dressing to INNOOT pre NOTION s, al, ist#, ally ists#, alist# ality ..2 a general idea BEGLOW WEBLOG s, ger#, gers# 2 a website that contains an online personal journal BOWLEG s, ged an outwardly curved leg EOSTUZ TOUZES# AELRTV VARLET s, ry to#, ess# tos#, ries, esses# 2 a knave, also VARLETTO# out pre TRAVEL s, ed er og, ers ing led ler ogs, ator# ..7 to go from one place to another DEFGLO FODGEL 2 {plump=adj} GOLFED IJRSTU JURIST s, ic, ical#, ically one versed in the law AABOSU OUBAAS# es# (Afrikaans) someone senior in years or rank ADEFIL FAILED 2 AFIELD in the field DEEFIN re, mis pre DEFINE d r s, rs, ment, ments to state the meaning of ACGIMO ap ex is#, aut end hom# mis mon por# ..8 OGAMIC# written using ogam, also OGMIC# AAHIRR HARIRA# s# a kind of Moroccan soup CEEFNN FENNEC s an African fox ABEHIL HABILE {skilful=adj} BEMNOT dis# ENTOMB s, ed, ing, ment, ments to place in a tomb, also INTOMB IJNPSU ki# PUNJIS CDEGIR GRICED# AEMORW WOMERA s a stick used to propel spears, also WOMMERA, WOOMERA ADEGIN DAEING# 2 re, bar out, outbar GAINED ACDIOR CARDIO s#, id, ids, gram logy, genic grams ..27 a cardiograph AEMNOT l m t OMENTA l EGHINX HEXING s# the casting of an evil spell FIIOST TIFOSI# EILNNU UNLINE# d s#, al# to remove the lining INSTUW UNWITS 2 UNWIST# not known GOOOOR GOOROO# s# a Hindu spiritual teacher, also GURU ABEFGL BEFLAG s, ged, ging to deck with flags NNOOTW WONTON s a pork-filled dumpling DETTUU TUTUED wearing a tutu AFGORT FORGAT her, hers, hered, hering AEIORS c#, sc ARIOSE in the manner of an aria INOOPT POTION s 2 a magical elixir or medicinal drink ad co, pre, read# OPTION s, al ed ee, als ees ing, ally, ality, alities to grant the act of choosing AHILLO HILLOA s, ed, ing to shout out a greeting, also HALLO, HALLOA, HALLOO, HELLO, HILLO, HOLLA, HOLLO, HOLLOA, HOLLOO, HULLO ACDIOT DACOIT s y, age# ies, ages# a member of an Indian robber gang, also DAKOIT AEEHNP PEAHEN s a female {peafowl=n} AEEFSZ FEAZES DDEORV DROVED DIITTT DITTIT# DEENPX EXPEND s, ed er, ers ing, able ably#, ables ..4 to consume in any way ABCENO BEACON s, ed, ing to shine like a light on high AGRUUY AUGURY the art of auguring [n AUGURIES] EGNRTY a GENTRY people of high social class [n GENTRIES] AAEMNX AXEMAN a man who uses an axe, also AXMAN [n AXEMEN] EINRWY s# WINERY a place where wine is made [n WINERIES] EEHOTW TOWHEE s a common finch ALORVY VOLARY# an {aviary=n} [n VOLARIES#] BDHIIN BINDHI# s# 2 a dot worn on the forehead by Indian women, also BINDI BHINDI# s# okra used in Indian cookery IIKNNO KONINI# s# the edible dark purple berry of the KOTUKUTUKU# or tree fuchsia AIMOPT OPTIMA l, te#, lly tes#, lise# lity lize# ..11 2 MATIPO# s# a New Zealand shrub EILLOT OILLET# s# 2 an eyelet TOLLIE# s# a castrated calf, also TOLLY# EGJLNU JUNGLE d s, gym, gyms like a dense tropical growth AEGHMO OHMAGE s 2 electrical resistance expressed in ohms HOMAGE d r s, rs to pay tribute to EEGHNU l# EUGHEN# made of yew, also YEWEN#, EWGHEN# CEHQTU QUETCH# ed# es#, ing# to {stir=v} AAGIPR AIRGAP# s# a gap in a magnetic circuit ADEETT TEATED having a teat AFHIST un, mis FAITHS DEJLOS JODELS# BDEOUY BUOYED ABERSZ ZEBRAS s, ses 2 BRAZES ADEERV EVADER s 2 one who {evades=v} g, be un# REAVED EFINNR FINNER# s# a type of whale (the rorqual), also FINBACK ACDEOT re un, tail, great# multi petti sugar ..2 COATED BIIMSZ ZIMBIS# ADGNOP DOGNAP s, ed er, ers ing ped per, ings# pers ..2 to steal a dog FORRUW FURROW s y, ed er, ers ing, less# to make narrow depressions in JMORSU JORUMS EEIMNP PIEMEN# AFHIOS OAFISH ly, ness, nesses like an oaf GINSVY en# VYINGS# EFHNOS FOEHNS EIMNOP IMPONE d s, nt#, nts# to {wager=v} AABEGT TEABAG# s# 2 a bag containing tea leaves for infusion ATABEG# s# Turkish ruler, also ATABEK# BEFIST BEFITS DGINOZ bull DOZING s# the act of {napping=v} AAEGSV AGAVES 2 SAVAGE d r s, ly ry st, dom#, doms# ness ries, nesses to attack brutally / ferocious DEILRV be DRIVEL s, ed er, ers ine ing led ler, ines lers ling to let saliva flow from the mouth (pa t DRIVELED, DRIVELLED), also DRIBBLE, DROOL AEFRTW WAFTER s one that {wafts=v} CLNOUW UNCOWL# s#, ed#, ing# to remove the cowl from GMOOTU GOMUTO# s# a palm tree, also GOMUTI EHOORT s, peas, craps snaps traps, sharps, troubles HOOTER s one that {hoots=v} AEOPTT tetr# APTOTE# s# 2 an indeclinable noun TEAPOT s a pot used to make tea BEILNU pre# NUBILE suitable for marriage CEOSVY COVEYS DEETTW be# re un, over WETTED EIOPRX POXIER ADINSV VIANDS 2 DIVANS CEIINP PICINE# of the woodpecker family ABETTU BATTUE s 2 indiscriminate slaughter ex in ti# TUBATE shaped like a tube, also TUBULAR, TUBAR#, TUBIFORM, TUBULOSE, TUBULOUS ACFINR FARCIN# g s#, gs# a chronic horse disease, also FARCY EERSVX VEXERS DDIOTY ODDITY one that is odd [n ODDITIES] ADEMTT un, for, inter refor unfor#, prefor MATTED ly DEIPTT s, un, pock# PITTED AEHISV SHAVIE s a trick or prank EILTTY bipar, tripar# TITELY# in a prompt manner ELORTW WORTLE# s# 2 a perforated plate with wire to make it thinner TROWEL s, ed er, ers ing led ler, lers ling to smooth with a tool with a flat blade AIMNPW IMPAWN s, ed, ing to {pawn=v} AENRTV TAVERN a s, as er, ers an ale house DIPRTU PUTRID er# ly, est# ity, ness#, ities, nesses# {rotten=adj} AFIRTY g, st, interst RATIFY ing to approve and sanction formally [v RATIFIED, RATIFYING, RATIFIES] DEFLST DELFTS FILNTY skin# FLINTY resembling flint [adj FLINTIER, FLINTIEST] AEESVW in re un, inter, basket# WEAVES ACIOPR PICARO s, on, ons, oned, oning a vagabond DFGILU FULGID shining brightly, also FULGENT AMOTUZ MAZOUT# s# a petroleum residue, also MAZUT# DOOSUV VODOUS EFLNOY FELONY a grave crime [n FELONIES] BDEHOT HOTBED s a place favourable to rapid growth ADEGGI GADGIE# s# a fellow, also GADJE, GAUDGIE#, GAUJE# DEIMPW WIMPED CEHNQU QUENCH ed er es, ers ing, able ings# less, lessly# to put out or extinguish EEGNOR ENGORE# d# s# to {gore=v} AGOPRT RAGTOP s a convertible automobile AGSUWY WAGYUS# EINTTU sos TENUTI INNORW INWORN# {worn=adj} CEEORV CORVEE s an obligation to perform feudal service AGILRU ARGULI# ADEFGN de, fire FANGED 2 DEFANG s, ed, ing to make {harmless=adj} ABGIMT GAMBIT s, ed#, ing# to sacrifice in order to gain BDDEGO BODGED# AILRTU spi, unspi RITUAL s, ly, ise# ism ist ize, ised# ises# ..12 a system of rites DINPTU PUNDIT s, ic ry, ries a Hindu scholar EFIIRS FIRIES# 2 SIFREI# ABCFNO CONFAB s, bed, bing ular#, ulate, ulated ulates ..6 to {chat=v} DNOPSW POWNDS# ABENOR se ABORNE# 2 BORANE s a non-metallic element ACDIRU RAUCID# loud and unruly, also RAUCOUS IPRSTW TWIRPS MNOOTU MOUTON s, nee a sheepskin processed to resemble seal or beaver BEOORZ REBOZO s 2 a long scarf BOOZER s one who {boozes=v} ANQSTU e#, clin QUANTS DEEGKR KEDGER# s#, ee, ees a small steadying anchor DDEOTU DOUTED# AEILNV ALVINE 6 of the belly VEINAL pertaining to the veins ALEVIN s a young fish VALINE s an amino acid VINEAL pertaining to wine, also VINOUS VENIAL ly, ity, ness, ities, nesses easily excused or forgiven AGIOPS IGAPOS# CRSUVY SCURVY a disease from vitamin C deficiency [n SCURVIES] / base or contemptible [adj SCURVIER, SCURVIEST] EEFLRW REFLEW AAGRVY VAGARY a whim, also FEGARY# [n VAGARIES] AAHILY ALIYAH s the immigration of Jews to Israel, also ALIYA AEMOSV VOEMAS# 3 AMOVES# VAMOSE d s to leave quickly, also VAMOOSE DEEMUY MUDEYE# s# the larva of the dragonfly, commonly used as a fishing bait EFGIRU re, con dis out pre, recon trans FIGURE d r s, rs, dly, head less# work#, heads works# to {compute=v} EMOQSU MOSQUE s a Muslim place of worship, also MASJID, MOSK BDIIMR MIDRIB s the central vein of a leaf EEFMNN FENMEN# BFIILR myo, micro neuro FIBRIL s, ar# la, lae lar lin#, lary# late ..9 a small fibre, also FIBRILLA EPRUVY dis# PURVEY s, ed or, ing ors, ance, ances to {supply=v} AEIPSV PAVISE r s, rs 2 a large medieval shield, also PAVIS, PAVISSE SPAVIE s t a disease of horses, also SPAVIN ADDGOO OGDOAD s a group of eight ADEENT guar ANTEED AEJNSU JAUNSE# d# s# to prance, also JAUNCE CIINNU UNCINI AENOTT an de#, con# NOTATE d s 2 to put into a system of symbols ATTONE# d# s# to {atone=v} AHISTU HUTIAS# 2 HIATUS es a gap or missing section ADGIIN l# m# r, br pl#, abr#, embr# unbr upbr ..2 AIDING OORSTV VOSTRO# of a bank account, 'their' record of an overseas account, cf [adj NOSTRO#] ACEOTT COTTAE EILSVW SWIVEL s, ed, ing led, ling, block#, blocks# to turn on a pivoted support ADEFNN un# FANNED ENNTUU UNTUNE d s, ful, able#, fully#, fulness#, fulnesses# to put out of tune FILSUZ FUZILS CEENOT CENOTE s a sinkhole limestone EEFILT LEFTIE# s a {leftist=n} EEILRV r EVILER 6 un# VEILER s one that {veils=v} RELIVE d r# s, rs#, red#, ring# to experience again be re, unbe, disbe misbe nonbe LIEVER REVILE d r s, rs, ment, ments to assail with bitter abuse LEVIER s one who {levies=v} ADFNOS FONDAS# EFOPRT FORPET# s# a measure of grain, also FORPIT# AILLSZ ZILLAS# DEHIPT PITHED AFIMSV FAVISM s an acute anemia EEFINR FEERIN# g# s#, gs# 6 a first guiding furrow, also FEERING# ENFIRE# d# s# to {inflame=v} INFERE# nce, nces, ncing# ntial, ncings#, ntially {together=adv} over#, super# REFINE d r s, rs ry, dly#, ment ries, dness# ..2 to free from impurities muf FINEER# s#, ed#, ing# to get goods by fraud FERINE {wild=adj} ABDGOR BODRAG# s# a hostile attack GINOOZ b, sn st#, shm, schm OOZING EIKLOX b f OXLIKE like an ox ABGGIT BAGGIT# s# a salmon who has retained her eggs AIKSUZ AZUKIS FILORT FIRLOT# s# an old measure of grain etc IKNSTW TWINKS# INOPRU INPOUR s, ed, ing, ings to pour in EIORSV VIREOS 2 VIROSE# s poisonous EGGJOR JOGGER s one that {jogs=v} AEINNR INANER 3 NARINE relating to naris saf RANINE# of the underside of the tongue DELNOZ DONZEL s a young squire DGIOYZ ZYGOID pertaining to a {zygote=n} IIRRTT TIRRIT# s# alarm or fright GINOTZ TOZING# EGGORU GOUGER e# s, es# one that {gouges=v} ABEFIL FAIBLE# s# a {foible=n} AMOTTZ MATZOT h AAIPRY APIARY 2 a place where bees are kept [n APIARIES] PIRAYA s a ferocious, carnivorous South American fish, also PIRANHA, PERAI#, PIRAI#, PIRANA DEPTUZ PUTZED CDEIOP EPODIC# 2 pertaining to an {epode=n} re, mis, micro# photo COPIED EFNRYZ FRENZY ing to make frantic, also PHRENSY [v FRENZIED, FRENZYING, FRENZIES] EEEHWZ WHEEZE d r s, rs to breathe with a hissing sound AAAHNV VAHANA# s# a vehicle in Sanskrit myth DHIOSV DOVISH ness, nesses seeking peace, also DOVEISH# ABGLOU ALBUGO# s# a white opacity of the eye DEEISX DEXIES 2 en# DEIXES# ALMOTW MATLOW# s# a seaman, also MATLO# DGHOOT HOTDOG s, ged ger, gers ging to perform in a showy manner ADEFLO FEODAL# 3 {feudal=adj} FOALED LOAFED ADEIRW WAIRED EEIMSV MIEVES# EILOTT TOILET s, ed ry te, ing tes, ries to dress and groom oneself ABOSUU AUSUBO s a tropical tree AEHILT poly# HALITE s a mineral DINOSW w, shopw, multiw# INDOWS 2 DISOWN s, ed er#, ers# ing, ment, ments to deny the ownership of EIIMNN MINNIE# s a trench-mortar DEIIPR PIERID# s#, ine a type of butterfly AEGHLT HAGLET# s# a gull (the kittiwake), also HACKLET# DEFTUZ FUTZED GILNOV fri VOLING 2 g, be# un, non out ung, over LOVING s#, ly, ness, nesses the act of loving EGIINP PIEING AADLOP dec hex# APODAL {footless=adj} EFIKLO FOLKIE r s, st a performer of folk music, also FOLKY ABEEHJ BHAJEE# s# in Indian cookery, an appetizer, also BHAJI#, BHAGEE# AIJKNS KANJIS EEJRST JESTER s one who {jests=v} AENOSW WEASON s the throat, also WEASAND, WEAZAND, WESAND#, WESSAND, WEZAND# DEHILW WHILED EEIKPW KEWPIE s a small chubby doll with a topknot of hair EIMOPT OPTIME s an honour student in mathematics at Cambridge University CIINOR ONIRIC# 2 belonging to dreams, also ONEIRIC g# t#, un IRONIC al, ally, alness, alnesses pertaining to irony, also IRONICAL AEEHLX EXHALE d s, nt, nts to breathe out ANSTUV a#, out VAUNTS AEILLV VILLAE ACOTTU OUTACT s, ed, ing to surpass in acting EGORRW REGROW n s, th, ing ths 2 to grow again [v REGREW, REGROWN, REGROWING, REGROWS] silk# wine wool# GROWER s one that {grows=v} AFIMNR FIRMAN s an Oriental sovereign's edict DEFGOS DEFOGS BEINNT INBENT# bent inwards EEGHNW EWGHEN# made of yew, also YEWEN#, EUGHEN# ELOTTU tr# OUTLET s a vent or passage AACDEF FACADE s the front of a building GGIOOR GORGIO# s# a non-gypsy, also GADJO, GAJO# DEEHNT HENTED DEEINP PEINED DEMOOZ ZOOMED NOPSUZ PONZUS# EOOPTY PTOOEY a spitting sound, also PTUI AEFNNR FANNER s one that {fans=v} AESTUV VAUTES# CEFIRR ferroso# FERRIC yanic#, yanide, yanides yanogen#, yanogens# pertaining to iron DGIPRU UPGIRD s, ed, ing to gird completely [v UPGIRDED, UPGIRT, UPGIRDING, UPGIRDS] EGHIKT KEIGHT# BDEGIL BILGED 2 BEGILD# s#, ed#, ing# to {gild=v} [v BEGILT# or BEGILDED#, BEGILDING#, BEGILDS#] EIMSUV a MUSIVE# relating to mosaic BDEGTU pre, fuss mini#, under# BUDGET s, ed er, ary eer ers ing, eers to estimate expenses ANOSUY NOYAUS# BINORY BRIONY a climbing plant [n BRIONIES] AAIRRY ARIARY a monetary unit of Madagascar CEIORT TERCIO# s# 2 an infantry regiment c x, un, het non scl sid, anti auto homo ..3 EROTIC a s, al, ise# ism ist ize, ally ised# ..11 an amatory poem EHNOOR HEROON# s# a temple dedicated to a hero ADDEOT DOATED BIIMOZ IMBIZO# s# a gathering of people at the request of a chieftain AEELSZ SLEAZE s, bag, bags ball, balls 2 a squalid quality s LEAZES# AELNNW WANNEL# {supple=adj} CEFHNR FRENCH ed es, ify ing, ified ifies, ifying, ification to cut into thin strips before cooking AEIKNY YANKIE# s# an impudent woman EHOOSY HOOEYS GINORV d p, sh#, app imp rep, disp, reapp unapp# ..5 ROVING s, ly a roll of textile fibres AAGGQU QUAGGA s an extinct South African wild ass DILMOR MILORD s an English gentleman CIOOPT OCTOPI EINSUW s UNWISE r, ly st, ness#, nesses# not wise ABEORZ BEZOAR s, dic# a gastric mass AEHNSV HAVENS 2 re un SHAVEN FGHIRT af FRIGHT s, ed en, ens ful ing, ened ener# some# ..6 to make afraid, to scare, also FRIGHTEN AGIJSW JIGSAW n s, ed, ing to cut with a narrow saw AACRTV CRAVAT s, ted#, ting# a {necktie=n} AESVYZ AVYZES# EFGOSY FOGEYS DEGNOT TONGED GINRSW sho, cheese# WRINGS IQRRSU SQUIRR# s#, ed# el, els ely ing#, eled elly ..5 to {scour=v} ABIJRS BAJRIS# AEEHNT m, ur, diazom# ethoxy# nitrom polyur ..9 ETHANE s, diol#, dioic# diols# a gaseous hydrocarbon ACGINV en# in#, con CAVING s the sport of exploring caves ILMNOU MOULIN s, et#, ets# a vertical cavity in a glacier AFLNOT FONTAL pertaining to a {font=n} ACGIRT non TRAGIC s, al, ally omic, omedy, alness# omical ..3 the nature of a tragedy EEEHTT TEETHE d r s, rs to cut teeth DHISTW band WIDTHS EJLLOS JELLOS EHINTY THYINE# of a tree supposed to be sandarach CEIIMR CIMIER# s# the crest of a helmet BGHOTU a, re un, out pre, dear# over, under BOUGHT s#, en a bend CFINOT CONFIT s, eor ure, eors ures a candy, also COMFIT AAIRSV cal VARIAS EILLNO NIELLO s, ed, ing 2 to decorate with a black metallic substance / a black metallic substance [n NIELLOS or NIELLI] LIONEL# s# a small lion used as a bearing (heraldry), also LIONCEL# EGLORU REGULO# s# the scale of temperature in a gas oven BEINRU BURNIE s 2 a {brooklet=n} RUBINE# s#, ous# a ruby, a precious stone, also RUBIN# AABDOR se te, aqu# ABOARD 2 on board ABROAD s# anywhere foreign DEERVV REVVED DEIKTT KITTED ABDGNO BANDOG s a guard-dog AEENNT u NEATEN s, ed, ing to make {tidy=adj} DDEIOT DOITED old and feeble BGOORU BURGOO s a thick oatmeal, also BURGOUT AGJLSU JUGALS# AAQRSU QUASAR s a starlike object which emits radio waves GINNOZ en# re, bla, down, embla ZONING s# division into zones CDEIMN MINCED ACEITT CATTIE r s, st 2 an Asian unit of weight TIETAC# k# s#, ks# a tie clip, also TIETACK# EENRVY VENERY sexual intercourse [n VENERIES] ELLOTX EXTOLL s, ed er, ers ing, ingly# to praise highly, also EXTOL CDEEFT re DEFECT s, ed or, ing ion ive ors, ible# ions ..8 to desert an allegiance GOORTT GROTTO s, ed es a cave DEIIKN KINDIE# s# 2 short form of kindergarten, also KINDY# DINKIE# r s, st an affluent married childless person (dual income no kids) CDINOR NORDIC pertaining to cross-country sports AILNVY VAINLY in a vain manner AEEFLM anti meta#, super# FEMALE s, ness, nesses the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs FGHILT in, pre top, over post, space FLIGHT s y, ed, ier ily ing, iest less, iness, inesses to migrate in a flock CEINPT INCEPT s, ed or, ing ion ive ors, ions ives, ively 3 to take into the body de# PEINCT# s#, ed#, ing# to {paint=v} amylo PECTIN s, al# es, ate eal# ous, ated#, ately# ..5 a carbohydrate derivative ABFNOY FANBOY# s# an obsessively enthusiastic fan of an element of popular culture, esp comic books or films AEEFRR FEARER s one that {fears=v} DEELNW WEDELN s, ed#, ing# to perform a skiing technique, also WEDEL AJOOPS POOJAS# GGITWY TWIGGY {twiglike=adj} [adj TWIGGIER, TWIGGIEST] AADGRU GARUDA# s# a Hindu demigod ABDFOR FORBAD e EIINNP PINNIE# s, winkle#, winkles# short for pinafore ADEILT DETAIL s, ed er, ers ing, edly ings, edness, ednesses 3 to relate minutely de en re un#, bob cur fan pig pin rat ..12 TAILED DILATE d r s, rs to make {larger=adj} EENSUV a, re, par VENUES CEEHTV CHEVET# s# the apse and chapel of a church DEIJKN JINKED IIMRTX TRIMIX# es# a mixture of nitrogen, helium and oxygen, used by deep-sea divers AEOSTW AWETOS# ABCIIM chol# chor# gall# IAMBIC s, ally# a type of metrical foot, also IAMB, IAMBUS FNORSW out FROWNS AAKSTZ ZAKATS# AEELRV re VEALER s 4 a calf raised for food REVEAL s, ed er, ers ing, able ings# ment, ingly ..5 to make known c LEAVER s one that {leaves=v} LAVEER s, ed, ing to sail against the wind AIIKPT PATIKI# s# the New Zealand sand flounder or dab BEIQSU BISQUE s a thick soup CEEGNY r EGENCY# need, also EGENCE# [n EGENCIES#] EINNTY NINETY a number [n NINETIES] CIINRT CITRIN e s, es in, ins 2 a citric vitamin dioxo# NITRIC containing nitrogen DLOORU DOLOUR s grief, also DOLOR BEGINO BIOGEN s y, ic, ies ous, eses esis etic, etics# ..2 a hypothetical unit of protoplasm ABIMPT BITMAP s, ped, ping# point by point computer screen display / to produce a bitmap display EGGIPU PUGGIE# r s#, st a monkey ACEGNU CANGUE s 2 an ancient Chinese punishing device UNCAGE d s to release from a cage AGLOOR GOORAL s a goat antelope, also GORAL ADEEHP c#, up, over HEAPED EERTWY TWYERE# s# a pipe through which air is forced into a blast furnace, also TUYERE, TUYER, TWIER, TWYER BENOTY BETONY a European herb [n BETONIES] BDEGLO BOGLED# 2 en# in#, con GLOBED DFIMOY re, com pre MODIFY ing to alter slightly [v MODIFIED, MODIFYING, MODIFIES] EIKORY YORKIE# s# a dog DEFMRS FREMDS# AHIJRS HIJRAS AJNSTU JUNTAS 2 JAUNTS AOPTUY PAYOUT s money that is paid out DNORTU UNTROD den 2 o ROTUND a s#, as ed# er# ly, ate# est# ing# ..4 to {round=v} / round or plump CDEINU re, super INDUCE d r s, rs, ment, ments to {persuade=v} CERUVY CURVEY curved [adj CURVIER, CURVIEST] HIILPU HUIPIL s, es a Mexican embroidered blouse or dress AHILTW there where WITHAL in addition AILLRV pul, micro VILLAR# of a township ADEFIR un#, for# FAIRED 2 FADIER# BEEHOP PHOEBE s a small bird DEFTTU un TUFTED EINNOR RONNIE# s# (Irish) a moustache ADIMNT MANTID s a predatory insect, also MANTIS DEFGGI FIGGED ACGINO ANGICO# s# 2 a South American tree AGONIC making no angle EIMPUY YUMPIE# s# a young, upwardly, mobile person ADEISV mis# AVISED# 4 re#, mis ADVISE d e r s, es rs, dly, ment, dness# ments ..3 to {counsel=v} VISAED DAVIES DILNTU INDULT s a privilege granted by the pope AHILNR mono#, gymno# RHINAL pertaining to the nose FHISTW WHIFTS# BENOOR BOONER# s# a young working class person from Canberra DEINOP cham PIONED# 3 excavated pr OPINED PONIED AEGRRV en, photoen GRAVER s an {engraver=n} CEGINO COIGNE d s to secure with a type of wedge, also COIGN ADEINN DINNAE# (Scots) do not, also DINNA# ACEHIL HELIAC al, ally pertaining to the sun, also HELIACAL AACESU CAUSAE# GNNOUW UNGOWN# s#, ed, ing# to {unfrock=v} BELOOY BLOOEY being out of order, also BLOOIE BDEILU BLUDIE# r#, st# stained with blood, also BLOODY, BLUDY#, BLUIDY# AFLNSW FLAWNS# GINTWY WYTING BDEEEF BEEFED DEINNY DYNEIN s an {enzyme=n} [n DYNEINS or DYNEIN] EGGLOW horns WOGGLE# s# a scout or guide neckerchief ring GINOWY YOWING CEEHNV CHEVEN# s# the {chub=n} AGINOT GITANO s a Spanish gypsy AGHIRT ultr ARIGHT 2 in a right way GRAITH# s#, ed# ly#, ing# to {dress=v} DEGIPR GRIPED ABCDTU ABDUCT s, ed ee or, ees ing ion ors, ions ores to carry someone away with force; to kidnap DEEOSX EXODES# BDDEIO em im re un, dis#, busy# coem dogs# ..3 BODIED AFGLNO FLAGON s a large bulging bottle BDEILO em# re un up, par pot pre, over BOILED 2 BOLIDE s a {fireball=n} ADIISY SAIYID s a title of respect for a Muslim dignitary, also SAYYID, SAYID, SAID CDENOP PONCED DNNOOT DONNOT# s# an idler, also DONNAT# AEIMSZ MAIZES AIIMNP PAINIM# s# a heathen, also PAYNIM, PANIM# ALRUVV VULVAR pertaining to a {vulva=n} AMRSUV MURVAS# BEILNR BERLIN e s, es an old four-wheeled carriage, also BERLINE ABFILU tibio FIBULA e r s a bone in the leg EIILRR RILIER# BDEGIR a, fly sky, draw foot over# tele# ..3 BRIDGE d s, able head less work, board# heads ..2 2 to {connect=v} BEGIRD s, ed le, ing led les, ling to {surround=v} [v BEGIRDED, BEGIRT, BEGIRDING, BEGIRDS] ENNOPU UNOPEN ed, able not open DDEITU DUTIED# subjected to duties ADINRW INWARD s, ly, ness, nesses towards the inside AABISZ BAIZAS EHITWY WHITEY s, wood#, woods# a white man CEINOT a#, dia# NOETIC 2 pertaining to reason NOTICE d r s, rs, able ably, ability#, abilities# to become aware of ILNSVY bi, poly# VINYLS 2 SYLVIN e s, es, ite, ites an ore of potassium, also SYLVITE, SYLVINE GILTUY un#, blood GUILTY worthy of blame for an offence [adj GUILTIER, GUILTIEST] ADGINU d# g# h# l, bl# sc#, bel mar uph#, appl defr AUDING s hearing, recognizing and interpreting a language ACDEUX CAUDEX es the woody base of some plants [n CAUDEXES or CAUDICES] EIJKNU techno# JUNKIE r s, st a drug addict ADEFTT de, super FATTED ANPRUW UNWRAP s, ped, ping to remove the wrapping of EIMNNX MENINX any of the membranes enclosing the brain and spinal cord [n MENINGES] JORRSU ad, con non JURORS AENPSV PAVENS# AACFIL bi, pre# tri, inter, cranio, maxillo FACIAL s, ly, ist#, ists# 2 a beauty treatment for the face CAFILA# s# a caravan, also CAFFILA#, KAFILA# BEORSV BEVORS EEGMNU EMUNGE# d# s# to {clean=v} EIIRSZ SIZIER BDINPU UPBIND s, ing to bind completely [v UPBOUND, UPBINDING, UPBINDS] AEQSUY QUEASY squeamish, also QUEAZY [adj QUEASIER, QUEASIEST] EINNOT INTONE d r s, rs to speak in a singing voice EJMOST JETSOM s discarded cargo, also JETSAM, JETSON# DDEILO DILDOE s 3 an object used as a penis substitute, also DILDO DOILED dazed LOIDED DEETTX pre TEXTED# DGNOOR DRONGO s, es# a no-hoper EEMNOT TONEME s a tonal unit of speech DIOOST OOTIDS FILMOU tri FOLIUM s a thin layer [n FOLIUMS or FOLIA] AEIMTT MATTIE# s# a young herring ADINNP PINDAN# s# a desert region of Western Australia DEEIMP IMPEDE d r s, rs to retard by obstructing ABILVY en in, unen# VIABLY in a viable manner AAKSUW KAWAUS# DEFGLY FLEDGY covered with feathers [adj FLEDGIER, FLEDGIEST] GIORRU RIGOUR s failure to react to stimulus, also RIGOR AGIMRU GURAMI# s# a food fish, also GOURAMI, GORAMY# CEEHOY ECHOEY full of echos [adj ECHOIER#, ECHOIEST#] ELOTUZ TOUZLE d s to dishevel, also TOUSLE, TOUSE ADEILZ LAZIED BGIIJN JIBING ly EEIRSY EYRIES BEFLOO BEFOOL s, ed, ing to {deceive=v} AGNORU OURANG s a large ape, also ORANG ABDELZ em im, out BLAZED ELOORW WOOLER s a domestic animal raised for it's wool BORRUW un# BURROW s, ed er, ers ing, stown#, stowns# to dig a hole of tunnel in the ground KLTUYZ KLUTZY {clumsy=adj} [adj KLUTZIER, KLUTZIEST] ABCILT co BALTIC# (Coll.) extremely cold DEGIMP GIMPED ABEEGG GEEBAG# s# (Irish slang) a disagreeable woman ACDDEG CADGED DILOPU LUPOID# suffering from LUPUS BEEERZ BREEZE d s, way, less ways 2 to move briskly BEEZER s the nose EEMNOY YEOMEN AILSVZ VIZSLA s a Hungarian breed of dog ABEGOR har BORAGE s an aromatic herb EEQSUU de# en# QUEUES ABJNOS BANJOS ABLNOZ em BLAZON s, ed er ry, ers ing, ings ries to {proclaim=v} JNOPSU JUPONS EGILRU be GUILER# s# 5 a deceiver, also GUYLER# REGULI ne se# ze#, sed# ses# zed# zes#, sing# zing# LIGURE s a precious stone f# UGLIER GLUIER AEKTWY TWEAKY {twitchy=adj} [adj TWEAKIER, TWEAKIEST] ACGORU COUGAR s a mountain lion, also PUMA AGJTTY GYTTJA s an organically rich mud BDEOOT re un, free jack BOOTED ALORRW WORRAL# s# a monitor lizard, also WORREL# AEGRYZ AGRYZE# d# s# to terrify, also AGRISE#, AGRIZE# DEGGJO jiga#, jicka# JOGGED EEOPSX re, pre, over, under EXPOSE d r s, rs, dness#, dnesses# to lay open to view ELOOSW WOOSEL# l# s#, ls# a blackbird, also WOOSELL# EIPRRZ ap, mis PRIZER s a contestant for a prize, also PRISER# BEHNOR BREHON# s# a medieval Irish judge CDEFOR af# de ef# en in# un, ren#, reen rein ..3 FORCED ly, ness#, nesses# CDEGIN ac in# re se, con pre, ante reac, inter ..2 CEDING CDEERW DECREW# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to {decrease=v} s, ac# de# un, con# uns, corks CREWED BEEILR BELIER s one who {belies=v} AEGILT AIGLET s 4 a metal sheath at the end of a lace, also AGLET GELATI n s, ne ng ns on, nes ons, nate# nise# ..25 an Italian ice cream, also GELATO al# ob, col, prof smif# LIGATE d s to bind, also LIGATURE TAIGLE# d# s# to {entangle=v} HNORTY haw THORNY 2 full of thorns [adj THORNIER, THORNIEST] RHYTON s an ancient Greek drinking horn [n RHYTONS or RHYTA] AGOPRU GOPURA# m# s#, ms# a tower over a temple gateway, also GOPURAM# EEORSZ re ZEROES DEIRRY YIRRED DENORY YONDER s#, ly# 2 the distance p# ROYNED# AEIPSW WASPIE# r s#, st a ladies' corset AAHSTV TAVAHS# ACGTTU CATGUT s a strong cord CDFIOY re CODIFY ing to put into the form of a code [v CODIFIED, CODIFYING, CODIFIES] AFORRW FARROW s, ed, ing to give birth to a litter of pigs AAEHPW AWHAPE# d# s# to {confound=v} AEMPRV REVAMP s, ed er, ers ing, ings# 2 to {renovate=v} re VAMPER s one who {vamps=v} ENOPRU UNROPE# d s# to loose from a rope EHOOOP HOOPOE s a European bird, also HOOPOO DEEORT TEREDO s a bivalve mollusk [n TEREDOS or TEREDINES] ADILNT TINDAL# s# a petty officer BDEGIN BINGED DEEHMT an THEMED ADEHLO en HALOED AADENT ADNATE joined to another organ ACEELV CLEAVE d r s, rs to {split=v} EEFILR out#, demi# RELIEF s, less# 4 aid in the form of money or necessities LIEFER p, ser# REFILE d s to file again FERLIE d# r# s, st# a strange sight, also FERLY DFILNO p INFOLD s, ed er, ers ing, ings# ment#, ments# to fold inwards AFOSTU FOUATS# IILNTY TINILY in a tiny manner DEENRV la, cha# pro VENDER s 2 a seller, also VENDOR e#, in un NERVED DEILTW t# WILTED DIKLTU KIDULT# s# a film for children or adults AADGIM AGAMID s a lizard with a thick tongue BEIIRR RIBIER s a large, black grape DEINOR DINERO s 3 a former Peruvian silver coin un, env, grid, disenv# IRONED g p# ROINED# EELLTV VELLET# s# a soft, smooth fabric, also VELVET EEEGNP PEENGE# d# s#, ing# to {whine=v} ACILRU mer, nonmer, intramer#, organomer CURIAL ism# ist#, isms# ists#, istic# 3 relating to a curia LAURIC# as in lauric acid, derived from laurel berries thio, bromo, fluoro URACIL s a chemical compound EFILNT INFELT# heartfelt CDEETT DETECT s, ed er or, ers ing ion ive ors, able ..12 2 to {discover=v} DECTET# s# a group of ten BCEIOR CORBIE s a raven, a crow, also CORBY EELRTW s WELTER s, ed, ing, weight, weights to roll about ADEELV re, unre VEALED 2 c s, de, dis#, inter LEAVED having leaves ADHOOR DHOORA s a cereal grain, also DHOURRA ABOUXY BOYAUX# AEENSV VEENAS 2 NAEVES# EEEKSV KEEVES ENNOOR NOONER# s# an activity held during the lunch-break AEGILP PAIGLE# s# the cowslip, also PAGLE# EFIIKR FIKIER# AGKNOU NOGAKU# a type of Japanese drama [n NOGAKU#] FNRTUU UNTURF# s#, ed#, ing# to strip of turf BDEINN BINNED ADIMRU RADIUM s a radioactive element DDHINO HODDIN g# s a coarse cloth, also HODDEN ABDDEG re# BADGED ACCINW WICCAN s one who practices witchcraft AGHINO HOAING# BEFIRT BIFTER# s# a cannabis cigarette GIPRTU UPGIRT ACDENO t ACNODE s 3 an isolated point on a mathematical curve CANOED sub, arch DEACON s, ed ry, ess ing, hood# ries ship# ..3 to read a hymn aloud DEEIRV co DERIVE d r s, rs 3 to trace to an origin REVIED# REIVED ACEFHU CHAUFE# d# r s#, rs to {chafe=v} DEGILU o# UGLIED# 2 be, unbe# GUILED DLOSUW WOULDS# t AHINPT HATPIN s a pin for securing a hat ACDDIT re, non ADDICT s, ed, ing ion ive, ions, edness#, ednesses# 2 to surrender to something compulsively auto DIDACT s, ic yl, ics yls#, ical, icism ylism# ..4 an instructive person FGHOTU in re un, dog gun out FOUGHT y#, en, ier#, iest# EIOORS g, ch OOSIER# AGMNOX MAGNOX# es# material of magnesium based alloys EEFPRT PERFET# (Spenser) perfect AELNTU ELUANT s 2 a solvent, also ELUENT sub#, semi# LUNATE d s#, ly crescent-shaped / a crescent-shaped bone in the wrist, also LUNATED AEGRRZ GRAZER s one that {grazes=v} ADFILY LADIFY# ing# to make a lady of, also LADYFY# [v LADIFIED#, LADIFYING#, LADIFIES#] ANORTY proto, protho NOTARY ship#, ships# 2 a public official who can certify documents [n NOTARIES] AROYNT s, ed, ing to frighten away, also AROINT DENRTY un TRENDY ism#, isms# a fashionable person [n TRENDIES] / fashionable [adj TRENDIER, TRENDIEST] EILOSX ISOLEX# es# a line delineating a geographical region where a vocabulary item is used BEGILT BEGILT# 2 GIBLET s an edible part of a fowl EIKLSV KEVILS AGNOWY GOWANY covered with gowans (daisies) AGMOOY z# OOGAMY the state of having dissimilar gametes [n OOGAMIES] ABEMNO BEMOAN s, ed er#, ers# ing, ings# to {lament=v} EGNPUX EXPUGN# s#, ed#, ing#, able#, ation#, ations# to take by storm BEIMRT BETRIM# s#, med#, ming# 3 to deck with trimmings TIMBRE l s, ls, lled the quality given to a sound by its overtones, also TAMBER# saw TIMBER s y, ed, ing man men, head ings land ..10 to furnish with wood BCEGLO BECLOG s, ged, ging to {obstruct=v} AEEMPT METEPA s a chemical compound EERSTZ ZESTER s 2 a utensil for peeling citrus rind TREZES# DEEMOW MEOWED ADIILM MILADI s, es an English gentlewoman, also MILADY AENPRZ PANZER s, otto#, ottos# an armoured combat vehicle AEILSZ wh# AIZLES# 2 LAZIES t EHIKNO HONKIE s a white man, also HONKEY, HONKY ADEGPU GAUPED# ENNOTW mega# NEWTON s a unit of force AILOSV mo VIOLAS BEIIKS KIBEIS 2 BIKIES ILOPSW PILOWS# ABEFLR FABLER s one who {fables=v} EEEILS un# SEELIE# r#, st# good benevolent fairies, cf UNSEELIE# EEHNNR HENNER# s# y, ies a challenge to a daring act EIILLN NIELLI st, sts EGHINO s, res uns#, back gums, snows, horses HOEING DIMOTU DIMOUT s a condition of partial darkness EELRVV VERVEL# s#, led# a ring for a hawk's jess, also VARVEL# DEENOP re un OPENED 2 DEPONE d s, nt, nts to testify under oath DEELTU ELUTED 2 TELEDU s a carnivorous mammal DEIIRT un TIDIER s one who tidies more TIDY EEINRV ENVIER s 3 one who {envies=v} VENIRE s, man men a type of judicial writ VEINER s a tool used in wood carving ABILNO ALBINO s, ism# tic, isms# a person or organism lacking normal pigmentation ACIKNO KAONIC of or like a kaon, an elementary particle IILNRT NIRLIT# 2 stunted NITRIL e s, es a chemical compound, also NITRILE AELNOT ETALON s 2 a device used to measure wave length TOLANE s a chemical compound, also TOLAN DEEGRY un, over# GREEDY 2 marked by greed [adj GREEDIER, GREEDIEST] GREYED EORSTX OXTERS EEQUXY EXEQUY a funeral procession [n EXEQUIES] EGIMNW em# en# im# un, trans# MEWING EIJKNR JERKIN g s, gs#, ess gly, head#, esses heads# 2 a waistcoat JINKER s, ed#, ing# to transport in a horse drawn vehicle AEIMPY PYEMIA s the presence of pus in the blood, also PYAEMIA AEINNP PENNIA 2 PINNAE BEILNO BOLINE# s# a Wiccan knife FILPTU UPLIFT s, ed er, ers ing, ings#, ingly# to lift up GIIKNV VIKING s, ism#, isms# a Scandinavian pirate BENNOU UNBONE# d s# to remove the bones of AENSWZ WANZES# CDEIRY CIDERY# like cider AAEGRV st, gal# gil#, gill# RAVAGE d r s, rs, ment, ments to {destroy=v} AFGINX tele# FAXING ABCENU CUBANE# s#, lle, lles a hydrocarbon with CH# groups arranged as a cube CEIOSV de in re un, out, under# VOICES EERSTV VERSTE s 6 a Russian measure of distance, also VERST r, si, ant, millisi# EVERTS b t REVETS STERVE# d# s# to {starve=v} o VERSET s a short line of metrical writing, also VERSICLE REVEST s, ed ry#, ing, iary# ries#, iaries# to vest again ABHIJS BHAJIS# 2 HIJABS BIIORS ORIBIS CENRTY CENTRY# centre [n CENTRIES#] CNOOSV CONVOS# AAHITW TAWHAI# s# (Maori) a New Zealand beech, also TAWAI# AADEFR AFEARD {afraid=adj} AEEGRV REGAVE 2 GREAVE d s to feel grief, also GRIEVE FHIRTT un#, spend THRIFT s y, ier ily, iest less, iness, lessly ..2 frugality or economy CEHINZ ZECHIN s an former Italian gold coin, also ZECCHIN, ZECCHINE#, ZECCHINO ELNTXY NEXTLY# following on ACDERZ CRAZED ADELNO re LOANED 3 ENODAL# without nodes LOADEN# s#, ed#, ing# to {load=v} AAILMU AUMAIL# s#, ed#, ing# to {enamel=v} ACHIOR CHORIA# l, mb, mbi# mbs, mbic# mbus#, mbics#, mbuses# AEEGGT TAGGEE# s# a person wearing an electronic tag AAGHNU AGUNAH# (Hebrew) a woman whose husband has abandoned her but fails to provide an official divorce, also AGUNA# [n AGUNOT#] EKOORT ca RETOOK AAEFNS FAENAS ADEEGR un, dis fil, fill AGREED 3 DRAGEE s a sugarcoated candy do re un#, over# GEARED AAHNSZ c HAZANS AEILMZ MEZAIL# s# a visor, also MESAIL# AINNPU PUNANI# (slang) the female genitalia; women collectively, regarded as sexual objects, also PUNAANY#, PUNAANI#, PUNANY# DFNORS FRONDS AGJLMO LOGJAM s, med, ming a tangled mass of logs, any blockage / to cause a logjam EEPSWY SWEEPY of wide range or scope [adj SWEEPIER, SWEEPIEST] FILOOS port FOLIOS e ADEFHL FLEADH# s# a festival of Irish traditional music, dancing, etc AEIKLX w AXLIKE resembling an ax BINOOT BONITO s, es a marine food fish, also BONITA ABCDEU ABDUCE d s, ns nt, ntes to move something outwards or to infer an explanatory hypothesis CEIJSU log# ver JUICES ADDORT DOTARD s, ly someone who dotes, also DOTANT# BDEGNO BONGED EINRSX NIXERS# CEEPUY EYECUP s a cup used for applying lotions to the eye CINNOU pro#, inter NUNCIO s an ambassador from the pope EEGNSW WENGES# AEPSTX EXPATS ADEEHT c, re un, esc pre rec#, outc over trac ..3 HEATED ly, ness#, nesses# EIMORT MOTIER# CEEHQU euro# CHEQUE r s, rs, red, book# ring, books# rwise# ..4 a money order on a bank IKNOOR KROONI EIMNSZ MIZENS CEIORX COXIER# CDIIIM IMIDIC pertaining to {imide=n} GIRTTY GRITTY {plucky=adj} [adj GRITTIER, GRITTIEST] EEINRW WEINER s 2 a frankfurter WIENER s, wurst, wursts a frankfurter, also WIENIE AFINYZ de NAZIFY ing to become like a nazi [v NAZIFIED, NAZIFYING, NAZIFIES] ABDEIR r# ABIDER s 3 one who {abides=v} BRAIDE# d r, rs st# deceitful BARDIE# r# s#, st# an Australian wood-boring grub AFIMRT MAFTIR s the concluding section of a parashah AOTTTW TATTOW# s#, ed#, ing# to mark the skin, also TATU# ABIILT s TIBIAL pertaining to the tibia EELNTU ELUENT s a solvent, also ELUANT EFGINY FEYING# AIIKNT KAINIT e s, es a mineral salt, also KAINITE ACIORT AORTIC pertaining to the aorta BEIMRX IMBREX# a type of tile in Roman buildings [n IMBRICES#] AEIPTT PATTIE s 2 a small, flat cake of chopped food, also PATTY TAPETI# s# a rabbit AAMNNV VANMAN a man who drives a van [n VANMEN] EIMPRX PREMIX t, ed es, ing to mix before use BEEEPW BEWEEP s, ing to {lament=v} [v BEWEPT, BEWEEPING, BEWEEPS] AOOPTT POTATO es ry, bug, bugs the edible tuber of a cultivated plant EIKNSV pen, draw jack, paper#, pocket KNIVES CEGINU mis# CUEING s# the act of prompting an actor EEENRV ENERVE# d# s# 3 to {enervate=v} VENEER s, ed er, ers ing, ings to overlay with thin layers of material un EVENER s one that {evens=v} AACHNZ CHAZAN s, im a cantor, also CHAZZAN, CHAZZEN, HAZAN EGIORR GORIER ABDEFL un#, out FABLED DEINNO bl ONDINE# s# a female water spirit, also UNDINE EEEHPZ PHEEZE# d# s# to unsettle, also FAZE, FEASE, FEAZE, FEESE#, FEEZE, PHEESE#, PHESE# DDEIOP PODDIE# r# s#, st# an iPod user EINOSV r ENVOIS 2 b, pr#, ergon OVINES AAAIMN MANAIA# s# a figure in Maori carving consisting of a human body and bird-like head BCEELO ECBOLE# s# a rhetorical digression BEGOPX PEGBOX es a part of a stringed instrument AABISW WASABI s a pungent herb CGLOOU COLUGO s a small {mammal=n} CDILNO CODLIN g s, gs an unripe apple, also CODLING, QUODLIN# DEEGIR h k# l s w, fl EDGIER DGINRS re GRINDS tone, tones CHITTW angle# TWITCH y, ed er es, ers ier ily ing, iest ings# to move spasmodically CEHIMV VEHMIC# pertaining to a {vehm=n} DFIORS FIORDS CEELNR CRENEL s, ed le, ate ing led les, ated ates ..10 to make indentations in a parapet DEFHOW HOWFED# EIMTYZ a#, pro# ZYMITE# s# a priest who uses leavened bread ABGKNO KOBANG# s# an old Japanese coin, also KOBAN# BGHIIN BINGHI# s# Australian aboriginal (derogatory) AHOOSW WAHOOS DEGOSW WODGES ACHIRU URACHI# HIOPRT TROPHI# c, ed es, cally the mouth parts of an insect ENOOPR OPERON s a type of gene cluster FGILUY UGLIFY ing to make {ugly=adj} [v UGLIFIED, UGLIFYING, UGLIFIES] BEEGNR BERGEN# s#, ia#, ias# a large {rucksack=n} DEINSZ be DIZENS FIORRT FORRIT toward the front ELSTUX EXULTS CIOSTX TOXICS DEHINR HINDER s, ed er, ers ing, ance# ings# land# ..7 to {impede=v} AAJNSW JAWANS 2 AJWANS# ADEFLW un FLAWED BEEIRT REBITE# s# to freshen by acid [v REBIT#, REBITTEN#, REBITING#, REBITES#] FIIMNR INFIRM s, ed er# ly, ary est# ing ity, arer# ..7 to weaken or the destroy the validity of / {sickly=adj} ABEFMR FERBAM s a fungicide ADHJOS k# HODJAS# ENOSTX SEXTON s, ess#, ship#, esses# ships# a maintenance worker of a church BGHILT BLIGHT s y, ed er, ers ies ing, ings#, ingly# to cause decay EILNPU LINEUP s 3 a row of persons LUPINE s a flowering plant, also LUPIN UNPILE d s to disentangle from a pile DEEHTW THEWED# {muscular=adj} AFIKNU FUNKIA s a type of {lily=n} BBEIOO BOOBIE s a breast AHORRW rest# HARROW s, ed er, ers ing, ings# ment#, ingly# ments# to break up and level soil BGINOW el em un BOWING s, ly the technique of playing a stringed instrument with a bow ACMOTU MOTUCA# s# a large Brazilian fly, also MUTUCA# ACDELW DECLAW s, ed, ing 2 to remove the claws of de un, dew, clapper CLAWED AACGIR AGARIC s, aceous# a {fungus=n} EIOSTV SOVIET s, ic#, ise# ism ist# ize, ised# ises# ..14 a legislative body in a Communist country AENRTW WANTER s one who {wants=v} HIOTWZ HOWZIT# (South Africa) how are you? ILLQSU s QUILLS 2 SQUILL a s, ae as, ion#, ions# a Eurasian herb AADRTU scor# DATURA s a flowering plant ACFIOS FASCIO# la# le#, las# les#, liases liasis 2 an organized political group [n FASCI#] FIASCO s, es a wine bottle [n FIASCOS or FIASCHI or FIASCOES] / a complete failure [n FIASCOS or FIASCHI or FIASCOES] DEHILT HILTED 2 LITHED# ANOPRW PAWNOR s one who pawns something, also PAWNER DIIMTY DIMITY a cotton fabric [n DIMITIES] BEIJMU JUMBIE# s# a ghost, also JUMBY# BFIMOR cu nu# tu, cam# cym#, amoe# BIFORM ed having two forms EIORSY h OSIERY# osier-work [n OSIERIES#] ABDHNS BANDHS# IMNTUY MUTINY ing to revolt against constituted authority, also MUTINE, MUTINEER [v MUTINIED, MUTINYING, MUTINIES] EENPTU PUNTEE# s# an iron supporting rod used in glassmaking, also PUNTY, PONTIE#, PONTIL, PONTILE#, PONTY# CDIOTY mono# CYTOID# cell-like AFGMNO FOGMAN# one who sets fog-signals [n FOGMEN#] EGNOXY l#, tri# OXYGEN s, ic, ase ate ise# ize ous, ases ated ..17 a gaseous element BEFILX BIFLEX bent in two places ADEHLU s, box, back club keel over HAULED DEELUX super DELUXE of special elegance or luxury BEFGLU BEGULF s, ed, ing to {engulf=v} AEILRW be WAILER s 2 one that {wails=v} s# WALIER# ACIOPT bet# ATOPIC 2 relating to atopy COPITA# s# a type of sherry glass AAEGNT m, st AGNATE s a relative on the father's side EHILOS HELIOS es# is#, tat, cope# tats, copes# copic# ..5 3 ISOHEL s a map line indicating points of equal sunshine allic#, melanc HOLIES t EESTTZ TZETSE# s# a small fly ADEGRZ un#, over GRAZED EFGNOS GONEFS BEIMNN BINMEN# BEEISV BEVIES EGGIJR re JIGGER s, ed, ing, mast#, masts# to jerk up and down AJMOPT JAMPOT# s# a jar for jam, also JAMJAR# ADFORR FORRAD# er forward ACFIMS MAFICS# ACDEKV mede medi VACKED# AEGHIR HIRAGE# s# 3 the fee for hiring something, also HIREAGE# HEGIRA s an exodus, also HEJIRA, HIJRA, HIJRAH HEGARI s a grain EILNTY LENITY the quality of being lenient, also LENIENCY, LENIENCE [n LENITIES] EIMRTU ITERUM again, once more AHOORY HOORAY s, ed, ing to cheer, also HOORAH AIKNTU TANUKI s the fur of a raccoon dog EELRRV VERREL# s# a metal ring or cap that prevents splitting, also FERRULE AACITX ATAXIC s one suffering from ataxia CIRTTY YTTRIC pertaining to {yttrium=n} AABGOZ GAZABO s, es a fellow AENPTU PEANUT s the monkey-nut or groundnut EEILNR LIERNE s 2 a connecting part in Gothic vaulting ca#, sco# sho, cent# RELINE d s to line again AINRSZ NAZIRS# DEHNOP si sy, mega tele PHONED ACEGLP GELCAP s a tablet coated with gelatin EFORRU FURORE s an uproar, also FUROR AEISTY g ASEITY# self-origination [n ASEITIES#] CDEEEM EMCEED AACEGH ACHAGE# s# an ache AACIJM JICAMA s a tropical plant with edible roots DEIPSV VESPID s a {wasp=n} CELRUV CULVER s t, in ts, ins, tage#, ineer# tages# ..2 a pigeon CEGIOS COGIES# AAERRW AWARER# EILMOT im, non MOTILE s a person whose imagery takes the form of feelings of action DEFORT com, recom# uncom#, discom FORTED# DDEIIT un TIDIED AGHISZ GHAZIS CDEGNO CONGED# AEEMTX TAXEME s a minimum grammatical feature of selection ACEPTU TEACUP s, ful, fuls sful a cup in which tea is served AACHTW AWATCH# on the watch AAISTW AWAITS 2 TAWAIS# GINOPU c l m# p# r s, cr# gr sc# tr, rec, regr ..2 OUPING# AENTTY TETANY a condition marked by painful muscular spasms [n TETANIES] EGILMT GIMLET s, ed, ing to pierce with a boring tool FINOSU af ef in re#, con dif per pro suf, inter ..7 FUSION s, al, ism ist, isms ists less# the act of melting together CEHLQU s QUELCH# ed# es#, ing# to {squash=v} EMOPRT TROMPE d s a device used for supplying air to a furnace ADIILR IRIDAL# pertaining to the iris of the eye, also IRIDIAL#, IRIDIAN# AAGLXY meta, proto GALAXY a large system of celestial bodies [n GALAXIES] ABENOT ONBEAT# s# the first and third beats in a bar of four-four time AIKLNO KAOLIN e s, es ic, ise# ite ize#, ised# ises# ..8 a fine white clay, also KAOLINE AEMNPU PNEUMA s, tic, tics, thode# tical#, thodes# ..17 the soul or spirit ABIMRU her, colum sylla# BARIUM s a metallic element CEEJST d r, re EJECTS IMOSTV be VOMITS BEGLNO BELONG s, ed er#, ers# ing, ings, ingness, ingnesses to be a member of AEINNN hoot#, hoota# hoote# NANNIE d# s a children's nurse ADFRTY DRAFTY exposed to currents of air, also DRAUGHTY [adj DRAFTIER, DRAFTIEST] EEFGRU REFUGE d e s, es, eism, eisms to give or take shelter AADHNX HANDAX es a short-handled ax EIMOSX MOXIES 3 ald# ket# OXIMES EXOMIS# es# a Roman sleeveless garment, also EXOMION# AILNTY LITANY a ceremonial form of prayer [n LITANIES] EGLNTY co un ur, exi ful pun tur#, dili emer# ..14 GENTLY in a gentle manner EEHINR t w HEREIN to, above after below, before 2 contained in this co INHERE d s, nt, nce ncy, nces ntly, ncies to be an essential characteristic AABERZ ZAREBA s an improvised stockade, also ZAREEBA, ZARIBA, ZEREBA#, ZERIBA# AGGNOU GUANGO# s# the rain tree AGLORU a RUGOLA s a pungent salad herb EEFSTW WEFTES# 3 FEWEST EWFTES# CDJNOU JOCUND ly, ity, ness#, ities, nesses# {cheerful=adj} ABEHJS HEJABS# BELOPU pre PUEBLO s a communal dwelling of certain Indian tribes BDILNS un#, sun# BLINDS ide, ided ides ight# tory#, iding ..4 ABIORT ORBITA# l s#, ls, lly# the hollow in which the eyeball rests AAAJMU UJAMAA# s# a village community like a kibbutz ADEINP s#, un# PAINED ABMOSZ ZAMBOS# ACFNTU UNFACT# s# a fact that must not be acknowledged ADNOPT DOPANT s an impurity added to a pure substance GIMOSZ GIZMOS DENNOW WONNED EINRTW t#, mid, over WINTER s y, ed er ly, ers fed ier ing ise# ish ..38 2 to pass the coldest season of the year TWINER s one that {twines=v} BEHITT THIBET# s# a woollen stuff ADGIMY DIGAMY a second legal marriage [n DIGAMIES] AEHLNO ENHALO s, ed es, ing to surround with a halo DGIIST DIGITS ABILTU TABULI s a Lebanese salad, also TABOULI, TABOOLEY EOPRTZ POTZER s an inept chess player AACDDU CAUDAD towards the tail ADILNU UNLAID 2 DUALIN# s# a type of explosive mixture AEFIST FASTIE# s# 2 a deceitful trick, also SWIFTY# FIESTA s a {festival=n} EGIIMN tri# GEMINI# es# expressing surprise, also JIMINY, JIMMINY, GEMONY# ACEFIL FECIAL s 2 a priest of ancient Rome, also FETIAL, FETIALIS over FACILE ly, ness, nesses easily persuaded AHIRTW WRAITH s, like a visible disembodied spirit EIOPRT PROTEI d n, de ds ns, des nic, form# nase nous# ..4 DEKNOZ ZONKED BELPUW UPBLEW# ABCILU ABULIC pertaining to loss of willpower FIMNOY OMNIFY# ing# to make universal [v OMNIFIED#, OMNIFYING#, OMNIFIES#] BOOTUX OUTBOX ed es, ing to surpass in boxing BGOTUU BUGOUT s one that leaves hurriedly DIIOST IDIOTS CDEEIR DEICER s one that {deices=v} DEILNO ipr# INDOLE s, nt, nce ncy#, nces ntly, ncies#, acetic#, butyric# 2 a chemical compound, also INDOL ban# man DOLINE# s# a swallow-hole, also DOLINA# DEINRW fo# REWIND s, ed er, ers ing 2 to wind again [v REWINDED, REWOUND, REWINDING, REWINDS] re un, auto# side stem# WINDER s one that winds ACDDII DIACID s, ic a type of {acid=n} EEFLRX REFLEX ed es ly, ing ion ive, ible# ions ives ..13 to bend back CDEEIP frontis# PIECED BEERRV p REVERB s, ed, ing, erant erate, erated erates ..9 to continue in a series of echoes EEFLUY EYEFUL s a complete view AEGSUV gyro# VAGUES# t ABMOOW WABOOM# s# a South African tree AAFLSV FLAVAS# IIJMNY JIMINY expressin surprise, also GEMINI#, JIMMINY, GEMONY# AFGRUY ARGUFY ing to argue stubbornly [v ARGUFIED, ARGUFYING, ARGUFIES] DDEFNO FONDED DELNUY NUDELY in a nude manner GIINTW WITING GHORTW in re up, mis# non out pre, anti over ..4 GROWTH s y, ier ist#, iest ists#, iness, inesses development EILMTU TELIUM the cluster of spore cases of the rust fungi [n TELIA] BEILRU BLUIER# DEEENT s#, velve# TEENED# AARRUW RAWARU# s# the blue cod ILLTWY TWILLY# a willowing machine [n TWILLIES#] BGHIRT un, eye sun#, over, super BRIGHT s, en er ly, ens est ish, ened ener ness ..6 a light-hued tobacco / shining EILSUY br sp# ULYIES# AEISTW t#, th# WAITES# CEHINX CHENIX# es# an ancient Greek measurement AEMNSV MAVENS DEGINP im PINGED AGLOTY OTALGY pain in the ear, also OTALGIA [n OTALGIES] EGIILL GILLIE d s a type of {shoe=n} CEORRZ CROZER s a tool used in barrel-making, also CROZE DEEFLW FLEWED# having a flew AILNTU UNITAL# pertaining to a {unit=n} AKNTWY TWANKY a variety of green tea [n TWANKIES] GORTTY GROTTY {wretched=adj} [adj GROTTIER, GROTTIEST] CELOOT OCELOT s an American wildcat CDIMTU DICTUM s an authoritative statement [n DICTUMS or DICTA] EGGHOT HOGGET s a young unshorn sheep EEMOPT METOPE s a space between two triglyphs [n METOPES or METOPAE] AEELTV VALETE# d s# 3 farewell VELETA# s# a dance in waltz time VELATE d# having a velum ABDEFR BARFED EILNRU LUNIER AEMSUV MAUVES t# ENPRWY PREWYN# s# a prune, also PRUINE# ALNOSZ AZLONS LOOORT ROTOLO# s# a cake of unleavened bread EELNXY he# XYLENE s a flammable hydrocarbon, also XYLOL AITTTU TAUTIT# tangled DGIINP PIDGIN s, ise# ize, ised# ises# ized izes ..6 a mixed language DDEINU INDUED BDIRTU un# TURBID ly, ite ity, ites ness, ities, imeter ..5 muddy or thick ABEGMR BREGMA ta te, tic a part of the skull AEEKLV VAKEEL s a native lawyer in India, also VAKIL EEIPSZ PEIZES# EINNRW co, bread prize WINNER s one who {wins=v} AJMORS mar JORAMS 2 non MAJORS hip#, hips# AAFIMS MAFIAS ABIMNU MIBUNA# s# a Japanese vegetable of the cabbage family, closely related to mizuna AAIJKR RAKIJA# s# a kind of fruit brandy produced by distillation of fermented fruit, popular throughout the Balkans, also RAKIA# DNOSUZ ZOUNDS expressing astonishment ADEGNR GRANDE# e r, es st ur, urs, eship#, eships# 5 {grand=adj} en DANGER s, ed, ing ous, less#, ously, ousness, ousnesses to expose to loss or injury GARDEN s, ed er ia, ers ful ias ing, fuls ings# less# to cultivate a plot of land p w#, ar de en# th#, est out, rear unar# ..5 RANGED bar# ber# GANDER s, ed, ing ism#, isms# to {wander=v} BELNOZ BENZOL e s, es, ine#, ines# a crude form of benzene, also BENZOLE AGIRSV VIRGAS 2 GRAVIS# as in myasthenia gravis, a wasting disease AILSUV non sub, tele, audio VISUAL s, ly, ise ist ity ize, ised iser# ises ..13 something that illustrates by pictures of diagrams BENOTT BOTNET# s# a net of computers infected by viruses which communicate AOORRT dec per, corp elab# evap impl# meli ..11 ORATOR s y, io, ial# ian# ies ios, ians# ical, ically one that {orates=v} DEEORV c d# h l#, cl ho, rec unc, disc, overc# ..5 OVERED it, its, ited, iting ucate, ucated ..4 2 DEVORE# s# (of velvet or satin), having a design etched with acid / something etched with devore AGKLOT le# KGOTLA# s# an assembly of tribal elders in Botswana, also LEKGOTLA# ABILOR BAILOR s a person who bails property to another, also BAILER DEGGIJ re, jig#, jiga# JIGGED EOORSW WOOERS AEPRTZ PATZER s an inept chess player HIRRWY WHIRRY ing to {hurry=v} [v WHIRRIED, WHIRRYING, WHIRRIES] GGILOT GIGLOT s a playful girl, also GIGLET ILLORT TRILLO# es# a shake (music) EIKNTT KITTEN s y#, ed, ing ish, ishly, ishness, ishnesses to bear young cats ABJLMU JAMBUL# s# 2 the rose-apple tree, also JAMBU#, JAMBOLAN#, JAMBOOL# JUMBAL s a ring-shaped cookie AKNRTZ KRANTZ# es# a precipice, also KRANS#, KRANZ# CDEINR NERDIC# s# 3 another name for GEEKSPEAK# res CINDER s y, ed, ing ous to reduce to ashes CRINED# IORSTZ ROZITS# AGNOTU AGUNOT# 2 NOUGAT s, ine#, ines# a chewy candy EEPRTX s#, in un, non EXPERT s, ed ly, ing ise ism ize, ised# ises ..7 to possess specific skills, also EXPERTISE, EXPERTIZE ABHNOO BHOONA# s# a dish sautéed in oil and a mix of spices, also BHUNA# GILORY GORILY in a gory manner EHNOPY PHONEY s, ed, ing, ness#, nesses# to alter, so as to appear genuine / not genuine or real, also PHONY HILRWY WHIRLY bird, birds a small {tornado=n} [n WHIRLIES] / marked by a whirling motion [adj WHIRLIER, WHIRLIEST] ABHNOT BOTHAN# s# a {booth=n} AAIKRU o# UAKARI s a short-tailed monkey INQSUY QUINSY 2 tonsillitis [n QUINSIES] SQUINY# ing# to {squint=v} [v SQUINIED#, SQUINYING#, SQUINIES#] AAJRSV SVARAJ es self-government in British India, also SWARAJ DEEIMT ITEMED GIOSTU GIUSTO# {suitable=adj} ADEFGR DEFRAG s, ged ger, gers ging ment#, gings# ..3 to defragment (to reorganize computer files into contiguous blocks) AADEGL GELADA s a {baboon=n} ABDEEN BEANED ABEHRT BERTHA s, ge#, ges# 3 a lady's wide lace collar sun BATHER s one who {bathes=v} under# BREATH e s y, ed er es, ers ful# ier ily ing ..28 air inhaled and exhaled ADJKOU JUDOKA s one skilled in judo, also JUDOIST DEGGIW s t, be un#, ear, peri WIGGED EGLNTU ENGLUT s, ted, ting 2 to {swallow=v} GLUTEN s, in, ins ous a tough elastic plant protein substance BEOPRU UPBORE AEGLNO ENGAOL# s#, ed#, ing# to put in gaol ADEEPT PEDATE ly resembling a {foot=n} AENPRW ENWRAP s, ped, ment# ping, ments# pings# 2 to cover by wrapping, also INWRAP s PAWNER s one who pawns something, also PAWNOR DEEEMX EXEMED# AJLRSU JARULS# ACDEEF DEFACE d r s, rs, able# ment, ments to spoil the appearance of [v DEFACED, DEFAST# or DEFASTE# or DEFACED, DEFACING, DEFACES] EEFRTU FEUTRE# d# s# 2 to set in a rest, also FEWTER# REFUTE d r s, rs to prove to be false or erroneous, also REBUT EFILMT FLEMIT# AEIMNP PIEMAN# someone who sells pies [n PIEMEN#] BEERYZ BREEZY {windy=adj} [adj BREEZIER, BREEZIEST] CEHIOR un, non, anti HEROIC s, al ly#, ise# ize, ally ised# ises# ..10 2 an epic verse COHEIR s, ess, esses a joint heir AEFLNN FANNEL# l# s#, ls# a strip of material worn on a priest's arm, also FANNELL# ADORTW un TOWARD s, ly, ness#, liness nesses#, linesses in the direction of EILOPT PIOLET s 2 an ice axe im un, sca, cosmo super POLITE r, ly st, sse, ness sses, nesses showing consideration for others EELMOT OMELET s, te, tes 2 a dish made with beaten eggs, also OMELETTE TELOME s, re, res, rase#, rases#, risation# ..3 a structural unit of a vascular plant ADRTWY TAWDRY gaudy finery [n TAWDRIES] / {gaudy=adj} [adj TAWDRIER, TAWDRIEST] EFILWY un, fish#, house WIFELY befitting a wife [adj WIFELIER, WIFELIEST] AEKLRV LEKVAR s a prune butter EINOSW WINOES 2 NOWISE not all all BILOPU UPBOIL s, ed, ing to boil up AEIIKS SAIKEI# s# a landscape of bonsai AAKNOR ANORAK s a waterproof jacket with hood AEHIMR HERMAI CEOOSZ COOZES# AEMNOP MOPANE# s# a small South African tree, also MOPANI# AKNNOO NANOOK# s# a polar bear AFIMUZ UMFAZI# s# (South Africa) an African married woman AEHRSZ HAZERS BELOWZ BLOWZE# d s# a beggar girl, also BLOWSE# ABEJRU ABJURE d r s, rs to renounce under oath AGGIIL GILGAI# s# a natural reservoir, also GHILGAI# GIINPW s, sides WIPING s# the act of {cleaning=v} AEFMOR de FOAMER s 2 one that {foams=v} FEMORA l AERTTW s, flys WATTER 2 TEWART# s# a eucalyptus EIIMRX MIXIER# AHNOPY di, dodec quadr# APHONY# loss of voice [n APHONIES#] AIIMNT INTIMA e l s, cy te, ted ter tes, cies tely ters ..5 the innermost layer of an organ EHLOSV s HOVELS 2 SHOVEL s, ed er, ers ful ing led ler, fuls head# ..8 to use a digging implement CEIMTY ETYMIC# pertaining to a word's etymology BCDENU BUNCED# CEENPT PECTEN s a comblike anatomical part [n PECTENS or PECTINES] ANNOPT PANTON# s# a {slipper=n} AKLNOU KOULAN# s# the wild ass, also KULAN# BERSUX EXURBS 2 BRUXES AEEGNN emp ENNAGE# s# a measurement of printing type in ens DEEFTT FETTED AEGPRW GAWPER s one that gawps, also GAUPER# DEGINW s t, be un#, non out#, bees# over# WINGED ly 2 be en# in#, mil sub# DEWING EILSTX IXTLES DEGIIN bir, stid# DIEING EEHLNU UNHELE# d# s# to {disclose=v} AHINSV e VANISH ed er es, ers ing, ings# ment#, ingly ments# to disappear ELNNOR RONNEL s an insecticide EIINRT INTIRE# 2 whole, also ENTIRE TINIER EJLOPS POLJES# DEFINR path view, fault range# water# FINDER s 4 one that {finds=v} REDFIN s a freshwater fish REFIND s, ing to find again [v REFOUND, REFINDING, REFINDS] be un#, boy, girl FRIEND s, ed ly, ing, ings# less lier lies ..7 to enter into a warm association with CEILNY over# NICELY in a nice manner AHIKOW KOWHAI# s#, whai#, whais# a New Zealand tree DEFGLU FUGLED 2 be en in GULFED AANSTZ STANZA s, ed ic a division of a poem DEERTX ambi# DEXTER s#, ity ous, wise#, ities ously, ousness, ousnesses a small breed of Kerry cattle DEIORT DOTIER 4 co cr, exp sub, prov# EDITOR s, ial, ials ship, ially ships, ialise# ..13 one who {edits=v} TRIODE s a type of electron tube cha RIOTED EILMOR MOILER s one that {moils=v} CFILTY CLIFTY# broken into cliffs [adj CLIFTIER#, CLIFTIEST#] CDEFNU in FECUND ate ity, ated ates ator#, ating ation ..4 {fruitful=adj} DEIRRV co, cab non, screw DRIVER s, less one that {drives=v} EHIMNU dis# INHUME d r s, rs to bury, also INHUMATE# ADEKNT as# KANTED# 2 s# TANKED AADFMU MADAFU# s# (African) coconut milk CDORWY CROWDY porridge, also CROWDIE [n CROWDIES] DEIOPR sub, photo PERIOD s, ed# ic id, ate ide# ids ing# ise# ..32 2 to put an end to DOPIER ADIMWY MIDWAY s a central avenue in a fair for sideshows ACEINP APNEIC relating to apnea DENOOW WOODEN s#, ed# er ly, est ing# top#, head ness ..6 2 stiff as in wood / (Australian slang) to fell or kill a person or animal s WOONED# EILNOR NEROLI s a fragrant oil EEOPSY PEEOYS# CIMORU CORIUM s# leather armour [n CORIUMS# or CORIA] / a skin layer, also CUTIS [n CORIUMS# or CORIA] ACEHTX HEXACT# s#, inal#, inellid#, inellids# a six-rayed sponge spicule CEIPTY ETYPIC# al# not conforming to a type, also ETYPICAL# IPRSTZ SPRITZ ed er es ig#, ers igs# ing to {spray=v} EINNNR RENNIN g# s, gs# an enzyme, also RENNASE DEIRTU REDUIT# s# an inner fortified retreat for a garrison DEEGRW GREWED# EEGINT sau#, trus, repar#, guaran TEEING DGNOOW GODOWN s an oriental warehouse EENOSV VENOSE full of veins, also VENOUS ADILNN ma INLAND s, er, ers the interior of a country IMOPSU eur, ectr# entr#, ipratr# OPIUMS DEEGNU DENGUE s 2 a tropical disease UNEDGE# d# s# to {blunt=v} ABEEKT BETAKE n s to take oneself to [v BETOOK, BETAKEN, BETAKING, BETAKES] ACEGNY co re#, sub, news#, inter multi super AGENCY a organization that does business for others [n AGENCIES] MOQTUU QUOTUM# s# a share, also QUOTA AEHMNU in HUMANE r, ly st, ness, nesses compassionate EIPSUZ UPSIZE d s to increase in size AFGLOS OFLAGS# BDEEFL BEFELD# EINRTY NITERY a nightclub, also NITERIE [n NITERIES] DELNRY mo DERNLY# {secretly=adv} EENRRV NERVER# s# one that {nerves=v} IMNRTU UNTRIM s, med, ming to strip of trimming AADDEW ADAWED# EEEHNT poly#, perchloro# ETHENE s a flammable gas, also ETHYLENE EJPSTU UPJETS# AEHIKW HAWKIE s a white-faced cow, also HAWKEY CEHISV ar CHIVES DEOOPX EXOPOD# s#, ite#, ites# itic# the outer branch of a crustacean limb EMORTU MOUTER# s#, ed# er#, ers# ing# to take a fee for grinding grain BNORWY BROWNY somewhat brown [adj BROWNIER, BROWNIEST] AELRWX WRAXLE# d# s# to grapple with, also WRESTLE, WRASSLE, WRASTLE AMSTUZ MAZUTS# BDEENO DEBONE d r s, rs to remove the bones from AEILSU SAULIE# s# a hired mourner GIORSV VIGORS CEILNO ph, polyph ENOLIC 2 pertaining to an {enol=n} CINEOL e s, es a liquid used as an antiseptic, also CINEOLE ABELNZ BENZAL s#, dehyde, dehydes a radical in oil of bitter almonds ACFLOT OLFACT# s#, ed#, ing# ion ive ory, ible# ions ..10 to smell something AEPRUY YAUPER s one who {yaups=v} AENTWY TAWNEY s light brown, also TAWNY / light brown, also TAWNY [adj TAWNIER, TAWNIEST] ADNNOO NANDOO# s# a South American ostrich, also NANDU#, NHANDU# CEGHIR CHIGRE# s# a type of {flea=n} ABINNU BUNNIA# s# a Hindu merchant EELTWY TWEELY# in a twee manner CIILOP LIPOIC# as in lipoic acid AACGIM AGAMIC ally# asexual, also AGAMOUS DENNOU UNDONE GOPRUY GROUPY# {groupie=n} [n GROUPIES] AABINZ BANZAI s a Japanese battle cry EFNNRU FUNNER CIIMOT se MIOTIC s an agent that causes miosis, also MYOTIC ABLMOO ABLOOM blooming ILOPRX PROLIX ly, ity, ious# ness#, ities, nesses# tediously long and wordy ABCINO BONACI s an edible fish AFILNU INFULA# e# a headband used during Roman rites ACEIKR EIRACK# s# 2 a young hen CAKIER AEMRRV MARVER# s#, ed#, ing# to roll glass on a marble slab EEIRRW p REWIRE d s to install new wiring EENSVY VENEYS# ACFGIN de ef en re, cat out pre sur, bold, inter resur FACING s the lining at the edge of a garment EGKNRS KRENGS# CEHNUU EUNUCH s, ise# ism ize# oid, ised# ises# ..8 a castrated man FGINOX out FOXING s the act of a person who foxes ADEPTU UPDATE d r s, rs, able# 2 to bring up to date TAPUED# ELOOTT TOOTLE d r s, rs to toot softly and repeatedly AFHRSW WHARFS DEEHRY HERYED# BCEILR CRIBLE# dotted ACGHOT GOTCHA s an instance of catching a person out in a deceit or wrongdoing DDEEFI ma# re un# DEFIED ADIRRT RITARD s, ando, andos a musical passage with a slowing tempo ADGNSW DWANGS# CEHLOT be en# re un, under# CLOTHE d s, spin, sline spins, shorse slined ..5 to provide with clothing [v CLOTHED, YCLAD or YCLED#, CLOTHING, CLOTHES] AAGILP PALAGI# s# a European in Samoa EFLNNU FUNNEL s, ed, ing led, form ling to pass through a cone-shaped utensil CENOVY re CONVEY s, al# ed er or, als# ers ing ors, able# ..16 2 to transport COVYNE# s# a {coven=n} ACMNOT MONACT# ine#, inal# having single rayed spicules ACENRV CAVERN s, ed, ing ous, ously ulous#, icolous 3 to hollow out CARVEN carved CRAVEN s, ed ly, ing, ness, nesses to make {cowardly=adj} AFGINZ FAZING AHOOSY YAHOOS ABOOSY BOOAYS# EGOOPY POOGYE# s# an Indian nose-flute CEHNRT en in re TRENCH ed er es, and# ant ard# ers ing, ancy ..5 to dig a long, narrow ditch ILNRTY NITRYL# s# short for nitroxyl EIJNSX out JINXES EGILMP MEGILP h s, hs a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting, also MAGILP, MEGILPH AAJNNS JNANAS EIPRSW side# SWIPER# s# 2 one who sweeps for old anchors s#, sides# WIPERS FHILTY FILTHY offensively dirty [adj FILTHIER, FILTHIEST] DEFOOR FOREDO es ne om, ing oms, omed, oming 3 to destroy (pa t FOREDID), also FORDO [v FOREDID, FOREDONE, FOREDOING, FOREDOES] p, re un, rep#, airp, babyp bombp firep ..9 ROOFED DOOFER# s# a thingummybob. The name will 'do for now' EEILLV VIELLE# s# a hurdy-gurdy CHIORW CHOWRI# s#, es# a device for repelling flies AINNOP PANINO a sandwich made with a small bread roll [n PANINI] AEMOPZ APOZEM# s# a medicine obtained by boiling DDEELV DELVED BDEEHR feat HERBED flavoured with herbs ACGOWY COGWAY s a railway operating on steep slopes ADGHRU DURGAH# s# the tomb of a Muslim saint, also DARGA#, DARGAH# DEIMNP IMPEND s, ed, ent ing, ence# ency#, ences#, encies# to be imminent INNRTU INTURN s, ed a turning inward CDEEIT DECEIT s, ful, fully, fulness, fulnesses falseness FINOOS FOISON s, less# strength, also FIZZEN#, FUSHION# GNOPTU POTGUN# s# a mortar BEEJLS d JEBELS ADELOZ LAZOED# ABEFHL BEHALF interest or benefit [n BEHALVES] JOTTUU OUTJUT s, ted, ting, tings# to stick out GIILNV s#, re un, mis non out, over LIVING s, ly, ness, nesses a means of subsistence DEELVV DEVVEL# s#, led#, ling# to hit hard, also DEVEL GIINNV di ra, pro#, reple VINING ABMOTW WOMBAT s a nocturnal mammal DEFLTU un FLUTED ABINOT re, pre OBTAIN s, ed er, ers ing, able ment, ments, ability, abilities 2 to gain possession of BONITA s a marine food fish, also BONITO DEHORW be# WHORED om, oms ACINSV VINCAS AABRSZ ZABRAS# 3 super# BAZARS BRAZAS BILLOR BRILLO s a scouring pad EGIINN INGINE# s# {ability=n} AENORT ATONER s 2 one who {atones=v} in# un, bic# ORNATE r#, ly st#, ness, nesses decorated ADEEFM DEFAME d r s, rs to destroy the reputation of BEINNZ BENZIN e s, es a solvent distilled from petroleum, also BENZINE ABDEKO BOAKED# BDETTU a, re, surre# BUTTED CDEOTY CYTODE# s# a protoplasm body without nucleus CDEOYZ ZYDECO s popular Louisiana music CIILNP INCLIP s, ped, ping to {embrace=v} AORRSZ RAZORS AEHILR loud# HAILER s one who {greets=v} EGGJLO JOGGLE d r s, rs to shake slightly ABEMSW WEAMBS# ACILOT non pre, post COITAL ly 2 relating to coitus CITOLA s a pear-shaped guitar, also CITHER, CITHERN, CITHREN, CITOLE, CITTERN BCEEKZ ZEBECK s a sailing ship, also ZEBEC AINOPR PORINA# s# (New Zealand) the larva of a moth that damages grassland AFIILL un, non FILIAL ly, ness#, nesses# pertaining to a son or daughter ACDEOP PEACOD# s# a pea pod, also PEASECOD, PEASCOD GINNOO GONION a part of the lower jaw [n GONIA] EELNNT LENTEN {meagre=adj} ABEJMN ENJAMB# s#, ed, ing#, ment, ement ments, ements in poetry, to join the sense from one line to the next EILLTW WILLET s a shore bird DEIRRU DURRIE s an Indian cotton rug, also DHURRIE ENNOPT de ex im# op, com pro, bicom, semide# ..3 PONENT affirmative DEEHNN HENNED# FHOSTW FOWTHS# EEIKNR KEIREN# s# an 8-lap track cycling event in which the riders follow a motorcycle pacer for the first 51/2 laps, sprinting the remaining 21/2 laps after the motorcycle has pulled off the track, also KEIRIN# ANRUWY RUNWAY s 2 a landing and takeoff strip for aircraft UNWARY not wary, also UNWARIE# [adj UNWARIER, UNWARIEST,] BEENNU UNBEEN# EEPTTU PUTTEE s a legging formed from a cloth wound around the leg, also PUTTIE DGORUY GOURDY# swollen [adj GOURDIER#, GOURDIEST#] EIRSVV re, sur VIVERS 2 VIVRES# {food=n} AILNNP PINNAL pertaining to a {pinna=n} DEFIMR af in, con, reaf, disaf recon uncon, discon FIRMED GGIINV re un, for law mis out, alms care gain ..3 GIVING s# the act of giving ADHIKU HAIDUK# s# a brigand, also HEYDUCK# ABDETY BAYTED# LOOOSV OVOLOS EGIKNW EWKING# AILMTU pen, antepen ULTIMA s, cy ta te, ted tes tum, cies tely ting ..3 the last syllable of a word ACDEHO COHEAD s, ed, ing to head jointly HIIKOS HIKOIS# CEIMRT di, bio dia geo iso non pro sym tri ..148 METRIC s, al, ate ian# ise# ism ist# ize, ally ..14 a standard of measurement EGMNOU EUMONG# s# an Australian acacia, also EUMUNG# IOPRTU ROUPIT# {hoarse=adj} DEINNP re un, tails under PINNED AGNTTY GNATTY infested with gnats [adj GNATTIER, GNATTIEST] CFILOR FROLIC s, ky, ked ker, kers king some, somely#, someness# to {gambol=v} EEOPTY PEYOTE s a hallucinogen derived from cactus DEGILM MIDLEG s 2 the middle of the leg GLIMED DEIMNO un#, ali, testi# MONIED 3 having lots of money, also MONEYED EMODIN s a chemical compound DOMINE e# s, er es#, ers, ered, ering, eringly, eringness master EJKORS JOKERS BEILOR pot BOILER s y#, ies#, suit, maker plate suits ..4 3 a pot for boiling LIBERO# s# a footballer who plays behind the backs p REBOIL s, ed, ing to boil again DEEFNR de of, reof# FENDER s, ed, less a metal guard over a wheel BEKOOR p REBOOK s, ed, ing 2 to book again BOOKER s one that {books=v} CEFLST CLEFTS BCEIPS BICEPS es an arm muscle, also BICEP EHOSUY HOUSEY# typical of house music (disco mixes) [adj HOUSIER#, HOUSIEST#] EIIMRR quag MIRIER 2 g RIMIER AEGLNW t WANGLE d r s, rs to obtain by craft DEELNT DENTEL# s#, le#, les# one of a row of tooth-shaped square blocks, also DENTIL EFOSTU FOUETS# 3 FOUEST# FOETUS es the unborn in the womb with distinctly formed parts, also FETUS ADEFMY MADEFY# ing# to {moisten=v} [v MADEFIED#, MADEFYING#, MADEFIES#] CEINRT se CRETIN s, ise# ism ize# oid ous, ised# ises# ..6 an {idiot=n} DEPTUY sub DEPUTY one appointed to act for another [n DEPUTIES] ADEKOY KAYOED 2 OKAYED CEEEGR GREECE# s# a step, also GRECE#, GRECIAN#, GREESE#, GREESING#, GRESE#, GRESSING#, GRIECE#, GRIZE# EGLNST GLENTS# ACDIIM pyr AMIDIC pertaining to {amide=n} CDIMOU MUCOID s, al a complex protein CDEGOR CODGER s an old man DEOOPT POOTED# FGIINY d l s, ind# und#, cons# pres, fores# IGNIFY ing to {burn=v} [v IGNIFIED, IGNIFYING, IGNIFIES] AEIKNT KENTIA# s# 2 a feather palm INTAKE s the act of taking in IIOOPP PIOPIO# s# a New Zealand thrush, thought to be extinct DEILRW be WILDER s, ed, ing, ment ness, ments, nesses to cause to stray AAAARR ARAARA# s# (Maori) a fish, the trevally EGINOP PIGEON s, ed# ry#, ing# ite, hole ites ries# ..7 2 to {hoax=v} EPIGON e i s, es ic us, ism ous, isms an inferior imitator, also EPIGONE, EPIGONUS DLNOTU UNTOLD not told ADPRUW UPDRAW# n# s#, ing# 2 to draw up [v UPDREW#, UPDRAWN#, UPDRAWING#, UPDRAWS#] UPWARD s, ly, ness, nesses toward a higher position CEINNT INCENT s, ed er re#, ers ing ive res#, ives ..11 to provide with an incentive EEGPRU PUGREE s a cloth band wrapped around a hat, also PUGAREE, PUGGAREE, PUGGREE, PUGGRY FGLNOS FLONGS EHILPR HIRPLE d s to {limp=v} AGISTU AGUTIS# ADEPWY YAWPED ABCEIM end AMEBIC pertaining to an ameba, also AMOEBIC BEIMRU t, ytt ERBIUM s 2 a metallic element IMBRUE d s, ment#, ments# to drench, also EMBRUE AADEMT amalg desqu AMATED# AAGMPR GRAMPA s a grandfather DEEINT EIDENT# 2 {busy=adj} ENDITE d s to charge formally with a crime AEGHIS GEISHA s a Japanese girl trained to entertain AAGHJN GANJAH s cannabis used for smoking, also GANJA BCEIIS v# IBICES CELPTY YCLEPT EILRTY TILERY# a tile factory [n TILERIES#] BEELSV BEVELS AELOSZ SLEAZO id, ids 3 shoddy, sleazy di, pyr# thi tri, carb imid imin# ..6 AZOLES LAZOES# EFLNPU gow# PENFUL# s# the amount of ink a pen can hold EIKNSZ ZINKES# AGGNOW WAGGON s, ed er, ers ing, ette# less# load# ..2 to transport in a four wheeled horse-drawn vehicle, also WAGON INORTT INTORT s, ed, ing ion#, ions# 2 to twist inwards TRITON e s, es ia#, ias# a marine mollusk AACNOR ANCORA# encore ACFINN FINNAC# k# s#, ks# a young trout, also FINNOCK#, FINNACK# DEHTTU p# HUTTED AADEKW re un AWAKED AABTTU ABATTU# dejected CILNOO COLONI c, al cs es se st ze, als sed ser# ses ..34 FLNOOW ONFLOW# s# a flowing on EOPRTW POWTER s, ed#, ing# to {poke=v} BEGORU BROGUE s, ry, ish#, ries an Irish accent AILTXY LAXITY the state of being lax, also LAXNESS [n LAXITIES] MOQRUU QUORUM s a chosen number ADGINZ ADZING 2 be# DAZING AGINRV b c g, dep emb# eng out, outb, reeng, photoeng RAVING s, ly irrational, incoherent speech ENSUXY UNSEXY 2 not sexy YUNXES# EORRTV TROVER s a type of legal action AGHIKU KIAUGH s care or trouble, also KAUGH# ADENPW s, im PAWNED EEEKNT KETENE s a toxic gas, also ETHONONE# BEGOOY BOOGEY s, ed, ing man men to dance to rock music, also BOOGIE, BOOGY DEFLOY FOYLED# AEEFRT TEREFA# h 3 not kosher de, bee FEATER AFREET s an evil spirit in Arabic mythology, also AFRIT EHIKOR c HOKIER EGGIIL GILGIE# s# a small freshwater crayfish CFIILM FILMIC ally pertaining to motion pictures AHLLOU HULLOA s, ed, ing to {hallo=v} ENOPWY POWNEY# s# a pony, also POWNY#, POWNIE# AAGNNO GOANNA s a large monitor lizard AINNRU URANIN# s#, ite, ites a {sodium=n} CDENPU PUNCED# DEORWY DOWERY assets a wife brings to marriage, also DOWRY [n DOWERIES] EGIPRY GRIPEY causing sharp pains in the bowels, also GRIPY [adj GRIPIER, GRIPIEST] AFGORR FRAGOR# s# a crash IJOSST ban JOISTS ABBEEU BAUBEE s a Scottish coin ELPSTZ SPELTZ es a variety of wheat, also SPELT DEGGIT TIGGED# AEGIKN KAEING# COTTUU CUTOUT s something cut out EGIKLR KILERG# s# a thousand ergs EFOORR REROOF s, ed, ing 2 to renew the roof p, mothp, flamep waterp ROOFER s one who supplies or repairs roofs CDEENO ENCODE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# to put into code EINORR IRONER s a machine for pressing clothes AFINNT INFANT a e s, as es ry, ile ine, hood# ries, hoods# ..19 a child in the early stages of life AAFIST ra TAFIAS 2 FATSIA# s# an evergreen shrub ACFORX CARFOX# es# a place where four roads meet, also CARFAX# FGLORU FULGOR# s#, ous# splendour, also FULGOUR# ARSTUW WAURST# EFHORT FOTHER# s#, ed#, ing#, gilla#, gillas# to protect a sail with tarred yarn AAIMSU AMUSIA s the inability to recognize musical sounds BDNOTU OBTUND s, ed, ent ing ity, ents, ities to {deaden=v} AINRTU NUTRIA s an aquatic rodent CEGIRR GRICER# s# a train spotter BEILSZ BEZILS GLOPTU PUTLOG s a cross-beam, also PUTLOCK# AAINNT NAIANT# a heraldic term for "swimming horizontally" AGHILT te#, ultr ALIGHT s, ed, ing, ment, ments to {dismount=v} [v ALIGHTED or ALIT, ALIT, ALIGHTING, ALIGHTS] ABEELP BELEAP s t, ed, ing to leap upon AEGGJR JAGGER s y, ies one that {jags=v} EJKOPS KOPJES AQSSUW old SQUAWS DEILNW d s WINDLE d s, ss, ssly, strae# straw, ssness# ..3 to {wind=v} DEHNOO HOONED# FILNST gun, skin FLINTS DEHOOT w#, uns# HOOTED CEEHIT TECHIE r s, st a technician, also TEKKIE CIMNOU me sy, zir CONIUM s 2 a poisonous herb MUONIC pertaining to a {muon=n} AEHLTW bride#, common WEALTH s y, ier ily, iest less#, iness, inesses valuable possessions ADNOOR NARDOO# s# an Australian fern CDEOPU s#, re COUPED CHIQTU s# QUITCH ed# es, ing# to {stir=v} DILNNU DUNLIN s a wading bird DEHIKO HOIKED# AEGHNR c, exc, bell#, autoc# cliff# crape# ..6 HANGER s 2 one that {hangs=v} REHANG s, ed, ing to hang again [v REHANGED, REHUNG, REHANGING, REHANGS] AABCUU AUCUBA s a shrub of the dogwood family ADEIPR PARDIE 4 used as a mild oath, also PARDI, PARDEE, PARDY, PERDIE, PERDY p, un REPAID ap# em# im re un, des, unim unre# PAIRED be DIAPER s, ed, ing, ings# to put a nappy on CDDEIT ad in, pre, male read rein unin, inter ..4 DICTED# ADEGNU AUGEND s 2 a number to which another is to added UNAGED not aged AFHMOT FATHOM s, ed er, ers ing, able eter# less, eters# ..2 to discover the depth of EILLTU TUILLE s, tte#, ttes# a piece of armour for the upper thigh, also TASSET, TACE, TASSE BDGORU DORBUG s a black European beetle EEGNNT GENNET# s# a small Spanish horse AHOTWZ HOWZAT# int a cricketing appeal for a dismissal DEFILM re un, micro FILMED EGIKNU y EUKING# EKNNOR KRONEN EEGLNN GENNEL# s# a narrow alley, also GINNEL# AHINPR HARPIN g s, gs {harping=n} ABNORT BARTON# s# a {farmyard=n} ADIOST DIOTAS# CEILLO OCELLI 2 COLLIE d r s, rs ry, ries, shangie, shangies a large dog AFKOST KOFTAS# ACHQTU sas QUATCH# ed# es#, ing# to stir or move ABPRTU ABRUPT s#, er ly, est ion, ions ness, nesses an {abyss=n} / short and rude in manner DIMOOR DROMOI# AFINNN FINNAN# s# a kind of smoked haddock, also FINDRAM# ACINTU aero argo#, astro NAUTIC# s#, al, ally 3 relating to ships, also NAUTICAL TUNICA e, te, ted tes a layer of body tissue ANICUT# s# a dam, also ANNICUT# AANNYZ NYANZA# s# a {lake=n} EHNOPU EUPHON# s# y, ia# ic, ias# ies ise# ism# ium ..14 a type of glass harmonica AAHJNR RHANJA# s# 2 (Hinglish) a male lover k# HANJAR# s# a Persian dagger, also HANDJAR#, KHANJAR# DEELRV DELVER s one that {delves=v} AABDIR ABRAID# s#, ed#, ing# to {awake=v} AEIKMN KINEMA s, tic, tics, tical, tically tograph# ..4 a {cinema=n} AFGNOS FANGOS# 2 GANOFS FGILST GLIFTS# ACILNO ALNICO s 2 a magnetic alloy OILCAN s a can containing oil DEGLNO GOLDEN s#, ed# er ly, est eye ing# rod, eyes ..7 3 to become {golden=adj} / of the colour of gold DONGLE s a device for defeating software piracy p#, be, emp# pro LONGED AJLOPS JALOPS AAEFNR FRAENA EGOOPR POGOER# s# someone who pogos EFFGIR GRIFFE s the offspring of a black person and a mulatto, also GRIFF AFILRZ FRAZIL s ice crystals in streams CDEOPW s# COWPED# ABDEEH BEHEAD s, al ed er, als ers ing, ings# to cut off the head of EEKNOS KEENOS# AIRVVY VIVARY a place for raising and keeping live animals, also VIVARIUM [n VIVARIES] AAABIS ABASIA s a defect in muscular coordination EENSYZ SNEEZY tending to sneeze [adj SNEEZIER, SNEEZIEST] EIKNNO KINONE# s# a crystalline derivative of aniline, also QUINONE ADDGIY GIDDAY# a greeting good day CEGOSU COGUES# IKOPTU POUKIT# CILOPU OILCUP s 2 a closed cup for supplying lubricant UPCOIL s, ed, ing to coil up AORSTX STORAX es 2 a fragrant resin, also STYRAX TAXORS# CGHILT GLITCH y, es, ier, iest a malfunction CEMNTU CENTUM s, vir#, viri#, virate#, virates# one hundred ADHNOR HADRON s, ic an elementary particle EIINSZ dis SEIZIN g s, gs legal possession of land, also SEISIN ACDIMO MODICA FIMNRU UNFIRM# not firm ELNTTY NETTLY {prickly=adj} [adj NETTLIER, NETTLIEST] IKLNOU ULIKON# s# the candlefish, also EULACHON, EULACHAN, OOLAKAN#, OULACHON#, OULAKAN#, ULICON# EGIRSZ a# GRIZES# AGNNOT TONNAG# e s#, es a shawl DEEERY REDEYE s a railroad danger signal DGHIIN c, cow raw, outc HIDING s a {beating=n} AIMRTU n ATRIUM s a central courtyard [n ATRIUMS or ATRIA] DEKOTU TOUKED# AGLOOP APOLOG s y, al ia ue, iae ias ies ise ist ize ..16 a story presenting a moral principle, also APOLOGUE FGILNS ri up, hal# maf# out# pur ruf# sti# ..8 FLINGS ACEEMZ ECZEMA s, tous a skin disease AEGIMN ENIGMA s, ta, tic, tise# tist# tize#, tical ..9 2 something that is difficult to understand GAMINE s, ss, rie#, ries# sque# sses a {tomboy=n} ANNOTT alti# TONANT# thundering ADEESX fl AXSEED s a European herb EILNOP PINOLE s 2 a finely ground flour LOIPEN# EEEHNX HEXENE# s# a chemical compound ACEHIN CHAINE d s a series of ballet turns BFIRUY RUBIFY# ing# to {redden=v} [v RUBIFIED#, RUBIFYING#, RUBIFIES#] CDEILR CLERID s a beetle AILPSW PILAWS ACDEGR CADGER s 2 one that {cadges=v} ag# en# un, dis GRACED ILLNUW UNWILL# s#, ed, ing, ingly, ingness, ingnesses to deprive of will AIINPR RAPINI immature turnip plants EEJRSY JERSEY s, ed a knitted shirt ACENNU conti, disconti NUANCE d s to give subtle shades of meaning to EHJORS JOSHER s one who {joshes=v} DEILWY un WIELDY 3 easily wielded [adj WIELDIER, WIELDIEST] DEWILY in a dewy manner WIDELY in a wide manner GLORWY GROWLY deep and harsh in speech [adj GROWLIER, GROWLIEST] ABILOT OBITAL# pertaining to {obits=n} EEHNPW grand NEPHEW s the son of one's brother or sister ENNNOP PENNON s, ed, cel, cels, celle#, celles# a long, narrow flag, also PENNANT BEENNR BRENNE# s# to {burn=v} [v BRENT, BRENNING#, BRENNES#] BDEOPR BEDROP# s# t#, ped#, ping# 2 to drop upon re un PROBED CDDEHI out CHIDED AEKORT KOTARE# s# a small greenish-blue kingfisher found in New Zealand EEILPT sapro# PELITE s any rock derived from clay or mud. Also LUTITE# AAINTT re ATTAIN s t, ed er ts, der ers ing ted, able ders ..10 to gain by {effort=n} AOORTT TOOART# s# an Eucalyptus tree ABCEMW WEBCAM s a camera used for transmitting live images over the World Wide Web DDEITT DITTED# DENRUY UNREDY# {unready=adj} DEENNO DONNEE s 2 assumptions upon which a story is founded NEONED having a gaseous element AABTTW ABWATT s a unit of power AACENN CANNAE# can not EEEEPW PEEWEE s an unusually small person or thing EELMRW MEWLER s one that {mewls=v} EIOSTW TOWIES t# DEGIRT GIRTED BFIORS FIBROS# e#, ed# es is, ing#, itis, arcoma itises ..2 2 ROSBIF# s# French term for an English person AINPRU PRUINA# s# a powdery bloom upon the surface of plants AEENSU UNEASE s 2 mental or physical discomfort AENEUS of a shining bronze colour, also AENEOUS FHORTY FORTHY# 2 therefore FROTHY {foamy=adj} [adj FROTHIER, FROTHIEST] BORTUU RUBOUT s an act of rubbing out DELORY YODLER s one who {yodels=v} DDGIPU GIDDUP# to urge on a horse AEHTWY WHEATY# tasting of wheat [adj WHEATIER#, WHEATIEST#] DEILMT MILTED AEGHIN HAEING ADEKUW WAUKED DEHIMN MEHNDI s the art of painting patterns on the skin with henna ABDEHT em# im# un, sun BATHED GIORSU GUIROS CGHIOT neo# GOTHIC s, ise# ism ize, ally ised# ises# ..5 a style of printing CJNOSU JUNCOS BDEEET BEETED# 2 DEBTEE# s# a {creditor=n} ADEINT DETAIN s, ed ee er, ees ers ing, able# ment, ments 2 to hold in custody methylphe NIDATE d s to become implanted in the uterus EEHMRT THERME l s, ls, tte#, ttes#, sthesia#, sthesias# a unit for reckoning payment for gas, also THERM AOOTTT TATTOO s, ed er, ers ing ist, ists to mark the skin with indelible pigments EIINPR PIRNIE# s# 2 a striped woollen nightcap s PINIER CGHINR GRINCH es a {killjoy=n} FIMNOR re, dis mis pre, over INFORM s, al ed er, ant ers ing, able# ally ..18 to pass on information, also ENFORM# LOOSTV VOLOST s an administrative district in Russia ACOPTW COWPAT s a dropping of cow dung, also COWFLAP, COWFLOP, COWPIE, COWPLOP DEINNW ENWIND s, ing 2 to enwrap (pa t ENWOUND), also INWIND [v ENWOUND, ENWINDING, ENWINDS] t WINNED EEGLTY GLEETY resembling {mucus=n} [adj GLEETIER, GLEETIEST] ACDEFH en# CHAFED AELNNR p, parap# LANNER s, et, ets a {falcon=n} DEELOP DELOPE# d# s# 2 to fire one's gun into the air during a duel d#, dev env, codev redev undev, disenv# ..4 ELOPED DEGINY DINGEY s 3 a small boat, also DINGHY, DINGY YEDING# be# re, over DYEING s something coloured with a dye CEIOPT PICOTE# d e, es 2 embroidered with knotted loops un, non, anti, mytho, onomato POETIC s, al, als# ise# ism ize ule#, ally ..10 pertaining to {poetry=n} EGHINW c s w#, esc rec, fores# rough spang# HEWING s# 2 the process of cutting eg a tree WHINGE d r s, rs, ing, ings#, ingly# to {whine=v} DEFFIO DIEOFF s a sudden decline in a population AFGMOR FOGRAM# s#, ite# ity#, ites#, ities# a person with an old-fashioned outlook, also FOGY, FOGEY, FOGIE CFIMOT dis COMFIT s, ure#, ures# a candy, also CONFIT ADDEIN s#, or, dis, reor unor#, preor, foreor DAINED# BEEGIN BEIGNE s t, ts a fritter, also BEIGNET BEIKOY BOYKIE# s# (Coll.) a chap or fellow AIILLR ARILLI# BEGLTU BUGLET# s# a small bugle ADHNOO DAHOON s an evergreen tree DEGNOR GRONED# AIINNP PANINI s# grilled, Italian-style sandwiches EHIRTT c w, bulls# HITTER s 2 one who {hits=v} TITHER s one that {tithes=v} EGNOOR f ORGONE s 2 a vital force permeating the universe OROGEN# s# y, ic, ies, eses esis etic, ically#, etically# a region which has undergone orogeny CDEEHO re, out ECHOED AEHLOT LOATHE d r s, rs st#, dness#, dnesses# to {detest=v} ABGILN c f g s# t, en st, dis par#, dish# outf ..4 ABLING# s 2 em# un, gim BALING GILNOX bol LOXING ACDEEP PEACED AKNSUZ KANZUS ABGORT BOGART s, ed, ing to use without sharing BDEIOR BORIDE s a boron compound AILNRU URINAL s, yses ysis a fixture used for urinating AELQSU co un, non EQUALS 3 SQUEAL s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to utter a sharp, shrill cry LASQUE# s# a thin, flat diamond BEELPT BEPELT# s#, ed#, ing# to pelt hard BDENOU BOUNED# ADNNOT DONNAT# s# 2 an idler, also DONNOT# DANTON# s#, ed#, ing# to dare, also DAUNTON# ADISTU pl, pre AUDITS AAFLTU FLAUTA s a tortilla rolled around a filling and fried HIJNSU SHINJU# s# (Japan) a ritual double suicide of lovers ABORRW hand hurl#, wheel BARROW s, ful#, fuls# a hand propelled cart AEFHRS AFRESH {anew=adv} EGINTY TYEING# EILNTU LUTEIN s, ise# ize, ised# ises# ized izes ..6 3 a yellow pigment LUITEN# UNTILE# d# s# to strip of tiles DEINNT DENTIN e g s, al es 4 the hard substance forming the body of a tooth, also DENTINE presc# INDENT s, ed er or, ers ing ion ors ure, ions ..7 to {notch=v} mis#, super INTEND s, ed er, ant eds ers ing, ance ancy# ..8 to have as one's aim or purpose un# TINNED AFGOST FAGOTS EFILNY LENIFY# ing# 2 to {mitigate=v} [v LENIFIED#, LENIFYING#, LENIFIES#] af FINELY in a fine manner AJORSW JOWARS BEIORR ORBIER BDEORT BETROD# den# 2 co DEBTOR s someone who owes a debt, also DEBITOR# DEEGHP PEGHED# ACENNO ANCONE s, al the elbow ANORSV SOVRAN s, ly ty, ties a {monarch=n} AGGILO LOGGIA s an open-sided gallery or arcade [n LOGGIAS or LOGGIE] EFIRSZ FRIZES AILNNU UNNAIL s, ed, ing 2 to remove the nails from ANNULI GIINRW t#, re un#, pre, hard, under# WIRING s a system of electric wires DEFLPY FLYPED# EHIRTW s WITHER s, ed er od, ers ing ite ods, ings# ites ..4 3 to dry up and wilt WRITHE d n r s, rs to squirm or twist in pain WHITER BCEEHO b OBECHE# s# a West African tree GHIMTY al, over MIGHTY {strong=adj} [adj MIGHTIER, MIGHTIEST] ADEGNW be#, out GNAWED ADMTUY ADYTUM the inner sanctuary of a temple [n ADYTA] AEGLPU anti PLAGUE d r s y, rs, some# to pester or annoy AALLOZ AZOLLA# s# a tiny water fern ADHJKO KHODJA# s# a Middle Eastern title of respect, also KHOJA# EEFLTT FETTLE d r# s, rs# to potter fussily about DEHOTT s, mails# snaps HOTTED EEEFNR ENFREE# d# s#, ze#, dom# ing# zes#, doms# zing# ..2 to set free EGMORT GROMET# s# a reinforcing ring of metal, also GROMMET, GRUMMET EIKRUY YUKIER# BEIORT OBITER# as a passing remark ENORRZ b RONZER# s# (New Zealand) someone who is not from Auckland, the opposite of a JAFA# ADENNU DUENNA s, ship, ships a governess BDEGOR BODGER# s# a type of {pedlar=n} DEHIOS ec# HOISED CEIMNU NEUMIC relating to a neume AGHIRR GHARRI s, es a carriage used in India, also GHARRY ABEINT bom com# rab tur BINATE ly growing in pairs AEGNNO NONAGE d# s, simal#, narian simals#, narians a period of immaturity ADMSUW DWAUMS# AEHILM HIEMAL 2 pertaining to winter LEHAIM# s# a traditional Jewish toast, also LECHAYIM, LEHAYIM, LECHAIM# EIPRXY EXPIRY a termination [n EXPIRIES] AEKLNW KNAWEL s 2 a cornfield weed of the chickweed family, also KNAWE WANKLE# {unsteady=adj} BEEPRU BURPEE# s# a cloth on the shoulder while burping a baby AHNOWY ANYHOW in any way whatever ADISVV VIVDAS# EKORUY EUROKY organisms living under variable conditions [n EUROKIES] DEGGIP PIGGED ABDEGN gang head# BANGED AHQSSU mu SQUASH y, ed er es, ers ier ily ing, able# iest ..2 to press into a flat mess BIOORZ BORZOI s a Russian hound EEFLLO FELLOE s the rim of a wheel, also FELLY ACGILR pil, peel# GARLIC s, ky, ked, kier king, kiest a cooking herb / to flavour with garlic pa t GARLICKED, pr p GARLICKING ABENOS BEANOS ADGMNO DOGMAN# a man who directs a crane while travelling with the hook [n DOGMEN#] DEEELV LEVEED EFLNOT TEFLON s synthetic fluorine-containing resins used especially for molding articles and for coatings to prevent sticking (as of food in cookware) ADHIRY achlor HYDRIA e a water jar ANOOSW ASWOON swooning BEEORY dis OBEYER s one that {obeys=v} AIRRTY RARITY the quality of being rare, also RARENESS [n RARITIES] ADNRTU TUNDRA s 3 a level, treeless expanse of arctic land DURANT# s# a type of strong cloth DRAUNT# s#, ed#, ing# to {drone=v} ADINOX DIAXON# s# 2 a bipolar nerve-cell DIOXAN e s, es a toxic flammable solvent, also DIOXANE ACDORW be COWARD s, ed# ly ry#, ice ing#, ices ries# ..4 to make {cowardly=adj} / one who lacks courage ABEGLU BLAGUE# r# s#, rs# ur#, urs# 2 humbug BELUGA s the white whale AEEPSY PAYEES CDIISV in VISCID ly, ity, ness#, ities, nesses# thick and adhesive BMNOTU UNTOMB# s#, ed#, ing# to remove from a tomb EERRTV REVERT s, ed er, ant ers ing ive, ants ible to return to a former state ACEHLV CHEVAL# et, ets ier, iers as in cheval glass, a tiltable mirror AEHLSZ g# HAZELS AFGIMN de in# FAMING CIMNOR o, sub, chylo milli MICRON s, ise# ize, ised# ises# ized izes ..15 a unit of length, also MIKRON [n MICRONS or MICRA] AIMNSV MAVINS AEEMNX AXEMEN 2 EXAMEN s a critical study of conscience DEEILV un, sur#, over# VEILED ly 2 un, rep LEVIED AESTXY EXTASY# a state of rapture [n EXTASIES#] EHOPRT THORPE s 2 a small village, also THORP POTHER b s y#, bs ed, ing to {trouble=v} AEMNRW WARMEN# ADOSTY TODAYS CEMNOW COWMEN ACNOOP POONAC# s# coconut-oil cake EFORSU FUEROS# EILRTU RUTILE s a mineral AEIKNZ KAIZEN# s# Japanese business practice which seeks continual improvement EEGINN mal#, multi ENGINE d r# s, er rs# ry, ers, ered ries, ering, erings to equip with machinery CEILRT de RELICT s, ion, ions an organism surviving in a changed environment FIPRUY co re PURIFY ing to cleanse from impurities [v PURIFIED, PURIFYING, PURIFIES] BDEGGI BIGGED# ACLOOZ ZOCALO s the public square in a Mexican city or town DENRST up, sub, down, counter TRENDS etter, etters etting, ettings# ABNRWY BRAWNY muscular strength [adj BRAWNIER, BRAWNIEST] ABNTYZ BYZANT s, ine a coin of ancient Rome, also BEZANT, BEZZANT DDEJRU JUDDER s y#, ed, ing to {vibrate=v} FLORUY FLOURY fine-grained like flour [adj FLOURIER#, FLOURIEST#] AEGIPR GAPIER# HINOOP INHOOP# s#, ed#, ing# to confine in a hoop AAEKNW re AWAKEN s, ed er, ers ing, ings to rouse from sleep BDEIMN NIMBED# having a halo ADEEFR a, af# un, over FEARED 2 DEAFER EFMNRU FRENUM s a connecting fold of membrane, also FRAENUM, FRENULUM [n FRENUMS or FRENA] ERSTVY re# VESTRY man men a room in which vestments are kept, also REVESTRY# [n VESTRIES] AMOOTT TOMATO es ey the edible fruit of a plant DEGIOS GEOIDS 2 DOGIES AELTUX sub# LUXATE d s to put out of joint EGGIRW s t# WIGGER# s# y, ies (derogatory) a white youth who adopts black youth culture, also WIGGA# ACEKNO NOCAKE# s# a meal made from parched maize CEOOSY COOEYS DEMOPU MOUPED# ADEFLU un#, non pre, semi FEUDAL ly, ise# ism ist ity ize, ised# ises# ..12 pertaining to an ancient political and economic system ABDETU TABUED BGHIIL GHIBLI s a hot desert wind, also GIBLI# EEORRW REWORE EFRRUU FUREUR# s# admiration ILRSTW TWIRLS DEEJKR JERKED ADETTW TAWTED# AEENPT NEPETA s {catmint=n} ACDDTU ADDUCT s, ed or, ing ion ive ors, ions to draw inward CDEEIM DECIME# s#, ter tre, ters tres tric# an old French coin DEGLNY GYLDEN# golden, also GILDEN# AEJNST SEJANT represented in a sitting position (heraldic), also SEJEANT ABGLMO GAMBOL s, ed, ing led, ling to leap about playfully AACEFR CARAFE s a wine-flask ADIKUZ ADZUKI s (Japanese) a kind of bean, also ADSUKI#, ADUKI#, AZUKI EHIMNT HITMEN ELORVY l OVERLY ing 2 to an excessive degree VOLERY a large bird cage [n VOLERIES] INRSXY SYRINX es the vocal organ of a bird CEHNOU COHUNE s a palm tree DEEGNN GENNED# GINOPX POXING AHMOTU MAHOUT s the keeper and driver of an elephant DFIRST snow spin star#, spoon# DRIFTS BEFILM FIMBLE s the male plant of hemp DEHPST DEPTHS AELTTW t WATTLE d s, ss, bark# bird work#, barks# birds works# to weave into a network AEFLMN FLAMEN s, co, cos a priest of ancient Rome [n FLAMENS or FLAMINES] EGGIIN bo#, boo soo#, shoo# GIEING FIILSU FILIUS# (Lat.) a son [n FILII#] GHIPTY YPIGHT# ANPTUU TUPUNA# s# (Maori) an ancestor, also TIPUNA# ACDERV un CARVED 2 CRAVED ADGPRU UPDRAG# s#, ged#, ging# to drag upward IKNORW p t, cha# pla# INWORK# s#, ed#, ing#, ings# to work in AEMQSU SQUAME# s#, lla#, llas# 2 a scale anti# MASQUE r s, rs, rade, raded rader rades, raders rading a dramatic entertainment formerly popular in England BCEEMO mis BECOME s to be the fate of [v BECAME, BECOMING, BECOMES] DEILNT DENTIL s, ed, abial#, ingual#, inguals# 2 one of a row of tooth-shaped square blocks, also DENTEL# f g, sp LINTED DEIOPT exo#, endo PODITE s 2 a limb segment of an arthropod, also PODOMERE PIOTED# variegated DEGMNO MONGED# 2 under the influence of drugs DOGMEN# AEFHRT TREFAH 3 not kosher also TREF, TREFA#, TREIFA# s# HAFTER s one that {hafts=v} god, fore step, grand house FATHER s, ed ly, ing, hood ings# land less ..8 to be the male parent of DEGHIN w, re un HINGED 2 NIGHED EFGLNU ENGULF s, ed, ing, ment, ments to swallow up completely, also ENGULPH#, INGULF, INGULPH# DEGLOW re, out GLOWED 2 GOWLED# AGINRY GRAINY 2 {granular=adj} [adj GRAINIER, GRAINIEST] b d f g p, ab# ar be# de# fo sp st, aff ..15 RAYING BLOOTT BLOTTO {drunk=adj} EHIMRU HUMERI BGHORS BROGHS# EEHIMP HEMPIE r s#, st 2 {hempy=adj} IMPHEE s an African grass BEEGNU BUNGEE s a strong rubber rope, also BUNGEY#, BUNGIE#, BUNGY#, BUNJE#, BUNJEE#, BUNJIE#, BUNJY# EGILPR GRIPLE# gripping DEEELT un# DELETE d s, rious, riously, riousness to remove printed matter BEILNZ BENZIL# s# a hydrocarbon radical EEILLW WELLIE s a Wellington boot, also WELLY EOPRRV ap im re, dis, disap PROVER b s, bs, bed, bial bing, bially, bialise# ..11 one who {proves=v} EGGILW por# WIGGLE d r s, rs to {waggle=v} AEGLRZ GLAZER s someone that glazes, also GLAZIER AELMNO MELANO# s#, id ma us, ids mas ses sis tic, cyte ..17 an abnormally dark person or animal AIKORT peres TROIKA s a Russian carriage HILMOW WHILOM {formerly=adv} EERRUV REVEUR# s# a day-dreamer DEEGIN tweedle# DEEING# EIPSTW PEWITS DEFNNU FUNNED AAEGLV LAVAGE s a {washing=n} DGINOP PONGID s 2 an anthropoid ape DOPING s drugging CILLOU LOCULI cidal BELTUU micro TUBULE s a small tube EHLOTW HOWLET s 2 an owl THOWEL# s# an oar pin, also THOWL# CEGLRY CLERGY man men, able#, woman women ministers of Christian religions [n CLERGIES] AEJKNR JANKER# s# a long pole on wheels for transporting logs FIIMNY MINIFY ing to make {smaller=adj} [v MINIFIED, MINIFYING, MINIFIES] NNORUW UNWORN not worn ACFORT co, non, bene cale# male, multi FACTOR s y, ed, age ial ies ing ise# ize, able ..19 2 to express as a product of two or more quantities FORCAT# s# a convict condemned to hard labour DEEPTT pi PETTED ly, ness#, nesses# AKOOSZ KAZOOS IMOSSZ epi, hylo ZOISMS# GHINOO b# p OOHING DDEIRW WIDDER s, shins a widow ADGLNU UNGLAD# not glad BINNOR tw INBORN existing in one from birth GORTTU GUTROT# s# 2 cheap alcohol ROTGUT s an inferior liquor AEKPTU re UPTAKE n# s 2 to take up [v UPTOOK#, UPTAKEN#, UPTAKING#, UPTAKES] TAKEUP s the act of taking something up EJLPSU JULEPS AGILRY GLAIRY resembling egg white [adj GLAIRIER, GLAIRIEST] EHNRTU c s, bow fox man# non pot, anti head mine# HUNTER s one who {hunts=v} DEFGGO be de, petti FOGGED DEEENW r, unr ENEWED# 2 un#, mis#, over WEENED AGILSW WILGAS# ADEHLW WHALED ALPRUW PULWAR# s# a type of boat AORSUU AUROUS pertaining to {gold=n} AEILLW WALLIE r# s, st# a fool AGKLOU KAGOUL# e# s#, es# a light anorak, also CAGOUL#, CAGOULE#, KAGOOL#, KAGOULE# AFGINN FINGAN# s# a small cup without a handle, also FINJAN# DEGHIR DREIGH er#, est# 2 dreary, also DREICH DRIEGH {dreary=adj} NOOPUY YOUPON s a shrub CINOOP COINOP# operated by coin BDEEEP BEEPED DEHNTU s, un#, fox out, head over HUNTED ly BDIOPS BIPODS EGILOR LOGIER 2 GLOIRE# s# glory AGIMNX cli, mini# MAXING ADEGMU GAUMED EEGGIR l, dr pr# EGGIER# 2 GREIGE s fabric in an unfinished state AEINSV SAVINE s 3 an evergreen shrub, also SAVIN, SABINE NAIVES t NAVIES ADEGNP s#, un# PANGED BNOTTU re un, key mis, belly# BUTTON s y, ed er, ers ing, ball bush held# ..20 to fasten with a small disk ELOPRW REPLOW s, ed, ing 2 to plow again PLOWER s one that {plows=v} ACNOOR geo CORONA e l s, ch ls ry te, chs lly ted tes, ries ..7 2 a luminous circle around a celestial body bar RACOON s a carnivorous mammal, also RACCOON EGILPY GILPEY# s# a boisterous girl, also GILPY# EINNTT INTENT s, ly, ion ive#, ions ness, ional ioned# ..3 a purpose EIMNTY ENMITY hostility [n ENMITIES] CEEINP PIECEN# s#, ed# er#, ers# ing# 2 to {join=v} e PICENE# s# a hydrocarbon AHIKSU HAIKUS AEFFIN gir# par AFFINE d s, ly a relation (especially by marriage) AGGINO se, oper AGOING# in motion ADENWY YAWNED 2 DAWNEY# dull or slow AIJNNS NINJAS ABDENT BANTED# EFIRTY FERITY 2 {wildness=n} [n FERITIES] FREITY# superstitious, also FREETY# [adj FREITIER#, FREITIEST#] BDEORW eye# low, high over#, middle# BROWED having a brow EFFIMO MOFFIE# s# (South Africa) a homosexual EEMPTX non pre EXEMPT s, ed, ing ion ive, ions to free from liability ABNOTY geo, astro# ethno paleo, archeo# ..2 BOTANY the science of plants [n BOTANIES] EILRRU un RULIER ADDHOO DOODAH# s# something whose name one has forgotten, also DOODAD AABDNR BANDAR# i# s#, is# a rhesus monkey CDEIRT ac, dis mis# non, reac, disac# CREDIT s, ed or, ing ors, able ably less#, worthy ..3 3 to accept as true co in re, mis, over DIRECT s, ed er ly or, est ing ion ive ors ory ..24 straightforward / to control or conduct the affairs of TRICED AGNNOY NONGAY s a person who is not homeosexual EMNOXY EXONYM s a name for a town in a foreign language AEFINS FAINES# t AIIPRS PIRAIS# EGMRTU TERGUM the back of an arthropod, also TERGITE [n TERGA] AHHIJR HIJRAH s an exodus, also HEGIRA, HEJIRA, HIJRA AEFFIW WAFFIE s a vagabond BEGINT gib rab, alpha BETING# EEENTT ENTETE# e# infatuated DEEPTU DEPUTE d s to {delegate=v} ILNOPT PONTIL e# s, es# an iron supporting rod used in glassmaking, also PUNTY, PONTIE#, PONTILE#, PONTY#, PUNTEE# AANNRU thys ANURAN s a toad or a frog EEEHLR w, cartw freew sidew# HEELER s 2 one who heels shoes REHEEL s, ed, ing to replace the heels of AAAILL par# ALALIA# s# loss of speech EHIKNU HUNKIE r s, st an unskilled workman, also HUNKY, HUNKEY AEILPT h APLITE s fine-grained rock EIISVV di, subdi# VISIVE visible EEGRTT be, for par# GETTER s, ed, ing, ings# to purify with a chemically active substance EEHNRT phenan THRENE# s#, tic#, tical# 2 an ode for the dead, also THRENOS# NETHER more# most ward#, lings# stock# ..4 situated below DEINTU bo UNTIED 3 DUNITE s an igneous rock m#, re un, dis pre UNITED ly, ness#, nesses# AGHISU AGUISH ly like a fever CEGIST GESTIC al, ulant ulate, ulated ulates ulator ..6 pertaining to bodily motion, also GESTICAL AEFGLR REFLAG s, ged, ging to change the flag EHMNOT MONETH# s# {month=n} BEINRY BYRNIE s an armored shirt EHOTXY m ETHOXY l, ls, ethane#, ethanes# a univalent chemical radical, also ETHINYL, ETHOXYL, ETHYL, ETHYNYL [n ETHOXIES] CDEOTT es#, boy, wains COTTED# lined with cots ADIKTT DIKTAT s a harsh settlement imposed on a defeated nation EIKNOS KOINES 3 EIKONS ENOKIS DEEMNO OMENED ABDDEU be DAUBED LNOTWY TOWNLY# {townish=adj} [adj TOWNLIER#, TOWNLIEST#] CEOSTV COVETS AFILPS PILAFS ACHOTW WOTCHA# a greeting, developed from what cheer? how are you, also WOTCHER# EEEGRT GREETE# d r s#, rs to {weep=v} ALNSUW UNLAWS# BDEHOO HOBOED 2 BOOHED# EERSVW SWERVE d r s, rs, less# to turn aside suddenly from a straight course ACDEOX COAXED ACEPRU APERCU s a brief outline AAORTT TOTARA# s# a New Zealand tree ABJKMO s JAMBOK# s#, ked#, king# in South Africa to strike with a whip, also SJAMBOK AAGJRS JAGRAS AEIKRT KARITE# s# 3 an African tree ARKITE# s# an inmate of Noah's ark TAKIER# INPRTU TURNIP s y#, ed#, ing# to plant with an edible plant root AIMNOP MOPANI# s# a small South African tree, also MOPANE# EILNNO ONLINE r#, rs# connected to a mainframe or a server DEEFRY REDEFY ing to defy again [v REDEFIED, REDEFYING, REDEFIES] AAIMTT TATAMI s straw matting used as a floor covering DEHRST DERTHS# CEENOR ENCORE d s to call for a repetition of a performance ADEHNU UNHEAD# s#, ed#, ing# to decapitate ADELLV DEVALL# s#, ed#, ing# to {decline=v} ABHOTX HATBOX es a box for a hat ILLPUV PULVIL# s#, io# le# li, ios# lar led# les# ..7 perfumed powder, also PULVILIO#, PULVILLE# / to scent with pulvil AEGPRT PARGET s, ed er#, ers# ing ted ter#, ings ters# ..2 to cover with plaster, also PARGE ABGGIW BAGWIG s an 18c wig DEINPT DIPNET s, ted, ting to scoop fish IPRRTU IRRUPT s, ed, ing ion ive, ions, ively to enter forcibly or violently ACEEHN ACHENE s a dry one-seeded fruit, also AKENE CEMNOO ONCOME# s#, ter#, ters# a coming on AAHIPR PARIAH s 2 a social outcast ag, dysg#, logag# parag# typog#, dermatog# RAPHIA s a palm tree, also RAFFIA BDGINY BYDING# AMPRUW WARMUP s preparatory exercise CEOSYZ COZEYS CDEIKT DETICK s, ed er, ers ing 2 to free from ticks s, an de, lips pigs poli, outpoli TICKED BENRST su BRENTS EILMPW WIMPLE d s to {pleat=v} AGGNOX OXGANG# s# as much land as one ox could plough, also OXGATE#, OXLAND# DEGLOP s PLODGE# d# s# (English dialect) to wade in water AALNPT PLANTA# e# r s#, ge# in, ble ges# ins, tion, tions, ginaceous# 2 the sole of the foot PLATAN e s, es na#, nas#, aceous# a large tree, also PLATANE AIMNNO AMNION s, ic 2 a membranous sac enclosing an embryo [n AMNIONS or AMNIA] ag, cog pre, prae NOMINA l, ls te, ble# lly ted tes tor, lise# ..26 ADDEFN FANDED# IMNNTU MUNTIN g s, gs a dividing strip for window panes, also MUNNION, MUNTING ACORYZ CORYZA l s a head cold DEEGGI GIDGEE# s# a small acacia tree, also GIDJEE# AFNNOT NONFAT al ty, tening having no fat solids AEGLOT GELATO s 2 an Italian ice cream, also GELATI [n GELATOS or GELATI] LEGATO r s, rs, rial# a smooth and flowing musical style FHIINS re, grif# FINISH ed er es, ers ing, ings# to bring to an end FGINUZ de FUZING AAABDG DAGABA# s# a Buddhist memorial shrine, also DAGOBA ACIINN NIACIN s, amide, amides a vitamin B AGLOWY LOGWAY s a ramp used in logging AILOSX OXALIS es a flowering plant EINRRU RUINER s one who {ruins=v} DDIIKV KIDVID s a television program for children DDEOOW un WOODED BINTTU UNBITT# s#, ed en er, ing# to take off from the bitts (naut) EKNOUY UNYOKE d s to free from a yoke HINNWY WHINNY ing to neigh in a gentle manner [v WHINNIED, WHINNYING, WHINNIES] / abounding in {whin=n} [adj WHINNIER, WHINNIEST] EJLOST JOSTLE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# to bump roughly CILNST CLINTS# IINSTW INWITS# DELOTU OUTLED 2 c f g LOUTED CDDEIU CUDDIE s a donkey, also CUDDY EEOSTV VETOES ABCIOR CABRIO# s#, le, les let, lets short form of cabriolet AGKLOO KAGOOL# s# a light anorak, also CAGOUL#, CAGOULE#, KAGOUL#, KAGOULE# AIKNRT KIRTAN# s# devotional singing, usually accompanied by instruments DEEGLP im re, frank PLEDGE d e r s t, es or rs ts, ors, able# to bind by solemn promise DEMOTT DOMETT# s# a type of plain cloth AGLNOO LAGOON s, al a shallow body of water, also LAGUNA, LAGUNE DEFILT FLITED 2 c#, up, air sea, boat dead face fore# ..4 LIFTED ABEGIS BAGIES# 2 man GABIES CINSTT ex, ins TINCTS DIMNOO DOMINO s, es a small mask ORSTUY YOURTS# 2 bi STOURY dusty, also STOURIE [adj STOURIER#, STOURIEST#] ABEPRU UPBEAR s, er, ers ing to raise aloft [v UPBORE, UPBORNE, UPBEARING, UPBEARS] DEJKOU JOUKED ADEPRW un WARPED AEKRUW WAUKER# s# a fuller of cloth, also WAULKER# ADEEGM DEGAME s a tropical tree, also DEGAMI EHILSV ELVISH ly, ness#, nesses# {elfish=adj} AFNRYZ FRANZY# cross and peevish [adj FRANZIER#, FRANZIEST#] ELOOPZ POZOLE s a thick soup made of pork, corn, garlic, and chili, also POSOLE EINPRU UNRIPE r, ly st, ned, ness, nesses 4 not mature enough PUNIER mercapto PURINE s a chemical compound, also PURIN PRUINE# s# a prune, also PREWYN# EGIIKN sm#, shr# EIKING# AFILMU FAMULI 2 AIMFUL ly full of purpose EEPRTW PEWTER s, er, ers a tin alloy ABEIRT yt TERBIA s 4 an oxide of terbium red BAITER s one who {baits=v} REBAIT s, ed, ing to bait again sy, metacinna# BARITE s a mineral, also BARYTE EFGILN s, sh#, uns# ELFING# EFGORR FORGER s y, ies one who {forges=v} EIIMNR MINIER# ACGLOU CAGOUL# e# s#, es# a light anorak, also CAGOULE#, KAGOOL#, KAGOUL#, KAGOULE# ABOSUY BAYOUS EIOPRR PORIER# 2 ROPIER BDEORY fo REBODY ing to renew the body of [v REBODIED, REBODYING, REBODIES] EFRSUZ FURZES ADMORU MADURO s a dark-coloured strong cigar EEILNT ga se, geh# LENITE d s to articulate a lenis DLORSW sub, anti# demi life nano#, after ..6 WORLDS cale#, cales# ABIMNN BINMAN# a {dustman=n} [n BINMEN#] IMQRSU SQUIRM s y, ed er, ers ier ing, iest, ingly# to {wriggle=v} ADDEGU GAUDED# EGHHIT a# HEIGHT h s, en hs, ens ism, ened ener# isms ..2 2 the highest point, also HIGHTH h EIGHTH s, ly an eighth part BDEEIL BELIED 3 cr in un, non, incr uncr# EDIBLE s, ness, nesses something fit to be eaten DEBILE# {weak=adj} DEEJLL JELLED ACEOPT TOECAP s 2 a covering for the front of a boot or shoe CAPOTE s a hooded cloak or overcoat AFGISY GASIFY ing to convert into gas [v GASIFIED, GASIFYING, GASIFIES] AHORTW WROATH# s# misfortune ADETTU s TATUED# 2 TAUTED ACIORS SCORIA c# e, ceous the dross or slag from metal smelting CEIILS CEILIS 2 c ILICES# AABIRR ARRIBA (Spanish) of pleasure, approval, or elation EIMNTU MINUET s 4 a slow, stately dance MUTINE d s, er, ers, ered, ering to revolt against constituted authority, also MUTINY, MUTINEER MUNITE# d# s# to fortify, also MUNIFY# im#, arc# com MINUTE d r s, ly st, man men, ness, nesses to take brief notes / very small BEFLOU BEFOUL s, ed er, ers ing, ment#, ments# to {soil=v} CDENNO re CONNED ABEELN BALEEN s 2 whalebone t, am li op ov#, ali dis int# unt, conv# ..8 ENABLE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# to make {possible=adj} DEINPU UNIPED# s# a one-footed person or animal AHIMOR MOHAIR s the hair of an Angora goat AIIMPR IMPAIR s, ed er, ers ing, able# ings# ment, ments to damage or weaken, also PAIRE# FGIRST GRIFTS AINRSV INVARS 2 RAVINS IKLNPU UPLINK s, ed, ing, ings# 2 a communications channel to a spacecraft / to send by uplink LINKUP s something that serves as a linking device AEHLNU UNHEAL# s#, ed th#, ing# ths# thy, able#, thful ..7 to {disclose=v} EIIKSV SKIVIE# r#, st# deranged GIILOS SIGLOI AADNSV VANDAS BEILMN MILNEB s 2 a fungicide NIMBLE r, st, sse# wit#, ness sses# wits# ..2 {agile=adj} EFMNOR ENFORM# s#, ed#, ing# to pass on information, also INFORM DEOPTT s, ca# re un, bes# res uns, suns# POTTED EINPTT s# PITTEN# BEEEMT BETEEM# e# s#, ed# es#, ing# 2 to grant, also BETEEME# BEMETE# d# s# to {measure=v} AEKNNT KANTEN# s# agar-agar jelly EIIMRT MITIER EFILOS tri# FOLIES# 2 FILOSE lle#, lles# resembling a thread DILOXY XYLOID in#, ine# ins#, ines# {woody=adj} BDEMOT en in un#, disen# TOMBED INOPTY POINTY coming to a sharp, tapering end [adj POINTIER, POINTIEST] ABORTW TOWBAR# s# a metal bar used for towing FILNTU TINFUL s an much as a tin can hold GIKOPS GOPIKS# GIJKNO JINGKO es 2 an ornamental tree JOKING ly DDENNO re DONNED ABEISZ BAIZES DEHITT TITHED ABDETT ra#, com BATTED ALNRUY sub, inter super trans# LUNARY# 2 the moonwort fern [n LUNARIES#] URANYL s, ic a bivalent radical EEEHLT LETHEE# s# life-blood or death DDEIRY YIRDED# AISTWZ TIZWAS# es# a {tizzy=n} EINPRY PINERY an area where pineapples are grown [n PINERIES] DHOORT HOTROD s a car modified for speed BDHIRY di, tri, mono poly# HYBRID s, ise# ism ist ity ize oma ous#, ised# ..19 a {mongrel=n} ACELQU CALQUE d s 2 to process the tracing of a design CLAQUE r s, rs ur, urs a group of hired applauders GNOSUY YOUNGS ter, ters BEEHNS HEBENS# CDDEOO DOOCED# AADELT p#, de ox, esc, reesc, interc ALATED winged CEFORR de en, rein FORCER s one that {forces=v} ANOPTT OPTANT# s# someone who opts HORTWY un, air sea, hate# love# name# news ..19 WORTHY ing# to make {worthy=adj} [v WORTHIED#, WORTHYING#, WORTHIES] / having merit, also WORTHFUL [adj WORTHIER, WORTHIEST] DEFMOR bi de en# in re un, aus con dis# mal ..28 FORMED 2 DEFORM s, ed er, ers ing ity, able edly#, alise# ..16 to spoil the form of EFLLOT FLOTEL# s# a floating hotel, also FLOATEL ELOOSZ ZELOSO# with fervour (music) DEEGLU DELUGE d s to {flood=v} AIORSV SAVIOR s one who saves, also SAVIOUR EFHSTT THEFTS AEEKMZ KAMEEZ# es# a South Asian loose tunic EFRRTU RETURF# s#, ed#, ing# to lay new turf GHINOX HOXING# ADELNT e#, bi, tri, acci inci occi, inter labio ..3 DENTAL s, ia ly, ity ium, iums, ities a dentally produced sound AERSVW new WAVERS 2 SWARVE# d# s# to {faint=v} ADEIKP PAIKED DEILTU DILUTE d e# r s, es# rs, ness, nesses to make thinner AIKLSV VAKILS ACEHRX h# EXARCH s y, al, ate ies ist#, ates ists# a Byzantine provincial governor ADDGMO GODDAM n s, ns, med ned, ming ning, ndest, nedest to damn, also GODDAMN CEILNT LENTIC el le#, els les# ule, ular ules, ulars# ..2 3 pertaining to still water LECTIN s a protein that binds to a sugar molecule multi CLIENT s, al, age ele, ages eles less ship#, ships# a {customer=n} EHOOSV be, fore HOOVES AABGIN BAAING s# the cry of a sheep ACENOR CANOER s 3 one who {canoes=v} CORNEA e# l s a part of the eye EARCON# s# an audible marker in a computer display ADEHPT HEPTAD s, ecanoic# 2 a group of seven s, un#, tele# PATHED# ADILNO DOLINA# s# 2 a swallow-hole, also DOLINE# LADINO s a fast-growing clover AADGHR DARGAH# s# the tomb of a Muslim saint, also DARGA#, DURGAH# ABCIRT CABRIT# s# a pronghorn, also CABRIE# AAHJRR JARRAH s an evergreen tree ABDERZ BRAZED ILOPSX OXLIPS 2 OXSLIP# s# a flower, also OXLIP DEEHIR HEIRED 2 HERIED# CEIORR CORRIE s 2 a deep basin on a mountain, also CIRQUE, CWM m# ORRICE s a flowering plant, also ORRIS BEEKOR REEBOK# s# a South African Antelope CEILTU LUETIC s, ally# 2 one infected with syphilis pol# LUCITE s an acrylic resin or plastic consisting essentially of polymerized methyl methacrylate GILNOU LOUING# AANSTV SAVANT e# s, es# a learned man AAMNTX TAXMAN one who collects taxes [n TAXMEN] ACFHRT FRATCH# y#, es#, ety# ier# ing#, iest# a brawl FHOSTU FOUTHS# EJLLOR JOLLER# s# one who JOLS#, has a good time EERTTW bed WETTER s one that {wets=v} EEMNNP PENMEN CEHINY HYENIC pertaining to a {hyena=n} EIMPTU UPTIME s 2 the time during which machinery is functioning IMPUTE d r s, rs to reckon or take into account ILSTTW TWILTS# DDEGMO MODGED# 2 DODGEM s an amusement park ride NOSTUW UNSTOW# s#, ed#, ing# to empty of contents GINPTU PIGNUT s a hickory nut BIRTTU BITTUR# s# 2 a wading bird, also BITTERN, BITTOR#, BITTOUR# TURBIT h s, hs a domestic pigeon CENNRU s CUNNER s a marine fish EGIMNY bi GEMINY# a pair [n GEMINIES#] AEGRSW SWAGER s 2 one that {swages=v} s, do WAGERS AILSTV VISTAL# ess 2 pertaining to a vista VITALS vital organs IIKPUW WIKIUP s an American Indian hut, also WICKIUP, WICKYUP EFLRUX REFLUX ed es, ing to cause to flow back ACEGHU GAUCHE r, ly st, rie sco#, ness ries, nesses lacking social graces CDOOOT DOOCOT# s# a {dovecote=n} DEHTTY TYTHED ENNSUW UNSEWN BEFIRS de, over BRIEFS 3 micro# FIBERS cope, copes micro# FIBRES cope#, copes# IOSTXY XYSTOI DELORW WELDOR s one that welds, also WELDER DIOPRT TORPID s, ly, ity, ness#, ities, nesses# 2 a racing boat TRIPOD s y, al ic, ies a stand with three legs, also TRIPOS EHORTY meta# THEORY an explanation of anything [n THEORIES] GIJLNY JINGLY jingling [adj JINGLIER, JINGLIEST] ACGINT co en ex fr# re tr#, imp mis non olf# ..40 ACTING s the occupation of an actor BEILMW WIMBLE d s to bore with a hand tool BEGKNU BEGUNK# s#, ed#, ing# to {trick=v} BOPSUW UPBOWS ADGNOR gal# pen, fire# snap DRAGON s, et ne#, ess# ets fly ise# ish ism# ..19 a mythical, serpentlike monster DFIKRU FURKID# s# an animal kept as a companion EERTTX TEXTER# s# a person who communicates by text messaging DDEINW DWINED 2 re, out WINDED ELNRUU UNRULE# d s# absence of government, also ANARCHY ABCLNO BLANCO# s#, ed#, ing# to coat a military belt EFGGOR de, petti FOGGER s one that {fogs=v} CEOOTY COYOTE s 2 a small {wolf=n} OOCYTE s an egg before maturation CDEENT in un# DECENT er ly re, ers est red res, ered ness# ..13 conforming to standards of propriety GHIOPZ PHIZOG# s# the face ADIKMO MIKADO s an emperor of Japan AGLOSV GALVOS# EEEHPR PHEERE# s# a companion, also FERE, FEARE#, FIER#, FIERE#, PHEER# EGMNOY he GEMONY# 2 expressing surprise, also JIMINY, JIMMINY, GEMINI# MYOGEN# s#, ic a simple protein ACELRW clapper# CLAWER s one that {claws=v} GIINTT GITTIN g AADNPR PANDAR# s#, ed#, ing# to act as a procurer, also PANDER AEGINT TEAING# 6 INGATE s an inlet for molten metal in founding TAEING# TANGIE# r s#, st a water-spirit TAGINE# s# a clay pot, also TAJINE# b f# h s, bl ch cl cr id pl sw tr, cas cav ..55 EATING s the act of consuming food DDIIOX IXODID s 2 a bloodsucking insect DIOXID e s, es a type of oxide, also DIOXIDE DELOOT TOLEDO s 3 a finely tempered sword LOOTED s, re, foots# TOOLED OOPTTU OUTTOP# s#, ped#, ping# to {excel=v} ABEGMN BAGMEN ACDEIT DACITE s a fine-grained volcanic rock ADEELY ALEYED# AEILRZ g LAZIER AEGGRW s, wig WAGGER s y, ies one that {wags=v} GINSWY SWINGY having swing [adj SWINGIER, SWINGIEST] EGGIJL JIGGLE d s to shake from side to side CDEEEX EXCEED s, ed er, ers ing, able#, ingly to go beyond the limit GHILPT u y#, dro lam sto, troth PLIGHT s, ed er, ers ful# ing to make a solemn pledge [v PLIGHTED, YPLIGHT# or PLIGHTED, PLIGHTING, PLIGHTS] DEGNOW un, dis# GOWNED EEHRSX HEXERS 2 RHEXES# BDIINS BINDIS ADEINR DENARI i, es# us 4 c AIRNED# RANDIE# r s, st a violent beggar b d g t, sp st, dar# det eng ent ing mur# ..30 RAINED DEIMOR MOIDER# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to {confuse=v} DORMIE nt being ahead in golf by as many holes to be played, also DORMY DOMIER# DEEIRW s# WEIRED# 2 DEWIER AHJSTU THUJAS CEIMNR MINCER s 2 one that {minces=v} CRIMEN# a crime [n CRIMINA#] ABNRUU AUBURN s a reddish brown colour BDEEEN BENDEE s {bendy=n} DEOSTV DEVOTS# 2 STOVED# DHIOSY omo#, icht mylo# HYOIDS ACGINW CAWING s# the act of cawing IPTTUY TITUPY# {unsteady=adj} AAGNTU TAGUAN# s# a squirrel EEGLMU EMULGE# d# s#, nt#, nce#, nces# 2 to drain out non LEGUME s a type of plant CDEILP CLIPED# EGLNUU UNGLUE d s to {disjoin=v} ACENOT iso OCTANE s, dioic# a liquid hydrocarbon AEELNV over# LEAVEN s, ed, ing ous#, ings to produce fermentation in ACEISV VESICA e l, nt te, nts ted tes, ting tion# tory# ..2 2 a {bladder=n} CAVIES IOOPRS POORIS h EILTTU LUTITE# s# 2 any rock derived from clay or mud. Also PELITE in TITULE# d# s# to give a title to AELNOR RELOAN s, ed, ing 2 to loan again LOANER s one who {loans=v} EFOORT FOETOR s 4 a stench, also FETOR here, there TOFORE# before ba fo REFOOT# s#, ed#, ing# to replace the foot of pussy FOOTER s, ed#, ing# {football=n} / to potter around aimlessly DEOSUX EXODUS es a departure GJNRUU GURJUN# s# an East Indian tree, also GARJAN# EFMTUY TUMEFY ing to {swell=v} [v TUMEFIED, TUMEFYING, TUMEFIES] DEIILL LILIED covered with lilies HIMNTU HUMINT# s# human intelligence DILOYZ DOZILY in a dozy manner HOORUZ HUZOOR# s# an Indian potentate BEGOOR BOOGER s, man men 2 a piece of snot GOOBER s a {peanut=n} HINSUW UNWISH ed es, ful# ing to cease to wish for DEESUX EXUDES EEISTW WESTIE# s# (Australian slang) a young working-class person from the western suburbs DEGKOR GROKED# AAELNN ANNEAL s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to {toughen=v} AABRSV BRAVAS ADEGGJ JAGGED er ly, est, ness, nesses rough-edged AEGIRT AIGRET s, te, tes 4 a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament, also AIGRETTE GAITER s, ed#, less# a covering for the lower leg TIRAGE# s# drawing wine from a barrel before bottling TRIAGE d s to treat disaster victims using a triage EGGILT GIGLET s a playful girl, also GIGLOT BDNSTU BUNDTS DFLNOY over# FONDLY in a fond manner ADINRT INDART# s#, ed#, ing# to dart in, also ENDART# BCNOTU COBNUT s an edible nut IOPRRY PRIORY a religious house [n PRIORIES] ABGINO BAGNIO s 2 a {brothel=n} GABION s, ed#, ade# age#, ades# ages# nade#, nades# a basket of earth or stones used for fortification AEFGNS GANEFS AEILSY gr qu un EASILY in an easy manner DHISTU DHUTIS GIILNW out WILING AILNOT LATINO s 2 a Latin American bat TALION s, ic# a retaliation for a crime EEEPRW s, mines WEEPER s one who {weeps=v} AGINPW PAWING ADEHIR c, un, coc unc, long wire, short HAIRED EHORTW THROWE# r s#, rs a spasm ADELRZ DRAZEL# s# a {slut=n} EHIMRT t HERMIT s, ic ry, age ess# ism, ages ical# isms ..3 2 a {recluse=n} MITHER s, ed#, ing# to {confuse=v} COPRTY CRYPTO n# s, ns#, gam nym, gams gamy# gram ..60 one who belongs secretly to a group FLNOOU UNFOOL# s#, ed#, ing# to undeceive CDEGLU be CUDGEL s, ed er, ers ing led ler#, lers# ling, lings# to beat with a heavy club CEEHRV CHEVRE s t, ts, tte#, ttes# a cheese made from goat's milk, also CHEVRET CEEEFL FLEECE d r s, rs, less# to remove the wool of a sheep CFIINS FICINS DEIMNT re MINTED IMNRUY UNMIRY# not miry FIRSTT FRITTS 2 STRIFT# s# a struggle CIKQUY QUICKY# a hurried act of sexual intercourse, also QUICKIE [n QUICKIES] AEGILR fr# AGILER# 3 GLAIRE d s, ous# to coat with egg white, also GLAIR GRAILE# s# gravel CIOPWY WICOPY a flowering shrub [n WICOPIES] IMNRRU MURRIN# e s#, es# a disease of cattle, also MURRAIN, MURREN#, MURRION# AIPRTY im, dis non ovi, omni# vivi, fissi# ..7 PARITY {equality=n} [n PARITIES] ACINRU mel# ANURIC 2 unable to urinate p, trans URANIC pertaining to {uranium=n} AAGNOR ORGANA 2 ANGORA s the long silky hair of a domestic goat DDEEGK KEDGED HIINOS HOISIN# g s# a Chinese sweet spice reddish-brown sauce KNORUW UNWORK# s#, ed, ing#, able, ability manlike#, abilities to {undo=v} BHIMOR RHOMBI c, cal CEHNRW pin WRENCH ed er es, ers ing, ings#, ingly to wrest violently BDILOY BODILY of the body GORSYZ GROSZY BOOSWX OXBOWS ADKOPU PADOUK s a tropical tree, also PADAUK ABGIMY BIGAMY the crime of being married to two people at once [n BIGAMIES] AEIRRW un WARIER AHLMOO MOOLAH s money, also MOOLA AADELY ALAYED# EPRSTW TWERPS DEMOOT s# MOOTED 2 TOOMED# BEGMNO BOGMEN# CLNOOU UNCOOL ed not cool DNOSUW SWOUND s, ed, ing 2 to faint, also SWOON, SWOUN s WOUNDS ADIRSY kail# kirk# YAIRDS AEIRSY AYRIES# DHNOOU n# UNHOOD s, ed, ing to remove a hood from BGIINT de ha or re#, gam# non rab, adhi back ..14 BITING s#, ly the act of biting AAEKNN ANANKE s necessity AGLNOU LANUGO s fine, soft hair BEMNOW ENWOMB s, ed, ing 2 to enclose as if in a womb long, cross BOWMEN AACEFL FAECAL pertaining to {faeces=n} AGNRSW WRANGS GGILOO GIGOLO s a man supported financially by a woman AGILNV s, bes# enc ens, autoc reens, disens# LAVING AEMTTU com per# MUTATE d s to undergo mutation ABELOT BOATEL s 3 a waterside hotel, also BOTEL g, bi hy#, sty tho# tri, cong, multi# LOBATE d, ly having lobes, also LOBATED OBLATE s, ly, ness, nesses a layman residing in a monastery AHRSUU AHURUS# HLLOOU HULLOO s, ed, ing to {hallo=v} ADEORT TROADE# s# 4 a track, also TROAD# b, pr, dec pej# per, defl# doct# elab ..35 ORATED DOATER# s# one who dotes, also DOTER t#, th ROATED# DEGMRU s# MUDGER# s# one who {confuses=v} CFHIRT FRICHT# s#, ed#, ing# to {frighten=v} CGIINR g# p t, rep, misp outp prep, overp, underp RICING ANRTTY TYRANT s, ed#, ing# to play the oppressor, also TYRAN#, TYRANNE# EEKORW REWOKE n CEIPRY PRICEY expensive [adj PRICIER, PRICIEST] AFNNOS gon FANONS AEEGPS pi PEAGES CDELNO CLONED AACDLU a, bi, pre sub# CAUDAL ly {taillike=adj} BNORYZ BRONZY of a brownish colour [adj BRONZIER, BRONZIEST] AGGMOT MAGGOT s y, ier#, iest# oria#, orium# a legless grub EILMNO pe, cos MOLINE s# t#, ts# 3 a cross with two outward curving branches LOMEIN s a Chinese dish of noodles, meat and vegetables OILMEN CINOSV COVINS IRSTWY WRISTY making extensive use of the wrists [adj WRISTIER, WRISTIEST] CGINOW s COWING BCDIRY CYBRID# s# a type of cell AEELMZ MEAZEL# s# a leper, also MESEL# DEIKSV SKIVED DDEHIN c, un#, outc HIDDEN ly, ite, ites most# ness, nesses concealed BEGNOY BYGONE s a past occurence BOOPTW BOWPOT s a pot for boughs as an ornament BCILOO COLOBI d# EGHOPR GOPHER s, ed#, ing#, wood#, woods# to {burrow=v} ENPTTU PUTTEN# CILQUY CLIQUY {cliquey=adj} AABEKT ATABEK# s# Turkish ruler, also ATABEG# AGHNSW WHANGS DEENOR fo REDONE BNORTU BURTON s a hoisting tackle EKRUVY KURVEY# s#, ed# or#, ing# ors# to move goods by ox wagon IMOPRT re IMPORT s, ed er, ant ers ing une, able ance ..23 to bring in from an outside source CEOTTT OCTETT# e s#, es a composition for eight players, also OCTET, OCTETTE ADEILV VIALED 2 a, un#, pre rea tra, counter VAILED DGHOUY DOUGHY resembling {dough=n} [adj DOUGHIER, DOUGHIEST] ELOSVW semi, disem# VOWELS 2 war# wer, aard were, earth#, strand# WOLVES BDEOOR BOORDE# s# an old spelling of BOARD EHLORW HOWLER s one that {howls=v} AEKQSU sea, mars# moon, earth micro water# youth QUAKES 2 pip SQUEAK s y, ed er, ers ery# ier ily ing, iest ..5 to make a sharp, high-pitched sound DEHMOT micro METHOD s, ic, ise ism ist ize, ical ised iser# ..22 2 orderly procedure MOTHED# moth-eaten AEOSTV AVOSET s 2 a wading bird, also AVOCET b# n#, inn ren rot# OVATES# ACIPTY herm ATYPIC al, ally, ality, alities not typical, also ATYPICAL AAACDN CANADA# s# a small narrow canyon EIMNPT PITMEN 2 or se#, disse PIMENT# o s#, on# os, ons# spiced, sweetened wine ABINRY duo# non, concu# BINARY 2 a combination of two things [n BINARIES] BRAINY {smart=adj} [adj BRAINIER, BRAINIEST] BEELSZ BEZELS INNOWW WINNOW s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to separate chaff from grain AEEFNS NEAFES# AHPRTU PRUTAH a monetary unit of Israel, also PRUTA [n PRUTOTH] ACILOR LORICA e, te, ted tes, ting# tion#, tions# 2 the case or shell of a protozoan CAROLI ng, ngs# EHHIRT t w, now, anyw#, elsew# somew, everyw# throug HITHER s#, ed# to, ing#, most side# ward, sides# wards# to {come=v} BEEEFL en FEEBLE d# r s#, st, ness, minded nesses, mindedly to make {feeble=adj} / very weak AHORTU co, non, multi AUTHOR s, ed, ess ial ing ise ish# ism# ity ..30 to bring into being EILPRY un RIPELY in a ripe manner EIILLT t, arg ILLITE s, racy rate, rates, racies rately, rateness a group of minerals EGIINR GIRNIE# r#, st# ill-tempered CENOSZ COZENS FGHIST in re, bun# cat dog gun out, bull cock ..4 FIGHTS AGOOSZ GAZOOS DEGNOP s, dis# PONGED DEILOR b d#, emb unb, panb, charb, disemb# ROILED EGGILU LUGGIE s a small wooden dish or pail EIMNTT s, uns# MITTEN s, ed 2 a type of glove TITMEN AEJMST JETSAM s 2 discarded cargo, also JETSOM, JETSON# MATJES# a young herring, treated, and served as an hors d'oeuvre, also MAATJES# [n MATJES#] EEMOSV r, pr# EMOVES# EEGLNT un GENTLE d r s, st, man men, folk hood# ness, folks ..15 to {tame=v} / {mild=adj} AEEFFN NEAFFE# s# the fist, also NIEVE, NEAFE#, NEIVE#, NIEF# AEFFIP PIAFFE d r s, rs to perform a movement in horsemanship ACIRRU CURARI s, ne se# ze, nes sed# ses# zed zes ..6 an arrow poison, also CURARE, URARE, URARI ACEENT CETANE s 2 a diesel fuel TENACE s a combination of two high cards in some card games DEGIKN un#, stoc, unstoc# KINGED 2 DEKING ACINTT INTACT ly, ness, nesses entire, undamaged AAFOST AFTOSA s a disease of hoofed mammals EILMPX s IMPLEX# es#, ion#, ions# uous# a muscle attachment in jointed creatures like centipedes DELPUX hetero DUPLEX ed er es, ers ing ity, ities to make {duple=adj} EFILRY RIFELY in a rife manner DEGKLU KLUGED 2 KLUDGE d s y to contrive a clumsy makeshift mechanism, also KLUGE CIINOS b, av ps#, rad, histr therm IONICS ACGHOU GAUCHO s a cowboy of the South American pampas CEFHLT FLETCH ed er es, ers ing, ings to {feather=v} ADLOPU UPLOAD s, ed, ing to transfer information to a larger computer ADEGHN HAGDEN# s# 2 a sea bird, the greater shearwater, also HACKBOLT#, HAGBOLT#, HAGDON, HAGDOWN# c p# w, re un, dog exc rec unc, strap ..3 HANGED EEFNRU UNFREE d s, ze, dom ing man# men# zes, doms zing to deprive of freedom ABCIOS COBIAS COORTU OCTUOR# s# an {octet=n} IPRTUY im PURITY the quality of being pure [n PURITIES] DEHKTY KYTHED AADFLW AFAWLD# one-fold, also AEFALD#, AEFAULD#, AFALD# EKLLSV KVELLS BFGOOW FOGBOW s a nebulous arc of light sometimes seen in fog, also FOGDOG ENORRY ORNERY stubborn and mean spirited [adj ORNERIER, ORNERIEST] DELNOO ca NOODLE d s, dom#, doms# to play idly on a musical instrument AKQSUW SQUAWK s y#, ed er, ers ier# ing, iest# ings# to utter a loud, harsh cry ABGLOR BROLGA# s# a large grey Australian crane ACNOTU NOCTUA# s#, ry#, ries# 2 a type of {moth=n} TOUCAN s, et#, ets# a tropical bird AFIMRY RAMIFY ing to divide into branches [v RAMIFIED, RAMIFYING, RAMIFIES] EHINRT HINTER s, land, lands 2 one that {hints=v} NITHER# s#, ed#, ing# (English dialect) to shiver ADEHTY DEATHY like death [adj DEATHIER#, DEATHIEST#] CEHOPT POTCHE# d# r# s#, rs# to trample in mud DGINOT anti DOTING s#, ly an excessive love, also DOATING ELPSUZ PUZELS# AAAJMT JAMAAT# s# (Arabic) an assembly ACENPU UNCAPE# d# s# 2 misprint for uncope (to unkennel) PAUNCE# s# a pansy flower, also PANCE#, PAWNCE# EFGSUU FUGUES EORSVW a, disa VOWERS CEIOPR photo COPIER s one that {copies=v} BEEJMS d# JEMBES# EHISTW SWITHE r, rs, red, ring 3 quickly, also SWITH, SWITHLY WITHES bob non, lint WHITES t, mith, miths AEEMTT METATE s a stone used for grinding grains BEORWY OWERBY# 3 a little way over, also OVERBY# BOWERY a colonial Dutch farm [n BOWERIES] BOWYER s a maker of archery bows ADEEGL b# t#, inv# EAGLED 2 con, uncon# GEALED# DEGRTU TRUDGE d n r s, ns on rs, ons to walk tiredly ANNTTU NUTANT drooping CEJOOS JOCOSE ly, ness, rious#, nesses humourous FILNUX INFLUX es, ion#, ions# a flowing in ACDDIN un CANDID a s, al as er ly, acy ate est, ates ness ..8 an unposed photograph / frank and sincere ADNOPR PARDON s, ed er, ers ing, able ably ings# less#, ableness to release from liability for an offence AADRTY man DATARY an officer who attends to papal bulls, also DATARIA# [n DATARIES] CENOOP POONCE# d# s# an effeminate man / to behave effeminately ANOSWY NOWAYS in no way, also NOWAY AEILLN ANELLI# 3 (Ital.) ring-shaped pieces of pasta, used esp in soups un#, non uni, curvi# inter# matri ..3 LINEAL ly, ity, ities being directly descended from ancestor LIENAL pertaining to the spleen DEEMRU d# EMURED# 2 DEMURE d# r s#, ly st, ness, nesses shy and modest / to look modestly EFILLT FILLET s, ed, ing to cut boneless slices from, also FILET CERSUZ SCRUZE# d# s# to {squeeze=v} ADHRRU DHURRA# s# Indian millet, also DURRA, DARI# EEEEWW WEEWEE d s, ing to {urinate=v} EILMPU PILEUM the top of a bird's head [n PILEA] ABDNRY corn# BRANDY ing to mix with brandy (a liquor) [v BRANDIED, BRANDYING, BRANDIES] DIQSSU SQUIDS IIOSTT bar# par, scler# OTITIS es inflammation of the ear [n OTITISES or OTITIDES] BDELMO MOBLED DEFLTY FLYTED 2 DEFTLY in a well-executed manner, also DEFFLY# FHORTU FOURTH s, ly one of four equal parts BCEHNY BENCHY# of a hillside, hollowed out in bench shapes [adj BENCHIER#, BENCHIEST#] CIILSV CIVILS# ELORRW WORREL# s# a monitor lizard, also WORRAL# CEILOT CITOLE s a pear-shaped guitar, also CITHER, CITHERN, CITHREN, CITOLA, CITTERN BENNTU BUNNET# s# 2 a bonnet, also BONNET UNBENT AEENNP PENNAE EEINNP PINENE s the main constituent of turpentine AGINPT ad co, read usuc#, misad pread APTING# 2 re, pre, audio sello video TAPING ACELTY bi di ACETYL s, ic, ate ene ide#, ated ates enes ..9 the radical of acetic acid AEPRWY YAWPER s one who cries out DFOORX OXFORD s a type of {shoe=n} AERSWX WAXERS CEELNP PENCEL s a small flag ACIMOT an di, mon non pre sub tri, derm# mono# ..7 ATOMIC s, al, ity, ally, ities 2 relating to an atom MATICO# s# a Peruvian pepper shrub BEEEPR BEEPER s a paging device FHOOSW WHOOFS EGHNRU en# HUNGER s, ed ly#, ful# ing, ingly# 2 to {crave=v} REHUNG GNOORT trime TROGON s a tropical bird BILRTY TRILBY s# a soft felt hat [n TRILBIES or TRILBYS#] DEEEFS FEESED# AEORSU c, re AROUSE d r s, rs to stimulate BCILRU LUBRIC al, ant ate ity ous, ants ated ates ..11 slippery, also LUBRICAL ACEFLU FECULA e s# sediment AEERRW s, fors# WEARER s 2 one who is dressed REWEAR s, ing to wear again [v REWORE, REWORN, REWEARING, REWEARS] GGINVY un# GYVING AIMNNU NUMINA CEIMNO INCOME r s, rs money earned regularly ABCDIR BARDIC {poetic=adj} AFLOTY FLOATY tending to float [adj FLOATIER, FLOATIEST] ABILRZ BRAZIL s, in, ein ins, eins wood, woods a {dyewood=n} ACEEMN MENACE d r s, rs to {threaten=v} AEFNRR FARREN# s# a division of land ABFISY BASIFY ing to {alkalize=v} [v BASIFIED, BASIFYING, BASIFIES] ILOPTY iso# POLITY a form of system of government [n POLITIES] MNNOUW UNMOWN not mown EGINNU INGENU# e s#, es, ity ous, ities ously, ousness, ousnesses a naive young man ABBITW WABBIT# exhausted EGHINR w HINGER s 2 one that {hinges=v} NIGHER AFGINY FAYING GORRTU TURGOR s the state of being turgid, also TURGENCY DEMORW be de un# WORMED 2 DEWORM s, ed er, ers ing to rid of worms ABGHTU HAGBUT s, eer# ter#, eers# ters# a type of gun, also HACKBUT AEFIRR un FAIRER AGJLNY JANGLY irritating [adj JANGLIER, JANGLIEST] AEHLRU in, out# HAULER s 2 one that {hauls=v} HALERU AHIMNT HITMAN a professional killer [n HITMEN] DEERRW wi REDREW ABEEGL GLEBAE 2 por BEAGLE d# r# s, rs# to hunt with beagles CENRUY CURNEY# granular, also CURNY# BDEMOW en WOMBED ELORTU OUTLER# s# 3 someone who is out of office ELUTOR# s# a vessel for elution TROULE# d# s# to {trundle=v} EEEGMR d r, re EMERGE d s, nt, nce ncy nts, nces ntly#, ncies 2 to come into view MERGEE s a company acquired by a merger ADEHTT c, be# un, backc# chitc HATTED 2 TATHED# CFHILN FLINCH ed er es, ers ing, ings#, ingly# to shrink back involuntarily EFFOPU POUFFE d s to give a puffed shape to the hair, also POUF, POUFF AENRWY YAWNER s one who {yawns=v} ALMNOU MONAUL# s# a Himalayan pheasant, also MONAL# EILVVY VIVELY# lively BEIRSZ decere# BRIZES# AANRTY RATANY 2 a South American shrub, also RHATANY [n RATANIES] YANTRA s a diagram used in meditation ABMNOW long, cross BOWMAN an {archer=n} [n BOWMEN] GHIRTY RIGHTY a right-handed person [n RIGHTIES] AELMNW LAWMEN CELNOO COLONE l s, ls, lcy, lcies lling# lship#, llings# lships# a section of the large intestine, also COLON CNOPTU PUNCTO# s# a {moment=n} CEHNOO OCHONE used to express grief ABGGNO GOBANG s a Japanese board game, also GOBAN, GOMOKU# ACLOTW COTWAL# s# an Indian magistrate DEEGSW WEDGES AANPRU PURANA s a Hindu scripture CEHRTW WRETCH ed es, eder edly, edest, edness, ednesses a pitiable person AAFGHN AFGHAN i s, is a woollen blanket or shawl CNORST TRONCS# IMORRR MIRROR s, ed, ing, like wise# to reflect an image of AABEGM AMBAGE s a winding path GHOOPT PHOTOG s, en#, ene ens# eny# ram, enes enic ..31 one who takes photographs EELNRU UNREEL s, ed er, ers ing to unwind from a reel AAACJN JACANA s a wading bird EOOSTZ STOOZE# d# r# s#, rs# to borrow money at an interest rate of 0%, a rate typically offered by credit card companies as an incentive for new customers AINORT AROINT s, ed, ing 2 to frighten away, also AROYNT o, ae de# du gy, ado epu# exa# exo# ..297 RATION s, al ed, ale als ing, ales ally, alise ..24 to distribute in fixed amounts AJMNSU UNJAMS DEIKRU DUIKER s, bok#, boks# a small antelope, also DUIKERBOK# DEFKOR bi un, twi#, pitch FORKED ly, ness#, nesses# ADEORR up#, out ROARED 2 ADORER s one who {adores=v} ACGOSU GUACOS DEEFIL DEFILE d r s, rs, ment, ments to make {dirty=adj} AIKRSU KAURIS BCINRU BRUCIN e s, es a poisonous alkaloid, also BRUCINE DELNOT in re, con DOLENT# e# {mournful=adj} CHRSTW CRWTHS ACEINN NEANIC# 4 during adolescence ENCINA l s an evergreen oak CANNIE r, st prudent, also CANNY CANINE s a dog EIMNOR MERINO s a fine wool ARSTUX SURTAX ed es, ing to assess with an extra tax ADLRWY DRAWLY marked by drawling [adj DRAWLIER, DRAWLIEST] GGIIRR GRIGRI s a fetish or amulet, also GREEGREE ACESTX h# EXACTS EGNRUY GURNEY s a wheeled cot AHINRU UNHAIR s, ed er, ers ing to remove the hair from BCIMOT TOMBIC# like a grave DIMNOR DORMIN s 2 abscisic* acid, a plant hormone, also ABSCISIN, ABSCISSIN# NIMROD s a {hunter=n} EIMOPR MOPIER ADORWY n# AYWORD# s# a {byword=n} AEENRT mes, arch# coel ENTERA l, te#, ble lly 3 RATEEN# s# a coarse woollen fabric, also RATTEEN NEATER ABENRZ out BRAZEN s, ed ly ry#, ing, ness ries#, nesses to face boldly ADHIMR DIRHAM s a Middle Eastern coin, also DERHAM#, DIRHEM# ABDERU DAUBER s y, ies 2 one that {daubs=v} EARBUD s a small {earphone=n} IQSSTU ac#, collo sinar#, solilo, somnilo#, ventrilo QUISTS# 2 me, gras# SQUITS# ADJOPY JOYPAD# s# a device consisting of a pad with buttons on it, used for controlling the motion of objects in a computer game ACEHIR ERIACH# s# 4 a murderer's fine in old Irish law, also ERIC#, ERICK# be co# le pe po, pre que#, head ACHIER ARCHEI# CAHIER s a {notebook=n} EHLOOY HOOLEY# s# a boisterous party AADFNR FARAND# ine# ole, ines# oles having a certain manner or appearance, also FARRAND#, FARRANT# DENRUU UNRUDE# not rude FGILNU INGULF s, ed, ing, ment#, ments# to swallow up completely, also ENGULF, ENGULPH#, INGULPH# DEKOOT DOOKET# s# a {dovecote=n} ABENTT BATTEN s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to fasten with strips of wood AELPRW PRELAW 2 before a law course PRAWLE# s# a brawl ACIPTT TIPCAT s a game resembling baseball AACIPT CAPITA l n#, ls ni# no# ns# te yn#, lly nos# ..22 CEEMNT re, edu# pla, amer dedu# defa effa ..43 CEMENT a s, ed er um, ers ing ite ums, ites, ation ..3 to bind firmly CEEISX EXCISE d s, man men to cut off or out EEINNR NERINE# s# a type of South American plant AAIKRT KARAIT# s# a deadly Asian snake, also KRAIT AHMOTZ MATZOH s an unleavened bread, also MATZO, MATSAH, MATZA, MATZAH ACEESZ CEAZES# EIORSZ dis SEIZOR s one that takes seizing, also SEISOR ABMOPT BAMPOT# s# a fool BIMNOR mer BROMIN e s, es, ate ism, ated ates isms, ating ..2 a volatile liquid element, also BROMINE ILOPSU POILUS 2 PILOUS covered with hair, also PILOSE, PILEOUS AEJSSY JASEYS# HISTUZ SHITZU# s# (Chinese) a small long-haired dog bred from the Pekingese and Lhasa Apso. ( Chinese shizigon, lion dog) ADEGKW GAWKED DELOOW de WOOLED 2 bearing wool DEWOOL s, ed, ing to remove the wool from EILMNR MERLIN g# s, gs# 2 a European falcon LIMNER s one who {limns=v} ABDENY BENDAY s, ed, ing to reproduce using a certain process EGHNST THEGNS DFGOOX DOGFOX# es# a male fox ACDEHW CHAWED AACFNT CAFTAN s, ed a full-length tunic AAEIRS ARAISE# d# s# to raise, also ARAYSE# BIRSTT BRITTS DOOPRY DROOPY hanging [adj DROOPIER, DROOPIEST] AMOOPT POMATO# es# a tomato grafted on a potato ALSTUV en# VAULTS EEHIRR REHIRE d s to hire again ELOSTX EXTOLS AEGILM MILAGE s the total distance expressed in miles, also MILEAGE EKORWY YWROKE# EINOPR f# ORPINE s 4 a perennial herb, also ORPIN PERNIO nes an inflammation on the hands or feet caused by exposure to cold PROINE# d# s# to prune, also PROIN#, PROYN#, PROYNE# PIONER# s# an excavator AEGINN b d l m p# s# w y, cl gl sp st#, bem dem ..12 EANING# 2 INNAGE s the quantity of goods remaining in a container after shipment BEKOOT BETOOK ABOOSZ BAZOOS ABOSTU gad lay mar run, here kick# stir ..11 ABOUTS# about AEFRRY RAREFY ing to make less dense, also RARIFY [v RAREFIED, RAREFYING, RAREFIES] EELNTT NETTLE d r s, rs, like# some 2 to make {angry=adj} TELNET s, ed, ing ted, ting to access a computer system remotely DEGMNU e# MUNGED# EHIKMV MIKVEH s a place for ritual bathing by orthodox Jews, also MIKVAH [n MIKVEHS or MIKVOS or MIKVOT or MIKVOTH] ADEPTT s, be#, pita PATTED ELNORT unre# LENTOR# s# sluggishness CIOPTT a#, apo sym#, asym PTOTIC pertaining to {ptosis=n} ACEENR CAREEN s, ed er, age# ers ing, ages# 3 to lurch while moving ENRACE# d# s# to {implant=v} RECANE d s to replace the cane of GIMNOZ MOZING# GIMNOW MOWING s the act of mowing BDEORU OBDURE# d# s# to become hard-hearted, also OBDURATE CDEHTU para CHUTED DEGGOT TOGGED ABEFLM FLAMBE e s, au ed es#, aus aux ing, eing# to serve with a flaming liquor, also FLAMBEE AFIMNY INFAMY the state of being {infamous=adj} [n INFAMIES] DEHJOS JOSHED DEHLNO be, unbe with#, unwith# HOLDEN 2 HONDLE d s to {haggle=v} AAENSU anti NAUSEA s, nt te, nts ted tes, ting tion# tive# ..2 an inclination to vomit AEENRR l y EARNER s 3 one who {earns=v} NEARER REEARN s, ed, ing to earn again DEFNOR FONDER CFINOX CONFIX# ed# es#, ing# to fix firmly ADNOOS DOONAS# AEHNPT HAPTEN e s, es ic a substance similar to an antigen, also HAPTENE BDGIIN a, una BIDING s# a residence ACEINT CENTAI 4 v ENATIC possessed of a relative pl#, apl# ANETIC# soothing phen ACETIN s a chemical compound AJKORS ROJAKS# EILOSV VOILES 3 SOLIVE# s# a joist s# OLIVES BEIOSW BOWSIE# s# (Irish) an inferior person, also BOWSEY# ADHPRU PURDAH s, ed# a curtain used in India to seclude women, also PARDAH, PURDA EEIJSS JESSIE# s# an effeminate man FLOPUW UPFLOW s, ed, ing to flow up EEFRTY FREETY# superstitious, also FREITY# [adj FREETIER#, FREETIEST#] DEHMNO HODMEN# CEIKTW WICKET s, keeper#, keepers# a small gate CEEIMR hyp, bact EREMIC# of deserts ADDMOO ADDOOM# s#, ed#, ing# to {adjudge=v} AGHNPU UPHANG# s#, ing# 2 to hang up [v UPHUNG#, UPHANGING#, UPHANGS#] HANGUP s an inhibition or obsession CDEINO CONDIE# s# 3 a tunnel, also CUNDY# CODEIN a e s, as es a narcotic alkaloid, also CODEIA, CODEINA, CODEINE re un, mis COINED FILRTY FLIRTY light-heartedly amorous, also FLIRTISH# [adj FLIRTIER, FLIRTIEST] CELNUU NUCULE# s# the stone of a fleshy fruit CDEELW un# CLEWED DEFLNO FONDLE d r s, rs 2 to {caress=v} p# t, sev ENFOLD s, ed er, ers ing, ment#, ments# to {envelop=v} EELMTT METTLE d s, some, someness# spirit or courage EEHIRS HIREES 2 as#, arc cos# fas# fis lec nos# tus ..32 HERIES# CEINPR co PRINCE d# s, ly ss, dom kin let sse, doms hood# ..14 2 to play the prince PINCER s, ed#, ing#, like to pinch with forceps AQRSTU QUARTS AGILMP MAGILP s a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting, also MEGILP, MEGILPH ABOSTW BOWATS# FGIMNU per FUMING ly CDEORU DOUCER# 2 s, re#, bes dis# ran suc uns#, unsuc# COURED# CDEIMR en, epi pyo, ecto# endo# ento hypo ..11 DERMIC 2 pertaining to the skin, also DERMATIC# be CRIMED# AILNPU tar PAULIN s a sheet of waterproof material AANRTU NATURA# e# l, ls, lly, lise lism list lize, lised ..14 {nature=n} DEITTT TITTED# AILNRT doc TRINAL 2 having three parts RATLIN e g# s, es gs# one of the ropes forming the steps of a ladder on a ship, also RATLINE, RATLING#, RATTLIN#, RATTLINE# AINNNT TANNIN g s, gs a chemical compound used in tanning EIJLMS MEJLIS# es# a council of countries CENNOO NEOCON s, servatism servative a neoconservative AEEGSW SEWAGE s the waste matter carrier off by sewers, also SEWERAGE BGGIIW BIGWIG s a important person CIINSV VISCIN# s# a sticky substance in mistletoe ILLNOT LINTOL s a horizontal supporting beam, also LINTEL ABIOST BIOTAS AAKLSV KAVALS# ILOPTU ower# LOUPIT# ABIKTT BATTIK s an Indonesian dyed fabric, also BATIK CFIMOR FORMIC a, as, ant# ary ate#, aria# ated# ates# ..5 pertaining to {ants=n} DENOSV DOVENS 2 DEVONS EFGINR be, fish# five# fore lady whar FINGER s, ed er, ers ing tip, bowl# hold hole# ..37 2 to touch with one of the five terminal parts of the hand be in re# FRINGE d s, less# to provide with an ornamental border AGHINZ HAZING s an attempt to embarrass or ridicule BEIRRU BURIER s 2 one who {buries=v} RUBIER ADGLOP LAPDOG s a small dog ABCOSZ COBZAS# AEFGLN new# FANGLE# d# s#, ss 2 to decorate fancily FLANGE d r s, rs, less# to provide with a protecting rim DELOPU LOUPED ILOOYZ b w OOZILY in an oozy manner DEIKNW s t#, fors# hood WINKED ACDEMO COMADE ENRSTW be, over STREWN BCELOR CORBEL s, ed, ing led, ings ling, lings# to provide a wall bracket AAILNR co#, semi# NARIAL relating to naris CGLNOU UNCLOG s, ged, ging to free from obstruction AEGIMR pilgr# IMAGER s y, ies 4 one that {images=v} MAIGRE s# a large Mediterranean food fish MIRAGE s a type of optical illusion GAMIER ABDELO ALBEDO s, es 2 the measure of the reflecting power of an object un DOABLE able to be done EFLRTU FLUTER s one who plays the flute, also FLUTIST, FLAUTIST EHNOPR anti# tele PHONER# s# one that telephones EIKLNN ENLINK# s#, ed#, ing# to connect closely ADORRU ARDOUR s passion of feeling, also ARDOR AENOPT TEOPAN s an Aztec temple, also TEOCALLI ADFLTY DAFTLY in a daft manner DEGGHO s HOGGED AAKLTU TALUKA s an estate in India, also TALUK, TALOOKA ANNORW NONWAR s a war that has not been declared EKLOOR RELOOK s, ed, ing 2 to look again on, over#, under# LOOKER s one who {looks=v} CDOORT non, para# DOCTOR s, al ed ly, and# ate ess# ial ing, ands# ..7 to treat medically IINNOS m p, op, dom INIONS AHRSUW WHAURS# DGHIST be un# DIGHTS DEFLOT LOFTED ABEERY EYEBAR s 2 a metal bar with a loop on the end EBAYER# s# someone who trades on eBay DFILNU DINFUL# {noisy=adj} AALOPY PAYOLA s a secret payment for favours ADENNT un, sun TANNED ACFMTU FACTUM# s# in law, something done CEMTTU TECTUM s a bodily structure resembling a roof [n TECTUMS or TECTA] DEEKLW WELKED# DDEOTT be un DOTTED BEHIKR KIRBEH# s# an Eastern water container made from hide CEINSW WINCES EFLOOZ FOOZLE d r s, rs to {bungle=v} DEEJSS JESSED ABEQSU BASQUE d# s a {bodice=n} AEEKNY YANKEE# s# (In international radio communication) a code word for the letter y ADEFGG pow# FAGGED DEELTW s# WELTED EEORRT RETORE ELOTTY TYLOTE# s# a cylindrical sponge CEINOR p ORCINE# s# 4 a chemical obtained from lichen, also ORCINOL COINER s one that {coins=v} ORCEIN s a reddish brown dye RECOIN s, ed, age ing, ages to coin again ACMNOW COWMAN one who owns cattle [n COWMEN] BGINOX em# un, out, beat# kick soap, chess# ..2 BOXING s a {casing=n} AEHLRW WHALER s y#, ies# a person who hunts whales CEFIKN FECKIN# g# an intensive, also FECKING# DEFILX FLIXED# EFLOSX FLEXOS# EGILLR GRILLE d r s, rs ry, ries 2 a {grating=n} GILLER s one that gills (catches fish in a gill) DEOORT w#, en un up, dis out tap# ROOTED ly#, ness, nesses FIMSTU MUFTIS BDEIPS BIPEDS DEILNN DINNLE# d# s# 3 to {shake=v} b# LINNED# LINDEN s a tall forest tree EHNORR de HORNER# s# a person who deals in horns ADEESV DEAVES 2 EVADES CDEOSW SCOWED 2 SOWCED# BDESUW SUBDEW# s#, ed#, ing# to bring under control, also SUBDUE AEFSTT FETTAS# CEHOTU car TOUCHE d r s, rs used to acknowledge a hit in fencing DENNOT TENDON s, itis, itises a cord or fibrous tissue ADLMOW WADMOL l s, ls thick, coarse woollen cloth, also WADMAL, WADMAAL, WADMEL, WADMOLL BCGORU COBURG# s# a type of cotton fabric CEFHIM FEHMIC# pertaining to the fehm EILRVY de, rede, nonde prede, postde LIVERY man men 3 a uniform worn by servants [n LIVERIES] LIVYER s a permanent resident of Newfoundland, also LIVEYER#, LIVEYERE#, LIVIER VERILY in truth EFNOSY FOYNES# ALNORT LATRON# s# a {robber=n} BCEHOU ba# de pa#, tar# BOUCHE# e s#, es the cooking staff in a large house DEJKOO JOOKED# ADEIRT TIRADE s 3 a long, vehement speech AIRTED st#, port# RAITED# DEEFLX DEFLEX# ed es#, ing# ion ure#, ions ures#, ional# 2 to bend down de in re un, retro# FLEXED IJMNOS JIMSON# weed, weeds as in jimson weed, a type of poisonous plant with white flowers and shiny fruits EEHIRT n EITHER relating to one or the other, also OUTHER# EELOPR dev env, codev redev ELOPER s one who {elopes=v} AAGILR GARIAL# s# 2 an Indian crocodile, also GAVIAL, GHARIAL ARGALI s the great wild sheep of Asia ELOOSY LOOEYS ADGINT io ni re se su# up, gra man mis out ..33 DATING s# a determination of a date in time BEIILL BILLIE s a {comrade=n} AAACDG CADAGA# s# a eucalyptus tree, also CADAGI# AEGGOS an ap ep# is, par AGOGES# FLOOUZ ZUFOLO# a small flute to train birds, also ZUFFOLO# [n ZUFOLI#] AABEMT para# BEMATA DEFGIS FIDGES ABHOPR BARHOP s, ped, ping to go from one bar to another BCDEMO re un, back#, beach curry honey COMBED CILORT inf LICTOR s, ian a magistrate's attendant in ancient Rome AGIMNW MAWING BEOPRR PROBER s one that {probes=v} AEFRRU FAURER# ACEILN INLACE d s 2 to entwine or entangle, also ENLACE ANCILE# the shield that fell from heaven in Roman mythology [n ANCILIA#] ACEILX LEXICA l, lly, lise# lity lize, lised# lises# ..9 2 par# ALEXIC# word-blind BDIMOY IMBODY ing to form into a body, also EMBODY [v IMBODIED, IMBODYING, IMBODIES] AILWXY WAXILY in a waxy manner CEGINR CRINGE d r s, rs, ling#, lings#, worthy# 2 to shrink in fear ul, pin#, offi CERING DEENNP un, mis PENNED EOORRT TORERO s 2 a bullfighter, also TOREADOR up ROOTER s a vocal supporter EEKMNU UNMEEK# not meek DILNOP DIPLON# s# t, ts, ema# tic, emas# a nucleus of heavy hydrogen AAAMNW MANAWA# s# (New Zealand) a mangrove HMNOST mid, honey#, twelve MONTHS EPRTUU PUTURE# s# a right to food for man, horse and dog in a forest, also PULTURE# ADIRSV VISARD s a mask AADEWW WAWAED# AAELRV LARVAE AABGIM GAMBIA s an extract from an Asian vine, also GAMBIER, GAMBIR AHIRSV en RAVISH ed er es, ers ing, ment, ingly ments to seize and carry off by force EEHLWY WHEELY# like a wheel [adj WHEELIER#, WHEELIEST#] AGGMRU MUGGAR s a large Asian crocodile, also MUGGER, MUGGUR DDEEFU subin FEUDED ADEFNR FARDEN# s# a {farthing=n} EIPRSV VIPERS AKLOTW KOTWAL# s# a magistrate of a town in India EELLNW NEWELL# s#, ed# a {novelty=n} ALLOTV LAVOLT# a# s#, as# ed#, aed# ing#, aing# to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLTA# EGINSV GIVENS DEIIST TEIIDS 2 un TIDIES t ADHMNO HODMAN# dod#, dods# a bricklayer's labourer [n HODMEN#] AEIKRR KERRIA s a Chinese shrub CDEILO COLDIE# s# 3 a cold can or bottle of beer re un up, super COILED in un DOCILE r#, ly st# compliant ADEHOR HOARED# ADIILL ILLIAD# s# an amorous glance, also OEILLADE, ELIAD#, EYELIAD#, EYLIAD# CORSUV CORVUS# es# a southern constellation ADPRTU UPDART s, ed, ing to dart up EEHORT HETERO s, dox nym pod# ses sis tic, atom cont# ..197 2 a heterosexual t w HERETO fore, fores# to this matter, also HEREUNTO EEGINP PEEING DEEEHR HEEDER s one who {heeds=v} EEHRTW WRETHE# d# s# 2 to shape into a wreath, also WREATHE bell grey# WETHER s a gelded male sheep DELMOT MOLTED AEEGGN re, dis gre ENGAGE d e# r s, rs, dly, ment, ments to {employ=v} EINNRT INTERN e s, al ed ee es et#, als ees ets# ing ..41 2 to confine during a war TINNER s a tin miner EFRTTY FRETTY {fretful=adj} [adj FRETTIER, FRETTIEST] BEEGIS BEIGES ANNPTU PANTUN# s# a type of Malayan verse ADIPSX SPADIX es a flower cluster [n SPADIXES or SPADICES] CEELSX EXCELS ior, iors ABORTU OUTBAR# k s#, ks, ked red#, gain king ring# ..3 3 to form a barrier RUBATO s distorted rhythm [n RUBATOS or RUBATI] TABOUR s, ed er et in#, ers ets ing ins# to beat on a small drum, also TABOR, TABER EEILSX EXILES 2 s ILEXES AACMOY MACOYA# s# a South American palm, also MACAHUBA# CINOPT rha# PONTIC# ello#, ellos# relating to the pons of the brain BILLOW BILLOW s y, ed, ier ing, iest ings#, iness#, inesses# to {swell=v} ANOSTX sub TAXONS ABCCIU CUBICA# l s#, lly, lness#, lnesses# a type of worsted fabric FIIKNR FIRKIN g# s a small cask for liquids, butter or fish EHIMNR MENHIR s a prehistoric monument DELOPW re un, snow PLOWED 2 LOWPED# BCIOSX cele# COXIBS# CEEHIL ELICHE# s# 2 spiral-shaped pasta LICHEE s the edible fruit of a Chinese tree, also LITCHI, LICHI, LYCHEE ACDIMP MIDCAP of a company having medium capitalisation DIIMOS IDIOMS 2 photoper, thermoper IODISM s iodine poisoning AADFRT DAFTAR# s# a type of Indian office ADELNY ADENYL s, ic# a univalent radical OOPSUY POYOUS DEENRY REDENY ing to deny again [v REDENIED, REDENYING, REDENIES] CDIINS DINICS# DEELTT f m n p s, res uns, pres ETTLED# 2 b#, un, eye rou tab, epau leaf, panta# LETTED CGILPU GILCUP# s# a buttercup, also GILTCUP# AEEMNR MEANER s 2 one who {means=v} p, fo RENAME d s to issue with a new name ADIMNR MANDIR# a# s#, as# a Hindu temple, also MANDIRA# ADEJKU JAUKED AORSUV SAVOUR s y, ed er ly#, ers ier ies ily# ing ..4 to taste or smell with pleasure ALORTU TORULA e s 2 a type of {fungus=n} ROTULA# e# s# the knee-cap AEHMTU ex# in#, impost# HUMATE s a chemical salt ADGLNS bo#, gan, farthin# GLANDS ACHTUW WAUCHT s, ed, ing to drink deeply, also WAUGHT ILORSV LIVORS# DEEELN micro# NEEDLE d r s, rs ss, ful#, cord# fish fuls# ..17 to sew with a slender, pointed instrument AIMNTT MATTIN g s, gs 2 a morning bird song, also MATIN TITMAN the smallest of a litter of pigs [n TITMEN] EEEFSZ FEEZES BDEPRU BURPED AELNNP PENNAL# s#, ism#, isms# a German freshman CEEIMN pol, serv ICEMEN EFILPR PILFER s y#, ed er, age ers ies# ing, able ages ..3 to {steal=v} AADEFL AEFALD# one-fold, also AEFAULD#, AFALD#, AFAWLD# ACNRXY CARNYX# es# a long war trumpet used by the Celts EHLPSW WHELPS ACEHOP EPOCHA# l s#, lly 3 an important period of time, also EPOCH, ERA PHOCAE# CHEAPO s one that is cheap, also CHEAPIE BDDEIN a#, re un, for out pre, over, unfor# BIDDEN DGHINY DINGHY a small boat, also DINGEY, DINGY [n DINGHIES] EEEOPP EPOPEE s an epic poem, also EPOPOEIA, EPOS CDIMNU MUNDIC# s# iron pyrites ADEFLM en in, rein unin# FLAMED 2 MALFED badly fed ACEEFR p, fo REFACE d s to repair the outer surface of BDEILY BIELDY# affording shelter [adj BIELDIER#, BIELDIEST#] AEFPRY PERFAY# by my faith ADEEGG DEGAGE free and relaxed in manner EEILLN NELLIE s an effeminate male, also NELLY MORTUU TUMOUR s an abnormal swelling AFGRST en in re, iso mis zoo#, allo auto homo ..3 GRAFTS DEGOSY DOGEYS BDEIRU BURDIE s 3 a {maiden=n} RUBIED re un BURIED AALLOR AROLLA# s# a pine tree AEHNNS HENNAS CORTUY OUTCRY ing to cry louder than [v OUTCRIED, OUTCRYING, OUTCRIES] BIITTT TITBIT s a choice bit of food, also TIDBIT ILPTTU UPTILT s, ed, ing to tilt upward ABGIOS BIOGAS es, ses gas obtained by bioconversion MOORSV VROOMS EHLMSW over, under WHELMS EEISTV l# EVITES 2 STIEVE# r#, ly# st# {firm=adj} IMNOOT a e, de re, com pre# pro, loco, counter# MOTION s, al ed er, ers ing ist#, ists# less ..2 to direct by a gesture EEINTT NETTIE# r s#, st 2 an internet aficionado TENTIE r, st watchful, also TENTY CHITWY s# t WITCHY malicious [adj WITCHIER, WITCHIEST] BENORT BRETON# s# a type of hat DEFLMU FLUMED CEEFRT p, subp# REFECT s, ed, ing ion ive ory, ions, ioner# ..4 to refresh with food and drink ELLNOY a# LONELY sad from lack of companionship [adj LONELIER, LONELIEST] BEELOT BOLETE s a {fungus=n} DEFLOO be un#, out tom# FOOLED AAMNRW WARMAN# a {warrior=n} [n WARMEN#] BCEILY BEYLIC s the domain of a bey, also BEYLIK ALNOPR PROLAN s a sex hormone MNOTTU MUTTON s y, bird# fish head#, birds# chops ..5 the flesh of sheep used as food EEHMOR REHOME# d# s# to home again AHILMO HOLMIA# s# an {oxide=n} EEFFOT TOFFEE s a chewy candy, also TOFFY GILNTY f, prose LYTING# 3 GLINTY glittering [adj GLINTIER, GLINTIEST] bi do, can# cut dar fit gra hal hin# ..182 TINGLY tingling [adj TINGLIER, TINGLIEST] CDEHOU DOUCHE d s, bag, bags 2 to cleanse with a jet of water c d g# m p t v, av cr gr sl sm#, deb ret ..6 OUCHED BDEETT a, gib una, over BETTED AEGHOS SEAHOG# s# a porpoise ACEIMT ACMITE# s# 2 a pyramid shaped crystal e#, pu#, for# MICATE# d# s# to furnish with mica AALNRW NARWAL s an arctic aquatic mammal, also NARWHAL, NARWHALE EGPSTU GETUPS ACDEFR FARCED CEFIOS magni FICOES EENNPR PENNER s one who {pens=v} ACEMUX EXACUM# s# a flowering plant, persian violet DEIPRT REDIPT 2 in TREPID ant, ation atory#, ations quaking ADOPRY PARODY ing to imitate in a satirical manner for comic effect [v PARODIED, PARODYING, PARODIES] ADEENP s PEANED# 2 s NEAPED# AENNRW WANNER ADHLOR HOLARD s the total amount of water in the soil ACEMTU ACETUM 2 vinegar [n ACETA] MUCATE# s# a salt of mucic acid BEIRRY BRIERY {thorny=adj} [adj BRIERIER#, BRIERIEST#] ELOSVY LOVEYS# CEEHNT si THENCE forth, forward, forwards 2 from that place kit CHENET# s# an iron bar which supports logs in a fireplace ADIKNP KIDNAP s, ed ee er, ees ers ing ped pee per ..5 2 to take by force and offer for ransom INKPAD# s# a pad of inked cloth used in rubber-stamping, fingerprinting, etc AOPRRU UPROAR s, ed#, ing#, ious, iously, iousness to make a scene of noisy excitement and confusion AAEHMT HAMATE s 2 a wrist bone ATHAME# s# a witch's ceremonial knife NNOOPT PONTON s, eer# ier, eers# iers nier#, niers# a pontoon, a flat-bottomed boat or barge EJRSTU ad un#, read# JUSTER s one who {jousts=v} EEEIMM MEEMIE# s# a hysterical person ACEFLY CALEFY# ing# to make {warm=adj} [v CALEFIED#, CALEFYING#, CALEFIES#] DDEEOR ERODED AEFKRY FREAKY 2 quirkily unusual, also FREAKISH, FREAKFUL# [adj FREAKIER, FREAKIEST] FAKERY the practice of faking [n FAKERIES] AADDIL ALIDAD e s, es a device used in angular measurement, also ALIDADE AEGORT TOERAG# s#, ger#, gers# 3 a beggar ORGEAT s an almond-flavoured syrup GAROTE d s to execute by strangling, also GARROTE, GAROTTE, GARROTTE EGORRU ROGUER# s# y, ies a rogue GIMNOY IGNOMY# loss of one's good name, also IGNOMINY [n IGNOMIES#] ABDEET out pre, post DEBATE d r s, rs, ful#, able# ment, ments to deliberate BEILMO EMBOLI c, es se# sm ze#, sed# ses# sms zed# ..9 4 BEMOIL# s#, ed#, ing# to {bemire=v} im, air non ski, auto book loco# pimp ..3 MOBILE s a form of sculpture EMBOIL# s#, ed#, ing# to burn with anger BDEGGO em# BOGGED ENPRST PRENTS# 2 be, blood# SPRENT sprinkled over DEHNOY HOYDEN s, ed, ing ish ism#, hood# isms#, hoods# ..2 to act like a tomboy, also HOIDEN EEMNSW ENMEWS# DEHIMR DIRHEM# s# a Middle Eastern coin, also DIRHAM, DERHAM# ABERWY BEWRAY s, ed er, ers ing to {betray=v} DEISTZ DITZES CIIKNW INWICK# s#, ed#, ing# to perform a certain stroke in the game of curling CEINNO CONNIE# s# 2 a tram or bus conductor cha# fal CONINE s a poisonous alkaloid, also CONIINE, CONIN, CONICINE#, CICUTINE# AEFGRU GAUFER# s# 2 a waffle, also GAUFRE# GAUFRE# s# a waffle, also GAUFER# IKOOPT POOKIT# AGNSTW TWANGS HILNTY THINLY in a thin manner EGLOSZ GLOZES AAHLSV HALVAS 2 LAVASH es a thin flat bread of Armenian origin ACFHLN FLANCH# ed# es#, ing#, ings# to widen into a flared shape, also FLAUNCH# DEENNY ca YENNED DDEEIT co cr in re un, exp mis pre sub, accr ..9 EDITED 3 TEDDIE# s an item of woman's underwear DIETED EOPTTU TOUPET# s# a wig ELMNOR MERLON s the part of a parapet between embrasures AEGNRW GNAWER s one that {gnaws=v} AEGMNO GNOMAE# 2 GAMONE# s# a secretion which attracts another gamete DEGINT NIDGET s 2 an {idiot=n} s#, un TINGED ILNPRU PURLIN e g s, es gs a horizontal supporting timber, also PURLINE IKOORS KOORIS# 2 IROKOS ACELMZ MEZCAL s, ine#, ines# a cactus, also MESCAL AEMNNP PENMAN ship, ships an author [n PENMEN] CEHIMU ECHIUM# s# any plant of the genus Echium DDEIIM MIDDIE# s a medium sized beer glass, larger than a pony, smaller than a schooner, also MIDDY ACDLTU ovi DUCTAL made up of ducts DEERTV VERDET# s# 2 copper acetate a e, ad di in ob re, con per sub una, ante ..14 VERTED# ERSUVY re, pre SURVEY s, al# ed or, als# ing ors, able# ance# ..4 to examine in detail DEEGOS GEODES y, ic, ics ies ist, ical# ists AHJPSU PUJAHS AEFLNU FLAUNE# s# a custard, also FLAWN#, FLAMM# BBEEIW WEBBIE# r s#, st a person very familiar with the World Wide Web DEGIMR be GRIMED DEORSZ bull calf#, angle# DOZERS BDEEGG un#, out, fool# BEGGED EEFPRR PREFER s, red rer, able ably ence ment rers ..12 to like better [v PREFARD# or PREFERRED, PREFERRING, PREFERS] ADEEHR fats HEDERA# l# s#, ted# 3 {ivy=n} be, road#, double HEADER s a grain harvester ADHERE d r s, nd nt rs, nce nds nts, nces ntly to {stick=v} AADHRZ bio hap HAZARD s, ed er ry#, ers ing ize# ous, able# ..5 to {venture=v} AORRWY m ARROWY 2 like arrows YARROW s a strongly-scented plant BDGINO a, un#, for, fore, unfore# BODING s, ly an omen CDELNU be, ped, carb UNCLED# ACERSV VARECS# 4 CAVERS CRAVES s, heads# CARVES ACINOR RACINO# s# 2 a racetrack that offers additional facilities for gambling AIRCON# s# an air conditioner BEGLOT GOBLET s a drinking vessel AENSUY UNEASY marked by mental or physical discomfort [adj UNEASIER, UNEASIEST] CINNOY INCONY delicate and pretty, also INCONIE# ALLOVY OVALLY in the shape of an oval DEHLOW be, out HOWLED INNOSU b, gr re, dis mis non pre, comm, inter# ..2 UNIONS 2 UNISON s, al, ant ous, ally# ance#, ances# complete agreement EHORSV s, pus, flas wind, ducks# switc# HOVERS 3 pu, fla, duck# SHOVER s one who {shoves=v} SHROVE d# s# to celebrate Shrovetide a pa t of SHRIVE AGHINW c s t, ps, hee unt#, scrims, wappens# ..2 HAWING AACKRW AWRACK# in a state of wreck EGINOR ERINGO s, es 3 a medicinal herb, also ERYNGO s IGNORE d r s, rs to intentionally disregard bio eco# sub REGION s, al, als ary#, ally, alise# alism ..13 an area or district; a tract of country AEEHPR c HEAPER s one that {heaps=v} FILMPS FLIMPS# ENOORT ENROOT s, ed, ing to implant firmly AGNRTY GYRANT# 2 spinning around GANTRY a structure for supporting railroad signals, also GAUNTRY [n GANTRIES] EGNORY ERYNGO s, es 2 a medicinal herb, also ERINGO GROYNE s a structure which protects a shore from erosion BCDNOU BONDUC s the nicker seed EHLNOP un# HOLPEN 2 bis#, indo poly, amino#, methyl# ..2 PHENOL s, ic, ate ics ogy, ated ates, ating ..6 a caustic compound AKORSU KOURAS# DEJSTU ad, read unad, malad misad pread JUSTED AIMNSZ NIZAMS BDEESW BEDEWS 2 DWEEBS DEEGGP re un PEGGED AEIMRZ MAZIER FHOSTT THOFTS# BDILUY BLUIDY# stained with blood, also BLOODY, BLUDIE#, BLUDY# [adj BLUIDIER#, BLUIDIEST#] EIORRR RORIER# EEMNOR MOREEN s a heavy fabric ADELPW DEWLAP s t#, ped a fold of loose skin under the neck EEELMX LEXEME s a linguistic unit FOOPSY SPOOFY humorously satiric [adj SPOOFIER#, SPOOFIEST#] CFHISU FICHUS BEEGRU BURGEE s a small flag CFORST under CROFTS DEOORZ DOOZER s an extraordinary one of its kind, also DOOZIE, DOOZY ABCEES ABCEES# BCEHLN BLENCH ed er es, ers ing to {flinch=v} ELORWY YOWLER s 3 one that {yowls=v} gr# OWLERY# a place inhabited by owls [n OWLERIES#] f LOWERY {sullen=adj} [adj LOWERIER#, LOWERIEST#] CEIMPU PUMICE d r s, rs, ous to polish with a porous volcanic rock AAMOPR PARAMO s, ur, rph unt urs, rphs uncy# unts ..10 a plateau region of South America AEHNSU HAUSEN s a Russian sturgeon ABCIMU CUMBIA s a Latin American dance GILNOW b c f g# h j# s# y, gr pr sc, beh scr# unc# ..4 OWLING# 2 b f g p s, al, bel bil fal fel fol gal# ..36 LOWING s the sound of cattle BDELNS re BLENDS AAHINT TAHINA# s# an oily paste DEGORW GOWDER# ABGMNO BOGMAN# the body of a man preserved in peat [n BOGMEN#] EFFINT INFEFT# s#, ed#, ing#, ment#, ments# to invest with heritable property ADNORW mo ONWARD s, ly# towards the front, also ONWARDS AENPRY NAPERY table linen [n NAPERIES] CDEIST pr, ben mal, unpr# EDICTS 2 CISTED containing cists EHOPRU e UPHROE s a wooden block used to adjust a shipboard awning, also EUPHROE ACDHOR CHORDA# e# l, te, tes, mesoderm, mesoderms 2 a primitive sort of spinal column CHADOR s a large shawl, also CHADAR ERSTUV VERTUS 2 TURVES BEFRUY RUBEFY# ing# to {redden=v} [v RUBEFIED#, RUBEFYING#, RUBEFIES#] ILMNRU MURLIN# g# s# a basket, also MURLAIN#, MURLAN# CEENRT TENREC s 4 a mammal that feeds on insects, also TANREC de in# re#, con# day# epi# job#, bary# ..6 CENTRE d s, ing#, fold# ings# line#, board# ..5 to {center=v} de in re, con epi sub, hypo inde inno ..7 CENTER s, ed, ing, fold ings less line, board ..7 to place at the middle point p RECENT er ly re#, est red# res#, ness ring# ..5 happening not long ago EEIMNT EMETIN e s, es an alkaloid which causes vomiting, also EMETINE ACEHIM cac# isc# HAEMIC pertaining to the blood, also HAEMAL, HAEMATAL, HAEMOID, HEMAL, HEMATAL, HEMIC, HEMOID DEENNT DENNET# s# a nineteenth century horse gig AGORRT GARROT# e s#, ed er es te, ers ing ted ter# tes ..3 a duck ABEMNT BATMEN AFNPRY PANFRY ing 2 to fry in a frying pan [v PANFRIED, PANFRYING, PANFRIES] FRYPAN s a pan for frying food ACIMNT ro se, geo myo# zoo#, pyro# scio# ..15 MANTIC ora# ore, ally# oras# ores having powers of prophecy ACFIPY o, re PACIFY ing to make {peaceful=adj} [v PACIFIED, PACIFYING, PACIFIES] EFORTU FOUTER# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to mess around, also FOUTRE# FOUTRE# d# s# to mess around, also FOUTER# DDENOY DYNODE s a type of electrode CDEEOR p RECODE d s to code again AERTWY un# WATERY 2 containing water [adj WATERIER, WATERIEST] TAWERY# a place where skins are dressed [n TAWERIES#] CIMRUU atra# CURIUM s a radioactive element ABENTU iso BUTANE s a flammable gas GHINOY HOYING# BCGINU CUBING ANNORY NONARY# of the number system, using nine as a base BEHLOW BEHOWL s, ed, ing to howl at EGKNOY KYOGEN# s# a comic interlude between Japanese plays FNORST af re, con sea, fore lake shop# wave# ..10 FRONTS DEEIRT su# RETIED 5 p REEDIT s, ed, ing ion, ions to edit again DIETER s one who {diets=v} TEDIER# por#, fron#, multi TIERED AABLRZ BLAZAR# s# a type of active galaxy that is a more energetic source of radiation than a quasar EFIOST SOFTIE s a sentimental person, also SOFTY AANNNO ANNONA s a tropical tree ADIIMN AMIDIN e s, es 2 the soluble matter of starch DIAMIN e s, es a chemical compound, also DIAMIDE, DIAMINE DEFKLU FLUKED CNOOTT gun, meli# poly#, nitro# COTTON s y, ed, ade# ing, ades# seed tail weed ..9 to take a liking to DOOPRU pa# sa, prosa UROPOD s, al, ous an abdominal limb of an arthropod AABILX BIAXAL having two axes AHILNU INHAUL s, er, ers a line for bringing in a sail, also INHAULER DEEERV la VEERED 2 p#, sc# un, rep# REEVED ABEEMN BEMEAN s t#, ed, ing 2 to {debase=v} BENAME d s to {name=v} [v BYNEMPT# or BENAMED, BENEMPT or BENEMPTED, BENAMING, BENAMES] GMNOST a e# MONGST {amongst=prep} EEGHNS HENGES AOPRSV PARVOS 2 VAPORS AGIIMN m, cl, mis, accl decl excl recl, discl ..6 AIMING BEIRSV BREVIS# es# broth, esp. beef broth, also BREWIS BLORTU BRULOT s a biting fly CDEENR s#, de se, con dis, uncon undis#, overcon CERNED# 3 CENDRE# ash-blond DECERN s, ed, ing to decree by judicial sentence AFGINT sul FATING FGINRY FRINGY 2 resembling a fringe [adj FRINGIER, FRINGIEST] re, pan FRYING s# the process of frying AEEMNP APEMEN# EJLSTU JUSTLE d s to {jostle=v} ENPRUU UNPURE ly not pure HIRTTY THIRTY ish, fold#, something# a number [n THIRTIES] DEEKUY YEUKED GHIINR s#, re, out# pre HIRING s# the act by which an article is hired AACHNO CHOANA e a funnel-shaped opening GIILNO b c f m r s t, br dr# re sm# sp, ass bem# ..23 OILING IINNPY PINYIN a system for transliterating Chinese ideograms into the Latin alphabet HINNST NINTHS BEEGST un# BEGETS BIQSSU SQUIBS EHNOSY p HONEYS ucker# uckle, uckers# uckled# uckles ABDILR BRIDAL s, ly 3 a {wedding=n} LABRID# s# the wrasse genus of fishes RIBALD s, ly ry, ries one who uses crude language AADIMN MAIDAN# s# 2 an open plain pl# AIDMAN a {corpsman=n} [n AIDMEN] AIJMNS JASMIN e s, es a climbing shrub, also JASMINE BGINOO ta BOOING CHIIRZ RHIZIC# of the root of an equation EEEGNR RENEGE d r s, rs to fail to carry out a promise, also RENIG CEIRTU an di en he#, sal, isch# olig#, natri, antidi# URETIC 4 pertaining to urine CURITE s a radioactive mineral CUITER# s#, ed#, ing# to {wheedle=v} CURIET# s#, herapy#, herapies# a breastplate AEFKNS KENAFS CEMOPU UPCOME# s# the {outcome=n} DEILMO s#, be#, tur MOILED 2 ca# MELOID s a type of beetle AHMRTW luke# WARMTH s {warmness=n} EINNPR s PINNER s one that {pins=v} CENOPU POUNCE d r s t#, rs ts# 2 to swoop upon suddenly UNCOPE# d# s# to {unmuzzle=v} ABDENN un, tur BANNED FHILST FILTHS AEFLTU FLUATE# s# a {fluoride=n} EILNNT LINNET s a European songbird, also LINTIE# BDEGNU BEDUNG# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to {manure=v} BUNGED ADEGGU re un#, mis GAUGED ALNOPT PONTAL# relating to the pons of the brain AEHLOS HAOLES 2 en HALOES ABDEEM out sun# BEAMED ADDIMR DIRDAM# s# uproar, also DIRDUM, DURDUM# FGINOR FROING# s# as in toing and froing ABGHNS BHANGS AADDER ADREAD# s#, ed#, ing# to {fear=v} EILPSV PELVIS es a part of the skeleton [n PELVISES or PELVES] AHILSV s, over LAVISH ed er es ly, ers est ing, ment# ness ..2 to give generously / generous or profuse in giving CENORU f t ROUNCE# s#, val#, vals# 3 part of a hand printing press UNCOER# ced, cive, cively CONURE# s# a type of small parrot EIKRSV SKIVER s, ed#, ing# to {skewer=v} EHITTW TEWHIT# s# a shore bird, also TEUCHAT#, TEWIT# EINNPT s# PINNET# s# 2 a pinnacle TENPIN s a bowling pin AFLTUY un# FAULTY imperfect [adj FAULTIER, FAULTIEST] AEEGGL ALEGGE# d# s#, aunce#, aunces# to allay, also ALLEDGE#, ALLEGGE# CEIRSV de# SCRIVE d s, ner, ners ning#, board# nings# ..3 to {engrave=v} AEGMNR ENGRAM s, ma# me, mas# mes mic, matic# 4 a deep-seated psychological impression, also ENGRAMMA#, ENGRAMME MANGER s a feeding trough for cattle RAGMEN t#, ts# boo dog#, trig GERMAN e s, ic, der ely ise# ite# ium ize ous# ..15 an elaborate dance BEGIOS BOGIES 2 GOBIES ABDLNS clu# sca slo#, scru shru BLANDS# GHNOTU HOGNUT s 2 a hickory nut fear#, dread NOUGHT s, ies# a zero, also NAUGHT, NOWT AABJNX BANJAX ed es, ing to {ruin=v} DELORT p, fo, unfo# RETOLD EEEKSW WEEKES# ABCEEL BELACE# d s# to adorn with lace AILMRT MITRAL 2 pertaining to a valve of the heart RAMTIL s, la, las a tropical plant, also RAMTILLA ELLNUW UNWELL ness#, nesses# not well CEGHLU CLEUGH# s# a ravine, also CLOUGH, CLEUCH# EEEMNT MENTEE s 2 under the direction of a mentor TEMENE# BDILOO DIOBOL s, on, ons an ancient Greek coin, also DIOBOLON AILLUZ LAZULI s, te, tes a beautiful blue stone usu called lapis lazuli CDDETU pre DEDUCT s, ed, ing ion ive, ible ions, ibles ..3 2 to {subtract=v} ab ad de in, con sub, rein, prede recon ..3 DUCTED EIMNRU MUREIN s 2 a type of {polymer=n} le MURINE s any of the family of small rodents, also MURID ACDINY CYANID e s, ed es, ing, ings#, ation#, ations# a compound of cyanogen AILPTU TIPULA# s# a fly BCHITY BITCHY {catty=adj} [adj BITCHIER, BITCHIEST] AINPTU TIPUNA# s# (Maori) an ancestor, also TUPUNA# GIINPZ stylo#, episco# penelo# PIZING# AOORSZ RAZOOS# AAGGLO GALAGO s a small {primate=n} AGINRZ b c g, overg RAZING DEIKST SKITED 2 KISTED# ACGILY CAGILY in a cagey manner ABORTY TARBOY# s# a person who attends cuts on sheep ADEFLR FARDEL s 2 a bundle FLARED ACFNRS FRANCS CDDINU CUDDIN# s# a young coalfish, also CUDDEN# FGNORY GRYFON# s# a fabled animal part lion and part eagle, also GRIFFIN, GRIFFON, GRYPHON DEFGGU FUGGED AHILNY LINHAY# s# 2 a shed, also LINNEY#, LINNY# HYALIN e s, es, ise# ize#, ised# ises# ized# ..7 a transparent substance, also HYALINE EHLOSU HOUSEL s, ed, eek ess ine# ing led, eeks ines# ..5 to administer the Eucharist to ELMOOY MOOLEY s a hornless cow, also MULEY, MOOLY#, MULLEY ADDEGN DANGED EIKLNW WELKIN g# s 2 the sky t, peri, penny# pinny# tiggy#, pinnie# WINKLE d r# s, rs# to extract or force out BDEERW BREWED AIKLTU LIKUTA a monetary unit of Zaire [n MAKUTA] DEHLOT po THOLED ABDEGR BADGER s, ed ly, ing 3 to pester or harass un GARBED BARGED BHORTY BROTHY like broth [adj BROTHIER#, BROTHIEST#] AADNRT TARAND# s# a {reindeer=n} HIMOTY MYTHOI ADEGGT GADGET s y, ry, eer, eers ries 2 a mechanical device s, re un TAGGED AOSTUY OUTSAY s, ing to surpass in saying [v OUTSAID, OUTSAYING, OUTSAYS] EJKNTU JUNKET s, ed er, eer ers ing ted# ter#, eers ..5 to {banquet=v} IILLPU ILLUPI# s# the mahwa tree, also ILLIPE# EEESTV VESTEE s 2 a garment worn under a woman's jacket or blouse STEEVE d r# s, ly# st# to stow in the hold of a ship / {firm=adj} CDEIKM MEDICK s a flowering plant ACDENY DANCEY# relating to dance music [adj DANCIER#, DANCIEST#] EEGNSV a, re, sca VENGES EEGMNT TEGMEN ta, tal tum a covering, also TEGUMEN [n TEGMINA] AILRWY un WARILY in a wary manner ACEORX COAXER s one that {coaxes=v} CENOPR CREPON s a crinkled fabric AKOSTY TOKAYS ADDENT mor DANTED# ABEERR up, cup for fur, case mace# pall tale ..5 BEARER s 2 one who bears BREARE# s# a prickly shrub, also BRIER, BRERE#, BRIAR ACEGLN over# GLANCE d r s, rs 2 to look quickly [v GLANCED, YGLAUNST#, GLANCING, GLANCES] CANGLE# d# s# to {argue=v} AHRRUY HURRAY s, ed, ing to {cheer=v} ABDHOY HOBDAY# s#, ed#, ing# to cure a horse's breathing impediment CENOSV COVENS ACDHIR CHADRI 2 DIARCH# y, al# ic, ies, ical# having two xylem strands EFORWW WOWFER# EILLMO MOLLIE s a tropical fish, also MOLLY AAEKRT KARATE s, ka#, ist kas#, ists a Japanese art of self-defense AEEPSZ PEAZES# BEEESV BEEVES MOORRW to MORROW s the next day BEINRR BRINER s one that {brines=v} BIIIKN BIKINI s, ed a brief two-piece swimming costume KOOSTW KOTOWS CGINOO COOING s#, ly the sound of a dove EEHPSW WHEEPS ADINNN NANDIN a e# s, as es# an evergreen shrub ADHNRU DHURNA s a form of protest in India, also DHARNA ACEHOR ORACHE s 3 a cultivated plant, also ORACH CHOREA l s, tic a nervous disorder OCHREA e, te# a sheathing plant part, also OCREA ACEGLY de LEGACY something bequeathed [n LEGACIES] AEIJSS JASIES# EIKORS KIORES# EEENRT la, fif# six#, four TEENER s 4 a {teenager=n} ETERNE everlasting RETENE s a chemical compound ENTREE s freedom of access ANSTXY SYNTAX es the way words are put together to form phrases and sentences, also SYNESIS AGHLTU GALUTH# s# an exile, also GALUT# ACEGHN ex re, gear, inter short, counter CHANGE d r s, rs up, ful ups, able ably less ..14 to make or become different EGLNOU LOUNGE d r s y#, rs, wear, wears to recline in a relaxed manner CHILNU UNLICH# {unlike=adj} IILSTU uv, cell valv vasc, utric#, follic ..2 ULITIS# es# gingivitis EHIIST b HISTIE# {dry=adj} AEESTZ TEAZES# ADELOP pr# OPALED# 2 decorated with opal PEDALO s, es# a type of pleasure boat powered by pedalling AILMOP LIPOMA s, ta, tous, toses# tosis# a tumor of fatty tissue EGIMNT be#, hel, grom grum plum METING AGNOSU GUANOS ine, ines ENNTTU UNTENT# s# y#, ed, ing# to remove from a tent DELLUW WULLED# BGINRS in# su up# we# BRINGS AILLNW INWALL s, ed, ing to surround with a wall AEINNT p, bip, cach cinc# trip, parip#, imparip# INNATE ly, ness, nesses 3 {inborn=adj} NANITE# s# a microscopically small machine or device, perhaps only a few atoms wide, manufactured using nanotechnology, also NANOMACHINE TANNIE# s# (Afrikaans) literally aunt, a title of respect for an elderly woman AFGLNU anti FUNGAL s a {fungus=n} AEEGGR AGREGE# s# 3 a winner of an university exam REGGAE s, ton#, tons# a form of popular Jamaican music RAGGEE s an East Indian cereal grass, also RAGI, RAGEE, RAGGY ABFGLU BAGFUL s as much as a bag can hold [n BAGFULS or BAGSFUL] DEILOP sco#, erysi# PELOID# s# 3 a mud or other natural medium used as a medicinal plaster DIPLOE s a bony tissue of the cranium DIPOLE s a pair of equal and opposite electric charges ADEMNO be un# MOANED 4 NOMADE# s# a wanderer, also NOMAD eu, caco# DAEMON s, es ic a {demon=n} MODENA# s# a shade of crimson EFLORW REFLOW n s, ed er, ers ing, ered ings#, ering, erings# 4 to flow again WOLFER s one who hunts wolves be de en# re, day may saf sun wax# ..22 FLOWER s y, ed er et, age bed# ers ets ful ier ..14 to blossom or flourish bat, wild, water FOWLER s one that {fowls=v} EEOSYZ OYEZES DENOSZ DOZENS EGGNTU NUGGET s y, ed#, ing# ted#, ting# to polish shoes or boots BBEIJO JOBBIE# s# a lump of excrement CGINOX COXING MNOOTW TOWMON# d s# t, ds ts a form of twelvemonth AAILNN phenyl# ALANIN e s, es an amino acid, also ALANINE EKNORR KRONER BEEELT dor BEETLE d r s, rs, head#, brain# heads#, brains# ..2 to {overhang=v} ABELRZ em, trail BLAZER s, ed a light jacket EINORT te NORITE s 3 a granular rock re, dis mis ORIENT s, al ed er, als ate eer ers ing, ally ..27 to acquaint with details of a situation s, pon TONIER DEHRSW SHREWD er ie ly, est ies, ness, nesses having keen insight HNOOPT multi PHOTON s, ic, ics, asty# ovel#, astic# ovels# ..5 an elementary particle ADEESZ SEAZED# BEGINR har BINGER s someone who binges AFMNSU FANUMS ABINSU BUNIAS# 3 NUBIAS UNBIAS# ed es#, ing# sed ses#, edly# sing# ..5 to free from bias AFGLRU in FRUGAL ly, ist# ity, ists# ness#, ities, nesses# {thrifty=adj} GHMOTU MOUGHT# HIRSTY YIRTHS 3 THYRSI SHIRTY {angry=adj} [adj SHIRTIER, SHIRTIEST] AGINNO GANOIN# e# s#, es# the outer hard layer on some fish scales, also GANOINE# AEHNTW WHATEN# what ADEGGW s, wig, chin WAGGED DDEIIK KIDDIE d# r# s, rs#, wink#, winks#, winkie#, winkies# a small {child=n} CFILST CLIFTS EIIKNP PINKIE r# s, st# a small narrow-sterned ship, also PINKY, PINKEY ALLOTW TALLOW s y, ed, ing ish# to smear with a mixture of animal fats ADEILN ALINED 3 DENIAL s the act of {denying=v} s, re un, hob toe NAILED BDELRY BYRLED DOORSU mal# ODOURS ACILNT CATLIN g s, gs 2 a surgical knife, also CATLING TINCAL s a crude borax CELRUU CURULE of the highest rank ELNOTT TONLET s a skirt of plate armour EFHRRU FUHRER s a leader, also FUEHRER ALNRXY LARYNX es an organ of the respiratory tract [n LARYNXES or LARYNGES] AGHINT ANIGHT# 2 by night over sulp, phosp# HATING AAADNP em PANADA s a thick sauce AHOPRW PHWOAR# an expression of appreciation of the attractiveness of another person, also PHWOAH# DIOSWW WIDOWS AINPTY PAINTY covered with paint [adj PAINTIER, PAINTIEST] AEPSUX AUSPEX a soothsayer of ancient Rome [n AUSPICES] KLNOOP PLONKO# s# (Australian slang) an alcoholic DEGGMO MOGGED AILMNO anti cere hege#, matri patri testi MONIAL# s# 2 a mullion, the upright division between the panes of a window OILMAN one who owns or operates an oil well [n OILMEN] ACDMTU MUDCAT s a type of {catfish=n} ACEKNU UNCAKE d s to break up a block of compacted matter EHMNOP PHENOM s, ena, enal enas enon, enise# enism# ..30 a person of extraordinary ability or promise AEEPTT s# PATTEE having narrow arms, but expanding at the ends -- used of a heraldic cross, also PATY AAFSTW FATWAS ADEHMW HAWMED# GLRRRS GRRRLS# EEKLSV KEVELS CEGNOR CONGER s, ies a marine eel COOORZ COROZO# s# a type of palm DEHNRU HURDEN# s# a type of coarse fabric EMOOSV a# MOOVES# ACENPR PRANCE d r s, rs to parade ostentatiously ADMNUY MAUNDY a religious ceremony of washing of the feet [n MAUNDIES] CJNOUY JOUNCY {jolty=adj} [adj JOUNCIER, JOUNCIEST] AACJLS JACALS EGMNTU NUTMEG s, gy#, ged#, ging# to kick the ball between an opponent's legs ADMNOY NOMADY# 2 the life of a nomad [n NOMADIES#] DYNAMO s, tor, geny# tors, graph# meter metry ..9 a generator ADENTT co ATTEND s, ed ee er, ant ees ers ing, ance ancy# ..8 to be present at AAIMRT AMRITA s, ttva#, ttvas# 2 a beverage that bestows immortality in Hindu mythology, also AMREETA TAMARI n s, nd ns sk, llo nds sks, llos a Japanese soy sauce CEIPRT TRICEP s, ses, halous# an arm muscle, also TRICEPS EGGHIL HIGGLE d r s, rs to {haggle=v} BCEMOO COOMBE s a narrow valley, also COMBE, COOMB DEMNOO honey MOONED AHIMNR HARMIN e g s, es an alkaloid used as a stimulant, also HARMINE, HARMALIN# ADDGMU DADGUM damn EGHISW re, out pre, fore# over, counter# WEIGHS ABEEFL BEFLEA s, ed, ing to infest with fleas CHINOT CHITON s a tunic worn in ancient Greece DEIMRT un MITRED ADNRST hy, qua DRANTS# 2 a#, sea, magi#, inter STRAND s, ed er, ers ing, flat# line wolf# ..5 to leave in an unfavourable situation DEEFNU UNFEED# not paid ADEHNT c, enc, merc, unenc uninc#, disenc HANTED EHILMU HUMLIE# s# 2 a hornless cow epit, endot mesot HELIUM s a gaseous element DHNOSU elk fox sea#, boar buck chow coon ..18 HOUNDS 2 UNSHOD not shod CDERUY DECURY a group of ten soldiers, also DECURIA# [n DECURIES] BEELNU NEBULE s# wavy moulding AACDIR epi myo, endo peri, brady steno# ..3 CARDIA c e s, cs, cal# lgy#, lgia# lgic#, lgias# lgies# 2 an opening of the esophagus ACARID s, an, ans ean# ian#, eans# ians#, omatia#, omatium# a tick-like animal, also ACARIDAN, ACARINE ENOPTT im, nil pre sub uni, armi# equi# idem ..9 POTENT s#, ly, ate ial ise# ize#, ates ials ..28 a prince BBESUZ ZEBUBS# AKLSUW WAULKS# AALRVV VALVAR pertaining to a valve, also VALVAL CDEHIR CHIDER s 4 one who {chides=v} HERDIC s a type of {carriage=n} DREICH er#, est# dreary, also DREIGH en, unen RICHED# EEKOSV r, re EVOKES BIIKTZ KIBITZ ed er es, ers ing to give unwelcome advice, also KIBBITZ INOSTX ana bio exo neo# zoo#, afla anti ..16 TOXINS DEKORW in# re un, net out pre top, hand# over ..6 WORKED ABDEGL BEGLAD s, ded, ding 2 to {cheer=v} GABLED DIKNRS out, over DRINKS AAMNSZ ZAMANS# ADGNRU DURGAN# s# a {dwarf=n} ABDEEK DEBEAK s, ed, ing 2 to remove the tip of the upper beak de, sticky# BEAKED having a beak ABCDER DECARB# s#, ed#, ing#, onate onise# onize ..38 2 to decarbonise em re# un, vam, reem, counter#, thorough# BRACED EEMNTU UNMEET ly, ness#, nesses# {improper=adj} AAGLNO ANALOG a# s y, ic on# ue, ies ise# ism ist ize ..16 3 something that bears a resemblance to something else, also ANALOGUE ANGOLA# angora di, dec hex non oct, enne# hept pent ..7 AGONAL pertaining to {agony=n} EHIMOS bon HOMIES t AEFILL FAILLE s a woven fabric ACIIMN vit, glut# hist#, antihist AMINIC relating to amine EHMRUY RHEUMY like rheum [adj RHEUMIER, RHEUMIEST] EEGGMU MUGGEE s one who is mugged ADENNW s WANNED CELNNU NUNCLE s an uncle FHIRST FRITHS oken# tool#, okens# tools# 3 FIRTHS SHRIFT s the act of shriving, also SHRIVING AEHRTY HEARTY 2 a {comrade=n} [n HEARTIES] / very friendly [adj HEARTIER, HEARTIEST] EARTHY consisting of earth [adj EARTHIER, EARTHIEST] ADETTT photos, thermos TATTED BINPUY BUNYIP# s# a monster in Aboriginal lore EEILNP PENILE pertaining to a {penis=n} AHMOSV MOSHAV im a cooperative settlement of small farms in Israel EINNSV anti VENINS CIKQSU QUICKS et, and ets tep, ands teps, ilver, ilvers ..7 BEEGMS BEGEMS# DGINPU DUPING HORTTW TROWTH s {truth=n} HNOOPU UNHOOP# s#, ed#, ing# to remove hoops from DEGIMN MINGED# DGIMNO enfree# DOMING EEHNTY ETHYNE s a flammable gas CEILOR re COILER s 2 one who {coils=v} RECOIL s, ed er, ers ing, less to draw back in fear or disgust ADFGLY GADFLY a biting fly [n GADFLIES] ILMTUU TUMULI AEITTT TATTIE r s, st a {potato=n} EFGIRS GRIEFS 2 FRIGES BEILMY gor# BLIMEY expressing surprise BEGILR GERBIL s, le, les a burrowing rodent, also GERBILLE BEIRTT em im un, fore#, disem# BITTER n s, ed er ly ns, est ing ish nut, bark# ..20 to make resentful / having a disagreeable taste ABJOWX JAWBOX# es# a sink AINSTW WITANS 2 TWAINS EMOORT MOOTER s 2 one who {moots=v} TOOMER# AAINSV subcl AVIANS ADDEIT TADDIE# s# a {tadpole=n} DEFIRT d g RIFTED AEISSZ ASSIZE d# r# s, rs# to {assess=v} EILMTY un, over# TIMELY occurring at the right moment [adj TIMELIER, TIMELIEST] BEEIKL tu, ado glo BELIKE perhaps BEOOYZ BOOZEY# inclined to booze, also BOOZY, BOUSY BEORSX beat# kick BOXERS DEISTV STIVED# 2 DIVEST s, ed, ing ure, ible# ment ures, iture ..2 to strip or deprive of anything DEKOUY YOUKED# EILLRW s WILLER s someone who wills EEILRT RETILE d s to tile again AGOSYZ GYOZAS 2 AZYGOS es, pore#, pores# an unpaired structure ABGKOO BOGOAK# s# oak preserved in a bog AEMRSZ MAZERS ACLNOT COLTAN# s# a metallic ore of columbite and tantalite, found in the Congo DDEEIN INDEED 2 in truth re un DENIED ABCDEL CABLED AKRSUU KAURUS# ABCEHY BEACHY sandy or pebbly [adj BEACHIER, BEACHIEST] AABNNY BANYAN s an E Indian tree ACELRV clishma# CLAVER s, ed, ing 3 to {gossip=v} CALVER# s#, ed#, ing# to {prepare=v} CARVEL s a small sailing ship, also CARAVEL AEEPSW PESEWA s a monetary unit of Ghana CEEHNW no#, some#, every# WHENCE s#, ver#, forth#, soever a place of origin EEEMSX EXEEMS# 2 l EXEMES# ABCEIS CEIBAS EGINRT ENGIRT ACEFHR cock CHAFER s a large beetle ACKQUY QUACKY resembling the cry of a duck [adj QUACKIER, QUACKIEST] CEHMOT COMETH er, ers ELOOPT POOTLE# d# s# to travel in no particular hurry CILNTU INCULT uncultivated AEHMNT HETMAN s, ate#, ates# ship#, ships# 2 a Cossack leader ex ANTHEM s, ed ia ic, ing ion, wise# to praise in a national song ADEELT b d g r v#, ch un#, cor irr# reg unr, corr ..9 ELATED ly, ness, nesses 2 cyclan# DELATE d s to {accuse=v} EINPRT amino, xantho# PTERIN s 2 a chemical compound NIPTER# s# ceremonial washing of the feet ADEHLM LAMEDH s a Hebrew letter, also LAMED CEHINT non, inter multi ETHNIC s, al, ism# ity, ally isms#, ities a member of a racial or cultural group CEELMO CLEOME s a tropical plant AEEGGM GAMGEE# as in gamgee tissue, a type of wound-dressing consisting of cotton wool between two layers of gauze AEEHSV HEVEAS# 3 SHEAVE d s to gather into a bundle, also SHEAF s t#, up HEAVES AABMOY BAYAMO s a strong wind BGINTU snow# TUBING s material in the form of a slim pipe EGHLPU PLEUGH# s#, ed#, ing# to plough, also PLEUCH# ACIQSU ACQUIS# t#, ts#, itor, ition itive itors, itions ..3 a particular piece or section of European Union legislation [n ACQUIS#] DEMNOU MENUDO s a tripe stew with chili peppers AANRRW WARRAN# d# s# t, ds# ed# ts ty, ded# ing# ted ..21 to justify, also WARRAND#, WARRANT ACFLNO ger gyr jer# FALCON s, er et ry, ers ets ine oid, ries, iform# 2 a bird of prey FLACON s a scent-bottle ADEHIS EADISH# es# pasturage, also EDDISH# BDEOSU BOUSED AEERSZ RAZEES EKLNOU LEUKON s a bodily organ consisting of the white blood cells BDLNOO DOBLON s, es a former gold coin of Spain, also DOBLA AILRSW ASWIRL swirling EEHLNY HENLEY s a type of knit shirt EEGGRY EGGERY# a place where eggs are laid [n EGGERIES#] EEHLSV SHELVE d r s, rs 2 to place on a shelf s t#, books, mantels HELVES ABEEGR BARGEE s, se# 3 a {bargeman=n} ABREGE# s# an abridgement BAREGE s a silky dress fabric CILNOU ULICON# s# 2 the candlefish, also EULACHON, EULACHAN, OOLAKAN#, OULACHON#, OULAKAN#, ULIKON# UNCOIL s, ed, ing to {unwind=v} EINRTU re, dis UNITER s 3 one who {unites=v} TRIUNE s a trinity, also TRIUNITY TUNIER# CEILNP PENCIL s, ed er, ers ing led ler, ings lers ..2 to write or draw with graphite or lead HLNOUY UNHOLY not holy [adj UNHOLIER, UNHOLIEST] AGGISW WIGGAS# AEHIKN HANKIE s a square piece of material for wiping the nose, also HANKY GORTUY GROUTY 2 {surly=adj} [adj GROUTIER, GROUTIEST] YOGURT s food made from fermented milk, also YOGHURT, YAOURT#, YOGHOURT BDDEET ad# in DEBTED# obliged ACEHIP PHAEIC# {dusky=adj} ADEGPR s PARGED 2 GRAPED# DIINRS INDRIS es# a short-tailed lemur, also INDRI GILRTY TRIGLY ph, phs, phic, ceride phical, cerides in a trig manner EILNPT PINTLE s 2 a pin on which something turns LEPTIN s a hormone released by fat cells HNOORT THORON s a radioactive isotope of radon EEGLNU LUNGEE s a loincloth worn by men in India, also LUNGI, LUNGYI DIMOYZ ZYMOID# like a ferment BCHIRT BRICHT# er#, est# (Scots) bright AEMORT OMERTA# s# 2 the Mafia code of honour AMORET# s#, ti to, tos sweetheart EGINPY PYEING# CEEIRT CERTIE# 4 as in by my certie, Scots for assuredly, also CERTY# RECITE d r s, rs to say from memory TIERCE d l s t#, ls ts#, let# ron, lets# rons a period for prayer and devotion, also TERCE ozo CERITE s a mineral FLOTUY g# OUTFLY ing to surpass in speed of flight [v OUTFLEW, OUTFLOWN, OUTFLYING, OUTFLIES] EIMRRT p RETRIM s, med, ming 2 to trim again TRIMER s, ic, ism ous, isms a type of chemical compound CIMSUV VISCUM# s# bird lime EFILSU circum# FUSILE er, ers formed by melting CDEHOW CHOWED CEIMRU CERIUM s 2 a metallic element UREMIC pertaining to {uremia=n} ADDETU DAUTED EIPSXY PYXIES AEGNOR ORANGE r# s y, ry st#, ade rie, ades ries wood, woods 2 a citrus fruit / the colour of an orange (a fruit) ONAGER s a wild ass of central Asia [n ONAGERS or ONAGRI] BERTTU a, re, hag# nut#, hack#, surre BUTTER s y, ed, bur cup fat fly ier ies ine# ..32 to spread with a milk product EGGISU GIGUES AEGGLW WAGGLE d r# s, rs# to move from side to side, also WAG EINSTV re, dis INVEST s, ed or, ing ors, able ible# ment, igate ..15 to lay out for profit HMOOPR MORPHO s, gen ses sis tic#, gens geny# lino# ..28 a tropical butterfly AEEGNT ab re# NEGATE d r s, rs to {nullify=v} FFIQSU SQUIFF# y, ed er#, ers# ier, iest 2 {tipsy=adj} QUIFFS DELOWY YOWLED CDEGGO s# COGGED ACINPT CATNIP s an aromatic herb, also CATMINT AEGGIS b j m# r, st sw AGGIES CDEOOP OPCODE# s# 2 a coded computing instruction s, outs COOPED AMORRW MARROW s y, ed, fat ing ish# sky#, bone fats ..5 to be a mate or companion AADERW b# ADWARE# s# software with embedded advertisements AOPRRW PROWAR favouring war BDNOUY YBOUND# en# DEJLLO JOLLED# DEEINN INDENE s a hydrocarbon ACELTU CAUTEL# s#, ous# {wariness=n} AGNORR GARRON s a small sturdy horse, also GARRAN# EINOPT PONTIE# s# 2 an iron supporting rod used in glassmaking, also PUNTY, PONTIL, PONTILE#, PONTY#, PUNTEE# POINTE d l# r s, ls# rs, dly lle, lles, dness, dnesses a ballet position AEKNNR ENRANK# s#, ed#, ing# to place in order ABCELT CABLET s a small cable AEHKSU KEHUAS# BEGHIS BESIGH# s#, ed#, ing# to sigh over DEELMU a# EMULED# AADLNU LANDAU s, let, lets, lette#, lettes# a type of {carriage=n} AEKNRU UNRAKE# d s# to uncover by racking AGIINR RAGINI# s# 2 a modified raga f h# l p s# w, ch de gl, app# emp# imp ..8 AIRING s an exposure to the air CILOSV CLOVIS# as in clovis point, a stone age fluted point on stone tools GINOWW bow pow WOWING ADEMRW s, re un, bes pre, over WARMED AACFRX CARFAX# es# a place where four roads meet, also CARFOX# CGILNY CLINGY 3 adhesive [adj CLINGIER, CLINGIEST] GLYCIN e s, es a compound used in photography CLYING# FORUYZ FROUZY unkempt, also FROWZY, FROWSY [adj FROUZIER, FROUZIEST] EEEFLR FEELER s 2 the antenna of insects fo REFEEL s, ing to feel again [v REFELT, REFEELING, REFEELS] GINPTY re, mis pre, auto# lino over# sero ..16 TYPING s# the act of typing GHORTU eaves# TROUGH s, ed#, ing#, like# 2 a long narrow container for feeding animals / to eat greedily b d w, inb# inw rew unw upb# upw#, outw ..5 ROUGHT# AAGINT GITANA# s# a female gypsy ADLNPU UPLAND s, er, ers ish# the higher land of a region CCEIRU ERUCIC# as in erucic acid, derived from eg canola DEIIKR DIKIER# EEGILR LIEGER# s# 2 the financial record book of a company, also LIDGER# LEIGER# s# the financial record-book of a company, also LEIDGER# GHNOST pak#, diph, triph, monoph THONGS DILMOU DOLIUM# 3 a type of Roman jar [n DOLIA#] IDOLUM# a mental image [n IDOLA#] MODULI ADENRU UNREAD y, ier ily, able ably# iest, iness ..4 3 not read DAUNER# s#, ed#, ing# to {stroll=v} UNDEAR# not dear AABLOR ABORAL ly away from the mouth ELPQUU PULQUE s a fermented Mexican beverage FINSTY SNIFTY# having a tempting smell [adj SNIFTIER#, SNIFTIEST#] AIMNOR MAINOR# s# act or fact of theft, also MAINOUR# ADEGMN MANGED# CEFNOR re CONFER s, ee va, ees ral red ree rer vae val ..19 to {bestow=v} AEEGLP PELAGE s the coat or covering of a mammal AAHJLS JHALAS# CFHITY FITCHY in heraldry, coming to a point, also FITCHE#, FITCHEE ADEGNN GANNED# BEEEHP EPHEBE s a young man of ancient Greece, also EPHEBOS, EPHEBUS DEELMW MEWLED DEEIMN MEINED# ACEHNU NUCHAE ADEHSV re un SHAVED AEGMOS OMEGAS HOOOOR HOOROO# goodbye BGILNO myo, hemo, haemo# hapto, methemo ..3 GLOBIN g s 3 a simple protein hob GOBLIN s an evil or mischievous creature g, eng# ing#, cong LOBING# s# a division into lobes EHOOPR w HOOPER s one that {hoops=v} AAINPR ri PARIAN s 2 a hard, white porcelain PIRANA s a ferocious, carnivorous South American fish, also PIRANHA, PERAI#, PIRAI#, PIRAYA DDEENW WENDED BDHNSU BUNDHS# AKPTTU KAPUTT ruined DEGNNU out, shot, machine# GUNNED AABHNW BHAWAN# s# (India) a large house, also BHAVAN# AEGMNY MANGEY affected with mange, also MANGY [adj MANGIER, MANGIEST] DDEKNY KYNDED# BDEMOY co re, dis EMBODY ing to form into a body, also IMBODY [v EMBODIED, EMBODYING, EMBODIES] AEGMNT dia, para, ferri ferro, electro, antiferro MAGNET o s, ar# ic on os, ars# ics ise ism ist# ..46 a metal that attracts iron, also MAGNETIC COOPTU COPOUT s a backing out of a responsibility ADELMW WADMEL s thick, coarse woollen cloth, also WADMAL, WADMAAL, WADMOL, WADMOLL ADIKSU ADUKIS# 2 ADSUKI# s# (Japanese) a kind of bean, also ADUKI#, ADZUKI, AZUKI AJNOSY YOJANS# DNNTUU TUNDUN# s# an Australian bullroarer DEEMPT t, co ex, att ben dir# pre unt#, preex ..2 EMPTED# 2 TEMPED BELNYZ BENZYL s, ic, idine#, idines# a hydrocarbon radical ELOPRX multi PLEXOR s a small, hammer-like medical instrument, also PLESSOR AABCIR ARABIC a, as, ise# ize, ised# ises# ized izes ..6 derived from gum arabic ADGHIN s, overs, counters HADING AGGLOT LOGGAT# s a small log NNRTUU UNTURN# s#, ed, ing#, able# to turn backwards EHJOPS JOSEPH s, inite#, inites# a woman's long coat GHINWY WHINGY# complaining [adj WHINGIER#, WHINGIEST#] ADEFGS FADGES GIINNX NIXING LLNORU UNROLL s, ed, ing to open something that is rolled up ILNPUY PUNILY in a puny manner CEEFLY FLEECY {woolly=adj} [adj FLEECIER, FLEECIEST] EMOTTT MOTETT# s#, ist#, ists# a polyphonic choral composition DEILNR NIRLED# AFHIKR KHARIF# s# a crop sown so as to ripen in autumn ELMOOP POMELO s a grapefruit, also PUMELO EFGINS mis# FEIGNS AEGTYY GAYETY festive activity, also GAIETY [n GAYETIES] ADJSTU re, mis pre ADJUST s, ed er or, ers ing ive ors, able ably# ..5 to {regulate=v} ALOSTX TAXOLS CEELOR CREOLE s a type of mixed language, also CREOLIAN# ADENNP s, ja, ins tra tre, dead outs PANNED ACEIMN CINEMA s, tic, goer tise# tize, goers tised# ..14 3 a motion-picture theatre pol, serv ICEMAN a man who supplies ice [n ICEMEN] ANEMIC ally suffering from anemia, also ANAEMIC CDIMOR pro syn, anti loxo#, desmo# hippo# ..3 DROMIC# al# pertaining to a race-course ABIKST BATIKS CEILOP non, anti POLICE d r s, rs, man men, woman women to make orderly AGLNTY TANGLY tangled [adj TANGLIER, TANGLIEST] AEEHLR HEALER s one that {heals=v} AIKORR KORARI# s# a native New Zealand flax plant AEILNT pec# TINEAL 3 relating to tinea v, av, dis ENTAIL s, ed er, ers ing, ment, ments to restrict inheritance to a specified line TENAIL s, le, les lon#, lons# an outer defence, also TENAILLE AAHNNT TANNAH# s# 2 an Indian police station, also TANA#, TANNA#, THANA#, THANAH#, THANNA#, THANNAH# THANNA# h# s#, hs# an Indian police station, also TANA#, TANNA#, TANNAH#, THANA#, THANAH#, THANNAH# CDDEEO DECODE d r s, rs to translate from a code BDEEMR BERMED BCEIIK BICKIE# s# (colloquial) a biscuit, also BIKKIE# ABELRW WARBLE d r s, rs 2 to {trill=v} BAWLER s one who {bawls=v} DERRUY p RUDERY the state of being {rude=adj} [n RUDERIES] BEGGIR BIGGER BILLNO tour BILLON s a base metal EIKNRW s#, hood WINKER s one that {winks=v} CGIINT ac# ex in re, eli mis, rein soli unex ..2 CITING 2 en no, lat mor pen#, brat bret# poul ..5 TICING# ACEMNU c# ACUMEN s mental keenness CIILMN LIMNIC living in fresh water, also LIMNETIC BDENSY BENDYS AIRTTT ATTRIT e s, ed es, ing ion ive ted, ions ting, ional to wear down, also ATTRITE AHIKTW HAWKIT# streaked ACEMOP ECOMAP# s# 2 a diagrammatic representation of a person's or family's interactions with other individuals and groups in the community POMACE s, ous the pulpy residue of crushed fruits AGHRRY GHARRY a carriage used in India, also GHARRI [n GHARRIES] DELRUY c RUDELY in a rude manner ABCEEM EMBACE# s# 2 to lower (pa t EMBASTE#), also EMBASE#, IMBASE# [v EMBASTE#, EMBACING#, EMBACES#] mis BECAME CELNOR CLONER s 2 one that {clones=v} CORNEL s, ian, ians a hardwood tree or shrub, also CORNUS AAKNWZ KWANZA s a monetary unit of Angola ACLRWY s CRAWLY {creepy=adj} [adj CRAWLIER, CRAWLIEST] ACEMNP ENCAMP s, ed, ing, ment, ments to set up a camp ACDILP PLACID er# ly, est# ity, ness, ities, nesses calm in nature AEMRTT s, for, anti over# MATTER s y, ed, ful ing, less# to be of importance ACEEHT oo, epi#, hypo#, hydro# rhino#, biblio ..5 THECAE 2 EATCHE# s# an {adze=n} AACLTU f t, cont# nonf, artef# artif contr ..2 ACTUAL s#, ly, ise# ist# ite# ity ize, ised# ..12 {real=adj} AORRTY levo, laevo#, dextro ROTARY a rotating part of device [n ROTARIES] AEGNRY ANERGY lack of energy [n ANERGIES] ABNRSW BRAWNS DDEEGR DREDGE d r s, rs to scoop mud with a machine AEGLTU TEGULA# e# r, rly ted a scale on the wings of insects CEOORT s COOTER s a turtle AFNNNO NONFAN s a person who is not an enthusiast CEHIMO MOCHIE# r#, st# {damp=adj} AEFHSY SHEAFY# like sheafs [adj SHEAFIER#, SHEAFIEST#] BCEHOR BROCHE d# s#, tte, ttes a fabric similar to brocade DEPTTU in, out PUTTED ADEGLO GOALED 2 en# GAOLED EIILSV VISILE# s# a person who learns by visual image EGILRT REGILT AAFGNS FANGAS ACNPTU PUNCTA# te, ted tor#, tion tors#, tions AFGHOS FOGASH# es# a fish DEGGTU TUGGED EGLOOY GOOLEY# s# a small stone, also GOOLY#, GOOLIE# GHIKNT be un#, wee KNIGHT s, ed ly, age# ing, ages# head# hood ..7 to confer the title of knight upon KNORUY KORUNY EGLTTU GUTTLE d r s, rs to eat rapidly ACENPT CATNEP# s# {catnip=n} AALMSV MALVAS# ia, ian ias EFILMR micro FILMER s 2 one who {films=v} REFILM s, ed, ing to film again EKLSTT KLETTS# CEGORR green GROCER s y, ies a dealer in food and household supplies AHIKSZ KHAZIS# DEOPRW POWRED# 2 be#, gun pie# POWDER s y, ed er, ers ier# ing, iest# less like to reduce to fine dust-like particles BELORT BOLTER s one who {bolts=v} ELOORT RETOOL s, ed, ing 4 to reequip with tools ROOTLE d s t, ss ts, ssness, ssnesses to {grub=v} TOOLER s one who {tools=v} LOOTER s one who {loots=v} AAJRSW SWARAJ es, ism ist, isms ists self-government in British India, also SVARAJ EIKLNR RELINK s, ed, ing 2 to link again b c k# p s# LINKER s one that {links=v} DEENNR g# RENNED# BDIMOR co MORBID er# ly, est# ity, ezza# ness, ezzas# ..2 2 {gruesome=adj} BROMID e s, es ic, roses# rosis# a bromine compound, also BROMIDE DOOOPW DOOWOP s a singing style ADEIRR ARRIDE# d# s# 3 to {please=v} ARIDER b, upb RAIDER s one that {raids=v} CDEERU photo REDUCE d r s, rs to {lessen=v} BEILNY BYLINE d r s, rs to write giving the author's name ABCHIT BIATCH# es# (slang) a bitch, also BIATCH# AHIOPS POISHA a Bangladesh coin [n POISHA] ALNSXY XYLANS AHPSUW WHAUPS 2 WASHUP s the act of washing clean DEHOSU c, re un, dis# hot, pent# ware, rough HOUSED ress, resses CEEILR CEILER s one that {ceils=v} GNORSW WRONGS HLORUY bi HOURLY every hour / something done every hour [n HOURLIES] AGIILN NILGAI s 2 a large antelope, also NILGAU, NILGHAI, NILGHAU, NYLGHAI, NYLGHAU b f h j m n r s t v w, av br dr# em fl qu sc# ..50 AILING DEFINS arch FIENDS AGJLUU JUGULA r, rs te, ted tes, ting tion#, tions# EMNOPT POTMEN 2 fore TOPMEN# ADDEOR DEODAR a s, as 2 an East Indian cedar, also DEODARA un# ADORED AGHSUW WAUGHS# FGNOOS GONOFS AACENP CANAPE s a food served before a meal EFNRTU TURFEN# of turf GINRRU RUNRIG# s# a form of land-tenure AEFRSU FEUARS AGINRU AIRGUN# s# a gun that discharges missiles by means of compressed air ADFRST in re up, back down over DRAFTS man men, person, manship persons, manships EEGKLR KEGLER s a bowler, also KEGELER BCCEIO BOCCIE s an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCI, BOCCIA EEEHSV SHEEVE s a grooved pulley wheel AAAJKT JATAKA# s# a {nativity=n} AELSTV VESTAL s, ly 2 a chaste woman che VALETS ACIKMU UMIACK s an open Eskimo boat, also UMIAK, UMIAC, UMIAQ BEHISU BUSHIE# r s#, st one who lives in the bush, also BUSHY AEINRT RETINA e l s, ls, cula lite#, cular# culum lites# 3 a membrane of the eye RETAIN s, ed er, ers ing, able# ment#, ments# ..2 to keep possession of g, nit# RATINE s a heavy fabric AACENT CATENA e s, ne# ry te, nes# ted tes, ccio# rian# ..5 a closely linked series ACEMNO ANCOME# s# sudden inflammation EEIKLT KELTIE# s# a glass filled to the brim, also KELTY# AEEPRT p RETAPE d s 2 to tape again re REPEAT s, ed er, ers ing, able edly ings#, ability, abilities to say or do again ACHKTU KUTCHA# makeshift, also KACHA#, KACHCHA#, KUCHCHA# EENRTU TUREEN s 4 a large, deep bowl sub# TENURE d s the holding of something / to grant tenure to NEUTER s, ed, ing to {castrate=v} RETUNE d s to tune again ACEMOR AMORCE# s# a percussion cap for a toy pistol AHLOOP w HOOPLA s a fairground game CIORTT TRICOT s, ine, euse# ines, euses# a knitted fabric ACLNOX CLAXON s a low-pitched horn CDEMOR s# CROMED# ABCERU RUBACE s a variety of quartz, also RUBASSE ACGIMS MAGICS MNOORU UNMOOR s, ed, ing to release from moorings ACIMPT non, post IMPACT s, ed er or, ers ful ing ion ite# ive ..3 to fix firmly together EEEFFT EFFETE ly, ness, nesses exhausted ACLOSV non uni, multi# VOCALS EEMNPR PREMEN strual, opausal, strually AFLNPU PANFUL s as much as a pan can hold GHIMNO re#, dis# fat HOMING s# the way missiles guide themselves to a target EFGLOS FOGLES# s ADIMRY MYRIAD s, th#, ths#, fold#, folds# a very large number ADDELO on re un up, dis# off pre, back down ..3 LOADED ACHIKO KOCHIA# s# any of several plants whose foliage turns dark red in summer HILLRT a# THRILL s y#, ed er, ant# ers ier# ing, iest# ..3 to excite greatly EILMNY sphingo# MYELIN e s, es ic, ated a fatty substance that covers certain nerve fibres, also MYELINE ADENTU in, fec rot# UNDATE# d {wavy=adj} AABORT ABATOR s 2 one who unlawfully seizes an inheritance RABATO s, es# a wide, lace-edged collar, also REBATO CDEHIL CHILDE d# r# s, rmas#, rmases# 2 a youth of noble birth CHIELD s a young man, also CHIEL BOORRW re#, over BORROW s, ed er, ers ing, ings to obtain on loan or trust ANORTT ATTORN s, ed ey, eys ing, eyed# ment, eydom# ..7 3 to accept tenancy from a new landlord ROTTAN# s# a rat RATTON s a rat AAGJNR GARJAN# s# an East Indian tree, also GURJUN# EILMRT MILTER s a male fish at breeding time DLNORU UNLORD# s#, ed# ly#, ing# to strip of the dignity of a lord EGLOPR PROLEG s, omena, omenal# omenon, omenary# omenous an abdominal leg of certain insect larvae BEKNOT BEKNOT s, ted, ting to tie in knots AHILMU HAMULI EFFIOS m# t OFFIES# GIMNTU com per, trans, telecom MUTING ELOTYZ TOLZEY# s# a merchants' meeting place, also TOLSEL#, TOLSEY# ABNORY BARONY 2 the territory of a baron [n BARONIES] anti# BARYON s, ic a heavier class of subatomic particles FKNOTY mos# KONFYT# s# a South African jam IMOTTT TOMTIT s a small bird ACELMN ENCALM# s#, ed#, ing# to {becalm=v} GHINOP bis, over, unbis# HOPING ly EEGGIN con soo#, squee squil GEEING BDEEEL BELEED# AFKRST KRAFTS IKLTTU KITTUL# s# the jaggery palm ENPRUY PENURY extreme poverty [n PENURIES] FIRSTU egg fog jak#, cane# jack kiwi star ..4 FRUITS AAGHIN AAHING BDENOY BEYOND s the {unknown=n} DEEGMR DEGERM s, ed, ing 3 to remove germs from e, de im re, com# ree sub, mail#, unsub# MERGED de GERMED# DDEGMU s, bes MUDGED# DEGJSU ad re, for mis pre, fore JUDGES hip, hips AAMNOZ str# AMAZON s, ian ite, ians ites, stone, stones a powerful woman DDIMRU DIRDUM s uproar, also DIRDAM#, DURDUM# AHLLRT be# en in, disen THRALL s, ed, dom ing, doms to {enslave=v} AGNORY ORANGY resembling the colour of an orange, also ORANGEY [adj ORANGIER, ORANGIEST] HOSTUY YOUTHS ome# 2 SHOUTY# prone to shouting [adj SHOUTIER#, SHOUTIEST#] FHORST FROTHS AEFLLN be re un, mis#, chap chop down over# ..3 FALLEN CEOPTY ECTOPY# 2 abnormal displacement of body parts, also ECTOPIA [n ECTOPIES#] e COTYPE s a taxonomic type DDEGLO p#, sp, dis mis LODGED HIMNOY HOMINY hulled, dry corn [n HOMINIES] BGIOST BIGOTS AGIORS g# ORGIAS# t, ts, tic, tically BEEHRY t w HEREBY not far off CEGGPU EGGCUP s a cup which holds an egg EHRRWY WHERRY ing man# men# to transport in a rowboat [v WHERRIED, WHERRYING, WHERRIES] BIKNOS BOINKS AAIPRT PITARA# h# s#, hs# a type of clothes basket, also PETARA#, PITARAH# CEIIST d r#, ju pr sp, slu# ICIEST 2 ce, eda lai# opa out pau rau sic# ..163 CITIES ENNPTU UNPENT 2 PUNNET s a small {basket=n} BEFLRY BELFRY a bell-tower [n BELFRIES] DEGGJU JUGGED DENNPU PUNNED AADHIL DAHLIA s a flowering plant ADEERW DRAWEE s 2 the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn WEARED# CDIMOO DOMOIC# as in domoic acid, a poisonous amino acid found in marine algae AGORTU RAGOUT s, ed, ing to make into a highly seasoned stew CDEIKU DUCKIE r s, st a {darling=n} EFILRT TRIFLE d r s, rs 4 to waste time up, shop, power# shirt#, weight# LIFTER s one that {lifts=v} FILTRE# as in cafe filtre, a strong black filtered coffee re, micro# ultra# FILTER s, ed er, ers ing, able, ability, ableness#, abilities to purify a fluid of solid matter CEEPTY ECTYPE s a copy GINRTY s#, mar TYRING 2 re, tapes TRYING s#, ly, ness#, nesses# the act of striving BIOSTU w# OUBITS# 2 SUBITO quickly (musical direction) CGHRTU GRUTCH ed es, ing to {grudge=v} BILLOY BILLYO# h# s#, hs# in the phrase "like billyo", extremely, also BILLYOH# DEILMN MILDEN s, ed, ing 2 to become {mild=adj} dis LIMNED BEESTW BEWETS# AGKNRU KURGAN s a mound of earth over a grave CEPRTU PRECUT s, ting to cut beforehand [v PRECUT, PRECUTTING, PRECUTS] CDMOOT DOTCOM# s#, mer#, mers# 2 a company that conducts most of its business on the internet TOMCOD s a marine fish ABERRW BRAWER ADGLNY DANGLY hanging loosely [adj DANGLIER, DANGLIEST] CLOORU bi de en#, dis mis# tri uni#, over# ..5 COLOUR s y#, ed er, ant# eds# ers ful# ing ..42 to paint, also COLOR EFSTTY FYTTES EGGILO LOGGIE r, st EILNNY LINENY 2 resembling {linen=n} LINNEY# s# a shed, also LINHAY#, LINNY# EMNORT aug com# fer tor, imple MENTOR s, ed, ial# ing, ings# ship, ships 2 to serve as a friend and teacher to MONTRE# s# the visible pipes of an organ ADHMNU NUMDAH# s# an embroidered felt rug made in India AHRTTW a, over# THWART s, ed er ly, ers ing, edly# ings# ship# ..4 to prevent or hinder OOPRTU UPROOT s, al ed er, als ers ing, ings#, edness, ednesses to pull up by the roots ADEMNT TANDEM s, wise# a bicycle built for two AAFKNT KAFTAN s a full-length tunic AIMNPT PITMAN s a mine worker [n PITMEN] / a connecting rod [n PITMEN or PITMANS] AAJNPS JAPANS GILLOR RIGOLL# s# a water channel, also RIGOL# EGMOSU UGSOME ness#, nesses# disgusting AGNOSW WONGAS# 3 band, battle WAGONS lucken# GOWANS ACINRY CAIRNY 2 relating to a cairn [adj CAIRNIER#, CAIRNIEST#] inva# luxu# RIANCY# merriment [n RIANCIES#] BDELOT un BOLTED BNOTUY BOUNTY hed#, heds# a reward [n BOUNTIES] EGINSX de un, auto SEXING s# the act of accessing organisms according to reproductive functions AMOSUW AWMOUS alms, also ALMOUS# [n AWMOUS] AADHNR DHARNA s a form of protest in India, also DHURNA AGKLNO KALONG s a fruit-eating bat AABERT ABATER s one who {abates=v} EMNOOR honey MOONER s one who {moons=v} BDERUX BRUXED CEEMRT CERMET s a heat-resistant alloy, also CERAMAL AHRTWY WRATHY inclined to wrath [adj WRATHIER, WRATHIEST] AEELNT ELANET# s# 2 a kite (bird) LATEEN s, er, ers, rigged# a sailing vessel, also LATEENER CCIINO an# ICONIC al, ity, ally, ities pertaining to an icon, also ICONICAL ABIRRY BRIARY pertaining to briars CEEFSU FESCUE s a perennial grass BEOSTU BUTEOS 2 OBTUSE r, ly st, ness, nesses {dull=adj} BDEHLO BEHOLD s, en er, ers ing, ings# to {view=v} [v BEHELD, BEHOLDING, BEHOLDS] ACDIPR CAPRID# s# a type of {goat=n} ACMUUV ultra VACUUM s, ed, ing to operate a cleaner that uses suction / a space completely empty of matter [n VACUUMS or VACUA] BCELOU BOUCLE e# s, es# a knitted fabric AFMORT re, pre FORMAT e s, ed# es, ing# ion ive ted ter, ions ..7 to follow the style or manner of procedure EFISTY FEISTY spirited [adj FEISTIER, FEISTIEST] ACEQSU SACQUE s 2 a loose-fitting dress CASQUE d s a helmet DGILNU UNGILD# s#, ed#, ing# to remove the gild from ABCEMN CABMEN EHORTT HOTTER s#, ed#, ing# 2 to vibrate more HOT TOTHER the {other=n} EGISTU GUSTIE# r, st tasty, also GUSTFUL# EEHPRT THREEP s, ed er# it#, eat# ers# ing, eats# ..8 2 to dispute (pa p THREEPIT#), also THREAP PETHER# s# a pedlar, also PEDDER# ADEFFG GAFFED EELSUV EVULSE d s to pluck out DDGINU DUDING CDGIIN de ex, dis# sui, coin rede CIDING# 2 jaun, preju DICING s# dice-playing INOPSW POWINS# ADLMSW DWALMS# EEGGSV demi# VEGGES# DEORRU DOURER 2 b ORDURE s manure AELOSW LEASOW# e# s#, ed# es#, ing# to pasture, also LEASOWE# ABCLOT COBALT s, ic, ine ite ous, ines ites, iferous# a metallic element ABLORW BARLOW s a jackknife AEFIKS FAKIES# t# 2 FAIKES# sandy shale ADGINW pers# WADING s# 2 the act of wading a# DAWING DEILRY DIRELY 2 in a dire manner RIDLEY s a sea turtle CIKRSW WRICKS KOOPTU UPTOOK# AEGNNP PANGEN e s, es, eses esis etic, etically# 2 a hypothetical unit of living matter, also PANGENE PENANG s a cotton fabric ABHORR HARBOR s, ed er, age ers ful ing ous, ages fuls ..4 to shelter, also HARBOUR BELNOR en ig# NOBLER DDEIPR PRIDED DEELPT be# PELTED EFIRSX af FIXERS CEOPRU CROUPE d# r# s, rs# 3 the rump of certain animals p, cont# RECOUP e s, ed le, ing led les, able ling ment, ments to get back the equivalent of COUPER# s# a {dealer=n} ABLNTU bali# BUNTAL# s# 2 the straw of the talipot palm TULBAN# s# a head-covering HRTTUY TRUTHY# {truthful=adj} [adj TRUTHIER#, TRUTHIEST#] EEHMPT TEMPEH s an Asian food EGGORT GORGET s, ed 2 a piece of armour for the throat TOGGER# s# y, ed#, ies ing# (English dialect) to play football AIINSX SIXAIN# e# s#, es# a stanza of six lines, also SIXAINE# AAHMPR PHARMA# s#, cy, cies cist, cists, ceutic# cology ..30 the pharmaceutical industry EENSWY SWEENY 2 atrophy of a horse's shoulder muscle, also SWEENEY, SWINNEY [n SWEENIES] WEENSY {tiny=adj} [adj WEENSIER, WEENSIEST] AHLORT HARLOT s, ry, ries a prostitute EFFIIR m n#, cl sn sp wh#, squ IFFIER GHLOPU snow#, breast# PLOUGH s, ed er, boy# ers ing man# men#, able# ..17 to turn soil with a farm implement, also PLOW CEFHLN FLENCH ed er# es, ers# ing to strip the blubber or skin from, also FLENSE ELMNOY LEMONY 2 tasting of lemon [adj LEMONIER#, LEMONIEST#] MYELON# s# the spinal cord AGLLOW GALLOW# s, ed#, ing# ses, glass sness#, glasses snesses# to {frighten=v} AAEGPR dis PARAGE# s#, neses nesia# nesis netic, nesias#, netically equality of birth or rank BEGOSY BOGEYS GLNOOO OOLONG s a variety of black tea, also OULONG# DEMOOP MOOPED# EELPTT PETTLE d s to {caress=v} ABCEHT BETCHA# a spelling of 'bet you' representing colloquial pronunciation BEOOSZ BOOZES GKLNOS an# KLONGS AAJNPR PRAJNA s ultimate knowledge in Buddhism and Hinduism EMNNNO NONMEN tal EGGLOT GOGLET s 2 a long-necked jar, also GUGLET, GURGLET TOGGLE d r s, rs to fasten with a type of short rod DDEGGI DIGGED ACIMRY MYRICA s a medicinal tree bark AACDFR CAFARD# s# the blues DEFLOW re up, out, over, inter FLOWED 3 WOLFED bat FOWLED IOOPRT ROOPIT# {hoarse=adj} AAHNTW WHATNA# what BDEINR INBRED s 4 a product of inbreeding p REBIND s, ing to bind again [v REBOUND, REBINDING, REBINDS] BRINED book high, spell BINDER s y, ies one that {binds=v} CEORSW ESCROW s, ed, ing 2 to place a deed in the hands of a third party re# COWERS FGIINR co# en# re, mis out pre, back, retro under# FIRING s the process of maturing ceramic products AAEMSZ AMAZES BCIRRU RUBRIC s, al, ate ian, ally ated ates ator ..5 a part of a manuscript that appears in red GHIKST KIGHTS# AENTTU circum# NUTATE d s 3 to {droop=v} TAUTEN s, ed, ing to make {taut=adj} dis# pre ATTUNE d s, ment, ments to put in tune AEEHHW HEEHAW s, ed, ing to bray like a donkey HMOTUY MOUTHY talkative [adj MOUTHIER, MOUTHIEST] GILLOO LOLIGO# s# the common squid HIRRSW WHIRRS ADEFRY DEFRAY s, al ed er, als ers ing, able ment#, ments# 2 to pay or settle af de FRAYED EGHNOR GORHEN s the female red grouse ABDORY BYROAD s 2 a side road BOYARD s a former Russian aristocrat, also BOYAR DEEILR RELIDE# 4 mis RELIED volks LIEDER LEIRED# DEFLUU DUEFUL# {proper=adj} NNORTU TURNON s 2 something that arouses interest UNTORN not torn ACORTU CUATRO s 2 a small guitar of Latin America TURACO s u, us, verdin#, verdins# an African bird, also TOURACO, TURACOU AEELNP sp ALPEEN# s# a cudgel EIORRT non RIOTER s one who {riots=v} CFHOOS CHOOFS# AADEGM en re DAMAGE d r s, rs, able#, ability, abilities to {injure=v} AEENPR PANEER# s# a soft white cheese used in Indian cookery GIKNOT s, res TOKING GLOOOY n# z, paleoz protoz, archaez# archeoz# ..3 OOLOGY the study of bird's eggs [n OOLOGIES] ACDLNU UNCLAD CLNOSW be CLOWNS AACGIN CAAING# CJKOOS JOCKOS CNOTUY non sub vis, inter multi COUNTY an administrative division of a state [n COUNTIES] EINRTT RETINT s, ed, ing 2 to tint again s, aqua, mezzo# TINTER s one that {tints=v} DEEESV DEEVES# EEHMNP HEMPEN made of hemp AAELPR EARLAP s the tip of the ear AACENR sug ARCANE ly#, ness#, nesses# {secret=adj} IINSTY TIYINS# ACDETT s, tom, copy wild CATTED EEMORT r EMOTER s 3 one who {emotes=v} ove REMOTE r s, ly st, ness, nesses a broadcast originating outside a studio / situated far away hydro litho# METEOR s, ic, ism# ist# ite oid ous#, isms# ..24 a small body that travels through space ORTTUY TROUTY 2 abounding in {trout=n} [adj TROUTIER, TROUTIEST] TRYOUT s a test of ability ABDELW BLAWED 2 out BAWLED EGIOPS POGIES CEESTX EXSECT s, ed, ing ion, ions to cut out BNORSW em im BROWNS hirt tone, hirts tones ADEEMN st AMENED# 4 AMENDE# d r s#, rs a fine be de, misde# MEANED# mis# DEMEAN e# s, ed es# or, ing ors our, ours to lower in status KNORRU KRONUR ELNOSZ LOZENS# BMOOTT BOTTOM s, ed er ry, ers ing set#, ings# land ..8 to reach the lowest point before stabilising or improving DGINOW en in wi, sha win, reen, besha disen ..3 DOWING AEEMNT ENTAME# d# s#, ba, bae bas to {tame=v} ACIKNT ANTICK e# s, ed, ing 2 to act the clown CATKIN s, ate a flower cluster DEEFLT un FELTED BEMOSY MOBEYS# AEGGRU GAUGER s one that {gauges=v} CEFOSU FUCOSE s a type of sugar BELNUY NEBULY composed of successive short curves EKLOPT KLEPTO s, cracy# mania, cratic# maniac ..3 one that steals impulsively BBEGIT flibberti GIBBET s, ed, ing ted, ting to execute by hanging ABCRST BRACTS DEEMRY REMEDY ing to relieve or cure [v REMEDIED, REMEDYING, REMEDIES] EEELRV RELEVE s a raising onto the toe in ballet ADEFKL FLAKED CDEEKO DECOKE# d# s# to decarbonise AEILNP cis sub, trans ALPINE s, ly 3 a plant native to mountain tops PENIAL pertaining to a {penis=n} para# PINEAL s, ectomy, ectomies ectomise# ectomize ..4 a gland in the brain AELSTX super# EXALTS 2 LAXEST DIMOSW un WISDOM s the quality of being wise CINORT quer CITRON s, ella, ellal ellas ellol, ellals ellols 2 a lemonlike fruit CORTIN a s, as a hormone, also CORTISOL CDNORU UNCORD# s#, ed#, ial# ing# to free from cords AILNTT LATTIN s a brass-like alloy, also LATTEN AIMSTX MASTIX es an aromatic resin, also MASTIC, MASTICHE CELMOO COELOM e s, es ic, ata ate, ates atic# a body cavity in some animals, also CELOM, COELOME AAGINN INANGA# s# 2 the New Zealand whitebait ANGINA l s a disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain CCDEIT TICCED ABEGLT GABLET# s# a small gable AEGKLR GRAKLE# s# a blackbird, also GRACKLE BILLOU LOBULI# ADDMNO DODMAN# s# a snail DEORTW s, ou, bes TROWED 2 ROWTED# AIMNNY MINYAN s, im the minimum number required by Jewish law for a religious service AEILNR ALINER s 5 one that {alines=v} bi co, col non out# sub# tri uni, curvi ..6 LINEAR ly, ise ity ize, ised ises ized izes ..7 resembling a straight line LARINE resembling a gull t RENAIL s, ed, ing to nail again NAILER s y#, ies# one who {nails=v} ABCEMX EXCAMB# s#, ed#, ing# ion# ium#, ions# iums# to {exchange=v} ADEHNP rhodo# DAPHNE s a flowering shrub DIKNNU NUDNIK s 2 an annoying person, also NUDNICK UNKIND er ly, est led, lier ness, liest, liness ..2 lacking in kindness IIKRRS KIRRIS# BEEHLT BETHEL s a place of worship ADEOPS PAEDOS# 3 meg APODES# un# SOAPED NNOORY RONYON s a mangy animal or person, also RONION ANNRTY TRANNY a transistor radio, also TRANNIE# [n TRANNIES] ADHNOS HONDAS 2 DONAHS# ABENNR BANNER s, ed et ol, all# ets ing ols, alls# ..2 to provide with a banner DFLOPU FOLDUP s 2 an object that folds up UPFOLD s, ed, ing to fold up ABDEMN BADMEN 2 BEDAMN s, ed, ing to swear at AEMOSW AWSOME# impressive or inspiring awe, also AWESOME ELOSUV OVULES ADEMRT re un, day out DREAMT ime, imes 2 s, outs MARTED GIMNRU INGRUM# 2 ignorant, also INGRAM# e#, de# im, mur, bemur disim# inter# ..4 MURING ADIINS INDIAS# CHORRU CHURRO s a Spanish and Mexican pastry DEINPR PINDER s someone who impounds cattle AABGRT RATBAG s, gery#, geries# an eccentric person AALOPT TAPALO s a scarf worn in Latin-American countries GHINTY THINGY# 2 a thingumajig [n THINGIES#] / {real=adj} [adj THINGIER#, THINGIEST#] NIGHTY a nightgown, also NIGHTIE [n NIGHTIES] ABEGNR gang BANGER s 2 a {sausage=n} GRABEN s a depression of the earth's crust ACFRTY out# CRAFTY skillful in deceiving [adj CRAFTIER, CRAFTIEST] BOTUUY OUTBUY s, ing 2 to surpass in buying [v OUTBOUGHT, OUTBUYING, OUTBUYS] BUYOUT s the purchase of a business EELNRT fo# RELENT s, ed, ing, ings# less ment#, ments# ..2 to soften and become less severe AILSVY SYLVIA# s# a {warbler=n} GILNWY WYLING EGLNOR be#, pro LONGER s, on, ons one that {longs=v} GILNOO OLINGO s 3 a small mammal of Central and South America hal hol hul, booga# LOOING horo#, eucho# LOGION s a saying attributed to Jesus [n LOGIONS or LOGIA] AFINSU FUSAIN s a fine charcoal used in drawing AHNNOS HONANS DEHLPS DELPHS# DIOSTT DITTOS ENOPRR PERRON s 2 an outdoor stairway PRONER# DDEGRY GRYDED# BCHIIR BICHIR# s# any of various primitive African freshwater fishes of the genus Polypterus, also BIRCHIR# AADDEL DAEDAL ic#, ean ian inventive, also DAEDALIC#, DEDAL, DEDALIAN# EEEPSV PEEVES EHOPSU OUPHES DEINRT t, st RIDENT 3 laughing TRINED TINDER s y, box, boxes dry inflammable matter AELLTW s# WALLET s a small,flat folding case for the pocket DORSUY cor DUROYS# ABDEIL BALDIE# r# s, st# 3 a bald-headed person, also BALDY ra, reme repu#, irreme DIABLE# s#, ry, rie, ries a type of earthenware casserole em# BAILED DEEFKR KERFED EEGNRY bio# non ENERGY 3 the power required for doing work [n ENERGIES] GREENY somewhat green [adj GREENIER, GREENIEST] GYRENE s a {marine=n} AGILNZ b g, deg emb imb reg, outb, overg, trailb LAZING FGORSU GROUFS# AGHLNU HANGUL the Korean alphabetic script AEINPT PINETA 3 PANTIE s a woman's or child's undergarment, also PANTY PATINE d s to cover with a patina AABINR c ARABIN# s#, ose, oses, oside, osides the essential chemical within gum arabic DDEGNO GODDEN# s# 2 good-evening ding DONGED# AALMOR AMORAL ly, ism ist# ity, isms ists#, ities lacking a sense of right and wrong, also UNMORAL LLOOTU trinitro# TOLUOL e s, es a solvent derived from coal tar, also TOLUENE, TOLUOLE ACGLNS CLANGS CCIISV CIVICS the science of civic affairs DEIKNO b OINKED AACELT hemi ACETAL s, dehyde, dehydes a flammable liquid BDORWY BYWORD s a well known saying GHISTW t# WIGHTS ADENRT ENDART# s#, ed#, ing#, erectomy 3 to dart in, also INDART# ARDENT ly burning with emotion d# g t#, ty#, reg war, unwar RANTED BCINOR BICRON s 2 one billionth of a meter BICORN e s, es, ate#, uate# a hat with two corners, also BICORNE AEORRR bull# ROARER s one who {roars=v} AAEPTT TAPETA l INNOPY PINYON s a pine tree, also PINON AILOSY ALIYOS GINORT TRIGON s, al ic#, ous, ally, ometer# ometry ..4 2 an ancient stringed instrument ga, gar par ROTING# DGHOOP HOPDOG# s# the tussock-moth caterpillar EHIKPR KEPHIR# s# a drink made from fermented cow's milk, also KEFIR IMPSUX MIXUPS ACMTUU MUTUCA# s# a large Brazilian fly, also MOTUCA# DIMOSU p s, al# er# rh sp#, all#, coll# desm# ..3 ODIUMS 3 di#, tri, mono# SODIUM s a metallic element MODIUS# a Roman dry measure [n MODII#] ACDINR RANCID er# ly, est# ity, ness, ities, nesses rank in taste or smell ENOPRY PROYNE# d# s# 3 to prune, also PROIN#, PROINE#, PROYN# PYONER# s# a military pioneer PYRONE s a chemical compound AADEHK AKEDAH# s# the binding of Isaac DDEFIL phono# FIDDLE d r s y#, rs ys#, back head neck# wood# ..8 to play a violin DDEOOR ODORED having a smell CDENOT privat DOCENT s, ship#, ships# a university lecturer ACEHPY CHEAPY# 2 one that is cheap [n CHEAPIES] cam# PEACHY {dandy=adj} [adj PEACHIER, PEACHIEST] ALLOSV OLLAVS# ENORTU TENOUR s a high male singing voice, also TENOR AKLNOX KLAXON s, ed#, ing# to sound an old car horn CNOOPU COUPON s, ing, ings a voucher ABDINR RIBAND s a ribbon DLOOSW WOOLDS# BEEJNS BENJES# ADENRY YARNED 2 duo# DENARY a group of ten [n DENARIES#] DDEEFN de of, for, fore reof# unde unof# FENDED 2 DEFEND s, ed er, ant ers ing, able ants to {protect=v} DEOOSX EXODOS a concluding dramatic scene [n EXODOI] GIMNOO MOOING AELTTY LYTTAE AFILNY FAINLY# 2 {gladly=adv} NAIFLY# in a naive manner, also NAIVELY DEGGIN h k w, dr fl gl# pl sl un#, all# dis# ..6 EDGING s something that serves as an edge ADEMRY day DREAMY full of dreams [adj DREAMIER, DREAMIEST] DELNOU LOUNED# 4 NOULDE# NODULE d# s a small {node=n} LOUDEN s, ed, ing to increase in volume AADGNP PADNAG s 2 a horse that moves along at an easy pace PADANG# s# a Malayan field GIIMNR ad be, coad quag# unad# MIRING 2 b# c# g p, be, bec beg rep# RIMING CIMNNO NINCOM# s#, poop, poops, poopery, pooperies short for nincompoop EGLNNU GUNNEL s a marine fish EGILLT GILLET# s# a flighty woman EGINNW e#, re si vi#, insi# unsi# NEWING# AEEGNR sub GENERA l, le# ls nt# te, ble lcy lia# lly nts# ..47 2 ENRAGE d s, dly, ment#, ments# to make {angry=adj} BELRST BLERTS# EGIMPY GYMPIE# s# a tall tree with stinging hairs EEKRSV KERVES# EMOSUY MOUSEY resembling a mouse, also MOUSY [adj MOUSIER, MOUSIEST] EJOOSY SOOJEY# s# a ship cleaning agent ACGNOR GARCON s a {waiter=n} EINPPW WIPPEN# s# part of a piano's hammer mechanism ACINOT cr di pl, cat meg# par# str#, hept# pent ATONIC s, ity, ities 3 an unaccented syllable or word lo pa# va vo, avo edu emi# evo fal# ..305 CATION s, ic, ically a positively charged ion, also KATION f p t, co en# ex fr in re tr, imp non olf ..52 ACTION s, ed# er, ers ing# ist#, able ably ..2 to carry out CDEHIN ma CHINED 3 NICHED c f# p w, cl fl ha# qu#, squ, uncl INCHED DEEEHL s# w, re, enw, pinw, cartw freew HEELED DEEKNN s#, un, mis# KENNED ACDEPR REDCAP s 3 a porter s CRAPED s, es CARPED AGINOR IGNARO# s#, es# 4 an ignorant person ONAGRI ORIGAN e# s, es# um, ums marjoram, also ORIGANE# h# r s, upr# ups, outr outs OARING DKNOOS KONDOS# 2 DONKOS# DDIOPY DIPODY a verse of two metrical feet, also DIMETER [n DIPODIES] DEELNR fo# RELEND s, ing 2 to lend again [v RELENT, RELENDING, RELENDS] b s, ca, cul mal# tai, money, superca LENDER s one who {lends=v} FLRRUY FLURRY ing to {confuse=v} [v FLURRIED, FLURRYING, FLURRIES] BEGNUY BUNGEY# s# a strong rubber rope, also BUNGEE, BUNGIE#, BUNGY#, BUNJE#, BUNJEE#, BUNJIE#, BUNJY# AADMRU MARAUD s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to wander in search of plunder DEGOPR PORGED# 3 GROPED GORPED# ACDDEI fore CADDIE d s to serve as a golfer's assistant, also CADDY DIINOS IODINS AMNTUU AUTUMN s y#, al, ally a season of the year DDEHOO un HOODED ness, nesses ABCEPS BECAPS BEMOSW EMBOWS CIMNNU NINCUM# s# short for nincompoop AERSUV SUAVER ABILNT LIBANT# lightly touching ADILTY DAYLIT BCHILO CHIBOL# s# a type of onion CIMNRU CRINUM s a tropical herb LOOVVX VOLVOX es any of a genus of freshwater protozoa AEHNRT HARTEN# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to give courage to, also HEARTEN THENAR s, dite#, dites# the palm of the hand p ANTHER s, al id, ids, idia smut#, idial idium ..5 the part of the stamen that produces pollen AEFNSU UNSAFE r#, ly st# ty, ness# ties, nesses# not safe CGILNS cy, cir# mus#, tricy#, motorcy# CLINGS tone, tones CDORSW be, out, over CROWDS ource#, ourced# ources#, ourcing#, ourcings# AADEKM MEDAKA s a small Japanese fish, also MEDACCA# BNOSUW SUNBOW s an arc of spectral colours formed by the sun through mist DENORU ENDURO s 2 a long race UNDOER s one who {undoes=v} GIMNOP MOPING ly CDESTU d, aqu, pred EDUCTS CDMNOO CONDOM s, inium, iniums a prophylactic AADNNR RANDAN s a boat rowed by three persons DEEERW WEEDER s y#, ies# one that {weeds=v} EEHLMT HELMET s, ed, ing, like to supply with a protective covering for the head ACCIIN ACINIC relating to a sacklike division of a gland, also ACINOSE, ACINAR, ACINOUS AACDER ARCADE d s a walkway with shops EEPRSV PERVES# 3 VESPER s, al, als, tine, tinal#, tilian, tilionid# ..2 an evening service, prayer or song PREVES# BEEFLY FEEBLY in a feeble manner AHLNOP si, anti PHONAL pertaining to speech sounds ACINNT INCANT s, ed, ing, ator#, ation ators# atory ..2 2 to utter ritually s TANNIC pertaining to {tannin=n} BIINST BINITS ENNPRU PUNNER s a {punster=n} AERTTY YATTER s, ed, ing, ings#, ingly# 2 to talk idly en TREATY less# a formal agreement between countries [n TREATIES] FMNORU UNFORM# s#, al# ed, ing#, atted#, alised# alized# ..2 to {unmake=v} EEIMNR ov sp, det ext und, count redet, predet, castanosp# ERMINE d s the white fur of the stoat AERSTX EXTRAS olar#, ensory ystole, ystoles 2 TAXERS AEIJMM JEMIMA# s# an elastic-sided boot BCEILM EMBLIC# s# 2 an East Indian tree LIMBEC# k s#, ks an old distilling apparatus, also LIMBECK AQSSTU SQUATS DLORTY DRYLOT s an enclosure for livestock DLMOOU MODULO with respect to a modulus (math) AEIKLN ALKINE s a type of chemical compound ADESTV STAVED EELLNT TELLEN# s# a bivalve mollusc, also TELLIN# BBEIIR RIBIBE# s# an ancient stringed instrument, also REBEC, REBECK, RIBIBLE# ENORRW p, ca fo REWORN AEFNSY FAYNES# CEEHLN ELENCH# i s#, ic us, tic in logic, a refutation AEGNNT GANNET s, ry#, ries# a large sea bird, also SOLAN EHLSXY HEXYLS ABDOOS ADOBOS BEEIMR BIREME s 3 an ancient galley with two banks of oars BEMIRE d s to soil with mud BERIME d s to compose in rhyme AACLOT CATALO g s, es gs, ged ger gic gue, gers ging ..23 a cross between a buffalo and a domestic cow, also CATTALO DHIISW WIDISH somewhat wide AEGPRU GAUPER# s# one that gawps, also GAWPER ABEHRR HERBAR# s# y#, ia, ial ian# ies# ium, ians# iums a herb-garden ADLOSW WALDOS# 3 WOALDS DOWLAS# es# a type of {cloth=n} AGHTTU re un, mis, fore# over TAUGHT EGGHOR HOGGER s y#, el#, els# ies# one that {hogs=v} ABORRU h, unh# ARBOUR s, ed a shady garden shelter, also ARBOR EENTTY TEENTY# {tiny=adj} [adj TEENTIER#, TEENTIEST#] AELOPT PELOTA s 2 a court game of Spanish origin POTALE# s# refuse from a grain distillery ACGGHI CHIGGA# s# a working-class person from Hobart ABLORU be, over# LABOUR s, ed er, ers ing ism# ist#, edly# isms# ..5 to work, also LABOR AFORSY FORAYS 2 FORSAY# s#, ing# to {forbid=v} [v FORSAID#, FORSAYING#, FORSAYS#] ALTTUY TAUTLY in a taut manner AFLLUW un LAWFUL ly, ness, nesses allowed by the community rules AFLLOR extra# micro, liguli# tubuli# ..3 FLORAL s, ly a design in which flowers predominate AEGRRU ARGUER s one who {argues=v} AGHNUY GUNYAH# s# a hut of an Australian aborigine FNOSTU FOUNTS 3 FUTONS UNSOFT# ened#, ening# not softly EFLMNY FLYMEN EEEMNR MENEER# s# my lord AEFHLL FELLAH s, in, een a peasant of labourer in Arab countries FILLUW un# WILFUL ly, ness#, nesses# bent on having one's own way, also WILLFUL, WILFULLY, WILLYARD, WILLYART AALQWW QAWWAL# i# s#, is# a male singer of qawwali ABNRUY ANBURY# a soft wart on a horse [n ANBURIES#] ADEHSX HEXADS AEHPTY par# HYPATE# s# the lowest string of the lyre GINOSW WONGIS# 2 re, lea#, over# SOWING s# the act of sowing CHIIMR MIRCHI# (Hinglish) hot AEFRTT ham# FATTER CILNPU UNCLIP s t#, ped, ping to remove a fastening device HJNNOY JOHNNY cake, cakes a condom, also JOHNNIE [n JOHNNIES] AHIKMV MIKVAH s a place for ritual bathing by orthodox Jews, also MIKVEH [n MIKVAHS or MIKVOS or MIKVOT or MIKVOTH] AHORTT cut, blue# ruby, white, yellow THROAT s y, ed, ier ily ing, iest lash# wort# ..6 to utter in a hoarse voice EFIKRY FIKERY# fuss [n FIKERIES#] AEERRV p, be REAVER s one that reaves, also RIEVER AADMRZ MAZARD s a head or skull DHIOPY HYPOID# of a type of bevel gear ABCHLN BLANCH ed er es, ers ing, isseuse#, isseuses# to {whiten=v} DEILLU DUELLI ng st, ngs# sts 2 dis# ILLUDE d s to {trick=v} AIINRS RAISIN g s y, gs a dried grape EIKNPU s PUNKIE r s, st a biting gnat, also PUNKEY EKNNOT NEKTON s, ic free-swimming marine animals LORTTY TROTYL s an explosive AMNRTU t, zyg# ANTRUM s a cavity in a bone [n ANTRUMS or ANTRA] EGIMOS pan# EGOISM s self-interest AIOPST PATIOS 2 PATOIS a {dialect=n} [n PATOIS] EHNSTT TENTHS CENOOR CEROON# s# a hamper CEILPY CLYPEI form# EIPSWY SWIPEY# fuddled with malt liquor [adj SWIPIER#, SWIPIEST#] AHPTUZ c HUTZPA h s, hs supreme self-confidence, also HUTZPAH DHLOOY DHOOLY a stretcher for the sick [n DHOOLIES] JOSSTU JOUSTS EEERTT semi# TERETE s# 2 smooth and cylindrical TEETER s, ed, ing, board, boards to move unsteadily ACEEHL CHELAE BEPRUY PREBUY s, ing to buy beforehand CIMOTY MYOTIC s 2 an agent that causes miosis, also MIOTIC COMITY {civility=n} [n COMITIES] DLORUY DOURLY in a dour manner AABDRT TABARD s, ed a sleeveless outer garment EIORSX OREXIS# es# {appetite=n} CEIIKR d k p, br pr st tr, col fin pan sht, finn ..3 ICKIER AIMPRT PARTIM# 3 in part ARMPIT s the hollow under the arm IMPART s, ed er, ers ial ing, able# ible ibly ..11 to communicate, also EMPART# EPRSUW PURSEW# s#, ed#, ing# to follow, in order to overtake or capture, also PURSUE, PERSUE#, POURSEW#, POURSUE# DEHILL c s, unc, prec, overc HILLED BEGGOR BOGGER# s# (Australian slang) a toilet DEIRTT f g, att RITTED# EHORTU c m p# s, sc sh#, unc# OUTHER# relating to one or the other, also EITHER BCEIKU BUCKIE# s# a type of shellfish CEIRSZ exor#, criti mythi ostra#, plasti CIZERS# (Shakespeare) scissors EIKLNU n s, fa UNLIKE d s#, ly, able# lier ness, liest, lihood ..4 someone or something which is unlike / not alike ABCDHO BODACH# s# an old man DDELOY YODLED CIJKOR CROJIK s a triangular sail EFKNRU FUNKER s one that {funks=v} ACCERW ACCREW# s#, ed#, ing# to accumulate, also ACCRUE ACORSY YARCOS# AEKLTU AUKLET s a small {auk=n} ABLMOP APLOMB s self-confidence AADDLN b, he ADLAND# s# the world portrayed in advertisements BCEEHY BEECHY abounding in {beeches=n} [adj BEECHIER, BEECHIEST] AENNTT co se un#, sub, lieu, appur under, sublieu TENANT s, ed ry, ing, able less ries ship#, ships# to {inhabit=v} DEENOS aban# DONEES CEISTU auto# CUTIES 3 CESTUI# s# he,that one CUEIST# s# a billiard-player CGINOP PICONG# s# 2 (Caribbean) a teasing satire in a song s, un#, kines rotos# teles, fluoros COPING s, stone, stones the top part of a wall HOORTT haf TOROTH EHLRRU HURLER s one who {hurls=v} ACDEEN hexa# DECANE s, dioic# a hydrocarbon AEEKNW WEAKEN s, ed er, ers ing to make {weak=adj} CIKLNO INLOCK# s#, ed#, ing# to lock up, also ENLOCK# AMNNOT MONTAN# e t#, es to# ts#, tos# as in montan wax, a hard wax obtained from peat and lignites AIKMNW MAWKIN# s# a scarecrow INPRST s, en# im re, com# mis off pre sur, blue ..15 PRINTS 2 mi, new out SPRINT s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to run at top speed ADDEEN DEANED 2 DEADEN s, ed er, ers ing, ings, ingly to deprive of feeling EEENSV EEVENS# BCEIST BISECT s, ed or, ing ion ors rix, ions, ional ..2 to divide into two parts ADDEIM nurse# MAIDED# 3 MEDIAD toward the middle of a body DIADEM s, ed, ing to adorn with a crown ABEKMN EMBANK s, ed er#, ers# ing, ment, ments to enclose with a raised structure DEGISU mis out pre, auto# wave, honey GUIDES hip#, hips# 2 a#, dis, epilo# prolo# undis, catalo# monolo# GUISED ACESUV CAUVES# ADDETW DAWTED EGMNUU EUMUNG# s# an Australian acacia, also EUMONG# AGGQUY QUAGGY {marshy=adj} [adj QUAGGIER, QUAGGIEST] AFRSTU FRUSTA AIKPSU PIKAUS# NPRTUU TURNUP s 2 a part of a garment that is turned up UPTURN s, ed, ing, ings# to turn up or over DLOORY DROOLY drooling [adj DROOLIER, DROOLIEST] CEOPRT gyro# heli COPTER s a helicopter EHIIMS MEISHI# s# a Japanese business card IMNOOR MORION s a type of helmet, also MORRION ABHIKL KIBLAH s the direction Muslims face when praying, also KEBLAH, QIBLA# EHIRSX RHEXIS# es# rupture of a blood vessel [n RHEXISES# or RHEXES#] EMORRW de WORMER s y#, ies# one that {worms=v} AFIRRY RARIFY ing 2 to make less dense, also RAREFY [v RARIFIED, RARIFYING, RARIFIES] FRIARY a monastery of friars [n FRIARIES] EHKLPT KLEPHT s, ic, ism#, isms# a Greek guerrilla EEHWYZ WHEEZY affected by wheezing [adj WHEEZIER, WHEEZIEST] DEFHMU HUMFED# EGILNO ELOIGN s, ed er, ers ing, ment#, ments# 2 to remove to a distant place, also ELOIN, ESLOIN#, ESLOYNE# LEGION s, ed#, ary, ella#, aries ellae# ellas# ..2 a large military force KLOOPU UPLOOK# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to look up LOOKUP s the process of looking something up AEEFKR FAKEER s a Hindu ascetic AEEGMR MEAGER ly, ness, nesses 2 inadequate, also MAIGRE MEAGRE r# s#, ly st#, ness#, nesses# a large Mediterranean food fish, also MAIGRE / inadequate, also MEAGER AFKNRS pre FRANKS FOOPRS ap# re, air dis, baby bomb fire moth ..11 PROOFS AKOSWY YAKOWS# ADEHJS JEHADS 2 HADJES BEGGLO BOGGLE d r s, rs to {hesitate=v} CDLOUY un CLOUDY overcast with clouds [adj CLOUDIER, CLOUDIEST] DEEMNT bo, abo#, denu enco#, atten# debri, forebo# DEMENT i# s, ed ia is#, ate# ial ias ing, ated# ..5 to make {insane=adj} BELOOR BOLERO s the Spanish national dance EGNNNU GUNNEN ALNTUY g AUNTLY like an aunt [adj AUNTLIER, AUNTLIEST] EEELRR un REELER s one that {reels=v} AEGIPP PIPAGE s a system of pipes, also PIPEAGE AEMNNR MANNER s, ed ly, ism ist, isms ists less, istic ..5 method, fashion of style LMOORU ORMOLU s alloy used to imitate gold ACEILR ECLAIR s, cissement 2 a cream filled pastry g LACIER CFIIST paci FISTIC al#, uff, uffs pertaining to {pugilism=n} ALPRRU LARRUP s, ed er, ers ing to {beat=v} DNOSTW STOWND# s#, ed#, ing# to {ache=v} HLOSTW ou THOWLS# DEFGSU FUDGES AAEMNT r, nid# par, calce# crass# eject# ..2 AMENTA# l#, ceous# BDDEEI BEDIDE# CEORTU chou# CROUTE s 2 a thick slice of fried bread s, ac COUTER s a piece of armour for the elbow EENOPR PEREON s 5 a crustacean's thorax, also PEREION, PERAEON# [n PEREONS or PEREA] re#, eye OPENER s one that {opens=v} p# REPONE# d# s# to restore to office REOPEN s, ed er#, ers# ing to open again cha PERONE# s#, al us#, uses# the {fibula=n} DLMOUY MOULDY warp#, warps# covered with mould [adj MOULDIER, MOULDIEST] GMOOPR POGROM s, ed, ing ist, ists to massacre systematically ADGLOY DAYGLO# w, ws luminously brightly coloured DEFKNU FUNKED EEKLTT tea KETTLE s, ful#, drum fuls#, drums, stitch# ..3 a container for boiling water CDEELP y CLEPED EIRSTZ f, sp RITZES CGHLNU GLUNCH ed es, ing to {frown=v} BDINNU UNBIND s, ing, ings# to free from bindings [v UNBOUND, UNBINDING, UNBINDS] EELPSX re EXPELS 2 du im# su#, apo# com fun per sim tri ..11 PLEXES AADEGS he# ADAGES AILNSV ANVILS 3 VINALS SILVAN s one that lives in a forest, also SYLVAN BGLNOO OBLONG s, ly something that is elongated CEHINR ENRICH ed er es, ers ing, ment, ments 4 to {improve=v} p w, cl fl INCHER s something having a specified number of inches RICHEN s, ed, ing to make {rich=adj} NICHER# s#, ed#, ing# to {snigger=v} JOOSUY un# JOYOUS ly, ness, nesses {joyful=adj} CDEEIL CIELED# 4 DELICE# s# a {delicacy=n} coom# CEILED DECILE s a statistical interval AEHOSX ort# HOAXES AJOSSU SAJOUS AAABNN BANANA s an edible fruit ANNOPR NONPAR ty, eil ent ity ous#, eils ents ties ..10 2 being a stock that has no face value NAPRON# s# an earlier form of APRON AAHMTZ MATZAH s 2 an unleavened bread, also MATZO, MATSAH, MATZA, MATZOH HAZMAT s hazardous material AEGGNU GANGUE s the worthless rock in which valuable minerals are found AGHRRU GURRAH# s# a {muslin=n} BEIRSW BREWIS es broth, esp. beef broth, also BREVIS# ELNOPU ower# LOUPEN EEKLNR en# KERNEL s, ed ly, ing led, ling to envelop like the inner part of a nut AAABRZ BARAZA# s# 2 a {meeting=n} super# BAZAAR s an Eastern market-place, also BAZAR DFINSU FUNDIS# ACEJKT re, blue, lumber# strait, leather#, straight JACKET s, ed, ing, less to provide with a short coat AAHHLV HALVAH s a Turkish confection, also HALVA, HALAVAH EEMMOV EMMOVE# d# s# to affect emotionally, also EMOVE#, ENMOVE# CGINOT es pi, wains COTING a, as GILNUY LUNGYI s a loincloth worn by men in India, also LUNGI, LUNGEE EFIMRS FERMIS AEGGHL HAGGLE d r s, rs to {bargain=v} FGINOS GONIFS BHIRST BRITHS 2 re, mis# pre, home#, after child cross# still BIRTHS tone, tones AABGKT BAKGAT# (SA) fine, excellent AAABDJ BAJADA# s# a slope of rock debris EEKLRT s KELTER s good condition, also KILTER AAGNNW WANGAN s a logger's chest for supplies, also WANGUN, WANIGAN, WANNIGAN BINNRY ze# BRINNY# (Australian slang) a stone, when thrown, also YONNIE# [n BRINNIES#] EFLTUY FLUTEY resembling a flute in sound, also FLUTY EEKNNT KENNET# s# t#, ts#, ted#, ting# a small hunting dog BEEISX IBEXES ACIMRT MATRIC# e# s#, es, ide ula#, idal ides ular# ..14 matriculation ACHINR INARCH ed es, ing 2 to graft in a certain way CHINAR# s#, oot#, oots# a type of tree AELLTU g p# LUTEAL pertaining to the luteum DEEILM DELIME d s to free from lime ACEGOS SOCAGE r s, rs a form of feudal land tenure, also SOCCAGE ADEELN p, un, emp imp rep ANELED 4 c g, up#, rec unc, prec, overc, housec LEANED an, unan# NEALED# LEADEN s, ed ly, ing, ness, nesses to become {heavy=adj} DEILMR MILDER ACDIOS SODAIC# relating to soda DIILMP LIMPID ly, ity, ness, ities, nesses transparent ABIMNR MINBAR# s# a mosque pulpit ELNPTU ante PENULT s, ima, imas, imate, imates#, imately the next to last syllable in a word ABELLU BULLAE EFFGIU GUFFIE# s# a pig CHIKNY CHINKY full of cracks [adj CHINKIER, CHINKIEST] ACEKNW ACKNEW# CGINOZ COZING# ELLMUV VELLUM s a fine parchment EHLRUY HURLEY s {hurling=n} CEHLOU LOUCHE r#, ly# st# not reputable AMNOTU se, cat par, tant AMOUNT s, ed, ing 3 to come in total MOUTAN# s# a tree peony OUTMAN s, ned tle#, ning tled# tles#, euver ..12 to surpass in manpower EIPRRU PUIRER# AALNRT ANTRAL 2 having no tail TARNAL ly {damned=adj} EEGGKR s# KEGGER s a party having one or more kegs of beer ADEILP PLEIAD s, es 4 a group of seven illustrious persons ELAPID s a venomous snake PAIDLE# s# a sea fish, the lumpsucker t ALIPED s an animal with winged feet DDEFLO en in re un up, fan pin, mani over# ..4 FOLDED ABHMRU RHUMBA s, ed, ing, tron#, trons# to do a lively Afro-Cuban dance AEORTT co, auto ROTATE d s to turn like a wheel DEKNOS KENDOS 2 SNOKED# AEGRTY laevo#, circum# dextro# GYRATE d s to revolve or rotate ABILMU LABIUM 2 a fold of the vulva [n LABIA] MALIBU# as in malibu board, a light surfboard EEINRT leuko TRIENE s 4 a type of chemical compound sub# ENTIRE s, ly ty, ness ties, nesses the whole of something / whole, also INTIRE# wer, breun# NERITE# s# a type of sea snail RETINE s, ne, nes a substance in cells that retards growth and cell division CEHORU ba fa ROUCHE s a pleated strip of fine fabric, also RUCHE, RUCHING FORSTW FROWST s y, ed er#, ers# ier ing, iest, iness#, inesses# to luxuriate in hot stuffiness EEIRRV wa#, qua# qui# shi# sil# VERIER 3 g, rep# ret RIEVER s one that reaves, also REAVER REIVER s one who {reives=v} ACESUY CAUSEY s, ed# 2 a paved road CAYUSE s an Indian pony AACNTT re, attr extr# surf, inter, cosurf, chemoattr# ACTANT# s# a noun phrase which is an agent of a verb AHNOPR ORPHAN s, ed, age ing ism#, ages hood isms#, hoods to deprive of both parents CEKRSW ship WRECKS GHIORS OGRISH ly resembling an ogre, also OGREISH DDEINN unbe# DINNED EIMPRT PERMIT s, ted tee ter, tees ters ting, tance# ..3 to {allow=v} BEOORT REBOOT s, ed, ing to renew the boots of AGIMWW WIGWAM s the dwelling of an American Indian DLOOPZ PODZOL s, ic, ise# ize, ised# ises# ized izes ..6 an infertile soil, also PODSOL BCNRUU UNCURB s, ed, ing, able# to remove restraints from BDIKNO BODKIN s a small pointed tool CDEIKW in#, out# WICKED s#, er ly, est, ness, nesses an evil person / {evil=adj} CEEHRU EUCHRE d s to prevent from winning three tricks in a card game AADGNR ARGAND# s# a gas lamp named after its inventor ENRTUU UNTRUE r, st, ness#, nesses# not true AKNSTW TWANKS# ADHHIT HADITH s a record of the sayings of Mohammed AIKOPS OKAPIS AAESWY SEAWAY s 2 the headway made by a ship AWAYES# away EEGRSX GREXES# ACIKOP PAIOCK# e# s#, es# a Shakespearian word for peacock, perhaps, also PAIOCKE#, PAJOCK#, PAJOCKE# EHOSTW THEOWS# ACEMRY CREAMY having the consistency of cream [adj CREAMIER, CREAMIEST] EINRSV VERSIN# e g s#, es gs# 2 short for versed sine di VINERS# DGIIRS RIGIDS# AENRRW WARREN s, er, ers 2 a rabbit's home fore# WARNER s one that {warns=v} DELLOU DUELLO s the art of dueling [n DUELLOS or DUELLI] EGHLMP PHLEGM s y, on#, ier ons#, asia# atic iest ..10 a thick mucus secreted in the air passages EEHMUX EXHUME d r s, rs to dig out from the earth, also EXHUMATE# CFHILT FLITCH ed es, ing to cut into strips ELLNOR re, mis ENROLL s, ed ee er, ees ers ing, ment, ments to insert on a register (pa p ENTROLD#), also ENROL [v ENROLLED, ENTROLD# or INTROLD#, ENROLLING, ENROLLS] ABCORX BOXCAR s a roofed freight car BEIMOS BIOMES 3 MOBIES# OBEISM# s# belief in obia, also OBEAHISM, OBIISM DEEGGK KEGGED ELOPRT PETROL s, ic, age# eum eur# led# ogy, ages# ..17 2 to supply with petrol (gasoline) REPLOT s, ted, ting to plot again EINNSU ENNUIS EEKLNN un KENNEL s, ed, ing led man# men#, ling to put in a dog house OPTTUU PUTOUT s 2 an act of causing an out in baseball OUTPUT s, ted, ting to {produce=v} IKMNOO o#, ma ya# KIMONO s, ed a loose robe EIILLP PILLIE# s# 2 (Australian slang) a pilchard ILLIPE# s# the mahwa tree, also ILLUPI# EEHOSX aldo# HEXOSE s a simple sugar BDEMOO BOOMED ERSTXY XYSTER s a surgical instrument DEEGIS as# be SIEGED BGILNY BLINGY# bling, flashy [adj BLINGIER#, BLINGIEST#] ANPRSW PRAWNS CEHITT ba en es pa, aes apa dia dys# epi pro ..48 THETIC al, ally arbitary, also THETICAL CDEORW es, out, over# CROWED AEEHKM HAKEEM s a Muslim physician, also HAKIM ADEGNT GANTED# 2 s TANGED AACDHT DATCHA s a Russian cottage, also DACHA ABHIST co in, dis#, rein HABITS 2 TASBIH# s# a form of Islamic prayer that involves the repetitive utterances of short sentences glorifying God BEOSTW BOWETS# 2 mis# BESTOW s, al ed er, als ers ing, ment#, ments# to {endow=v} DDIIOS per IODIDS HNNOOP PHONON s a quantum of vibrational energy GINNTY TYNING KNORST TRONKS# BDINOS BIDONS# AHILYZ HAZILY in a hazy manner DENOOS mel, prop#, nickel ODEONS 4 bur NOOSED NOSODE# s# a type of homeopathic remedy NODOSE having nodes, also NODOUS AAIMMX MAXIMA l, ls, lly, list tion#, lists phily# ..2 ADELNU UNLEAD s, ed, eds ing 2 to remove the lead from UNLADE d n s to {unload=v} IPTTTU TITTUP s y#, ed py, ing ped, ping to move in a lively manner DEKORT s, keys TROKED EILNRT s#, sp LINTER s a machine for removing fibres from cotton seeds EILLNP PENILL# ion# a verse, also PENNILL# BCNORS BRONCS ABDNOR p ROBAND s a piece of yarn used to fasten a sail, also ROBBIN CEELRY CELERY a plant with edible stalks [n CELERIES] ADEHSU HAUSED# ACHOOT CAHOOT s partnership IIKOST OIKIST# s# a colony founder, also OECIST# DEEPRU EPERDU# e# 4 distracted PUREED e# PERDUE s, llion#, llions# someone lying in ambush PUERED# AEMNNT im re, per, imper, nonper#, semiper, thermore MANENT# ILOOPS POLIOS HMOOSZ ZHOMOS# GINOPT POTING# 3 ad co, read, helic pread OPTING s TOPING AEJLPS LAPJES# AEEISS gr#, speak EASIES t ABEIRR BARRIE# r s#, rs st#, red#, ring# (Edinburgh slang) terrific, also BARRY# GGHINO HOGGIN# g s#, gs# a mixture containing gravel BBEEEE BEEBEE s a pellet AAABTT BATATA# s# the sweet-potato CDELOY ac# un, over# CLOYED CEEPTX EXPECT s, ed er, ant ers ing, able ably ance ..26 2 to anticipate EXCEPT s, ed or#, ant# ing ion ive ors#, ants# ..12 to {exclude=v} AEHLNT HANTLE s 3 a large amount THENAL pertaining to the palm of the hand LATHEN# like a lath EEGRRU REURGE# d# s# to press strongly AAELNT p, comp# LANATE d covered with wool, also LANATED, LANOSE NOPRTU UPTORN AAKLOS KOALAS AHIIKP PAKIHI# s# (New Zealand) an area of swampy infertile land AAINRT ANTIAR s, in, ins mor, thritic thritis, rhythmic ..2 the upas-tree EFLRUU RUEFUL ly, ness, nesses feeling sorrow or remorse CDEEFH CHEFED AEGNOS GEASON# 3 {rare=adj} GENOAS AGONES AELNRY b LARNEY# s# 3 (South Africa) a white person, a rich person / of clothes, smart [adj LARNIER#, LARNIEST#] ANERLY# only li, colli#, curvili# interli patrili# rectili NEARLY {closely=adv} [adv NEARLIER, NEARLIEST] ACEFRR FARCER s a performer in farces, also FARCEUR BCEEKT BECKET s a securing rope ABCEIR CARIBE s 2 a voracious fish, the piranha CABRIE# s# a pronghorn, also CABRIT# ACILNR CARLIN e g s, es gs 2 an old woman en#, endo# CRINAL# of hair DEJMPU out, long over# show# JUMPED AEIKPR s# PARKIE# r# s#, st# a park keeper DELNOW c, bec LOWNED# 2 DOWLNE# s# y# soft feathers BILMPS BLIMPS AAHMOS HAOMAS# EIKPRU PUKIER# AIOSSV AVISOS CEHQUY CHEQUY# chequered [adj CHEQUIER#, CHEQUIEST#] AINORS sig# NORIAS 2 ARSINO containing a chemical radical ADELWY YAWLED AAGRSZ GAZARS EILMNU UNLIME# d# s# 2 to free from lime a, en# il re, reil# LUMINE# d# s#, sce, sced sces, scent scing ..2 to light up EMPSTT at, con, reat TEMPTS AERSVV VARVES DDIKOS KIDDOS ACLNUY LUNACY {insanity=n} [n LUNACIES] EEIRSX SEXIER BEERRW micro BREWER s y, ies one who {brews=v} AIINST ISATIN e s, es ic a chemical compound, also ISATINE DDEHIR s# w# HIDDER# s# a young male sheep CEGKOS GECKOS BCIKNO KINCOB# s# a rich silk fabric made in India CHIKOT THICKO# s#, es# a stupid person, also THICKY#, THICKIE# ACELPU CULPAE ADEHLT asp, string HALTED 3 DALETH s the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also DALED#, DALEDH LATHED ADMNOR non, pseudo RANDOM s, ly, ise# ize, ised# iser# ises# ..14 2 haphazard / a haphazard course RODMAN a surveyor's assistant, also RODSMAN, STAFFMAN# [n RODMEN] EHLRTU HURTLE d s, ss, ssly#, berry#, ssness#, berries#, ssnesses# to {dash=v} CEFHIS ker mis sub, necker, handker CHIEFS hip, hips 2 af, micro ultra FICHES BEHMOR HOMBRE s a fellow CENOPY PONCEY# effeminate, also PONCY# EINNRU UNREIN# s#, ed#, ing#, forced to give rein to DDGMOO DOGDOM s the world of dogs EEELLT LEETLE# {little=adj} AELLNU UNLEAL# unfaithful ELLMOW un MELLOW s y#, ed er ly, est ing, ness, speak# ..2 to make {mature=adj} / well matured AALMOT AMATOL s 2 a powerful explosive ce xy#, coe dip mye, condy granu papil ..4 LOMATA# ILLSTW ou TWILLS CHIINT CHITIN s, oid ous the main component of insect shells CEEHTW CHEWET# s# a type of pie DNORST STROND# s# a thread BDDEGU BUDGED AILMNR MARLIN e g s, es gs, spike, espike gspike# ..3 a marine game fish AFKLNS out FLANKS DEGPRU ex# un PURGED ACEORR CORREA# s# an Australian evergreen shrub with large tubular showy flowers AENTTT ATTENT s#, at#, ats# ion ive, ions, ional ively ..2 attention BEHLRU BURHEL# s# a blue Himalayan sheep DETTTU TUTTED EEGMRR de, pre, anti MERGER s the combining of two or more businesses into one ALSTVY VASTLY to a vast extent or degree HIIKMO MOKIHI# s# a Maori raft ALNSVY SYLVAN s, er#, ers# ite, ites one that lives in a forest, also SILVAN EEKLRW KEWLER# BOORSU BUROOS# EGIRSV VIRGES# 2 for law, alms care, thanks# GIVERS AEOPRT PROTEA n s, ns se, ses, ceous# an evergreen shrub ABLSTT album# BLATTS# ABGILM GIMBAL s, ed, ing led, ling to support on a set of rings allowing free movement, also GYMBAL# BEHKOR RHEBOK s a large {antelope=n} ABDNRS re#, mis, fire, surtar# surtur# BRANDS DEFRTU re# un# TURFED BDDENO un, non, spun vaga BONDED AELMOR MORALE s a condition or degree of confidence AIKNPR KIRPAN# s# 2 a small sword of religious significance to Sikhs PARKIN# g s#, gs, sonian sonism, sonisms an oatmeal biscuit, also PERKIN# FGIINX af en# in re un, con# pre suf, post ..2 FIXING s the act or process of making fixed ACENRT di, epi CENTRA l, ls, ler lly, lest lise lism list ..20 8 NECTAR s y, ed#, eal# ean ial ied ies ine ous ..5 a delicious drink en ou, mons pene reen, disen#, remons, recalci TRANCE d s y#, dly#, like to put into a semiconscious state TANREC s a mammal that feeds on insects, also TENREC re, mis pro CREANT# creating RECANT s, ed er, ers ing, ation, ations to make a formal retraction fos CARNET s an official permit s, de re, des dis# CANTER s, ed, ing, bury#, burys#, buries# to ride a horse at an easy gallop COPRUY CROUPY affected with croup [adj CROUPIER, CROUPIEST] KLNRUY KNURLY gnarled [adj KNURLIER, KNURLIEST] ABMNTU NUMBAT s a small Australian mammal AEMNTU UNTEAM# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to {unyoke=v} UNTAME d s#, able# ably#, dness#, dnesses#, ableness# to make untame AIMNTU MANITU s an Algonquain Indian deity, also MANITOU, MANITO AEFRSW WAFERS GHOTUY TOUGHY a tough person, also TOUGHIE [n TOUGHIES] BLNORY BORNYL# s# an alcohol used in perfumes, also BORNEOL CEIOSZ COZIES t EGGLNO LEGONG s a Balinese dance DEEMNN NEMNED# HISSTX SIXTHS DINOPS POINDS HILRSW up#, out WHIRLS GINOTY TOYING s# the act of toying ADELPU UPLEAD# s#, ing# to lead up [v UPLED#, UPLEADING#, UPLEADS#] CELTUY a, suba CUTELY in a cute manner CDEHIT b d h m# p w, fl qu# sk# sn st sw tw, bew ..18 ITCHED ABHIKT svara# BHAKTI s a selfless devotion to a deity in Hinduism AGLNOW GOWLAN# d# s#, ds# a flower, also GOLLAN#, GOLLAND#, GOWLAND# DIMOXY MYXOID containing mucus EEFFIR EFFEIR# s#, ed#, ing# to be suitable, also EFFERE# ACDEHR ECHARD s 3 water in soil not available to plants m p, en# in se st un, outm over rese ..8 ARCHED CHARED ACNOTT OCTANT s, al an eighth of a circle FFGINO GONIFF s 2 a thief, also GANEF, GANEV, GANOF, GONEF, GONIF, GONOF, GONOPH b c d g#, fe sc sk# sw#, shr, enfe infe OFFING s the near future AACMSW MACAWS BCHLOT BLOTCH y, ed es, ier ily ing, iest ings#, iness#, inesses# to mark with large spots CDEEEH l r#, br fl sm# sp# wh#, bes scr, unbr EECHED# DEESTV de di in re un, har non, rein undi# ..5 VESTED 2 DEVEST s, ed, ing to strip or deprive of DILLVY VILDLY# in a vile manner ADHLSU HAULDS# EILTTT TITTLE d# s, bat#, bats# to {whisper=v} DEGMOR GORMED CEGGOR COGGER# s# one who {cheats=v} ABLOTT TALBOT# s#, ype#, ypes# an extinct hound CNOOTY TYCOON s, ate# ery#, ates#, eries# 2 a wealthy and powerful business person COONTY# a type of plant [n COONTIES] AIKNNU UNAKIN g# not akin AFGIKN FAKING ABDEKU BAUKED# FMORSU FORUMS BEGMSU BEGUMS BCNOUY un BOUNCY tending to bounce [adj BOUNCIER, BOUNCIEST] ACDILY pl, sub ACIDLY {sourly=adv} ELMRTY TERMLY 2 a publication once a term [n TERMLIES#] MYRTLE s an evergreen shrub ACEILP PLICAE 3 ortho# EPICAL ly yx, yces yxes relating to an epic PLAICE s a European flatfish CHINRU URCHIN s a mischievous boy CDDEEI DEICED 2 re DECIDE d r s, rs, dly, dness, dnesses to make a choice DLNOSW LOWNDS# AAJLPS JALAPS BINORS INORBS# 2 sea, chrysa ROBINS CEHIRR CHIRRE d n s 2 to chirp like a cricket, also CHIRR en RICHER ACHITT CHATTI# s#, er es# ly ng, est, ness, nesses a type of water-pot DEFLUX re FLUXED DEENTT DETENT e s, es, ion ist, ions ists 3 a locking or unlocking mechanism be# de# un#, dip ken# son tel vig ..3 NETTED s#, pa un, con, unpa#, discon malcon miscon# TENTED DEFLMY MEDFLY a Mediterranean fruit fly [n MEDFLIES] AAFIKL ALFAKI s 2 a teacher of Muslim law, also ALFAQUI, ALFAQUIN KAFILA# s# a caravan, also CAFILA#, CAFFILA# GNNOOR ROGNON# s# an isolated rock outcrop on a glacier BGHIST BIGHTS BEEENS BESEEN# ADEGLY eng enr AGEDLY oldly ACELSV SCLAVE# s# 4 a slave CAVELS# s#, en ex, con, auto lati# CLAVES moon CALVES EEEHSZ p# w HEEZES DEEGLN LEGEND s, ry, ary ise# ist# ize, ised# ises# ..8 2 an unverified story from earlier times chal, rechal unchal LENGED# ABESTU BEAUTS 2 TAUBES# DDILTY TIDDLY wink#, winks an alcoholic drink [n TIDDLIES#] / slightly drunk [adj TIDDLIER#, TIDDLIEST#] DEFHIS un, out, craw over scom# scum# star# ..2 FISHED ADFLSU FAULDS ADILRY ARIDLY in a dry manner AIIKRS kak# ARIKIS# CEEHOR REECHO ed es, ing 5 to echo again CHOREE# s# a {trochee=n} ECHOER s one that echoes CHEERO s goodbye, also CHEERIO COHERE d r s, nt rs, nce ncy, nces ntly, ncies to stick together AAABDH BAHADA# s# a slope of rock debris DEHLRU up# HURLED 2 HURDLE d r s, rs to jump over EHLMNU UNHELM s, ed, ing, eted# to remove the helmet of ABQSSU SQUABS ALNOSY ONLAYS ABGIMR GAMBIR s an extract from an Asian vine, also GAMBIER, GAMBIA CEHNOT TECHNO s, pop, crat fear# logy pole# pops ..49 short for technomusic ACDEIR pl# ACIDER# 3 CARDIE# s# a short form of cardigan, a woollen jacket which buttons in front, also CARDI#, CARDY# CARIED having {caries=n} BEINNS BENNIS DIILOS SOLIDI fy sh# sm# st# ty, sms# sts#, fied ..8 ADDGIN d# g h# m p r s# w, bl# br cl gl qu re, bem# ..7 ADDING s# the act of addition AIKSTT KATTIS# ADENOS ANODES CHNOTY NOTCHY# having notches [adj NOTCHIER#, NOTCHIEST#] ELMNOT MELTON s 3 a heavy woollen fabric y#, un MOLTEN ly made liquid by heat LOMENT a s, um, ums, aceous# a type of plant pod, also LOMENTUM AEFLMR in FLAMER s one that {flames=v} ENOSTY STONEY abounding in small rocks, also STONY [adj STONIER, STONIEST] ABELMW WAMBLE d s to move unsteadily BEHINS NEBISH# es# a downtrodden nobody, also NEBBISH, NEBBICH#, NEBBISHE# ADLOSU DOULAS ADIMST AMIDST 2 in the middle of co re, pre ADMITS ACCITU CICUTA# s# a type of poisonous plant IIPPUU PIUPIU# s# a Maori flax skirt ABDEGG de un#, gas#, hand# sand, carpet BAGGED BEGINN un BENIGN er# ly, ant est# ity, ancy, antly ities, ancies favourably disposed ADDENU UNDEAD a vampire [n UNDEAD] ACDDIY DYADIC s, ally a sum of mathematical dyads AEHRSV s, be, misbe HAVERS ack ine#, acks ines# 2 SHAVER s one that {shaves=v} ABGNOR BARONG s 2 a broad-bladed knife BROGAN s a heavy shoe AABEMN AMEBAN pertaining to an ameba, also AMOEBAN EGOPSY POGEYS AGHINY sas HAYING s the season for harvesting hay BIILNS BLINIS CDGINO de en re, mis non pre, post#, trans# CODING s# the act of coding AADILR bi, per# tri#, inter# RADIAL e s, ia ly, ise# ity# ize#, ised# ises# ..9 a part diverging from a centre BEERSW WEBERS CESTUY CUTEYS 2 CUTESY twee, also CUTESIE [adj CUTESIER, CUTESIEST] ABEGLN BANGLE d# s a {bracelet=n} ADENPT PENTAD s, ic#, actyl#, actyle# actyls# actyly# ..7 3 a group of five PEDANT s, ic ry, ise# ism# ize#, ical# ised# ..23 one who flaunts his knowledge PANTED AAMPSU MAPAUS# EFLLOW bed, good# play work# yoke, school FELLOW s, ed ly, ing man men, ship, ships, shiped ..3 to produce an equal to DDEHOR c HORDED ADIORS sp, sacch# AROIDS 2 RADIOS cope# copy# onde, copes# copic# ..12 EGMNRU inter REGNUM {dominion=n} [n REGNA] AEEHRT c t, re, pre, pret, super windc#, amphit HEATER s 4 an apparatus for heating p REHEAT s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to heat again t w HEREAT at this time AETHER s, ic, eal, eally#, eality#, ealities# the upper region of the atmosphere FHIMUY HUMIFY# ing# to {moisten=v} [v HUMIFIED, HUMIFYING#, HUMIFIES#] GNOPRU PROGUN in favour of guns BDEENR hell, sharp# BENDER s a drunken spree DEFIKR FIRKED# EOPRXY PEROXY sulphuric# containing the bivalent group of two oxygens, also PEROXO# AAFHLS HALFAS# AGNPRS re up, out SPRANG s, le#, led# les#, ling# 2 a weaving technique to form an openwork mesh s PRANGS EFLNTU af de# ef in re, con dif# dis# pro ..6 FLUENT s#, ly, ness#, nesses# 3 the variable quantity in calculus UNFELT ed not felt NETFUL# s# enough to fill a net AFIMRS FRAIMS# EGINNP o, ri, dam dee hap lip reo, chea cris ..10 PENING# AMOSTW AMOWTS# GNOPRS SPRONG# 2 PRONGS EERSVY SEVERY# a compartment of vaulting [n SEVERIES#] ADEGRY GRAYED ACGLNU GLUCAN s a polymer of glucose CDEIIK DICKIE r s, st a blouse front, also DICKEY DFNNOU UNFOND not fond DEEHNR HERDEN# s# a coarse fabric ADEFLY FLAYED 2 DEAFLY in a deaf manner AFFQSU QUAFFS ACKNOW ACKNOW# n# s#, ne#, ing#, ledge, ledged ledger# ..9 to recognize [v ACKNEW#, ACKNOWN# or ACKNOWNE#, ACKNOWING#, ACKNOWS#] CEILNU LEUCIN e s, es 2 an amino acid, also LEUCINE pro sub, macro micro, kineto# NUCLEI c# n, de# ns, des# nic CENNOT in NOCENT s#, ly# a person who is guilty ELORTY TROELY# a leaf of the bussu palm, also TROELIE#, TROOLIE# [n TROELIES#] AEHMOS MAHOES 2 HAMOSE# hooked, also HAMOUS# ABEIMR BARMIE r, st {frothy=adj} ACEGHR CREAGH# s# 2 a foray, also CREACH# en# re un, dis mis out pre sur, over ..5 CHARGE d r s, rs, ful#, able ably# back# hand ..8 to make an attack AAGLNT GALANT# y#, ine, ines, amine#, amines# musical style CEIKNW WICKEN# s# the mountain-ash, also WICKY# DDEPRS SPREDD# e# s#, en# es#, ing# to {spread=v} ACKQSU QUACKS alver, alvers alving# AKLRVY VALKYR s, ie, ies a maiden in Norse mythology, also VALKYRIE, WALKYRIE ADEKLT s, up, out pep uns, over TALKED ACNOPY over# CANOPY ing to cover from above [v CANOPIED, CANOPYING, CANOPIES] FILMUU FUMULI ACEERT ECARTE s 3 a card game o, co in re un, con# mis pro CREATE d s to bring into being a, la ma ul, can# vis#, dila# evis exul# ..3 CERATE d s a medicated ointment ABLMOU BUMALO# ti#, tis# an Indian fish dried as food, also BUMMALO, BUMALOTI# INOPTT TINPOT s# a pot of tinplate BBEGOT GOBBET s a piece of raw meat AEIRRT IRATER 2 p t w, cl# he qu ARTIER AAFNSU in, avi epi, mega meio#, angui# macro# ..5 FAUNAS DFILSU non, semi, super FLUIDS 2 di SULFID e s, es a sulfur compound, also SULFIDE, SULPHID, SULPHIDE FILOXY FOXILY in a foxy manner DDEHNO s HODDEN s a coarse cloth, also HODDIN ADELNR ALDERN# 6 pertaining to {alder=n} ba# fo, pastu RELAND s, ed, ing, scape, scaped scapes, scaping to land again ENLARD# s#, ed#, ing# to {grease=v} DARNEL s an annual grass b s, bi by# co fi# in is ma# so up, aus ..13 LANDER s one that {lands=v} LARNED# ABEHLR HERBAL s, ism ist, isms ists a book about herbs and plants DELMOO MOOLED# 2 b g s#, beg emb# eng# reb, outb, overg# LOOMED BDELOO BOOLED# 2 ca BOODLE d r s, rs to {bribe=v} DEILSV be, dare DEVILS hip#, hips# 2 mi SLIVED# EINRSY RESINY {resinous=adj} ACEIPR s PACIER ABFLRU BARFUL# full of obstructions DELNTU b, unb# LUNTED DEEEKN damas KEENED AGILSU UGALIS# DEFFNO re# OFFEND s, ed er, ers ing, edly# ress#, resses# to commit a violation EILNTT LITTEN lighted EGLLOR GOLLER# s#, ed#, ing# to make a loud sound, also GOLLAR# EGRTTU GUTTER s y, ed, ing, ings, blood# snipe, bloods# ..2 to form channels for draining off water ADLMTU TALMUD# s#, ic, ism, isms the code of Jewish law IKNOPT st INKPOT s an {inkwell=n} DEEKNR KERNED CIISTY CYTISI# ne#, nes# ACFHST gemeins gesells CHAFTS# DDOOOO DOODOO s childish word for excrement, also DOODY CIORSU CURIOS a, ity, ities BJMOSU super JUMBOS AAIKNR KIRANA# s# 2 (In India) a small, usually family-owned shop selling groceries and other sundries KINARA s a candelabra with seven sticks ACLORU RUCOLA# s# 2 a salad plant j l v#, bil bin mon pre# sub#, mult# ..11 OCULAR s, ly, ist, ists an {eyepiece=n} BIIMOS OBIISM s belief in obia, also OBEAHISM, OBEISM# ACFINS FINCAS ACELNU CUNEAL 4 wedge-shaped, also CUNEATE, CUNEATED, CUNEATIC UNLACE d s to unfasten the laces of [v UNLAST# or UNLACED, UNLASTE#, UNLACING, UNLACES] LACUNE s an empty space or missing part, also LACUNA out#, empar#, assemb# LAUNCE d# s, gaye#, gayes# to {pierce=v} EGHINY HEYING# 2 HYEING# EEHNWW WHENWE# s# (South Africa) a white immigrant from Zimbabwe with rosy memories of the past DHLOPU HOLDUP s 2 a delay UPHOLD s, er, ers ing, ings# to hold aloft [v UPHELD, UPHILD#, UPHOLDING, UPHOLDS] DELOTT DOTTEL s 3 a mass of half-burnt pipe tobacco, also DOTTLE DOTTLE d# r# s, st# a mass of partly burnt pipe tobacco, also DOTTEL / of tobacco, partly burnt b c p s, al, cop rep unb#, comp outp real ..5 LOTTED CDELOT un# COLTED# CCDEEI DECCIE# s# short for interior decoration AIKMSU UMIAKS BEORTT a BETTOR s one who {bets=v} ILNPST SPLINT s, ed er, ers ery ing, ered like# wood# ..4 to brace with a support ACEKMO COMAKE r s, rs to serve as a comaker for another's loan [v COMADE, COMAKING, COMAKES] CDHIOR DROICH# s# y#, ier#, iest# 3 a {dwarf=n} RHODIC pertaining to {rhodium=n} mon, crypt ORCHID s, ist#, eous# ists# like, ology# ..10 a flowering plant AFHLTU HATFUL s as much as a hat can hold [n HATFULS or HATSFUL] CLNRUU UNCURL s, ed, ing to straighten the curls of ADIJMS MASJID s a Muslim place of worship, also MOSQUE, MOSK AFFILP PILAFF s {pilaf=n} AERSTV extr AVERTS 5 STARVE d r s, rs, ling, lings to die from lack of food VASTER ou, archi TRAVES ty, tied ties, tying TAVERS# ELMSUV MVULES# BDNOOY NOBODY an unimportant person [n NOBODIES] EERSTX co, over EXERTS 2 EXSERT s, ed, ile ing ion, ions to {protrude=v} BLNOTU UNBOLT s, ed, ing to undo a bolt ADIILS ch ILIADS 2 SIALID s, an, ans an alderfly, also SIALIDAN EFINST FEINTS 4 FIENTS# dis INFEST s, ed er, ant ers ing, ants, ation, ations to invade and swarm over FINEST AACDNR CARDAN# 2 as in cardan joint, a universal joint CANARD s a false story ABDEER un BEARED# 2 BEADER s one that {beads=v} BEGMOS EMBOGS# AAILPR pu ri# PARIAL# s# a set of three in some card games AEEMRT RETEAM s, ed, ing 3 to team up with again s TEAMER# s# a truck driver, also TEAMSTER c, inc# REMATE d s, rialise# rialize, rialised# ..5 to mate again CDOORY CORODY an allowance of food or clothes, also CORRODY [n CORODIES] CEEMNY CYMENE s a hydrocarbon, also CYMOL ACGIMN gri MACING CERSWY SCREWY {crazy=adj} [adj SCREWIER, SCREWIEST] ELNNRU t RUNNEL s a small stream DEELMT s, re un, res, over MELTED INSTUU s UNSUIT# s#, ed, ing#, able ably, ability, ableness#, abilities to make unsuitable AAAGNN NAGANA s a horse disease, also NGANA# EEGILN f g#, be# LEEING# DEHLOR be co in up, gas ink# job pen pew pot ..26 HOLDER s, bat#, bats# ship#, ships# one that {holds=v} DEORTU f#, acc OUTRED# s#, ded# den#, dens# ding#, dened#, dening# 6 to surpass in redness DETOUR s, ed, ing to take an indirect route REDOUT s a condition in which blood is driven to the head g, re sp st#, mis, resp ROUTED DOUTER# s# one that extinguishes de re#, con, recon TOURED EIILMR s LIMIER GIIMNX ad be im re un, com pre, over, inter MIXING DEGINR ENGIRD s, ed le, ing led les, ling 6 to secure with a belt, also [v -GIRT or -GIRDED, -GIRDING, -GIRDS] ni or, bor cin dan did# dod don# fod ..96 DERING# er, ers a# b#, reg# REDING ote, otes hum DINGER s anything superlative GIRNED c f w, be en# sp st sy un#, ast bef ear ..8 RINGED BCGORY CYBORG s a bionic human being AKLNRY KNARLY# 2 like a knarl [adj KNARLIER#, KNARLIEST#] c f RANKLY in a rank manner ACDEMU CAUMED# ACLOSZ COLZAS EKLOST KETOLS EOOPRT POOTER# s# an entomological collecting bottle HMOPSW WHOMPS EGGLTU GUGLET s a long-necked jar, also GOGLET, GURGLET ELMTUU LUTEUM 3 a hormone-secreting body [n LUTEA] MUTUEL s a system of betting on races MUTULE s an ornamental block used in classical Greek architecture AAGNRY ANGARY the right of warring state to seize neutral property, also ANGARIA [n ANGARIES] DENORR DRONER s one that {drones=v} ABELWY BYELAW s 2 a secondary law, also BYLAW BAWLEY# s# a small fishing smack AFINST FITNAS# 2 FAINTS DEHMNY HYMNED AAMTTU MATATU# s# a type of taxi used in Kenya CCEIOR CICERO s, ne ni, ned# nes, neing# a printing measure ELNPTY a PLENTY 2 an abundant amount [n PLENTIES] PENTYL s, ene#, enes# an alcohol radical, also AMYL CDNOOR CONDOR s, es 2 a coin of Chile CORDON s, ed, ing net, nets to form a barrier around DGNORU a, in re un, back camp fair fore over# ..7 GROUND s, ed en# er, age# ers hog ing man# ..58 2 to place on a foundation UNGORD# unwounded, also UNGORED# HNRTUU UNHURT ful#, fully#, fulness#, fulnesses# not hurt FJLOUY un JOYFUL ly, ler, lest ness, nesses {happy=adj} CDEEHW es re un CHEWED EGGILM MIGGLE s a type of playing marble, also MIG, MIGG AAEKNS KANAES# ILOPRY ROPILY 2 in a ropy manner PYLORI c GINRWY WRYING IIMRSU SURIMI s an inexpensive fish product ABBEIY YABBIE d# s a small freshwater crayfish, also YABBY / to fish for yabbies CEELRT TERCEL s, et, ets a male falcon, also TERCELET, TIERCEL ACDDEE DECADE s, nt, nce ncy nts, nces ntly, ncies a period of ten years, also DECAD# BGIILS GIBLIS# ADENSV DAVENS IOSSTV VISTOS# 2 OVISTS# ACNRRU CURRAN s t, ts ty#, tier#, tiest# grain, also CURN DEPRUY DUPERY the act of {duping=v} [n DUPERIES] AEHNSZ SAZHEN# s# a Russian measure approx. 2 metres ABEMRU pen UMBRAE EFMSTU FUMETS AAGHNR HANGAR s, ed, ing 2 to place in an aircraft shelter ARGHAN# s# pita fibre EGILNU LUNGIE# s# a diving bird EFMORR de in re, con per uni, misin# trans ..5 FORMER s, ly 2 one that {forms=v} p, pre pro, anti, counter REFORM s, at ed er, ade# ado# ate ats ers ing ..28 to change to a better state AGLRUY RAGULY# 2 with projections like stubs of branches, also RAGULED# GLAURY# {miry=adj} [adj GLAURIER#, GLAURIEST#] AGHIMN s, as#, bes, outs HAMING# DEHOOP w, in# un# HOOPED 2 POOHED ABBEEW BAWBEE s a Scottish coin IILMMU MILIUM a small, whitish lump in the skin [n MILIA] DGGNOU GUNDOG s 2 a hunting dog DUGONG s an aquatic mammal CGHLOU CLOUGH s a ravine, also CLEUCH#, CLEUGH# BELNNY BLENNY a marine fish [n BLENNIES] DEINSV VENDIS# s#, es#, ses# a freshwater fish, also VENDISS# AALLRV VALLAR# y# 2 describing an honorific garland, also VALLARY# LARVAL pertaining to {larva=n} AAGHRR AARRGH h used to express disgust, also AARGH, AARRGHH AEIPST PIETAS 3 PETSAI s Chinese cabbage PASTIE r s, st a meat pie, also PASTY AGRSUU AUGURS hip#, hips# DDEEEW un, out# WEEDED DEILLN NILLED CDEIPR re un, mis out pre, over, under PRICED EGILNN GINNEL# s# a narrow alley, also GENNEL# EMNOPY EPONYM s y, ic, ies ous, ously# a person after whom something is named DEFNRU re FUNDER s 2 a financial backer p REFUND s, ed er, ers ing, able ment#, ments# ..2 to give back AGIMNZ a MAZING EEFRRT FERRET s y, ed er, ers ing, ings to search out persistently ADEFFI AFFIED# ADHNPU UPHAND# lifted by hand ABGHIS BIGHAS# CDEMOY tragi COMEDY a humorous work [n COMEDIES] BEMORW tu BEWORM s, ed, ing to infest with worms IILLWY WILILY in a wily manner AIRSTV TRAVIS# es# a stall EEGGIL LEGGIE# r s#, ro st in cricket, a leg-break or a bowler of leg-breaks DEGGRY DREGGY full of dregs [adj DREGGIER, DREGGIEST] AEIMNT ETAMIN e s, es 4 a loosely woven fabric, also ETAMINE co, cab INMATE s one who is confined to an institution e, ke vi, glu his pro, ergo tryp, amphe ..4 TAMINE# s# a fabric TAMEIN s a garment worn by Burmese women ELLNUU LUNULE s a small crescent-shaped structure, also LUNULA ABCMOR CRAMBO s, es, clink#, clinks# 2 a word game COMARB# s# the head of a family, also COARB# AENSUV NAEVUS a birthmark [n NAEVI] AAEHKT TAKAHE s a flightless bird AENRTY TRAYNE# d# s# to be instructed EEEKNR KEENER s one that {keens=v} GLMNOO MONGOL s, ian ism oid, isms oids a person affected by Down's syndrome DEHMNU MUDHEN s a bird that lives in marshes AACRRU CURARA s an arrow poison LNRUUY UNRULY difficult to control [adj UNRULIER, UNRULIEST] DEOPRY YORPED# AAIKST KIAATS# 2 AKITAS# AEIRTT ses, sesqui# TERTIA# l n s#, ls ns ry, ries 3 an infantry regiment dis# ATTIRE d s, ment#, ments# to {clothe=v} za RATITE s a flightless bird BIOOST OOBITS# 2 OBOIST s one who plays the oboe CEIINS sub# INCISE d s to cut into ACCEIT ACCITE# d# s# 2 to {cite=v} cop, chlor#, chloro# indole#, dichlor# ..2 ACETIC pertaining to vinegar AGIKLS GLAIKS# DENORT e, cor# RODENT s, icide, icides a gnawing mammal ADERTW th, overth# WARTED having a wart EGIPRR GRIPER s one that {gripes=v} EELSTV SVELTE r, ly st, ness, nesses gracefully slender AEFLRT FALTER s, ed er, ers ing, ings#, ingly to {hesitate=v} AEERSU RESEAU s x 2 a filter screen for making colour films UREASE s an enzyme that converts urea to a salt, also URASE EFLNOS en#, mat# FELONS ADERWY WEYARD# weird, strange, also WEYWARD# AELMPU AMPULE s a small sealed glass, also AMPOULE, AMPUL AAILLX m, prem, interm# AXILLA e r s, rs ry, ries the arm pit ACDLTY di, syn tri, poly zygo, aniso# artio ..11 DACTYL i s, ar# ic us, ics ist#, ists#, ogram# ..16 a certain poetic rhythm pattern AEPRSV PAVERS AABIMR AMBARI s, es 2 an East Indian plant, also AMBARY MARABI# s# (South Africa) a kind of music popular in townships in the 1930s DEGOOS GOOSED AAKTUY YUKATA# s# a light kimono AAHJRS maha RAJAHS hip#, hips# ABIILS BIALIS 2 ALIBIS MOORTY loco MOTORY# conveying motion CEESUX EXCUSE d r s, rs to free from blame or guilt ALLOUY ALLYOU# (Caribbean) all of you EEELPR s# PEELER s one that {peels=v} CEHRTY CHERTY resembling {chert=n} [adj CHERTIER, CHERTIEST] EIIKLL KILLIE s a freshwater fish AAEMNP APEMAN# an extinct primate [n APEMEN#] AANRRY YARRAN# s# (Australia) a small hardy inland tree FIILLP FILLIP s, ed, een# ing, eens# to strike sharply ACIMNR ARCMIN# s#, ute#, utes# an angular measure, one sixtieth of a degree AAILRT p#, sino ATRIAL 3 pertaining to an {atrium=n} zoo# LATRIA s worship given to God alone in Catholicism sa LARIAT s, ed, ing to catch with a long rope with a running noose, also LASSO, LAZO# BCHOTY BOTCHY done badly [adj BOTCHIER, BOTCHIEST] AARRWY WARRAY# s#, ed#, ing# to make war EEFRTT en un FETTER s, ed er, ers ing, less# lock#, locks# to {shackle=v} DEOTTT s TOTTED AEEHMR t HERMAE an 2 HAREEM s a group of wives and concubines, also HAREM, HARAM#, HARIM# FGOORS GROOFS# ACIPRY bio, anti cons PIRACY robbery on the high seas [n PIRACIES] ADELSV VALSED# 3 be en, reen unen#, disen# SLAVED SALVED ADEEMT per, interper MEATED 2 to become meat s, re un# TEAMED LOPRSW PROWLS DENORW WONDER s, ed er, ers ful ing kid# ous#, ings# ..15 2 to speculate lan sun, nonlan DOWNER s a depressant drug ACORTT COTTAR s a pin or a wedge, also COTTER, COTTIER AADINR ste, milli RADIAN s t, ce cy ts, ces tly, cies a unit of angular measure EEIKLP KELPIE s an Australian sheep-dog EGHINT cac rac, croc epit# ratc, ricoc HETING# EILLMT MILLET s a cereal grass ABFNSU FANSUB# s# the subtitling of foreign, esp animated, films by fans AEGRSZ sun#, star GAZERS 2 over GRAZES EGIRSU dis GUISER# s# 2 a person in disguise, also GUIZER# REGIUS holding a professorship founded by the sovereign DEEHLP c# w, un HELPED ABLRWY BRAWLY 2 inclined to brawl [adj BRAWLIER, BRAWLIEST] BYRLAW# s# a local law, also BOURLAW# GGHORU GROUGH# s# a deep gully ABHIMR MIHRAB s a niche in a mosque DELOTW LOWTED# NOOPRT anti PROTON s, ic, ate ema, ated ates emal, ating ..9 2 a subatomic particle PRONTO {quickly=adv} AADEMN MAENAD s, es ic, ism, isms, ically# 2 a female follower of Bacchus, also MENAD ANADEM s a wreath for the head EEFLRR FERREL s, ed, ing led, ling to fit with a metal cap to prevent splitting also FERRULE, FERULE ACELOR c ORACLE d# s 3 to utter as an oracle COALER s one who supplies coal RECOAL s, ed, ing to refill with coal AEHLSV be HALVES EEEPSW PEWEES OPRTTU PRUTOT h EEINPR REPINE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# to express discontent AENPRT ENTRAP s, ped per, ment pers ping, ments 6 to {ensnare=v} p# ARPENT s a old French land measure, also ARPEN ENRAPT ure, ured ures, uring in ecstasy TREPAN g s, gs, ned ner, ners ning, ation nings#, ations to operate on with a surgical saw, also TRAPAN, TREPHINE ap co, bio# god non, inap step unap ..5 PARENT s, al ed, age ing, ages ally eral hood ..17 to act as father or mother PANTER# s# an officer in charge of provisions, also PANTLER# ADEHLN re, man mis out pan pre, over, crank# stick HANDLE d r s, rs ss, bar, able bars less to touch with the hands CEKOOR p RECOOK s, ed, ing 2 to cook again pre COOKER s y, ies one that {cooks=v} ACNOSX CAXONS# EEIRRT ETRIER# s# 3 a mountaineer's small rope ladder un RETIRE d e r s, es rs, dly, ment, dness ments, dnesses to withdraw or retreat REITER# s#, ant# ate, ance# ated ates, ances# ..7 a German cavalry soldier CENNOR CONNER s one that {cons=v} AEHNSY HYENAS ABHQSU BUQSHA s a monetary unit of Yemen ACLRRU ma, inter# CRURAL pertaining to the leg or thigh BEOSWY BOWSEY# s# (Irish) an inferior person, also BOWSIE# ADHIPS APHIDS ADDEEH be co un#, air big egg fat hot pig ..42 HEADED DEEMOR MOERED# 2 EMEROD s a haemorrhoid, also EMEROID BENOSZ BONZES CEHLNP PLENCH es a tool serving as pliers and a wrench ACELNN CANNEL s, on, oni# ons ure#, lini# loni ures# an oily compact coal FIKNOS FINSKO# a reindeer-skin boot, also FINNESKO#, FINNSKO# [n FINSKO#] ABERRZ BRAZER s one that {brazes=v} EGHLUY HUGELY in a huge manner ELMSXY meta, proto XYLEMS AABJNS BAJANS# AAMNNU MAUNNA# must not BCHOOR BROCHO# s# 2 (Judaism) blessing, also BRACHAH# BROOCH ed# es, ing# to adorn with a brooch BEEGOS BEGOES# EMRTTU sch# MUTTER s, ed er, ers ing, ings#, ation# ingly#, ations# to {murmur=v} IMMOTW WOMMIT# s# (English dialect) a foolish person GGNOOR GORGON s, eia# ian ise# ize, eion# ians ised# ..5 an ugly woman BIKLNS eye ice, snow BLINKS CCDEOT DECOCT s, ed, ing ion ive ure#, ible# ions ures# to extract the flavour by boiling ADEHRY HYDRAE mia#, mias# AELSYZ SLEAZY shoddy, also SLEAZO [adj SLEAZIER, SLEAZIEST] AACIPR PICARA s a female {picaro=n} AEGLLU f# s ULLAGE d s to reckon the leakage or evaporation of FIOOST TIFOSO# {devotee=n} [n TIFOSI#] EGGIMN GIGMEN# EIKLTT KITTEL s# 2 a Jewish ceremonial robe s KITTLE d r s, st to {tickle=v} / {ticklish=adj} FIIVVY re VIVIFY ing to give life to [v VIVIFIED, VIVIFYING, VIVIFIES] AAMQSU SQUAMA e, te, tes, tion, tions a scale AELNRU ULNARE# 3 the bone of the carpus [n ULNARIA#] UNREAL ly, ise# ism# ity ize#, ised# ises# ..10 not real epi# myo non sub#, peri#, inter#, sensori NEURAL ly, gia gic, gias pertaining to the nervous system ELLPUW UPWELL s, ed, ing, ings to well up BDNORS BRONDS# EILPRT TRIPLE d s t x, ts, xes, ness# tail, tails, nesses# to make three times as great ABDELU BELAUD s, ed, ing to {praise=v} EELSYZ SLEEZY# {squalid=adj} [adj SLEEZIER#, SLEEZIEST#] AEGLOR GAOLER s, ess#, esses# 2 a {jailer=n} ban# GALORE s abundance AAILNT p, scar LATINA s 2 a female Latin American ANTLIA# e#, te# the sucking proboscis of moths and butterflies EJKNRU JUNKER s something ready for junking ACDENT DECANT s, ed er, ate# ers ing, ated# ates# ..3 3 to pour from one container to another s, de in re, des dis CANTED de, unde CADENT ial having {rhythm=n} CEOPRY RECOPY ing to copy again [v RECOPIED, RECOPYING, RECOPIES] AHIRSU RAHUIS# DELOPT POLTED# CEEIPR p RECIPE s 3 a set of instructions for making something PIECER s a worker who joins broken threads, also PIECENER# em#, trans PIERCE d r s, rs, able# to thrust, or make a hole through [v PIERST# or PIERCED, PIERCING, PIERCES] HIMRST MIRTHS AHIORS ORISHA s a Yoruba deity, also ORIXA# BEGOSU BOUGES# AEFRRT FRATER s y#, ies# nal, nise# nity nize, nally ..17 2 a {friar=n} c d g, handic RAFTER s, ed, ing#, ings# to supply with supporting beams AFFIRT non TARIFF s, ed, ing, less#, ication#, ications# to tax imported or exported goods ELNPST SPLENT s a splint DEOSXY DESOXY ribose#, riboses# having less oxygen than its parent compound, also DEOXY AEFLRU FERULA e s, ceous# 2 a flat piece of wood f t, unf EARFUL s as much gossip as one can stand ABCEIK BACKIE# s# a ride on the back of someone's bicycle, also CROGGY# AGNNTU TANGUN# s# a pony AMNOOR MAROON s, ed er#, ers# ing, ings# 2 to be isolated uncomfortably ROMANO s an Italian cheese DFNOSU co re, con dum pro, dumb FOUNDS 2 FONDUS EIMNNT TINMEN ADELNW WANDLE 2 {supple=adj} LAWNED# having a LAWN ABCCIO BOCCIA s an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCI, BOCCIE HILMOY HOMILY a sermon [n HOMILIES] HMORUU dis# HUMOUR s, ed, ful# ing, less# some#, lessness# someness# to {indulge=v} ANNSUW UNSAWN not sawn CLNOTU UNCOLT# s#, ed#, ing# to deprive of a horse AACINR epi, endo# hemi# peri, chondro CRANIA l, te, lly tes 4 ARNICA s a perennial herb ACINAR relating to a sacklike division of a gland, also ACINOSE, ACINIC, ACINOUS o CARINA e l s, te, ted a keel-like ridge AGHRST GARTHS ABBHIJ d# JIBBAH# s# a type of Muslim outer garment DEEHLM w, un, dis, overw, underw HELMED ACEMRT MERCAT# s# a market DHOOOO HOODOO s, ed, ing ism, isms to bring bad luck to AHKOOS HOOKAS EEKNNR KENNER# s# one who {knows=v} DEOPPU POUPED# DEHOPY HYPOED GIIMNT s#, be# re, mis, over TIMING s the selection of the right moment DEINSW INDEWS# 3 re WIDENS DWINES AELPTU PUTEAL# s# a wall around the top of a well ADEGRU re un, out red, counter ARGUED EGPRRU PURGER s one that {purges=v} AENSTX SEXTAN s t, ts, ses# tal# a recurrent malarial fever AGILLU LIGULA e r s, te, ted a tongue-like part or organ AIIMMN MINIMA l x, ls rt#, lly rts# xed# xes, lism ..4 BLOPUW BLOWUP s 2 an explosion UPBLOW# n# s#, ing# to blow up [v UPBLEW#, UPBLOWN#, UPBLOWING#, UPBLOWS#] HLORSW WHORLS CEEHRW RECHEW s, ed, ing 2 to chew again es CHEWER s one that {chews=v} AHLOTY LOATHY# abhorrent CELOSX SCOLEX the knoblike head of a tapeworm [n SCOLECES or SCOLICES] FLMNOU MUFLON# s# a wild sheep BGLRUU BULGUR s cooked crushed wheat, also BULGHUR, BURGHUL# BDEEHL BEHELD AGMOYZ ZYGOMA s, ta, tic, tics the cheekbone DEHNOR DEHORN s, ed er, ers ing 2 to deprive of horns t, de, bet dis#, shoe HORNED ness, nesses DEEINR NEREID s, es 4 a sea nymph DENIER s a unit of weight for silk, rayon or nylon yarn g#, un#, sur# REINED RENIED# ADEIKR DARKIE s 3 a coloured person, also DARKY, DARKEY t, st# RAIKED# DAIKER s, ed, ing to {waver=v} GGHOTU THUGGO# s# a ruffian GIINSV a#, ad de re, pre, acti# jaro# read# ..11 VISING CEILSV CLEVIS es a metal fastening device AAAHLW HAWALA s a type of financial arrangement in Islamic societies EGHLSY HYLEGS# DIOSTU STUDIO s, us, usly, usness, usnesses an artist's workroom EEKPRU PERUKE d s a wig AAEKMW WAKAME s a brown seaweed native to Asia ACILRT CITRAL s 2 a lemon flavouring RICTAL resembling a {rictus=n} ACFLRU FURCAL# 3 forked FULCRA te# CARFUL s as much as a car can hold DEFLOR en in un, mani# scaf# FOLDER s, ol, ols 3 one that {folds=v} cent# REFOLD s, ed, ing to fold again ROLFED ADEMOR RADOME s 2 a domelike device used to shelter a radar antenna st# ROAMED ANNORT dy, res# NATRON s 2 a chemical compound, also URAO# NONART s, ist, ists, istic something that is not art BCDEIS CEBIDS BIKNRS BRINKS manship, manships ACEILM MALICE d# s 2 to have ill-will towards another [v MALICED# or MALIST#, MALIST#, MALICING#, MALICES] MALEIC# pertaining to {apples=n} EKOPSU POUKES# AILLTT TALLIT h s, es# hs im ot#, hes him oth a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLITH, TALLIS ILRSWY SWIRLY swirling [adj SWIRLIER, SWIRLIEST] DDEGOR DODGER s y, ies one that {dodges=v} ACDDEU ADDUCE d r s, nt rs, able# to cite or quote AFIKRS FRISKA# s# 3 the fast section of a Hungarian dance, also FRIS# KAFIRS FAKIRS AEILLT TAILLE s, ss ur, urs, ssly#, ssness#, ssnesses# 2 a former French tax TELIAL pertaining to a {telium=n} ADHNSY scrim# SHANDY gaff, gaffs a drink with beer and softdrink [n SHANDIES] BGHORU BROUGH# s# t, am ta#, ams tas#, tases# a circular tower, also BROGH#, BROCH# EGGLOO GOOGLE# d# s#, whack#, whacks# to look for information using the web search engine Google AILSTX LAXIST# s# a person with low moral views AIMRSU MAURIS# AFLNTU FLAUNT s y, ed er, ers ier ily ing, iest, iness# ..2 to exhibit in a showy manner LNPTUU PULTUN# s# an Indian regiment, also PULTAN#, PULTON#, PULTOON# AABORR alg ARROBA s a Spanish unit of weight ACEORT RECOAT s, ed, ing 2 to coat again COATER s one that {coats=v} DEORTT DETORT# s#, ed#, ing# ion#, ions# 3 to {distort=v} DOTTER s, el, els one that {dots=v} t, ga un#, gar, dogt foxt outt, globet ROTTED EMNOTY ETYMON s 2 the true origin of a word [n ETYMONS or ETYMA] TOYMEN# BERTUY p, prep, postp UBERTY# fruitfulness [n UBERTIES#] ILMOOS MOOLIS# AFLLOW FALLOW s, ed er#, est# ing, ness, nesses to plough and leave unseeded / brownish-yellow BEERTT a BETTER s, ed, ing, ings# ment most# ness# ..2 to {improve=v} BCIILM LIMBIC pertaining to a system of the brain FHOORW FORHOW# s#, ed#, ing# to despise, also FORHOO#, FORHOOIE# AEGMOR f ROMAGE# s# tumult GINOTT TOTING DHILPU UPHILD# DEIMNR re REMIND s, ed er, ers ful ing 2 to cause to remember re, net, child# MINDER s one who {minds=v} ELRTTY TETRYL s a chemical compound AHLLNU NULLAH s a {ravine=n} AAEGMR MEGARA d#, ds# CELOOR inter water COOLER s something that cools ADEKMR ti, tra DEMARK s, ed et#, ets# ing, eted#, ation# eting#, ations# 2 to {demerit=v} de re un, ear mis way#, book hall land ..11 MARKED ly, ness, nesses AEMNOR MONERA# n, ns 3 co ENAMOR s, ed, ado# ing, ados# to inspire with love, also ENAMOUR be# MOANER s one who {moans=v} ILLOPW PILLOW s y, ed, ing, case slip#, cases slips# to rest on a cushion for the head ACENTU j#, ad tr, detr# obtr#, averr# UNCATE# red, gorisable# gorizable hooked DELNOR RONDEL s, et le, ets les a rondeau of fourteen lines, also RONDELLE ADNNOR RANDON# s# a rush AADGRY GAYDAR s the ability to recognize that a person is homosexual EELLOP POLLEE s one who is polled EENSTY YENTES 2 TEENSY {tiny=adj} [adj TEENSIER, TEENSIEST] AAAFRS AFARAS# EILRSV ch ERVILS 6 SLIVER s, ed er, ers ing to cut into long, thin pieces de re, quick SILVER n s y, ed er ly, ers eye# ier# ing ise# ..41 to cover with a metallic element LIVRES d, sh, bed RIVELS# c o# s, ca# de re#, out, rede, outde LIVERS CCEIPT PECTIC pertaining to a {pectin=n} BDEILN BINDLE s a bundle CNOORT CROTON s, ic#, bug, bugs a tropical plant ABEERT cra egg, brow# drum gold# BEATER s 3 one who {beats=v} REBATE d r s, rs, able# ment#, ments# to give a discount for payment li su#, exu ver#, deli, protu# rever ..3 BERATE d s to scold severely ADEEFL FEALED# 3 DEFLEA s, ed, ing to rid of fleas dis# LEAFED AEMNRU MURENA# s# 2 a food fish of the Romans, also MURAENA# MANURE d r s, rs to fertilize BEEKNS NEBEKS# CEMRTU RECTUM s the terminal portion of the large intestine [n RECTUMS or RECTA] ACDENN s, un, uns, photos CANNED ADELWW WAWLED CDGOOY COYDOG s a cross between a coyote and a wild dog DIKOOS SKIDOO s, ed, ing to go away, also SKIDDOO DEIKNY KIDNEY s, like# 2 a bodily organ DINKEY s a small locomotive, also DINKY DENTTU do#, dough# NUTTED DEGMPU GUMPED# CIKOSY YOICKS ed# es#, ing# to cry out an old fox-hunting cry, also YOICK# AEGKRW GAWKER s one that {GAWKS=v} EOORTT TOOTER s one that {toots=v} BBEGIN k# n# w, bl sn#, cobw EBBING BCILPU re, non, semi PUBLIC s, an ly, ans ise ist ity ize, ally ised ..11 people as a whole DHOORS up# HOORDS# DEEFRT DEFTER BIIKRS IBRIKS# 2 BRIKIS# ACEKRW th WACKER s# 2 (Australian slang) a likeable funny fool, also WHACKER CAWKER# s# a part of a horseshoe AELORT ch, def#, deco#, conco# perch unico# LORATE# straplike ALORSV ORVALS# 3 VALORS SALVOR s a {salvager=n} DEFILL in# re un up#, ful pre, back land over ..3 FILLED AABEGS SEABAG s a bag used by sailors DILOPY DOPILY 2 in a dopy manner di eu ha, tri, aneu hexa hypo# octa# ..13 PLOIDY the number of chromosomes in a cell [n PLOIDIES] AHMOSU MOHUAS# 2 HAMOUS# hooked, also HAMOSE# ACELOT al co re, col dis mis pre, real, misal trans LOCATE d r s, rs, able# to find or pinpoint FFHOSW HOWFFS DDEFNU de re un, non pre, over rein#, under FUNDED 2 DEFUND s, ed, ing to remove funding from ACHSSV SCHAVS CILOYZ COZILY in a snug manner BCHIOP lyo neo#, acro# aero# aqua# euro# ..28 PHOBIC s one affected with a phobia AELNPU UPLEAN# s# t#, ed#, ing# to rest one's weight DEGGHU c HUGGED HINPTY PHYTIN s a calcium-magnesium salt CCEIMO COMICE# s# a type of {pear=n} CEENPR PERCEN# t, ts, tal, tage tile, tages tiles to {pierce=v} AGIMOS AMIGOS 2 sub#, pseud# IMAGOS AFHIKL KHALIF a s, ah# as at#, ahs# ate ats#, ates a Muslim leader, also CALIPH, KHALIFA, KHALIFAH# CEOOPR s COOPER s y, ed, age ate ies ing, ages ated ates ..14 to make barrels AEILRR IRREAL ity, ities, isable# izable# 3 not real RERAIL# s#, ed#, ing#, ings# to replace on the rails f t, de#, inter# semit RAILER s one that {rails=v} ADINOS DANIOS 3 SODAIN# e# sudden ADONIS e#, ed# es, ing# a handsome young man FFIOPT TIPOFF s a hint or warning AAPRRU PARURA s a set of matched jewelry, also PARURE ABELNR cham# BRANLE# s# an old French dance, also BRANSLE#, BRANTLE# DDEIIS DIDIES DFGGOO FOGDOG s a nebulous arc of light sometimes seen in fog, also FOGBOW FGIINN de re, cof con tif, rede, misde paraf ..6 FINING s the process of refining of wines CDIPRY CYPRID# s#, es# a type of barnacle, also CYPRIS# ELNNTU poly# TUNNEL s, ed er, ers ing led ler, ings lers ..3 an underground passageway / to dig a tunnel CEFFIO out sub#, over#, inter OFFICE r s, rs, red, ring, holder, holders 2 a position of authority COIFFE d s, ur, urs use, uses to style the hair, also COIF, COIFFURE GJLNUY JUNGLY resembling a {jungle=n} [adj JUNGLIER, JUNGLIEST] GHILNO t, pot#, gunk loop, button pigeon HOLING s# the process of making a hole AGKOPS GOPAKS# FGIILN de re, mis pre pro, inter micro# FILING s a particle removed by a file BGINUY re, non out pre, over, under BUYING s# the act of purchasing CNORUY ROUNCY# a riding-horse [n ROUNCIES#] BDELOW un# BLOWED 2 BOWLED CEIMST e, me, cos her#, alpha# antie arith biomi METICS# ADHHOU HOUDAH s a seat on an elephant's back, also HOWDAH DEGORT s# TODGER# s# (slang) the penis KNOTTY KNOTTY full of knots [adj KNOTTIER, KNOTTIEST] ABLMOR BROMAL s a medicinal liquid BEIMSU IMBUES ALOSVV VOLVAS EKOORR whai# KORERO# s#, ed#, ing# New Zealand word for a discussion / to {talk=v} DEGGNU GUNGED# FIILLN INFILL s#, ed#, ing#, ings# to fill in EFRTTU TUFTER s one that {tufts=v} EEERRV REVERE d r s, nd nt rs, nce nds, nced ncer nces ..7 to regard with great respect AEFFGR GAFFER s an old man GINOTW s, ko, bes kow tat# tup# uns#, misbes# TOWING s# the act of towing EOPRTU s POUTER s 4 one that {pouts=v} TROUPE d r s, rs to tour with a theatrical company UPTORE ROUPET hoarse, also ROUPY DEOPRU c# g t, reg ung, subg ROUPED 4 POUDER# s# powder, also POUDRE# in re va, out POURED POUDRE# s# powder, also POUDER# EGNORT TONGER s one that {tongs=v} ESTUYZ YUTZES AEHMPR c HAMPER s, ed er, ers ing, edness#, ednesses# to {hinder=v} ABGLRY BRAGLY# in a bragging manner DEELRW WELDER s 3 one that welds, also WELDOR REWELD s, ed, ing to weld again LEWDER ACELTT retino TECTAL 2 pertaining to a {tectum=n} CATTLE ya, man men yas domesticated bovines BEGLNU BLUNGE d r s, rs 2 to mix clay with water BUNGLE d r s, rs, some to mismanage DEENTU DETENU# e# s#, es# 2 a {prisoner=n} DETUNE# d# s# to reduce the power of a car engine EIKLRT KILTER s 2 good condition, also KELTER KIRTLE d s a man's tunic or coat EEKRRU KERERU# s# a New Zealand pigeon DGINRU en ob#, out# per, coen ever DURING 2 throughout the duration of UNGIRD s, ed, ing to remove a belt from BHIMOS HIMBOS# EHKLWY WHELKY marked with whelks [adj WHELKIER, WHELKIEST] DIKMNU DINKUM s the {truth=n} ACEEFS FAECES bodily waste discharged through the anus, also FECES DEINNU n#, hir# osm sec# UNDINE s a female water spirit, also ONDINE# FILRST gill# jill# FLIRTS BDEGGU de, hum, jitter BUGGED ADDIKZ t ZADDIK s#, im a virtuous person according to Jewish standards, also ZADDICK, TZADDIQ# CEHILT ELTCHI# s# an ambassador, also ELCHI#, ELCHEE# ACDDEN out, slam, break# DANCED NPRSTU PRUNTS# CEGGLO COGGLE# d# s# to {wobble=v} ACLLNO cy, mono poly CLONAL ly pertaining to a {clon=n} AAGLRT as TRAGAL# relating to the tragus EHMOSY HOMEYS AFLNNY FLANNY# (Aust.) a shirt made of flannel or flannelette, also FLANNIE# [n FLANNIES#] EKNORT REKNOT s, ted, ting 2 to knot again s# TONKER# s# one who {strikes=v} EILSXY SEXILY in a sexy manner AEISTV cau pul, accu, adver defen# inten# ..5 SATIVE# cultivated KOOTTU TUKTOO# s# (Inuit) a caribou, also TUKTU# EGILLU LIGULE s a strap-shaped corolla in composite plants BGILNS a, am# ca# fa# si ta#, bab bum bur# ..38 BLINGS# GIMOSY YOGISM# s# the art of yogi BCELRU BECURL# s#, ed#, ing# to {curl=v} ABHMNO BONHAM# s# (Irish) a piglet AHIKLT KHILAT# s# an Indian robe of honour, also KILLUT#, KELLAUT#, KHALAT# ABBNOO BABOON s, ery ish, eries a large ape EGILNT ENGILT# 3 GENTIL e, es ic#, ise# ish# ism# ity ize# ..15 {kind=adj} a TINGLE d r s, rs to cause a prickly, stinging sensation ACEHRW CHAWER s one that {chews=v} AACLNO CANOLA s an oil made from seeds FHOOOR FORHOO# s#, ed# ie#, ied# ies# ing#, ieing# to despise, also FORHOW#, FORHOOIE# AALRSZ b# LAZARS AAILMP IMPALA s an African antelope AEMRRW p REWARM s, ed, ing 2 to warm again s, bed leg, bench WARMER s something that warms CDEOPS kine roto# tele, fluoro SCOPED 2 COPSED# DELLSW in, out#, spee DWELLS AADLRU RADULA e r s, te# a tonguelike organ of molluscs EILPSX mega PIXELS AELLVY inter VALLEY s, ed a depression of the earth's surface DEMOPY YOMPED# ABEJRS be JABERS# part of an Irish oath [n JABERS#] EIMNRT REMINT s, ed, ing 2 to melt down and make into new coins MINTER s one that {mints=v} EEPRTU dis REPUTE d s, dly, less# to consider to be as specified EHLMOP proto PHLOEM s a complex plant tissue EIIJMM JIMMIE d s to pry open with a crowbar, also JIMMY ACIRRT TRICAR# s#, boxylic pellary# a three-wheeled car DEHIRT DITHER s y, ed er, ers ier# ing, iest# to act indecisively BDELOU re un DOUBLE d r s t, rs ts, ton, ness tons tree#, speak ..9 to make twice as much ACILNU sem#, quinc, intern UNCIAL s, ly a style of writing AEHKNZ KHAZEN s, im a cantor, also HAZAN, HAZZAN ACHINT a, epi CANTHI tis, tises EGINRU g# t RUEING# s# repentance CDIMOY CYMOID resembling a {cyma=n} AHMOOP OOMPAH s, ed, ing to play a repeated rhythmic deep sound ACSTTY SCATTY empty-headed [adj SCATTIER, SCATTIEST] ACHILO aristo# LOCHIA l a vaginal discharge following childbirth [n LOCHIA] ALNPTU PULTAN# s# an Indian regiment, also PULTUN#, PULTON#, PULTOON# DEOPRT REDTOP s 4 a type of grass DEPORT s, ed ee er, ees ers ing, able ment, ation ..2 to expel from a country TROPED# s, as# de ex im re, bes# com dis pur ..13 PORTED EEGLLT LEGLET# s# a leg decoration AOSSVY SAVOYS DEEFLU de re, bio FUELED 2 DEFUEL s, ed, ing led, ling to remove fuel from ACEFSY CASEFY ing to become {cheesy=adj} [v CASEFIED, CASEFYING, CASEFIES] EEHOPS SHEEPO# s# a sheep farm worker EGOPRR sand# GROPER s one that {gropes=v} EEINPS PENIES# DEFISX SEXFID# cleft in six ADLNRU LURDAN e s, es a lazy or stupid person, also LURDANE, LURDEN# EEGLRU REGLUE d s to glue again ADDEEM ADDEEM# s#, ed#, ing# to {adjudge=v} ADFRSU de FRAUDS man# men# ter, ters EEGLMN LEGMEN ALLUVV VULVAL resembling a {vulva=n} ACEELN fre ELANCE# d# s# 2 to throw as a lance ENLACE d s, ment, ments to entwine or entangle, also INLACE AGLNRY GNARLY gnarled [adj GNARLIER, GNARLIEST] GILNPS fo# sa, cou dum rip# sam sim# sta# ..8 PLINGS# ENORRT RETORN EEPRTT PETTER s one that {pets=v} EGNPRU REPUGN s, ed, ant ing, ance ancy, ances antly, ancies to {oppose=v} AILMTY MATILY# in a maty manner ACDEHT DETACH ed er es, ers ing, able ably edly ment ..5 to unfasten and separate ADENRR krug# ERRAND s 2 a message or mission DARNER s one that {darns=v} DELORR DROLER# AEELMN MELENA s 2 a condition marked by black tarry stool ENAMEL s, ed er, ers ing ist led ler, ists lers ..8 to cover with a vitrified coating ADERRW wi REDRAW n s, er, ers ing 5 to draw again [v REDREW, REDRAWN, REDRAWING, REDRAWS] re, wire with# DRAWER s, ful, fuls one that {draws=v} out WARRED fo# re, sho REWARD s, ed er, ers ful# ing, able less#, ingly, ableness# to give in return for some service or act a, re, awk for WARDER s, ed#, ing#, ship#, ships# to {guard=v} ABIKMR IMBARK s, ed, ing to go on board ship, also EMBARK ADEFMR aqua FARMED 2 en re un, mis FRAMED DEINRU un#, dis# INURED ness#, nesses# 3 URINED# RUINED EERRTU carb# URETER s, al ic, itis#, itises# a duct that conveys urine from the kidney to the bladder GINORW c g t, ar sh# st th, bor bur esc far fur ..34 ROWING s the sport of racing in light, long and narrow rowboats ABBILO BILBOA s a rapier, also BILBO GILNST GLINTS BDDEEY BEDYED# 2 BEDYDE# EMOPRY MOPERY the act of {dawdling=v} [n MOPERIES] HOORRR HORROR s intense repugnance or fear CEFILS FELSIC having quartz and feldspar mixed, also FELSITIC EFFGIY EFFIGY a likeness of a person [n EFFIGIES] EFGLOR non GOLFER s one that golfs, also GOWFER# BEEKRU REBUKE d r s, rs, ful#, fully# to reprove sternly, also REPROVE ABCORY CARBOY s, ed a large bottle DEHORT DEHORT s, ed er#, ers# ing, ation# ative# ..2 2 to {dissuade=v} THROED# DEILSW WIELDS 2 DWILES# DEEMRT mis# METRED 2 mis TERMED ARSTWY SWARTY 3 having a dark complexion, also SWARTHY WASTRY reckless extravagance, also WASTERIE, WASTERY, WASTRIE [n WASTRIES] STRAWY resembling straw [adj STRAWIER, STRAWIEST] AIPRSV PARVIS e, es an enclosed area in front of a church, also PARVISE ARSTUY YURTAS# AAJMNP JAMPAN# i# s#, ee# is#, ees# an Indian sedan chair EHLSVY SHELVY inclining gradually [adj SHELVIER, SHELVIEST] EIKNRT REKNIT s, ted, ting 2 to knit again s TINKER s, ed er, ers ing man# men# toy, ings# toys to repair shoddily ELSTUZ k, cha# LUTZES DFLNOU UNFOLD s, ed er, ers ing, ings# ment, ments to open something that is folded AAGIST TAIGAS 3 GAITAS# AGITAS AAILSY ALIYAS DEEMNR REMEND s, ed, ing 2 to mend again a e, com, recom MENDER s one who {mends=v} EEHLPR HELPER s one who {helps=v} HIINSW s WINISH having the qualities of wine, also WINY AFLLNO ONFALL# s# an attack AHKLOO KOOLAH# s# a small furry Australian marsupial, also KOALA, COALA ALLOTT TALLOT# s# a loft, also TALLAT#, TALLET# AMNOPT POTMAN 3 a man who serves customers in a tavern [n POTMEN] TAMPON s, ed, ade# age# ing, ades# ages# to plug with a cotton pad fore TOPMAN# a seaman in the top sail [n TOPMEN#] AEKMNU UNMAKE r s, rs to {destroy=v} [v UNMADE, UNMAKING, UNMAKES] GILNOT LINGOT# s# 3 an ingot TIGLON s the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion, also TIGON pis TOLING s# the use of toll-bait, also TOLLING CFKORS de un, dis FROCKS EGGOPS POGGES# AAEFLR RAFALE# s# a burst of artillery in quick rounds AORSTY YARTOS# DENPTU PUNTED 2 im PUDENT# {modest=adj} AEEMSW MEAWES# (Middle English) shout BEMOPS POMBES# AEEHLT LATHEE# s# a heavy stick used as a weapon DKORSU DROUKS CDEEPR em# PERCED# 2 CREPED CEORRW CROWER s one that {crows=v} AEKSTW TWEAKS DEGILR we REGILD s, ed, ing 6 to gild once more [v REGILDED, REGILT, REGILDING, REGILDS] para# GLIDER s a type of {aircraft=n} be en GIRDLE d r s, rs, cake#, cakes# scone# stead# ..2 to encircle with a belt RIDGEL s, ike# ine ing, ines ings a male animal whose testicles have not descended, also RIDGLING, RIDGIL LIDGER# s# the financial record book of a company, also LIEGER# GILDER s one that {gilds=v} INOPRT a, lipo, helio# luteo thyro, gonado ..3 TROPIN e g# s, es a poisonous alkaloid, also TROPINE ADEIMR co ADMIRE d r s, rs to have a high opinion of EGHNOS pat, morp, phytopat HOGENS# ACLRSW be# SCRAWL s y, ed er, ers ier ing, iest ings#, ingly# 2 to write hastily or illegibly, also SCRIBBLE s, be, bes# out CRAWLS ABIILL BAILLI# e# s#, es#, age#, ages#, eship#, eships# a magistrate, also BAILLIE# BEGILN BINGLE# d# s# to style the hair a particular way ACLRTY CLARTY# sticky and dirty [adj CLARTIER#, CLARTIEST#] AAELNP APNEAL relating to apnea ADDIMY MIDDAY s the middle of the day EORTTU s TOUTER s one who {touts=v} DEGMPY GYMPED# BILMRU t UMBRIL# s# a visor, also UMBREL#, UMBRERE#, UMBRIERE# ACINRT CRIANT# garish BORTTU TURBOT s a European flatfish BFLOTY BOTFLY a type of fly [n BOTFLIES] ACEELR non CEREAL s, ist#, ists# 3 food made from grain ALERCE# s# the wood of a sandarach tree RELACE d s to do up again CEERTT TERCET s a group of three lines of verse, also TERZETTA# CDHIRY di, iso# tri#, mono poly#, achlor HYDRIC ally# pertaining to {moisture=n} ABIKNT BANKIT s a raised sidewalk ACDENS re ASCEND s, ed er, ant ent ers eur# ing, able ..13 2 to {rise=v} ai#, abi gui non out rid ten voi, abon# ..22 DANCES AAGLSZ GAZALS# GHNOOP GONOPH s, ore, ores oric#, orous# a thief, also GANEF, GANEV, GANOF, GONEF, GONIF, GONIFF, GONOF ADHORS un# up HOARDS EELMPT PELMET s 2 a decorative cornice s# TEMPLE d s t, ts a house of worship EISSVW hu SWIVES AEHINS ASHINE# ss, sses in a shining state ADELRT DARTLE d s to dart repeatedly CIIMSV in#, anti# CIVISM s good citizenship DDEEEH un HEEDED DEGGPU PUGGED AGINTW s# TAWING s# the act of tawing DGILSU GUILDS hip man men, hips, woman# women# ACNRTU UNCART# s#, ed, ing# to take off a cart DEGLUY GUYLED# DLNUUY UNDULY in an undue manner EHPRYZ ZEPHYR s a gentle breeze AHJKOS KHOJAS# ELNOSV non, anti, photo# NOVELS 3 SLOVEN s, ly ry#, lier like# ries#, liest ..2 a slovenly person VOLENS# a consent to a risky action [n VOLENS#] CDELOW s, un# COWLED ACEEMR AMERCE d r s, rs, able# ment, ments 3 to fine or punish [v AMEARST# or AMERCED, AMERCING, AMERCES] RACEME d s an indefinite arrangement of flowers on a main stalk CAREME# s# Lent BEIPST BESPIT# s#, ting# to spit upon [v BESPAT# or BESPATE#, BESPITTING#, BESPITS#] ALLMUV inter# VALLUM# s# a rampart ACERRU CURARE s an arrow poison, also CURARI, URARE, URARI ADEHRT DEARTH s 3 scarcity, also DERTH# re un, gold# pack THREAD s y, ed en# er, ers fin ier ing, bare ..11 to pass cotton through HATRED s an intense dislike or aversion ADEEHL s#, un HEALED ACILLN de#, ana# iso syn, anti cata# mono# ..7 CLINAL ly pertaining to a {cline=n} ELMTUY MUTELY in a mute manner ALMRWY luke WARMLY in a warm manner AENOPS PAEONS 2 PEASON# {pease=n} ACIINS ANISIC 2 pertaining to an {anise=n} CASINI GIIKNT s, para# KITING s# kite-flying EMNRTU MUNTER# s# an unattractive person HIPRST THRIPS es# an {insect=n} BBIIUU BUIBUI# s# a black shawl worn by African Muslim women DEHKOO c#, un, button HOOKED ness#, nesses# ELMOSU lin, maus petr OLEUMS 2 MOUSLE# d# s# to pull roughly AEIMPR co sa PREMIA# AIMNOT MANITO s u, us an Algonquain Indian deity, also MANITOU, MANITU AENRRT ab in ERRANT s, ly ry, ries 2 a {wanderer=n} g t#, war RANTER s, ism#, isms# one who {rants=v} CHIMTY sticho MYTHIC al, ise# ism# ist# ize, ally ised# ..15 2 {mythical=adj} dys, cyclo, schizo# THYMIC pertaining to {thyme=n} ACHITY CYATHI# a#, um#, form# EHORRT RHETOR s, ic, ics ise# ize#, ical ised# ises# ..7 2 a teacher of rhetoric b f, stepb ROTHER# s# an {ox=n} AAGHLZ GHAZAL# s# a Persian or Arabic verse form, also GAZAL#, GHAZEL# EEILMR ELMIER AAGIMN MAGIAN s, ism#, isms# 2 a magician, also MAGUS MAAING# DHIRST THRIDS# 2 THIRDS man# men#, tream#, treams# ADEGGH s, gangs# HAGGED ABGNOS g k#, pr, interr OBANGS# 3 BOGANS GOBANS HIJOSS SHOJIS DEMNOR non pre pro, anti post, hyper super ultra MODERN e s, er es ly, est ise ism ist ity ize ..21 4 a person with up to date views / pertaining to the present time MORNED# blunted RODMEN NORMED having a norm ABHPTY BYPATH s an indirect road EIINST SENITI 2 a monetary unit of Tonga [n SENITI] mu, des, scru sero, predes# TINIES# t AEKOSY KAYOES CEHIIK t# HICKIE s a gadget, also HICKEY CHIORT TROCHI# l, li ls sk# te#, lic# lus sks# tes# ..3 3 cir non RHOTIC ity#, ities# pronouncing [adj R] ple THORIC pertaining to {thorium=n} EFFORT counter EFFORT s, ful, less, fully, lessly, fulness ..2 {exertion=n} AABNSU ABUNAS# AKOORS buc jac KAROOS HILSTT TILTHS AFILMY non pro sub, anti step, inter multi super FAMILY a group of persons related by blood or marriage [n FAMILIES] DENNTU s, as# TUNNED DEEEFR cow#, swim# FEEDER s 4 one that {feeds=v} af# FEERED# REFEED s, ing to feed again [v REFED, REFEEDING, REFEEDS] REEFED ANPRTY PANTRY man men, maid#, maids# 2 a small storage room [n PANTRIES] TRYPAN# ocide# osome, ocidal# ocides# ..5 as in trypan blue, a blue dye obtained from tolidine EHILRT b s LITHER ly# ABJMSU JAMBUS# GGINOR GRINGO s 2 a foreigner in Latin America en#, clan GORING s# a tapering insert of cloth CEHINP s, eu hy PHENIC# pertaining to {phene=n} CEIRRU CURRIE d r s, rs ry, ries to prepare food a certain way CIOPRT ec# en eu#, ame dia eso exo geo ino ..58 TROPIC s, al, als, ally bird#, alise# ality# ..11 an imaginary circle on the celestial sphere CNRSTU SCRUNT# s# y#, ier#, iest# a niggard AHLLOW s, un, dis# HALLOW s, ed er, ers ing, edness#, ednesses# to make {holy=adj} BEEMNS NEEMBS# ADEGLR g ARGLED 3 DARGLE# s# a {dell=n} bur# out GLARED DENOPR PERNOD s 2 a French liqueur res, trans, nonres PONDER s, al# ed er, ate# ers ing osa ous, able ..22 to consider deeply AEGPRY GRAPEY resembling grapes, also GRAPY [adj GRAPIER, GRAPIEST] ADDHOS HODADS GHNRUY a# HUNGRY having a craving desire [adj HUNGRIER, HUNGRIEST] ABEMNR BARMEN EFILLR ful FILLER s 2 one that {fills=v} fib REFILL s, ed, ing, able to fill again AAIKLN KALIAN s a water pipe ABIIST an TIBIAS CEEFHL par FLECHE s, tte, ttes 2 a {steeple=n} FLEECH ed es, ing, ings# ment#, ments# to {coax=v} AILRTY t, he ARTILY in an arty manner AEEGLL mis# ALLEGE d r s, rs, dly, ance#, ances# to assert without proof AHIMRT THAIRM s 2 the belly, also THARM THIRAM s a chemical compound DDEENN DENNED BGGINO BIGGON# s# a child's cap worn in the Middle Ages, also BIGGIN FKLOOS KLOOFS DGIKNU DUKING IKLNPY PLINKY# 2 of a high pitched sound from a stringed instrument when plucked [adj PLINKIER#, PLINKIEST#] PINKLY with a pink hue BEGNRU BUNGER# s# (Australian slang) a firecracker ABLPRU BURLAP s a coarse canvas material FLMOOR FORMOL s a formic aldehyde used as an antiseptic, also FORMALIN ACMNOR MACRON s, uclei, uclear ucleus, utrient, utrients a symbol placed over a vowel to indicate a long sound CEELSV CLEVES# AEIPRT a PTERIA# 3 as, bio, deas# pers# PIRATE d s to commit piracy PRATIE# s# a potato, also PRATY# DDEILW WILDED 2 t WIDDLE d s to {urinate=v} AGINNU GUANIN e s, es 2 a chemical compound, also GUANINE UNGAIN# ly, ful#, lier said#, liest, liness ..2 unskilled EILPRU PULIER# DDENUY UNDYED not dyed DEFFGO GOFFED# EHIMST MEITHS# 2 a, di, ego# pan tri zoo#, allo# anti# ..9 THEISM s belief in the existence of a God BBGIOW BOBWIG# s# a wig with short turned up curls ADDERU DAURED# DDEFOR FODDER s, ed er#, ers# ing, ings# 2 to feed cattle with dried food af FORDED ADEENR ENDEAR s, ed, ing, ment, ingly ments, ingness#, ingnesses# 4 to make beloved DEANER# s# y, ies a {shilling=n} l y, re un, out rel unl, misl outl, overl EARNED a u# NEARED FINSTU UNFITS BHOOTX HOTBOX es an overheated bearing of a railroad car FGGIIZ FIZGIG s, ged#, ging# a {firework=n} / to dob someone in to the police, also FISGIG#, FIZZGIG# ADHNNU NHANDU# s# 2 a South American ostrich, also NANDU#, NANDOO# UNHAND s y, ed, ier ily ing led, iest some, iness ..4 to remove the hand from EGLOSV un, fox, data# GLOVES ILLMOU LOLIUM# s# a grass type plant AENSTY YENTAS 2 STAYNE# d# s# to {stain=v} BEEOPP BOPEEP s a game of peekaboo AAIMST MATAIS# EENNRT RENNET s 2 a lining membrane in the stomach of certain young animals TENNER s a ten-pound note or a ten-dollar bill AHKRTU KHURTA# s# a loose-fitting tunic of India, also KURTA AAFFIT TAFFIA s an inferior rum, also TAFIA DDEENP u, ap de ex im, dis per pro sus, unex ..4 PENDED 2 inter DEPEND s, ed, ant ent ing, able ably ance ancy# ..13 to {rely=v} AIPSTW PITSAW s 2 a large saw used for cutting logs SAWPIT# s# a pit in which a sawer stands DEGORR DROGER# s# a West Indian sailing vessel, also DROGHER# GILLOY LOGILY in a logy manner CFISTU FUSTIC s the wood of a tropical American tree, also FUSTOC# BELLNO BOLLEN# swollen ELOSVV e, de in re, coe con, rein, disin# inter# ..2 VOLVES# AEEKRT ca RETAKE n r s, rs to take back [v RETOOK, RETAKEN, RETAKING, RETAKES] DEGLNU GULDEN s 2 a monetary unit of the Netherlands, also GUILDER b p, imp# rep LUNGED EGINRR h s#, av sk# sp# un, def det inf int ..15 ERRING s#, ly 3 a wandering GIRNER# s# someone who girns b c w, de sp st, ast# der her# inf por ..3 RINGER s one that {rings=v} EFLPRU PURFLE d r s, rs to decorate the border of CDDEEU DEUCED ly 3 d r s, unr# uns#, photor EDUCED DEDUCE d s, ment#, ments# to {derive=v} EFISTT pala# FITTES# t BEKMOS KEMBOS# 2 EMBOSK s, ed, ing to conceal with foliage ELOPTU TUPELO s a softwood tree BENOSW BOWNES# 2 BESNOW s, ed, ing to cover with snow ADDEIR b, ab#, emb# unb upb, cornb RAIDED AILOST OSTIAL# pertaining to an {ostium=n} DEEENP PEENED 2 DEEPEN s, ed er, ers ing to make {deep=adj} CIMPRS SCRIMP s y, ed er it ly#, ers ier ily ing, iest ..4 2 to {stint=v} s CRIMPS AEHPRT TERAPH im, ims# 3 an image of a Semitic household god, also TERAPHIM TEPHRA s solid material ejected from a volcano THREAP s, ed er it#, ers ing to dispute (pa p THREAPIT#), also THREEP DEIRSW WEIRDS ADEISW WADIES ABCDEH BACHED AEKMRU KUMERA# s# (New Zealand) the sweet potato, also KUMARA# BEILRR BIRLER s one that {birls=v} ACCIOT OCICAT s a domestic cat having a short spotted coat KNOSTU KNOUTS EEFLRU FUELER s 3 one that {fuels=v} FERULE d s to fit with a metal cap to prevent splitting, also FERREL, FERRULE REFUEL s, ed, ing led, able# ling, lable# to fill with fuel EHRRTU HURTER s one that {hurts=v} ABDORR BORDAR# s# a cottager subject to a lord EIPRTY arseno chalco PYRITE s 3 a metallic sulfide TYPIER s# TRIPEY# worthless [adj TRIPIER#, TRIPIEST#] ELOSTV demi VOLTES 2 VOLETS# ADHLRY HARDLY {scarcely=adv} BEMRUY pl sl UMBERY# like umber ACHNTU CHAUNT s, ed er ry#, ers ing, ress# ries#, resses# 2 to {chant=v} NAUTCH es a dancing exhibition in India, also NAUCH# IJKMSU MUJIKS GLOOPY GLOOPY# bubbling slowly [adj GLOOPIER#, GLOOPIEST#] CEERRU p RECURE# d# s#, less# to cure again AENPTT PATTEN s, ed, ing# 2 to go on pattens (wooden shoes) PATENT s, ed ee ly or, ees ing ors, able, ability, abilities to register the rights of an inventor EEESTW ETWEES EGOSYZ ZYGOSE s relating to [adj ZYGOSIS] ADELMT MALTED s a sweet beverage ANRSTW STRAWN# BBDEFI FIBBED BEILLT BILLET s, ed ee# er, ees# ers ing to accomodate or quarter EFLORT FLORET s 2 a small flower, also FLOWERET LOFTER s a type of golf club CEEHIR RECHIE# {grimy=adj} AEGRTT re, non TARGET s, ed, eer# ing, able eers# itis# less#, itises# to make a goal of ADHISW DAWISH# {foolish=adj} EHKORW HOWKER# s# small fishing-vessel ABBDEI BABIED AALNNU bi, semi, inter ANNUAL s, ly, ise# ize, ised# ises# ized izes ..2 something that is produced yearly ACDEFS DECAFS ABERTU ARBUTE s, an an evergreen tree, also ARBUTUS ADELOR p RELOAD s, ed er, ers ing 3 to load again ORDEAL s a severe trial re un, boot# free, breech LOADER s one that {loads=v} EFNOST re SOFTEN s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to make {soft=adj} ABBCEI CABBIE s a driver of a taxicab, also CABBY AINRSU NAIRUS ADGINR GRADIN e g i# o# s, es gs# 2 one of a series of steps, also GRADINE un, out pan#, over, calen kalen# DARING s, ly, ness, nesses {bravery=n} ACHNOR RANCHO s 3 a ranch co un, dis# ANCHOR s, ed et, age ess ets ing ite man men ..16 to secure by a device met# ARCHON s, tic#, ship# tate#, ships# tates# a magistrate of ancient Athens ADEGGM cag# MAGGED# ACCDII di un, mon non, mono ACIDIC ally# {sour=adj} AEINPR accom# PANIER s 2 a large basket, also PANNIER RAPINE s the taking of property by force BEGGRU de, hum BUGGER s y, ed, ies ing to {exhaust=v} EGGJLU re, out JUGGLE d r s, rs ry, ries to manipulate objects with dexterity ACEOPS SCOPAE# EENRSW RENEWS 2 RESEWN AEELMP EMPALE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# to pierce with something pointed HOTUYY YOUTHY# {young=adj} [adj YOUTHIER#, YOUTHIEST#] LLOPRU UPROLL# s#, ed#, ing# to roll upward ABEILT ALBEIT 3 {although=conj} ce de# LIBATE# d# s# to pour in honour to ALBITE s a mineral DDENOP des res, corres, overres PONDED ACDELP em re un, dis mis out pre, fire over#, common# PLACED FIIMST MISFIT s, ted, ting to fit badly EJLLOY JOLLEY# s#, er#, ers# ing#, ings# a type of potter's wheel CIRSTT a, ab di re, con, dere# redi, subdi, interdi STRICT er ly, est ion ish# ure, ions ness ..3 {exact=adj} GHORUY f# ROUGHY a dry bough, also ROUGHIE# [n ROUGHIES] DEILTT be# en in re un, mis sub, unen#, disen TITLED 2 s, un up TILTED HINPSX andro#, hieraco# SPHINX es, like a monster in Egyptian mythology [n SPHINXES or SPHINGES] EERSUV p REVUES EFINSU re INFUSE d r s, rs to {permeate=v} EGIMNR char MINGER# s# 3 an unpleasant person GERMIN# a g# s#, al, ant ate ess, able# ally ..11 something that serves as an origin, also GERMEN, GERMAIN#, GERMAINE# ho, ham mam sim sum yam, glim shim ..8 MERING# s#, ue, ues a marking off ACEHPR EPARCH s y, ate# ial ies, ates# 2 the head of an eparchy u, un#, out PREACH y, ed er es, ers ier ify ily ing, able# ..13 to deliver a sermon ABELTY BAETYL# s# a magical stone ACMOTT TOMCAT s, ted, ting to engage in sexually promiscuous behaviour (a male) EINOPP PEPINO s a type of yellow fruit AGHNOS HOGANS EINRST o ESTRIN s 9 a female sex hormone, also ESTRIOL, OESTRIOL, OESTRIN, ESTROGEN, OESTROGEN, ESTRONE, OESTRONE, THEELIN, THEELOL re, pre INSERT s, ed er, ers ing ion, able# ions, ional to put in INERTS di mi, calc# SINTER s y#, ed, ing, ability, abilities to make cohesive by heat and pressure ci la vi, dex doc lus# poi#, vera, accipi TRINES TRIENS a coin of ancient Rome [n TRIENTES] NITRES u, ig, reu, disu NITERS h l m s t w, co fa jo no# pa po pr re sl# ..18 INTERS ex, ect ert#, ects erts# exes pace ..71 AKOTWY TOWKAY# s# a Chinese salutation, sir, master CDEKRY DRECKY {trashy=adj} [adj DRECKIER#, DRECKIEST#] ACCENT re ACCENT s, ed or, ing ors ual, less uate, ually ..7 to pronounce with prominence EILSWY un, over# WISELY in a wise manner [adv WISELIER, WISELIEST] AHLLOT c s HALLOT h ABLOOS hulla BALOOS# ACFLNU CANFUL s as much as a can hold [n CANFULS or CANSFUL] ABKNRY BRANKY# {showy=adj} [adj BRANKIER#, BRANKIEST#] ARSTXY STYRAX es a fragrant resin, also STORAX DEHKNO HONKED ELNRTU RUNLET s a small stream AIKLMU KALIUM s potassium AENNPR s, ja, tra# tre, dead PANNER s one that {pans=v} GIMNUX MUXING# GLNOUY LOUNGY suitable for lounging [adj LOUNGIER#, LOUNGIEST#] AKNORY eu#, pro# syn, peri, hetero KARYON# s# 2 the cell nucleus RYOKAN s a Japanese inn ADDSWY SWADDY# a private, also SQUADDIE#, SQUADDY#, SWAD#, SWADDIE# [n SWADDIES#] AACIMN ego, ergo# melo# mono opso# pyro ..19 MANIAC s, al, ally 2 an insane person CAIMAN s a tropical reptile, also CAYMAN BELRTY TREBLY triply EEGLOS ELOGES# CHISTW dip#, micro SWITCH y#, ed el# er es, els# ers ier# ing ..26 to beat with a flexible rod AEGNRT m ARGENT s, al ic um, ine ite ous ums, ines ites, iferous 2 silver GARNET s, iferous a mineral AFIKLS KALIFS AFINSY SANIFY# ing# to make {healthy=adj} [v SANIFIED#, SANIFYING#, SANIFIES#] EKOPST TOPEKS# ABCHNR re, ana dis sub, nudi zygo#, inter ..9 BRANCH y, ed er# es ia, ers# ery# iae ial ier ..14 to spread like a tree branch, also BRAUNCH# BDDEEN un BENDED EILLNT vi TELLIN# g s#, gs#, gly oid# 3 a bivalve mollusc, also TELLEN# LINTEL s, led# a horizontal supporting beam, also LINTOL LENTIL s an Eurasian annual plant AGMORY GORAMY# 2 a food fish, also GOURAMI, GURAMI# [n GORAMIES#] MORGAY# s# the small dogfish AEGGIN GAEING 2 un, sil#, ensil# AGEING s the process of growing old EMNRRU MURREN# s# a disease of cattle, also MURRAIN, MURRIN#, MURRION# BEMORY pro# EMBRYO n s, id ns, ids nal nic tic, geny logy ..19 the beginning of anything, also EMBRYON DEGGIL LIGGED# CCEITY CECITY {blindness=n} [n CECITIES] AEGGWW GEWGAW s, ed a showy trinket, also GEEGAW, TRANGAM EJMPRU buck# show# JUMPER s one that {jumps=v} BDEILM c, dis# rec# unc# upc, outc LIMBED 2 DIMBLE# s# a {dell=n} DDEEHN pre#, appre depre# repre, compre ..4 HENDED# AGHNTU fear#, dread# NAUGHT s y, ier ies ily, iest, iness, inesses a zero, also NOUGHT, NOWT DDEGIL para GLIDED 2 be# en re un#, over GILDED AELSVV bi, tri uni VALVES KOPRUW WORKUP s an intensive diagnostic study ABMNUY YNAMBU# s# a very large tinamou (a bird) AKOPSY YAPOKS ELNOPT anti# LEPTON s, ic a monetary unit of Greece [n LEPTONS or LEPTA] AACFIS FASCIA e l s, te, ted, tely# tion, tions 2 an architectural band, also FACIA FACIAS BDEMPU BUMPED ELMOPU PUMELO s a grapefruit, also POMELO GINRST lu re un, bow ham mai#, draw lute shoe ..5 STRING s y, ed er, ent ers ier ily ing, ency ..22 to provide with catgut, silk, wire or cord [v STRINGED, STRUNG, STRINGING, STRINGS] HKNSTU THUNKS AMOSTZ MOTZAS# 2 MATZOS AADDRW he# ADWARD# s#, ed#, ing# to {award=v} HKNOOU UNHOOK s, ed, ing to remove from a hook ALLQSU rain SQUALL s y, ed er, ers ier ing ish, iest ings# to cry out violently IMOTYY MOYITY# a half, also MOIETY [n MOYITIES#] AEGGRY YAGGER# s# a {pedlar=n} ALOSTV LOVATS BEMOOR schuss BOOMER s, ang, angs, anged, anging something that booms ABHIMS BIMAHS AFORRY ORFRAY s 2 an ornamental band or border FORRAY# s#, ed#, ing# to {foray=v} BDHIOS DHOBIS BEIPPU BUPPIE s a black urban professional, also BUPPY AAAMTT MATATA# s# a New Zealand bird, aka FERNBIRD# DJLOSS SLOJDS FIILMS FILMIS h# ADDEHL DALEDH s the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also DALED#, DALETH EOPRRW PROWER AAAKNT KATANA# s# a single edged samurai sword ADLMNO ALMOND s y 2 an edible nut DOLMAN s a Turkish robe ABEEKL KABELE# s# an Ethiopian district, also KEBELE# ABELOR ar, subar#, semiar BOREAL is# pertaining to the north AGISTT GAITTS# ABILMT TIMBAL e s, es a large drum, also TYMBAL NOOSWY SWOONY languid, dazed [adj SWOONIER, SWOONIEST] INORSY ROSINY {rosinous=adj} AAKNRT KANTAR s a unit of weight DENNRU UNDERN# s#, ote#, amed# eath oted# otes# ..12 2 the third hour DUNNER AABRRT BARRAT# s#, er or ry, ers ors, ries rous#, rously# {deceit=n} AAGINR deva# NAGARI# s# a type of Indian script BCHNRU BRUNCH ed er es, ers ing to eat a late morning meal BNNORU UNBORN e# not yet born DDEKOU DOUKED# GINRTU UNGIRT h#, hs#, hed#, hing# 2 not girt cons, miscons TRUING BGGNOU BUGONG# s# an Australian moth, also BOGONG# AEHKPR PHREAK s, ed er, ers ing, ings to hack into the phone network to get free phone calls DEEGGL GLEDGE# d# s# 2 to {squint=v} a# f#, al#, bow dog peg, bare# boot ..2 LEGGED ADHPUU UPHAUD# s#, ing# to {uphold=v} [v UPHAUD#, UPHUDDEN#, UPHAUDING#, UPHAUDS#] EOOPRR s# POORER EMNTTU TUTMEN# IMNOSU c i, mu ox#, amm cor# mec oog ops# pep ..23 ONIUMS# BDEIMS BEDIMS 2 IMBEDS AAESTV SAVATE s a pugilistic sport EEGNRT vice, belli, cobelli unbelli, nonbelli GERENT s 2 a ruler or manager co#, vice# REGENT s, al, ship#, ships# one who rules in place of a sovereign GLORSW GROWLS DEHLPU UPHELD CHIOPR m, dim, anam biom dysm# epim# geom ..53 ORPHIC al, ally mystical, also ORPHICAL AEEGLT TELEGA s 5 a Russian wagon EAGLET s a young eagle TEAGLE# d# s# to {hoist=v} re ve# GELATE d s to {gel=v} ab de re, nonde, superde# LEGATE d e s, es, ship, ships to {bequeath=v} DEFOSW SOWFED# EORRRY ORRERY a mechanical model of the solar system [n ORRERIES] ADDEFL FADDLE# d# s# to {trifle=v} CILOPY im POLICY holder, holders a procedure followed for expediency or efficiency, also POLLICY# [n POLICIES] AANRRT f# w ARRANT ly notorious ILPRTY TRIPLY ing# to reply to a second reply in Scots' law [v TRIPLIED#, TRIPLYING#, TRIPLIES#] BEKOOS r, pr, blu cas cod dat fac# not, guid ..4 EBOOKS AAHPTY napr APATHY indifference [n APATHIES] AAGLNU LAGUNA s a shallow body of water, also LAGOON, LAGUNE DEJKNU JUNKED AEEKMS KEEMAS# 2 KAMEES# es# a South Asian loose tunic EGGOSU GOUGES BHIIST BHISTI# e s#, es an Indian water carrier, also BHEESTIE, BHEESTY, BHISHTI#, BHISTEE#, BHISTIE DEGOPS hodge PODGES# DEEGHS thorn# HEDGES DDHIRY HYDRID e s, es a chemical compound, also HYDRIDE CEELMY MYCELE s the vegetative portion of a fungus, also MYCELIUM DHIRSU p RUDISH# somewhat rude AEELRT r ELATER s, id in, ids ins ite ium, ites iums 2 a click beetle, also ELATERID p, co, cor mis, marp#, inter, intercor RELATE d r s, rs, dly, dness, dnesses to give an account of BEERRU BEURRE# s# butter EGNRTU s# t, ass ins non res URGENT ly 3 requiring immediate attention GURNET s a marine fish, also GURNARD GUNTER# s# a rig AERRWY WARREY# s#, ed#, ing# to make war BELOTT re un, sea#, blue, green# BOTTLE d r s, rs, ful, fuls neck nose#, brush ..5 to enclose in a narrow-necked vessel GHIMST SMIGHT# s#, ing# 2 to {strike=v} [v SMOTE, SMIGHTING#, SMIGHTS#] s# MIGHTS t# ACHOSW CAHOWS AEHRTW en# WREATH e s y, ed en er es, ers ier# ing, iest# ..2 2 a garland of flowers THAWER s one that {thaws=v} BCEEHR un BREECH ed es, ing, ings less#, block cloth ..6 to clothe with breeches AELLOR LOREAL pertaining to the head between the eye and the bill, also LORAL ABPRUY UPBRAY# s#, ed#, ing# to {upbraid=v} AEHLTY d EATHLY# 2 in an easy manner iso HYETAL pertaining to rain DEHKOW HOWKED CIPRST ad co re, con pre pro# sub, manu post ..5 SCRIPT s, ed er, ers ing ory# ure, oria ural ..17 to prepare a written text for a play EGIKLN KINGLE# s# t, ss ts a very hard rock ADEGLN b# c# d f# j m t w, br# sp tw wr, det# ent ..13 ANGLED ug#, ugs#, ozer#, ozers# 3 fan# DANGLE d r s, rs to hang loosely LAGEND s goods thrown into the sea for future recovery, also LAGAN, LIGAN ADEMNU UNMADE AGINWY YAWING 2 s, sub ups#, cause overs# WAYING# BLNSTU BLUNTS DEEFIR DEIFER# 2 DEFIER s one who {defies=v} DEIKLT KIDLET# s# 2 a little child KILTED ILLNOY cul# LIONLY# like a lion ANPSUW SUPAWN# s# a kind of porridge, also SUPPAWN# EHILLR c t#, sc, down HILLER s one that {hills=v} EEJKRR tear JERKER s one who searches for contraband, also JERQUER# KNNOSW un KNOWNS AEERSV tr, met# AVERSE ly, ness, nesses 2 reluctant g, be th# un# REAVES ELRSUV LURVES# EFORSY FOYERS BDOSTU re, mis DOUBTS AALMRU ALARUM s, ed, ing to {alarm=v} EEHLMR HELMER# s# a film director CGINRY s, de, des out CRYING s#, ly the act of weeping BGNOOY GOBONY composed of squares of alternating colours, also COMPONY, GOBONEE FILLRY FRILLY having frills [adj FRILLIER, FRILLIEST] BGINOY cow BOYING# EMPRST MPRETS# OORSTW arro squa WROOTS# CEIKOR COKIER# DDEGGO hot, bird bull, watch DOGGED er# ly, est#, ness, nesses stubbornly determined ADEILL d g p# r s t, re# un, dis# mis ret, inter ..3 ALLIED 2 LALDIE# s# vigorous action, also LALDY# BBDEEN s# NEBBED# ABDRRU DURBAR s the court of a native ruler in India, also DARBAR EEFNRS ENSERF s, ed, ing, ment, ments to make a serf of IJKMOU MOUJIK s a Russian peasant, also MUZHIK, MUJIK, MUZJIK ABEPST BEPATS# 2 BESPAT# e#, ter, ters, tered, tering ADEIKL LAIKED# AAFRSY YARFAS# AELOSV cob#, meat, sugar LOAVES ACILNP CAPLIN s a small edible fish, also CAPELIN, CAPELAN CNORSW de re un, dis CROWNS BEIOST BOITES 4 SOBEIT provided that STOBIE# as in stobie pole, a steel and concrete pole for supporting electricity wires TOBIES AACLOX COAXAL having a common axis, also COAXIAL CCIOTT TICTOC s, ked, king to make the sound of a clock, also TICKTOCK FFILOT FILFOT# s# a swastika, also FYLFOT GIOPST SPIGOT s a {faucet=n} AKOSTU OUTASK s, ed, ing to surpass in asking BBEEIR BRIBEE s one who is bribed ACERTU ac, mer, inac CURATE d s, ship#, ships# 4 to act as a {curator=n} ACUTER CAUTER# s# y, ant ies ise# ism# ize, ants ised# ..10 the burning with caustics f, en# fr, comp# refr#, contr manuf ..5 ACTURE# s# an action AABILM BAALIM DEHMRY be un, mis, mono RHYMED AANPRY PANARY# a bread store [n PANARIES#] ACNOSZ SCAZON# s#, tes# tic#, tics# a verse or prose pattern DEENSW ENDEWS# 2 NEWSED# GIINSZ as# re up, cap, down over#, ecsta# ..17 SIZING s the substance used as a filler for porous materials ACKNTU UNTACK s, ed le#, ing led# les#, ling# to remove a tack from AGILMY GAMILY in a game manner EKMOOP MOPOKE s an Australian bird, also MOREPORK# AABCLU BACULA DEEEGK GEEKED hyped up, excited DELOOP s, car res uns POOLED 3 b g#, inter LOOPED POODLE s a heavy-coated dog AACILP ab, sub APICAL s, ly a sound made with the tip of the tongue BBEIIM IMBIBE d r s, rs to {drink=v} AANRSV VARNAS 3 VARANS# NAVARS BGORSU fau BOURGS AAACPT PATACA s a monetary unit of Macoa GIMNNO MIGNON s, ne, nes#, ette, ettes a cut of beef ACIMPS SCAMPI s#, es ng sh, ngs#, shly#, shness#, shnesses# large shrimp used in Italian cooking AHMOWY HAYMOW s a {hayloft=n} ACNORY CRAYON s, ed er, ers ing ist, ists to use a drawing implement CEFHST FECHTS# BILOXY BOXILY resembling boxes ABEKLY BLEAKY# {bleak=adj} ABLLNO BALLON s, et ne, ets nes lightness of movement BBDINO DOBBIN g# s a farm horse ACDENR co# NACRED 5 having mother-of-pearl CEDARN of cedar CRANED non, rope step#, break# DANCER s one that {dances=v} p t, ent, frag#, disent# RANCED# CGILOS il, bio, chop LOGICS IKLNNU UNLINK s, ed, ing to unfasten the connecting devices ISTTWY TWISTY full of curves [adj TWISTIER, TWISTIEST] AGLOOS AGLOOS# BCIMOR hydro# BROMIC pertaining to {bromine=n} ACEINS hebephr#, neurasth# ENIACS# 3 para# CASEIN s, ate, ates ogen#, ogens# a milk protein p#, bra INCASE d s, ment#, ments# to put in a case, also ENCASE ACMPTU PACTUM# a {pact=n} [n PACTA#] ADEMNN de# re un, dis# out, over, chair multi under MANNED CEMNRU CRUMEN# s#, al#, als# a deer's tea-pit AEGLSV dis# GAVELS EKNPTU UNKEPT not kept ABEILM EMBAIL# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to {encircle=v} [v EMBAILED#, EMBAYLD#, EMBAILING#, EMBAILS#] LAMBIE r s, st a small lamb, also LAMBKIN ADEMPT s, ens# res uns, miss pres, backs hands times# TAMPED DEEISV SIEVED 3 VISEED DEVISE d e r s, es rs to {imagine=v} LNOSUU UNSOUL# s#, ed#, ing# to deprive of spirit DEIMPR re# un PRIMED DEEIPR PERDIE used as a mild oath, also PARDI, PARDEE, PARDIE, PARDY, PERDY AGIPRS GRAIPS# 2 PAGRIS# BLOTTY BLOTTY smudged [adj BLOTTIER, BLOTTIEST] DEEEGR non, milli DEGREE d s, less# a graduation on a scale EFFGIN j# r, ch EFFING# s# a fucking (slightly euphemistic) ELOSXY XYLOSE s a type of sugar ACHIIS ISCHIA l, dic tic DEILSY out YIELDS GINSUU UNGUIS a nail, claw or hoof, also UNGULA [n UNGUES] AAGHMR GRAHAM s whole-wheat flour ADEHPR s HARPED AALPRR cha PARRAL s a sliding loop of rope or chain used on a ship, also PARREL CDELOO un, pre sub, over, inter# super under COOLED 2 LOCOED ENNRRU gun out rum, base# fore over# road, front# RUNNER s one that {runs=v} AENRRY YARNER s one who tells stories HOOOOW WOOHOO# an exclamation of joy, approval, etc DGGRUY DRUGGY affected by drugs [adj DRUGGIER, DRUGGIEST] CIOSTU COITUS es sexual intercourse, also COITION AMNNOY ANONYM a# s, as#, ise# ity ize# ous, ised# ..9 a fictitious name AEGLNR ERLANG# s# 5 a unit of traffic intensity in a telephone system d j m t w, sp# tw wr, det# ent str ANGLER s, fish, fishes one who {fishes=v} inter# REGNAL pertaining to a king or his reign en# LARGEN# s#, ed#, ess ing#, esses to {enlarge=v} c f s#, pha, hand# LANGER# s#, ed# (Irish slang) a penis, a dickhead BDEILL re un, mis pre, cock over BILLED CHKOSW CHOWKS# GGIOST GIGOTS EFIKRS KEFIRS AGMOST MAGOTS AALNRU ANURAL 2 having no tail RANULA r s a cyst formed under the tongue AAANRT t, tar#, tarat# ANTARA# s# a type of Pan-pipes AAACNR ARCANA s# part of a deck of tarot cards EHORSU c, ware HOUSER s, oom, ooms one who organizes housing projects ELMOXY OXYMEL# s# a mixture of vinegar and honey EFHMUY HUMEFY# ing# to {moisten=v} [v HUMEFIED#, HUMEFYING#, HUMEFIES#] ACINNY beta# hemo, antho haemo# phyco ..2 CYANIN e s, es a blue dye, also CYANINE INNOOS r, band# phel, phael# symph# ONIONS kin, kins AELMNT a# o, ali ele non pig# seg sub# teg ..62 MENTAL ly, ese ism ist ity, eses isms ists ..3 4 pertaining to the mind fi, locu#, myofi, monofi, microfi multifi LAMENT s, ed er, ers ing, able ably edly ings# ..4 to cry out in grief im# un#, dis out#, port# MANTLE d s t, ts, tree#, trees# to {cloak=v} kern# over MANTEL s, et, ets, tree#, letta# piece shelf ..4 a shelf above a fireplace EEINSW NEWIES 2 NEWSIE r s, st a {newsboy=n} AELMTU AMULET s, ic# 2 a lucky charm MULETA s a red cloth used by a matador AFLMOR in un#, con non, semi FORMAL s, in ly, ins ise ism ist ity ize, ised ..25 a social event that requires evening dress AGSTUU AUGUST e# s#, er es# ly, est, ness, nesses a circus clown, also AUGUSTE# / {majestic=adj} ABNRST vi, cele tere#, equili, concele BRANTS AIKLOS SKOLIA# JLLOOP JOLLOP# s# a cream BBDEGI GIBBED EGINSW SWINGE d r s, rs, ing, ingly# 3 to {flog=v} s t WINGES# en# re un, pur#, over pour# SEWING s material that has been or is to be sewn ACDOST OCTADS AADEPR PARADE d r s, rs to march in a public procession ADEFRT FARTED 3 DAFTER c d g, eng ing red reg, isog misg, allog ..3 RAFTED AGGNPU UPGANG# s# an {ascent=n} ABLMOT TOMBAL pertaining to a tomb CEMOPT COEMPT s, ed, ing ion#, ions# to buy up the entire supply of a product AELLRW pot#, stone WALLER# s# a builder of walls EILLVY we EVILLY 3 in an evil manner un LIVELY full of energy [adj LIVELIER, LIVELIEST] ser VILELY in a vile manner ADRSUW USWARD# s# towards us AILNOS ALOINS 3 m ALISON# s# a small flowering plant, sweet alyssum SIALON# s# ceramic material DEFILR t, un RIFLED CMNNOO NONCOM s, bat, plex, poser pound puter, batant ..28 a non-commissioned officer ABDEKR DEBARK s, ed er, ers ing, ation, ations 3 to unload from a ship un, aero over BRAKED de em im un#, dis# out, reem ring, disem BARKED CEEFNS de of re un, out FENCES AEGHPS pro, coli xylo, macro micro, ostreo#, bacterio PHAGES DDESTY STEDDY# ing# to {support=v} [v STEDDIED#, STEDDYING#, STEDDIES#] DDEGRU DRUDGE d r s, rs ry, ries to do hard, tedious work ADEGOS over DOSAGE s 3 a measure of medicine SEADOG s a {fogbow=n} DAGOES DEKLOO re un# up#, out#, down# grim# over LOOKED ACDHMR di#, tetra DRACHM a s, ae ai as a unit of weight EEHKST THEEKS# AELRTY di#, hem, hemi# ELYTRA l# 5 tu TELARY# web-spinning LYRATE d, ly having the shape of a lyre, also LYRATED, LYRIFORM RAYLET# s# a small ray REALTY property in buildings and land [n REALTIES] BDENTU BUNTED AGGINW s, ass WAGING ENNRTU UNRENT ed 2 not torn RUNNET# s# a means of curdling milk AABDMN BADMAN an outlaw [n BADMEN] BDEEKR KERBED HOOTTY TOOTHY having prominent teeth [adj TOOTHIER, TOOTHIEST] DIJMSU MUSJID s a {mosque=n} BCENOS BONCES# ABCOSU BASUCO# s# an low grade of cocaine mixed with coca paste DDELOT TODDLE d r s, rs, rhood, rhoods to walk unsteadily ACNORR CARRON# ade, ades 2 as in carron oil, made from linseed oil and turpentine RANCOR s, ed, ous, ously, ousness#, ousnesses# bitter and vindictive enmity, also RANCOUR CCEIIL ICICLE d s 2 a hanging spike of ice CILICE s a coarse cloth EEILRR RELIER s one that {relies=v} AIIPPR PRIAPI c, sm, sms FMPRUY FRUMPY {dowdy=adj} [adj FRUMPIER, FRUMPIEST] ACPRSW SCRAWP# s#, ed#, ing# (English dialect) to scratch an itch EEILSV SLIEVE s 3 a {mountain=n} s, be re, unbe#, disbe misbe LIEVES# t rep LEVIES ACELMT CAMLET s a durable fabric CDEMOO COMEDO s, wn, nes wns, genic# 2 a skin blemish COOMED# DEGIMS SMIDGE n s, ns on, ons 2 a very small amount, also SMIDGEN, SMIDGEON, SMIDGIN s MIDGES ACGILL pyro# GALLIC a, an as, ise# ism ize, ised# ises# ..9 containing gallium CDELOR s COLDER FLOPTU POTFUL s 2 as much as a pot can hold TOPFUL l full to the top ACEEFF EFFACE d r s, rs, able ment, ments to {erase=v} LMOOOO MOOLOO# s# (New Zealand) someone from Waikato AABGMN BAGMAN a travelling salesman [n BAGMEN] AENPPT PETNAP s, er, ers ing ped per, ings pers ping to steal a pet for profit, pa t PETNAPPED, pr p PETNAPPING, PETNAPING CHIILT LITCHI s 2 the edible fruit of a Chinese tree, also LICHEE, LICHI, LYCHEE eo, epi# neo oto tri# uro zoo#, acro# ..14 LITHIC pertaining to {lithium=n} CDKNOU UNDOCK s, ed, ing to move away from a dock DDEILT TIDDLE# d# r s# y#, rs ys#, dywink#, dywinks to {potter=v} ADDEIL re, mis DIALED 4 p, overp LAIDED# DAIDLE# d# s# to {waddle=v} c# g# LADDIE s a {lad=n} ADILMY MILADY 2 an English gentlewoman, also MILADI [n MILADIES] DIAMYL# having two amyl groups EHHIIS HEISHI tiny beads made from shells ACDEJK hi, car sky, high, black JACKED ACEHIS ar CHAISE s, less# a light carriage, also SHAY ABLOOR BAROLO# s# 2 an Italian wine ROBALO s a marine food fish AEIKLT TALKIE r s, st a moving picture with synchronized sound AHLLOO HOLLOA s, ed, ing 2 to shout out a greeting, also HALLO, HALLOA, HALLOO, HELLO, HILLO, HILLOA, HOLLA, HOLLO, HOLLOO, HULLO HALLOO s, ed, ing to shout out a greeting, also HALLO, HALLOA, HELLO, HILLO, HILLOA, HOLLA, HOLLO, HOLLOA, HOLLOO, HULLO ELRTTU TURTLE d r s, rs, back dove head neck, backs ..4 to hunt a marine reptile AAAMNR AMARNA pertaining to an ear of ancient Egypt AEGLNY LYNAGE# s# {ancestry=n} BIMOSZ ZOMBIS ABDDHU BUDDHA s a statue of the Buddha ANOSTU TAUONS AEIRSV t# w AIVERS 2 o, co vi, cal chi VARIES AAABKY KABAYA s a cotton jacket EEMRRU MURREE# s# a native Australian, also MURRI# ALRSWW WRAWLS# BDENNU UNBEND s, ed, ing, able ings, ingly#, ingness#, ingnesses# to make {straight=adj} [v UNBENT or UNBENDED, UNBENDING, UNBENDS] GHMPRU GRUMPH# s# y, ed# ie, ies ing# to {grunt=v} IIMNRS MIRINS AGLNNO LONGAN s, imity imous#, imities the edible fruit of a Chinese tree, also LUNGAN DIILST re# DISTIL l s, ls, led ler, land# late lers lery ..11 to extract by vaporization and condensation, also DISTILL AEGGMN GAGMEN AGHRTU TUGHRA# s# 2 the ornamental monogram of the Turkish Sultan, also TUGRA# d f, ar# st#, ext# ind unf# upd#, best# ..6 RAUGHT# AEEGNS SAGENE# s#, ss, sses 3 a fishing net s#, plasm AGENES es ia is, ias SENEGA s a medicinal plant root, also SENECA DDIORS an hy, cylin#, salaman#, lepidoden# DROIDS 2 SORDID er# ly, est#, ness, nesses {squalid=adj} DDEHNU up# HUDDEN# BDEKNO BONKED ADEMNP DAMPEN s, ed er, ers ing to {moisten=v} BCEHRU CHERUB s, ic im in#, ims ins#, ical# imic# ..2 an angel BDEKNU DEBUNK s, ed er, ers ing 2 to clear of humbug de BUNKED AABLTU ABLAUT s 2 a variation in root vowels of verb forms ace TABULA# e# r, te, ble rly ted tes tor, rise# ..16 a writing tablet ABERSV em#, out BRAVES t BDERTU em im BRUTED DDEILP PIDDLE d r s, rs to deal in trifles ACEJKR hi, car sky, high# JACKER s, oo, oos, ooed#, ooing# one that {jacks=v} CELMOR CORMEL s a small {corm=n} CHIKNT KNITCH# es# a bundle of wood ACERRV CRAVER s 2 one that {craves=v} wood# CARVER s y#, ies# one that {carves=v} FFHOSU HOUFFS# RSSTUW blut# brat, knack knock liver, wiener WURSTS EILMPR PRELIM s, it, its, ited, inary iting, inaries inarily 3 a minor match preceding the main event c RIMPLE d s to {wrinkle=v} LIMPER s one that limps more LIMP ADOPST re, pre ADOPTS EEILLR RELLIE# s# (Australian slang) a relative AFILRY un FAIRLY in a fair manner HOOPTT HOTPOT# s# a stewed dish of chopped meat and potatoes DEFIMS MISFED EEMRSV VERMES DDIKNO DODKIN# s# an old Dutch coin, also DOIT, DOITKIN#, DUIT AEKLNT ANKLET s an ornament for the ankle AELMNR ALMNER s one who distributes alms, also ALMONER AOSTTU TATOUS# 2 OUTSAT ACCDEN ACCEND# s#, ed#, ing# to {kindle=v} AAEGPS AGAPES AADHPR PARDAH s a curtain used in India to seclude women, also PURDAH, PURDA DEIRRT s, bes uns# ups, overs TIRRED# AGHNST THANGS# BCEEKN NEBECK# s# a prickly shrub, the Christ's-thorn, also NABK#, NEBBUK#, NEBEK# BCDERU un CURBED ACDELO COLEAD s, er, ers ing 2 to lead jointly [v COLED, COLEADING, COLEADS] re, char COALED EILORT TOILER s 2 one who {toils=v} exp LOITER s, ed er, ers ing, ings#, ingly# to stand idly about CCILTU CULTIC pertaining to a {cult=n} EFGLLU FLUGEL# s#, man# men#, horn, horns, hornist, hornists a grand piano AHMORZ MAHZOR s, im a Jewish prayer book, also MACHZOR AIKMOS MAIKOS# EHIRRS HIRERS DKNRSU DRUNKS ALRSTW TRAWLS AACEHT CHAETA e l a bristle on earthworms and others AAHKNU KAHUNA s a medicine man AALPSZ PLAZAS AILNPT com PLAINT s, ext ful iff ive, exts iffs less# ..3 2 a complaint un, com non sup, incom uncom# PLIANT ly, ness, nesses easily bent AHHISV ye SHIVAH s a period of mourning, also SHIVA, SHIBAH EGOOSY GOOSEY s# resembling a goose, also GOOSY EFMRRU FERRUM s iron ABEORT REBATO s, es# 3 a wide, lace-edged collar, also RABATO ice, sail show#, house motor BOATER s one that {boats=v} ela per, colla corro inela# ortho# ..2 BORATE d s to mix with borax or boric acid AHORRY HORARY {hourly=adj} ACGGIN en in un, dis# CAGING AGMNUY MAUNGY# {scabby=adj} [adj MAUNGIER#, MAUNGIEST#] EGINPR im PINGER s a device for producing pulses of sound CEEINS grand NIECES DEGILN ENGILD s, ed, ing 4 to adorn with lustre [v ENGILT# or ENGILDED, ENGILDING, ENGILDS] g m w, bi fi sp# wi yi, rew shi, unyi, enshi# ..2 ELDING# s# fuel, also ELDIN#, EILDING#, YEALDON# DINGLE s, berry, berries a small wooded valley, also DELL GILDEN# golden, also GYLDEN# ADMOSU DOUMAS BENORR p# REBORN born again AELNSV ELVANS# 2 NAVELS AIPRSX echo# para#, ortho# PRAXIS es practical use of a branch of learning [n PRAXISES or PRAXES] HINNSY SHINNY ing to climb by gripping with the hands and legs, also SHIN [v SHINNIED, SHINNYING, SHINNIES] AADHSW DAWAHS# CHIPTY PITCHY {tarry=adj} [adj PITCHIER, PITCHIEST] AGHNNU HUNGAN# s# 2 a voodoo priest, also HOUNGAN# UNHANG s, ed, ing to detach from a hanging support [v UNHANGED, UNHUNG, UNHANGING, UNHANGS] BBEFIR FIBBER s y#, ies# one who fibs AEHLMT c# HAMLET s a small {town=n} AELSUV AVULSE d s 2 to tear away forcibly de re up#, dis mis out pre, over, eigen ..2 VALUES DHIOST DHOTIS 2 DOTISH# {silly=adj} AABHLR BHARAL s a blue Himalayan sheep, also BURRELL#, BURRHEL# EOPRRY ROPERY a place where ropes are made [n ROPERIES] DDEEIL ELIDED ABBIJS JIBBAS# ACHLNP PLANCH e, ed# es et, ets ing#, ette, ettes to cover with boards AEGMRU MAUGER 3 in spite of MURAGE# s# a tax for town-walls MAUGRE d# s# to {spite=v} AENRSY YEARNS 5 cur# SENARY a set of six [n SENARIES#] RENAYS# t# RAYNES# SARNEY# s# a sandwich, also SARNIE# EIRRTT TERRIT s, ory, orial oried# ories, orials ..12 3 a metal ring on a harness, also TERRET TRITER nate# c f g RITTER s a knight DGILNO con DOLING DGNOSU UNGODS# 2 SUNDOG s a small {rainbow=n} EELLRU RUELLE# s# the space between a bed and the wall AAINPT TAIPAN s 3 a venomous snake PATINA e s, ed te, ted tes, ting tion, tions a sheen acquired through time PINATA s a pottery jar used in a Mexican game CHILOR ORCHIL s, la#, las# a purple dye AAHIRS SHARIA h s t#, hs ts# a body of Islamic religious law, also SHARIAH, SHARIAT#, SHERIA#, SHERIAT# CHORTY TORCHY characteristic of a torch song [adj TORCHIER, TORCHIEST] CLMNOU multi COLUMN s, al ar ea ed, eas ist, ated# ists, arity# ..5 a vertical cylindrical support ADINST ox, conf, antiox IDANTS# ENNORT TONNER s an object having a specified tonnage AACDEL f#, cav ALCADE s the mayor of a Spanish town ADILLP PALLID er# ly, est# ity#, ness, ities#, nesses {pale=adj} DDELOO flap, labra#, timber DOODLE d r s, rs, bug, bugs to scribble aimlessly AEFOSS FOSSAE ABBEOR EARBOB# s# an {earring=n} ABDEOS ABODES 2 ADOBES ABGGNU BUGGAN# e# s#, es# an evil spirit, also BUGGANE#, BUGGIN# ABCMOP MOBCAP s a woman's cap EELMRT s MELTER s 2 one that {melts=v} REMELT s, ed, ing to melt again CIKRTY TRICKY characterized by deception, also TRICKIE [adj TRICKIER, TRICKIEST] BHIOSY tom, school BOYISH ly, ness, nesses like a boy EISTTW TWITES# 2 TEWITS# EHISTU s# TUSHIE s the buttocks, also TUSHY AHMORY MORYAH# (Irish) an exclamation of annoyance, disbelief etc AAERRR ARREAR s, age, ages an unpaid and overdue debt BELOSU ci BOULES 3 over BLOUSE d s to puff out loosely OBELUS a symbol used in ancient manuscripts [n OBELI] EIMNSX MIXENS# 2 MINXES EEEKMN MEEKEN# s#, ed#, ing# to become {meek=adj} DGIILN h# k# s, br da#, str#, unbr IDLING CGIMNO physio GNOMIC al, ally# 2 resembling or containing aphorisms, also GNOMICAL be in on up, wel, home over unbe, forth ..4 COMING s, le, led les, ling {arrival=n} GKMOOU GOMOKU# s# a Japanese board game, also GOBANG, GOBAN AIRRSU c o URARIS CEINRS SCRINE# s# 2 a shrine s#, ta, exo, ecto# endo mepa#, quina CRINES# ABDEHL BLAHED# CLOTTY CLOTTY tending to clot [adj CLOTTIER#, CLOTTIEST#] ADFHSU SHADUF s an Egyptian device for raising water for irrigation, also SHADOOF AAKLOT ATOKAL# without offspring, also ATOKOUS# CFIKLS cal#, skin snow# FLICKS ABHSTU BAHUTS# CEIMPY em PYEMIC pertaining to {pyemia=n} AEELNR c g, unc LEANER s one that {leans=v} ILLOWW WILLOW s y, ed er, ers ier ing ish#, herb# iest ..4 to clean textile fibres AANPSV PAVANS BBDEIO DOBBIE# s a loom attachment which can weave small figures, also DOBBY EEMPRY EMPERY empire or power [n EMPERIES] AEGNRU UNGEAR# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to unharness en# st# RAUNGE# d# s# to set in a row BEEMRU EMBRUE d s, ment#, ments# to drench, also IMBRUE EEGRRT REGRET s, ful ted ter, ters ting, fully table ..3 to look back upon with sorrow or remorse AAIMNT MANATI# s# a large aquatic mammal, also MANATEE CGHORU GROUCH y, ed es, ier ily ing, iest, iness, inesses to {complain=v} DMNOOY MONODY an elegy performed by one person [n MONODIES] EMORSV VOMERS 2 re, earth MOVERS ABGLLO GLOBAL ly, ise ism ist ize, ised ises isms ..9 worldwide or comprehensive AEGINR mi GRAINE# d r s#, rs 6 silkworm eggs REGINA e l s a queen b d# f g h l# m# n r s t w, ab# af# an bl ..56 EARING s a line on a ship REAGIN s, ic a type of {antibody=n} re, bar GAINER s one that {gains=v} REGAIN s, ed er, ers ing, able# ment#, ments# to take possession once more EENPRY benz#, benzoa PYRENE s, ite#, ites# the hard covering of the kernel of certain fruits, also PUTAMEN DGINRY re up, non pre, over semi, rough DRYING s# the act of drying EGHILN at un#, bus noc#, hatc notc# HELING# EHIKST KITHES AEOPST POTAES# 2 SAPOTE s a tropical American tree AGHKSU KAUGHS# CENORT CRONET# s# 2 hair growing over the top of a horse's hoof CORNET s t#, cy ti# to# ts#, ist, cies ists ..4 a trumpet-like instrument AEPRTU st#, const# UPRATE d s 2 to improve the power output of an engine UPTEAR s, ing to tear out by the roots [v UPTORE, UPTORN, UPTEARING, UPTEARS] EGOPSU UPGOES# DEEGLY GLEYED DEGGNO GONGED 2 s NOGGED ALMORT im, non, unim# MORTAL s, ly, ise# ity ize#, ised# ises# ized# ..4 a human being ABLLOT BALLOT s, ed ee# er, ees# ers ing ini#, tement#, tements# to {vote=v} AACERT vi, cal CARATE s 2 a tropical skin disease pl ACATER# s# a {caterer=n} ABILRT non, inter TRIBAL s, ly, ism ist, isms ists, istic# pertaining to a {tribe=n} / a member of a tribe AHMNNU NUMNAH# s# a pad under the saddle to prevent chafing AGGINZ be un up, out sun#, star GAZING s# the act of gazing EJORSS JOSSER# s# a clergyman AGPSUW GAWPUS# es# a silly person, also GAUPUS# IKMOSV MIKVOS ADDEFR FARDED GNRSTU GRUNTS 2 re un, bow ham, over STRUNG AMNTTU non MUTANT s 2 something that undergoes mutation TUTMAN# a piece-worker [n TUTMEN#] DGIINT be TIDING s 2 a piece of news e, au en in, coe cre ree, expe mise pree ..10 DITING# GNORST head over#, super STRONG er ly yl, arm# box est ish man men ..21 having great strength CEMNPU CUPMEN# ABEMNY BYNAME s 2 a secondary name BAYMEN AFLMNU un MANFUL ly, ness, nesses courageous CDERTU TRUCED ADMMOT MADTOM s a North American catfish DEILLW s t, un, out unt, good WILLED AGLNRS GNARLS DDEHLO HODDLE# d# s# to {waddle=v} AKLNRS KNARLS# DEILLM un, ver#, wind MILLED BDEEKM KEMBED# AGLSUV VALGUS es the position of a joint that is abnormally turned outward DEEHWW WHEWED# NORSTW be STROWN DHIIPS HISPID ity, ities covered with stiff hairs AEFKLR FLAKER s one that {flakes=v} AGKLNS KLANGS# BEEORR REBORE d s to bore out again AAMMOO MAOMAO# s# a New Zealand fish AAANTT ANATTA# s# a yellowish red dye, also ACHIOTE, ANATTO, ANNATTA#, ANNATTO, ROUCOU# EEINSV NEIVES# 3 NIEVES s# ENVIES BDEMOR BORMED# EFILRR t RIFLER s y, ies one who {rifles=v} AAEGLT ALGATE# s# {always=adv} AAGLMN MANGAL# s#, sutra#, sutras# a {brazier=n} AEGLRT TERGAL pertaining to a {tergum=n} BIIRRS SBIRRI# DDEINT un# DINTED 2 TINDED# ABHIMZ MAZHBI# s# a Sikh of low caste ADEKOS re un, pre, over SOAKED AGIKNW KAWING# 2 a, re, rea WAKING s# the act of waking AEGRTU ARGUTE# ly#, ness#, nesses# 2 {shrill=adj} cor RUGATE resembling a {ruga=n} ABRTTY BRATTY resembling a {brat=n} [adj BRATTIER, BRATTIEST] BCEMOR beach COMBER s 2 one that {combs=v} RECOMB s, ed, ine ing, ined ines, inant ining ..4 to comb again ANOSXY SAXONY a woollen fabric [n SAXONIES] CEIKLU LUCKIE r s, st an old woman AMNSUY YAMUNS ABLRSW out BRAWLS EIKORR ROKIER# AADKPU PADAUK s a tropical tree, also PADOUK AHLMUY HAULMY having {haulms=n} [adj HAULMIER, HAULMIEST] DEIINS mounta INSIDE r s, rs 2 the part within k# l y#, sh INDIES CELLOT re# COLLET s, ed, ing, erial# to set a stone in a ring AEELPT PELTAE# EEGLNR chal stal# LENGER# longer DEEHRR sheep HERDER s one who tends a herd EIKMNR slam# MERKIN# s# a hairpiece for the pubic area CIINRS se, hype#, tyroth, streptoth RICINS AAABCL CABALA s a Jewish doctrine based on hidden meanings in sacred texts, also CABBALA, CABBALAH, KABALA, KABBALA, KABBALAH, QABALA, QABALAH ADEGRT TARGED# 2 ag# mi re, emi, deni immi inte remi ..9 GRATED ACGOST CAGOTS# IKLTTY KITTLY# {ticklish=adj} [adj KITTLIER#, KITTLIEST#] AAMSTZ MATZAS AINOPS forte PIANOS AAELRT RELATA# ble AAEGGL GALAGE# s# an overshoe, also GALOSH, GALOCHE#, GALOSHE, GOLOSH AEGOPS SAPEGO# es# a skin disease AACELN ANLACE s a short dagger, also ANELACE# BDDENU BUNDED# AORSVY un SAVORY a savory dish served before or after a meal, also SAVOURY [n SAVORIES] / pleasant to the taste or smell [adj SAVORIER, SAVORIEST] ADEPSU EUPADS# 2 dia PAUSED DELOSV ab re un, dis pre, unab# unre, redis undis SOLVED AAPRTT r ATTRAP# s#, ped#, ping# to adorn with trappings EIOPPT POTPIE s a deep-dish pie with meat and vegetables ILSTWY WISTLY# longingly FORWYZ FROWZY unkempt, also FROUZY, FROWSY [adj FROWZIER, FROWZIEST] AENNRT TANNER s y, ies one who {tans=v} DEEIMR REMEID# s#, ed#, ing# to {cure=v} ADEOPP PEAPOD# s# the seed case of a pea ACDNOR CARDON s 3 a perennial plant, also CARDOON CANDOR s frankness, sincerity, also CANDOUR DACRON s a synthetic polyester textile fiber BBDEFO FOBBED DDEETU DUETED EGILNP PINGLE# d# r# s#, rs# to {strive=v} AAACSV CASAVA s a tropical plant, also CASSAVA EEGGLR EGGLER# s# 2 a dealer in eggs g#, boot LEGGER# s# a bargeman who legs ABBEFR FABBER FGIKNY FYKING# GHIPST de# SPIGHT# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to {spite=v} s#, des# PIGHTS# AGMNRU GRANUM a part of a plant chloroplast [n GRANA] AELNRT re un, mis out, over LEARNT 5 s, sub, super ALTERN# e#, at# es#, ant ate ats#, ance# ants ..14 alternate p#, dism# ANTLER s, ed the horn of the dear t#, pa, bipa unpa#, unipa, grandpa RENTAL s, ler#, lers# the amount paid as rent e s, as ex in ma pa, cis coe evi# fra ..6 TERNAL# threefold DFOOSU DOOFUS es a stupid person, also DUFUS BDEELT un BELTED EGMNOR law# war, fell fish iron news pear# ..18 MONGER s y#, ed, ies# ing, ings# 2 to {peddle=v} MORGEN s, stern#, sterns# a Dutch unit of land area CEEKRY CREEKY# full of creeks [adj CREEKIER#, CREEKIEST#] BEESTU BUSTEE# s# (India) a slum, also BASTI#, BUSTI# AGILNU inter# LINGUA e l s#, ls, lly 2 the tongue NILGAU s a large antelope, also NILGAI, NILGHAI, NILGHAU, NYLGHAI, NYLGHAU DDEMOR MODDER# s# one who MODS, modifies a machine or piece of software AACGHN chimi CHANGA# 2 expressing approval or agreement CHAGAN# s# an Eastern inn BDEMNU be NUMBED AAADGG h AGGADA h s, hs a biblical narrative, also HAGGADAH, AGGADAH [n AGGADAS or AGGADOT or AGGADOTH] ACGHTU re# un up#, out, over# CAUGHT AIILMN LIMINA l EFKORR FORKER s one that {forks=v} ABGINT a, de li# re, com pro sur# una, acer ..13 BATING BDLNOS BLONDS ACCGNO COGNAC s a brandy AAACCI ACACIA s a wattle tree BEJNSU BUNJES# AELMTY TAMELY in a tame manner ELLOVY mini# VOLLEY s, ed er, ers ing, ball, balls 2 to return a ball before it touches the ground un LOVELY a beautiful woman [n LOVELIES] / extremely beautiful [adj LOVELIER, LOVELIEST] FGGIIS FISGIG# s# a firework, also FIZGIG, FIZZGIG# CEHSTW WECHTS GIILNR RIGLIN# g# s#, gs# 2 a male animal with only one testicle, also RIGGALD#, RIGLING# pe, impe RILING ACLORR CORRAL s, led, ling to place livestock in an enclosure ADMORR RAMROD s, ded, ding to push or drive with great force ALOPRR PARLOR s a room for the entertainment of visitors, also PARLOUR ADDELU b#, be, app LAUDED AIMNNT TINMAN a {tinsmith=n} [n TINMEN] ALMTUU com# non MUTUAL s, ly, ise# ism ist ity ize, ised# ises# ..14 2 shared in common / a financial institution owned by its customers UMLAUT s, ed, ing to modify a vowel sound AAPSWW PAWAWS# AAHLLO HALLOA s, ed, ing to shout out a greeting, also HALLO, HALLOO, HELLO, HILLO, HILLOA, HOLLA, HOLLO, HOLLOA, HOLLOO, HULLO AAABRT BRAATA# s#, ses# an extra piece added to food to encourage further sales, also BROUGHTA# AEEGRT ERGATE s a worker ant BIKRSU KRUBIS FILMRY in FIRMLY in a firm manner AEIPRR im re, des PAIRER# 3 un, dis REPAIR s, ed er, ers ing man men, able, ability, abilities to restore to good condition c# d# g RAPIER s, ed, like# a long, slender sword AKOOPS POOKAS# FISSTW SWIFTS KLRTUU KULTUR s civilization EEGLRT REGLET s a flat, narrow moulding CEENST CTENES# BDKLOO KOBOLD s an {elf=n} AGNNRY GRANNY ing# ish# to defeat totally [v GRANNIED#, GRANNYING#, GRANNIES] ABNNRY BRANNY containing bran [adj BRANNIER, BRANNIEST] ADLLOR non, euro#, petro DOLLAR s, ed#, ise# ize, bird# fish# ised# ..16 a monetary unit of the U.S.A. CDELPY CLYPED# IJKNOS JOSKIN# s# a clown DEENRU t, unt, nont ENURED ness#, nesses# 2 co, eng# ENDURE d r s, rs to {last=v} EFIMRR af in#, con FIRMER s a woodworking tool EHLLOR HOLLER s, ed, ing to {yell=v} AELLNW ENWALL# s#, ed# ow#, ing# ows#, owed#, owing# to enclose within a wall HIKNST be me re un, for# mis out, fore# over ..2 THINKS CELRTU RELUCT s, ed, ant ate ing, ance ancy ated ates ..8 3 to show opposition CUTLER s y, ies one who sells and repairs cutting tools oc CULTER# s# a sovereign AEHHTY s# HEATHY abounding in {heath=n} [adj HEATHIER, HEATHIEST] AEPRRW WARPER s 3 one that {warps=v} p REWRAP s t, ped, ping to wrap again PREWAR m n, ms ns, med ned, ming ning occurring before the war ACEFSU FAUCES the passage from the mouth to the pharynx ACCDEE re ACCEDE d r s, rs, nce, nces to {consent=v} CILMUU alto, cirro, fracto# strato CUMULI form ABGHRU GHUBAR# as in ghubar numeral, any of a set of numerals forming the stage between ancient Hindu numerals and present-day Arabic numerals, also GOBAR# AAGGSW WAGGAS# AABHIS SAHIBA# h# s#, hs# a female form of address, also SAHIBAH# ABEEMR BEAMER# s# 2 a yarn machine AMBEER s tobacco juice AMNNNO NONMAN ual, agement agerial a being that is not a man [n NONMEN] ACHNOT CHATON# s# the setting of a ring EEGRSV GREVES# 2 di, con VERGES EELMRU RELUME d s to light again, also RELUMINE ADLRSW DRAWLS KNOORR KRONOR CEEFFT co, mal#, after EFFECT s, ed er or, ers ing ive ors ual, ible# ..18 to bring about GMNUUZ MZUNGU# s# a white person in East Africa EIPPUY YUPPIE s, dom ish, doms a young professional person working in the city, also YUPPY AJMRSU JUMARS# FKLNUY FLUNKY ism, isms a servile follower, also FLUNKIE, FLUNKEY [n FLUNKIES] AGIMNT a#, re, ani bro cli# cre for# gem mis ..35 MATING s 2 the period during which a seasonal-breeding animal can mate en# un# TAMING s# the act of taming EHLNPY bi di PHENYL s, ic, ene, enes, amine#, alanin# amines# ..13 a univalent chemical radical AAEGMN AGNAME# d# s# 2 a name extra to one's usual name co, mis, over, micro MANAGE d r s, rs, able ably ment ress rial ..13 to control or direct CLMSTU MULCTS EILLTT be LITTLE r s, st, neck ness, necks worth#, nesses a small amount / {small=adj} ACNNOY CANYON s, eer ing, eers ings a deep gorge or ravine DDEGIN DINGED ACNNNO col CANNON s, ed ry, ade eer ier# ing, aded ades ..8 to fire a heavy firearm ADIRSW WISARD# s# a {wizard=n} ACDMPU MUDCAP s, ped, ping to cover an explosive with mud before detonating DDIRSU arch# DRUIDS 2 SIDDUR s, im a Jewish prayer book GHIOSY GOYISH non-Jewish, also GOYISCH# CILMNY CYMLIN g s, gs a variety of squash, also CYMBLING, CYMLING, SIMLIN ABGNSU UNBAGS# EGGRTU TUGGER s one that {tugs=v} DEGLPU GULPED BEERSV BEVERS# 2 semi BREVES DEELNY NEEDLY# like needles [adj NEEDLIER#, NEEDLIEST#] BGGNOO BOGONG# s# an Australian moth, also BUGONG# ANPRUY UNPRAY# s#, ed#, ing# to revoke the praying of ADNOSU SOUDAN s a Muslim ruler, also SOLDAN, SULDAN HLRSTU THURLS AEFMRR FRAMER s 2 one that {frames=v} non, share# FARMER s y#, ess# ies#, ette, esses# ettes one that {farms=v} AGIKNT s, be re up#, mis out# par per#, care ..7 TAKING s, ly, ness#, nesses# a {seizure=n} ABHOXY HAYBOX# es# an insulated box which lets hot things cook further JNSTUU UNJUST er# ly, est#, ness, ified, nesses, ifiable ifiably not just AEILSW WALISE# s# 2 a {valise=n} WALIES t# AAHRSY RAYAHS ELLOPX pre# POLLEX the innermost digit of the forelimb [n POLLICES] DDEERW WEDDER s, ed#, ing# to {weather=v} BCHNUY BUNCHY clustered [adj BUNCHIER, BUNCHIEST] ACILRY RACILY in a racy manner ABILPS PIBALS ACEHIK HACKIE s a taxicab driver BEELRT TREBLE d s, ness#, nesses# 2 to {triple=v} BELTER s something outstanding DEGILL GILLED BNRUUY UNBURY# ing# to {disinter=v} [v UNBURIED, UNBURYING#, UNBURIES#] BCIKRY BRICKY ard, ards made of bricks [adj BRICKIER, BRICKIEST] ACERRT c# ARRECT# 4 on the alert dese, inter CRATER s, ed, ing let ous#, ings less# lets ..2 to form cavities in a surface re, radio TRACER s y, ied ies one who {traces=v} CARTER s one that {carts=v} EEPRTY p RETYPE d s to type again BGGINU BUGGIN# g s#, gs#, ess, esses an evil spirit, also BUGGAN#, BUGGANE# EGLRTU GURLET# s# a pickaxe DEMOSU prop# stom, proct ODEUMS 4 s#, fa# MOUSED DUMOSE# bushy, also DUMOUS# SOUMED# ADIMNO eu, agatho# DAIMON s, es ic 2 an attendant spirit co#, multi DOMAIN e s, al# es an area of control ADEILM re, inter#, ventro MEDIAL s, ly 3 a sound, syllable or letter in the middle of a word MAELID# s# an apple nymph e, au# ca re un, air, black green MAILED DEHIRS c HIDERS 2 SHIRED# AIPRSW RIPSAW n s, ed, ing a type of saw / to cut with a ripsaw, pa p RIPSAWN, pa t RIPSAWED CHIOSZ SCHIZO s, id nt, ids nts pod, carp gony idal# ..32 a person affected with a type of psychotic disorder, also SCHIZOID ILSTUU LITUUS# es# an augur's curved staff IMMOTU s#, pros TOMIUM# the cutting edge of a bird's bill [n TOMIA#] AEGLLT GALLET a s, as ed, ing to fill in mortar joints with stone chips AGINRT GRATIN e g s, ee gs, ate# eed ees gly, ated# ..3 3 a type of food crust s, mor ups, outs, overs# TARING s# the calculating of a tare c g o p, ae be bo cu de gy pi up, agg# dis ..228 RATING s an estimate or evaluation EHNRSY YRNEHS# 3 ab, milli HENRYS RHYNES# AEILMN hy, cata MENIAL s, ly 2 a domestic servant har#, tour MALINE s a delicate net used for veils EEGIRS be SIEGER# s# 2 one who besieges, also BESIEGER REGIES# ABEHLM s HAMBLE# d# s# to cripple a dog DELMOY counter MELODY 2 an agreeable succession of single musical sounds [n MELODIES] s# MOYLED# DEEMPU DUMPEE# s# the person in a relationship being dumped DEOOPR d t, sc ROOPED# CDEKNU s UNDECK# s#, ed, ing# to rid or ornaments FGIIKN FIKING# BBEILW WIBBLE# d# s# to {wobble=v} ANOSTY ASTONY ing to amaze or shock, also ASTONISH, ASTONE# [v ASTONIED, ASTONYING, ASTONIES] CDEHIM CHIMED 2 MICHED AAIKNT TANKIA# s# a Japanese poem DEERTT a# f, cu, bef reg unf#, carbu sulfu ..5 RETTED ABDERY REDBAY s 4 a small tree ginger BREADY resembling bread [adj BREADIER#, BREADIEST#] a#, up# BRAYED BEARDY# a bearded person, also BEARDIE# [n BEARDIES#] / having a beard [adj BEARDIER#, BEARDIEST#] EGHHUW WHEUGH# s#, ed#, ing# to utter a sound of astonishment, also WHEW ADDEMP un DAMPED ELOPTT POTTLE s a drinking vessel EGOSTU TOGUES BEIKLY BEYLIK s the domain of a bey, also BEYLIC AIMNRT free MARTIN g i s, et is, ets gal, gale gals, etish# ..3 a small bird, also MARTLET EELNOS LEONES AAKUYZ YAKUZA a Japanese gangster [n YAKUZA] FILLRS FRILLS ABELNU NEBULA e r s 3 a cloud-like interstellar mass t, pr, inc unt UNABLE not able UNBALE d s to loosen from a compressed bundle ACIMSU UMIACS 3 AMUSIC# suffering from AMUSIA, the inability to distinguish differences in musical pitch AMICUS an unbiased advisor in court [n AMICI] BILMUY BULIMY# pathological binge eating, also BULIMIA, BULIMUS# [n BULIMIES#] JLSTUY un JUSTLY in a just manner AAFIRS SAFARI s, ed st#, ing sts# a hunting expedition, also SUFFARI / to go on a hunting expedition GINOOP na#, sham POOING 2 c h l m# p r# s#, bl dr gl# sc sn st sw ..9 OOPING# ELOOSV LOOVES# EJNSXY JYNXES# CDDENU CUDDEN# s# a young coalfish, also CUDDIN# CDEIOS COSIED AABMOS ABOMAS a i, al um us AGGMNO MOGGAN# s# a footless stocking CIKPTU UPTICK s an increase or rise DEGLOR GOLDER 2 LODGER s one who stays in rented accommodation FLRRSU FLURRS# BDELTU BUTLED DKNOOP PONDOK# s#, kie#, kies# a type of crude dwelling EIMMOR MEMOIR s, ism# ist, isms# ists a biography CGIMNY GYMNIC# gymnastic HNORST NORTHS 2 al be, box haw lan, buck fire shor ..4 THORNS et# CCEEOR COERCE d r s, rs to {compel=v} BDEEIR BREDIE# s# (South Africa) a meat and vegetable stew AGHPRS di, air# apo# bio# dia epi iso myo ..136 GRAPHS ACDELM MACLED 2 having a dark spot be en# CALMED EKORRW p, fi wi, figu# REWORK s, ed, ing, ings# 2 to work again [v REWROUGHT or REWORKED, REWORKING, REWORKS] co, day key# net non out tut# wax ..28 WORKER s, ist#, ists# less# one who {works=v} FOSTUY FOUSTY# {mouldy=adj} [adj FOUSTIER#, FOUSTIEST#] BDEGSU DEBUGS 2 BUDGES AAMNTU port# MANTUA s 3 a 17c loose ladies gown, also MANTO# TAMANU# s# a lofty gamboge tree MANATU# s# a large flowering New Zealand deciduous shrub BDEGRU BUDGER o# s, ee# os# ow#, ows#, igar, igars 3 one who {moves=v} BEDRUG s, ged, ging to make {sleepy=adj} REDBUG s a parasitic mite, also CHIGGER ADILSU hyper# DULIAS AEISTT TATIES# AELSUX a, bi un, non pan uni, ambi ambo# anti ..17 SEXUAL ly, ise# ism# ist# ity ize, ised# ..12 pertaining to sex CLNOOY sub, semi COLONY a settlement of emigrants in a new land [n COLONIES] AANNSU NANUAS# BGINOR s z#, in#, abs ads des res, reabs, chemis ..2 ORBING 3 p, en st# un, dis rep, ward ROBING s# the putting on of clothes la re ta, har, bela, misla neigh, overla, counter# BORING s, ly, ness, nesses an inner cavity DEILRT TIRLED ACIMNO ANOMIC 4 pertaining to the anomie MANIOC a s, as a tropical plant, also MANDIOCA, MANIHOC#, MANIOCA CONIMA# s# a type of resin CAMION s a military truck CEIKLM MELICK# s# 2 a grass related to fescue MICKLE r s, st a large amount / much or great DEGGMU s# MUGGED AIMNPY PAYNIM s, ry#, ries# a heathen, also PAINIM#, PANIM# AGINSV dis, auto# life over time, labor SAVING s, ly, ness#, nesses# money laid aside for future use BELLOU BOULLE s, work#, works# 2 a type of furniture decoration, also BOULE g LOBULE s a small {lobe=n} DDEIRT DIRTED# ACEMOT CAMOTE# s# 2 a type of sweet potato COMATE s a companion EGLNPU im# re PLUNGE d r s, rs 2 to thrust into the midst of PUNGLE d s to contribute EEGKLS GLEEKS ACLLOW CALLOW s#, er, est, ness, nesses an alluvial flat / immature ALSUUV UVULAS FHORWY FORWHY for what reason AADLPR PARDAL# e# s#, es# is#, ote#, ises# otes# a leopard, also PARDALE#, PARDALIS# AFLLNU FULLAN# s# a loaded die, also FULHAM, FULLAM ACNOSW COWANS# CHOPUY POUCHY resembling a pouch [adj POUCHIER, POUCHIEST] HQRSUU QURUSH es a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia, also QURSH, GIRSH, GURSH EHNORT de en in un, dis#, reen, disen# THRONE d s, less# 3 to sit on a royal chair HORNET s a stinging insect a NOTHER different EGIOST STOGIE s 3 a long, slender cigar, also STOGY, STOGEY super EGOIST s, ic, ical, ically one who practices {egoism=n} GOIEST# IOPPTT TIPTOP s the highest point EEHLLR s, bus, hatc# HELLER i s y, is, ies a troublesome person, also HELLION ELLOWY YELLOW s y, ed er ly, est fin ier# ing ish, back# ..30 to make the colour of ripe lemons / of the colour of ripe lemons CEIPPT eu, dys, brady# PEPTIC s, ity#, ities# a substance that promotes digestion DDFILY FIDDLY time consuming [adj FIDDLIER#, FIDDLIEST#] EILNSV SLIVEN# 4 SNIVEL s, ed er ly#, ers ing led ler, lers ling, lings# to cry or whine with sniffling a, rep LEVINS en LIVENS EEGLLN LEGLEN# s# a milking pail, also LEGLAN#, LEGLIN# GLNPUU UNPLUG s, ged, ging to take a plug out CHITTY TITCHY# 2 {small=adj} [adj TITCHIER#, TITCHIEST#] CHITTY a short letter [n CHITTIES] / {childish=adj} [adj CHITTIER#, CHITTIEST#] AEKOST m# ATOKES# BILMNY NIMBLY in a nimble manner FHISTU SHUFTI# s#, es# a look DEEFFJ JEFFED# BELORR BORREL# l#, ia, ias rustic, also BOREL#, BORRELL# CEFORS al FRESCO s, ed er es, ers ing ist, ings# ists 2 to paint on plaster af# de ef# en in#, ren#, down land# ..4 FORCES BFFIOS BIFFOS# BBDEEW un#, cob WEBBED BDGOOY GOODBY e s, es a remark or gesture on parting, also GOODBYE ACDILL CALLID# ity#, ities# {shrewd=adj} ADFFOR AFFORD s, ed, ing, able ably, ability, abilities to bear the expense ABIRSU ex, con# sub URBIAS 2 AIRBUS es, ses a small passenger airplane, also AEROBUS ADHIKS KHADIS ACLMTU TALCUM s a powder make from talc GIJKNU JUKING BEHORT BOTHER s, ed, ing, some, ation, ations to {pester=v} DILLRS re, man pre DRILLS hip#, hips# tock#, tocks# AHOORS SHOORA# s# an Islamic consultative law-making body, also SHURA# BERRUY REBURY ing to bury again [v REBURIED, REBURYING, REBURIES] ACRRTU CRATUR# s# (Irish) a creature, also CRAYTHUR# CELOSZ CLOZES AHHOOR HOORAH s, ed, ing to cheer, also HOORAY BDEISU em#, over# BUSIED AGLLOP out GALLOP s, ed er, ade ers ing, aded# ades, ading# to ride a horse at full speed EILSTV LIVEST ock, ocks 2 e VILEST BEEFLL BEFELL AMNOSW un# WOMANS ABCIKP BIPACK s a pair of films EEHNSW WHEENS EHRSTW REWTHS# ACIOST COATIS 2 SCOTIA s a concave molding CGHIIN m n r#, qu#, enr, scra scre#, sandw ICHING# GORSUU RUGOUS full of wrinkles, also RUGOSE CEGHIN e# l p, le re#, bre fle sme# spe# whe# ..6 ECHING AGLNUU UNGUAL 2 pertaining to an {unguis=n} UNGULA e r, te, tes a nail, claw or hoof, also UNGUIS ABFLRY BARFLY a drinker who frequents bars [n BARFLIES] ACCDOR dis ACCORD s, ed er, ant ers ing ion, able# ance ..8 to {agree=v} AGHLUY LAUGHY# inclined to laugh [adj LAUGHIER#, LAUGHIEST#] OPSTUY SPOUTY# having a spout [adj SPOUTIER#, SPOUTIEST#] EHIOST HOSTIE# s# (Australian slang) an air hostess BEEEKL KEBELE# s# an Ethiopian district, also KABELE# ACHNOY ONYCHA# s# an ingredient in ancient incenses IILNST INSTIL l s, ls, led ler, lers ling ment#, lment ..4 to infuse slowly, also INSTILL ILLSUV pul, micro VILLUS a long soft hair [n VILLI] GLSUUV VULGUS es an English public school exercise in Latin ADEHNR re, pre, super HARDEN s, ed er, ers ing, ings 2 to make {hard=adj} back, black, scrims HANDER s someone who hands AACMRT AMTRAC k s, ks 3 an amphibious military vehicle, also AMTRACK RAMCAT# s# a male cat TARMAC s, ked, adam king, adams to surface with tarmacadam DEIKRY YIRKED# 2 DYKIER# ADEHKW toma HAWKED ADEPRY DRAPEY 2 characterized by graceful folds [adj DRAPIER#, DRAPIEST#] s, un#, out res uns PRAYED GILOOS tw# IGLOOS 2 ISOLOG s, ue, ous ues a type of chemical compound, also ISOLOGUE BDEGLU BLUDGE d r s, on rs, ons, oned oner#, oners# oning 3 to loaf about BUGLED out BULGED DJLMOY JYMOLD# jointed AEEFRS af# FEARES# AGMNNU GUNMAN ship#, ships# one who is armed with a gun [n GUNMEN] CEHISU CUSHIE# r s#, st the wood-pigeon or ring-dove OOOPST POTOOS# EIMRSV VERISM o s, os 2 realism in art or literature, also VERISMO VERMIS a part of the brain [n VERMES] DEORRW fo ow# REWORD s, ed, ing, ings# to state again in different wording ADEEKR DEKARE s 2 a measure equal to ten ares, also DECARE c f w, ph sc st, unw#, best# parb# REAKED# BEIIRS ber IBERIS# es# the candytuft plant ADEKLN f# r, cr pr# ANKLED 2 b c f p, unp#, outf LANKED# CGINOY ac# de, canti# COYING EHKNOR HONKER s one that {honks=v} AGNPSU ara# PUNGAS# ACDELU CEDULA s 2 a Philippine tax CAUDLE d# s to {mix=v} / a warm beverage DEEGSU SEGUED AFMOSU in un FAMOUS ed# es# ly, ing#, ness, nesses to make widely known EIILNS SILENI 2 INISLE# d# s# to put onto an island, also ENISLE ABCMOT non COMBAT s, ed er, ant ers ing ive ted, able# ..5 2 to fight against TOMBAC k s, ks an alloy of copper and zinc, also TAMBAC, TAMBAK, TOMBACK, TOMBAK AADIST STADIA l# s, ls# a method of surveying distances EHKNRU HUNKER s, ed, ing to {squat=v} BELNTU s UNBELT s, ed, ing to remove the belt of AEILSV SILVAE 2 ri# VALISE s a small piece of hand luggage ABERTY BETRAY s, al ed er, als ers ing 2 to disclose in breach of trust BARYTE s a mineral, also BARITE EGIRSY GRIESY# 2 grim, also GRISY#, GRIESIE#, GRYESY#, GRYSIE# GRYSIE# grim, also GRISY#, GRIESIE#, GRIESY#, GRYESY# ABENRR BARREN s, er ly, est, ness wort#, worts#, nesses a tract of infertile land / unproductive BDEIKL BILKED AAHORS AROHAS# ELPRUY im un PURELY in a pure manner KNOPRS PRONKS# AAGJNS GANJAS DLMNOU UNMOLD s, ed, ing to remove from a mold AADDSU AUDADS FGLTUU GUTFUL# s# one's fill AENNOS NOSEAN# s# a cubic mineral, also NOSELITE# CHNOSZ SCHNOZ z, es, zes zle, zles the nose, also SCHNOZZ ABDEKN em un#, mounte BANKED GINPXY PYXING# EORSTV re, out, gain# STROVE 4 pi#, non out# VOTERS e# STOVER s a coarse food for cattle TROVES AFHIRS SHARIF s, ian a descendant of the prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima, also SHEREEF, SHERIF, ASHRAF# CCDEER RECCED# BELMOY EMBOLY an invagination [n EMBOLIES] BDLOUY DOUBLY to twice the degree IKNNTU UNKNIT s, ted, ting to {unravel=v} KLNRSU KNURLS AADINS NAIADS DDEENT in un, tri#, acci#, prece#, unprece DENTED 2 s#, at ex in ob# un, bar con dis mis ..14 TENDED ELMORT MERLOT s 2 a red dry wine MOLTER s one that molts, also MOULTER EGHIKS SKEIGH er#, est# {shy=adj} BDEILR BIRLED 2 un BRIDLE d r s, rs, way#, ways# wise# to check or restrain ILMRTY TRIMLY in a trim manner DGHOSU play# sour DOUGHS ACDEMP DECAMP s, ed, ing, ment, ments 2 to depart from a camping ground s, de en CAMPED ABDDEE BEADED AABHJN BHAJAN# s# a Hindu religious song AEGILN un, con, primi# primo# uncon GENIAL ly, ise# ity ize#, ised# ises# ized# ..6 2 having a pleasant or friendly manner LINAGE s a number of lines of printed material CEENSY ESNECY# the primary inheritance of the eldest daughter [n ESNECIES#] GMNTUU GUMNUT# s# woody fruit of the eucalyptus LNOPTU PULTON# s# 2 an Indian regiment, also PULTUN#, PULTAN#, PULTOON# PLUTON s, ic, ian ism ium omy#, isms iums, omies# ..2 the formation of igneous rock DEGINN GINNED 2 b f h# l m p r s t v w, am bl em sc sh sp st# ..90 ENDING s termination AADIMR ARAMID s a chemical compound ADERSY YEARDS# 2 DERAYS AABELT ABLATE d s to remove by cutting EIMPSU PUMIES# 3 SEPIUM# s# cuttle bone d# h# r# y#, st#, scr# UMPIES# DEHKLO HOLKED AEOPRR PARORE# s# a type of fish found around New Zealand and Australia DNOPSU ex im, com gee lis# pro, ship#, decom# petro# POUNDS AAAMNN MANANA s {tomorrow=n} DDEIMN MIDDEN s, stead#, steads# 2 a {dunghill=n} re un#, rere, under#, absent feeble ..2 MINDED ness, nesses ACNORT CONTRA s t#, ct il ir# ry st te# ts#, cts ils ..144 4 a Nicaraguan revolutionary CRATON s, ic a part of the earth's crust sub# CANTOR s, is#, ial a religious singer CARTON s, ed, age# ing, ages# nage#, nages# to pack in a cardboard box ACDEES de, sur, prede CEASED 2 CADEES# ABCELM CLAMBE# r, rs, red rer, rers ring 2 BECALM s, ed, ing to make {calm=adj} AABCMT TAMBAC s an alloy of copper and zinc, also TOMBAC, TAMBAK, TOMBACK, TOMBAK AIMOST pro, xero# STOMIA# ACHIPT HAPTIC s#, al 3 pertaining to the sense of touch, also HAPTICAL em, ali apo# lym sul#, phos unem, nonem ..3 PHATIC ally sharing feelings rather than ideas s, em, myo, allo# anti# cyto fels# ..21 PATHIC# s# a passive subject EIPSTU UPTIES# AFHIMS FAMISH ed es, ing, ment, ments to {starve=v} ACEEPR PEARCE# d# s# 2 to pierce, also PERCE#, PERSE PREACE# d# s# to press, also PREASE#, PREASSE# GINOSY YOGINS AGLMOR be GLAMOR s, ed#, ing# ise ize ous, ised iser# ..15 to bewitch, also GLAMOUR ACLORY CALORY a unit of heat, also CALORIE [n CALORIES] EFSTUZ FUTZES AIKMPR IMPARK s, ed, ing, ation#, ations# to enclose in a park EMRRUY MURREY s a dark purple colour EESTWY SWEETY# a sweetmeat [n SWEETIES] AEHPRR s, cards HARPER s a {harpist=n} CEIKRW WICKER s, ed#, work, works a pliant twig or branch ADLNOR LADRON e s, es 2 a thief, also LADRONE LARDON s a strip of bacon, also LARDOON CELORT e, se, col def inf neg pre ref, genuf# ..3 LECTOR s, ate#, ates# ship#, ships# 2 a reader of the lessons in a church service COLTER s a blade on a plow, also COULTER DEISTW WIDEST 2 t, ent int ret unt, intert WISTED BEILRT d t# RIBLET s the rib end in a breast of lamb or veal CDEOSU ESCUDO s 2 a monetary unit of Portugal SOUCED# EEILST p v, bak nos#, anti carm# neph ottr# ..5 ELITES 2 en LISTEE s one who is on the list BHOOST tol, toll, lucken# BOOTHS 2 BHOOTS CDELTU DULCET s, ly, ness#, nesses# a soft-toned organ stop, also DULCIANA DEELRU DUELER s 2 one who duels, also DUELIST, DUELLER, DUELLIST d, pr ELUDER s one that {eludes=v} ANOPSW POWANS# ADOSTT DATTOS BEEIST alpha# BETISE s stupidly AELNTY NEATLY in a neat manner ALLOPW cods WALLOP s, ed er, ers ing, ings to beat soundly ABKMOT TOMBAK s an alloy of copper and zinc, also TOMBAC, TAMBAC, TAMBAK, TOMBACK EGMOOS SMOOGE# d# s# to kiss, also SMOOCH, SMOODGE# ACCERU ACCRUE d s, ment, ments to accumulate, also ACCREW# ENRRTU non# pre RETURN s, ed ee er ik#, ees ers iks# ing, able ..4 2 to go back re, over# TURNER s y, ies one that {turns=v} DDEENU ENDUED 4 DUDEEN s a short tobacco pipe, also DUDHEEN# DENUDE d r s, rs, ment, ments to strip of all covering, also DENUDATE DUENDE s {charisma=n} ACCEIP ICECAP s, ped 2 a covering of ice and snow IPECAC s, uanha, uanhas a medicinal plant AAMNNN MANNAN s a type of sugar CEHNST STENCH y, ed# es, ful ier ing#, iest to cause to stink BCOPSU PUBCOS# EFFGOR GOFFER s, ed, ing, ings to press ridges or pleats into, also GAUFFER DEGOST GODETS 2 STODGE d r# s, rs# to stuff full of food AIMNRU RUMINA l, nt te, nts ted tes tor, ntly ting ..6 AABINS BANIAS# AMORRT MORTAR s y, ed, ing man men, less, board, boards to bind with a type of cement NOPSUY YUPONS DDEELU DELUDE d r s, rs 3 to mislead that what is true is false out DUELED d, pr, und ELUDED ACEHPT HEPCAT s a jazz enthusiast AAHLRT HARTAL s a stoppage of work DENSUW SUNDEW s a marsh plant DEEGNR GERNED# 2 de en, trans GENDER s, ed, ing ise# ize, ised# ises# ized ..4 to {engender=v} ABEKNT BANKET# s# a gold-bearing conglomerate GLOSTU GLOUTS CEIKTT pawn# TICKET s, ed, ing, ings# less, tyboo# to {label=v} EEGRRY GREYER DDEELW re un WELDED ABENRU UNBEAR s, ed, ded ing, able ably, ableness# 3 to free from the pressure of a rein [v UNBORE# or UNBEARED, UNBORNE#, UNBEARING, UNBEARS] in URBANE r, ly st, ness#, nesses# refined and elegant UNBARE# d# s# to {bare=v} DDEEGG DEGGED# CEMORR CREMOR# s#, ne#, nes# a thick juice FLNRUU mo URNFUL# s# 2 as much as an urn can hold UNFURL s, ed, ing to {unroll=v} EEJSSU SUJEES# AENRTU de re, con# cre sig, anti, decli# super NATURE d s 2 the power that creates and regulates the world d g h s t v, ch en# fl, mis# AUNTER# s# an adventure CELTTU CUTLET s 2 a cut of meat s CUTTLE d s, bone fish, bones, fishes to fold cloth in a particular fashion ACFLPU CAPFUL s as much as a cap can hold EEIPPT TIPPEE# s# a person who receives a tip about eg share prices AILMNY MAINLY for the most part DDEGLU GUDDLE# d# s# to catch fish by hand, also GUMP# EHMNPU HUMPEN# s# a painted glass drinking-vessel ACEPRT PREACT s, ed, ing 2 to act beforehand be re CARPET s, ed, bag ing, bags ings weed, weeds ..8 to cover a floor with a heavy woven fabric AEPPTU PUPATE d s to pass through the pupal stage ADEILR ARILED 7 having an aril, also ARILLATE, ARILLARY# p u, so# REDIAL s, ed, ing led, ling to dial again g LAIRED DIALER s one that dials, also DIALLER fo# RELAID DERAIL s, ed er#, ers# ing, leur ment, leurs ments to cause to leave the rails b d# t, de re#, eng ent#, inter#, disent# RAILED BCEILS LESBIC# lesbian EEFLMS FLEMES# ABCELR CABLER s one that supplies a cable AAHLLW box# WALLAH s a person employed in a specific type of work, also WALLA ACHORR CHARRO s a {cowboy=n} GILNTU e f, di sa, evo# pol, invo resa, convo ..2 LUTING s 2 a substance used as a sealant UNGILT# not gilt ADGNRS inte GRANDS ir on, ire irs ons, ires tand tood# ..5 EFFTTU TUFFET s a clump of grass DEEEKL un KEELED AEEGMN MANEGE d# s 2 to train horses a# MENAGE d# s, rie, ries to {manage=v} AFLOOS LOOFAS DENOSW re, dis ENDOWS 2 be SNOWED GIIMNP g l p w, cr fl# gu# pr sk, scr shr skr# IMPING e s, ed er es, ent# ers ing, ement, ements the process of grafting CHIILL CHILLI s, er es ly ng, est ngs#, ness ngly, nesses a hot pepper, also CHILI, CHILE EEFLRT FELTER# s#, ed#, ing# 5 to mat together like felt LEFTER TELFER s, ed ic#, age# ing, ages# to transport by a system of aerial cable cars, also TELPHER fo REFELT REFLET s a special brilliance of surface EIIKRS REIKIS# EFIORS FROISE# s# a thick pancake ILOSTW LOWSIT# AIKOST TAIKOS# CIMOPY MYOPIC s#, ally a short-sighted person, also MYOPS# EENPRT st# REPENT s, ed er, ant ers ing, ance ants#, ances ..2 to regret and be sorry for a past action CEORTT boy COTTER s, ed, ing#, less a pin or a wedge, also COTTAR, COTTIER ACEILL ro, ras# CAILLE# s#, ach#, achs# 2 a quail ALLICE# s# a fish of the shad family, also ALLIS# EFRSSW SWERFS# ALMORU MORULA e r s, tion, tions an embryonic mass of cells EELLRY YELLER s one who cries out EEIMPR EMPIRE s 4 a dominion of peoples and nations under the same power PREMIE r s, re rs, red res, ring, rship, rships a premature baby, also PREEMIE, PREMY# EPIMER e s, es ic, ase ise# ism# ize#, ases ..7 a type of sugar compound PERMIE# s# a permanent worker, as opposed to a temp MORRUU RUMOUR s, ed er#, ers# ing to spread by hearsay, also RUMOR AANRSW AWARNS# DEMORU REMOUD# AADLMW WADMAL s thick, coarse woollen cloth, also WADMAAL, WADMEL, WADMOL, WADMOLL AEFKRS eco, speed# FREAKS 2 FAKERS GHIRST GRITHS 3 un# GIRTHS b f w, sh# sp un# up, aff bed#, copy eyeb ..10 RIGHTS ize, ized izes, izing DEINTT s, re, uns, aqua, mezzo TINTED GILMRY GRIMLY in a grim manner DEMMUV VUMMED# BDENOR BONDER s one that {bonds=v} AAHIKM KAMAHI# s# a tall New Zealand hardwood tree with pinkish flowers IKLSTU KITULS# IMOSTU OSTIUM 2 an opening in a bodily organ [n OSTIA] TIMOUS# ly# in good time BBHIOT HOBBIT s, ry#, ries# an imaginary being CELMUY LYCEUM s a hall for public lectures or discussions [n LYCEUMS or LYCEA] CEIORS COSIER s# 2 a cobbler, also COZIER chi suc, chic CORIES# AEEGRR REGEAR s, ed, ing to equip again BEERRT BERRET# s#, ta, tas a flat round woollen cap, also BERET ACCEPT re ACCEPT s, ed ee er or, ant ees ers ing ive ors ..20 to receive with favour AGHHTU HAUGHT# y, ier ily, iest, iness, inesses {haughty=adj} AEFSTY un, bio, super# SAFETY ing man men 2 to protect against failure, breakage or accident [v SAFETIED, SAFETYING, SAFETIES] FAYEST# DILMPY DIMPLY dimpled [adj DIMPLIER, DIMPLIEST] EELMTY un MEETLY {suitably=adv} DEEERT s, miss outs, gazet# junke orien# ..9 TEERED# EELNSV NEVELS# DDENPU PUDDEN# s#, ing#, ings# a dull person ELNOPY OPENLY 2 in an open manner POLEYN s a protective piece of leather for the knee AKMOSU OAKUMS ADEHMR c p#, un, bec enc# unc#, outc, counterc# HARMED 2 DERHAM# s# a Middle Eastern coin, also DIRHAM, DIRHEM# ACOPRT CARTOP per, hile# hily# pers, hiles# hilic# ..3 2 able to fit in top of a car re# CAPTOR s one who takes or holds a captive AAHJKT JHATKA# s# the slaughter of animals for food in accordance with Sikh law EEKRSW KREWES 3 SKEWER s, ed, ing to pierce meat with a long pin RESKEW# s#, ed#, ing# to rescue, also RESKUE# IKMNOR o MIKRON s 2 a unit of length, also MICRON [n MIKRONS or MIKRA] MORKIN# s# an animal that dies by accident, also MORTLING# EHLMTY bi di, tri#, phenyl# METHYL s, al ic, als ase ate ene, ases ated ..21 a univalent radical AAHPRY YARPHA# s# a peat-bog, also YARFA# AELOPR PAROLE d e s, es to give a conditional release of a prisoner BCILMS re# up, out CLIMBS AABCIM pro CAMBIA l AGIMNR INGRAM# 3 ignorant, also INGRUM# f h w, al ch en# in ph re ro# sm# sw un ..18 ARMING s the act of one that {arms=v} MARGIN s, al ed, als ate ing, alia ally ated ..20 to provide with a border, also MARGENT ELOOPR s, car POOLER s 2 one that {pools=v} b LOOPER s one that {loops=v} ABEGLL BEGALL s, ed, ing to make sore by rubbing AELTTT TATTLE d r s, rs, tale, taled# tales, taling# to tell tales GMNOSU MUNGOS EORRTU RETOUR# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to return as heir g t# ROUTER s a scooping tool TOURER s a large, open automobile ABBEIR BARBIE s 2 a barbecue, also BARBY# BABIER CGIORS CORGIS AEKRRT KARTER# s# 2 one who drives go-carts KRATER s a type of {vase=n} ELNTTU LUTTEN# 2 NUTLET s a small nut DEIKNP un# PINKED BHMTUY THUMBY# {awkward=adj} [adj THUMBIER#, THUMBIEST#] AMORRY ARMORY a place where weapons are stored, also ARMOURY [n ARMORIES] GJMSUU JUGUMS AMRRTY proto, pseudo# MARTYR s y, ed ia# ly, dom ies ing ise# ium# ..18 to be put to death for adhering to a belief AABJRS BAJRAS# EFLOSY FOLEYS 2 FOYLES# EELPSV PELVES CDEEFK FECKED# AABCCE BACCAE CEKLNO g#, st# ENLOCK# s#, ed#, ing# to lock up, also INLOCK# BEEORS OBESER# 2 jam, corro BOREES# EEIKLM MEIKLE {large=adj} EILLWY WILLEY# s#, ed#, ing# to clean in a willowing-machine, also WILLY EFHIST FETISH es, ise# ism ist ize, ised# ises# ..12 a fixation, also FETICH, FETICHE# AGMNNO MAGNON# s# a quantum of spin wave energy ABEKMR re, dis EMBARK s, ed, ing, ment, ation ments, ations to go on board ship, also IMBARK CEEHLW LECHWE s an African antelope IKNOST STINKO {drunk=adj} ABKOOR BOORKA# s# a coverall worn by Muslim women, also BURKA, BOURKHA#, BURQA EGNNOS ENNOGS# ADESWY un up#, over# SWAYED CEEMRR a MERCER s y, ies ise ize, ised iser# ises ized ..10 a dealer in textiles KNNOTU UNKNOT s, ted, ting to undo a knot in DEFOPP FOPPED DELORU b f# m p#, sh sm, asm# OULDER# 3 c f, co, bico# deco enco# unco#, disco ..8 LOURED LOUDER ACDERY CEDARY resembling {cedar=n} AHINST HAINTS 2 SHANTI h s, es hs peace, also SHANTIH EIKNNP PINKEN s, ed, ing to become {pink=adj} CEILLM MICELL a e s, ae ar as# es a structural unit found in colloids, also MICELLE, MICELLA CEIKPT counter PICKET s, ed er, ers ing, boat ings#, boats to strengthen with pickets, also PICQUET, PIQUET AGHNPS u#, stra PHANGS# DELPTU DUPLET# s# two musical notes spanning the time of three BORSTW BROWST# s# a {brewing=n} AEELSW WEASEL s y, ed er# ly, ers# ing led ler#, lers# ling to act evasively CEKOPT im#, pick POCKET s, ed er, ers ful ing, able bike# book ..7 to place in a pouch sewed into a garment MNPTUY NUMPTY# an {idiot=n} [n NUMPTIES#] DDEEMO DEMOED 2 DEMODE d out-of-date, also DEMODED BEIIKR BIRKIE r# s, st# a lively fellow / {lively=adj} CKNORU UNCORK s, ed, ing to draw the cork AIKRST STRAIK# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to {stroke=v} KRAITS s# TRAIKS LLORTY TROLLY ing to travel by streetcar, also TROLLEY [v TROLLIED, TROLLYING, TROLLIES] CINOSU COUSIN s, ly ry, age, ages hood ries ship, hoods ships a child of one's uncle or aunt ACIKNP PANICK# s# y, ed, ier ing, iest a grass such as millet, also PANNICK# ADINSU UNSAID AEGLMN MANGEL s, wurzel#, wurzels# 3 a variety of beet, also MANGOLD LEGMAN a newspaperman assigned to gather information [n LEGMEN] MANGLE d r s, rs to hack, tear or crush ACEKRT RETACK s, ed le, ing led les, ling 3 to tack again s, at, counterat TACKER s one who {tacks=v} b c# RACKET s t# y, ed er# ry# ts#, eer ers# ier ..7 to make a loud noise ABLLOW BALLOW# s# a cudgel AEILMP PALMIE# r s# t#, st ts# 2 a stroke on the palm with a strap, also PALMY IMPALE d r s, rs, ment, ments to pierce with a pointed object AAERRT ERRATA s a list of printing errors [n ERRATAS or ERRATA] ACEIRR RACIER ADGOPS PAGODS AGHMOS OGHAMS BIOPSY BIOPSY ing, chology#, chologies# to examine tissue from a living body [v BIOPSIED, BIOPSYING, BIOPSIES] ELMNPU PLENUM s 2 space considered as fully occupied by matter [n PLENUMS or PLENA] p LUMPEN s, ly# an uprooted individual AILMRU RAMULI# ADIJSS JASSID s any of the family of plant pest GGLOOO GOOGOL s, plex, plexes one followed by a hundred zeros GLMOSU MOGULS 2 GLOMUS a type of vascular tuft [n GLOMERA] ABCEMR CRAMBE s 3 an annual herb CEMBRA# s# a type of tree CAMBER s, ed, ing, ings# to arch slightly FFNORU RUNOFF s a rainfall that is not absorbed by the soil IPRSTY STRIPY marked with stripes, also STRIPEY# [adj STRIPIER, STRIPIEST] HMNOPY NYMPHO s, lept, lepsy lepts mania, leptic ..5 a woman obsessed by sexual desire AAKMNU MANUKA# s# a New Zealand tree AKSUVZ KUVASZ ok a large dog with a white coat AIRSTU pet# AURIST s an ear specialist EELPRT PETREL s 2 a small {seabird=n} s PELTER s, ed, ing to shower blows or missiles, also PELT GILNOR co, dep exp imp sai# tai, deco reco ..5 LORING# s# {teaching=n} AEGLMY GLEAMY 3 gleaming [adj GLEAMIER, GLEAMIEST] GAMELY in a game manner MYGALE# s# an American spider AEMNPR PREMAN dibular#, dibulars# ufacture ..2 a hypothetical ancestor of man [n PREMEN] EGIKNY re, joc lac mic# mis# mon, outjoc KEYING s# providing a key for (cryptography) CDEORR re, mis pre, tele# RECORD s, ed er, ers ing ist, able ings ists ..4 2 to register in writing ac re, cam, palm# CORDER s one that {cords=v} ELLOTY TOLLEY# s# in the game of marbles, a marble fired at others to drive them from the central ring AEGNRR GARNER s, ed, ing 2 to gather and store f# g o#, ar de et# st, est, bush rear# RANGER s, ship#, ships# an officer supervising the care of a forest ACMRSW SCRAWM# s#, ed#, ing# to {scratch=v} DEGMOS MODGES# DEFILS FELIDS 2 in, air can gas# hay ice# mid mis ..18 FIELDS man men, tone trip, tones trips, tripped, tripping AMNORT sig# MATRON s, al ly, age# ise# ize, ages# hood# ..13 a married woman ACLMOP COPALM s a hardwood tree ABEILR LIBRAE 2 BAILER s a person who bails property to another, also BAILOR DGNOOS GODSON s a male {godchild=n} COOPUY COYPOU s an aquatic rodent, also COYPU ADGNOS DONGAS 2 GONADS BDLOOY un BLOODY ing to make blood-stained [v BLOODIED, BLOODYING, BLOODIES] / stained with blood, also BLUDIE#, BLUDY#, BLUIDY# [adj BLOODIER, BLOODIEST] EIIMNS pr, calc IMINES BGIILN skimo, automo snowmo BILING# ual, uals uist#, ually uists#, ualism, ualisms AACKTT re, post, counter ATTACK s, ed er, ers ing man men, able# to {assault=v} EQSSUU emb# USQUES BBEIMO MOBBIE# s# a frothy beverage, also MOBBY#, MAUBY# AGKNSY KYANGS# CHORTU TROUCH# es# (English dialect) junk CERSUV CRUVES# 2 de in re up, out CURVES ome# ACHKOW WHACKO s, es# an eccentric CLRTUY CURTLY in a curt manner AFMORS FORAMS AKNPRY PRANKY# of the nature of a prank [adj PRANKIER#, PRANKIEST#] AGIRST STRIGA# e#, te# 2 a bristle GRATIS free of charge ACGINR f, pe# se# ARCING s# 3 an electrical discharge, also ARCKING b g t, en#, agg# emb eng# out reb# ret ..7 RACING s the sport of engaging in contests of speed s, un CARING s#, ly# the act of showing concern CEIPRR PRICER s one who {prices=v} DDEORT DORTED# ABEINS SABINE s an evergreen shrub, also SAVIN, SAVINE ACHINP PAINCH es paunch, the belly or abdomen AEFKLN FANKLE# d# s# to {entangle=v} DEGPSU PUDGES# BGMOOR GOMBRO# s#, on, ons the okra plant, also GUMBO, GOMBO EIIPST be#, out, serendi PITIES CEEHRT f, fl kv sk, str ETCHER s one that {etches=v} CDINSY SYNDIC s, al, ate, ated ates ator ship#, alism ..9 a business agent AEFLRY FLAYER s one that {flays=v} AGHINR hoo hur RAHING# 2 c s, cars#, grounds# HARING AAEHLT ALTHEA s a flowering plant DEORRT rere# DORTER# s# 3 a dormitory, also DORTOUR# RETROD# den# ict, icts, icted, icting iction ..2 RORTED# DEKNOT s# TONKED# AMPRTY TRAMPY having the characteristics of a vagrant [adj TRAMPIER, TRAMPIEST] ILMOPY MOPILY# CDEEGK GECKED ACNSTY SCANTY {meagre=adj} [adj SCANTIER, SCANTIEST] CFKLOY FLOCKY {woolly=adj} [adj FLOCKIER, FLOCKIEST] AGHNRU NURHAG# s# an ancient round tower, also NURAGHE# DEENRT TENDRE# s#, sse, sses 4 concern s#, in, git# lan# pat tes#, repat unpat# TERNED# p#, pa re un, copa unpa# RENTED at en# ex in un#, bar con dis pre, goal, nonat TENDER s, ed er ly, ers est ing ise# ize, able# ..28 to offer for acceptance / soft or delicate ANOOPS NAPOOS# ELMOTT MOTTLE d r s, rs to mark with spots or streaks FLOSTU FLOUTS ACIRTT TRIACT# ine#, inal# three-rayed AABNSW BWANAS 2 NAWABS ABCEHL over BLEACH ed er es, ers ery# ing, able ings# ..3 to {whiten=v} EGIIMM GIMMIE s an easy golf putt conceded to an opponent, also GIMME BKNOSU KONBUS# 2 BUNKOS CDEEHP PECHED AILMYZ MAZILY in a mazy manner CERTTU s, hair leaf# wood, stone, cheese# CUTTER s one that {cuts=v} EGOOST STOOGE d s to act as a comedian's straight man ADLLOP DALLOP# s# a lump ACEFFT dis AFFECT s, ed er, ers ing ion ive, able edly ..22 to act upon EEEFRR REEFER s one that {reefs=v} AHMRST THARMS CEKTTU TUCKET s a trumpet fanfare ADDDOO DOODAD s something whose name one has forgotten, also DOODAH# COPSSW SCOWPS# CEEPRT p RECEPT s, or, ion ive ors, acle ible# ions ..13 a type of mental image AABMNT BANTAM s, weight, weights 2 a small fowl BATMAN an officer's personal attendant [n BATMEN] DEFRRU un# FURRED 2 FURDER# further AFRRTY FRATRY# a convent of friars, also FRATERY# [n FRATRIES#] EEENST TEENES# AEFILS FALSIE s a pad worn within a brassiere BCEKNO BECKON s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to indicate by sign ADELSW WEALDS 4 SWALED# woo# DWALES# SALEWD# EENSTU de# TENUES IJKLOY JOKILY amusing AEMMTW MAWMET# s#, ry#, ries# an idol, also MAUMET, MAMMET CEIOST OECIST# s# 3 a colony founder, also OIKIST# CESTOI d, ds, dean#, deans# nar# COTISE# d# s# to give a heraldic border, also COTTISE# DDEHLU HUDDLE d r s, rs to press closely together ALMOXY XYLOMA# s#, ta# a body which forms spurs internally in fungi ACHNPU PAUNCH y, ed es, ier ing#, iest, iness, inesses to disembowel GINNNO c d f# k# r# w, st#, rec red, carill ONNING# EEMORR ROEMER# s# a large drinking glass, also RUMMER ABEHKS BEKAHS# AGHILS LAIGHS CELLOU LOCULE d s a small, cell-like chamber, also LOCULUS DEILMP d p r s# w, cr wh#, bed bep IMPLED ge, ged ges, ging 3 be DIMPLE d s, ment#, ments# to mark with indentations f# LIMPED DDELMO re un, pre MOLDED EORRRT bio, counter TERROR s, ful# ise ism ist ize, ised iser# ..16 2 intense fear RORTER# s# a conman AEGHRT in re up, for, fore GATHER s, ed er, ers ing, able# ings to bring together in one place or group AEILRT RETIAL 3 pertaining to a {rete=n} de en re, cur TAILER s, on#, ons# one who secretly follows another RETAIL s, ed er or, ers ing ors, ings ment# ..3 to sell direct to the consumer CLMOUU LUCUMO# s#, nes# an Etruscan prince IIMMNW WIMMIN an attempt by American feminists to create a word for women without the man element, also WOMYN ABDEIS ABIDES 2 un, mis BIASED ly CMOPST ac# COMPTS EHKLSW WHELKS EEEMRT MEETER s 3 one that {meets=v} p REMEET s, ing to meet again [v REMET, REMEETING, REMEETS] TEEMER s one that {teems=v} IKLLTU KILLUT# s# an Indian robe of honour, also KELLAUT#, KHALAT#, KHILAT# DEOPPW s WOPPED# EEFIRR p, su REFIRE d s to fire again EFOSTT s OFTEST EEFIRS FRISEE s 2 an {endive=n} FIERES# CMOOPT COMPOT# e s#, es, ier#, ator# iers#, ation# ..4 a {compote=n} DGINNO b f p, bl#, sec, absc desp diam nonb ..4 ONDING# s# 2 an {onset=n} con cor par, aban guer, unpar#, reguer# DONING# s# the act of {donating=v} AELNTT f LATTEN s 3 a brass-like alloy, also LATTIN LATENT s, ly a barely visible fingerprint that can be developed for study mal# TALENT s, ed, less a special, natural ability KNRSTU TRUNKS leeve#, leeves# GLMOOY GLOOMY dismally dark [adj GLOOMIER, GLOOMIEST] BEELPS BLEEPS 2 PLEBES AHIKMR KHIMAR# s# a type of head covering worn by Arab women DEGGLO DOGLEG s, ged, ging 2 to move along a bent course b# c f s, bec unc, back mono, foots water LOGGED EENRRT RERENT s, ed, ing 2 to rent again b# RENTER s one who {rents=v} EKNOSW KNOWES# EFHIRS SHERIF f s, fs, ian#, fdom, falty# fdoms fship# ..2 2 a descendant of the prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima, also SHARIF, SHEREEF, ASHRAF# rod#, king FISHER s y, ies man men, folk, woman women one that {fishes=v} CEGNSU SCUNGE# d# s# to slink about AALLRU ALULAR pertaining to [adj ALULA] DEMOOR s#, un MOORED 3 DROOME# s# a drum b g v, sh# va, bed reg ung, mush ROOMED ABBDEU BEDAUB s, ed, ing to {besmear=v} EEMMNO MONEME# s# in linguistics, a morpheme AFFSUW WAUFFS# CELMNU CULMEN# the top ridge of a bird's bill [n CULMINA#] CIMPRY s CRIMPY {wavy=adj} [adj CRIMPIER, CRIMPIEST] ADEPPZ ZAPPED EEGGGI GEGGIE# s# (Scots slang) the mouth DGOORS DROOGS# CEERSW CREWES# EKMNOY MONKEY s, ed, ing ish ism# pod pot, isms# pods ..4 to {mimic=v} AEGIST AGEIST s an advocate of {ageism=n} ADDGIS GADDIS 2 GADIDS ADEERT fe mo si# un, pon#, desi immo, confe ..6 DERATE d s 3 to relieve from some taxes p, fo, dep, exhe# REDATE d s to change the date s# TEARED INOORS ORISON s a {prayer=n} HINRSU INRUSH es, ing, ings a rushing in GHINPY over, super HYPING s# the act of hyping AACNSV CANVAS s, ed er es, ers ing sed ser ses, back ..5 to examine thoroughly, also CANVASS EIKLLR buzz# pain weed# KILLER s one that {kills=v} MNOOPT TOMPON# s#, ed#, ing# to plug with cotton CEHMTU HUMECT# s#, ed#, ant ate# ing# ive#, ants ated# ..5 to make {moist=adj} DHORSW SHROWD# {astute=adj} DEIKLM un#, over MILKED EEHNPS pho, zygo# SPHENE s 3 a mineral s, cam gra#, cory# phos thio toxa ..3 PHENES# SEPHEN# s# a {stingray=n} DEGIPP GIPPED HINORS RHINOS cope# copy, copes# copic#, copies ..3 DGLOOY GOODLY head#, heads# of pleasing appearance [adj GOODLIER, GOODLIEST] AAEGGR GARAGE d s y#, man men to put in a garage (a car shelter) EIRRSW WIRERS 2 WERRIS# es# (Australian slang) a piddle, rhyming slang for Werris Creek, a leak BELORU t, dist# ROUBLE s a monetary unit of the Soviet Union, also RUBLE ABKNRU UNBARK# s#, ed#, ing# to strip of bark CHILMO HOLMIC relating to holmium ILNOSU INSOUL s, ed, ing, ment#, ments# to infuse with a soul, also ENSOUL CGIINS d#, gr# pr# sl# vo, ent# pol# spl# ..6 ICINGS ACLRST CLARTS# ABDDEN a#, un, dis hus, nose#, cross unhus# BANDED DEIIMS cetr# poly, gluteth, cyclohex IMIDES ADIKOS DAIKOS# AGNOPS ara# PONGAS# EEGMNS MENGES# EHINSW NEWISH ly#, ness#, nesses# 2 somewhat new tar# WHINES AEELMR MEALER# s# a non-resident who is served meals EILLMR MILLER s, ite, ites a person who owns or works a mill AEPRSX echo# para#, ortho# PRAXES EEIMRT TREMIE# s# 4 a device for concreting under water REEMIT s, ted, ting to emit again fo, afo, befo RETIME d s to time again METIER s a {vocation=n} AEISSX pr, phyl spar#, epist# AXISES AEHLMP PELHAM# s# a type of horse's bit CELNTU re, semi#, nocti# radio trans, semitrans LUCENT ly giving off light CEGRSY GRYCES# ADEEKP PEAKED ness, nesses DDEEGL un GELDED 2 f g# p s, al#, imp rep unf unp, know# ..3 LEDGED# having {ledges=n} DEFOST SOFTED# EEEPST TEPEES ANNPUY PUNANY# (slang) the female genitalia; women collectively, regarded as sexual objects, also PUNAANY#, PUNAANI#, PUNANI# DEHNSY HYNDES# 2 YSHEND# s#, ing# to {disgrace=v} [v YSHENT#, YSHENDING#, YSHENDS#] AABMPS ABAMPS DEGHHI t HIGHED# GLMRUY GRUMLY# in a surly way GGINRY GYRING BDNSUU BUNDUS# CDERRU CRUDER 2 s#, in oc re, con, rein reoc, noncon CURRED IIKNOS INKOSI# s# a traditional leader of a Zulu clan, also INKHOSI# [n -S or AMAKOSI#] AIKMRU KUMARI# s# 2 in India, the title of Miss RUMAKI s chicken liver wrapped with water chestnuts in a bacon slice EEEKLR KEELER# s# someone who works on a barge ACKORY CROAKY low and hoarse [adj CROAKIER, CROAKIEST] BCOOWY COWBOY s, ed, ing a ranch worker / to behave like a cowboy AEEMPR ab, micro milli AMPERE s 2 a unit of electric current strength EMPARE# d# s# to become worse, also EMPAIRE# AAELMT MEATAL 3 pertaining to a {meatus=n} me# TAMALE s a Mexican dish, also TAMAL MALATE s a chemical salt ALMNRU MURLAN# s# a basket, also MURLAIN#, MURLIN# AFLRTU c#, st# un ARTFUL ly, ness, nesses {crafty=adj} EILLPU PILULE s a small pill [n PILULES or PILULAE#] HIILNS NIHILS 2 LINISH# ed# er# es#, ers# ing#, ings# to give a smooth linen-like finish to metal EGGORR dis# GORGER s, in, ins one that {gorges=v} CILRSY LYRICS ADEEPR PARDEE 2 used as a mild oath, also PARDI, PARDIE, PARDY, PERDIE, PERDY th un# REAPED ACILPT PLACIT# a# s#, um#, ory# a court ruling, also PLACITUM#, PLACET AACILR bi, non, inter multi RACIAL ly, ise# ism ist ize, ised# ises# ..7 pertaining to an ethnic group DEELPY out YELPED 2 DEEPLY at a great depth ACEEKS h ACKEES DEELMY YELMED# 2 MEDLEY s a {mixture=n} GIPSTY PIGSTY a {pigpen=n} [n PIGSTIES] ACGIRS CRAIGS# 2 CIGARS DFLOOS re, fire over, photo water FLOODS EILMPT LIMPET s a marine gastropod mollusc ABDEGS DEBAGS 2 re# BADGES CHORWY CHOWRY# a device for repelling flies [n CHOWRIES#] AHIISS SHIAIS# EGILMN be co im un, com, inter MINGLE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# 2 to mix together f#, emb LEMING# AEGGNR GRANGE r s, rs, rise# rism rize#, rised# riser# ..13 3 a farmhouse NAGGER s one who {nags=v} voet#, doppel GANGER s a foreman of a group of labourers EMNSYZ ENZYMS BJMOOU BOOJUM s a spiny desert tree GIINPR g, st RIPING DEESTW ma# ou#, goa# gou# kno war#, join ..4 TWEEDS 3 STEWED WESTED# DMOOSU DUOMOS AEEKLN ALKENE s a type of chemical compound ABKORS BORAKS# EEEKPR bar bee box# inn zoo, book crow door ..18 KEEPER s, less# ship#, ships# one that {keeps=v} AFILLN p#, ra, cha INFALL s, ing, ible ibly, ibles#, ibilism# ..6 an {inroad=n} ACHOPR COPRAH s 2 dried coconut meat, also COPRA, COPPERAH, COPPRA CARHOP s, ped, ping a waitress at a drive-in restaurant / to work as a carhop AMORRU ARMOUR s y, ed er, ers ies ing, less# to dress with defensive covering, also ARMOR AIIMRS IMARIS# BDILSU re un up, mis out pre, over, under#, scratch# BUILDS 2 BLUIDS# ABDELM g h# r w, br sc# sh, pre scr, outg, descr# unscr AMBLED 6 un BLAMED BELDAM e s, es an old woman BEDLAM p s, ps, ism# ite, isms# ites pandemonium LAMBED em im BALMED# AADIPP APPAID# FLOOYZ FLOOZY a prostitute, also FLOOSIE, FLOOSY, FLOOZIE, FLOSSIE [n FLOOZIES] AIMMNO AMMINO pertaining to an {ammine=n} AESTWY SWEATY covered with perspiration [adj SWEATIER, SWEATIEST] LNOORS ORLONS DEIOPS un, mis por, equi over#, counter POISED DDEIKR s KIDDER s 2 one who {kids=v} DIRKED ACILMY AMYLIC pertaining to {amyl=n} DHINSY SHINDY s a lively party, also SHINDIG [n SHINDIES or SHINDYS] IKMRSY SMIRKY smirking [adj SMIRKIER, SMIRKIEST] CDIOPS PSOCID s a minute winged insect ACERSZ CRAZES ADHHIW WHIDAH s an African bird DDEEEN un NEEDED AGKNRS KRANGS# IKNPRS PRINKS AERRSZ b g RAZERS EELLPT ca# PELLET s, al ed, ify# ing ise ize, ised iser# ..15 to hit with small, rounded masses EEELNS NEELES# CCIINZ ZINCIC pertaining to zinc AENOST ASTONE# d# s# 2 to amaze or shock, also ASTONISH, ASTONY aqu mis ATONES BCEEKR REBECK s an ancient stringed instrument, also REBEC, RIBIBE#, RIBIBLE# EGMNNU GUNMEN EHORSW HOWRES# 4 p, fo RESHOW n s, ed er, ers ing, ered, ering to show again re, over#, thunder SHOWER s y, ed er, ers ful# ier# ing, head iest# ..10 to bathe in a spray of water be# WHORES on, ons BDEOSW BOWSED GGNOOY GONGYO# s# a Buddhist ceremony DEEMNS r EMENDS 2 MENSED ACOSTU barra COUTAS# ADGILN LIGAND s 2 a type of ion or molecule b, sa# un, bal#, acco defi enfi esca ..5 LADING s cargo or freight ALRSUW WALRUS es a marine mammal AAILSV re tr AVAILS 3 SALIVA l# s, ry te, ted tes tor, ting tion tors, tions a fluid secreted by the glands of the mouth SALVIA s a flowering plant ACEPSY SPACEY weird in behaviour, also SPACY FFIINT TIFFIN g s, ed gs#, ing to {lunch=v} AACEHR AREACH# ed# es#, ing# to {reach=v} [v ARRAUGHT# or AREACHED#, AREACHING#, AREACHES#] BDEFFO BOFFED CEFKRU star#, mother FUCKER s a contemptible person AGINRW d, pa st th, ove red und upd#, misd outd ..7 RAWING# s# 2 a second mowing of grass be WARING DEGGIR ditch DIGGER s 2 one that {digs=v} f g# p t, de# re sp st# un, cat out, lateen#, thimble RIGGED BEIMMO BOMMIE# s# (Australian slang) a bombora, a submerged reef AFLTTY FLATTY# a light flat shoe, also FLATTIE# [n FLATTIES#] BEEHST THEBES 2 BEHEST s a command IKLLRS KRILLS CDELMU CULMED ACEHLY LEACHY {porous=adj} [adj LEACHIER, LEACHIEST] DILNSU UNLIDS# EGLRUY GUYLER# s# a deceiver, also GUILER# EGORSV man, under# GROVES ELMOTY MOTLEY s, er, est a garment of various colours / variegated [adj MOTLEYER, MOTLEYEST, MOTLIER, MOTLIEST] DEIMMU inter# MEDIUM s, ship, istic ships a spiritualist, pl MEDIUMS a middle course [n MEDIUMS or MEDIA] AAHKLY KHAYAL# s# a kind of classical Indian vocal music AEGLPR GRAPLE# s#, ment#, ments# an instrument for holding DDEEHL HEDDLE d# s to draw thread through eyes of a loom EEISSW WEISES# AAGHST AGHAST stupefied with horror, also AGAST# AMNORY MORNAY# s# cream sauce with cheese AHIKLP KALIPH s, ate, ates a Muslim leader, also KALIF ADHOSW be un#, eye#, fore over SHADOW s y, ed er, box ers ier ily ing, cast# ..16 to make dark or gloomy DKOOOO KOODOO s a large antelope, also KUDU HLLOOW HOLLOW s, ed er ly, are est ing, ares ness ware ..2 to remove the interior / not solid AADPST re, mis pre ADAPTS AAERTT TERATA# AAFLNS FANALS# AAHNPS HANAPS# AAEHKP PAKEHA s a white man in contrast to a Maori ACIKMR KARMIC ally# pertaining to {karma=n} EOPRRU va, out POURER s 2 one that {pours=v} REPOUR s, ed, ing to pour again BDEFFI BIFFED GIKNOR b g# p# t, st, keyst pawnb, stockb, mallema# ROKING# DEEMPR DEPERM s, ed, ing 3 to demagnetize PREMED s, ic, ics, ical, icate# ieval itate ..15 a student preparing for the study of medicine, also PREMEDIC de PERMED CGILNU CLUING BDEMOS DEMOBS IKNPTU UPKNIT# s#, ted#, ting# to reconcile ANRTTU TRUANT s, ed ly ry, ing, ries ship#, ships# an absentee from school / to be absent from school for no valid reason BGINNO de un#, ham jaw rib, herring BONING s# a way of sighting along a row of poles DDEIKN KINDED# 2 DINKED BELORW mind snow, glass BLOWER s 2 one that {blows=v} bo# BOWLER s one who {bowls=v} BEFFOU BOUFFE s a comic opera AFLMNY FLYMAN a stage worker in a theater [n FLYMEN] DEKLRU LURKED CHILRY RICHLY in a rich manner AAABCN CABANA s a small cabin BHKNOU BOHUNK s an unskilled labourer DMNOOR DROMON d s, ds a large fast-sailing medieval galley, also DROMOND EEOPST TOPEES CDEELL ex, can mar par, span unex, ensor multi, precan CELLED FHISTY SHIFTY {dubious=adj} [adj SHIFTIER, SHIFTIEST] EHIIPP c s# HIPPIE r s, st, dom ish, doms ness, nesses a nonconformist AIJLMS MAJLIS# es# an assembly of council ADERRY YARDER s 2 one having a specified number of yards in length DREARY a dismal person [n DREARIES] / {dismal=adj} [adj DREARIER, DREARIEST] ABELNY BYLANE# s# a side lane DDILPY PIDDLY insignificant [adj PIDDLIER#, PIDDLIEST#] ACERST CRESTA# l 9 as in cresta run, headfirst sledding p, fo RECAST s, ing to cast again [v RECAST, RECASTING, RECASTS] pod# vod# web, fore line medi# news ..11 CASTER s a small, swivelling wheel, also CASTOR p, ab, over, under REACTS CARETS a#, lo, pla CATERS pi re un, exe, dese obse, conse, deconse ..2 CRATES ou re un#, foo mis TRACES e CARTES EIKRSY val wal KYRIES 2 SKYIER# ACNNOT demi# CANTON s, al ed, ing ise# ize#, ised# ises# ..10 2 to divide into districts CANNOT a negative of can, no inflections NOOSTY TOYONS 2 SNOOTY {snobbish=adj} [adj SNOOTIER, SNOOTIEST] GGIKNO GINGKO s, es 2 an ornamental tree, also GINKGO GINKGO s, es an ornamental tree, also GINGKO AEILPR es PALIER ACDEIS CADIES# BEOPST BESPOT# s#, ted#, ting#, tedness#, tednesses# to cover with spots DEEENR REEDEN# 2 of reeds NEEDER s one that {needs=v} BLOOPS BLOOPS EIINPS PINIES# t GLOOPR PROLOG s, ed ue, ing ise# ist ize ued ues, ised# ..15 to preface, also PROLOGUE CDEKOW COWKED# DDEGNU be# DUNGED 2 s# NUDGED BLOOWY p LOWBOY s a low chest of drawers FIKLSU KULFIS# ADERTT TETRAD s, ic, ite#, ites#, actyl# rachm ymite# ..7 3 a group of four d p#, de sc# RATTED s, as#, res ups, miss outs, kicks TARTED AEFPPR FRAPPE d e# s an iced drink EKNNTU UNKENT not known or recognized, also UNKENNED, UNKEND EIKLNT TINKLE d r s, rs to make sharp, metallic sounds GHIKNO c, unc HOKING HILRST THIRLS BEFLMU BEFLUM# s#, med#, ming# 2 to {cajole=v} out FUMBLE d r s, rs to handle clumsily AELMRU MAULER s one that {mauls=v} EINRRS RINSER s one that {rinses=v} AANNTT super, contra# NATANT ly floating or swimming GMPRUY GRUMPY ill-tempered [adj GRUMPIER, GRUMPIEST] HOOSTW WHOOTS# DEINST b#, ev# tr, acc inc occ res, conf# diss ..4 IDENTS# 2 TEINDS AEEKRW REWAKE d n s, ns, ned, ning 2 to wake again [v REWOKE or REWAKED, REWOKEN, REWAKING, REWAKES] t# WEAKER EGGHRU c, hip HUGGER s one that {hugs=v} AAEMRT RAMATE 2 having branches RETAMA# s# a name for various desert plants CEELOS r#, for ECLOSE# d# s# to emerge from a pupal case BCMOOT TOMBOC# s# a Javanese weapon DDEEST STEDDE# d# s# 2 to {help=v} STEDED# IOSTTU OUTSIT s, ting to sit longer than [v OUTSAT, OUTSITTING, OUTSITS] EEINST SEITEN# s# a food made from wheat gluten, also SEITAN ABCNOR halo, hydro multi radio, fluoro, perfluoro# CARBON s, ic yl, ade ado ara ate ise# ium ize ..44 2 a nonmetallic element CORBAN s an offering to God ADMNRU UNMARD# not marred EEORST STEREO s, ed me#, ing mes#, bate# card# gram ..88 to make a type of printing plate ACDERT REDACT s, ed or, ing ion ors, ions, ional orial# 4 to prepare for publication pi re un, exe, dese obse, conse, deconse ..2 CRATED ou re un, mis TRACED s, un CARTED DDEIKL KIDDLE# s# a stake fence for catching fish, also KIDEL# AEEHST HEASTE# s# behest, also HEST, HEAST# AELNPR aqua sail PLANER s 2 one that {planes=v} p, fo# REPLAN s t, ts, ned ted, ning ting, tation, tations to plan again AACLPU PAUCAL# s# a plural but in the sense of a few BCEERS REBECS DEHLLU HULLED EHNOSU UNSHOE# d# s#, ing# to strip of shoes DDEMOO ad# un#, pre#, fore DOOMED EEFSSU FUSEES AEGLMR MALGRE d# s# to {spite=v} AACDMP MADCAP s an impulsive person NNOSUW UNSOWN not sown CDEMOP COMPED AACLMT capro LACTAM s a chemical compound AAELSV AVALES# AAAMNP PANAMA s a lightweight hat DDEKOO DOOKED# CEEEMS EMCEES INOSTU in#, comb exha, moxib#, precomb USTION# s# 2 a {burning=n} OUTSIN g s, gs, ned, ging ning to surpass in {sinning=v} ACEERR non CAREER s, ed er, ers ing ism ist, isms ists to go at full speed FLMORY FORMYL s a univalent chemical radical ADEPSY SPAYED AILLPR pa pu#, cater PILLAR s, ed, ing ist#, ists# less to supply with vertical building supports AEIPPY YAPPIE# r# s#, st# a young aspiring professional ACHLOR LORCHA# s# 2 a light rigged vessel CHORAL e s, es ly, ist#, ists# a hymn that is sung in unison, also CHORALE BILLOX BOLLIX ed es, ing to make a mess of, also BALLOCKS#, BOLIX#, BOLLOCKS, BOLLOX AALNPR co, non uni, nonco PLANAR ia, ian ias ity, ians, ities {flat=adj} EIMORS ar, gri# wag# MOIRES 4 stereo, diastereo ISOMER e# s, es# ic, ase ise# ism ize ous, ases ..11 a type of chemical compound RIMOSE ly marked by cracks, also RIMOUS MOISER# s# an {informer=n} ADEGLL be un, over# spur wind# GALLED ADEKPY KEYPAD s a small keyboard DELLNU an, disan NULLED CEEFFO COFFEE s, pot, pots, house maker, houses makers a {beverage=n} ACLLOO ALCOOL# s# a Canadian grain spirit ABDERT TABERD# s#, ar#, ars# a medieval peasant's overcoat IOPSTU PISTOU s 2 a sauce made of olive oil, garlic, basil, and often cheese PUTOIS# a brush for painting pottery [n PUTOIS#] BKMOSU KOMBUS ADEFHS FASHED ACLORT CARLOT# s# 2 a {peasant=n} s, di CROTAL# a# s#, um#, ine# ism#, aria# isms#, arias# a type of lichen, also CROTTLE# BENRRU base#, after BURNER s one that {burns=v} GHLMOU MOGHUL s an important person, also MOGUL, MUGHAL AAAKPT PATAKA# s# a Maori building on stilts, used to store provisions HLNOOS HOLONS# DOOSWY back WOODSY relating to the forest [adj WOODSIER, WOODSIEST] ACHILP CALIPH s, al, ate, ates a Muslim leader, also CALIF ACELLO LOCALE s a place, position or district, also LOCALITY AEINPP NAPPIE r s, st a diaper AFFIRZ ZAFFIR s a blue ceramic colouring, also ZAFFER, ZAFFAR, ZAFFRE AHKNPU PUNKAH s a ceiling fan used in India, also PUNKA AABDES dat ABASED ly AIOSTT TATSOI s an Asian mustard CHIPRY CHIRPY {cheerful=adj} [adj CHIRPIER, CHIRPIEST] DEOOST SOOTED BBCEOW COBWEB s, by, bed, bery# bier bing, biest, beries# to cover with spider webs CDEHOR OCHRED 2 an, coan unan, disan# CHORED AABMNR BARMAN a male bartender [n BARMEN] DGIKNY van#, klon# DYKING EGNNRU shot GUNNER a# s y, as#, ies, ship#, ships# one that operates a gun BDDEER BREDED# 2 BEDDER s a plant suitable for a flower bed DEMPUY YUMPED# AELLPX PLEXAL pertaining to a {plexus=n} AAFIKS SIFAKA s a lemur of Madagascar EFLRUY FLEURY decorated with fleurs-de-lis AILLMU b# g p, th, proth ALLIUM s a bulbous herb AAAGLR ARGALA s an Indian stork ADEFFW WAFFED CEORRT e, di, cor pro#, codi, resur# subdi RECTOR s y, al#, ate ess# ial ies, ates ials# ..3 a clergyman in charge of a parish ABBDEJ JABBED ADDEMN be MADDEN s, ed, ing, ingly, ingness#, ingnesses# 3 to make {angry=adj} re, non, counter DEMAND s, ed er, ant ers ing, able ants, ingly ..2 to ask for with authority be un#, god, fore# land# DAMNED er, est, ests damnable ENNOSU NONUSE r s, rs failure to use EGGNRU GRUNGE r s y#, rs dirt INNPSY SPINNY a thicket, also SPINNEY [n SPINNIES] EFILST ITSELF 5 a reflexive form of IT STIFLE d r s, rs to {smother=v} FILETS FLITES ruf waf, snif# snuf FLIEST DDENOW sun DOWNED AGLNNU LUNGAN s the edible fruit of a Chinese tree, also LONGAN AEEFFR AFFEER# s#, ed#, ing#, ment#, ments# to {assess=v} EIMMOP POMMIE s an immigrant from the British Isles, also POMMY, POM DEKNOP PONKED# ACKLNY CLANKY making a sharp, metallic sound [adj CLANKIER, CLANKIEST] EELPRY YELPER s one that {yelps=v} ABDIRR BRIARD s 2 a large dog BRAIRD# s#, ed#, ing# to sprout above ground, also BREER# ELLNOP POLLEN s t#, ed, ate ing, ated ates iser# izer ..6 to transfer the fertilizing element in a seed plant to ABOOST TABOOS AERTTU TAUTER MOOSTT MOTTOS AEIMRT IMARET s 2 a Turkish inn MATIER EIRSTW SWEIRT# 5 {slothful=adj} co re un#, mis out sky, free hand over ..3 WRITES o# WRIEST tigh TWIRES# TWIERS AAEHKS HAKEAS# 2 ASHAKE# in a shaking state AGNRRS GNARRS DEMPTU s, res# TUMPED DLMRUY DRUMLY {gloomy=adj} [adj DRUMLIER, DRUMLIEST] AFLMRU FULMAR s 2 an arctic seabird h, ch#, unh ARMFUL s as much as the arm can hold [n ARMFULS or ARMSFUL] CEHORY OCHREY# 2 resembling ochre, also OCHERY, OCHRY OCHERY resembling ochre, also OCHREY#, OCHRY DELMRU MURLED# BFISUX SUBFIX es a distinguishing symbol written below another character ABEGNS BENGAS# 2 BESANG# ABEELM EMBALE# d# s# to form into a bale ABELRT h ALBERT# s#, ite, ites 4 a watch chain BLATER# BATLER# s# a wooden mallet for beating clothes, also BATLET# LABRET s an ornament worn in the lip ADDEHK KEDDAH s an enclosure for elephants, also KHEDA, KHEDAH ABDRUY DAUBRY a bad painting, also DAUBERY [n DAUBRIES] AEEGST EGESTA 2 egested matter m, secr# stre#, baron, decoll ETAGES# BDDEIR BEDRID den 4 confined to bed de BRIDED# for out, over#, under, counter# BIDDER s one who {bids=v} black BIRDED AOORST RATOOS# AEGGLN LAGGEN# s# the angle between the side and bottom of a wooden dish, also LAGGIN# ABLRTU over BRUTAL ly, ise ism# ist# ity ize, ised ises ..11 {cruel=adj} CCFILO FLOCCI ng, llation#, llations# EFLOSU FOULES# t 2 FLOUSE# d# s# to splash, also FLOUSH# ELOPPU POULPE# s# the {octopus=n} GIKNOY un, dis mis YOKING s# as much work as is done at one time ACLSUV CLAVUS a horny thickening of the skin [n CLAVI] AADRSW v, se, mis AWARDS BELTTU BUTTLE# d# s# to act as a butler DELMOR p REMOLD s, ed, ing 2 to mold again s MOLDER s, ed, ing to turn to dust by natural decay, also MOULDER FMPRSU FRUMPS ACFILS CALIFS 2 non FISCAL s, ly, ist, ists a public prosecutor AABGGR RAGBAG s a bag for storing rags CELOTY COTYLE# s#, don, dons, donal#, donary donoid# donous# an ancient Greek cup [n COTYLES# or COTYLAE#] AAGORS mandr AGORAS AMNORR MARRON s a variety of chestnut EIPRTT s PITTER# s#, ed#, ing# to sound like a grasshopper AADHMR a# DHARMA s conformity to Hindu law, also DHAMMA# CEEHIS SEICHE s an oscillation of the surface of a lake AFIRRS FRIARS AGLPUY PLAGUY vexatious, also PLAGUEY ACDEFF DECAFF# s#, einate#, einated einates#, einating# decaffeinated coffee, also DECAF EEKOST KETOSE s a simple sugar EEEGLS GELEES AAHIKP PAKAHI# s# (New Zealand) acid land unfit for cultivation ACELNT per pla, apla#, impla#, transpla CENTAL s 3 a unit of weight LANCET s, ed a narrow, pointed arch s# CANTLE d# s t#, ts# to {divide=v} ELOPTY PEYOTL s a {cactus=n} BEENST BENETS# DEMOPS MOPEDS DEGGRU be GRUDGE d r s, rs, ful#, less# 3 to be unwilling to give or admit GURGED d f, sh, bed RUGGED er ly, est ise# ize, ised# ises# ized ..9 {rough=adj} AEKORS p RESOAK s, ed, ing 4 to soak again ARKOSE s a sandstone s, cr OAKERS# SOAKER s one that {soaks=v} KLNOPY PLONKY# pompously self-important about mundane matters [adj PLONKIER#, PLONKIEST#] AABLLO ABOLLA e s# an old Roman cloak GINNTU at de# re un, dis# for mis, befor# ..3 TUNING s# the act of tuning DGIINN INDIGN ly, ant ify# ity, ance#, ances# antly ..6 3 disgraceful, unworthy s#, cya NIDING s# an infamous person, also NITHING#, NIDERING sar, blon, inter#, incarna DINING ALLOOP APOLLO s, nian#, nicon#, nicons# 2 a handsome young man PALOLO# s# an edible sea-worm GIMMOR GIMMOR# s# a pair of interlocked rings, also GIMMAL, GYMMAL# AGMNOR centi MORGAN s, ite, atic ites, atically a unit of distance between genes AAEGLR AGLARE 3 glaring LAAGER s, ed, ing to form a defensive encampment, also LAGER ALEGAR s sour ale DEIKPS SPIKED DDDEIU DUDDIE r#, st# {ragged=adj} DIMPSY DIMPSY# (English dialect) twilight [n DIMPSIES#] ALNPST ex im re, ash dis egg mis pie sup wax ..12 PLANTS man men, woman# women# EGHHIR HIGHER s#, ed#, ing#, most# to {lift=v} AINNOS f w, fr#, carb comp ANIONS 2 NASION s a point in the skull CDEEIS DEICES ANOPSY YAPONS ALSUVV VULVAS EGILNR GIRNEL# s# 3 a large vat ru# sa#, ash bul# but# ful gol# hol ..9 LERING# b# c f s, ma, wil, guns muds stal# LINGER s, ed er ie, ers ies ing, ings#, ingly to delay departure AKLPTU UPTALK s, ed, ing, ings# to end a declarative sentence with a rising intonation DELLOT ex, pis TOLLED ADELMU be# MAULED 3 ALMUDE s a Spanish unit of capacity, also ALMUD DUMELA# (South Africa) hello CENORR s, cater CORNER s, ed, ing man men, back ways wise, backs ..2 to gain control of CEHLPU PLEUCH# s#, ed#, ing# to plough, also PLEUGH# ENOPPU UNPOPE# d# s# to divest of popedom BGIKNO sjam BOKING# EGGLPU PUGGLE# d# s# to cause to become exhausted AEIMNR MAINER# 4 REMAIN s, ed, der ing, ders, dered, dering derman# dermen# to {stay=v} ch, rep, coch AIRMEN ros# sub, aqua, trans ultra, fluvio#, antisub MARINE r s, ra# rs, ras# a soldier trained for service on land and sea AILPSU PILAUS ADENRW DAWNER# s#, ed#, ing# 4 to stroll, also DANDER sub#, fire#, church WARDEN s, ed# ry, ing#, ries ship, ships to guard as a warden for# WANDER s, ed er oo, ers ing oos, ings lust, ingly# lusts to {roam=v} a#, un, for# pre, fore, unfore# WARNED EFIKNS jack KNIFES DERTTU st RUTTED EHKOOR pin# HOOKER s a prostitute EIOPRS POISER s 2 one that {poises=v} POSIER# EELMRY MERELY {simply=adv} ABHLSU ABLUSH blushing ABLRST BLARTS# DDHISU DUDISH ly resembling a {dandy=n} NOOSUY NOYOUS# vexatious BDMOSU DUMBOS CDEKOR REDOCK s, ed, ing 4 to dock again DOCKER s a dock worker re un CORKED b# c f g# t, def out par# unf, disf lave#, sheet ROCKED ACHILT CHITAL s# an asian deer EKNORY YONKER s a young gentleman ABBDEG GABBED AANOST SONATA s a type of musical composition IKPSTU TUPIKS CEIKTY TICKEY# s# a former South African coin, also TICKY# DEERSV co# di# in re un, con ren# sub# tra ..3 VERSED 2 de ob re un, con dis out pre sub, reob ..6 SERVED CDEOOS DOOCES# GGIINP PIGGIN g s, gs#, ess, esses a small wooden pail ALLMOW marsh MALLOW s, puff#, puffs# a flowering plant CELPUU CUPULE s a cup-shaped anatomical structure, also CUPULA CEKOOY COOKEY s a small flat cake, also COOKIE, COOKY AEEKRS RAKEES BGILNU LUBING 2 BLUING s the process of imparting a blue colour DGINOR e, cor, noncor RODING# s# a wood-cock's evening flight, also ROADING# HILLOY un, melanc# HOLILY in a holy manner AGGNRU NUGGAR# s# a type of large boat EEELMS MELEES BDEKRU BURKED BBDEOU BUBOED relating to the bubo ACMNPU CUPMAN# a boon companion [n CUPMEN#] DEGIST in# re, pre DIGEST s, ed er if or, ant# ers ifs ing ion ..13 to assimilate food in the stomach, also DISGEST# IKMNRU RUMKIN# s# a tailless fowl AEELLM MALLEE s an evergreen tree DEEKMP KEMPED# ABKLUY BAULKY stubborn [adj BAULKIER, BAULKIEST] CEHIRT THRICE 2 three times CITHER n s, ns a pear-shaped guitar, also CITHERN, CITHREN, CITOLA, CITOLE, CITTERN BCEELS CELEBS ENORSU ROUENS BDEKOO re un#, pre, face# over, scrap# BOOKED DDEELN LEDDEN# s# language DEEFLY FLEYED ABEHKL KEBLAH s the direction Muslims face when praying, also KIBLA AEKRSW WREAKS 2 WAKERS ACLRTU CURTAL s, ax, axe#, axes an animal with a docked tail AHNSTU c HAUNTS 3 SUNHAT# s# a brimmed hat s# UNHATS FFIOPR RIPOFF s exploitation ILLPRS PRILLS HIIKLM KHILIM# s# an Eastern woven rug, also KILIM, KELIM ABCNOS saltim# BANCOS 2 chaw BACONS NOOSYZ SNOOZY {drowsy=adj} [adj SNOOZIER, SNOOZIEST] BINOST eo, sym, aero# halo myco#, diplo# ..7 BIONTS 2 e#, trom BONIST# s# one who avows bonism CGINRU re# se, dis# obs pre pro, mani over ..3 CURING ACENRY CARNEY s, ed#, ing# to coax, also CARNY BCISTU BUSTIC s, ate, ated ates, ating 3 a tropical tree CUBITS CUBIST s, ic, ically# an adherent of {cubism=n} BBDEIN s NIBBED HIMSWY WHIMSY gentle fantasy [n WHIMSIES] / full of whims [adj WHIMSIER#, WHIMSIEST#] DDHIOS cl ODDISH somewhat odd AEHKWY HAWKEY s, ed a white-faced cow, also HAWKIE AALMNP NAPALM s, ed, ing to assault with a type of incendiary bomb EIIPPY YIPPIE s a politically radical hippie AACCIN ANICCA# s# a Buddhist belief that everything is impermanent ACENNR s, scintis# CANNER s y, ies one that cans food BEKNOR un up#, out#, heart house, halter BROKEN ly, ness, nesses, hearted, heartedly# smashed BEGOOS GOBOES AOOPST ASTOOP# in a stooping position AGGIWW WIGWAG s, ged ger, gers ging to twist about IORSTU SUITOR s, ed#, ing# to court a woman ACEHMN trans# MANCHE s t, ts, ster#, sters# a heraldic design MNSTUU MUNTUS# DDEILN DINDLE d s to {tingle=v} ABILSY BIALYS CEKLOR fi fo RELOCK s, ed, ing 2 to lock again b c, sch#, foot over#, backb# inter# overc# LOCKER s a small cupboard for securing valuables AABCMN CABMAN a driver of a cab [n CABMEN] CEHRRY cut#, choke CHERRY ing#, like, stone, stones a fruit [n CHERRIES] / {ruddy=adj} [adj CHERRIER#, CHERRIEST#] / to {cheer=v} [v CHERRIED#, CHERRYING#, CHERRIES] AHHRRU HURRAH s, ed, ing to {cheer=v} ALOPRT trans# PORTAL s, ed 2 a door, gate or entrance PATROL s, led ler man men ogy#, lers ling ..6 to guard by moving and watching AACLOS COALAS BEFFIR BIFFER# s# in sports, someone with a reputation for hitting CDEFKU FUCKED EESTTU TUTEES 2 SUTTEE s, ism#, isms# the cremation of a Hindu woman on her husband's pile, also SATI ABMRTU TAMBUR a s, as in#, ins# a stringed instrument, also TAMBURA, TAMBOURA AEHLPY PHYLAE ACKOSW WACKOS CCEIRT syn CRETIC s a type of metrical foot DEEMSY EMYDES INOSSV VISONS# BDEIOS DOBIES 2 em im no re, any nae# non, anti busy ..14 BODIES DDEEHR shep HERDED EEPRRT PERTER ADEGRR dis mis# REGARD s, ed er#, ant ers# ful ing, able# less ..5 4 to esteem highly GARRED de up# GRADER s one that {grades=v} RADGER# CCEILR CLERIC s, al, als ate# ity#, ally ates#, alism ..4 2 a member of the clergy, also CLERICAL en re, semi, circum CIRCLE d r s t, rs ts to revolve around EILPSW SWIPLE s a part of a threshing device, also SWIPPLE GINOPR PROIGN# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to {preen=v} g t#, un# ROPING s# the act of roping s, va PORING CLOOPT COPLOT s, ted, ting to plot together AGINPY a# s, ap# re un, non pre tax, over, under PAYING s# the act of paying DEEGLR REDLEG s 3 a bird with red legs GELDER s one that {gelds=v} p s#, acknow# LEDGER s, ed#, ing# to fish with a ledger-line ADENPR REPAND ly 2 having a wavy margin ex, com# PANDER s, ed er ly#, ers ess# ing ism# ous# ..4 to act as a procurer, also PANDAR# CDMNUU se CUNDUM s a {condom=n} AEFLTY FEALTY 2 {loyalty=n} [n FEALTIES] FEATLY gracefully [adj FEATLIER, FEATLIEST] AELRRT RETRAL ly situated toward the back BGHRSU BRUGHS 2 BURGHS ADHLOS AHOLDS BLRSTU BLURTS ACKNPR PRANCK# e# s#, ed# es#, ing# to pleat, also PRANK, PRANCKE# ABEGGR BEGGAR s y, ed ly, dom ies ing, doms hood# weed ..4 2 to impoverish sand, carpet BAGGER s one who {bags=v} ABEELT BELATE# d s#, dly, dness, dnesses to make {late=adj} AILRSV ar co#, cor dep non out, arch RIVALS hip#, hips# AEKPRR REPARK s, ed, ing 2 to park again s PARKER s one who {parks=v} DDEEMN a e, re un, com rea# una, recom uncom# ..2 MENDED AEGLNT de# en oc un, pen rec, disen inter# TANGLE d r s, rs, foot# ment some# weed#, foots# ..2 2 to form into an interwoven mass GELANT s a substance used to make things gel, also GELLANT AMNPTY TYMPAN a i o s y, al ic um, ics# ies ist ums, ists ..6 a drum ADDERY YARDED 2 DRAYED DELOSY YODELS 3 dys# ODYLES YODLES BOOPTY POTBOY s a boy who serves customers in a tavern AMRSUU AURUMS ACENOS jon# vol, hurri#, stratovol CANOES 2 OCEANS BGLMOO MOBLOG# s#, ger#, gers# a blog of mobile phone messages and photos HLLOOO HOLLOO s, ed, ing to shout out a greeting, also HALLO, HALLOA, HALLOO, HELLO, HILLO, HILLOA, HOLLA, HOLLO, HOLLOA, HULLO AGHLMU MUGHAL s an important person, also MOGUL, MOGHUL ACNNRY s# CRANNY ing# to enter a secret place [v CRANNIED, CRANNYING#, CRANNIES] AAABSY k ABAYAS CEEKPR ox, nut#, wood PECKER s, wood, woods one that {pecks=v} BHIOPS un#, arch BISHOP s, ed, dom# ess# ing ric, bird# doms# ..5 to appoint as the head of a diocese CEIKNT TICKEN# s# a mattress material DEEFLL re un# FELLED EKLLNS KNELLS EEGMNR boo dog#, trig GERMEN s something that serves as an origin, also GERMAIN#, GERMAINE#, GERMIN# [n GERMENS or GERMINA] CENOSU b j p r#, en fl fr tr, ann den ren, pron ..2 OUNCES 2 j UNCOES# t# GNOPSY SPONGY absorptive [adj SPONGIER, SPONGIEST] CEKRST TRECKS# AACNPT CATNAP s, er, ers ped per, pers ping 2 to {doze=v} mer CAPTAN s a fungicide KNRRSU KNURRS# CFOSTU FUSTOC# s# the wood of a tropical American tree, also FUSTIC ADDDEO DADOED GHLOUY r t, thr, thor OUGHLY# ing# to make ugly, also OUGLIE# [v OUGHLIED#, OUGHLYING#, OUGHLIES#] CCIILT en, ana pro, hetero# CLITIC s, ise# ize, ised# ises# ized izes ..2 a word whose pronunciation depends on the adjacent word AAGKNS ti# KANGAS# ENOORS RONEOS# 4 NOOSER s one that {nooses=v} SEROON# s# a crate, also SERON# SOONER s one who settles on government prematurely ACDELR RECLAD s, ded, ding 3 to clad again CREDAL pertaining to a creed, also CREEDAL en# CRADLE d r s, rs, song walk#, songs walks# to hold lovingly ACHNTY CHANTY a sailor's song, also CHANTEY, SHANTEY [n CHANTIES] CDEKRS DRECKS ill#, ills# DELMNO DOLMEN s, ic a prehistoric monument DIOOPS ISOPOD s, an, ans ous# a kind of crustacean, also ISOPODAN BCDEEK BEDECK s, ed, ing 2 to attire with finery BECKED ACIKNR NICKAR# s# a clay marble CEINSU INCUSE d s to mark by stamping CHIMOR HORMIC# exhibiting purposeful behaviour AAMNRT se# MANTRA m p s, ms ps a sacred text used as an incantation CNNOPY PYCNON# s# a small musical interval CEINST non INSECT s, an, ary ean# ile ion#, ions#, aries ..16 4 a small invertebrate segmented animal in# ne, con# pre, omni, incon SCIENT# er#, ial ise# ism ist ize, ific ised# ..12 having {science=n} INCEST s, uous, uously, uousness sexual intercourse between close relatives NICEST AACNRT alma# almu# CANTAR# s# an Arabic weight EFKLUY FLUKEY lucky, by accidental success, also FLUKY BDEOOS BOOSED# AEHKRW jay HAWKER s a {peddler=n} AACFLU FAUCAL s 2 a sound produced in the passage from the mouth FACULA e r an unusually bright spot on the sun's surface BBDEGO GOBBED EELLMR MERELL# s# a counter used in a game of merils, also MEREL#, MERIL# EIKRST KITERS 3 re, air fly# mis out# pre, anti moon# ..6 STRIKE r s, rs, out, less# outs over, bound ..5 to {hit=v} [v STROOK or STRUCK, STRICKEN or STROOKEN# or STRUCKEN, STRIKING, STRIKES] s, res, airs flys# miss outs#, moons# ..5 TRIKES ADINSW WINDAS# es# 2 a windlass, also WINDAC# DIWANS AHILLT pro THALLI c, ne# um, ous ums, form# EENNSU UNSEEN s# an unprepared passage for translation EFFRTU TRUFFE s an edible fungus, also TRUFFLE AFFHIT HAFFIT s the cheekbone and temple, also HAFFET GNOOPS PONGOS# ADELLU ALLUDE d s 2 to make an indirect reference ALUDEL s a pear-shaped pot ACEEHK HACKEE s a {chipmunk=n} AAIMRR MARARI# s# (New Zealand) the butterfish ADEKLW jay out, bush# cake duck moon race ..2 WALKED AACEHP APACHE s a lawless ruffian AACNRY CANARY ing# to prance about [v CANARIED#, CANARYING#, CANARIES] AELRRY RARELY 2 not often REARLY# seldom EEERRT RETREE# s# slightly damaged paper AAGNRR GARRAN# s# a small sturdy horse, also GARRON DGOSTY STODGY boring [adj STODGIER, STODGIEST] DILORS DROILS# DDEFLU be FUDDLE d r# s, rs# to {confuse=v} DENRTU RETUND# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to {blunt=v} in re un up, down# over unre# TURNED b# g p#, st RUNTED# stunted CEFKLY FLECKY 2 flecked [adj FLECKIER#, FLECKIEST#] FECKLY {nearly=adv} AELSVY SYLVAE 2 SLAVEY s a female servant DEGLSY GYELDS# CHIOPT a, eu ky, mor# PHOTIC s, ally pertaining to light BCMRUY CRUMBY full of crumbs [adj CRUMBIER, CRUMBIEST] AADOPS POSADA s an inn CENSTY ENCYST s, ed, ing, ment, ation# ments, ations# to become enclosed in a vesicle DEESTU heb qui, assu# desu, consu inqui ..2 ETUDES AAENSW SEAWAN s t, ts former form of currency used by N.American Indians, also SEAWANT, SEWAN EEEKMR MEEKER AEHKNS KANEHS# 2 un SHAKEN ACGLNY proteo, peptido GLYCAN s a carbohydrate AELRYY YARELY 2 in a nimble manner bi, semi YEARLY a once a year publication [n YEARLIES] ACHPTY PATCHY uneven in quality [adj PATCHIER, PATCHIEST] HIINPS k, tw, cous, capta, chapla#, chiefta, chamberla# INSHIP# s#, ped#, ping# to {embark=v} AABILL bi, denti# LABIAL s, ly, ise# ism# ity ize, ised# ises# ..10 a labially produced sound EHLOSW ja#, blo WHOLES ale ome, aled aler ales omer, alers ..7 GILMNU LIGNUM# s# 2 an Australian shrub e#, ae# MULING ADDENW DAWNED AEKMPU UPMAKE# r# s#, rs# 2 the action of making up MAKEUP s the way in which things are put together ABEMSY EMBAYS 2 MAYBES AADLMY MALADY an {illness=n} [n MALADIES] CLOORY COLORY# having much color, also COLOURY# AACCEL CAECAL ly relating to a caecum CEEGRS CERGES# 2 GRECES# CEIKPR RIPECK# s# 2 a mooring pole for a punt s#, nit rag PICKER s y#, el, els ies#, elweed, elweeds one who {picks=v} AEFFHT HAFFET s the cheekbone and temple, also HAFFIT EGINPP PIGPEN s a place where pigs are kept CDDELO molly CODDLE d r s, rs to {pamper=v} ACDEER DECARE s a measure equal to ten ares, also DEKARE ALLNUU LUNULA e r, te, ted a small crescent-shaped structure, also LUNULE EOOSSW WOOSES# AEGNST co re, mis sub, news, biore# super ..2 AGENTS AESVVY SAVVEY# s#, ed#, ing# to understand, also SAVEY# AHHKOO HOOKAH s a water pipe, also HOOKA AHKNST be, out, pick THANKS giver#, givers# giving, givings EIMMSW IMMEWS# EHIPSZ biogra# theoso#, apostro philoso PHIZES ADIMMT DAMMIT damn it ACEFIS FACIES general aspect [n FACIES] AGILNR c d h# m p w#, de# gn pe sn sp st ye, emp# ..6 ARLING# CIKRST STRICK s, en le, led les, enly# ling 2 a bunch of flax fibres s, pa#, out pai# whi#, over, arsme# under TRICKS y, ier ily# ome# ter, iest ters, iness ..3 LNOOPY POLONY# a child's polonaise, also POLONIE# [n POLONIES#] GHNNUU UNHUNG not hung AGIKMN co re un up#, hay# law map mis top# ..34 MAKING s material from which something can be developed DDENTU DUNTED 2 ob re# ro#, con# TUNDED# ADGGRY DRAGGY {sluggish=adj} [adj DRAGGIER, DRAGGIEST] EFGORS GOFERS 2 re, drop FORGES EIMPRU UMPIRE d s, ship#, ships# 2 to rule on the plays in a game IMPURE r, ly st, ness, nesses tainted AHISSV ye SHIVAS BFLOUX BOXFUL s as much as a box can hold AAHIKR HAKARI# s# a ritual feast ADDEGR GADDER s 2 one that gads about ag de re un up, dis# mis non pro#, down ..4 GRADED CDEIRS de, unde# SCRIED 4 DRICES# de CIDERS DICERS AEMRRR MARRER s one that {mars=v} DEKLOY YOLKED having a yolk BDEEPS BESPED# BMOORY BROOMY 2 abounding in broom (a shrub) [adj BROOMIER, BROOMIEST] BYROOM# s# a private room CDMOOO COMODO# musically in a relaxed style, also COMMODO# GMNNOO GNOMON s, ic, ics#, ical#, ology#, ically#, ologies# the pointer of a sundial FKLNSU FLUNKS AELMRT ARMLET s 3 an {armband=n} TRAMEL l s, ed ls, ing led, ling to hinder (pa t TRAMELED, TRAMELLED), also TRAMELL, TRAMMEL MARTEL# s#, lo, led# los, lato# ling#, lando#, landos# to {hammer=v} AEHIKS SAKIEH# s# an Eastern water wheel, also SAKIA#, SAKIYEH# BGGIIN BIGGIN g s, gs 2 a child's cap worn in the Middle Ages, also BIGGON# GIBING ly ABDEEL BEADLE s, dom, doms hood# ship#, hoods# ships# a mace-bearer AEEGLR g# REGALE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# 2 to {delight=v} GALERE s a group of people having a common quality CEHPRU CHERUP# s#, ed#, ing# to {chirp=v} DEEELP s, un PEELED 2 b c#, yc# LEEPED# GIILNP s, un up, com, recom stock PILING s a structure of building supports IIKNNS cyto, brady KININS BHORST alem# hell BROTHS 3 BORSHT s a beetroot soup, also BORSCH, BORSHCH#, BORSCHT, BORTSCH# out, heart THROBS ACORRT CARROT s y, in, ier ins top, iest tops, topped 2 a root vegetable TROCAR s a surgical instrument, also TROCHAR EMMNNO MNEMON# s#, ic, ics ist#, ical# ists#, ically a hypothetical unit of memory GHINOS HONGIS# 2 metamorp HOSING DEHKLU HULKED DDEOSU DOUSED BEEEMS un#, mis# BESEEM s, ed ly#, ing, ings#, ingly#, ingness#, ingnesses# to be becoming DEILLP s, uns, overs PILLED ACGHRU CURAGH s a small boat, also CORACLE, CURRACH, CURRAGH AGKLOS KOGALS# EEHRSY HERYES# 2 HERESY a belief contrary to church doctrine [n HERESIES] GIINRT s#, at re un, over unre, disat# TIRING s# the act of tiring DDEEIR DEIDER# 3 DIEDRE# s# an inwards angle in rock DERIDE d r s, rs to {ridicule=v} CDEHKO un CHOKED amp, amps 2 c s, uns#, shells# HOCKED ADEHKN s t, bet unt, outt, scrims# skrims# HANKED CHNTUU TUCHUN s a Chinese military governor DILLWY WILDLY in a wild manner EGIMST STIGME# s# a dot used for punctuation ABEJMS JAMBES DEIOPP DOPPIE# s# a cartridge-case ACINOS zir, heli, haemo# CONIAS# 2 CASINO s a gambling room [n CASINOS or CASINI] EGNSUU UNGUES sed#, sable BCHIMS CHIMBS AALNTT TALANT# s# a talon, also TALAUNT# ADEIMN MEDINA s 7 the native quarter of a North African city leger DEMAIN# e# s#, es# a manor house and its untenanted land, also DEMESNE co MEDIAN s t, ly ts a central part pl# AIDMEN re MAINED# mer#, glee# hand, bride# MAIDEN s, ly, ish#, hair head hood like# weed# ..6 a young unmarried woman DAIMEN occasional AEOSSV SOAVES HMPSUW WHUMPS FIKRSY FRISKY lively and playful [adj FRISKIER, FRISKIEST] CEEEPS PEECES# CHKNUY CHUNKY {stocky=adj} [adj CHUNKIER, CHUNKIEST] AAHSTW WHATAS# ABIMST g AMBITS AMMNOO AMMONO id, ids, lyses# lysis# containing ammonia BMORST STROMB# s#, us#, uses#, uliform#, uliferous# a large fungi, also STROMBUS# CEELRU CERULE# an in#, ans ins# ous# 2 sky-blue, also CAERULE# RECULE# d# s# to force back, also RECUILE# AIKNSU NIKAUS# HMORRS MHORRS# DEEEMT s#, be# es, over#, dises mises TEEMED ACFIST FACTIS# es# a rubber substitute, also FACTICE# AAADHM HAMADA s a desert plateau of bedrock, also HAMMADA AEGIRS AGRISE# d# s# 2 to terrify, also AGRIZE#, AGRYZE# SAGIER AABDER ABRADE d r s, rs to wear away by friction BDDELO BODDLE# s# a former Scottish coin, also BODLE# EIKPSY SPIKEY 2 resembling a spike, also SPIKY PIKEYS# AAINRS NAIRAS ADEKNS KNEADS 3 SANDEK# s# (Judaism) a man who holds a baby being circumcised SNAKED AACGLY GALYAC s a fur made from lambskin, also GALYAK EENSTW NEWEST 2 be# TWEENS EEKLNY KEENLY in a keen manner AGGINT le li ne, abne abro alli# arro dele ..54 GATING s the act of providing a gate DDELNO NODDLE d s to nod frequently AFGINR fan# mis# sea war# way, night# space# FARING ELNOSU NOULES# 3 ENSOUL s, ed, ing, ment#, ments# to infuse with a soul, also INSOUL NOUSLE# d# s# to foster, also NOURSLE#, NOUSELL#, NURSLE# CENOSY CONEYS AAMNOR RAMONA s a plant of the mint family DEEKLP s KELPED AEJMMR wind, katzen JAMMER s one that {jams=v} AHLLUX pre# HALLUX the big toe [n HALLUCES] EHMRST geo# iso, ecto endo eury, homeo steno ..3 THERMS CEHKOY CHOKEY s# 2 a prison HOCKEY s a ball game BEHRST BERTHS AEELSY ALEYES# 2 ASYLEE# s# one who is granted asylum BELMTU s TUMBLE d r s, rs, bug set, bugs down home# rful ..6 to roll head over heels DELOYY DOYLEY s an ornamental napkin, also DOILY, DOYLY AILMPR PRIMAL ly#, ity, ities 2 being at the beginning or foundation IMPARL# s#, ed#, ing#, ance#, ances# to talk over, also EMPARL# DEPRRY PREDRY ing to dry beforehand [v PREDRIED, PREDRYING, PREDRIES] GHINST la ni# no ti, any bir clo far loa nae ..26 THINGS 2 k, be# to, bek mid out# sen unk#, fore# ..6 NIGHTS ide pot, cope hade hirt ides pots ..7 AAEFRS AFEARS# EPSTUZ PUTZES ACELMU ALMUCE s 2 a hooded cape MACULE d s to blur in printing, also MACKLE AGIMNY dis MAYING s the gathering of spring flowers HNORSU ONRUSH es, ing a forward rush ACEFST FACETS GIKNPU PUKING HOOPSW WHOOPS ie#, ies# LLOTUY TOLUYL s a chemical radical derived from toluic acid, also TOLYL ACGHNU GAUNCH# ed# es#, ing# to impale, also GANCH# AABMRY AMBARY an East Indian plant, also AMBARI [n AMBARIES] AGLLOR GOLLAR# s#, ed#, ing# to make a loud sound, also GOLLER# ABELMU BEMAUL# s#, ed#, ing# to {maul=v} CEHRST CHERTS BGIIKN motor BIKING s# the riding of a bike ABSUWY SUBWAY s, ed, ing to travel by an underground railroad AEGLSZ de re, over, under GLAZES DEFFIT s TIFFED GIINNW d t, ent int unt, disent# intert WINING ACHNRU b# c g# RAUNCH y, ed# es, ier ily ing#, iest, iness, inesses to tear away EFIPRS PREIFS# 2 PRIEFS# LOPTTY PLOTTY a spiced hot drink [n PLOTTIES] / full of intrigue, as a novel, also PLOTTIE# [adj PLOTTIER, PLOTTIEST] BDOORY BROODY tending to brood [adj BROODIER, BROODIEST] CEEILS SIECLE# s# a century, period or era AINRSW RAWINS onde, ondes AEINRS re# un# ARISEN 4 ARSINE s a poisonous gas g#, mo, dar# mig RAINES# SARNIE# s# a sandwich, also SARNEY# ACEINR buc# CANIER# 2 CARNIE d# r# s, st# a {carnival=n} AEGRSY vo YAGERS 3 non GREASY containing or resembling grease [adj GREASIER, GREASIEST] GYRASE s an enzyme catalyst which acts on DNA ABEGLM out GAMBLE d r s, rs to play a game of chance EELRTT LETTRE# s# 2 a letter re, sub#, news, blood# under# LETTER n# s, ed er ns#, box ers ing man men ..16 to inscribe with symbols of speech sounds FFILTU FITFUL ly, ness, nesses marked by sudden impulses BELLOW re# BELLOW s, ed er, ers ing to roar like a bull ABHSUW BUSHWA h s, hs lk#, lks#, lked# lker#, lkers# ..2 nonsense, also BUSHWAH AAABLT BALATA s 3 a S American tree ATABAL s a Moorish kettledrum ALBATA s a variety of German silver CEHTTY TETCHY irritable, also TECHY [adj TETCHIER, TETCHIEST] ACHKSW CHAWKS# 2 bull# bush, paddy#, google# WHACKS BEMPRU BUMPER s, ed, ing to fill to the brim GINNOW WONING# s# 2 a dwelling place, also WONNING b# d g l#, br cl cr dr fr, dis ren ung# ..11 OWNING BNTUUU UBUNTU# s# (Xhosa) a quality of humanity and compassion DGLOOS GOOLDS# DIILLS DILLIS# GHILNY NIGHLY# {almost=adv} DEINSY SNIDEY# maliciously derogatory, also SNIDE [adj SNIDIER#, SNIDIEST#] IIKLMS KILIMS AALSUX SAXAUL# s# a contorted tree GIKNUY YUKING# DINRSU SUNDRI# s#, es ly a timber tree, also SUNDARI#, SUNDRA# EGLLTU GULLET s the throat DDEGIR b f#, ab en#, unb, unab, overb# RIDGED 3 GRIDED be en un up, over, under GIRDED INSTTY STINTY# limited [adj STINTIER#, STINTIEST#] AFHLMU FULHAM s a loaded die, also FULLAM, FULLAN# EIKOPS hoky POKIES t BGHOSU under# BOUGHS CEHIPR CERIPH s 3 a line used to finish off the main stroke of a letter RECHIP# s#, ped#, ping#, pings# to change the electronic identity of (a stolen mobile phone) de en un# CIPHER s, ed er, ers ing, ings# text, texts to work at arithmetic, also CYPHER AGLNRU LANGUR s an Asian monkey ADDEGG DAGGED# ADEJPP JAPPED# EPRTTY un PRETTY ing ish ism#, isms# to make attractive [v PRETTIED, PRETTYING, PRETTIES] / pleasing to the eye [adj PRETTIER, PRETTIEST] BEEILS BELIES AHIRRS SHIRRA# s#, lee#, lees# 3 a law-enforcement officer of a county, also SHERIFF, SHIREMAN# SIRRAH s a form of address used to inferiors, also SIRRA ARRISH# es# a stubble field, also ARISH# CELORU en# COLURE s an astronomical circle BCENSU BUNCES# DEEEPR s, un#, com out#, over#, backs# PEERED 2 DEEPER ALRTTY RATTLY 2 inclined to rattle [adj RATTLIER#, RATTLIEST#] s# TARTLY in a tart manner BELOSW ste# ELBOWS 4 fur rum# BELOWS tairs# BLOWSE# d s# a beggar girl, also BLOWZE# em, dis, disem BOWELS AAHLOS ALOHAS DEHISW s, un, out WISHED EFILLY LIEFLY in a lief manner DDHIIS SIDDHI# s# supernatural powers EEFLRY over# FREELY in a free manner AEENST p s, ph, ali ars cat sel ser# ven, hyph ..12 ENATES 5 s, ins int#, comp cond, decomp, overcomp ENSATE# in botany, sword-shaped ar SENATE s a governing body SATEEN s a cotton fabric STEANE# d# s# a two handled earthenware container DHLLOS DHOLLS# AAEHPR RAPHAE DEEEPP out#, under# PEEPED CFRSUY SCURFY covered with scurf [adj SCURFIER, SCURFIEST] OSTTWY SWOTTY# studying excessively [adj SWOTTIER#, SWOTTIEST#] COOPWX COWPOX es a cattle disease BDORSU BOURDS# DEFLRU un up# FURLED AORRSW b f h m n t# y, sp, handb hurlb# resth#, wheelb ARROWS BCERRU CURBER s one that {curbs=v} EKLNST a# SKLENT s, ed, ing to {slant=v} AAINPS PAISAN a o s, as os a fellow countryman, also PAISANO AELMNY NAMELY 3 that is to say LAYMEN MEANLY in a mean manner BFNOSY FYNBOS es# an area with low shrubs AAGRRY GARRYA# s# a North American shrub CFKLOS el FLOCKS BEKLOY BLOKEY# like one of the blokes, also BLOKISH#, BLOKEISH# [adj BLOKIER#, BLOKIEST#] ALLNOP POLLAN# s# the Irish white-fish EFHILS s, ang jew uns, dams, squirr# ELFISH ly, ness#, nesses# like an elf DDENOR squa DRONED 3 DONDER# s#, ed#, ing# to {thrash=v} s# NODDER s one that {nods=v} ADESTW STAWED# 4 un, for# out WASTED TAWSED WADSET s t#, ts#, ted ter#, ters# ting to mortgage, also WADSETT# AAGGRT TAGRAG s 2 {riffraff=n} RAGTAG s the disreputable element of society, also RIFFRAFF, RAFF ABNRTU TURBAN d# s t#, ds# ed ts#, ned a head covering worn by Muslims GILPSU PUGILS# EGINNR a, be GINNER s y#, ies# 3 one that gins cotton c# f# g# k t#, sc# st#, cav dec gov int ..13 ERNING# ENRING# s#, ed#, ing# to {encircle=v} AALMNW LAWMAN a law-enforcement officer [n LAWMEN] DELMOU MODULE s a standard of measurement EEEPPR PEEPER s one who {peeps=v} ADOORS ADOORS# 2 at the door DOOSRA# s# a certain bowling action in cricket EPRTTU s, in PUTTER s, ed er, ers ing to occupy oneself in a leisurely or ineffective manner, also POTTER ADELPY s, re un, dis end mis out, down over ..3 PLAYED AEGGRT GARGET s y 2 mastitis of domestic animals s TAGGER s one who {tags=v} AGIMST STIGMA l s, ta, tic, rian# tics tise# tism# ..28 a mark of disgrace BDEERY BREYED# HMRRSY MYRRHS DDDEEI st# EDDIED CDHIST DICHTS# ACLPUU CUPULA e r, te a cup-shaped anatomical structure, also CUPULE CDIKTY DICKTY# {proud=adj} [adj DICKTIER#, DICKTIEST#] DEIKLN t w, cr tw wr, spr str#, unwr, bespr unspr# INKLED# 4 en re KINDLE d r s, rs ss, ssly to cause to burn KILNED b c p s, en# re un up, dis# sex#, down ..2 LINKED DEGIRR GIRDER s 2 a horizontal support ab RIDGER# s# a type of plough HIKLOY HOKILY in a hokey manner AHOSTW WHATSO# ever, mever# whatever kind AEEGMM GEMMAE KLOPUY PLOUKY# pimply, also PLOOKIE#, PLOOKY#, PLOUKIE# [adj PLOUKIER#, PLOUKIEST#] GHHOTU al THOUGH t, ts, ted# ten#, tful tway, tcast# ..7 despite the fact that AGORSU GOURAS# 2 RUGOSA s a garden rose ABBIRT c# f#, jack RABBIT o# s y, ed er oh# os# ry, ers ing ohs# ..6 to hunt rodent-like mammals BBEIJR JIBBER s, ed#, ing# to utter senseless sounds BDEEMS EMBEDS CELLTU CULLET s recycled waste glass ACGINP s, dis# mys# out res, miss, backs, inters, letters PACING 2 s, es un#, lands towns#, relands CAPING# ACDEGS CADGES IOPPSZ ZIPPOS# CDENSY post SYNCED ABEIMS IMBASE# d# s# to lower, also EMBASE#, EMBACE# GIIKNR GIRKIN# s# 2 a small cucumber, also GHERKIN d f# k# l# y#, ch qu sh sm IRKING CELOSV CLOVES CIIPRS SPIRIC# s# a curve ADERRT RETARD s, ed er, ant ate ers ing, ants ates ..6 5 to hold back DARTRE# s# {herpes=n} TRADER s, ship#, ships# one who {trades=v} s, un#, bes# cos ins uns TARRED DARTER s one that {darts=v} ADEENS SEANED# CDEKOO re un, mis out pre, over, under COOKED ELOWYY YOWLEY# s# the yellowhammer (a bird), also YELDROCK#, YELDRING# BEIKNR BIRKEN# made of birch GOPRSU in re, out sub, news play semi sero# ..2 GROUPS ABGINY b, hush# lull ABYING 2 e#, em BAYING EERSVV VERVES FFHIST FIFTHS BCNOSU BUNCOS EHLOSY HOYLES EINSWY SINEWY 2 lean and muscular [adj SINEWIER#, SINEWIEST#] WINSEY# s# a {cloth=n} DEIPSU UPSIDE s, owne# a positive aspect ACFFIN FANFIC s fiction written by fans of an admired work ACEMNR CARMEN ABDELY BELADY ing 2 to apply the title of lady to [v BELADIED, BELADYING, BELADIES] DYABLE able to be dyed EKPSTU TUPEKS# EEIRST RESITE d s 2 to move to a different locality su, enti RETIES CHNPUY PUNCHY dazed [adj PUNCHIER, PUNCHIEST] CHINOP CHOPIN e s, es 2 a type of shoe, also CHOPINE a, eu si ty, dia# dys sul# sym, acro# ..30 PHONIC s, ally pertaining to the nature of sound GILNPU PULING s, ly a plaintive cry EHISSV SHIVES AIKNNN NANKIN s a cotton fabric, also NANKEEN AFIRST AFRITS 2 IFTARS# HKNOSY SHONKY# {illicit=adj} [adj SHONKIER#, SHONKIEST#] AHNNSU SUNNAH s the body of traditional Muslim law, also SUNNA AGMOPS GOMPAS# AAEHLM HAEMAL pertaining to the blood, also HAEMATAL, HAEMIC, HAEMOID, HEMAL, HEMATAL, HEMIC, HEMOID ABEEKR BERAKE d s 2 to rake all over BEAKER s, ful#, fuls# a large cup EGHMMO MEGOHM s a unit of electrical resistance BDELLO bo#, gam sym BOLLED ANRSTT en in ti, pene reen, delus# minis ..5 TRANTS# BBDEIJ JIBBED AGMPUZ GAZUMP s, ed er, ers ing to cheat by raising the agreed price DEEIPS un# ESPIED 2 counter# PEISED AEMNSY YAMENS CEIMSU CESIUM s 2 a metallic element MISCUE d s, ing# to make a faulty stroke in billiards HNOORS dis, over HONORS 2 HORSON# s# a son of a whore APRSTT PRATTS# AAHKNT KANTHA# s# an embroidered quilt AAFFIR AFFAIR e s, es 2 something which is to be done RAFFIA s a palm tree, also RAPHIA AHKMOW MOHAWK s a skating movement AENRST ci, epi pre pro#, xiphi STERNA l, ge#, ges#, lgia# lgic#, lgias# 4 e p, northe southe ASTERN al towards the stern TRANSE# s#, ct pt, cts nna# pts unt, cted nnas# ..9 a passage ANTRES AACLNT CANTAL a s, as, oup, oupe oups, oupes a hard cheese of France AANRTT TANTRA s 3 a class of Hindu religious writings RATTAN s a climbing plant with long thin stems, also ROTAN#, RATAN TARTAN a e# s, as ed# es# ry#, alia# ries#, alias# a patterned woollen fabric FILLOS FILLOS 2 FOLLIS a coin of ancient Rome [n FOLLES] AHMNPY NYMPHA e l, ea#, eum# lid, eums# lids, eaceous# a fold of the vulva ABEMRY AMBERY a cupboard for sacred vessels, also AMBRY, ALMERY#, ALMIRAH#, AUMBRY#, AWMRIE#, AWMRY# [n AMBERIES] ACELRU RAUCLE# r#, st# {rough=adj} CIOPST ent# syn#, orth#, stere# OPTICS 3 sub TOPICS PICOTS BDEHOS DEBOSH# ed# es#, ing# to lead into lewdness, also DEBAUCH ADELNP de em en, vol, aqua sail, hydro PLANED ACISTT ATTICS 2 a, ec eu, ana# apo# bio# dia epi geo# ..30 STATIC e s, al es ky, ally random noise produced in a radio or television receiver EFORST FETORS 5 af de en# re, dis#, rain# reaf, disaf# FOREST s, al ay ed er ry, age air# all ays eal# ..24 to convert into a densely wooded area SOFTER FOSTER s, ed er, age ers ing, ages ings# ling, lings to promote the growth of piano FORTES ABKLTY BYTALK s small talk EEFSTY FEYEST EFILPP FIPPLE s a plug at the end of a whistle, flute etc ACEPST EPACTS 2 ASPECT s, ed#, ing# ual, able# to look at BBEJOR hob# nut#, stock JOBBER s y, ies a pieceworker EELLRT p, fo RETELL s, er#, ers# ing, ings 2 to tell again [v RETOLD, RETELLING, RETELLS] re#, hos, auto# fore, story TELLER s, ed#, ing#, ship#, ships# to form tillers GIIKNY YIKING# ADEKRW bul WARKED GLLNOY ob LONGLY long CEORSZ CROZES AEHRSU ARUHES# AELRWY non, super LAWYER s, ed ly, ing, ings like to work as a member of the legal profession ADELMO LOAMED CDEESU DEUCES 3 d r s, photor EDUCES SEDUCE d r s, rs, able# ment, ments to lead astray AERSWY SWEARY# 3 relating to, containing or inclined to use swear-words [adj SWEARIER#, SWEARIEST#] SAWYER s one who saws wood for a living SWAYER s one that {sways=v} ADEIMM un# MAIMED ness#, nesses# DEELPR PEDLER s y, ies 2 one who peddles, also PEDDLER, PEDLAR REPLED ge, ged ges, ging AGILMN LINGAM s 3 a Hindu phallic symbol, also LINGA MALIGN s, ed er ly, ant ers ing ity, ance ancy ..7 to speak evil of b f, enf inf, reinf LAMING ton#, tons# AKLOXY ALKOXY containing a univalent radical of alkyl with oxygen ACGORS super CARGOS ABEHST BEATHS# 2 em# im#, sun BATHES BCOOOO BOOCOO s a great amount (variant of BEAUCOUP), also BOOKOO DEIPPZ un ZIPPED EGIMNN a# o, fleh MENING# es, eal, ioma itic itis, iomas ocele# ..8 ENRTTU NUTTER s y#, ies# one that gathers nuts INOPPR POPRIN# denoting a variety of pear GIINSW WISING EHLLRU HULLER s one that {hulls=v} CEHLNO NOCHEL# s#, ed#, ing# led#, ling# to repudiate the debts of someone, also NOTCHEL# ADEKNW s WANKED EFFORX FORFEX# es# the pincers of an earwig CLPSTU in# re SCULPT s, ed or, ing ors ure, ress ural ured ..7 to form an image from solid material, also SCULP DGIINR b# g p, ar# de st, deb hag joy man# nit ..6 RIDING s anchorage AAHMSZ HAMZAS 2 SHAZAM a magic slogan, from DC Comics ADEEPS ap, unap PEASED# 2 PESADE s the position of a horse when rearing EEKOPS PEKOES CEEEHL ELCHEE# s# an ambassador, also ELCHI#, ELTCHI# GIMNPY g# YMPING# AALLVV VALVAL pertaining to a valve, also VALVAR AIPPTT TAPPIT# crested AACLNR CARNAL s#, ly, ise# ism# ist# ity ize# led# ..12 to act carnally / pertaining to bodily appetites AEGLNU LEGUAN# s# 3 a large monitor lizard of the genus Varanus, also LEGUAAN# LAGUNE s a shallow body of water, also LAGOON, LAGUNA LANGUE d# s t, ts, tte, ttes, scent# a type of language EGNOPS PENGOS 2 di# SPONGE d r s, rs, bag# ous#, able# bags# like# ..4 to wipe with absorbent material ABEKRY BAKERY a baker's shop [n BAKERIES] ABCINS fore# CABINS AENORS ARSENO us, pyrite, pyrites 3 containing a chemical radical SENORA s a married Spanish woman t, un, out REASON s, ed er, ers ing, able ably edly# ings ..5 to deduct inferences from premises DELOPY re DEPLOY s, ed er, ers ing, able ment, ments 3 to position troops for battle PODLEY# s# a young coalfish de em, coem rede reem unem, disem ..3 PLOYED AABRTY BARYTA s barium monoxide CHIKOS HOICKS ed# es#, ing# to hark back BDEELL BEDELL s, ship#, ships# 2 a mace-bearer, also BEDEL de# ga la li re um, cor, rela unla# ..2 BELLED BDGMUU MUDBUG s a {crayfish=n} ABENRY NEARBY 2 {near=adj} BARNEY s, ed#, ing# a loud quarrel / to quarrel loudly AEHHRT HEARTH s, rug, rugs, stone, stones the floor of a fireplace AHMNSY MYNAHS CDEIMS pre, para MEDICS EHORST HORSTE s 5 a block of the earth's crust, also HORST b f# m p r#, br fr sm so, smo, godm, forem ..4 OTHERS THROES RESHOT TOSHER# s# a non-collegiate student ADEGMS MADGES# OOPSTT POTTOS ADDELP PADDLE d r s, rs, ball boat fish, balls board ..3 to propel with an oar ACHIJK anti HIJACK s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to steal in transit, also HIGHJACK DDEILR DREIDL s 3 a spinning toy, also DREIDEL g, st# un RIDDLE d r s, rs to pierce with many holes DIRLED LPRRUY PLURRY# euphemistic form of bloody ALOPRY PYROLA s, ter# try#, ters#, tries# a perennial herb EFLSUX af ef in re, con, super# FLUXES CKNTUU UNTUCK s, ed, ing, ered# to release from being tucked up DEISTU be# un, mis non, beje# pant SUITED 2 DUTIES EEGSTY GEYEST# CDIPSU CUPIDS 2 bi, tri, multi# CUSPID s, al es or, ate ore# ors, ated# ores# ..2 a pointed tooth CCOOSZ ZOCCOS# ACDELY pipe# CLAYED EIMPRR long# PRIMER o s, os a book that covers the basics of a subject DEIKLL s, des# out res# uns ups#, over, semis ..2 KILLED DDENNU DUNNED BEHOOS semi HOBOES AGHINS HANGIS# 2 b c d f g h l m p r# s t# w, ab br# cl cr de ..46 ASHING DEIIRS la#, sat, vamp# IRISED 2 IRIDES cent, cence, cences cently DEEENS NEESED# DDEEEM a, ad# re, mis, core unre DEEMED AAPSTW WATAPS CLORSW SCROWL# e# s#, ed# es#, ing# to draft, also SCROWLE# DEELMR MELDER s the amount of grain ground at the one time EGLMOS GOLEMS GHIIKN hitch HIKING BEHLMU HUMBLE d r s, rs st, bee sse#, bees ness sses#, nesses to {abase=v} / {modest=adj} ABCEKT BACKET# s# a shallow trough CDEIKP un, nit ram#, hand, finger PICKED ness#, nesses# DGIIKN klon# DIKING AACLNU CANULA e r s, te, ted tes, ting tion#, tions# 2 a tube inserted into a bodily cavity, also CANNULA LACUNA e l r s, rs ry te, ria an empty space or missing part, also LACUNE AGNRST STRANG e, er es le, ely ers est led ler les ..18 2 {strong=adj} mi re va, emi, immi inmi# inte, nonimmi transmi# GRANTS man men, manship, manships AELPTT PATTLE# s# a spade used to clean a plough ALMOOS MOOLAS AMRRUY MURRAY# s# a tropical eel, also MORAY, MURAENID, MURRY AGINNW d f p y, pr sp, imp und#, outf AWNING s, ed 2 a canvas cover un WANING s# the act of waning DEKNOY DONKEY s, work, works the common ass ADFFRY DRAFFY worthless [adj DRAFFIER, DRAFFIEST] EOPSTX SEXPOT s a sexually attractive woman AACEMR tele# CAMERA e l s, man men ted#, tion# work#, tions# ..5 a judge's chamber CELMOY un, pho# wel, unwel# COMELY pleasing to look at [adj COMELIER, COMELIEST] AAGGKU GAGAKU s ancient court music of Japan IILNNS LININS EIMRSY MISERY a state of great suffering [n MISERIES] DEGHIS be# SIGHED BDELMU BLUMED AABDRY BAYARD s a horse DNOSTU DONUTS 2 a STOUND s, ed, ing to {ache=v} ILRSTY LYRIST s one who plays the lyre IILLMU LIMULI EIIMPS IMPIES# HIOSTY TOYISH ly#, ness#, nesses# frivolous AAMRTU baro# TRAUMA s, ta, tic, tise tism tize, tised tises ..15 a severe emotional shock ABCERR em BRACER o s, os one that {braces=v} DDDEUW WUDDED# FFGILS GLIFFS BDEOPP be# BOPPED AEFIRS FERIAS 2 FRAISE d# s to fortify with a horizontal palisade EIKSTW WESKIT s 2 a vest WISKET# s# a {basket=n} AHRSTW WRATHS 3 SWARTH s y, ier ily, iest ness#, iness, nesses#, inesses {turf=n} THRAWS AEGIMS pr re, non, arch#, after micro pilgr, counter IMAGES 2 AGEISM s discrimination based on age, also AGISM AAENPS PAEANS 3 PAESAN i o s, os a fellow countryman, also PAESANO APNEAS AABRSY ABRAYS# EGIKNR fo# REKING# DDEIOS photo DIODES 2 DIDOES FGILNY re, non out, over, butter FLYING s the operation of an aircraft GIKLNY jo ta un, bal# cho jer lur moc qua ..31 KINGLY befitting a king [adj KINGLIER, KINGLIEST] EKRTUY TURKEY s a large American bird AEGHRS GERAHS 2 GASHER AKLPUW WALKUP s an apartment house with no lift CEHORT HECTOR s, ed er# ly#, ers# ing ism#, ings# ..4 5 to {bully=v} TOCHER s, ed, ing, less# to give a dowry to ROTCHE s a seabird, also ROTCH TROCHE e s, es, ameter# lminth#, ameters# lminths# a medicated lozenge, also TROCHISK# c ROCHET s a linen vestment, also ROCQUET# ADEGPP GAPPED AEKLSW KWELAS# CIIKNP PICKIN# g s#, gs, ess, esses (West Africa) a small child, a pickaninny ENPRTU PUNTER s one who {punts=v} EFIRSU SURFIE# r s#, st 2 one who surfs, also SURFER FURIES FLPRUU UPFURL# s#, ed#, ing# to roll up AAEGLN LAGENA# s# 4 a narrow-necked bottle GALENA s the principal ore of lead, also GALENITE ALNAGE# r# s#, rs# cloth inspection, also AULNAGE# ANLAGE n s the first discernible rudiment of an organ CIIKST TISICK# s# a cough EIIPPR PIPIER ADELMP na PALMED 2 c, unc LAMPED AEHMNS MANEHS# 2 m#, tr ASHMEN EEFLLR FELLER s 2 one that fells more FELL REFELL ed, ing BEFSUU SUBFEU# s#, ed#, ing#, dation# datory#, dations# to grant land to under Scottish feudal law, also FEU EHLSTT SHTETL s, ach a Jewish village, also SHTETEL DIOOPP DOPPIO# s# a double measure of espresso coffee AAEKLN cyclo# ALKANE s t, ts a type of chemical compound EFILNS ELFINS CIKORR CORKIR# s# a lichen used for dying, also KORKIR# CIKLNS crambo# CLINKS tone#, tones# ACDELN CANDLE d r s, rs, lit nut pin, fish nuts pins ..20 2 to examine eggs in front of a light e# g, ba va, free imba reba unba, misba ..5 LANCED ACHISU CHIAUS ed# es, ing# to {swindle=v} EEKLWY bi, mid tri, news semi WEEKLY a publication issued once a week [n WEEKLIES] HHISTW WHISHT s, ed, ing to keep silent, also WISHT#, WHIST BGGINY GYBING ABNRRU inte RURBAN partially rural and urban AEOPPR POPERA# s# operatic music presented to gain popular appeal DEEGLL cud, becud GELLED AHMRRU MURRHA s an ancient Roman substance used to make fine cups and vases, also MURRA ABBGOR GABBRO s, ic id, itic# a type of rock CELNRU LUCERN e s, es alfalfa, also LUCERNE COPSUY COYPUS AABDNS sar, contr ABANDS# 2 BANDAS ABDELT s, res, time# TABLED ERSTTY TRYSTE d r s, rs a market BCDEKU BEDUCK# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to plunge under water BUCKED AKORST TROAKS 3 KORATS TAROKS AIRSSZ sub# SIZARS hip, hips AEHIMM MAIHEM s {mayhem=n} AMPRST STRAMP# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to {tread=v} s# TRAMPS DEEPRY PREYED FLMPSU FLUMPS AABDLM LAMBDA s, cism#, cisms# a Greek letter AAFFIM MAFFIA s a secret criminal organization, also MAFIA CDEHLY CHYLDE# a youth of gentle birth [n CHILDREN] GINPRU re# PURING# 2 b, sl us URPING ABNSUY BUNYAS CDISTY CYSTID# s#, ean#, eans# a cyst-like structure, also CYSTOID ABELMR g r, sc#, scr, descr# unscr AMBLER s 5 one who {ambles=v} BLAMER s one that {blames=v} em# MARBLE d r s, rs, ise ize, ised ises ized izes ..4 to vein or print in a mottled manner b, sc, desc# unsc RAMBLE d r s, rs to {wander=v} c LAMBER s t, ts a ewe that is lambing EINSTY TINSEY# s# tinsel ACCILO ACCOIL# s# 2 a reception / [v ACCOYLD#, ACCOILS#] CALICO s, es a cotton fabric ABBLOO BABOOL s a N African tree CIKNPU UNPICK s, ed, ing, able# to remove the stitches from EEGINS oo, bio geo# iso oro pro zoo, auto ..39 GENIES 3 as de, con SIGNEE s a signer of a document be# re un, far mis# out, fore over ..3 SEEING s the act of one who {sees=v} BGIKNY BYKING# ABHNSU BHUNAS# IISSTV re, pre VISITS AIKRRS KARRIS# 2 SIRKAR# s# the government ACMORT COMART# s# an agreement DDELOP PODDLE# d# s# to amble at leisure CEFIKL FICKLE d# r s#, st, ness, nesses to {perplex=v} / not loyal CEKNOT NOCKET# s# a light lunch, also NACKET# AEMSTY MATEYS 3 MAYEST STEAMY covered with vapour [adj STEAMIER, STEAMIEST] CGHOOS COHOGS ACHILR ARCHIL s, owe#, owes# 2 a red or violet dye, also ORCHEL#, ORCHELLA#, ORCHILLA#, ORSEILLE# a CHIRAL ity, ities of a molecule, having an asymmetry which gives it a handedness property CDDRUY CRUDDY {filthy=adj} [adj CRUDDIER, CRUDDIEST] AEFFRT AFFRET# s# 2 a furious onset FARFET# chedness far fetched AAKMTU MAKUTA KLLNOY KNOLLY {hilly=adj} [adj KNOLLIER#, KNOLLIEST#] DEIKNT TINKED# CCIINP PICNIC s, ky, ked ker, kers king to go on an outdoor excursion with food AEELLR LEALER# AEINPS ASPINE# s# 2 the trembling poplar, also ASPEN SPINAE# ALLORY m, ab am ch fl, aur hum# imm non per ..9 ORALLY through the mouth ABINRS at# ABRINS# 3 step# BAIRNS end mid, bird fore hind lame, after# ..9 BRAINS ick tem, tems torm, ickly torms, tormed ..6 AEJPSS JASPES# AEGRSV en, bur mar, land pals reen wald# ..2 GRAVES t, ide ite, ides ites tone, tones FFINSY SNIFFY {haughty=adj} [adj SNIFFIER, SNIFFIEST] AEHRTT counter THREAT s, ed en, ens ful# ing, ened ener, eners ..3 2 to intimidate, also THREATEN c p s HATTER s, ed# ia, ias ing# to {trouble=v} ACERRY CRAYER# s# a trading vessel, also CRARE# BCEMRU s#, cu en in, dis# suc#, disen CUMBER s, ed er, ers ing, bund less# ment# ..5 to {hinder=v} DEEFFR REFFED 2 DEFFER DDEEPR PEDDER# s# a pedlar, also PETHER# ADILST DITALS# 2 DISTAL ly located far from the point of origin BEIKLN LIBKEN# s# a place of abode DENPRU un PRUNED CFFINO un COFFIN g s, ed, ing ite#, ites# to put in a burial box AGGINP mis pro# ram, equi#, decou front ..2 PAGING s 2 a transfer of computer pages GAPING s#, ly the act of staring with an open mouth NRSTTU STRUNT s, ed, ing to walk with a pompous air, also STRUT MOPRST TROMPS CHOTUY COUTHY# 2 friendly, also COUTHIE [adj COUTHIER, COUTHIEST] TOUCHY overly sensitive [adj TOUCHIER, TOUCHIEST] ACDESY DECAYS CDEOSY DECOYS OORSTU OUTROS# 2 ster trai, impos# TOROUS cylindrical and swollen at intervals, also TOROSE DKOORS DROOKS# ADEFRR FARRED# CEILMS MELICS# 2 CLIMES EIPPRU PURPIE# s# a herb used in salads, also PURSLANE, PURPY#, PURSLAIN#, PUSLEY, PUSSLEY, PUSSLY HORSTW un#, out# tam# wan#, jobs# stal, penny ..5 WORTHS 4 WHORTS g t, ing reg upg, misg# outg preg, overg ..4 ROWTHS up, mis out, down over wind THROWS ter, ters AFFIMR re, dis AFFIRM s, ed er, ant ers ing, able ance ants ..8 to state positively ABKLNS BLANKS AFGINS FAGINS 2 vout#, vouch SAFING# AACELP PALACE d s a royal residence AEIKNS uro, hexo, gluco, entero, phospho ..2 KINASE s an {enzyme=n} DDEELR t REDDLE d s, man# men# to colour with a red dye, also RUDDLE DEEGKS KEDGES DHIMOS un MODISH ly, ness, nesses {stylish=adj} DEEFSU DEFUSE d r s, rs to remove the fuse from, also DEFUZE OOPSWY SWOOPY having sweeping lines or features [adj SWOOPIER, SWOOPIEST] BKRTUU KRUBUT s a tropical plant, also KRUBI ADEMRU REMUDA s a herd of horses ACKMSU muck AMUCKS LMTTUU TUMULT s, ed#, ing#, uary uate# uous, uated# ..6 to make a great din and commotion BEGRRU ham, beef# fish# vege#, cheese veggie# BURGER s a hamburger EEMMOR MEROME# s# one of the serial segments of which a body is composed, also MEROSOME# EINRSW REWINS CIKPRY PRICKY having many sharp points, also PRICKLY [adj PRICKIER, PRICKIEST] HMOSTU be#, bad big dry# ver war, frog# goal ..12 MOUTHS EGGILR LIGGER# s# a horizontal timber in scaffolding AEINST SEITAN s 4 a food made from wheat gluten, also SEITEN# TISANE s a tea of herbs or barley, also PTISAN TINEAS TENIAS es is EGOSTY STOGEY s a long, slender cigar, also STOGY, STOGIE GHHINO HOHING# ACEOSX COAXES CCILNO cy, myo, anticy CLONIC ity, ities pertaining to {clonus=n} AAKOPR PAKORA s an Indian vegetable dish AGIMNP c d l r t v, ch cl cr gl# sc st sw tr, dec ..11 AMPING ACGHIN b c, be co le pe po re ro te un#, are# ..39 ACHING s#, ly a continuing pain HILLWY WHILLY# ing# wha#, whas# whaw#, whaed# whaws# ..3 to entice by soft words, also WHEEDLE [v WHILLIED#, WHILLYING#, WHILLIES#] ADELPR PEDLAR s y, ies 2 one who peddles, also PEDDLER, PEDLER em# im# PARLED AFHORS SHOFAR s a horn blown in certain Jewish rituals, also SHOPHAR [n SHOFARS or SHOFROTH] BCEKMO BEMOCK s, ed, ing to {deride=v} EIMOPS re, pre, super IMPOSE d r s x#, rs, xes# to set as a burden or task ABDRWY BAWDRY 2 obscenity [n BAWDRIES] DAWBRY# a {daubing=n} [n DAWBRIES#] ACDELT TALCED AELPRU endo# PLEURA e l s, pophyses# pophysis# a membrane that covers the lungs EJMOOS MOJOES AHLNOS encep#, diencep# epencep#, mesencep# ..4 HALONS 2 LOHANS# EELRSV d, sh ELVERS 3 bup#, side#, canti LEVERS REVELS ADEJMM un, log JAMMED ABPSTY BYPAST gone by AFMSUU FUSUMA a sliding partition in a Japanese house BFFINO BOFFIN g s a scientific expert ABLMPU PABLUM s bland writing EIISSV VISIES# CDEEER DECREE d r s t#, rs ts#, ing, able# 2 to issue an edict p RECEDE d s to move back DDIKSY SKIDDY likely to cause skidding [adj SKIDDIER, SKIDDIEST] EFFLOP POFFLE# s# something attached to something else ABELRR multi BARREL s, ed, age ful ing led, ages fuls head ..5 to move fast GINPRS re up, bed day off out, hair hand head ..4 SPRING e s y, al ed er es le#, ald als bok ers ..41 to leap upward [v SPRANG or SPRONG# or SPRINGED, SPRUNG or SPRONG# or SPRANG, SPRINGING, SPRINGS] AGINSW ASWING# 3 swingingly WIGANS re, jig rip see, hack whip, chain, quarter# SAWING s# the act of sawing ACHLOT ca es CHALOT h ACEEPS dis#, head# PEACES 2 ESCAPE d e r s, es rs, less# ment, ments to free oneself CDIOST CODIST# s# 2 one who {codifies=v} DICOTS AAMRSW ASWARM swarming AINRST INSTAR s, red, ring 4 to adorn with stars s, de en re up# vi, dis mis pre qua res ..11 TRAINS potterish# di mi re, con eye out#, over, inter STRAIN s t#, ed er ts#, ers ing, edly# ings# to exert to the utmost SANTIR s a Persian stringed instrument, also SANTOOR, SANTOUR, SANTUR AADEPS ESPADA# s# a {sword=n} GGINUY mama# GUYING AAHLMU HAMAUL s a porter in eastern countries, also HAMAL, HAMMAL ADHNSU HUDNAS# DEFFIM MIFFED DEENSU ENSUED 2 v ENDUES IKLNTY TINKLY producing a tinkling sound [adj TINKLIER, TINKLIEST] AADLNS ALANDS 2 SANDAL s, ed, ing led, ling wood, woods to dress in light open shoes BFLTUU TUBFUL s as much as a tub can hold EESTTW pee TWEETS 2 TWEEST# DEOPSU PSEUDO s, nym pod, acid# bulb# carp# code# ..69 2 a person pretending to be intellectual, also PSEUD SOUPED INSTYY TYIYNS# ABIORS ISOBAR e s, es ic, ism, isms, ometric# a type of atom, also ISOBARE BEELRY BERLEY# s#, ed#, ing# to {tease=v} ADEHSW p, scrim SHAWED 3 HAWSED# s, re si# un, ale# pre, back rain, black# ..5 WASHED DINORS NIDORS# AAEKLM KAMELA# s#, ukion#, ukions# an Asian tree yielding an orange dye, also KAMALA, KAMILA# AEHLRT neander# THALER s 3 a small German coin, also TALER asp# wag# HALTER e s, ed es, ing, neck#, break broke necks# ..3 to put restraint upon b s LATHER s y, ed er, ers ier# ing, iest# to cover with a light foam AKOORR KARROO s 3 a dry plateau, also KAROO KORORA# s# a fairy penguin KARORO# s# a large seagull with black feathers on its back ELLORT ex TOLLER s a collector of tolls ABLSWY BYLAWS AMNOTY TOYMAN# a seller of toys [n TOYMEN#] EEEFFR EFFERE# d# s#, nt, nce# nts, nces# ntly to be suitable, also EFFEIR# AAASTT a# TAATAS# AELNOS esp ANOLES 2 LANOSE covered with wool, also LANATE, LANATED ABEKLM KEMBLA# s# small change (Australian rhyming slang from Kembla Range) AILORS day#, board SAILOR s, ly, ing#, ings# less# like# a member of a ship's crew AADHKN KHANDA# s# a double-edged Sikh sword EGGPRY PREGGY# (New Zealand) pregnant [adj PREGGIER#, PREGGIEST#] AGOPRS PARGOS ADNSTU gran DAUNTS DNORSW DROWNS 2 d ROWNDS# BSTTUU BUTUTS BGMOSU GUMBOS AGHIST THAGIS# DEEELR c, st un REELED 2 f, bando# cance# LEERED BBEGNU BEBUNG# s# a tremolo effect on the clavichord DEOSTW be un#, unbe#, misbe# STOWED 3 DOWSET# s# a sweet dish, also DOUCET# TOWSED# ACGINN re, chi CANING s# a severe beating CEHMNS luft MENSCH y, en es an admirable person ABBEJR JABBER s, ed er, ers ing, ings# wock#, ingly# ..3 to talk rapidly DINSTU NUDIST s an advocate of {nudism=n} ENPRRU PRUNER s one that {prunes=v} AEHILS SHEILA s a young woman ACRSTT at de ex re te#, abs con dis pro sub ..4 TRACTS ILORST es vi, oes TRIOLS ACMORR CARROM s, ed, ing to collide with and rebound, also CAROM AABEST ABATES AEINNS INANES t 4 INSANE r, ly st, ness, nesses mentally unsound SIENNA s a brown pigment SANNIE# s# a {sandshoe=n} BCMORS CROMBS# AIIMST SAMITI# s# (Hindi) a political organization, also SAMITHI# CHLOOT COOLTH s {coolness=n} CDELLO cara, proto COLLED# ENOSWW SWOWNE# s# a fainting fit, also SWOUNE#, SWOWND# BELSUY BLUEYS 2 BLUESY resembling blues music [adj BLUESIER, BLUESIEST] AAHKPU HAPUKA# s# (Maori) the groper, also HAPUKU# BDEEIS there# BESIDE s next to EHHKST KHETHS DEEHSW fore# SHEWED AFILSY SALIFY ing to combine with salt [v SALIFIED, SALIFYING, SALIFIES] AACHTT re ATTACH e, ed er es, ers ing, able ment, ments 2 to {join=v} CHATTA# s# an umbrella AALSWY ALWAYS every time ADELMR epi exo# sub, ecto endo ento hypo ..14 DERMAL 3 relating to the derm MEDLAR s an Eurasian tree MARLED ABBCIR BICARB s, onate, onates short form of bicarbonate ILOOST SOLITO# n, ns in the usual manner GIINNT mu pa sa#, des, bulle, guillo predes ..3 TINING AACCDI CICADA e s a winged insect, also CICALA BEINOS BESOIN# s# need DEFSTU FUSTED# DINNOS SINDON# s#, ology#, ophany#, ologies# ologist# ..2 fine cloth AILSTU SITULA# e# a bucket AEMPRT EMPART# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to communicate, also IMPART s TAMPER s, ed er, ers ing, ings#, proof to interfere in a harmful manner AHSTUY THUYAS ADEEKL LEAKED DEINRS un, pre RINSED 3 SNIDER cor# DINERS AEEHRS sp# HEARES# 3 en# in# re un# HEARSE d s to transport in a vehicle for carrying corpses sp# HAERES an heir [n HAEREDES] AKMORS KORMAS ADDEHN HADDEN# 2 un, off red#, back bare even fore ..8 HANDED ness, nesses AABIRS BRAAIS# 2 m# ARABIS# e#, ed# es#, ing#, ation#, ations# a trailing plant DEEPSW SPEWED EIKMRR s MIRKER CHIOSW COWISH# like a cow ELMOPY co re, dis mis EMPLOY e s, ed ee er es, ees ers ing, able ment ..4 to {hire=v} HRSUUU ahur# UHURUS# CEHILN LICHEN s, ed in, ing ins ism# ist# oid# ose ..8 to cover with flowerless plants EHKNOY HONKEY s a white man, also HONKIE, HONKY CEEHRY sc REECHY 2 foul, rancid, also REECHIE# [adj REECHIER, REECHIEST,] CHEERY {cheerful=adj} [adj CHEERIER, CHEERIEST] ABEEST SEBATE# s# a salt of sebacic acid ABDDEY DAYBED s a couch that converts to a bed BEJLMU be, auto# JUMBLE d r s, rs to mix in a disordered manner EIRSTV TREVIS# s#, es#, ses# 5 a stall, also TREVISS# re# VERIST s, ic one who practices {verism=n} STIVER s a former Dutch coin, also STUIVER re, out, gain# STRIVE d n r s, rs to {contend=v} [v STROVE or STRIVED, STRIVEN, STRIVING, STRIVES] g p t, un# RIVETS EIILLM ra MILLIE# r s#, me rs, mes (Irish) a young working-class woman ACIKPS ASPICK# s# a venomous snake, also ASP AEENPS PEASEN IMMNOU OMNIUM# s# total value of several stocks CEHIMR MICHER# s# 2 a {loafer=n} CHIMER a e s, as es ic id#, ids# ism, ical isms ..2 one that {chimes=v} AGILNW b c f, un#, dec out, clapperc LAWING s 2 a bill for food or drink in a tavern s# WALING DLLOOP DOLLOP s, ed, ing to dispense in small amounts EINPSU PUISNE s 2 one of lesser rank re SUPINE s, ly, ness, nesses a Latin verbal noun AELLPT PALLET s, ed te, ing ise ize tes, ised iser# ..12 a bed or mattress or straw / to load onto a pallet BDHNUU BUHUND# s# a type of Norwegian dog IOPPTZ ZIPTOP# having a top that fastens with a zip AADPSW PADSAW# s# a small saw-blade DEEEMR co REDEEM s, ed er, ers ing, able ably# less# ..3 3 to buy back sch MEERED# REMEDE# d# s# to cure, also REMEAD# EINORS IRONES 4 SONERI# s# cloth of gold SENIOR s, ity, ities a person who is older than another, also SIGNEUR# NOSIER DEKLOP POLKED# CDEENS in li re#, reli unli, subli CENSED 2 dama SCENED# AHKMNU KHANUM# s# a lady's title of rank in the Middle East ABGINN BANING EIKOPP KOPPIE s a small hill, also KOPJE AEKRRY RAKERY# dissoluteness [n RAKERIES#] DEGMSU DEGUMS 3 be SMUDGE d r# s, rs#, dly#, less# to {smear=v} s, bes MUDGES# AAINPP PAPAIN s an {enzyme=n} EIRSSZ as#, down#, fanta, synthe, hypothe# SIZERS GIORST GRIOTS 2 inter# TRIGOS AEMRRU ARMURE s a fabric with a pebbled surface BDEGOS BODGES# AEFNST re un FASTEN s, ed er, ers ing, ings 2 to {secure=v} NEFAST# abominable BEELMR t, at REMBLE# d# s# to {remove=v} CCIIRT CITRIC ulture, ultures, ulturist, ulturists 2 derived from citrus fruit ec# eu pi, dia epi, endo# hypo#, hyper, oneiro# CRITIC s, al, ise ism ize, ally ised iser# ..19 one who judges the merits of something MOSTUU OUTSUM# s#, med#, ming# to outnumber DEGLRU GURLED# AEHRSW HAWSER s 4 a mooring rope WHARES# p REWASH ed es, ing to wash again s, dish, brain white WASHER s y#, ed#, ies# ing# man men, woman women to fit with a washer of small valve CCIILN a, iso tri, mono poly, matri# matro# ..2 CLINIC s, al, ian, ally ians, alness#, alnesses# a medical facility ADEFFN niff# NAFFED CEHLPS CHELPS# 2 SCHLEP p s, ps py#, ped per#, pers# pier# ping, piest# to drag, also SCHLEPP, SHLEP, SHLEPP ADGMOS DOGMAS BLRRUY BLURRY {unclear=adj} [adj BLURRIER, BLURRIEST] EGLNRU b p LUNGER s one that {lunges=v} AACMNR CARMAN a streetcar driver [n CARMEN] EINSTW WISENT s 2 a European bison en in un, disen# inter TWINES AIPRSU RUPIAS# DGINSY ban#, busybo# discan# DYINGS DIILPS glyco, phospho LIPIDS DLLOUY LOUDLY in a loud manner [adv LOUDLIER, LOUDLIEST] CDEEKP s, hen, flys PECKED EFLPSY FLYPES# DEIKNR KIRNED 5 un, wunder KINDER s#, spiel#, garten spiels#, gartens ..4 short form of kindergarten KINRED# s# blood relationship, also KINDRED DINKER# p, ove# RINKED# EHIRSW s WISHER s one who {wishes=v} AEPPRZ ZAPPER s a device that zaps INOPST SPINTO s 8 a singing voice that is lyric and dramatic s PINTOS POTINS# POSTIN g s, gs, augural fection jection ..2 an Afghan sheepskin coat, also POSTEEN, POSHTEEN# multi PISTON s a part of an engine ap re#, acu# dew# dry end eye gun ..33 POINTS man# men# PINOTS PITONS EILSSZ SIZELS# CINRSU re INCURS ion ive, ions DNOOSU NODOUS having nodes, also NODOSE EEEMST dis mis ESTEEM s, ed, ing 2 to have a high opinion of MESTEE s a person of one-eighth black ancestry, also MUSTEE CENRSY SCRYNE# s# a shine BEMNRU re, mis out pre NUMBER s, ed er, ers ing, able ings# less, plate# ..3 to {count=v} AEPRSU PAREUS 2 PAUSER s one who {pauses=v} BBIRTU RUBBIT# y#, ies# AEHLMR HARMEL# s# an African bean plant, also HARMALA# AAFFJS JAFFAS# IKMOSU KOUMIS s, es, ses a beverage made from camel's milk, also KOUMISS, KOUMYS, KOUMYSS, KUMISS, KUMYS EOPRSV ap im re, dis, reap, disap disim# misim# preap PROVES IKLMOS MILKOS# DENPSU UPENDS 4 SENDUP s a parody UNSPED# unaccomplished UPSEND s, ing to send upward [v UPSENT, UPSENDING, UPSENDS] CEHOSU CHOUSE d r s, rs 2 to swindle, also CHOWSE b# c d g# m p r t v, av cr gr sl sm# tr# ..16 OUCHES DEGSTU DEGUST s, ed, ate# ing, ated# ates#, ating# ..3 3 to taste with pleasure GUTSED# de, dis GUSTED CDEEHT TECHED 2 {crazy=adj} f l r t, fl kv qu# sk th# wr, str, resk ..4 ETCHED CIKMNU NICKUM# s#, poop#, poops# a mischievous boy CELPRU CURPEL# s# the rump of a horse, also CRUPPER ADELLM s#, gim# MALLED IMRSUU MIURUS# es# a hexameter with a short penultimate syllable EHIKRS hitch HIKERS 4 SHREIK# s#, ed#, ing# to utter a scream, also SHREEK#, SHRIECH#, SHRIEK SHRIEK s y, ed er, ers ier ing, iest ings#, ingly# to utter a scream, also SHREEK#, SHREIK#, SHRIECH# wood# SHRIKE d# s to shriek, also SHRITCH# CHLOTU LUCHOT# h# ADEHKR c s HARKED AAAJMP PAJAMA s, ed a garment for sleeping or lounging, also PYJAMA ANPSUY UNPAYS# ACILSV out CAVILS 2 CLAVIS# a clue [n CLAVES] CEEIRS mer CERISE s a red colour AEILMR e#, black green MAILER s 2 one who {mails=v} REMAIL s, ed, ing to post again AAGHKN KANGHA# s# 2 a coloured cotton cloth worn as a dress, also KANGA#, KHANGA# KHANGA# s# a coloured cotton cloth worn as a dress, also KANGA#, KANGHA# DLLORS be, bea han# DROLLS DDEILM MILDED 2 MIDDLE d r s, rs, man men, brow most# ware# ..11 to place in the centre CPSTUU CUTUPS AHLPRS RALPHS CHIRSU CHIRUS AEGLRU REGULA# e# r, rs te, ble rly ted tes tor, rise# ..20 the rule of a religious order ABLLPU BALLUP# s# a botched confusion FORSTY FROSTY covered with frost [adj FROSTIER, FROSTIEST] ABCHPU HUBCAP s a covering for the hub of a wheel ACORSW SOWCAR s a Hindu banker, also SOUCAR DEEHLL s, bus ens# ins# noc# uns, hatc notc# ..2 HELLED ADEHRR HARDER BGOORS BORGOS# AERRTY ARTERY a vessel that carries blood from the heart [n ARTERIES] AGLMOS GLOAMS CKORST ou, shee TROCKS AIIMPS SIMPAI# s# the black-crested langur of Sumatra CEGIRS GRICES# AEELSV VEALES# 3 di# SLEAVE d s to separate into fine filaments c g# s, de, dis# end fly way#, long park# ..8 LEAVES DEFIST re un, pre SIFTED 2 hard iron, close tight FISTED ACEKTT s# TACKET s y# a hobnail ADDEMR MADDER s a perennial herb ADEINS SDAINE# d# s# 3 to {disdain=v} s#, fre# mon#, demimon DAINES# un# SAINED EIPRSZ ap em re#, com dis mes# mis out# sur ..2 PRIZES GGILNY NIGGLY trifling [adj NIGGLIER, NIGGLIEST] ADELPT im# re, tin#, boiler# contem, electro, uncontem PLATED AAACMR MARACA s a percussion instrument GILRSU LURGIS# AINSTU TUINAS# ABCKOR BAROCK# s# a bold decorative style, also BAROQUE, BAROCCO# DENPSY SPENDY expensive [adj SPENDIER, SPENDIEST] BMOOTY TOMBOY s, ish, ishly#, ishness, ishnesses a girl who acts like a boy CGLOOS COLOGS DDEERY YERDED# 2 REDYED BHOOOO BOOHOO s, ed, ing to weep noisily GIORRS RIGORS BGNOOS BONGOS 2 BOONGS# AAEPRT PETARA# s# 2 a type of clothes basket, also PITARA#, PITARAH# PATERA# e# a type of Roman shallow dish AEEHPS SPAHEE s a Turkish cavalryman, also SPAHI AEKNOS SOAKEN# BBEGIR GIBBER s, ed, ing ish, ellic# ellin ishes, ellins to {jabber=v} ADEHLR HARLED# 3 HERALD s, ed ic ry, ing ist, ists ries ship# ..2 to {proclaim=v} HARELD# s# the long-tailed duck ELMSUY MULEYS AGPSUU GAUPUS# es# a silly person, also GAWPUS# AEEPSX c# APEXES ALNSUY UNLAYS 2 YULANS CDEEHL LECHED GHNPUU UPHUNG# OORRSW SORROW s, ed er, ers ful ing, ings# less#, fully ..2 to {grieve=v} CDEKOP POCKED ELLMTU sur MULLET s a hairstyle, short at the front, long at the back, and ridiculous all round AENRSV c RAVENS DEMOPR t ROMPED IKLNPS u, sna# PLINKS AILLYZ g LAZILY in a lazy manner EILLMU re# ILLUME d s to light up AAGIRS AGRIAS AGINNT b# c d# g# h k# p r w, aw# ch dr# gr pl ..42 ANTING s the act of birds placing ants among their feathers AEGRRY GRAYER ELOPRY PELORY# unexpected regularity in a flower, also PELORIA, PELORISM# [n PELORIES#] EGGLRU GLURGE# s# 3 supposedly factual stories sent by email, often mawkish and fabricated p s LUGGER s a small sailing vessel GURGLE d s t, ts to flow unevenly EILRSW SWILER# s# (Canada) a seal hunter AAMSTU AMAUTS# BEGIRS zin# GIBERS BDDISU DISBUD s, ded, ding to remove buds from CDEEHR wret CHEDER s a Jewish school [n CHEDERS or CHADARIM] AAEFFR AFFEAR# d# e# s#, ed# es#, ing# to frighten, also AFEAR#, AFFEARE# CEFKLS be, snow# FLECKS BDDEMU be DUMBED BFFIIN BIFFIN g s a red cooking apple CEKMOR MOCKER s y, ed#, ies ing# nut#, nuts# one who {mocks=v} / to {clothe=v} GHINNO p, sip syp, marat megap telep HONING AAEPRR PARERA# s# a New Zealand duck with brown-edged grey feathers EGIKRS GRIKES# AEMMTU MAUMET s, ry, ries an idol, also MAMMET, MAWMET# ADEELR REDEAL# s# t#, ing# 5 to deal again mis sub, news, inter DEALER s, ship, ships one that {deals=v} LAERED# b c, mis unc, prec, overc LEARED# p, co, imp mis rep, band fair play# ..4 LEADER s, ene#, enes# ette# less ship, board ..3 one who {guides=v} ABLMTY TYMBAL s a large drum, also TIMBAL ADEERR DREARE# r# s#, st# 6 gloom, also DREAR, DRERE# DEARER fo# REREAD s, ing, ings to read again [v REREAD, REREADING, REREADS] REDEAR s the common sunfish up REARED d# t, sp th, lip non, copy news, micro ..2 READER s, ly, ship, ships one who {reads=v} DEGGLU g p s, unp, chuga, sparkp LUGGED INPSUY PUISNY# insignificant EHKOOY HOOKEY s {truancy=n} AAHMSU MAHUAS# 2 MASHUA# s# a tuber plant CEHOSW OWCHES# 2 CHOWSE d s to swindle, also CHOUSE EMMNTU a# o, ce lo mo ra to, sar sub# teg tor# ..7 MENTUM the chin [n MENTA] IORSSV ad de di re un#, pre pro#, tele, impro super VISORS EIRTTT TITTER s, ed er, ers ing, ings#, ingly# to utter a restrained, nervous laugh EILPPU PILEUP s 2 a collision involving several motor vehicles UPPILE d s to pile up HIIMNS di MINISH ed es, ing to {diminish=v} CEINOS hy, sub OSCINE s 4 any of the family of songbirds arc COSINE s, ss, sses a trigonometrical function of an angle per# sil, quadr# ICONES bal CONIES CGINOR s, en, res suc, outs pres tops#, overs, unders CORING AACIST CASITA s a small house EEFLST FLEETS AGGINR GRINGA s 2 a female foreigner in Latin America en fo ga ma#, ave bar out umb#, acco# ..11 RAGING s#, ly the act of raging DEHMPU c t w, bet HUMPED CEEHKY CHEEKY {impudent=adj} [adj CHEEKIER, CHEEKIEST] AEGSTU TEGUAS ABDEFF BAFFED EGMOST witena GEMOTS DEGGOR en re un#, dis, over# GORGED ly 2 hot, bull DOGGER s y, el, els ies man# men# a fishing vessel FIKLSY FLISKY# {skittish=adj} [adj FLISKIER#, FLISKIEST#] CDEKTU un TUCKED CEHOOS COHOES# 2 re, mis pre CHOOSE r s y, rs to select by preference [v CHOSE, CHOSEN, CHOOSING, CHOOSES] ACDDER un, dis pla, post# CARDED DEMSTY STYMED# DEORSV han hol, stan# DOVERS# 2 DROVES EEKLPR KELPER# s# a Falkland Islander DDELMU be MUDDLE d r s, rs, ment#, dness# ments#, headed ..2 to mix up DEKOOR b c d#, ab# ROOKED DIKLNY un KINDLY 2 {kind=adj} [adj KINDLIER, KINDLIEST] DINKLY {neatly=adv} AEFLSX toad, earth# FLAXES ACLOPU CUPOLA r# s, ed, ing ted# 2 to shape like a dome s COPULA e r s, te, ted tes, ting tion tive tory ..3 something which joins together EHLOST apart# HOTELS 4 HELOTS HOSTEL s, ed er ry, ers ing led ler, ings# lers ..3 to stay overnight in hostels when travelling bo# ca# po ra, ane bol kno pes por ..3 THOLES ACEHNR ENARCH# ed# es#, ing# 2 to graft a plant CHENAR# s# a type of tree GIMORS OGRISM s 2 the state of being ogreish, also OGREISM SIMORG# s# a fabled bird GHOSTY GHOSTY {ghostly=adj} [adj GHOSTIER, GHOSTIEST] HMRSTU bara# pyre THRUMS ABBDEN NABBED ACEMRS out SCREAM o# s, ed er os#, ers ing, ingly 4 to utter a prolonged, piercing cry gri, amphi MACERS s, outs CREAMS ma CRAMES# y#, ies# ADEELP ap re, unre# PEALED 3 be up, out, over LEAPED PLEAED# INNORS RONINS# ABKNOS KOBANS# EHLMOY un# HOMELY n#, ns# unattractive [adj HOMELIER, HOMELIEST] DEIPPT PEPTID e s, es ic, ase, ases, oglycan, oglycans 2 a combination of amino acids, also PEPTIDE un, over TIPPED AAAGMS AGAMAS AGILNN LIGNAN s a type of {polymer=n} KLLNOS KNOLLS DEEEKP PEEKED CCLOTU OCCULT s, ed er ly, ers ing ism ist, isms ists ..4 to {conceal=v} DDEINR st un#, bed hag joy out, best over ..2 RIDDEN 2 b g RINDED ABEGLR GARBLE d r s, rs ss to distort the meaning of ADEKPR s, im re, dis# PARKED AACHNR ANARCH s y, al# ic, ial# ies ise# ism ist ize# ..12 a promoter of lawlessness ACEELL mi, bru, vorti CELLAE 2 CALLEE s one that is called GGINNO NOGGIN g s, gs a small cup ADEMNS re# AMENDS 4 MENADS be lo# si# ti#, bri# spa# tra DESMAN s an aquatic mammal DEMANS# AHILLP ithy# PHALLI c n#, ns# sm st, sms sts, cism cist# ..3 CCEHIT cac cat HECTIC s#, al ly, ally a consumptive / filled with turmoil ACILLY LACILY in a lacy manner EGLLRU GULLER# s# y#, ies# someone who deceives FILLPU UPFILL# s#, ed#, ing#, ings# to fill up ILNSTU SUNLIT 2 lit by the sun INSULT s, ed er, ant# ers ing, able# ment# ..2 to subject to indignity AGMSTU GAMUTS CDDEOR ac re un#, con# dis, rere unre, disac ..3 CORDED 2 CODDER s a cod fisherman ILRSTU TRISUL# a# s#, as#, cate# fide, fides phide#, phides# a trident of Siva, also TRISULA# EEHRSW c s, esc HEWERS 3 no, any, some WHERES o#, oever SHEWER s one that {shews=v} ELLMNU MULLEN s a Eurasian herb, also MULLEIN FFHIWY WHIFFY# {smelly=adj} [adj WHIFFIER#, WHIFFIEST#] EIKMOS SMOKIE# r s#, st (Scots) a smoked haddock ACHORT ORCHAT# s# an area where fruit trees are grown, also ORCHARD MNORSU MOURNS AEFKLY FLAKEY resembling flakes [adj FLAKIER, FLAKIEST] DDEORW s#, re un#, mis WORDED BKLNSU BLUNKS# HIKSWY WHISKY alcoholic spirit, also WHISKEY [n WHISKIES] GINNPY PYNING# CEEPRY CREPEY 2 crinkly, also CREPY [adj CREPIER, CREPIEST] CREEPY rather eerie [adj CREEPIER, CREEPIEST] LNOSTU UNLOST# not lost GIKNST tsk TSKING DEINPS PIENDS# 3 SPINED having a spine SNIPED APPRUW UPWRAP# s# an anticline AACHNT pyr#, coel trag ACANTH# a i s#, ae as# in# us, ine ins# oid ous ..3 a prickly plant with toothed leaves, also ACANTHUS, ACANTHA DEEFIS ma# re DEFIES ABINOS BONSAI 2 the art of growing dwarf trees in pots [n BONSAI] BASION s a part of the skull DEILLR d f g p t, pe sh th, red und upt#, impe ..4 RILLED HKOOPU HOOKUP s an electrical assemblage GINNOY an, tan# NOYING# BDNOSU a, em# in re, out#, hard over# soft ..4 BOUNDS ALLMOT MALTOL s a chemical compound AAGNPR PARANG s a heavy knife ACEHNP PECHAN s the stomach IMRSTU MURTIS# 2 al un# TRUISM s an obvious truth AADLST DATALS# EFLLRU aw wo, joy woe, care dole fear pain ..11 FULLER s y, ed, ene ide# ies ing ite#, enes ..2 to groove with a type of hammer CEJKOY out JOCKEY s, ed, ing ish ism#, isms# ship#, ships# to maneuver for position BDEERR pu REBRED AGILNY a# c f p s, al be de in re sp un up#, mis ..22 LAYING s# 2 the first coat of plaster un GAINLY {graceful=adj} [adj GAINLIER, GAINLIEST] AEKLNY ALKYNE s a type of chemical compound EFLORR ROLFER s a manipulator of muscles AFMOOS SAMFOO# s# a Chinese woman's outfit, also SAMFU# CNOSTY CYTONS AEFLST FESTAL s#, ly a festivity EILNSY poly LYSINE s 2 an amino acid LINSEY s a coarse fabric ADEHYY HEYDAY s the period of one's greatest success, also HEYDEY BDEIST BEDSIT s, ter#, ters# ting# 3 one room dwelling serving as bedroom and sitting room BIDETS DEBITS AALRSV VARSAL# 3 universal LARVAS LAVRAS# EEPRSZ PREZES AELOST end, peri OSTEAL 2 resembling bone, also OSSEOUS i, de in, con#, discon SOLATE d s to change to a fluid colloidal system BEORSW BOWSER# s# 3 a petrol pump over BROWSE d r s, rs to look at casually em im, cross# BOWERS DELLWY LEWDLY in a lewd manner BLLOOX BOLLOX ed es, ing to make a mess of, also BOLLIX, BALLOCKS#, BOLIX#, BOLLOCKS CEILST a#, mono, proto, siphono# STELIC pertaining to a {stele=n} CHIRST CRITHS# 4 f# RICHTS# e# o STRICH# es# the screech-owl CHIRTS# DHLOSU SHOULD er st, ers est, ered, ering, erings# EERRTT TERRET s a metal ring on a harness, also TERRIT BBDEGU BEDBUG s 2 a bloodsucking insect GUBBED# ADEGGL be# DAGGLE d s 2 to drag in mud b# c f s, bef ref LAGGED AAIKLM KALMIA s 2 an evergreen shrub KAMILA# s# an Asian tree yielding an orange dye, also KAMALA, KAMELA# AAEGST div ind run, prop, extrav AGATES HOOOOP HOOPOO s a European bird, also HOOPOE AEEFSS FEASES ABEMRT TAMBER# s# the quality given to a sound by it's overtones, also TIMBRE BIKMNU BUMKIN s a ship's spar CCEEIS ECESIC relating to ecesis AKNRST ou TRANKS EHOPRS HOPERS 3 can EPHORS POSHER AGLOSW SAWLOG s a log large enough to saw into boards ABBHOO HABOOB s a violent sandstorm DDEILL DILLED flavoured with dill ADDDEG GADDED AGLLNO GALLON s, age, ages 2 a unit of liquid measure GOLLAN# d# s#, ds# a flower, also GOLLAND#, GOWLAN#, GOWLAND# ADENSY DENAYS# DLLORY DROLLY 2 in a droll manner un# LORDLY in the manner of a lord [adj LORDLIER, LORDLIEST] ACHILM CHIMLA s a chimney, also CHIMBLEY, CHIMBLY, CHIMLEY AIIMNS ANIMIS m t, ms ts, tic 3 pro SIMIAN s an ape or monkey SAIMIN s a Hawaiian noodle soup AAILLP PALLIA l, rd# te, rds# sse ted tes tor, ment# ..10 AEKMRR fi# REMARK s, ed er et, ers ets ing, able ably eted ..5 2 to say briefly or casually re, bio, back# book MARKER s one that {marks=v} AELOPS ASLOPE on a slope AIKNNP NAPKIN s a piece of material used to wipe hands and mouth GGGIIT GIGGIT# s#, ed#, ing# to {convey=v} ALOPSU PULAOS# ACEIMS AMICES 2 CAMISE s a type of robe, also CAMISA, CAMIS#, CAMISIA ACLPST CLASPT ACHSUW CUSHAW s a variety of squash, also CASHAW CCIPRU CUPRIC containing bivalent copper DEGNRU GERUND s, ial ive, ival# ives, ively# 4 a verbal noun GURNED# NUDGER s one that {nudges=v} DUNGER# s# (New Zealand) a dilapidated car or machine AGGLNY GANGLY awkwardly tall and lanky [adj GANGLIER, GANGLIEST] AFFGUW GUFFAW s, ed, ing to laugh loudly CEKLRS sub, check# sales CLERKS hip, hips CIKNYZ ZINCKY resembling zinc [adj ZINCKIER#, ZINCKIEST#] EEKMPR KEMPER# s# a champion ERSSTV VERSTS DHIRSY DRYISH somewhat dry BBDEFU FUBBED ACOPSY COPAYS AOPSTU ASPOUT# in a spouting manner APSUWY UPSWAY# s#, ed#, ing# to swing up AIORST improvi SATORI s 4 the illumination of spirit sought by Zen Buddhists ARISTO s, tle#, crat logy# tles#, cracy crats ..8 an aristocrat RATIOS AORIST s, ic, ically a verb tense BCEIRS a e#, de in, con pre pro sub, rede tran ..8 SCRIBE d r s, rs to mark with a pointed instrument AILNSY INLAYS 3 LAYINS SNAILY# like a snail [adj SNAILIER#, SNAILIEST#] GHOORS SORGHO s a variety of sorghum, also SORGO FHPRUY FURPHY# a rumour [n FURPHIES#] LOPRTY PORTLY 2 {stout=adj} [adj PORTLIER, PORTLIEST] PROTYL e s, es a hypothetical source of the chemical elements, also PROTYLE, PROTHYL# ABGIKN out par pre sun#, over, under BAKING s the process by which bread is baked BKORWY BYWORK s work done during leisure time ACNRST CRANTS# es# a type of garland AIILLM LIMAIL# s# the dust and filings of metal, also LEMEL# EEHIST SITHEE# (English dialect) see thee!, listen! EESTTX SEXTET s t#, te ts#, tes a group of six, also SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR# GIMNPU IMPUGN s, ed er, ers ing, able ment#, ation# ..2 2 to attack by words b d g# h j l m p r# t y#, ch cl cr fl fr# ..26 UMPING DGORSU GOURDS FGJLUU JUGFUL s as much as a jug will hold [n JUGFULS or JUGSFUL] AEPRRU PARURE s, ses# sis# 2 a set of matched jewelry, also PARURA UPREAR s, ed, ing to {upraise=v} EENRSV e#, in un NERVES EIPPRZ ZIPPER s, ed, ing to close with an interlocking fastener AALLTT ATLATL s 2 a American Indian throwing stick TALLAT# s# a loft, also TALLET#, TALLOT# AHRRSU d# HURRAS# DELOPR em# im# POLDER s, ed#, ing# 2 to reclaim low-lying land PROLED# ACENST n, re, adn# ren, conn# subn# ASCENT s 5 a going up co re, pre ENACTS di in pa#, ela# sub, assi desi resi ..8 STANCE s a manner of standing co ex SECANT s, ly a trigonometric function of an angle, also SEC pla CENTAS a monetary unit of Lithuania [n CENTAI] LMOSTU MOULTS AACGGM CAGMAG# s#, ged#, ging# to {gossip=v} HIIMPS w, bl IMPISH ly, ness, nesses mischievous CENSUU CUNEUS# part of the cerebral cortex [n CUNEI#] DEKRUY DUKERY# 2 a duke's seat [n DUKERIES#] DUYKER# s# a small {antelope=n} ENORTT TORTEN 2 un# ROTTEN s#, er ly, est, ness, stone, nesses stoned# ..2 a rat / being in a state of decay ABBINR RABBIN s, ic, ate ics# ism ist# ite#, ates ..6 a Jewish spiritual leader, also RABBI, REBBE DMNOSU MOUNDS 2 OSMUND a s, as, ine, ines any of a genus of large ferns, also OSMUNDA NOSTUY SNOUTY resembling a long, projecting nose [adj SNOUTIER, SNOUTIEST] AHINSW WASHIN# g s#, gs, ess, esses, gtonia#, gtonias# design of the leading edge of an aircraft wing a little higher CEKLOT LOCKET s a small opening piece of jewellery CCEHIO an ECHOIC ally# 2 resembling an {echo=n} mis pro, anti CHOICE r s, ly st, ful#, ness, nesses the thing chosen / of fine quality DEGLLU GULLED EGLPRU GULPER s one that {gulps=v} CCDELY bi re, tri# uni, free#, motor CYCLED EHINPP s HIPPEN# s# a baby's nappy, also HIPPIN#, HIPPING BBDEJO hob# JOBBED AOPRRT PARROT s y, ed er ry#, ers ing, fish# ries#, fishes# 2 to repeat without thought or understanding ovi, veloci RAPTOR s, ial a bird or prey CEENPS di# su# SPENCE r s, rs 2 a pantry, also SPENSE s, dis# fip# six ten tup two, five# ..7 PENCES# BBEOPS BEBOPS AAABCS ABACAS 2 CASABA s a variety of melon, also CASSABA AABELR p, be he in sh sp te we, cle non rep sep ..10 ARABLE s land suitable for cultivation AEEPST r, pr, nam# ETAPES 2 PESETA s a monetary unit of Spain FFGLOO LOGOFF# s# to exit from a computer mainframe or server, also LOGOUT# CELOPU de re un, inter, thermo COUPLE d r s t, rs ts, dom, doms ment, ments to unite in pairs BDELNU un BUNDLE d r s, rs to fasten together ADNNOS ma, bella DONNAS EHIMNS HEMINS 2 INMESH ed es, ing to entangle, also ENMESH, EMMESH#, IMMESH AAKOPS POAKAS# GLLOOP GOLLOP# s#, ed# er#, ers# ing# to gulp hastily BHMPSU BUMPHS DENSUU UNUSED not used AKLOST STALKO# es# 2 a gentleman without fortune SKATOL e s, es a chemical compound, also SKATOLE CHNOOP PONCHO s, ed a type of cloak AFGGLY FLAGGY drooping [adj FLAGGIER, FLAGGIEST] EGGINR GINGER s y, ed ly, ade# ing ous#, ades# root ..9 2 to make spirited s NIGGER s y#, ed#, dom# ing# ish# ism#, doms# ..5 to char or blacken AABKNN KANBAN s a just-in-time manufacturing strategy IPRSTT STRIPT ease, easer eases, easers ACEIRS ERICAS 3 gly#, alcai# CERIAS vi#, pec pis, anti poti#, formi pothe# ..2 CARIES tooth decay [n CARIES] EMORRT TREMOR s, ed#, ing# ous, less# 2 to {quiver=v} TERMOR s one who holds land for a certain number of years AAOPST SAPOTA s, ceous# an evergreen tree EKORSY YOKERS# ACENSU rec# USANCE s 3 a generally accepted practice or procedure, also USAGE, USAUNCE CAUSEN# (Spenser) to cause (no separate inflections) UNCASE d s to remove from a case FIOSST FOISTS LRUUXY super LUXURY ease, pleasure and indulgence [n LUXURIES] AHLLMO MOLLAH s 2 a Muslim learned in theology, also MOLLA# OLLAMH# s# a learned man in ancient Ireland, also OLLAV# FHLSUY FLUSHY# red-complexioned [adj FLUSHIER#, FLUSHIEST#] AGINRR RARING HOPRTY a, eu, dys exs zoo#, abio# amyo# auto ..12 TROPHY ing to honour with a symbol of victory [v TROPHIED, TROPHYING, TROPHIES] EFGLSU FUGLES EELSUX c ULEXES# AEELRR REALER AAGLLP PLAGAL designating a medieval musical mode AACRRT CARRAT# s# {carat=n} ACCISW WICCAS ACKNPU UNPACK s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to remove the contents of AEFFRY EFFRAY# s# an affray, a disturbance of the peace ADIKST DIKAST# s# in ancient Athens, a broadly chosen judge, also DICAST BOOPSY POBOYS BCILOS CIBOLS CDEKMO s, be, gam# hum mam, slom# slum# MOCKED GHISTT skin#, stick TIGHTS a close-fitting garment AAENRS ANEARS 2 ARENAS EHLOOS SHOOLE# d s# to {saunter=v} AEGLLY l r, ill, vicer, extral EGALLY# 2 in an equal way, also EQUALLY GALLEY s a long low medieval ship GLOORY GROOLY# {gruesome=adj} [adj GROOLIER#, GROOLIEST#] BLOSTU BOULTS# 2 SUBLOT s a subdivision of a lot GLNOPS PLONGS# BBNOTU NOBBUT# only AAGMSY GAMAYS DOOPRS DROOPS CEIRST hy, iso, allo holo#, chole, antihy STERIC al, ally 4 pertaining to atoms in a molecule, also STERICAL al# ma tu#, edi gen ora rec tec tor# ..42 TRICES ex in re CITERS RECITS AMORSW MOWRAS# FORSWY FROWSY unkempt, also FROWZY, FROUZY [adj FROWSIER, FROWSIEST] ERSTWY TWYERS 2 WRYEST CJNSUU JUNCUS# es# a type of plant ADLMPY DAMPLY in a damp manner ADMSTU DATUMS EISTTY TYSTIE# s# the black guillemot AADLSW DWAALS# DILNOS INDOLS EFSTTU FUSTET# s# a tree which yields the dye fustic AEKMRT de# re up, new non pre sub, anti euro# ..3 MARKET s, ed er, eer ers ing ise# ize#, able ..18 to offer for sale EFILSX FLIXES# AEHIST SAITHE s# the coalfish, also SAITH BCORSU COURBS# AEILLM MALLEI form# AAADMR ARMADA s 2 a fleet of war ships RAMADA s a roofed, open-sided shelter GILLUY UGLILY 2 in an ugly manner GLUILY in a gluey manner AAGGMN MGANGA# s# 2 a witch doctor GAGMAN one who writes jokes [n GAGMEN] CEHKST re SKETCH y, ed er es, ers ier ily ing pad, able# ..8 to make a rough, hasty drawing AEKLWY WEAKLY weak and sickly [adj WEAKLIER, WEAKLIEST] AADEMM MADAME d# s the French title of respect for a married woman [n MADAMES or MESDAMES] / a woman who manages a brothel [n MADAMES or MESDAMES] CGGORY s CROGGY# a ride on the back of a bicycle, also BACKIE# [n CROGGIES#] AEMORR REMORA s, lise# lize#, lised# lises# lized# ..7 3 a type of marine fish MARERO# s# a member of a mara in the US or Central America ROAMER s one who {roams=v} AIPPSU APPUIS# DHILOS c g# OLDISH somewhat old EEHHRT t# w HETHER# ward# hither (Spenser) AAGILN AGNAIL s a torn shred of skin beside the nail DDEKNU DUNKED DKSUUZ KUDZUS CINOOS COOSIN# s#, ed#, ing# to cheat, also COOSEN#, COZEN BENRTU BUNTER s 3 one who {bunts=v} BURNET s, tise# tize#, tised# tises# tized# ..3 a perennial herb BRUNET s, te, tes a dark-haired male AGMPRS GRAMPS ADKLRY DARKLY in a dark manner [adv DARKLIER, DARKLIEST] EGNPSU UNPEGS 2 di# SPUNGE# s# a sponge EEPRRU REPURE# d# s# to purify again AAGLLN LALANG# s# a coarse grass ADHHOW HOWDAH s a seat on an elephant's back, also HOUDAH AEHORS HOARSE n r, ly ns st, ned, ness ning, nesses 3 rough and husky in sound se, ang# ASHORE on shore se AHORSE back# on a horse ACEENS SENECA s 3 a medicinal plant root, also SENEGA ENCASE d s, ment, ments to put in a case, also INCASE bien# SEANCE s a meeting of persons seeking spiritual messages AEEKMR REMAKE r s, rs to make over again [v REMADE, REMAKING, REMAKES] BILSUY BUSILY in a busy manner AEKOPS POAKES# ADHIRS horse RADISH es 2 a pungent, root vegetable SHAIRD s a fragment of broken pottery, also SHARD, SHERD EMOORR g, sh#, mush# ROOMER s one who {lodges=v} AERSUU URAEUS es 2 the figure of the sacred serpent on Egyptian headdresses [n URAEUSES or URAEI] AUREUS a gold coin of ancient Rome [n AUREI] EHNORS perc# HERONS ew#, ews# haw#, haws# 5 p#, antip# marat telep, scrims# HONERS RHONES# SENHOR a s, as es, ita, itas a Portuguese or Brazilian gentleman NOSHER s y#, ie#, ies# one that {noshes=v} EILLOS c d f g# h j l m p# t# w#, br sk# tr wo, lobl, allych# OLLIES# CDDLOY CLODDY {lumpy=adj} [adj CLODDIER, CLODDIEST] AGOSTU OUTGAS es#, sed ses, sing, sings# to remove gas from AIMNPS PANIMS# ACEKPR p REPACK s, ed, age ing, aged ager ages, agers aging 2 to pack again un, back brat#, flash# PACKER s one who {packs=v} ANPSWY SPAWNY# {lucky=adj} [adj SPAWNIER#, SPAWNIEST#] ADDEPR be un DRAPED 3 PADDER s one that {pads=v} jeo PARDED# spotted ACCNOT CATCON# s# short for catalytic converter HORSTT be TROTHS ENPPRU PRENUP# s#, tial a prenuptial agreement AAGMRY MARGAY s 2 a small American wildcat MAGYAR# pertaining to a garment without individual sleeves AADDHS DADAHS# IKNNPU PUNKIN s, ess, esses a {pumpkin=n} EEKNST KENTES AAANNS b m z ANANAS# es# a pineapple, also ANANA# CILSUY SLUICY falling in streams [adj SLUICIER#, SLUICIEST#] AOSTTY TOASTY comfortably warm [adj TOASTIER, TOASTIEST] EMNOSY com#, bald#, petro#, loadsa# MONEYS pinning# EIILPP c# LIPPIE# r s#, st an old Scottish dry measure AELNPT PLATEN s 2 the roller of a typewriter exo#, proto PLANET s, ic#, ary oid, aria ical# like oids ..12 a celestial body BELOOS SOBOLE# s# 3 a creeping underground stem s#, hyp# OBOLES g, subg# LOBOSE# having a lobe ACHKLT KLATCH es a social gathering, also KLATSCH AEGSTY GAYEST 2 STAGEY having a theatrical quality, also STAGY EGIMMR MEGRIM s 2 a severe headache, also MIGRAINE GIMMER# s# a young ewe EGIPPR GRIPPE d r s, rs 2 a virus disease GIPPER s one that {gips=v} BILLRS BRILLS AAABLR LABARA AKLNPS gang PLANKS BBEMNU BENUMB s, ed, ing, ment#, ingly# ments#, edness#, ednesses# to make {numb=adj} EGGMRU s MUGGER s a large Asian crocodile, also MUGGAR, MUGGUR ACHHIN HAINCH# ed# es#, ing# to throw with an underhand motion, also HAUNCH AELLNY LANELY 2 {lonely=adj} c, unc LEANLY in a lean manner HILLST ILLTHS# 2 an, foo wan# THILLS EEHRTT un TETHER s, ed, ing, ball, balls to confine with a rope GGORST TROGGS# troth [n TROGGS#] AEMNRT s MARTEN s, site, sites sitic, sitically a carnivorous mammal ACCDIM CADMIC relating to cadmium DEEINS buta, cyclo, polybuta DIENES 4 SEINED an# DESINE# d# s#, nt, nce, nces, ntial# to plan in outline, also DESIGN, DESYNE# re DENIES DDIIMS MISDID AEMPRR PREARM s, ed, ing 2 to arm beforehand c# t RAMPER# s# one who {ramps=v} AELMRY ALMERY# a cupboard for sacred vessels, also AMBRY, ALMIRAH#, AMBERY, AUMBRY#, AWMRIE#, AWMRY# [n ALMERIES#] HLPRUU UPHURL# s#, ed#, ing# to hurl up ABLMWY WAMBLY {unsteady=adj} [adj WAMBLIER, WAMBLIEST] AEGLRR en LARGER BERRTU BRUTER# s# one that shapes diamonds AAHMNR HARMAN# s# a constable IMNORS MINORS hip#, hips# DEIRST a, be, out, over STRIDE r s, nt rs, nce ncy, legs# nces ntly ..3 4 to walk with long steps [v STRODE, STRIDDEN, STRIDING, STRIDES] STIRED# DIREST taw DRIEST IIMMNU do, alu, condo trido#, duralu# postli# MINIUM s a red pigment EFHLSY FLESHY 2 having much flesh [adj FLESHIER, FLESHIEST] SHELFY# having shelves [adj SHELFIER#, SHELFIEST#] AHIKMS HAKIMS DEFLLU FULLED EORSWW WOWSER s a puritanical person AEFFRZ ZAFFER s 2 a blue ceramic colouring, also ZAFFAR, ZAFFIR, ZAFFRE ZAFFRE s a blue ceramic colouring, also ZAFFER, ZAFFAR, ZAFFIR AELMSY YEALMS# 3 SAMELY# {unvaried=adj} MEASLY {meagre=adj} [adj MEASLIER, MEASLIEST] CDEHRU gama# RUCHED trimmed with a ruche EINOST a s#, as be, syn tan#, cata# glut homo# mono TONIES# t GIIKMN MIKING DDEFFO DOFFED AABHMR BRAHMA n# s, ni# ns#, nis#, nism# nist#, nisms# nists# a large domestic fowl EHIORS HOSIER s y, ies one who makes hose DMRSUU DURUMS ADDDEP se# un PADDED ACINST dy mo, epi gym, hypo# pleo, nycti# ..4 NASTIC 3 pertaining to an automatic response of plants qu, rom sem, antirom, hyperrom ANTICS prol, morph ACTINS AEELNS gold ENSEAL# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to put a seal upon ANELES EEORSV how who, what when whom, where which ..4 SOEVER at all AMORSY MORAYS 2 MAYORS hip, hips CIRSTU anac# RUSTIC s, al ly, als ana# ate ial# ise# ism# ..21 3 one who lives in the country, also RUBE, RUSTICAL RICTUS es the expanse of the open mouth CITRUS y, es sy# a citron tree AIPSTT ant#, tyro# PITTAS 2 TAPIST# s# one who revels in the use of red tape ACIMOS pre#, photo MOSAIC s, ism ist ked, ally isms ists king like to decorate with an inlaid surface AGGLWY WAGGLY waggling [adj WAGGLIER, WAGGLIEST] IIPRST di in, rein# SPIRIT s y#, ed us#, ful# ing ism ist oso ous ..45 to carry off secretly CEIKLT s, fern#, ferni# ferny#, fairni# fairny# TICKLE d r s, rs to excite with a pleasant thrill ALLOPR PALLOR s {paleness=n} OSTTTY STOTTY# a round bread loaf traditionally baked in NE England, also STOTTIE# [n STOTTIES#] EIIMST STIMIE# d s to put in an impossible situation EEKPRR REPERK s, ed, ing to brew again CENOOS COOSEN# s#, ed#, ing# to cheat, also COZEN, COOSIN# ACHRRY CHARRY resembling charcoal [adj CHARRIER, CHARRIEST] DEELLW d s, bo do je ne# ro to up vo#, cre# out# ..11 WELLED ILMORS si# MILORS# CEEHLY LYCHEE s the edible fruit of a Chinese tree, also LITCHI, LICHEE, LICHI EENOPS PEONES EIMRSX MIXERS ABHRSY BRASHY {brash=adj} [adj BRASHIER, BRASHIEST] AELPRR PARREL s a sliding loop of rope or chain used on a ship, also PARRAL ADEFRS FADERS 2 FARSED# ABBERT BARBET s, te, tes 2 a tropical bird d RABBET s, ed, ing to cut a groove in EERTTT TETTER s, ed#, ing# ous# to affect with a skin disease AELLMT MALLET s a type of hammer DDEMRU MUDDER s a racehorse that runs well on muddy tracks EGINSY epi, holo hypo miso mono peri poly ..4 GYNIES# 2 SYEING# AAAMNT ATAMAN s a Cossack headman CEIKLR f m p# t, st ICKLER# 3 b p t, st RICKLE# s# a loose heap c f s, fro sol#, boot LICKER s, ish, ishly, ishness, ishnesses one that {licks=v} DEKNNU UNKEND not known or recognized, also UNKENNED, UNKENT AKMTUU MAKUTU# s#, ed#, ing# (Maori) Polynesian witchcraft / to cast a spell upon HRSTTU un, mis non TRUTHS 2 up, out, over#, under, counter THRUST s, ed er or, ers ful ing ors, ings# to push forcibly DDEELP PEDDLE d r s, rs ry, ries to sell or offer for sale CERSSW un, air set, cork jack lead wood#, thumb SCREWS EGKLSU KLUGES 2 KUGELS ILNOSY NOSILY in a nosy manner ADEELM piece# MEALED# 2 g, outg LEAMED# IILPST PISTIL s, lary# late lode#, lodes# the seed-bearing organ of flowering plants AIKLMS MALIKS# 2 MISKAL s an Oriental unit of weight GGILNO b#, fr# go#, sho# OGLING s# the act of ogling CEIOPS re wi, mis, bios epis# otos uros zoos# ..51 COPIES AIPPRR RIPRAP s, ped, ping to strengthen with a foundation of broken stones ABGSTU SAGBUT s a medieval trombone, also SACKBUT, SACBUT AEORST OSETRA s 4 a golden or brownish caviar, also OSSETRA b c d#, bl fl gl, iceb, sailb showb# ..2 OATERS b, ph pr, chl dec eph pej# per pri sor ..48 ORATES cap#, valp# ROATES# BELRTU BUTLER s y, ed#, age# ies ing#, ages# ship#, ships# to act as a butler AELLTY ob, phi pro, cumu# deso stel# undu# ..19 LATELY 2 not long ago LEALTY {loyalty=n} [n LEALTIES] AABCSU ABACUS es a counting frame [n ABACUSES or ABACI] EORRSV d p t, app imp rep, disp, disapp ROVERS CDORSU DUROCS AACCDU CADUAC# s# a {casualty=n} ADLSTU DAULTS# 2 non pre sub ADULTS AESSVY SAVEYS# IJLMPY JIMPLY in a jimp manner CGNSUY SCUNGY# {unkempt=adj} [adj SCUNGIER#, SCUNGIEST#] CCNORU non CONCUR s, red, rent ring, rence rency rents ..4 to {agree=v} AABKMT TAMBAK s an alloy of copper and zinc, also TOMBAC, TAMBAC, TOMBACK, TOMBAK AENNST ANENST in regard to, also ANENT FLLOOW up# FOLLOW s, ed er up, ers ing ups, able# ings ..4 to go after or behind ABELSZ em im, out BLAZES AGGPRY PYGARG# s# the addax antelope DEELLM s, ena hum# pom pum tra, cara# caro# ..5 MELLED BFFOOS BOFFOS GINOOS ISOGON e s y, al es ic, als ics ies a polygon having equal angles GIINNN b d f g l# p r s t w, bl# ch gr sh sk sp th ..20 INNING s a term of batting for a team BNRSTU BRUNTS AEHHLT un#, tele# HEALTH s y, ful ier ily ism#, care# iest isms# ..9 sound physical or mental condition EMORSW lawn MOWERS 2 ROWMES# DELNSY DYNELS AAJMPY PYJAMA s, ed# a garment for sleeping or lounging, also PAJAMA AFHLSY un FLASHY {gaudy=adj} [adj FLASHIER, FLASHIEST] ADDEEL DELEAD s, ed, ing 2 to free from lead p, de un, imp non rep, misp, interp, counterp# LEADED BDEMSU BEMUDS# EMMNOT MONTEM# s# 2 a custom of Eton boys im# MOMENT a o s, ly os um, any# ary oes ous ums ..7 a brief period of time BELLTU BULLET s, ed in, ing ins rie#, ined ries# wood# ..6 to move swiftly CDEHIS ra, out rha CHIDES DEIRSV san# sky, free# hell DIVERS e, ed# es# ly#, ely ify ing# ion ity ..16 2 co re, mis out, over, micro# under# water# DRIVES haft, hafts AISTTU fl AUTIST s, ic, ics, ically an {autistic=n} AADERS AREADS# AEGKMS MASKEG s a marsh, also MUSKEG AAFHRS ASHRAF# a descendant of the prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima, also SHARIF, SHEREEF, SHERIF HOOSTT TOOTHS ome, hell#, hells# omely, omeness, omenesses ABGLMY GYMBAL# s# a support allowing much free movement, also GIMBAL AIMORS MORIAS# DIMOSY DISOMY# having a number of chromosomes duplicated [n DISOMIES#] ACINPS tym# PANICS 2 PANISC# s# an inferior god, also PANISK# ACGNOS CONGAS 2 GASCON s, ade ism#, aded ader ades isms# ..2 a {boaster=n} FHILSU FLUISH having flu to some extent GGRRUU GRUGRU s a palm tree ADORSW DOWARS# DEMRRU MURDER s, ed ee er, ees ers ess ing ous, ball# ..5 to kill unlawfully with premeditated malice GILORS RIGOLS# AEELPR REPEAL s, ed er, ers ing, able 2 to {revoke=v} LEAPER s, ous# one that {leaps=v} BEIRSU arque#, harque BUSIER 4 de BRUISE d r s, rs to injure and discolour the skin an# re un#, til, canter# BURIES RUBIES t AANPRT s PARTAN s 3 an edible crab TRAPAN s, ned ner#, ners# ning to operate on with a surgical saw, also TREPAN, TREPHINE TARPAN s an Asian wild horse EHKORY HORKEY# s# a harvest-home DEILLT LILTED 2 s, un, bat# bes# dis ins pos# uns# ..4 TILLED IKNOPS PINKOS EORSSV re, con VERSOS 2 SERVOS ELOSTW s, cal fal# hol mel sal yel, shal LOWEST 3 h OWLETS dish hand# TOWELS DENOSY DOYENS AEHLSU LEHUAS DEIKLS KIDELS# 2 SILKED BDEORR em im# su BORDER s, ed er, eau ers ing, eaux land less# ..3 to be adjacent to AEGINS AGNISE# d# s# 2 to acknowledge, also AGNIZE c f l m# p# s# t, cr gr pl pr#, app dec ..20 EASING s# the act of freeing from pain or trouble DDELPU s# PUDDLE d r s, rs to make a small pool of water CCIIPR PICRIC having a very bitter taste AALMNU bi, non MANUAL s, ly 2 a small reference book ALUMNA e a female graduate CDELRU CURDLE d r s, rs 2 to {congeal=v} be# un up CURLED INNOPS PINONS CKLNUY CLUNKY clumsy in style [adj CLUNKIER, CLUNKIEST] BLOOSU disc# OBOLUS an ancient Greek coin, also OBOL [n OBOLI] CHHITY HITCHY# inclined to catch [adj HITCHIER#, HITCHIEST#] ABDEMS BEMADS# AAGHLS GALAHS IKLOPY POKILY in a poky manner EOPRTY POETRY a literary work in metrical form [n POETRIES] CPRSTY de en CRYPTS ABCDEK re# un, lay#, bare hard# hump moss ..12 BACKED EELORS RESOLE d s to put on new soles DDHSUU HUDUDS# IMRRSY SMIRRY# {drizzly=adj} [adj SMIRRIER#, SMIRRIEST#] ADEPRT PETARD s 6 an explosive device, also PETAR# DEPART s, ed ee er#, ees ers# ing ure, ings# ..10 to {leave=v} TRAPED# DRAPET# s# a cloth covering u, stu#, constu# PRATED bi de em# im un, com dis mis ram, over# unim# PARTED AAGIMS AMIGAS 2 AGAMIS# CDERSY DESCRY ing 3 to {discern=v} [v DESCRIED, DESCRYING, DESCRIES] CYDERS SCRYDE# EFMRSU FEMURS 2 per FUMERS CHNOOR COHORN# s# an old, small mortar for throwing grenades ADENPP w# APPEND s, ed ix, age ant ent ing, ages ants ..13 2 to add on to k s, cat dog kid pet uns NAPPED ACDESU un CAUSED 2 over SAUCED CHILPY PHYLIC pertaining to {phyle=n} AGGIMN GIGMAN# ity#, ities# 2 a gig driver [n GIGMEN#] exer# GAMING s the practice of gambling ABHMOS ABOHMS 2 ABMHOS DIPSTU STUPID s, er ly, est ity, ness, ities, nesses a dull, foolish person / mentally slow ACDIRS DARICS 3 CAIRDS CARDIS# EGHILS bob SLEIGH s t, ed er ts, ers ing, ings# to ride in a sled ACDSTU DUCATS LLOSXY XYLOLS EHMORT s, god, fore step, grand house MOTHER s y, ed ly, ese# ing, eses# hood ings ..18 to give birth to AEKNRY YANKER# s# a big lie EEINRS SEINER s 5 one that {seines=v} NEREIS a marine worm [n NEREIDES] SEREIN s a fine rain falling from a clear sky e, an, pas, cyclo, nonpas SERINE s, tte#, ttes# an amino acid RENIES# BCIMOS COMBIS# CDEIPS be#, over SPICED AAHLMT MALTHA s a natural tar AAINST ISTANA# s# (Malaysia) a royal palace ADEEST TEADES# 5 TEASED SEDATE d r s, ly st, ness, nesses to administer a sedative to / {calm=adj} b# f r# y, br, outf EASTED# ca re un, dis mis nau SEATED EMMORZ MOMZER s, im# a bastard, also MOMSER ABGGRY BRAGGY tending to brag [adj BRAGGIER, BRAGGIEST] DDIMSY SMIDDY# ing# to forge metal [v SMIDDIED#, SMIDDYING#, SMIDDIES#] ABHKRU BURKHA# s# a loose garment, with veiled eyeholes, covering the whole body, worn in public by Muslim women ABBEJL JABBLE# d# s# to {splash=v} DDDEOT TODDED# BBDINU DUBBIN g s, gs material for softening and waterproofing leather, also DUBBING CCHILN un CLINCH ed er es, ers ing, ingly to {settle=v} EHILNS ELSHIN# s# an awl, also ELSIN# AGORSY ARGOSY a large merchant ship [n ARGOSIES] CFOSUU FUCOUS pertaining to {fucoids=n} AAHKLT KHALAT# s# an Indian robe of honour, also KILLUT#, KELLAUT#, KHILAT# ACEKTY TACKEY adhesive [adj TACKIER, TACKIEST] ADDERW WADDER s 2 one that {wads=v} a s, ad# co# re un#, for ste una, beco ..2 WARDED EFLORS FORELS# GIINNP o, re, for# pro, unre# PINING EGGILN LEGGIN g s, gs, ess ged#, esses 3 a covering for the leg, also LEGGING s NIGGLE d r s, rs to worry over petty details GINGLE# s# a jingle (tinkling sound) GIILNN LIGNIN s 2 an essential part of woody tissue a, by re sp un#, bee dec inc out rec ..20 LINING s an inner layer ABGHSU BUGSHA s a monetary unit of Yemen ADIRST TRIADS EIMMNU non, auto, hyper IMMUNE s one who is exempt from disease or danger DERSTY DRYEST 2 STYRED# AABORS ar, alg AROBAS# CKLNOU g UNLOCK s, ed, ing, able# to unfasten the lock of BDERRU DEBURR# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to remove burrs from de# BURRED EOPRRT s, de ex im re, out# sup, reim#, misre# trans PORTER s, ed ly#, age ess ing, ages, esses house, houses 3 to carry luggage mis, over, under REPORT s, ed er, age ers ing, able ages edly ..4 to give an account of pro PRETOR s, ial ian, ians ship#, ships# an ancient Roman magistrate, also PRAETOR KOOTWW KOWTOW s, ed er, ers ing to grovel, also KOTOW ACIILS SIALIC 2 pertaining to {sial=n} ba SILICA s, te, ted# tes, ting# a form of silicon, also SILEX ADDEKR DARKED DDELRU c# RUDDLE d s, man men to colour with a red dye, also REDDLE ABELMY BELAMY# a good friend [n BELAMIES#] EIKNPY PINKEY e s, es a small narrow-sterned ship, also PINKY, PINKIE ACFHSU CHUFAS BBEHIK KIBBEH s an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBE, KIBBI AABSTT cia# BATTAS# GINOST STINGO s 5 a strong ale or beer l# INGOTS TOINGS# exocy, phagocy TOSING# TIGONS ACELMR MARCEL s, la#, las# led ler, lers ling 2 to make a deep, soft wave in the hair CALMER ACMPRY CRAMPY affected with cramp [adj CRAMPIER, CRAMPIEST] AEHPPU UPHEAP s, ed, ing, ings# to heap up GILLRS char GRILLS teak#, teaks# EFFILP PIFFLE d r# s, rs# to {babble=v} BHRSUY BRUSHY {shaggy=adj} [adj BRUSHIER, BRUSHIEST] IOPRRS sub# PRIORS hip, hips FGINSU de ef in re, con dif per suf, rein, inter ..5 FUSING DEINOS ir ONSIDE s# 3 a cricket term NOISED DONSIE r#, st# unlucky, also DONSY ACIKPX PICKAX e, ed es, ing to use a tool for breaking hard surfaces, also PICKAXE ACCINY iso#, thio#, ferri# ferro# hydro#, platino# CYANIC blue coloured DERSUU USURED# AGGSTY STAGGY having the appearance of a mature male [adj STAGGIER, STAGGIEST] AEILST STELAI 2 SALTIE r s, rs st a deep-sea vessel sailing the Great Lakes EFINRS de re, con FINERS# 2 co, mis INFERS AEGMMN GEMMAN# gentleman [n GEMMEN#] CIOPRS PSORIC# pertaining to {psora=n} BEOSTT BOTTES# 2 OBTEST s, ed, ing, ation#, ations# to {beseech=v} ACELSX CALXES ABBCOT BOBCAT s a {lynx=n} FIOSSY OSSIFY ing to convert into bone [v OSSIFIED, OSSIFYING, OSSIFIES] AGGORS AGGROS AACHKR CHARKA s 2 a spinning wheel, also CHARKHA CHAKRA s a body centre in yoga ADEMNR REMAND s, ed, ing, ment#, ments# 4 to send back DAMNER s one that {damns=v} RANDEM# s# a tandem with three horses MANRED# s# homage, also MANRENT# ACINSU ACINUS a small sacklike division of a gland [n ACINI] AAANST ANATAS# e, es ABNSTU BANTUS# 2 TABUNS CELMOP COMPEL s, led ler, lers ling, lable lably# ..5 to {force=v} EISSTX s, co, pre, antis, heteros# EXISTS 3 un#, non, anti, hetero# SEXIST s one who practices {sexism=n} SIXTES IMNOSY par SIMONY 2 the buying and selling of a church office [n SIMONIES] acto mero, tropo MYOSIN s a protein found in muscle tissue FFGRUY GRUFFY low and harsh in speech [adj GRUFFIER, GRUFFIEST] ACHIMR CHIMAR s a bishop's robe, also CHIMERE CEKNOR mis out, over# RECKON s, ed er, ers ing, ings 2 to count or compute CONKER s a chestnut used in a British game ACIRST CRISTA e, te, ted 4 a part of a cell qu, cath, anacath# ARTICS# anti RACIST s an advocate of {racism=n} TRIACS DDEPRU s PUDDER# s#, ed#, ing# to {fluster=v} GIKNRY RYKING AHLMNY HYMNAL s a hymn book, also HYMNARY, HYMNBOOK DEKNSY KYNDES# ABCHRS tri, amphi tetra# BRACHS ELLSUV VELLUS# as in vellus hair, short fine unpigmented hair covering the human body ABMRUY AUMBRY# a cupboard for sacred vessels, also AMBRY, ALMERY#, ALMIRAH#, AMBERY, AWMRIE#, AWMRY# [n AUMBRIES#] COPRRS SCRORP# s# (English dialect) a deep scratch on the skin BLMOOY BLOOMY covered with flowers [adj BLOOMIER, BLOOMIEST] BEIKLR BILKER s one who {cheats=v} EFLRRU FURLER s one that {furls=v} CLOSUU l OCULUS a round window [n OCULI] ACCNOO CACOON# s# a large seed DEPRRU s PURRED CEHLOR CHOLER a s, as ic, aic oid, icly#, ically 2 anger ORCHEL# s#, la#, las# a red or violet dye, also ARCHIL, ORCHELLA#, ORCHILLA#, ORSEILLE# AAMNPT TAMPAN s a biting insect AEERRT TERRAE 3 RETEAR s, ing to tear again [v RETORE, RETORN, RETEARING, RETEARS] TEARER s one that tears or rips AAHMSW MAHWAS# AACILM CAMAIL s, ed 3 a piece of armor for the neck CALAMI ne nt te ty, ned nes nts tes, ning ties ..3 CALIMA# s# a dust storm ACELRT ano# pre, colo RECTAL ly 4 pertaining to the rectum CLARET s, ed#, ing# to drink a red dry wine TARCEL# s# a male hawk, also TARSEL#, TASSELL# CARTEL s, ise ism# ist# ize, ised ises isms# ..9 a business organization ADELLW en# in un, dry, fire#, stone WALLED DNOSWW SWOWND# s# a fainting fit, also SWOUNE#, SWOWNE# AACKLP KALPAC s a sheepskin hat, also CALPAC, CALPACK EFLSUU m, ho pa# un# USEFUL s#, ly, ness, nesses serving a purpose / (Australian) an odd job man ALMNOR ab, log non sub, deci# para, ortho super NORMAL s, cy ly, ise ity ize, cies ised iser# ..15 the expected state or form AABDRR DARBAR s the court of a native ruler in India, also DURBAR AHSTTU TUATHS# FFINRU humg# RUFFIN# g s# a freshwater fish, also RUFFE EHMNSY HYMENS BDDERU BUDDER s 2 one that {buds=v} REDBUD s a small tree EGHIST h w, fr sl, str# unw, bobw# flyw, airfr ..17 EIGHTS man# men# ome#, core# omes#, cores# BHIRSY HYBRIS es, tic arrogance, also HUBRIS EIIPRS PIERIS# es# an American or Asiatic shrub ABDLOS DOBLAS AEMRTU ar im, cli# non pre, over MATURE d r s, ly rs st, ness#, nesses# to develop fully / fully developed, also MATURATE ELPSUX SUPLEX# es# 2 a wrestling hold, grasping one's opponent around the waist from behind am, com# PLEXUS es an interlacing of parts GILSTU non, blood GUILTS ABHINS BANISH ed er es, ers ing, ment, ments to {expel=v} ADDDEU DAUDED# EINPST INSTEP s 3 a part of the foot NEPITS# SPINET s, te#, tes# a small {piano=n} CEIPSY SPICEY containing spices, also SPICY BCEKTU gut tre, rust# BUCKET s, ed, ful ing, fuls ings# sful to push forward hurridly EHKNUY HUNKEY s an unskilled person, also HUNKY, HUNKIE ABEFLS out FABLES ALPRTY RAPTLY 3 in a rapt manner PALTRY {petty=adj} [adj PALTRIER, PALTRIEST] PARTLY in some degree BILORS em, pan, char, disem# BROILS BELMRU t UMBREL# s#, la lo#, las los#, laed loes#, laing 3 a visor, also UMBRERE#, UMBRIERE#, UMBRIL# c d g RUMBLE d r s, rs, dethump#, dethumps# gumption#, gumptions# to make a deep, thunderous sound c p s LUMBER s, ed er ly, ers ing man men, ings jack ..10 to cut timber for market EEGPRS REPEGS DHORSY en# HYDROS ki ol, ere kis ols oma# ome# tat, cope# ..27 EEMOST d g r, over, witenag EMOTES BIORRS SBIRRO# an Italian police officer [n SBIRRI#] BBOOUU BOUBOU s a long flowing garment worn in Mali, also BUBU AKNPRS PRANKS ome# ter, ters ACHLNU f#, re, out# pre, over# post LAUNCH ed er es, ers ing pad, pads 2 to set in motion NUCHAL s an anatomical part near the neck ENNOST STONNE# d# s# 8 to stun, also STONN# NONETS TENSON# s# a competition in verse, also TENZON# TENONS SONNET s, ed, ary# eer ing ise# ize ted, eers ..9 to compose a type of poem TENNOS# STONEN# of stone s#, cre, kilo# TONNES CHOSTT CHOTTS AFILLS FLAILS ADEKNY YANKED DELMPU be# de em# pe un#, dis PLUMED 3 DUMPLE# d# s# to cook a dumpling c f p s, sh, sch LUMPED CKLNOS CLONKS ABDELR BEDRAL# s# 4 a church officer, also BEDERAL# snow#, roller# BLADER s one that blades BLARED BALDER dash, locks#, dashes, lockses# ADIMSY DISMAY d# l# s, ed ls#, ful# ing led#, ling# ..4 to appall or alarm CDENOR a s, outs CORNED 2 se, abs CONDER# s# a person who directs steering AHIMRS HARIMS# 4 IHRAMS MAHSIR# s# a large freshwater fish, also MAHSEER# night MARISH es a tract of low, wet land, also MARSH ACILSU CLUSIA# s# 2 a type of climbing plant CAULIS a plant stem [n CAULES] KOORSU KOUROS an ancient Greek statue of a nude boy [n KOUROI] ACLOSW COWALS# BEILLR p REBILL s, ed, ing 2 to bill again BILLER s one that {bills=v} BCIKRS air# red, fire gold BRICKS ABHORS ABHORS BEMSUY EMBUSY# ing# to make {busy=adj} [v EMBUSIED#, EMBUSYING#, EMBUSIES#] EILSTU SUTILE# done by stitching EIMNOS si, ali hae# har, acri agri anti cere ..16 MONIES 2 p EONISM s transvestism, especially by a man ABCMRS SCRAMB# s#, ed# le, ing# led ler les, lers ling ..2 to {scratch=v} ACCDEL dis CALCED# ony, onio#, onies onios# wearing shoes CEIIKS SICKIE s an emotionally sick person, also SICKEE, SICKO AAENST ANSATE d having a handle, also ANSATED AEPSSV VESPAS# ACCINT CANTIC o#, le os# oy# um#, les oed# oys# ums# ..3 slanted CDEILS un, pre SLICED EEHNSY SHEENY shining [adj SHEENIER, SHEENIEST] EFLOST FLOTES# ADDELN DANDLE d r s, rs 2 to {fondle=v} b#, is re, gar, over#, engar LANDED CISSUV VISCUS an internal organ [n VISCERA] AAIMNR MARINA s, de ra te, ded des ras ted tes, ding ..3 2 a berthing area for boats ch, rep, coch AIRMAN ship, ships an {aviator=n} [n AIRMEN] KMOOOR MOKORO# s# (Botswana) a traditional dugout canoe BEILMR c, un, wallc# LIMBER s, ed er ly, est ing, ness, nesses to make {flexible=adj} / {flexible=adj} EINNRS RENINS 3 SINNER s, ed#, ing# to transgress, to act as a sinner d f# g p s t w, ag gr sk sp th, beg cow, pred ..2 INNERS ole, oles, pring AILNSU ret INULAS# e, es 2 pen INSULA# e# r, nt rs te, nts rly ted tes tor, rism ..7 a Roman block of buildings CGHOSU hic, chin# COUGHS BBELOT BOBLET# s# a two man bobsleigh BEENNS BENNES ABCELL BECALL# s#, ed#, ing# to call names EIKNPR nip# PERKIN# g s#, ess, esses 2 an oatmeal biscuit, also PARKIN# PINKER s, ton#, tons# one that {pinks=v} BEOPPR be, teeny BOPPER s one who dances to pop music DMNOOS MONDOS AADDST STADDA# s# a combmaker's hacksaw EEMMNR ham# MERMEN BIMOST TIMBOS# BCMORY CORYMB s, ed, ose ous, osely a flower cluster AACHLN CHALAN# s# a voucher or invoice, also CHALLAN# AAHIMS AHIMSA s the duty of sparing animal life AESTYY YEASTY like yeast [adj YEASTIER, YEASTIEST] AADSSZ SADZAS# HIOPSY PHYSIO# s#, crat# logy, cracy# crats# gnomy ..29 a physiotherapist FOOSTY FOOTSY a flirting game played with the feet, also FOOTSIE, FOOTIE [n FOOTSIES] ACCIRT ant sub, subant ARCTIC s, ally a warm waterproof overshoe EEIMNS INSEEM# s#, ed#, ing# to mark as if with a seam, also INSEAM HILSTW WHILST as long as ADRSWY SWARDY# covered with turf [adj SWARDIER#, SWARDIEST#] ELPRRU PURLER# s# a heavy fall ISTTTU TUTTIS ADEFST out, hand, break FASTED 3 DEFATS DEFAST# e# BBINNU NUBBIN g# s, ess, esses an undeveloped fruit EILSTY STYLIE# r#, st# (New Zealand) fashion conscious ADEHMS a, be un, out una SHAMED 3 EMDASH es a mark in writing that indicates a break in thought or structure s, stra# MASHED GHLPSU en# in# GULPHS# GOSTUY GUYOTS 2 GOUSTY# {dreary=adj} [adj GOUSTIER#, GOUSTIEST#] ABEFLL BEFALL s, en, ing to happen or occur to [v BEFELL or BEFELD#, BEFALLEN or BEFELD#, BEFALLING, BEFALLS] AAGLNR RAGLAN s 2 a type of {overcoat=n} LANGAR# s# a dining hall in a Sikh place of worship ACGGRY s CRAGGY full of crags [adj CRAGGIER, CRAGGIEST] ADORSU DOURAS 2 DOUARS# EHNSTY YSHENT# AELLRU ALLURE d r s, rs, ment, ments 2 to {attract=v} LAUREL s, ed, ing led, ling to crown with a wreath of evergreen leaves, also LAUREATE AEHHPR RHAPHE s a seamlike ridge between two halves or an organ or part, also RAPHE [n RHAPHES or RHAPHAE] DNOOST TONDOS CDEERS mi# SCREED s, ed er#, ers# ing, ings# 3 to {shed=v} s, mis# CREEDS ac se, con, inter CEDERS CKOSTY STOCKY ard, ards having a short, thick body [adj STOCKIER, STOCKIEST] ACCLOU COUCAL# s# a type of bird AELSTW WASTEL# s#, ot, and ots, ands 2 bread made from the finest flour LAWEST# DDILOS DILDOS AACINS ASCIAN# s# 2 an inhabitant of the torrid zone SANCAI# s# a three colour glaze on Chinese ceramics BBEEIK KEBBIE s a rough walking stick IILNPS LIPINS DEMMOT TOMMED EIKNSU SUNKIE# s# a little stool ADEGST re up STAGED 2 flabber GASTED ABEERS BEARES# EINOPS ch pr tr, atr OPINES 2 PONIES AACHRT CHARTA# s#, ble, ceous# a charter, also CARTA# BLOWYZ BLOWZY {blowsy=adj} [adj BLOWZIER, BLOWZIEST] EEKLNS KNEELS INOOST NOSTOI# 2 TOISON# s# a fleece GMOORS le re, bride stron# GROOMS man men GHINSY SHYING ADDLWY t# WADDLY having a waddling gait [adj WADDLIER#, WADDLIEST#] AACMNY CAYMAN s a tropical reptile, also CAIMAN ADMMNO MANDOM# s# man collectively AELMPR EMPARL# s#, ed#, ing#, aunce#, aunces# 4 to talk over, also IMPARL# s, fr# tr AMPLER PALMER s, worm, worms a religious pilgrim c LAMPER# n# s, ns#, ses a primitive fish-like vertebrate, also LAMPERN#, LAMPREY EEKLMP KEMPLE# s# forty bundles of hay AEHSTW en in un SWATHE d r s, rs, able# 2 to wrap in bandages buck WHEATS AILNST re# INSTAL l s, ls, led ler, lant# lers ling ment ..6 to place in position for use, also INSTALL DEPPTU sh# ti#, tit TUPPED DDDEGO out DODGED 2 un#, dis# GODDED AFILNS semi, quarter FINALS ADGLLY GLADLY in a glad manner [adv GLADLIER, GLADLIEST] DEESTY STEEDY# ing# to {support=v} [v STEEDIED#, STEEDYING#, STEEDIES#] AEGILS LIGASE s 2 an {enzyme=n} en SILAGE d# s, ing# to harvest and store a crop AABMNY BAYMAN someone who fishes on a bay [n BAYMEN] HLLOWY WHOLLY {totally=adv} ACLLOP s, es CALLOP# s# an Australian edible freshwater fish CDEKOT DOCKET s, ed, ing 2 to provide with an identifying statement, also DOCQUET# s, but# des# res tic uns, tick, overs, unders# TOCKED# GIIKLN dis mis LIKING s a feeling of affection ACELYY CLAYEY resembling clay [adj CLAYIER, CLAYIEST] EEKLMY MEEKLY in a meek manner GINNOT de, con key, foot, under# NOTING 2 a s, as# at# ba# in, but can car cot ..14 TONING s# a quality or character of sound GHILSU GLUISH# being somewhat like glue EKOPSY hokey POKEYS AGNSTY ANGSTY# feeling anxious [adj ANGSTIER#, ANGSTIEST#] LLOPRS u# PROLLS# BEGLRU BULGER s 3 a golf club BUGLER s one who plays the bugle BURGLE d s to trespass to steal ALLOWW s, en#, res, woods# WALLOW s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to roll about BCDEKO BOCKED# y# EOPRTT s, pins POTTER s y, ed er, ers ies ing, ings#, ingly to occupy oneself in a leisurely or ineffective manner, also PUTTER BEIMST BEMIST s, ed, ing to envelop in a mist BEINRS com, cara kara BINERS 3 NEBRIS# es# a fawn-skin cape pe# ze, ata BRINES EORSTY tu TOYERS 5 ROSETY# pertaining to rosin r OYSTER s, ed er, ers ing man men, ings, catcher, catchers to gather edible mollusks TYROES# blind# multi# under# STOREY s, ed a horizontal division of a building ACCEMU CAECUM a bodily cavity with one opening, also CECUM [n CAECA] AEILPS ESPIAL s 4 the act of {espying=v} phospho LIPASE s an {enzyme=n} PILEAS# LAIPSE# d# s# (English dialect) to thrash soundly EFGRSU GRUFES# FFINPU PUFFIN g s, gs#, ess gly#, esses a sea bird CEHKNU leb KUCHEN s a coffee cake AIMSTU AUTISM s an abnormality affecting social behaviour ABDESU un, dis ABUSED 2 DAUBES ACFRST in re, dif FRACTS# 2 pen# sea war, bush# camp hand home# ..34 CRAFTS man men, manly woman women, people ..5 DENSTY SYNDET s, ic on#, ons#, ical#, ically a synthetic detergent ABCHOR a, turn# BROACH ed er es, ers ing to {pierce=v} KLOOPY PLOOKY# pimply, also PLOOKIE#, PLOUKY#, PLOUKIE# [adj PLOOKIER#, PLOOKIEST#] ADEGGN GANGED 2 s, uns NAGGED ANOPRT TARPON s 3 a marine game fish co em# PATRON s, al ly ne#, age ess ise ize nes#, aged# ..22 a regular customer PARTON s a hypothetical atomic particle EHLLOS HELLOS AEFFLR FARFEL s 2 noodles in the form of small pellets or granules, also FARFAL pa# RAFFLE d r s, rs, sia, sias to dispose of by tickets of chance CCEINS SCENIC s, al, ally pertaining to {scenery=n} / something scenic EIRSTT TRISTE za, sse# zas, arin sses#, arins 6 {sad=adj} TETRIS TITERS bed# SITTER s one who {sits=v} at ni, epi#, litho#, hyponi# TRITES# t TITRES ACKNRY CRANKY {grumpy=adj} [adj CRANKIER, CRANKIEST] AEESTT g r t, int ESTATE d s, sman# smen# 2 to bestow landed property TESTAE DEEIRS EIDERS 3 gu# DESIRE d r s, rs, less# to wish for p, fi fo, sho RESIDE d r s, nt rs, nce ncy nts, nces nter# ..8 to live in a certain place CCEIOS b m#, ch# OCCIES# ILORSY p ROSILY in a rosy manner EGILSU be, unbe# GUILES 2 o#, plug UGLIES t EGINPS GENIPS 2 GIPSEN# s# a gypsy AEHIMS MASHIE r# s, st# a golf club DEINPP s NIPPED AACLMU MACULA e r s, te, ted tes, ting tion ture#, tions tures# a spot CHINPY HYPNIC s# a soporific EEENRS SERENE d# r s, ly st, ness, nesses 2 to tranquillize / calm, tranquil fo, unfo RESEEN BBORTU BURBOT s a freshwater fish ADEMSU un, mand AMUSED ly 2 hydro MEDUSA e l n s, ns a jellyfish, also MEDUSAN, MEDUSOID ACKLOS be un CLOAKS ABILST BALTIS# EELSTW TWEELS# 2 TEWELS# DEEOPS EPODES 3 SPEEDO s, meter, meters a speedometer DEPOSE d r s, rs to remove from office CEELST de re, pre SELECT a# s, as# ed ee ly or, ees ing ion ive ..17 2 to {choose=v} s, pr re, des pra pre res, pres ELECTS IRSSTW WRISTS CGGLOY CLOGGY 2 {lumpy=adj} [adj CLOGGIER, CLOGGIEST] COGGLY# {shaky=adj} [adj COGGLIER#, COGGLIEST#] GLOOPS GLOOPS# ABERTT TABRET# s# 2 a small drum, also TABOURIN# BATTER o# s y, ed er ie os#, ers ies ing, ings# to beat repeatedly AAERSY ARAYSE# d# s# to raise, also ARAISE# DILOST STOLID er ly, est ity, ness#, ities, nesses# unemotional EKLOSY KYLOES# 2 YOKELS EEGMMN GEMMEN# IIMRST SMRITI# s# one of a group of Hindu sacred writings ABLMRU ad, pen UMBRAL 4 pertaining to {umbra=n} BRUMAL {wintry=adj} cande LABRUM s a liplike structure [n LABRUMS or LABRA] dorso# LUMBAR s an anatomical part situated near the loins AHIRSW WAIRSH# er#, est# 2 tasteless, also WERSH# RAWISH somewhat raw BDDELU BUDDLE d# s, ia, ias to wash for ore on shallow tray AAEHMS ASHAME# d s#, dly, dness#, dnesses# to feel shame CLMOPS CLOMPS ACIRSU de# CURIAS# CDEIKN s, pa tu#, min# pic NICKED DEHIPP c s w, ins# rec# res uns unw, pres wors ..8 HIPPED ABCEKR ba fi, fla REBACK# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to replace the back of out, line, green paper# BACKER s a supporter DEKOPS SPOKED AAGPPR GRAPPA s an Italian brandy BGILLY GLIBLY in a glib manner AFFGRS en# GRAFFS# DDEIRR g RIDDER s one that {rids=v} BCEHOS BOCHES 2 BOSCHE# s# offensive term for a German, also BOCHE DEHOPS EPHODS 2 POSHED# ACELNR RANCEL# s# 2 a search for stolen goods, also RANSEL#, RANZEL# g, ba, free LANCER s a cavalryman armed with a spear BIRSTU BRUITS EGILLN LEGLIN# s# 3 a milking pail, also LEGLAN#, LEGLEN# LINGLE# s# a shoemaker's waxed thread, also LINGEL# LINGEL# s# a shoemaker's waxed thread, also LINGLE# NOPPRU UNPROP# s#, er#, ped#, erly# osed# ping#, hetic# ..6 to remove the props from DEGILS para GLIDES EFFINR s NIFFER s, ed, ing to {barter=v} EEORRS REROSE CLPRUU UPCURL s, ed, ing to curl up ANNOSY t ANNOYS 2 c ANYONS BELPSY BLYPES EORRTT RETORT s, ed er, ers ing ion ive#, ions 3 to answer back TORRET# s# a swivel-ring t, ga, gar#, bogt#, globet# ROTTER s a scoundrel EIRRSV d, ar de sh st th up, cod dep, cabd cont ..2 RIVERS ide, cape# ides, capes# ACEHLP ante CHAPEL s, ry#, ess#, ries# 2 a place of worship em# im# PLEACH ed es, ing to weave together ACHLRY ARCHLY {slyly=adv} ALMOSU LOUMAS 2 podophth#, edriophth# ALMOUS# alms, also AWMOUS [n ALMOUS#] BDEIRR BIRRED 2 black, mutton# BIRDER s a bird-watcher CEIPST a, anti SEPTIC s, al, ity, ally# emia emic idal, aemia# ..5 an agent producing sepsis AEGHLS SEALGH# s# a seal EEGILS LIEGES DELPRU DRUPEL# s#, et, ets 2 a small part of a fruit like a raspberry, also DRUPELET PURLED FILNSU ba un SINFUL ly, ness, nesses tainted with sin AEHMRR c HARMER s one that {harms=v} AAACLP ALPACA s a animal related to the llama ACJKSY JACKSY# the posterior, also JAXY#, JAXIE#, JACKSIE# [n JACKSIES#] AILMSU MIAULS 2 AUMILS# ACEIMM CAMMIE s camouflage AABELM MABELA# s# ground kaffir corn used for making porridge MPRSTU out, over, under# TRUMPS GIMRSU SIMURG# h# s#, hs# a fabled bird, also SIMURGH# AHHORS HORAHS ABNOST sa, hyper# BATONS AEHKNR HARKEN s, ed er, ers ing 2 to listen to, also HEARKEN t, skrims# HANKER s, ed er, ers ing, ings to long for DDDEET s# TEDDED EHMPRU t HUMPER s someone who carries heavy loads EEHORS RESHOE d s, ing 2 to shoe again [v RESHOD or RESHOED, RESHOEING, RESHOES] non, anti, super HEROES NOPSTU tra PUNTOS 3 UNSTOP s, ped per, pers ping, pable pably ..2 to remove a stopper from PUTONS ELOPRR PROLER# s# a prowler, also PROLLER#, PROULER# DDEEGS di# SEDGED# bordered by sedge EILNRS a, by on#, air dec eye guy# inc jet ..17 LINERS AAHHNT THANAH# s# an Indian police station, also TANA#, TANNA#, TANNAH#, THANA#, THANNA#, THANNAH# AEFRRS sea war# way FARERS ENOSXY sard, chalced# ONYXES AEEKNS SKEANE s 2 a length of yarn wound in a loose coil AKENES GHHIST THIGHS 2 be# HIGHTS AGINNP dog kid pet NAPING# 3 PINANG s a palm tree s#, com# PANING# AMMORT MARMOT s a burrowing rodent ACIKLN CALKIN g s, gs a gripping projection on a horseshoe DDEOOS DODOES DEKOST re STOKED CEIMMN MNEMIC# relating to the mneme GGILWY WIGGLY tending to wiggle [adj WIGGLIER, WIGGLIEST] HKMOSU KHOUMS 2 HOKUMS ADIRSU per#, inter# RADIUS es a straight line from the centre of a circle to the circumference [n RADIUSES or RADII] ELNOSW LOWNES# s, ses CHIPRS CHIRPS AALMSW MALWAS# AABBCO BABACO# s#, ote#, otes# a fruit CKRSTU re un#, awe mis out# sun, dumb love# ..6 STRUCK en 2 dump fire semi, motor super# TRUCKS top#, tops# ABBCDE s CABBED ACELPT quinde# CAPLET s 2 a coated tablet PLACET s a court ruling, also PLACITUM#, PLACIT# ACEKRU CAUKER# s# a big lie DEHNYY HYDYNE# s# a rocket-launching fuel EIKLMN MILKEN# like milk CEEHSW ESCHEW s, al ed er, als ers ing to {shun=v} ABOSWW BOWSAW# s# a saw in a bow frame ELNSXY LYNXES DEEMSU MEUSED# ACCEIS CASEIC pertaining to {casein=n} ADDELY DEADLY {fatal=adj} [adj DEADLIER, DEADLIEST] CGINNO bea dea, rubi# CONING CEIKMY MICKEY s, ed#, ing# to drug a drink ANNOPS SANNOP s a married male American Indian, also SANNUP CHILLY CHILLY {cool=adj} [adj CHILLIER, CHILLIEST] DDMRUU DURDUM# s# uproar, also DIRDUM, DIRDAM# HILLPU UPHILL s, ward# an upward slope ACEKPT em# PACKET s, ed, ing to make into a small package BHIRSU HUBRIS es, tic, tically# arrogance, also HYBRIS BIKMOS KIMBOS# 2 IMBOSK# s#, ed#, ing# to go deep into the woods DDELLO DOLLED AAAHLL HALALA h s, hs a Saudi Arabian coin, also HALALAH DDEERT TEDDER s, ed, ing a machine for tedding hay / to use such a machine ADEORS OREADS 4 up, out SOARED SARODE s a lute of Northern India, also SAROD mat# par pic, avvog# compr, rejone#, conquist ADORES GNPRSU re un up, out, quer#, gelande SPRUNG AADGGS DAGGAS CMPRSU SCRUMP# s# y#, ed# le# ox#, ies# ing# led# ..6 2 to gather windfalls illegally s# CRUMPS ACEMSU MUSCAE BEEGLS GLEBES ADHINS DANISH es 2 a pastry of raised dough SANDHI s, ll#, lls# a process of phonetic modification EEERSV per SEVERE d r, ly st, ness, nesses 2 {harsh=adj} p#, sc# un, rep#, port# wood# REEVES ACDEKT s, at re un, res tic uns, reat tick, thumb, counterat TACKED CILOSU dourou COULIS se, ses a thin puree INRSTU RUTINS CIKPRS pin PRICKS ADNSTY DYNAST s y, ic, ies, ical#, ically a ruler ALNOOS ALSOON# e# 3 as soon SOLANO s a strong, hot wind SALOON s a {tavern=n} BEKNRU de, moss# BUNKER s, ed, ing to store in a large bin AADFRS ab, mega# pico, micro FARADS 2 DARAFS# OPSTTY SPOTTY 2 marked with spots [adj SPOTTIER, SPOTTIEST] TYPTOS# ACGIKN un, non pan, anti CAKING s# the act of caking HIKNRS non pre SHRINK s, er, age ers ing, able ages pack# ..2 to contract or draw back [v SHRANK, SHRUNK or SHRUNKEN, SHRINKING, SHRINKS] AEKLPY KEYPAL s a person with whom one corresponds by e-mail DELLOR d p# t, ca en re sc st un up#, log out ..18 ROLLED EEFSTT d l EFTEST# {readiest=adj} EKRRSU KURRES# EIRSTU zoot# SUITER s 2 a special suitcase for holding suits c, az ne#, laz rob#, favo# fulg hipp# ..2 URITES# EEIPPY YIPPEE expressing delight BENNOS BONNES IPRSUY SIRUPY like sirup [adj SIRUPIER, SIRUPIEST] ADEHHK KHEDAH s an enclosure for elephants, also KEDDAH, KHEDA ACDIPS nucleo CAPSID s, al the outer shell of a virus particle ACIMNS hypo MANICS AFNRSU fur, thio#, benzo nitro, dibenzo FURANS CDENSS a, de, rea, rede tran, conde SCENDS AAELPT TALPAE# 2 PALATE d# s to {relish=v} BCINOS BINOCS binoculars AEPPRW s WAPPER# s#, ed#, ing# to {blink=v} DELNRU k NURLED 4 LURDEN# s# a lazy or stupid person, also LURDAN, LURDANE g# t RUNDLE d# s t, ts a {rung=n} NURDLE# d# s# to glide the ball in cricket DEKOPR PORKED 2 PROKED# HIQSSU SQUISH y, ed es, ier ing, iest, iness, inesses to {squash=v} AKLNSU KULANS# EIRRST STIRRE# d r s#, rs 2 to {bolt=v} e#, des TRIERS GHLPSY di#, ana dia# tri, ditri# hiero litho# ..3 GLYPHS EIORST ROESTI# s# 5 a dish of grated potatoes shaped into a pancake and fried, also ROSTI# TRIOSE s a simple sugar SORTIE d s, ing to attack suddenly from a defensive position TIROES# s, cas# fac his oli# ora rec vic, alea# ..97 TORIES EEHSTY SHEETY# like sheets [adj SHEETIER#, SHEETIEST#] ACESTU CUESTA s 2 a type of land elevation ACUTES t BCELMO COMBLE# s#, ss# the {acme=n} ACCEIL CELIAC s 2 one that has a chronic nutritional disturbance CICALE EILLRT RILLET s, tes 2 a small rill s, dis ins pos#, roto TILLER s, ed, ing man men, less# to put forth stems from a root CHIINS NICISH# somewhat nice AEISSV m p, tr#, proto# AVISES# EEMNSU NEUMES EELNSW NEWELS AABERS ABASER s 2 one who {abases=v} ABEARS# CEILRS SLICER s 2 one that {slices=v} RELICS AACHSY CHAYAS# AAHLLN NALLAH# s# 2 a ravine, also NULLA#, NALLA# c# HALLAN# s# a partition in a cottage EGLRYY GREYLY in a gray manner, also GRAYLY ABEHLS BELAHS# AEFFLW WAFFLE d r s, rs, stomper, stompers to talk vaguely AEHLPS ac ALEPHS ADEHKS KHEDAS 2 un# SHAKED# own, owns EIKSTT KITSET# s# funiture that you screw up yourself AAGKLY GALYAK s a fur made from lambskin, also GALYAC ENOSTT OSTENT# s#, ation, ations atious, atiously 2 appearance TESTON s a former French coin, also TESTOON ABBDET TEBBAD# s# 2 a sandstorm s, backs TABBED DEENRR mis qua# sur, quar# RENDER s, ed er, ers ing, able ings to plaster with a first coat ADNNSU NANDUS# ACELLT CALLET s a prostitute HIINPP HIPPIN# g s#, gs#, ess, esses a baby's nappy, also HIPPEN#, HIPPING AEHNPP be#, may mis# HAPPEN s, ed, ing, ings, chance stance, chances stances to {occur=v} OOPRRT TORPOR s, ific# mental or physical inactivity EEISSV ab# ad# in#, car egr# exc obs rec ..34 ESSIVE# s# 2 a grammatical case denoting a state of being SIEVES AGILST GASLIT illuminated by gaslight BLLORY BROLLY an umbrella [n BROLLIES] ALLPRU PLURAL s, ly, ise# ism ist ity ize, ised# iser# ..17 a word that expresses more than one DEELLY out YELLED CRRSUY SCURRY ing to move hurriedly, also SCUTTLE [v SCURRIED, SCURRYING, SCURRIES] GNORSY GYRONS FMOSUU FUMOUS# full of fumes, also FUMY EENRSY RENEYS# 2 SNEERY full of sneers [adj SNEERIER, SNEERIEST] ALLMOR MORALL# s# y, ed# er#, ers# ing# a wall HINSTY SHINTY# ing# a game like hockey [n SHINTIES#] / to play shinty [v SHINTIED#, SHINTYING#, SHINTIES#] AABHKT BHAKTA s one who has devotion to bhakti CEILSU un# SLUICE d s, way, gate# like# ways, gates# 2 to wash with a sudden flow of water c ULICES# FLPRUY PURFLY# short of breath AELRSV labio VELARS 7 re, sub# tra uni, trans, nonuni quaqua# VERSAL s# an ornamental letter at the beginning of a section c s, pa, bes# ens, clishmac# LAVERS g t, ca un, outt RAVELS be# en SLAVER s y, ed er, ers ies ing, ings#, ingly# to {drool=v} SERVAL s an African wildcat quack SALVER s, form a tray or serving platter ENORSW WORSEN s, ed, ess# ing, esses# 4 to become worse RESOWN d, cr dr fr, dis# non ren# upt, home ..5 OWNERS hip, hips ROWENS ILNOST TONSIL s, ar, lar, itis# lary#, litic# litis ..6 a lymphoid organ BCCEOS BOCCES EGIORS p ORGIES BCKLOY BLOCKY {chunky=adj} [adj BLOCKIER, BLOCKIEST] AEGKST GASKET s packing to make something fluid-tight ABCEHR BREACH ed er es, ers ing to break through ADEEMS MEASED# 4 ADEEMS o, myx, myxo EDEMAS en# in# un SEAMED CDEFFO s COFFED# EHMRRY RHYMER s one who {rhymes=v} IIPPST PIPITS HILPST SPILTH s that which is spilt, also SPILLAGE AADNSY DAYANS# BEEMSU BEMUSE d s, dly, ment, ments to {puzzle=v} DIORST mala DROITS BDENRU UNBRED 3 not bred fa# un, dis, over, disem# BURDEN s, ed er, ers ing ous#, some to load heavily un, mow# out sun, back# over side wind BURNED ARSTTT TRATTS# AAFFPR AFFRAP# s#, ped#, ping# to {strike=v} FLOORS sea sub FLOORS how, hows HILOSW OWLISH ly, ness, nesses 2 like an owl s, sal tal# wil# yel LOWISH somewhat low AEKLNR c p# RANKLE d s, ss 2 to cause irritation or resentment in b f LANKER AABDLL BALLAD e s, ed# es ic in# ry, eer ine# ing# ..10 to make ballads about, also BALLANT#, BALLAT#, BALLET ELLPTU PULLET s a young hen ERSSVY SYVERS# EEFLNS FLENSE d r s, rs to strip the blubber or skin from, also FLENCH AKNSWY SWANKY imposingly opulent [adj SWANKIER, SWANKIEST] AABHSW BASHAW s, ism#, isms# ship#, ships# a former Turkish official GIKNOP s POKING DEKORY YORKED# ALOPPT LAPTOP s a small computer used in the lap CINOPP COPPIN# g s# a top of anything AEHLLT un, non sub, semi LETHAL s, ly, ity, ities something designed to cause death EILNNS under# LINENS CERSUX CRUXES ACILLP PLICAL relating to a plica ACLOSU OSCULA r, nt te, ted tes, ting tion tory, tions, tories# EEMMSW EMMEWS# ELPRTY PELTRY 2 an animal skin [n PELTRIES] ex, inex mala PERTLY in a pert manner GLNOSU GLUONS DDEHIS n# r EDDISH# es# 2 pasturage, also EADISH# blan bran DISHED EKLNRU c# RUNKLE d s 2 to {wrinkle=v} b# c f p, spe LUNKER s a large game fish CEIMMO COMMIE s a Communist, also COMMY ENRSTY mi SENTRY the one who stands guard [n SENTRIES] AACDHR CHADAR s, im a large shawl, also CHADOR [n CHADARS or CHADRI] LLRSTU TRULLS BENOST o BENTOS 2 BETONS EELOPS d#, ant dev env, gant ELOPES AHISTT STAITH# e s#, es a wharf CIIKLY p#, st tr ICKILY in a icky manner CELLRU s CULLER s one that {culls=v} AFLSTU de, for#, foot FAULTS 3 FUTSAL# s# indoor football, with five players on each side af in# FLATUS es intestinal gas CGIKNO de#, non COKING EHPRSY HYPERS onic pace, aline exual omnia# onics# ..39 3 SPHERY resembling a sphere [adj SPHERIER, SPHERIEST] SYPHER s, ed, ing, ings# to lay an edge over another to make a flush surface ABDLSU BLAUDS# ACCENR pre, anti CANCER s, ed, ate# ous, ated# ates#, ating# ..7 a malignant growth ACEIPS SPICAE 2 APICES INNPSU UNPINS ACEOST sub# COSTAE 2 COATES# ABILNS ABLINS 2 perhaps, also ABLINGS, AIBLINS chil BLAINS BLLOOO LOBOLO# s# an African custom of a dowry of cows, also LOBOLA# EEKPRS KREEPS FKLOSY FOLKSY {friendly=adj} [adj FOLKSIER, FOLKSIEST] CHIOSY COYISH ly#, ness#, nesses# somewhat coy AADMPS PADMAS# EIMNPS MISPEN s, ned, ning to write incorrectly ACLMOR be CLAMOR s, ed er, ers ing ous, ously, ousness, ousnesses to make a loud outcry, also CLAMOUR CEILNS INCLES# 2 de in re, iso syn, anti halo heli mono ..9 CLINES DEFFIN s NIFFED# CEKORR RECORK s, ed, ing 3 to cork again CORKER s one that {corks=v} ROCKER s y, ies a rocking chair ILLRST tes# TRILLS BBDEOO BOOBED AADLMP LAMPAD s, ary# ist#, ists#, aries#, edromy# ..5 a candlestick EFLNSU UNSELF# s#, ed#, ing# ish, ishly, ishness, conscious# ishnesses to divest of personality / {altruism=n} [n UNSELVES#] EEHMST sub THEMES 2 SMEETH# s# a duck ELLNSY SNELLY# in a snell manner EGGLOR b c f s v#, key# mob# mud# web#, foots, microb# LOGGER s, head, heads, headed# a lumberman ERRTTU TURRET s, ed 2 a small tower st RUTTER# s# a mercenary cavalryman CENOPS PONCES 2 COPENS EHLORT LOTHER# CEEHLR LECHER s y, ed, ies ing ous, ously, ousness, ousnesses to engage in {lechery=n} CIMOST SITCOM s a television comedy series AHLLMU MULLAH s, ed#, ing# ism, isms to inflict a severe defeat on BCMRSU bread# CRUMBS CDIORS ROSCID# {dewy=adj} AKNRRY KNARRY of a tree, having knots [adj KNARRIER#, KNARRIEST#] AACLLU CALALU# s# edible leaves as a soup ingredient, also CALALOO# ADEGPS GASPED AEHPSW PESHWA# s# a chief minister, also PEISHWA#, PEISHWAH# FGLMUU MUGFUL s as much as a mug can hold AACKRR b c ARRACK s an alcoholic spirit FFLOTY FYLFOT s a swastika, also FILFOT# ACHSTW SWATCH es, book#, books# a sample piece of cloth AMORSU cl en gl, par, begl AMOURS 2 bi, uni RAMOUS ly# having many branches, also RAMOSE AISSTW panty shirt WAISTS 2 TISWAS# es# a {tizzy=n} AAMOST pro, meta#, hydro#, plasmo#, opistho# SOMATA BBEHLO HOBBLE d r s, rs, bush, dehoy, bushes dehoys ..6 to {limp=v} AAABKL KABALA s a Jewish doctrine based on hidden meanings in sacred texts, also CABALA, CABBALA, CABBALAH, KABBALA, KABBALAH, QABALA, QABALAH GIIMNN lu#, bio# exa ful, cala enlu# illu ..13 MINING s the business of working mines ADDELW s t, uns# WADDLE d r s, rs 2 to walk with short, swaying steps DAWDLE d r s, rs to waste time ABENRT BANTER s, ed er, ers ing, ings#, ingly 2 to exchange mildly teasing remarks BARNET# s# (slang) hair CCEILY CICELY a fragrant herb [n CICELIES] ELOPSU am POULES# 3 canta LOUPES SOUPLE# d# s#, ss to make {supple=adj} AAORST AORTAS AKNRSU KNAURS BBGINO GIBBON s an arboreal ape OOPPRT TROPPO# too much (music) CDEEES SECEDE d r s, rs to withdraw formally from an alliance AHIRST AIRTHS 2 HAIRST# s#, ed#, ing# yle, reak yles, reaks ..4 to gather in a crop, also HARVEST AEGMPS SEPMAG# pertaining to synchronized sound and film ADDEOS DADOES AAKSSV KAVASS es a Turkish policeman AADGRS DARGAS# ADDELL LADLED DDEMPU DUMPED CILORS ca LORICS# AEENRS ENSEAR# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to dry up ARENES maha RANEES CEHPST SPETCH# es# a piece of hide EEIRRS RERISE n s 2 to rise again [v REROSE, RERISEN, RERISING, RERISES] SIRREE s sir, also SIREE BEEELS li BELEES# GILMNO sla LOMING# ACEHLT di# oo, mono#, intra, biblio sperma# THECAL 2 resembling a {theca=n} CHALET s a swiss cottage CIKSTY non pla STICKY ing#, beak#, beaks#, beaked#, beaking# to make {sticky=adj} [v STICKIED#, STICKYING#, STICKIES] / tending to adhere [adj STICKIER, STICKIEST] ELNOOS un LOOSEN s, ed er, ers ess ing, esses to make less tight ACCINO COCAIN e s, es, ise# ism ist# ize, ised# ises# ..10 a narcotic, also COCAINE ADEKLR DARKLE d s 2 to become {dark=adj} mud# sky LARKED GGMRUU MUGGUR s a large Asian crocodile, also MUGGER, MUGGAR CDELLU s, un# CULLED ACEKNT NACKET# s# a light lunch, also NOCKET# CEEIKS SICKEE s an emotionally sick person, also SICKIE, SICKO AEGNSY GANSEY# s# 2 a woollen sweater GYNAES# CDEKOY YOCKED EGKRSY GRYKES# AAELLP PALLAE# 3 PALEAL pertaining to a {palea=n} PAELLA s a saffron-flavoured stew APSTUY UPSTAY# s#, ed#, ing# to {sustain=v} ACHIKS HAICKS# AFOSSU FOUSSA# s# an {animal=n} AGLLRY ARGYLL s a knitting pattern, also ARGYLE DDELOR un#, over LORDED AAELMR RAMEAL# of a branch AAALPS ALAAPS# 2 p ALAPAS# ABLMRY MARBLY mottled [adj MARBLIER, MARBLIEST] HLMOTY THYMOL s a chemical compound EEISSZ re, dis SEIZES ABDLRY DRABLY in a drab manner CNORSY SYNROC# s# a type of synthetic rock ADHILS nymp HALIDS BEKRRU BURKER s one that {burkes=v} AACILL LAICAL ly pertaining to a {laic=n} CDEIKY DICKEY s, bird#, birds# a blouse front, also DICKIE BIMMOO MIOMBO# s# an area of deciduous woodland DEIMMN NIMMED EEILRS RESILE d s, ment#, ments# 2 to spring back fo#, mis RELIES ABDDEL multi, roller# BLADED 2 having a blade BALDED FIPTYY TYPIFY ing to serve at a typical example [v TYPIFIED, TYPIFYING, TYPIFIES] DILLMY MILDLY in a mild manner CEORSY COREYS# 2 CORSEY# s# (English dialect) a pathway AEFRSY FAYRES# CFFOTU CUTOFF s 2 the point at which something terminates OFFCUT s a left over from some material HSSUUW WUSHUS# AGHILN s# w, ex in, uns#, keel mars over#, antiw HALING DEEGMM be# GEMMED AHINRS ARSHIN e# s, es# 2 a Russian unit of length, also ARCHINE, ARSHEEN#, ARSHINE# SHAIRN s cow dung, also SHARN ADDDEN ADDEND a s, um, ums a number added LOPRRY PYRROL e s, es ic, idine#, idines# a chemical compound, also PYRROLE ABLLOO LOBOLA# s# an African custom of a dowry of cows, also LOBOLO# CEHISW sand, cesare#, tsesare# WICHES BEFFTU BUFFET s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to hit sharply AENRSW RESAWN 3 re#, non ANSWER s, ed er, ers ing, able ably# less# ..5 to {reply=v} d# f p y, pr sp AWNERS# EEEHST SEETHE d r# s, rs# to {boil=v} AANRSU RUANAS FLLOUY FOULLY in a foul manner EILNOS SOLEIN# 6 {sullen=adj} ESLOIN# s#, ed#, ing# to remove to a distant place, also ELOIN, ELOIGN, ESLOYNE# INSOLE s, nt, nce nts, nces ntly the inner sole of a shoe or boot ELOINS LESION s, ed, ing an abnormal change in the structure of a bodily part / to cause lesions acr tri# OLEINS EEGNST GENETS 3 ki# TENGES# GENTES ADEHLS HEALDS# 4 un# HALSED# un#, mar SHALED c f p s, sp un, back outf# whip# LASHED BDEKOR BORKED 2 BROKED# ACHOPY POACHY 2 {swampy=adj} [adj POACHIER, POACHIEST] POCHAY# s# a four-wheeled carriage ALNOSW LOWANS# AEPRTY PETARY# a region covered with peat, also PEATARY#, PEATERY# [n PETARIES#] EFNSTU FUNEST portending death or evil ACRSTU lin# CRUSTA# e# l, te#, cea ted#, cean tion#, ceans ..2 2 a hard coating CURATS# ACCILT ga, sta#, malo, catal# hypal# paral ..7 LACTIC derived from milk ACLMPS un CLAMPS ACDEPS e, land town#, reland SCAPED 2 di# my# re, mis, back mono#, inter SPACED CDDERU CURDED EEFFSU EFFUSE d s to pour forth CHOSTW SCOWTH# s#, er#, ers#, ered#, ering# free scope AKRSTU KURTAS 3 sauer KRAUTS TUSKAR# s# a peat-spade ADDEHS un, over SHADED 2 be# un#, slap#, inter#, pebble# DASHED AILRSU o#, wo# URALIS# 2 b, reb, merc URIALS DEEMSW MEWSED# AILOPS PILAOS# 2 APIOLS# BCCIOR COBRIC# of a cobra EFLMSY MYSELF a form of the 1st person sing. pronoun EELSTU ELUTES 2 SETULE# s# a small bristle EORTTT s# TOTTER s y, ed er, ers ing, ings#, ingly to walk unsteadily ELLOPR POLLER s 2 one that polls, also POLLIST, POLLSTER REPOLL s, ed, ing to poll again ENNRSU ENURNS# AGLOPS me GALOPS DEILNS sp# ELDINS# AFFNSY NYAFFS# AJKNSY JANSKY# s# the unit of strength of radio wave emission CEEKNR rubber NECKER s, chief, chiefs, chieves one that {necks=v} ACEGLS GLACES BDELLU BULLED ABLOSY BOYLAS FFOPUY POUFFY effeminate, also POOFY, POOVY# [adj POUFFIER#, POUFFIEST#] DEHIST w HISTED 3 SHITED# SITHED# BCEIKR BICKER s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to {squabble=v} CCEHOU COUCHE# d e# r s, es# rs, tte, ttes an evening reception, also COUCHEE# AGGMSU MUGGAS# AEHNSW un# WASHEN# 2 WHENAS at which time CEENRS in# li CENSER s 5 a vessel for burning incense SCERNE# d# s# to {discern=v} SECERN s, ed, ent# ing, ents# ment#, ments# to discern as separate s#, lu CERNES# be on re, fly# off pre sun, fire# flat# ..10 SCREEN s, ed er ie#, ers ful ies# ing, able ..17 to provide with a concealing partition EIPRST ESPRIT s 9 liveliness pin STRIPE d r s y#, rs, less to mark with distinct bands SITREP# s# a report on a military position PIERTS# un RIPEST s, pins TRIPES PIERST# SPRITE s, ly#, ful#, lier#, liest# an elf or fairy s, un#, arch mass# PRIEST s, ed ly, ess ing, hood lier like# ling# ..10 to ordain as one authorized to perform religious rites DDDEOP PODDED ACHLNO LOCHAN s a small {lake=n} EMOPPT MOPPET s a {child=n} ACGGLY CLAGGY# {sticky=adj} [adj CLAGGIER#, CLAGGIEST#] ILNOPP POPLIN s, ette#, ettes# a durable fabric AELLTT TALLET# s# a loft, also TALLAT#, TALLOT# CHIMNY HYMNIC# pertaining to hymns INOSSZ SOZINS CIORST rhe, combina TORICS ACLMUU LUCUMA# s# a South American tree ABBIJL JILBAB# s# a long robe worn by Muslim women [n JALABIB#] ADLMOS MODALS 2 DOLMAS EEGLMS GEMELS# EEILNS ENISLE d s 5 to put onto an island, also INISLE# p s# t, ext, dist# preh, thermot# ENSILE d s to store in a silo, also ENSILAGE NELIES# a winter pear, also NELIS# [n NELIES#] SILENE# s# a flowering plant pre# SENILE s, ly one who exhibits senility GGIJLY JIGGLY {unsteady=adj} [adj JIGGLIER, JIGGLIEST] ABBRTU BARBUT s a type of helmet CEHNOS re un, mis pre, fore# CHOSEN 2 COHENS# HIMPRS SHRIMP s y, ed er, ers ier ing, iest ings# like to catch small edible crustaceans INNNOS NINONS AGIKNS KIANGS 3 GASKIN g s, gs a part of a horse's leg b c g m t, att# dam imm# out unm, dism# ..4 ASKING s the act of one who {asks=v} ADDEER b y#, deb unb, grayb# greyb# EARDED# 3 en, unen# unin# DEARED# DEADER s# a corpse AGSTTU GUTTAS# ACGILN p, be# en in re so un, emp rep unp#, disp ..6 LACING s a contrasting marginal band of colour LLORST s, ou, comp# TROLLS 2 STROLL s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to walk in a leisurely manner HOPRST octo THORPS AEIKLR f LAKIER 2 LAIKER# s# one who is unemployed GILLNU b c d f g h l m n p w#, sc sk, ann, outp, wirep#, disann ULLING# s# the making good of ullage GMPRSU GRUMPS CHLMOO MOLOCH s, ise# ize#, ised# ises# ized# izes# ..2 a spiny lizard CEEIPS SPECIE s, sism sist#, sisms sists# 2 coined money cod ear eye sea toe, back# hair head ..31 PIECES ACCIPR CAPRIC e, ci es, cio, cios ious, cioso#, iously, iousness pertaining to a goat, also CAPRINE BBDEPU PUBBED# ACCIRR CIRCAR# s# 2 an Indian clerk RICRAC s a braid used in trimming, also RICKRACK EEEHPS PHEESE# d# s# to unsettle, also FAZE, FEASE, FEAZE, FEESE#, FEEZE, PHEEZE#, PHESE# EHILSW ere, mean some#, dream# other, between WHILES EORSXY ORYXES EKMRRU MURKER BDESUU SUBDUE d r s, rs, dly, ment#, dness# ments#, dnesses# to bring under control, also SUBDEW# AFLOST FLOTAS 2 re, bob# out, fire# FLOATS CEHIKY doo HICKEY s a gadget, also HICKIE [n HICKEYS or HICKIES] BEGINS in un#, non, well# BEINGS 4 BESING# s#, ing# to celebrate in song [v BESANG#, BESUNG#, BESINGING#, BESINGS#] re, mis BEGINS BINGES BHILSU BLUISH ness, nesses somewhat blue AAKMRU KARAMU# s# 2 a small New Zealand tree with glossy leaves and orange fruit KUMARA# s#, hou#, hous# (New Zealand) the sweet potato, also KUMERA# EGIRRS RERIGS EHINNS SHINNE# d s# y, ry ys, yed, ries ying a chin CMPRUY s# CRUMPY# {crisp=adj} [adj CRUMPIER#, CRUMPIEST#] AILLRY f RAILLY# a jacket [n RAILLIES#] AHNNSY SHANNY a marine fish [n SHANNIES] ABIKLS KIBLAS CINORS res ORCINS BBDEIR out BRIBED 3 DIBBER s a planting instrument c d, un RIBBED EOSSVW VOWESS# es# a woman who has taken a vow ADRRSU DURRAS EGORSU m ORGUES# 6 a ERUGOS RUGOSE ly full of wrinkles, also RUGOUS sc ROUGES sand wood# GROUSE d r s, rs st#, like# to {complain=v} / very good b d, pi, pro ROGUES hip#, hips# HLOPTY PHYTOL s, ith ogy, iths, ogies ogist#, ogical# ..2 an {alcohol=n} MOOPRY POMROY# s# an old variety of apple, also POMEROY# AGGKNY KNAGGY# of wood, knotty [adj KNAGGIER#, KNAGGIEST#] CEIKRS lim lud# mav, whitt# ERICKS# 4 b d k l n p r# t w y#, cl fl kn pr sh sl sm# ..28 ICKERS SCRIKE# d# s# to shriek, also SCREICH#, SCREIGH#, SCRIECH# mu# un, fos sea# SICKER ly, ness#, nesses# AEFFIS b d# t w, sc# AFFIES# ELLORR REROLL s, ed er, ers ing 2 to roll again d p# t, ca en re sc# st, log pat, bank ..4 ROLLER s, ball#, balls# blade#, bladed# ..8 a cylindrical device that rolls or rotates ACEPSU AUCEPS# es# a {hawker=n} BBEELP PEBBLE d s, dash#, dashed# dashes#, dashing# to cover with small, rounded stones AAIKLL ant ALKALI c n s, es fy ne se ze, sed ser# ses zed ..30 a type of chemical compound EENRTT vig, gill NETTER s 2 one that {nets=v} TENTER s, ed, ing, hook, hooks to stretch on a type of frame ACHTTY CHATTY a type of water-pot [n CHATTIES#] / talkative [adj CHATTIER, CHATTIEST] AGHIRS va#, vine GARISH ed# es# ly, ing#, ness, nesses to {heal=v} EHILRS dis RELISH ed es, ing, able 3 to {enjoy=v} HIRSLE d s to slide along HIRSEL s, ed, ing led, ling to herd sheep CEKPRY RYPECK# s# a punt mooring pole, also RYEPECK# AGINOS NGAIOS# 2 SAGOIN# s# a South American monkey, also SAGOUIN#, SAGUIN# BBEHOR HOBBER s one that {hobs=v} CEIKLS CLEIKS# 2 SICKLE d s, man# men# mia mic, bill# mias, bills# to harvest with a single blade implement BDEKLU out, over# BULKED EERRSV ad# re, con per# tra VERSER s 3 a {verseman=n} de ob re, con pre, root# time unde#, interob SERVER s y#, ies# one who serves another fo REVERS e i# o, al ed er es is# os, als ely ers ..18 a part of a garment that folds back [n REVERSES or REVERS] HMTUYZ ZYTHUM# s# Egyptian beer BEILST sea# BLITES DELLOP re un, out POLLED ABEGMS GAMBES on, ons AADILS DALASI s a unit of Gambian currency AOPPRT r APPORT# s#, ion, ions, ioned ioner#, ioners# ..4 motion due to psychic forces CFFILY CLIFFY abounding in {cliffs=n} [adj CLIFFIER, CLIFFIEST] ADGRSU en# un, hat# mud out# van, body fire ..13 GUARDS hip# man men, hips# 2 GRADUS es a dictionary of versification AEIRST f p# s#, unf AIREST 5 early SATIRE s the use of ridicule or scorn to criticise folly or vice TERAIS STRIAE p, he sm, nonp plen#, antip, afterp# ..2 ARTIES# t ADDERT un#, out, over, balus, counter# TRADED 2 en# in# up DARTED AGINSU SAGUIN# s# a South American monkey, also SAGOIN#, SAGOUIN# ACDRSY DARCYS# DEHOOS SHOOED GINSTY amne, trave STYING 2 STINGY {mean=adj} [adj STINGIER, STINGIEST] / a stinging nettle [n STINGIES#] AABIST ABATIS es a barrier made of felled trees, also ABATTIS EENRST STRENE# s# 9 an offspring se, bar RENEST s, ed, ing to nest again in TENSER yes TREENS c r t v, ev# re sl#, abs ass cem dec fom ..39 ENTERS p, cop rep, omnip, misrep multip# RESENT s, ed er#, ers# ful ing ive, ence ment ..8 to feel affront or ill-will ho, sce# NESTER s one that {nests=v} al# ex in, sau TERNES RENTES EENNRS b# f#, et# RENNES# AEFLMS FLEAMS 3 FEMALS# en in, rein FLAMES EIKMST KISMET s, ic destiny, also KISMAT IIMSTT in op, legi, overop TIMIST# s# a time-server BBEMOR fire#, super BOMBER s 2 a person who bombs MOBBER s one that {mobs=v} ABLNSU BALUNS# BELRUY BURLEY s, ed#, cue# ing#, cues# an American thin-leaved tobacco / to scatter fish bait on water AEGLRY ARGYLE s 2 a knitting pattern, also ARGYLL GRAYLE# s# the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper, also GRAIL, GRAAL ACLLOR roll#, torti# COLLAR d s, ds ed et, ets ing, bone ette# less ..2 to provide with a neckband EKRRSY SKERRY 2 a small, rocky island [n SKERRIES] SKRYER# s# one who {decries=v} EGGGNO EGGNOG s a {beverage=n} CGINOS INCOGS 4 COIGNS COSIGN s, ed er, ers ing, atory, atories, ificative# to sign jointly COSING# IISSTZ SIZIST# s# one who believes in sizeism, also SIZEIST# ABIKNS NIKABS# IKLNSY KYLINS# 2 SLINKY {sinuous=adj} [adj SLINKIER, SLINKIEST] AGGHIS HAGGIS h, es, hly, hness#, hnesses# a Scottish dish GLMOOS be en#, over# GLOOMS EIKMSU MUSKIE r s, st a freshwater fish AEGORS SORAGE# s# a hawk in its first year ADILLY LAIDLY# {loathly=adj} AGILRS SLAIRG# s#, ed#, ing# 4 to {smear=v} ARGILS GLAIRS en GRAILS IMOPST IMPOTS# 2 IMPOST s, ed er or, ers ing ors ume ure, hume ..20 to determine customs duties DLMOSU re# un#, button# MOULDS IORRST TRIORS# ACELRR CARREL l s, ls a desk for private study in a library, also CARRELL AALPSY PALAYS# 2 PLAYAS ACDHOS CHADOS# ENOPSY PONEYS# ADILNS inter ISLAND s, ed er, ers ing to make into an area surrounded by water DEESWY SWEYED# NOPSTY POYNTS# AAAHKR AKHARA# s# (India) a gymnasium CEMNOS SOCMEN GILRSY GRISLY horrifying [adj GRISLIER, GRISLIEST] / a grizzly bear, also GREISLY#, GRIESLY#, GRYSELY# [n GRISLIES#] FGGORY FROGGY abounding in frogs [adj FROGGIER, FROGGIEST] AALLNY ALANYL s 2 a univalent radical b, dec# ANALLY at or through the anus EEIRSV p, re# REVISE d r s, rs 4 to make a new or improved version of g p#, sc sh, agg eng# rep ret RIEVES# REIVES REVIES# ABERSY YERBAS 3 BERAYS# BARYES ABKNRS BRANKS CHILRS CHIRLS# AOPRSY PAYORS EKNPRU PUNKER s a punk rock musician BIORST BISTRO s, ic 2 a small bar or restaurant de ORBITS BGMOOS GOMBOS DEGRSY GRYDES# ACDEKY ch# YACKED EIKLMS MELIKS# 2 KELIMS HKLOOZ KOLHOZ y, es a collective farm in Russia, also KOLKHOS, KOLKHOZ, KOLKOZ CKNRSU CRUNKS# BDELOR BORDEL s, lo, los 2 a brothel, also BORDELLO BOLDER BRSUUU URUBUS# BBEEST EBBETS CEMORS SCROME# d# s# 3 (English dialect) to crawl using hands especially s# CROMES# in, all# new wel, down# home late over COMERS ADEERS RESEDA s 5 a flowering plant AREDES# un ERASED DEARES# t, ts# en# pa# un SEARED ness#, nesses# ACDLSU CAULDS MOPPRT PROMPT s, ed er ly, ers est ing ure#, book ings# ..8 to move to action / quick to act or respond ABBEGL GABBLE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# to {jabber=v} ADFFRS DRAFFS DEHNSS y# SHENDS BINRSU tam# BURINS 3 BRUINS che#, bili indi# RUBINS# HIMNOS ad le, mam# pre, pread# MONISH ed es, ing to {warn=v} BHMSTU be# THUMBS crew tall#, crews talls# AEFLLR REFALL s, en, ing 2 to fall again [v REFELL, REFALLEN, REFALLING, REFALLS] FALLER s one that {falls=v} DEILRS s, br IDLERS 3 SIDLER s one who {sidles=v} back SLIDER s one that {slides=v} DEELSV DEVELS 2 DELVES HILLOS HILLOS AEPPTT TAPPET s a projection that transmits motion ABGORS GARBOS# BBEILN NIBBLE d r s, rs to eat with small bites EGNNYY GYNNEY# s# guinea hen, also GYNNY# ELLLOZ LOZELL# s# a scamp, also LOREL#, LORRELL# HMOPRS bi di, bio iso neo tri zoo, allo ecto ..24 MORPHS AACJKL JACKAL s, led#, ling# to let others do the dirty work BERSUY p REBUYS 2 home# BUYERS ABELTT BATTEL# s#, ed# er#, ers# ing# led#, ling# 4 to have an account for kitchen provisions TABLET s, ed op, ing ops ted, ting to write on a small flat surface em, pre BATTLE d r s, ax# rs, axe# bus#, axes# door# ..24 to {fight=v} BATLET# s# a wooden mallet for beating clothes, also BATLER# EEHRSU RUSHEE s a college student seeking admission to a fraternity or sorority AILMNU a LUMINA l, nt# ry, ire nce nts# ria, ires nces ..8 3 ALUMNI dur ALUMIN a e s, as es ic um, ate ise# ium ize ous ..15 an oxide of aluminum, also ALUMINA, ALUMINE DFNSUU FUNDUS the inner basal surface of a bodily organ [n FUNDI] CNOOST NOSTOC s 3 a freshwater alga ONCOST# s#, man# men# overhead expenses CONTOS ADEHNS ENDASH es a mark in writing used to connect elements of a compound EGLOST GOSLET# s# a dwarf goose ALPRSW a# SPRAWL s y, ed er, ers ier ing, iest to stretch out ungracefully ADILPS over PLAIDS 2 SALPID s a free-swimming small marine animal, also SALPA, SALP, SALPIAN EINSTU INTUSE# s# 4 a bruise d g m#, al re, aut bra dis pre UNITES a p, bo co ja#, subco visco UNTIES TENUIS a voiceless phonetic stop [n TENUES] AAPSTT ATTAPS# AEGLLN LEGLAN# s# a milking pail, also LEGLEN#, LEGLIN# ESTTUY SUETTY# resembling suet, also SUETY [adj SUETTIER#, SUETTIEST#] EHMOST METHOS# GIILNS a#, br en in# qu, wha# ISLING 2 en re SILING# ADEPRR DRAPER s y, ied ies, ying# 2 a dealer in cloth s, uns# PARRED CFRSSU SCURFS BELRSY chryso BERYLS DDOPSY SPODDY# boring, studious [adj SPODDIER#, SPODDIEST#] BBFILU BIBFUL# s# as in to spill a bibful, to divulge secrets DEMOPP MOPPED ELMPRU REPLUM# b, bs, bed, bing 3 a partition in fruit [n REPLA#] c f#, sc#, unc RUMPLE d s, ss to {wrinkle=v} c# p LUMPER s a labourer employed to load and unload ships BEIORS deoxy, desoxy# RIBOSE s a pentose sugar INNRSU INRUNS 2 INURNS DIMOST psal# spas# MODIST# e s#, es a follower of fashion AEHLSY HAYLES# 3 SHALEY resembling shale, also SHALY HAYSEL# s# the hay season EOPSTY TEPOYS AENSWY SAWNEY s a foolish person DEEORS DOREES# 3 ERODES fo REDOES BIKRSY BRISKY# in a brisk manner [adj BRISKIER#, BRISKIEST#] AABKNS BANAKS# AAGILS AGILAS# AEHLNS HANSEL s, ed, ing led, ling to give a good luck gift to, also HANDSEL ABEIRS t, ytt ERBIAS# 3 anti kohl, moucha# RABIES an infectious virus disease [n RABIES] he# BRAISE d s to {stew=v} EILRST RELIST s, ed, ing 5 to list again b g k, en fi, fil, arba#, black LISTER s, ia, ial# ias, ioses iosis a type of plough deca# deci deka kilo mega#, centi# ..2 LITRES TILERS deca deci deka kilo, centi hecto ..2 LITERS EFFLUX EFFLUX es, ion, ions that which flows out EGHHSU s w# HEUGHS 2 SHEUGH s, ed#, ing# to plant temporarily, also SHEUCH AEHRRT RATHER est# ipe# ish#, ipes# BDLLOY over# BOLDLY in a bold manner ACDHRS e, or po, clo mou# pil, tren# CHARDS GILNRU fe, fer mis non, over RULING s 2 an authoritative decision al ve, unal LURING s#, ly as in tape luring, the enticement and subsequent capture of a seabird by playing tape recordings of its call from beaches and cliffs EILNST ELINTS 7 re ENLIST s, ed ee er, ees ers ing, ment, ments to {enrol=v} TINSEL s, ed ly ry#, ing led, ling ries# to give a showy appearance to g LISTEN s, ed er, ers ing, able ings#, ership ..3 to try to hear un SILENT s, er ly, est, iary# ness, iaries# nesses making no noise ve, cha# INLETS l, po# INTELS# AAGNSU i GUANAS# e, es BDEHSU am, under# BUSHED BBDEHO HOBBED EGIRST scu# TIGERS HORSTU d ROUTHS EIIKLS SILKIE r s, st a seal CEHMOR bi, tri uro zoe#, auxo# ciba# cyto ..18 CHROME d l# s, ls# ne#, nes# to plate with chromium BDOORS DROOBS# 4 BOORDS# foul BROODS DOBROS EELOPP de em# re un, dis lay mer# out, news ..13 PEOPLE d r s, rs, hood less, hoods to stock with inhabitants ACDEKP re un, jam pre, back over, picka# PACKED CHIMPS CHIMPS FHIIKS FIKISH# fidgeting and restless, also FIKY# ADELRY DEARLY 2 in a dear manner disent# RAYLED# BCKORS BROCKS ILLSTY STILLY {still=adj} [adj STILLIER, STILLIEST] EFLRSY high, butter FLYERS ABERRY BRAYER s one who {brays=v} FFGIRS hippo GRIFFS AHLPRY sub PHYLAR ch#, chs# chy#, chies# pertaining to a {phylum=n} CIMSTY MYSTIC s, al ly, ete ism, ally etes isms, alness#, alnesses# one who professes to have had mystical experiences AALPRY PARLAY s, ed, ing to wager original winnings on a new bet DEFIKS FISKED# ACEKRY s CREAKY 2 creaking [adj CREAKIER, CREAKIEST] YACKER# s# hard toil, also YAKKA# AALMOS ab OMASAL# 2 relating to the omasum ALAMOS EGILRS GRILSE s 2 a young salmon ob ve, socdo# sogdo#, sockdo#, slockdo# LIGERS DDDEHO HODDED# CHOORT COHORT s, ative#, atives# a companion ELLPUY PULLEY s a device used for lifting weight AACIPS CAPIAS es a judicial writ GILMSU SIGLUM an abbreviation to indicate the source of an edited text EEFRST TERFES# 5 a FREETS# kni# FEREST# in, mani FESTER s, ed, ing to generate pus FREEST one yle, ones yled# yler yles, ylers ..3 EILNSU LUNIES t DEGIRS DERIGS# 5 a#, verdi# GRISED# ha GRIDES DIRGES b f, ab, est# par por, brow cart flyb ..12 RIDGES ACKLTY TALCKY pertaining to talc [adj TALCKIER#, TALCKIEST#] DEIORS o#, deo# DORISE# d# s# 3 to become like the Dorians, also DORIZE# ROSIED# DORIES ADEFLS FALSED# EHRRSY SHERRY a type of wine, also SHERRIS [n SHERRIES] AACCIL ALCAIC s, eria#, erias# 2 a type of verse form CICALA s a winged insect, also CICADA [n CICALAS or CICALE] AELMOS guac, guach# AMOLES AIMRRS MARRIS# ACKRSW eel#, horn#, grass#, bladder# WRACKS DEMOSW SOWMED# EEHWYY WHEYEY like whey [adj WHEYIER#, WHEYIEST#] CEELRS SCLERE# s#, id ma#, ide# ids mas#, ides#, nchyma ..2 2 a sponge spicule CREELS EEKNRR RENKER# EIKLSY KILEYS# 2 KYLIES# CDENSU be DUNCES 2 SECUND ly um, ine#, ines#, ogeniture# having the parts arranged on one side only GIILMN g s, de un#, bes sub, bird LIMING s# the preparation of leather AHLMSU HAULMS EIMMOS MIMEOS CEEKLT TECKEL# s# a dachshund ADISYY SAYYID s a title of respect for a Muslim dignitary, also SAYED, SAID, SAYID ACDILS ch ALCIDS 2 DISCAL# ced, ceate#, ceates# pertaining to a disc AEKLSY KAYLES DEELNS NEELDS# 2 f LENSED ACESTY CYTASE# s# a type of {enzyme=n} AILMSX SMILAX es 2 a twining plant LAXISM# s# a moral opinion EIPPTT TIPPET s a covering for the shoulders INNOST a, rea, disa# NOINTS# 2 NITONS EINSSV VISNES# AEGMST GAMEST er, ers ALNORS LORANS AHLMOS OMLAHS# 2 SHALOM s a Jewish greeting or farewell, also SHOLOM BCLOSY COLBYS EFLPPU PEPFUL# full of vigour ACEKNR RECKAN# 2 racked CANKER s y#, ed, ing ous, edly# worm, worms ..2 to affect with ulcerous sores AHKPUU HAPUKU# s# (Maori) the groper, also HAPUKA# AHMPRS PHARMS# HMORSU out, neuro HUMORS ome# 2 MOHURS AFFLOS OFFALS BCEORS SCROBE# s# 2 a groove CORBES# EGKMSU MUSKEG s a marsh, also MASKEG GIMPSU GUIMPS# ACEHMR sto MACHER# s# (Yiddish) an important person ADORRS ARDORS AENRSU m# URENAS# ACEMOS CAMEOS 2 COSMEA# s# a type of plant CEMOPR COMPER# e s#, ed es, ing a person who enters competitions EEELSV LEVEES 2 over#, shirt trunk# under# SLEEVE d r# s, en# rs#, ens# let, hand# less ..3 to supply with an arm covering AEGGSU re, mis GAUGES AFLORS SAFROL e s, es 2 a poisonous liquid, also SAFROLE mega# myco, macro# micro multi# ..2 FLORAS EGHLOS SEGHOL# s#, ate#, ates# a Hebrew vowel-point, also SEGOL# CEELSY LYCEES GHOSTU TOUGHS 3 b# n, dr th, fearn# misth#, dreadn ..4 OUGHTS be re un, unbe# SOUGHT ADEGHS GASHED EGHSTU HUGEST DESTTY STYTED# AEKLRT s, non, deers shelf# TALKER s one who {talks=v} BDEEST BESTED ELMNOS ma#, musk pade# pady#, paddy# water MELONS 3 LEMONS un# SOLEMN er ly, ess# est ify ise# ity ize, ised# ..21 {serious=adj} DNOORS DOORNS# 3 DONORS hip, hips RONDOS COOPST COOPTS DPSTUU DUSTUP s an {argument=n} GILNPY u#, ap du# im re, com sup tri#, over ..12 PLYING ly CMOOSU COMOUS bearing a tuft of silky hairs, also COMOSE ABBEGR GABBER s one that {gabs=v} BGINOS BINGOS 4 BOINGS GIBSON s a martini served with a tiny onion OBSIGN# s#, ed#, ate# ing#, ated# ates#, ating# ..3 to {seal=v} CILOSY COSILY in a cosy manner BCHSUU BUCHUS# AACLLN CALLAN s t, ts a {lad=n} CEOSTY COYEST EELNST NESTLE d r s, rs to lie snugly together ABDEKL BALKED AERSTW WASTER s y, ed# ie, ful# ies ing#, fully#, fulness#, fulnesses# 4 to use extravagantly de re# un#, cut eye pom# red# sea ..30 WATERS ki, hed ide kis, cape heds ider# ides ..8 b RAWEST whit# TAWERS GGNRUY GRUNGY {dirty=adj} [adj GRUNGIER, GRUNGIEST] HIKSTY TYKISH# {childish=adj} EEFLSX de# re, retro, circum FLEXES AARSTY YARTAS# 4 ASTRAY off course SATYRA# l# s#, ls# a female {satyr=n} TAYRAS# ACDIST DICAST s, ic, ery#, eries# in ancient Athens, a broadly chosen judge, also DIKAST# AMNNOR NORMAN# s#, de a tethering bar inserted in a ship's windlass AEGRRT re# GRATER s 3 one that {grates=v} GARRET s, ed, eer#, eers# an {attic=n} GARTER s, ed, ing to fasten with an elastic band ADELRU c# AULDER 2 app LAUDER s one who lauds, also LAUDATOR DEEERR b, sc#, inb, nonb, mouthb stockb REEDER# s# a {thatcher=n} AEGMMR en, pro, aero deca# deci# kilo# nano# ..6 GRAMME s 2 a unit of mass, also GRAM GAMMER s, stang#, stangs# an old woman ADDDEM be# MADDED BEKORR pawn ship#, inter# stock BROKER s y#, ed, age ies# ing, ages ings to act as a stockbroker, also BROKE EHIOSS ec# HOISES IILMST de, pre sub LIMITS 2 MISLIT DEEKPR re PERKED CFFINU CUFFIN# g s# a {man=n} CERRTU CURTER BEGILS GIBELS# 2 BILGES ACILNS LINACS EIKPPT KEPPIT# BBCDEO COBBED# AEMMNR ham# MERMAN a fabulous creature with a man,s body and a fish,s tail [n MERMEN] AEIMMT TAMMIE d# s a rough cloth ACEGRS so CAGERS 2 ag# en#, bon# dis, scape GRACES CENPSU PUNCES# BEIOSS BOSIES# IPSVVY SPIVVY {flashy=adj} [adj SPIVVIER#, SPIVVIEST#] ABELLT BALLET s, ed# ic, ing#, omane, ically# omanes ..2 to make ballads about, also BALLAD, BALLANT#, BALLAT# DEHHIS w, baks, backs# bakhs# bucks# HISHED# EGINST bl#, cunn know will, charm swing INGEST a s, ed, ing ion ive, ible ions 3 to take into the body SIGNET s, ed, ing to mark with an official seal TINGES BEGORS GREBOS# CENSST a, de, ace cre rea, igne, adole, acquie# ..8 SCENTS HIMNSU MUNSHI# s# an Indian secretary AACLPR endo# meta CARPAL e s, es# ia a bone in the wrist, also CARPALE AALRSY SALARY ing man men to be paid periodically for non-manual labour [v SALARIED, SALARYING, SALARIES] EGORSY GYROSE marked with wavy lines, also GYROUS# IKNSSW for# SWINKS CEFFOR s COFFER s, ed, dam ing, dams to put in a strongbox CEORSV re un, bed dis, dust hard over# slip ..3 COVERS ed#, ine lip, ines lips 2 CORVES ACEHNS c, en, bec, misc mumc# snap#, happenc HANCES 4 ENCASH ed es, ing, able ment, ments to convert into cash CANEHS# ga pa, gre# spi NACHES AABCHM AMBACH# es# a pith tree, also AMBATCH# DEENSY DESYNE# d# s# to plan in outline, also DESIGN, DESINE# ACFKLS super FLACKS AEEKPR PARKEE# s# a wind-proof coat, also PARKA, PARKI# EIKMNS MINKES 2 MISKEN# s# t#, ned#, ning# to fail to recognize ENRSUU UNSURE d# r#, ly st# not sure CILPSU PICULS DDEELM MEDLED# 3 MELDED co#, inter MEDDLE d r s, rs, some, somely#, someness to interfere, also MEDLE# CHIILS CHILIS 2 LICHIS AILNSW LAWINS# ALNRSY SNARLY tangled [adj SNARLIER, SNARLIEST] EEKLSW WELKES# EGILOS e# o, eu oo, ana apo bio dys# eco eno ..455 LOGIES# t ASTTWY SWATTY# given to hard study, also SWOTTY# [adj SWATTIER#, SWATTIEST#] ADEHRS cow# HEARDS# 5 SHADER s one that {shades=v} un, car#, ground# SHARED haber DASHER s one that {dashes=v} b# c t, th, gatec RASHED# DEFFOR DOFFER s one that {doffs=v} CDLOSU be en# un, over, thunder CLOUDS cape, capes CFFILS SCLIFF# s# 2 a small segment s#, under# CLIFFS CDEKLO CLOKED# 2 b c f, en# in# re un up#, arm# bel# bol# ..17 LOCKED BDEMRU DUMBER DELLPU un#, out PULLED ADEFFY n# YAFFED 2 AFFYDE# BFFORU RUBOFF s a deep impression made by close contact ALPSUY UPLAYS# 2 LAYUPS GIIKNP s, shun PIKING s# piercing with a pike DDDENO s# NODDED EEMRRT TERMER s a prisoner serving a specified sentence ELORTT b c# p s, al, comp# sand LOTTER s y, ies 2 one who assembles merchandise into salable lots TOLTER# s#, ed#, ing# to {flounder=v} AADNPS PANDAS ABELRY BLEARY 3 {drowsy=adj} [adj BLEARIER, BLEARIEST] BARELY {scarcely=adv} BARLEY s, corn, corns a cereal grass DEIKLR LIRKED# ELORSV ab re, dis SOLVER s 2 one that {solves=v} c g p, al, boi pul rol, spil LOVERS FFGIIN FIFING GMNSUU UNGUMS# KLNPUY PLUNKY marked by a quick, hollow metallic sound [adj PLUNKIER, PLUNKIEST] EIMNRS exa ter#, coal# gold# illu#, deter ..3 MINERS GINNRU b d g# t, ch en# in mo sp, inb# ret unt# ..15 URNING# s# a male homosexual ABDOYY DAYBOY# s# a boy who attends classes at a boarding school, but does not live in EGINOS SOIGNE e 2 carefully done, also SOIGNEE b d j l p, er, flam INGOES# INPSTU INPUTS EINNPS PENNIS EEESTT TESTEE s 2 one who is tested SETTEE s a long seat with a high back AAKLST KATALS# 2 TALAKS# ACHOOS CASHOO s a resin used in tanning, also CATECHU, CACHOU, CUTCH, KUTCH# ADKLNY DANKLY in a dank manner FOOPSS SPOOFS EEIPRS ESPIER# s# 2 someone who espies r EPRISE# captivated (feminine form) EGLOPS GOLPES# 2 GOSPEL s, er ly, ers ise# ize# led# ler, ised# ..16 to teach about the life of Christ AEIMMR MAIMER s one that {maims=v} DGKLUY KLUDGY involving or put together with ill-fitting components, also KLUDGEY [adj KLUDGIER, KLUDGIEST] AEFLSY un SAFELY in a safe manner EHNOST un#, dis, under# HONEST y, er ly, est ies, ness#, nesses# 2 {truthful=adj} ETHNOS es, cience, ciences a group of people who share a distinctive culture DEEKSW re# SKEWED EOPRSW POWRES# 2 em im re, air man out war, fire over ..13 POWERS HILLRS SHRILL s y, ed er, est ier# ing, iest# ings# ..2 to utter a high-pitched sound / having a high-pitched piercing quality CELSTY a, bia dia CETYLS# AEEKLP PALKEE# s# a palanquin (a carried passenger-box), also PALKI# AISSTV VISTAS EENRSU t, co, subt# ENURES es is, ises 2 c, lic, relic ENSURE d r s, rs to make {sure=adj} EEHLSW a#, co# en, bob# cog fly pin rag# web# ..16 WHEELS man men 2 SHEWEL# s# a scarecrow ADEKRY YARKED# 2 DARKEY s a coloured person, also DARKY, DARKIE DDDEEW re un WEDDED IKPRSU SPRUIK# s#, ed# er#, ers# ing# 2 to harangue the public PRUSIK# s#, ed#, ing# to climb using mountaineering slings AEPSTU TAUPES AAJKNS SANJAK s an administrative district of Turkey LNNOSY NONYLS 2 NYLONS AAFFLR FARFAL s, le, les# noodles in the form of small pellets or granules, also FARFEL HLNOPY PHYLON a genetically related group [n PHYLA] AIMNNS o NANISM s abnormal smallness DEHINS re, out, moon SHINED DDLPUY PUDDLY full of puddles [adj PUDDLIER, PUDDLIEST] ABEILS ISABEL# s#, la#, las#, line#, lines# 4 dingy yellowish-grey, also ISABELLA# ABSEIL s, ed, ing, ings# to lower oneself using a rope glo ver#, canni detri# BALISE# s# an electronic beacon or transponder placed between the rails of a railway as part of an Automatic Train Protection (ATS#) system BLAISE# hardened clay, also BLAES#, BLAIZE# AACHMN MACHAN# s# a raised platform CHISYZ SCHIZY affected with schizophrenia, also SCHIZZY [adj SCHIZIER, SCHIZIEST] DEMORR DORMER s, ed a type of window CEEEHS nip#, head CHEESE d s, vat#, cake mite# vats# wire# ..29 2 to stop it b k# l r#, br fl sl# sm# sp, bes scr, unbr, horsel# EECHES# CELRSY CRESYL s, ic a univalent chemical radical ADELLR LADLER s one that {ladles=v} DEIOST cus TODIES BDDDEE em im un#, sur#, inter, feather BEDDED ADESTY un, non, rock# STEADY ing 2 to make {steady=adj} [v STEADIED, STEADYING, STEADIES] / firm in position [adj STEADIER, STEADIEST] un up#, out, over, storm# STAYED CDHORS SCHROD s 2 a young cod, also SCROD di#, sub# tri# uro, deca# hexa mono ..10 CHORDS BBINOR RIBBON s y, ed ry#, ing, fish like ries# wood# ..2 2 to decorate with narrow strips of fabric ROBBIN g s a piece of yarn used to fasten a sail, also ROBAND EEMMOP POMMEE having arms with knoblike ends (heraldic) AFFIKR KAFFIR s, boom#, booms# a cereal grass, also KAFIR AGLMSU GLAUMS# 4 MULGAS# ALMUGS ALGUMS DEOSTU j m# r OUSTED 2 TOUSED EIMMRU dis# IMMURE d s, ment, ments to enclose behind walls, also EMURE# EGHINS NEIGHS 2 w, re sp un, androsp#, hieracosp# HINGES EFFILR RIFFLE d r s, rs to flip through hastily, also RIFF CEIKRY YICKER# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to utter sharp little cries of an animal, also YIKKER# CRIKEY used as a mild oath, also CRICKEY c RICKEY s an alcoholic beverage AEHRSY HAYERS 3 f# w#, tr#, haberd ASHERY# a place where potash is made [n ASHERIES#] HEARSY# resembling a hearse [adj HEARSIER#, HEARSIEST#] EGNSTU UNGETS# ABDLLY ri BALDLY {plainly=adv} BNORYY polyem BRYONY a climbing plant [n BRYONIES] HILOST photo# LITHOS ol, ols, phere tatic#, permum# pheres ..2 3 THIOLS w# HOLIST s, ic, ically a believer in {holism=n} EEEFSS FEESES# FORSUU RUFOUS {reddish=adj} CDHILS un# CHILDS# DEMOST im, over MODEST y, er ly, est ies unassuming BNOOST BOSTON s a card game ABBNOS NABOBS ABDORS ABORDS# 7 ADSORB s, ed er, ate ent ers ing, able ates ..3 to gather and hold another substance on the surface, compare ABSORB, SORB, DESORB BARDOS# in re, air# bed box cup dam# fun# ..130 BOARDS ailor, ailing ailors, ailings a# BROADS ide, cale heet ided ides word, heets ..2 DORBAS# DOBRAS CHISTT re un, hem top, back lock whip, chain# ..3 STITCH ed er es, ers ery ing, ings# work# ..6 to sew together [v STEEKIT# or STITCHED, STITCHING, STITCHES] IPSTXY ana PTYXIS# es# a type of leaf folding in a bud [n PTYXISES# or PTYXES#] EHINRS er, mur#, catar, platyr RHINES# tone, toned tones 3 en in SHRINE d s, like# to place on an altar for sacred relics moon SHINER s a black eye CHKORU CHUKOR# s# a type of partridge GHLOSU c p s, fur tur#, snowp#, breastp# LOUGHS 3 SLOUGH i# s y, ed is#, ier ing, iest to cast off GHOULS EIRSSX SIXERS# BEOPRS re sa, geo, cryo, micro milli# PROBES 2 REBOPS ADEEMR README# 4 as in readme file, a text file supplied with computer software that contains information about the software, such as advice on installation and bugs REMEAD# s#, ed#, ing# to cure, also REMEDE# b c d, sc st, red und, dayd outd unst# ..4 REAMED p REMADE s# a thing made over BDEESY BEDYES# 2 DEBYES ADERSU RUEDAS# ADORST car# TROADS# ACEMPR s CAMPER s y#, ies# one who lives in the open DHIIMM DHIMMI# s# a non-Muslim subject of a state governed in accordance with sharia law ALLRUY LAURYL# s# a radical in lauryl alcohol, an ingredient in some detergents EINRSU co re, over# INSURE d r s, ds rs 6 to secure payment in the event of loss of damage dis# INURES ERINUS# es# any rock plant of the genus Erinus m p, az# do ne ta, dat# fig lem# sci ..4 URINES RUSINE pertaining to a genus of deer sub#, brank# URSINE pertaining to a {bear=n} ADDHIS SIDDHA# s# one who has attained perfection, also SIDHA# BIMNOS bour BONISM# s# the doctrine that the world is mainly good ACDERR dis CARDER s one that does carding ABHIRS BARISH# somewhat bare CDDEIK DICKED INORST NITROS o, yl, yls, amine ation#, amines ations# 2 INTROS pect, pects, pected, pecting pection ..5 AEHIRS c d h# m# w, bl# br fl pl sw# tr, spl squ ASHIER 3 SHERIA# s# t#, ts# a body of Islamic religious law, also SHARIA, SHARIAH, SHARIAT#, SHERIAT# RASHIE# s# a shirt worn by surfers a protection against the sun GINPRY PRYING s#, ly the act of prying FHSTUY SHUFTY# a look [n SHUFTIES#] DELLRU DULLER AEIRRS imp rep unh, desp AIRERS 5 SIERRA n s a mountain range t, he# ARSIER# SAIRER# p, up, app, disp fund#, reapp# RAISER s one that {raises=v} AHLOST LOTAHS 2 SHALOT# s# an onion like plant, also SHALLOT AHPRSY SHARPY 2 a very alert person, also SHARPIE [n SHARPIES] eu PHRASY# inclined to use wordy phrases [adj PHRASIER#, PHRASIEST#] CELOSY COLEYS# 2 CLOYES# EEOSSY n# OYESES# AILLSV VILLAS AAILMN ALMAIN# s# 4 the allemande (an old dance) MANILA s a strong paper, also MANILLA non ANIMAL s, ic ly, ian ier ise# ism ist ity ize ..25 a living organism with voluntary motion and sensation ve LAMINA e l r s, ls ry te, ble ria rin ted tes ..17 a thin plate or layer, also LAMELLA AEGMSY GAMESY# keen on sports [adj GAMESIER#, GAMESIEST#] ELNNOS NELSON s a wrestling hold ACLLUY CULLAY s an evergreen tree CEOORS ROSCOE s 3 a pistol COOERS COOSER# s# a stallion, also CUSSER, CUISSER# EIMSTY STYMIE d s, ing to thwart, also STIMY, STYMY AAFKNS NAKFAS DKNOSY DYKONS# EIMOST ep# SOMITE s a body segment of some animals CKLPUY PLUCKY brave and spirited [adj PLUCKIER, PLUCKIEST] HIIMST ISTHMI c, an, ans 2 MISHIT s, ting to hit poorly [v MISHIT, MISHITTING, MISHITS] IPPTUY UPPITY ness, nesses tending to be snobbish and arrogant, also UPPISH DDEEER DEEDER# 2 sc REEDED AEFFNR NAFFER# DEEPSY SPEEDY 2 {swift=adj} [adj SPEEDIER, SPEEDIEST] PEYSED# DELLMU MULLED ERRSUU USURER s one who practices {usury=n} LOOPRY POORLY {unwell=adj} [adj POORLIER#, POORLIEST#] CHIKTY THICKY# the {same=n} / a stupid person), also THICKO#, THICKIE# [n THICKIES#] CCEHLN un CLENCH ed er es, ers ing to grasp firmly BBDEMO dive fire BOMBED 2 de MOBBED ABEELS k# ABELES BBNNOO BONBON s, niere#, nieres# a confection BCKLOS un, sub sun, back cell road wood, super ..2 BLOCKS hip#, hips# HMPSTU be, calli, rumblede# THUMPS ACELMP CAMPLE# d# s# to {wrangle=v} EEPRRY PREYER s one that {preys=v} BCIMSU CUBISM s an art style ABDEHS BEDASH# ed# es#, ing# 2 to {splash=v} a, ear# kur una, kour# squa# BASHED AEMPSU EMPUSA# s# a goblin in Greek mythology, also EMPUSE# ABELLR ca#, net#, base# fast fire foot hand# ..3 BALLER s, ina ine#, inas one that {balls=v} ACINRS CAIRNS AAFFRZ ZAFFAR s a blue ceramic colouring, also ZAFFER, ZAFFIR, ZAFFRE AEGRSU USAGER# s# 4 someone who has the use of anything in trust for another SAUGER s a freshwater fish g s AUGERS re, out red, counter ARGUES DDPSUY SPUDDY# {podgy=adj} [adj SPUDDIER#, SPUDDIEST#] AIKLSU SALUKI s a tall slender dog CHIVVY CHIVVY ing to chase about, also CHEVY, CHIVY [v CHIVVIED, CHIVVYING, CHIVVIES] DDDEIK s KIDDED ABBELU BUBALE s 2 a large antelope, also BUBAL, BUBALIS BAUBLE s a cheap trinket, also BAWBLE# EOSSTX SEXTOS BEIRST BESTIR s, red, ring 7 to rouse to activity ar or, rab, back coha exhi inha inhi ..2 BITERS dia sub, paedo# TRIBES man men, woman# women#, people BREIST# s# (Scots) breast, also BREEST# BISTRE d s a pigment of warm brown colour, also BISTER BITSER# s# (Australian) a mongrel BISTER s, ed a pigment of warm brown colour, also BISTRE AAEKSW re, wide AWAKES AACCNN CANCAN s a high-kicking dance AEFLLS good# FELLAS EEHRST a p# t w, bl di se# te, com unt, altog ..2 ETHERS 3 iso, dino mega, deino# uinta#, titano#, chalico# THERES THREES ome, core omes, cores# INRSST SNIRTS# AELPRY fo REPLAY s, ed, ing 4 to play again PEARLY a costermonger dressed in pearl-buttoned clothes [n PEARLIES#] / like a pearl [adj PEARLIER, PEARLIEST] dis non, ball card, horse multi super ..2 PLAYER s one who {plays=v} PARLEY s, ed er, ers ing voo#, voos#, vooed#, vooing# to discuss terms with an enemy, also PARLE AALNSU LAUANS EEIMRS MISERE# s#, re, res 2 an undertaking in cards to take no tricks p REMISE d s to give up a claim to CDEORS CREDOS 4 re, out pre top#, over, under SCORED DECORS de en vo CODERS EEMPSU EMPUSE# s# a goblin in Greek mythology, also EMPUSA# INOOPS em un# POISON s, ed er, ers ing ous, able# ings# wood ..4 to administer a killing substance to INOSTT STOTIN s, ka ki ov a monetary unit of Slovenia AAHLLP PALLAH# s# the {impala=n} AEFFGS GAFFES ACIRRS SIRCAR# s# the government AELLRY RALLYE s 2 a type of automobile race a, un, sur, arbo ethe fune side#, aethe# ..3 REALLY ing# {actually=adv} FIORST aqua# FORTIS simi simo, simos, sissimo# a consonant produced with pressure [n FORTES] AAHHMZ HAMZAH s an Arab diacritical mark, also HAMZA AELLRT s, pa, cli# ros scu, subs#, prepa#, inters, circums TELLAR# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to form tillers da#, ins ren#, fores hospi# teeto TALLER DIMRSU MURIDS 2 MUDIRS# DEENRS con DENSER 4 b f g l m r s t v, am bl em sp, asc att cal ..42 ENDERS RESEND s, ing to send again [v RESENT, RESENDING, RESENDS] SENDER s one who {sends=v} AAALMP PALAMA# e#, te# the webbing of a water-bird's foot FFOPTU OFFPUT# s# 2 the act of putting off PUTOFF s an excuse AAIKRS ASKARI# s# 2 an African soldier ka# RAKIAS# IILMNS SIMLIN s a variety of squash, also CYMBLING, CYMLIN, CYMLING CEEHHW WHEECH# s#, ed#, ing# to move rapidly DGINOS un, mis, evil harm#, wrong DOINGS 2 over, under DOSING ACCHTU CUTCHA# makeshift AACERS ARECAS 2 CAESAR s, ean ian ism, eans ians isms, opapism#, opapisms# an {emperor=n} AEHNST SNATHE s 4 the handle of a scythe, also SNATH SNEATH# s# the shaft of a scythe, also SNEAD# c HASTEN s, ed er, ers ing to {hurry=v} e, ab# me, ure, halo, diazome# ethoxye# ..7 THANES hip, hips EEMPRT at ob# re un#, con# des# dis mis# TEMPER a s, as ed er, ate ers ing, able ance ..20 to {moderate=v} BKLOOS BLOOKS# EEENPS PENSEE s a {thought=n} GHILST ga mi, cros# SLIGHT s, ed er ly, ers est ing ish#, ness, ingly, nesses 2 to treat with disregard / small in size or amount a b f p s, de en# re up, day fan gas low ..47 LIGHTS hip ome, hips, omely, omeness, omenesses AKLSTY STALKY long and slender [adj STALKIER, STALKIEST] AGHSUY SAUGHY pertaining to a {saugh=n} EEHMNS ENMESH ed es, ing, ment, ments to entangle, also EMMESH#, IMMESH, INMESH ADEPPW s WAPPED CEPSTU PUCEST# CDEPPU hic CUPPED AAEKRS KEASAR# s# an emperor, also KAISER, KESAR# AEMMRZ MAMZER s, im# an illegitimate child AGHSTU GHAUTS 2 n w, cl dr fl# fr, str#, indr onsl unfr# ..7 AUGHTS DEEFRS DEFERS DEOPRR DORPER s a breed of mutton-producing sheep BORRSU BURROS CHMOPS CHOMPS AADELS SALADE# s# 2 a light helmet ALDEAS# AABGGS GASBAG s, ged#, ging# a bag for holding gas / to talk a lot GGINRU g p s, re#, exp# res sco spl ups, over URGING s#, ly 2 the act of urging con# GRUING# EORRRS t, biot, countert ERRORS NORSTY SNORTY# snorting [adj SNORTIER#, SNORTIEST#] EIKLMR share# MILKER s one that {milks=v} EGGIRR f# p# t, sp, out, thimble RIGGER s one who {rigs=v} AMPSWY SWAMPY {marshy=adj} [adj SWAMPIER, SWAMPIEST] FFIMNU raga, ragga# MUFFIN g s, eer, eers a small, soft breadlike cake BLMNUY NUMBLY in a numb manner EORRSY lep# ROSERY a place where roses are grown [n ROSERIES] CDDELU s# CUDDLE d r s, rs, some to {embrace=v} AEOPRS PAREOS 4 PORAES# p# OPERAS SOAPER s a serial melodrama on radio or television, also SOAPIE# ACELPR CRAPLE# s# 4 a grapple re, dis out# PLACER s one who {places=v} PARCEL s, ed, ing led, ling wise# to divide into parts or shares CARPEL s, lary late, lates# a simple pistil EIOPST SOPITE d s 3 to put to sleep POTSIE s a children's game, also POTSY POSTIE s a {postman=n} EHOSSV duck# SHOVES AEPRSW PAWERS CMPRUU CUPRUM s copper IKMSTU MUSKIT s a spiny tree or shrub, also MESQUITE, MESQUIT, MEZQUIT, MEZQUITE ADLORS mid sub# DORSAL s, ly a fin on the back AILLPU PILULA# e# r s# 2 a little pill PILLAU# s# a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PILAO#, PILAU, PILAFF, PILAF, PILAW, PILOW#, PULAO# DNRSUY SUNDRY miscellaneous CHMOOR CHROMO s, us, gen, gens gram# mere nema phil ..35 a type of colour picture AGMMNO back GAMMON s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to mislead by deceptive talk LOOSTT LOTTOS DHORSU be en un#, disen# SHROUD s y#, ed, ier# ing, iest# ings# less# to attire in burial clothing AGIKNR b c d h k# l m n p r# s# w y#, ch sh sp st# ..32 ARKING# 2 b c#, be un#, unb, moon# muck over# ..2 RAKING s# the act of raking AGGINS p r#, im st, gar# mar#, assu# aver# ..9 AGINGS MORSTY STORMY boisterous, also STORMFUL# [adj STORMIER, STORMIEST] ACEKRS SCREAK s y, ed, ier# ing, iest# 5 to {screech=v} s CREAKS corn CRAKES b d h j l p r s t w# y#, cl cr fl# kn qu# ..33 ACKERS# ran SACKER s one that {sacks=v} DEORSU UREDOS ori#, orus# pore, pores 4 DOUSER s one that {douses=v} un SOURED a g, ca un# up, rea una ROUSED ness#, nesses# EILPPT s TIPPLE d r s, rs to drink alcoholic beverages ABESTT gam# BETTAS RSTTUY un TRUSTY one worthy of trust [n TRUSTIES] / worthy of trust [adj TRUSTIER, TRUSTIEST] EFRRSY FRYERS ABELLM EMBALL# s#, ed#, ing#, ings# to enclose in a ball AELORS SOLERA# s# 3 a system of sherry production REALOS# ROSEAL# {roselike=adj} AEIMMN IMMANE ly# nt, nce ncy, nces ntal# ntly, ncies ..5 2 monstrous AMMINE s a type of ammonia compound, also AMMONATE#, AMMONIATE DEHILS DELISH 2 (slang) delicious en#, gum#, wind SHIELD s, ed er, ers ing, ings# less# like# ..6 to protect from harm AEPRTT s, bes, stand PATTER n s, ed er ns, ers ing ned, ning, nings nless to talk rapidly and glibly CEEERS CREESE d# s to stab with a Malay dagger, also KRIS, KREESE# CCEHIM al is sa, bio, postis, electro# CHEMIC s, al, als ked#, ally king# a chemist, also CHYMIC CNOSTU ac re, dis mis out vis, head over, redis ..2 COUNTS hip#, hips# ACHLLO CHOLLA s a treelike cactus AADNRS NASARD# s# an organ stop AAELST m p, de ox, esc, phth tant, gener# reesc ..3 ALATES ABKLSU BAULKS FFINNU NUFFIN# s# {nothing=n} DEIMNS DENIMS ABCKLS eye non, bone boot lamp shoe BLACKS mith nake trap#, miths nakes, mithing, mithings DDEORR DORRED# DEGINS co re, out pre#, over DESIGN s, ed ee er, ate ees ers ful# ing, able# ..15 6 to plan in outline, also DESINE#, DESYNE# SDEIGN# e# s#, ed# es#, ing#, full#, fully# to {disdain=v} s# DEIGNS as co de en# ob# re un, con, code reas ..11 SIGNED DINGES es# a doodad, also DINGUS SINGED AERSTY ESTRAY s, ed, ing 5 to {stray=v} YAREST REASTY# {rancid=adj} [adj REASTIER#, REASTIEST#] STAYRE# s# a {stair=n} over# STAYER s one who {stays=v} AEELST TEASEL s, ed er, ers ing led ler, ings# lers ..2 4 to raise a nap on fabric, also TEAZEL, TEAZLE STELAE b# d g r, ch pr, cor reg veg#, corr cren ..7 ELATES STEALE# d# r s#, rs a handle DIMNSU NUDISM s the practice of going nude ADELOS ALDOSE s a type of sugar ADEMRR ju# un MARRED CINSTU CUTINS 2 sub TUNICS ACMOSU sub MUCOSA e l s, nguineous# a mucous membrane AFLRSU fur FURALS# ABDDER BADDER lock#, locks# 2 ta, bom, scab, unscab# BARDED CHOSTU SCOUTH s, er, ers ery#, ered, ering, erings# 5 {plenty=n} s#, pit wat CHOUTS# SCHOUT# s# a municipal officer OUCHTS# s COUTHS EEPRSW SPEWER s one that pews BHIKOS KIBOSH ed es, ing to put a stop to, also KYBOSH EHLSTY m, di#, bim dim, tetra#, phenylm# ETHYLS 3 SHELTY a small, shaggy pony, also SHELTIE [n SHELTIES] LYTHES# ADEMMN MADMEN ACJKOP PAJOCK# e# s#, es# a Shakespearian word for peacock, perhaps, also PAIOCK#, PAIOCKE#, PAJOCKE# DGINSU DINGUS es a doodad, also DINGES EGILMS GLIMES 2 GIMELS ADEPST ADEPTS 2 im re, pre PASTED own, owns GGLLOO LOGLOG# s# the logarithm of a logarithm, also LOLOG# BEGLOS BOGLES 2 en# in#, con, snow# GLOBES ity#, ities# AGIKLN f s, as# LAKING s the reddening of blood plasma DEOPPT s, es, out# uns, miss over, backs black, carrot TOPPED DDEOST sn# ODDEST 2 TODDES# ACDDES DECADS# BKOORS donny BROOKS FORRSU FURORS DEGGGI fiz# GIGGED ACKLNS CLANKS ABEKLS BLEAKS ABDIRS DISBAR k# s, ks#, ked# red, king# ment ring, ments 2 to expel from the legal profession a#, em# un up, corn BRAIDS DEORST be, out, over STRODE 6 DOTERS te, cen#, elec, microelec photoelec# TRODES# f, def ROSTED# pa re, pre, ance unre STORED as be# re un, con mis pre, reas, alpha# SORTED EEKLRS coc mac pic KERELS# CEKPSY SPECKY# having specks [adj SPECKIER#, SPECKIEST#] INNSTU m UNTINS# ACHMST mi SMATCH# ed# es#, ing# to {smack=v} CFITYY CITYFY# ing# to give city culture to a person [v CITYFIED, CITYFYING#, CITYFIES#] AAPPSW PAPAWS CELOSU fl# OSCULE s 2 an opening in a sponge, also OSCULUM COLEUS es a tropical plant AABNSY BANYAS# CEIKLP PICKLE d r# s, rs# to {preserve=v} DDDEMO MODDED# DDELLU un DULLED DEEFLS un# SELFED EGORST ERGOTS 4 STORGE# s# natural affection snolly GOSTER# s#, ed#, ing# (English dialect) to laugh uncontrollably GROSET# s# a gooseberry, also GROSER#, GROSERT# ELOOPP POEPOL# s# arsehole (South African) ABBOST sub ABBOTS hip, hips BBELOW WOBBLE d r s, rs to move unsteadily ILNOOS SOLION s an electronic detecting and amplifying device ABEEMS EMBASE# d# s#, ment#, ments# to lower (pa t EMBASED#, EMBASTE#), also EMBACE#, IMBASE# [v EMBASTE# or EMBASED#, EMBASING#, EMBASES#] DEIRSU DISEUR s 2 an entertainer RUDIES# AAAMRT TARAMA s, salata#, salatas# 2 a Greek paste of fish, garlic, lemon and oil TAMARA# o s# u, ck os us, cks a mixture of spices EKNPUY PUNKEY s a biting gnat, also PUNKIE BCIORS SORBIC 2 pertaining to a type of fruit BORSIC# s# boron fibres coated with silicon carbide, used in aviation construction DHOOSY DOHYOS# CEGNOS CONGES t, ts, ted, ting tion tive, tible# tions CIMORS super MICROS ite# ome, cale cope copy eism ites# ..50 CEEHOS re, out sub ECHOES EGGLLY GLEGLY in an alert manner ACCRUY ac, pro#, inac CURACY the office of a curate [n CURACIES] CFFHUY CHUFFY {plump=adj} [adj CHUFFIER, CHUFFIEST] AARRTT TARTAR e s, es# ic ly#, ise# ize# ous, eous# ..10 a crust on the teeth DEEEKR g#, sh# st REEKED HNOPTY peri, hydro#, tricho# PHYTON s, ic, adione#, adiones# 3 a structural unit of a plant TYPHON s, ic, ian# a type of signal horn PYTHON s, ic, ess, esses, omorph#, omorphs# a large snake ABCLMY CYMBAL o# s, er om os#, eer ers ist oes# oms ..2 a percussion instrument, also SYMBOLE# CCELRY bi re, tri# CYCLER s y, ies a {cyclist=n} DEOORS RODEOS 2 ROOSED HILOPS de re un# POLISH ed er es, ers ing, able# ings# ment#, ments# to make lustrous by rubbing ACNOPS CAPONS AEMNSU UNSEAM s, ed, ing to open the seams of ABHLSY BLASHY# {splashy=adj} [adj BLASHIER#, BLASHIEST#] AEGPPR GAPPER# s# a person taking a year off study, a gap year AGLPSY PYGALS# CHMORY homo# mono# poly, helio# litho# ..4 CHROMY l, ls decorated with chrome [adj CHROMIER, CHROMIEST] CLMPUY CLUMPY {lumpy=adj} [adj CLUMPIER, CLUMPIEST] AEMOST OSMATE# s# a salt of osmic acid AGGLSU GULAGS EHOOST be SOOTHE d r s, rs st, red#, ring# to calm, or comfort AHLNSU UHLANS 2 UNLASH ed es, ing to untie the binding of CHLRSU CHURLS EGLLUY GULLEY s, ed#, ing# to wear a channel ACHMPY CHAMPY broken up by the trampling of beasts [adj CHAMPIER#, CHAMPIEST#] BBEIMX BEMBIX# es# a noisy sand-wasp, also BEMBEX# ACRRSY mi SCARRY marked with scars [adj SCARRIER, SCARRIEST] EGINSU GENIUS es an exceptional natural aptitude [n GENIUSES or GENII] AFNRSS SNARFS AASTTU STATUA# s#, ry, ries representation of a round human or animal form ANORSW ROWANS AERRSV b c g, dep eng, photoeng RAVERS AGHLOS GALOSH e, ed es, ing# an {overshoe=n} / to put an overshoe over, also GALOCHE#, GALOSHE, GOLOSH DEKMOS be un, out, over SMOKED ABBENR NABBER s one that {nabs=v} GHLOOS GOLOSH e, ed# es, ing# oes# to put an overshoe over, also GALOSH, GALOCHE#, GALOSHE ENRSUY SENRYU a Japanese poem [n SENRYU] EEPRSX PREXES AALMPR PALMAR y, ian# pertaining to the palm AEGSSW as SWAGES CGLLOY thiodi# GLYCOL s, ic, lic#, ipid yses ysis ytic, ipids an {alcohol=n} CLOSTY OCTYLS 2 un# COSTLY expensive [adj COSTLIER, COSTLIEST] EGLORS OGLERS BENNSU BUNSEN# s# a gas-burner used in laboratories CINOST TOCSIN s 2 an alarm sounded on a bell a, pho pla# sub tec, cata, super, cardio ..2 TONICS AADHNS ADHANS# DIMSST MIDSTS EENSTT TENETS AHHOPW PHWOAH# an expression of appreciation of the attractiveness of another person, also PHWOAR# EOPRST PRESTO s, re, red res, rage ring 9 a musical passage played in rapid tempo STOPER s one that {stopes=v} ou#, bol foo zoe# zoo#, allo azeo ..8 TROPES c, ad di, hor#, chir cole# orth, gyroc# ..2 OPTERS# REPOST# s#, ed#, ing# to answer with a return thrust in fencing RESPOT s, ted, ting to spot again s TOPERS fi, ent REPOTS im, com fly#, bill# wall# POSTER n s, ed# ns, ing# ior ity, iors, iorly ..9 to stick bills on ACKORS CROAKS BBELNO k# NOBBLE d r s, rs to disable a racehorse BCKOSU BUCKOS EILMSY gorb# LIMEYS 3 SMILEY s having sparkling eyes and an upturned mouth [adj SMILIER#, SMILIEST#] / an emoticon expressing happiness :-) MILSEY# s# a milk strainer BBDDEI DIBBED AKMPRU MARKUP s an increase in price ACCOOS COCOAS ANNPSU UNSNAP s, ped, ping 3 to undo the snaps of SANNUP s a married male American Indian, also SANNOP PANNUS# es# a pathological overgrowth of connective tissue AEHHPS EPHAHS DEINSU NUDIES 3 INDUES b# c# f# g#, gr# ma, seb#, burg, barram# salmag# UNDIES underwear CEERST RESECT s, ed, ing ion, able ions, ional#, ability, abilities 6 to cut away part of co re, pre ERECTS un#, non, semi, super ultra SECRET a# e s, ed er es in ly or, age# ary est ..29 something that is kept from the knowledge of others / kept from knowledge or view di, indi SCREET# s#, ed#, ing# (English dialect) to shed tears ses TERCES CERTES in truth ADDORS DORADS# 2 DORSAD {dorsally=adv} BEGNSU BESUNG# CORSTU SCRUTO# s#, ire#, ires# 3 a stage trap-door ac#, law#, back fore, front COURTS hip ide, hips ides CROUTS# ABBOTY BATBOY s a boy who minds baseball equipment BBELNY NYBBLE# s# a measure of computer information, half a byte AEHLSW WHEALS 2 nar WHALES AELRSW WALERS 2 WARSLE d r s, rs to {wrestle=v} EERSTY d#, pol YESTER n, day eve, days even# eves morn# ..10 4 pertaining to yesterday, also YESTERN REESTY# stubborn [adj REESTIER#, REESTIEST#] STEERY# commotion [n STEERIES#] STEYER# CHINOS zec, balda maras CHINOS trousers made of chino AIJPSS JASPIS# es# {jasper=n} ALOOPS SALOOP s a hot drink made from herbs, also SALOP# ALLOSY perm zirc#, super ALLOYS ACEFHS en# CHAFES INPRSU UNRIPS 2 pur, flavopur# PURINS AABLLT BALLAT# s#, ed#, ing# to make ballads about, also BALLAD, BALLANT#, BALLET AEEMNS ENSEAM# s#, ed#, ing# 5 to make a mark like a seam de# MEANES# t MENSAE ENEMAS SEAMEN ACEKLM MACKLE d s to blur in printing, also MACULE BELNOS BELONS 2 en un#, disen# NOBLES t, se, ses AIKLMN gri MALKIN s an untidy woman ADLLUY gra, resi, indivi DUALLY in two ways BDEFFU re, counter# BUFFED ANNSTY SYNTAN# s# a synthetic tanning agent CDEKNO CONKED 3 DOCKEN# s# a dock plant k, min#, doork# NOCKED EFLMSU FLUMES CELRRU CURLER s one that {curls=v} CHIMST MICHTS# AABGMS GAMBAS AABLMR RAMBLA s a dry ravine EGIPPY GYPPIE# s# a gypsy (offensive slang), also GIPPO#, GIPPY#, GYPPO#, GYPPY# EGLOSY GELOSY# 2 being resentful of another's advantages, also JEALOUSY, GEALOUSY# [n GELOSIES#] gar gur# GOYLES# KNPSUY SPUNKY {plucky=adj} [adj SPUNKIER, SPUNKIEST] HINOST s, as, glut# TONISH ly, ness#, nesses# stylish, also TONNISH AIRRST STIRRA# h# s#, hs#, ble# 2 sir RISTRA s a string on which foodstuffs are tied for storage EHKSTY KYTHES BDELRU BURLED AAGHMS GAMASH# es a type of legging, also GRAMASH#, GRAMOCHE# ADENSU SUNDAE s a dish of icecream served with topping ADDEIS SADDIE# s# 2 a dull unsociable person, also SADDO# b c d h# l p s# t# w, cl# gl# sw#, hod squ# ..6 ADDIES# GIOPPS GIPPOS# ILPPTU PULPIT s, al ed# er# ry# um#, eer# ers# ums# ..2 a platform in a church DEHOSW re, pre, fore SHOWED DEKOSU SOUKED# ABDEES DEBASE d r s, rs, ment, dness# ments, dnesses# 2 to lower or degrade SEABED s the {seafloor=n} ACILOS a, eu un, bio dis non sub, anti homo ..2 SOCIAL s, ly, ise ism ist ite ity ize, ised ..23 2 a friendly gathering, also SOCIABLE SCOLIA# EOOPST STOOPE# d r s#, rs a bucket AAGHNS SANGHA# s# t#, ts# the Buddhist community; the Buddhist monastic order ACGHNS CHANGS EELNSU UNSEEL# s#, ed# ie#, ing# to undo the seeling of EOORRS ROOSER s one who {rooses=v} CGORSS SCROGS# ADNORS ANDROS phinx#, terone, phinges# phinxes# terones 4 re, dis# ADORNS RADONS NADORS# (South Africa) thirst brought on by excessive consumption of alcohol ADEELS p, re un, sub unp, disp misp# rere, prere under# LEASED 2 en# re un, under#, counter# SEALED AABCHS BACHAS# 2 CASBAH s the old section of a North African city, also KASBAH DEEMST sy# STEMED# 2 TEMSED# ACHMOR MORCHA# s# 2 (India) a hostile demonstration against the government CHROMA s, te, key# tes tic tid tin, ffin keys# ..39 quality of colour ILRSSW SWIRLS ACCESU re, pre ACCUSE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# to bring a charge against AAILNS gym NASIAL 4 pertaining to {nasion=n} LANAIS LIANAS SALINA s a pond, marsh or lake containing salt water CDDEIS DISCED CFLPUU tea CUPFUL s as much as a cup can hold [n CUPFULS or CUPSFUL] IPSTTY calo# vari#, audio# phono# steno ..3 TYPIST s one who {types=v} AHKLPU PULKHA# s# a Laplander's sledge, also PULKA#, PULK# AEHHPY HYPHAE ABGINR un# BARING ELSSTW SWELTS# ERSSTW out#, over# WRESTS 2 be, over STREWS AHKRST SKARTH# s# a cormorant, also SKART#, SCARTH# GNNSUU UNSUNG not sung ADRSUY SUDARY a cloth for wiping the face, also SUDARIUM [n SUDARIES] HNSSTY SYNTHS NOORST NOSTRO# 3 of a bank account, 'our' record of an overseas account, cf [adj VOSTRO#] TONSOR# s#, ial a barber c p, antip ROTONS# GIILNT f, satel# LITING# 2 s#, re un#, pan# pos# TILING s a surface of tiles DMORSU DORSUM the back [n DORSA] AALLSW chuck, chucka WALLAS EHLMOS MOHELS AEIMRS go#, gou RAMIES 7 MAIRES# m, cl, accl decl excl recl, discl procl AIMERS SAMIER# SARMIE# s# (South Africa) a sandwich, cf SARNIE# gra pri sum, cala cost rose sper ..6 MARIES# s# ARMIES DEIKRS KRISED# 5 DIRKES# klon# DIKERS SKRIED# b f, aste RISKED CMOSTU ac, reac#, disac CUSTOM s, ed# er, ary ers ise ize, able# ised ..21 a habitual practice AELRTT b p, sc# sp RATTLE d r s, rs, bag# box, bags# trap, boxes ..6 3 to make a quick succession of short, sharp sounds TATLER# s# a gossip b c f p s#, sp, albumb# LATTER ly, math# most#, maths# being the second mentioned of two ADEGMM GAMMED EGHIRS SIGHER s one who {sighs=v} EILRTT TITLER# s# 3 a {claimant=n} s# TILTER s one that {tilts=v} b# c# f g s, ag sp, anti outg, hairsp LITTER s y, ed er, bag bug ers ing, bags bugs ..4 to scatter rubbish about ACCITT TICTAC s, ked, king 2 to use arm signals for bookmaker information, also TICKTACK a, geo iso syn, aero# asyn# hypo para ..14 TACTIC s, al, ian ity#, ally ians, ities# a manoeuvre for gaining an objective AFILRS taf FRAILS 2 FLAIRS BHKOSY KYBOSH ed es, ing to put a stop to, also KIBOSH ACKOPY YAPOCK s the South American opossum, also YAPOK EIKLLY un, man LIKELY probable [adj LIKELIER, LIKELIEST] ACCELN pre CANCEL s, ed er li#, bot# eer# ers ier# ing ..24 to {annul=v} IPSTTU TITUPS# AACCRT CARACT# s# a sign CHIIKM KIMCHI s a spicy Korean dish of pickled cabbage, also KIMCHEE BBDDEO DOBBED# KLOPSU PLOUKS# BDNOOS DOBSON s, fly, flies an aquatic insect lava EFFIRS FIFERS AHMRSU UMRAHS# CEMOST vi COMTES 2 COMETS ADERSW WADERS 4 DEWARS SWEARD# s# a {sword=n} SAWDER# s#, ed#, ing# to {flatter=v} BEEMMR co re, dis non, disre misre multi MEMBER s, ed, less# ship, ships a distinct part of a whole BBDEEK KEBBED# MRRSUY SMURRY# {drizzly=adj} [adj SMURRIER#, SMURRIEST#] AFFOPY PAYOFF s the act of distributing gains DGMSUY SMUDGY smudged [adj SMUDGIER, SMUDGIEST] AAGNPS PANGAS 2 neo# non PAGANS DEFFLY DEFFLY# in a well-executed manner, also DEFTLY ADIMRS MARIDS# 3 DIRAMS DISARM s, ed er, ers ing, ament ingly, aments to deprive of weapons ENSSUW UNSEWS KLNOPS PLONKS DEPSUY PUDSEY# short and fat, also PUDGY, PODGY, PUDSY# ADIRRS SIRDAR s 3 a person of rank in India, also SARDAR ARDRIS# b# RAIRDS# EOSTTU SETOUT s 2 a display OUTSET s, ting#, tings#, tlement#, tlements# a beginning DEOOPS SOOPED# BBCEOR COBBER s a {comrade=n} ADELRR LARDER s, er#, ers# a place where food is stored AIKPPS KIPPAS# AKNOPS PANKOS# ACGILS GLACIS es a slope AEEPRR th REAPER s one that {reaps=v} AGILMM GIMMAL s, led# a pair of interlocked rings, also GIMMOR#, GYMMAL# ADPRSU PURDAS ABBDER un, rhu# BARBED 2 DABBER s one that {dabs=v} GGMOSY SMOGGY filled with smog [adj SMOGGIER, SMOGGIEST] GGILNU k, de LUGING s# 2 the act of tobogganing on a luge re un, super GLUING GHNOSU SHOGUN s, al, ate, ates a former military leader of Japan EEHPSY SHEEPY# sheep-like [adj SHEEPIER#, SHEEPIEST#] BEEERS BREESE# s# a gadfly, also BRIZE# AFRSSW SWARFS ABDENR hus BANDER s, ol, ole ols, illa oles, illas, illero ..3 2 one who {bands=v} BARNED EEFMMS FEMMES ACKLPS PLACKS AIKLST TILAKS ADNRSU SUNDRA# s# a timber tree, also SUNDARI#, SUNDRI# BBHNOO HOBNOB s, by#, bed ber, bers bing to associate with in a friendly way ACHSTY YACHTS man men, woman# women#, manship#, manships# BHMORS RHOMBS DORSWY DROWSY {sleepy=adj} [adj DROWSIER, DROWSIEST] ACEHRR m, se st#, rese, corese ARCHER s y, ess# ies, fish, esses#, fishes someone who uses a bow and arrow DORSTU STROUD s, ing, ings a coarse woollen blanket ENOPST NETOPS 3 POSNET# s# a small cooking pot PONTES ADELLP s, ap se, unap# PALLED CEIKNR k# s, mo, don pic, domi NICKER s, ed, ing to {neigh=v} ACELOS SOLACE d r s, rs, ment, ments to {console=v} ADELSY gon#, roun DELAYS 2 SLAYED CGNOOS CONGOS 2 COGONS BEELMM EMBLEM a# s, ed, ata# ing ise# ize, atic ents ..18 to represent with a symbolic device AEIMNS INSEAM s, ed#, ing# 6 to mark as if with a seam, also INSEEM# SEMINA l r, rs ry te#, lly ted# tes#, lity# ..11 f g t#, di en et ex fl, cal dop hex ind ..62 AMINES MESIAN situated in the middle, also MESIAL ANIMES re# MANIES# AEIKRS KAISER s, in, dom ins ism, doms isms ship#, ships# an emperor, also KEASAR#, KESAR# EEGLST GLEETS CHINST SNITCH y#, ed er es, ers ier# ing, iest# 3 to {tattle=v} NICHTS# CHINTS es {chintz=n} EGGKSS SKEGGS# CDEKUY YUCKED AHIKNS NIKAHS# AENRTT NATTER s y#, ed er#, ers# ing, jack#, jacks# 2 to {chatter=v} RATTEN s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to {harass=v} BILSTU SUBTIL# e, er in ty, ely est ins ise# ity ize ..20 delicate FHLOSU FLOUSH# ed# es#, ing# to splash, also FLOUSE# AACKPZ CZAPKA# s# a type of military hat, also CHAPKA# AFLLMU FULLAM s a loaded die, also FULHAM, FULLAN# EELPPU PEEPUL s a fig tree from India, also PIPAL, PIPUL# GNOPPU POPGUN s 2 a toy gun OPPUGN s, ed er, ant ers ing, ancy# ants#, antly#, ancies# to assail with argument ACDELL s#, be# de# re un, cat mis, over unre# CALLED BLMPSU re un# PLUMBS DEFOSS FOSSED# having a [adj FOSS] ADEIRS fo, afo RESAID 7 DEAIRS t IRADES r, br, upbr AIDERS SAIRED# a# b f# p, re un up, app bep# heb# mis ..9 RAISED REDIAS LNOOST STOLON s, ic, ate, iferous a type of plant stem HOSTTU STOUTH# s#, erie# rief#, eries# riefs#, earted, eartedly {theft=n} EFIRST p RESIFT s, ed, ing 7 to sift again wa#, loose STRIFE s, ful, less contention or conflict FREITS# SIFTER s one that {sifts=v} RIFEST REFITS FRITES chipped potatoes EEHPPR HEPPER ADIMNS MANDIS# 3 DISMAN# s#, ned# tle, ning# tled tler# tles ..4 to deprive of men sys ADMINS# LLOOWY WOOLLY back# butt# foot#, backs# butts# foots# a woollen garment [n WOOLLIES] / resembling wool, also WOOLIE, WOOLY [adj WOOLLIER, WOOLLIEST] CEIMNS MINCES 2 CNEMIS# the shin or tibia [n CNEMIDES#] AGIMNN be re, mis out# sir# sur, nick over# NAMING s# the act of naming ILMPRY PRIMLY in a prim manner CEHPRY CHYPRE# s# 2 a type of perfume CYPHER s, ed, ing to work at arithmetic, also CIPHER HINPSU g n# UNSHIP s, ped, ping 2 to unload from a ship PUNISH ed er es, ers ing, able ment, ingly# ..3 to impose a penalty for wrongdoing CDDLUY CUDDLY pleasant to cuddle [adj CUDDLIER, CUDDLIEST] OOSTTY TOOTSY a foot, also TOOTSIE [n TOOTSIES] AEERST cock#, brain strip TEASER s 9 one who {teases=v} ARETES RESEAT s, ed, ing to seat again STEARE# d# s# to {guide=v} b h s, bl ch pl sw th tr, ant def fig reh ..18 EATERS c, coc lau rec unc, conc# misc proc, baccalau REATES# f, ol, coton north south EASTER n s, ly, ner, lies ling# most# ners ..2 a wind or storm from the east SAETER# s# an upland meadow two# SEATER s one that {seats=v} EKORRY YORKER# s# a type of bowl in cricket EHHIST HITHES# BELRRU BURREL# l# s#, ls# 2 a type of coarse cloth BURLER s one who {burls=v} CHKNSU CHUNKS AGNNSU UNSNAG s, ged, ging to free of snags EEILMS ELEMIS DEINNS out SINNED AAIPPR APPAIR# s#, ed#, ing# to {impair=v} IJMOSS JISSOM# s# {energy=n} AEKNSW KNAWES 2 a, re, rea WAKENS ACEHRT b RACHET s, ed, ing 2 a mechanism which allows motion in one direction only / to move by a rachet mechanism, also RATCHET CHARET# s# a chariot DEEHYY HEYDEY s the period of one's greatest success, also HEYDAY EGPRSY GRYPES# DOPRSU PUDORS# BEMOST EMBOST# CCNOOO COCOON s, ed, ery# ing, ings, eries# to wrap tightly EILPRS ap# im PERILS 4 ap re, com sup, multi PLIERS LISPER s one who {lisps=v} com, stock PILERS# ACCEMS MECCAS GHLLSY GHYLLS EILORS ORIELS 4 b c m t, br sp, rec, desp embr potb subs, charbr OILERS REOILS g, ca pe#, pil, vaing, caulif# kiloca, chancel LORIES ADEILS IDEALS 6 wh# AISLED having {aisles=n} DEASIL s# motion in the same direction as the sun, also DEASIUL#, DEASOIL#, DEISEAL#, DEISHEAL# ey#, brom ELIADS# be ma mi, char fore land, sales LADIES wear#, wears# as re un#, out was, over# para reas unas SAILED ABIMSU chor# IAMBUS es a type of metrical foot, also IAMB, IAMBIC [n IAMBUSES or IAMBI] ACELLR RECALL s, ed er, ers ing, able ment#, ments# ..2 3 to call back, also RECAL# o, mi nu, sub, salt vari# CELLAR s, ed er et, age ers ets ing ist# man# ..8 to store in an underground room re, cat mis CALLER s one who {calls=v} GHHILY HIGHLY to a high degree ABRSTY RYBATS# AEEMRR c d, sc st, dayd REAMER s a tool used to enlarge holes, also RIMMER AENSTU NASUTE# s# 2 a type of white ant UNSEAT s, ed, ing to remove from a seat DEIPPY YIPPED EHOSTT SHOTTE# d n s# a young pig AOPRSU RAUPOS# 4 SAPOUR s flavour, also SAPOR UPSOAR s, ed, ing to soar upward bi, dei# non# ovi uni, feti# omni# ..15 PAROUS ia#, ias# having produced offspring AFLLPU LAPFUL s as much as a lap can hold AEKLRW jay, bush# cake hill# moon# para# ..10 WALKER s one who {walks=v} FILMSY FLIMSY a thin paper [n FLIMSIES] / lacking strength [adj FLIMSIER, FLIMSIEST] AANWYY ANYWAY s in any case IKNSTY STINKY emitting a foul odour [adj STINKIER, STINKIEST] CDEEKN s#, red uns#, bull, goose rough, bottle ..2 NECKED AAGINS k# AINGAS# ELORST h j OSTLER s, ess#, esses# 3 a horse tender at an inn vio zoo, ergo lumi# sito, chole copro# ..3 STEROL s a type of solid alcohol TORSEL# s# a plate supporting a beam in a brick wall IKMPRS SKRIMP# s#, ed#, ing# to steal windfalls, also SKRUMP# AORRSY ROSARY a series of prayers in the Roman Catholic Church [n ROSARIES] CRSTUY CRUSTY 2 {surly=adj} [adj CRUSTIER, CRUSTIEST] / a young vagrant with matted hair [n CRUSTIES#] CURTSY ing to bow politely, also CURTSEY [v CURTSIED, CURTSYING, CURTSIES] EINSTT SITTEN 2 ETTINS# ABDEMM BAMMED AEFFLY YAFFLE# s# the green woodpecker DEIMST mi STIMED# 4 DEMITS aca# DEMIST# s#, ed# er, ers ing# to clear a windscreen of moisture be de# MISTED EEHSTW THEWES# ALLLOT TALLOL s a resinous liquid DEGHSU up#, out GUSHED 2 SUGHED ACEEMS CAMESE# s# a type of shirt CCIIRS CRISIC relating to a crisis BBEILM BIMBLE# as in bimble box, a type of dense Australian tree EEEKRR st REEKER s one that {reeks=v} ABHOST BOSHTA# 2 very good, also BOSHTER# BATHOS es triteness CEKRUY YUCKER# s# a woodpecker DEENST DENETS# 6 TEENDS# SEDENT# ary, arily#, ariness#, arinesses# seated re un#, dis#, trap NESTED TENSED ab as re, con dis pre, unre#, copre ..5 SENTED# DEGMMU de un# GUMMED EMNPSU PENSUM# s# a task BEIISS IBISES ABIMMR MIMBAR s a pulpit in mosque CLLOOP s COLLOP s a small portion of meat ABEGLS BELGAS 3 BAGELS lug# GABLES ACDINS CANIDS 2 NICADS AEPPRU dis# PAUPER s, ed, ess# ing ise# ism ize, ised# ..11 to reduce to poverty ELLSTY TELLYS AHPRSU PRAHUS ELOOPS POSOLE s a thick soup made of pork, corn, garlic, and chili, also POZOLE GGHSUY SHUGGY# (English dialect) a fairground swing [n SHUGGIES#] AHPRST SPARTH# e# s#, es# a long battle-axe, also SPARTHE# DDEEES DESEED# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to remove the seeds from de# re un, over SEEDED AHORST haf TORAHS CCHINU UNCHIC ly not chic AACCMO MACACO s a {lemur=n} EIORRS b# c p ROSIER e# s#, es# a rose bush BEFFPU BEPUFF# s#, ed#, ing# to puff out EEFLRS FLEERS 2 REFELS AACKSY YACKAS# DGLSUY SLUDGY covered with sludge [adj SLUDGIER, SLUDGIEST] NOOPRS PORNOS GGLOOY GOOGLY a type of bowled ball in cricket [n GOOGLIES] AAAKMS KAAMAS# DEOPST STOPED 4 sub DEPOTS im re# ri un, com dis#, over# sign POSTED iting DESPOT s, at# ic, ate# ats# ism, ates# ical# ..5 a tyrant ANPRSY PYRANS EKLNOS KELSON s 2 a beam in a ship, also KEELSON SLOKEN# s#, ed#, ing# to {quench=v} AGINPR c d g# t#, sc, bed und RAPING 2 s, em#, com pre uns, unpre#, cheese ..2 PARING s something pared off ACDDEK DACKED# AGGNSU UNGAGS# DEIRRS SIRRED# 5 hair# DRIERS REIRDS# de st, hag joy low man# out, over# ..5 RIDERS hip, hips DERRIS es a climbing plant LOPSTU POULTS EMOSTT MOTTES 3 TOTEMS MOTETS DELLLO LOLLED BILMOS LIMBOS CDEKMU mucka# MUCKED FLSTUY FLUYTS DDDEIR DIDDER# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to {shake=v} g, th# RIDDED AEELLL pseudo ALLELE s any of several forms of a gene CLOOST CLOOTS IMPPRS PRIMPS EMPPTU MUPPET# s# (slang) a stupid person AGNOST SONTAG# s# 3 a woman's knitted cape con# TANGOS TONGAS DDEGOS out DODGES ACHKNS CHANKS# ADEIMS di, cer pyr# sod, acet carb cyan form ..24 AMIDES 3 MESIAD# in biology, pertaining to the middle hyper multi MEDIAS tina, tinal tinum FGNSUU micro FUNGUS es any of the major group of lower plants [n FUNGUSES or FUNGI] DDHPUU HUDDUP# get up (to a horse) ALORSU ROSULA# s#, te a leaf-rosette AIMNOS AMNIOS AHRSTT STRATH s, spey, speys a wide river valley EGIMRS be GRIMES CEELPS CLEEPS# 2 CLEPES ACHKTW be# THWACK s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to strike with something flat EEHMRS RHEMES 2 REHEMS ACILMS ac de ex re, dis mis pro sub, over quit ..3 CLAIMS AACLSU non, multi CAUSAL s, ly, gia gic ity, gias, ities 2 a word expressing cause or reason non, ultra CASUAL s, ly ty, ise# ism# ize#, ised# ises# ..12 one who works according to demand FINSST SNIFTS# EHHRST THRESH ed el# er es, els# ers ing old, ings# olds to separate grain or seeds BDEIRS a BIDERS 5 BREIDS# de BRIDES man# men#, maid, maids p REBIDS DEBRIS scattered remains [n DEBRIS] AAEMST h, im, niz squ, carb cycl glut, amalg ..2 AMATES# BCCEEH CHEBEC s a small bird ADKOPS PADKOS# (South Africa) provisions for a journey DLOOPS PODSOL s, ic, ise# ize#, ised# ises# ized# ..7 an infertile soil, also PODZOL CDEKPU PUCKED# ADELNS r, dun for hom lak# pin tid, movi# ..6 ELANDS 5 SENDAL s a silk fabric LADENS g LANDES# NALEDS ABELST st, cap, unst ABLEST 7 c g# t ABLETS# a#, bi# ca gu in li ne re ru ta te un ..25 STABLE d r s, rs st, boy man men, boys mate ness ..2 to put in a shelter for animals / firmly established out BLEATS BASTLE# s# a fortified house BLAEST# s, ea no po ra re, bis# gif gus pan# ..19 TABLES ful, poon, poons, poonful, poonfuls poonsful ACFFHS chiff CHAFFS FFGRSU GRUFFS AILRSY RIYALS CHIMRS CHIRMS 3 be SMIRCH ed er# es, ers# ing to {soil=v} CHRISM a s, al on, als# ons, ation atory#, ations, atories# a consecrated oil, also CHRISOM ABBMOO BAMBOO s, zle, zled zler# zles, zlers# zling ..2 a giant tropical grass BBEGLO GOBBLE d r s, rs, degook dygook, degooks dygooks to eat hastily AFFLOY p LAYOFF s the suspension or dismissal of employees ABNNSU UNBANS DDENSY SYNDED# AGMNSU MUNGAS# 3 MUSANG# s# a paradoxure MAGNUS# as in magnus hitch, a particular knot CCDEOS CODECS AEKNRW s WANKER s one who masturbates AADHRS SRADHA s a Hindu ceremonial offering, also SRADDHA AEESSZ SEAZES# BBIIKS KIBBIS BNOORS BORONS EFKLSU craig# FLUKES ABEHRS REHABS 2 ear#, squa# BASHER s one who {bashes=v} ILSTTU f, abso LUTIST s one who plays the lute, also LUTANIST, LUTENIST BBEISU SUBBIE# s# a subcontractor, also SUBBY# ALORSY sur, penny ROYALS EMMORY MEMORY the gift of being able to retain and recall events [n MEMORIES] HNSTUU UNSHUT s#, ter#, ters# ting#, tered#, tering# to {open=v} [v UNSHUT, UNSHUTTING#, UNSHUTS#] DDEESU SUEDED DELSTY en# re, mis, free#, cyclo, hetero# STYLED AGILNP em im, pro# PALING s, enesy#, eneses enesia# enesis ..6 a picket fence BDLOOS be ox, hot, blue cold# full life pure ..2 BLOODS hed hot, heds tain tock tone, prent# ..9 CIPRSY CRISPY 2 {crisp=adj} [adj CRISPIER, CRISPIEST] CYPRIS# a type of barnacle, also CYPRID# [n CYPRIDES#] ABKMUZ ZAMBUK# s# a member of St John's ambulance brigade, also ZAMBUCK# EFFPRU PUFFER s y, ies one that {puffs=v} BESTTU BUTTES ABCHOS COHABS# BELMOS MOBLES# AIMMSX MAXIMS EEKRST TEREKS# 2 STREEK s, ed er, ers ing to {stretch=v} AELPPT APPLET s 2 an small single-purpose add-on computer program LAPPET s, ed a decorated flap on a garment ADEGLS ever GLADES ADENSW WESAND# s# 3 the throat, also WEASAND, WEASON, WEAZAND, WESSAND, WEZAND# DEWANS SNAWED EENNPS PENNES# ADILRS be pe#, han hea# lan#, guar DRAILS 4 LIDARS LAIRDS hip, hips go, bil gal hal mil pal# LIARDS ACNSTU UNCAST rated 2 not cast CANTUS a style of church music [n CANTUS] EIKMMR s KIMMER# s# a godmother, also CUMMER GLMPUY GLUMPY {glum=adj} [adj GLUMPIER, GLUMPIEST] AABMST TSAMBA# s# a Tibetan barley dish ACEKLN CANKLE# s# (slang) an obese or otherwise swollen ankle that blends into the calf without clear demarcation EILMSU MUESLI s a breakfast cereal ARRSTY un# STARRY abounding with stars [adj STARRIER, STARRIEST] DEHSTU SHUTED 2 TUSHED CHMPSU CHUMPS AELNSU UNSEAL s, ed, ing, able# to break the seal of AAILRS LAARIS# DDEIMM be un, unbe# DIMMED CEHKOR c# s HOCKER s 2 one that {hocks=v} CHOKER s a close-fitting necklace CEMOSU MUCOSE containing mucus, also MUCOUS EGGNSU GUNGES# EIILLS day, water LILIES ELNOST STOLEN wise# 3 LENTOS TELSON s, ic the terminal segment of an arthropod EIILMS MISLIE s 2 to lie in the wrong position [v MISLAY, MISLAIN, MISLYING, MISLIES] dis# fac, telefac SIMILE s a figure of speech AEMSSZ SMAZES ACEHSW CASHEW s a nut bearing tree DDEOSW DOWSED CHIKNS CHINKS ADDHSU SADDHU s a Hindu holy man, also SADHU ALNSTY SLANTY deviating from the horizontal or vertical [adj SLANTIER#, SLANTIEST#] DEHLOS mu, fee woo# DHOLES DEHPSU out PUSHED BENORS de, jaw BONERS AIILMS SIMIAL# like an ape ACEKLT re un# TACKLE d r s, rs ss to seize and throw to the ground BIKUUZ BUZUKI a s a Greek stringed instrument, also BOUZOUKI, BAZOUKI# EIKNRS REINKS 3 j l p s t w, bl cl dr kl# pl pr sk sl# st ..11 INKERS die SINKER s a weight for a fishing-line DEKSTY SKYTED# ACFFHY CHAFFY worthless [adj CHAFFIER, CHAFFIEST] AINSTY SATINY 2 resembling satin in SANITY the state of being {sane=adj} [n SANITIES] CLSTUU CULTUS es a {cult=n} [n CULTUSES or CULTI] ACKNST STANCK# {faint=adj} CHNRSU CHURNS CELOST CLOSET s, ed, ful ing, fuls 3 to {conceal=v} TELCOS CLOTES# CENOST due sei tre, cinque, quattro CENTOS 2 CONTES t, sa ts, sas ted ter, tant ters ting ..10 EELNPS SPLEEN s y, ful ier ish, iest less# wort, fully# ..3 2 a ductless organ of the body PENSEL# s# a small pennon, also PENSIL AELNRS RANSEL# s# 3 a search for stolen goods, also RANCEL#, RANZEL# re un, mis out, over LEARNS fu ge mi, outge NERALS# CEEHPS CHEEPS 2 non SPEECH ed# es, ful# ify ing#, less, craft# ..17 to {harangue=v} HNOSTU g UNSHOT# not shot DEEGRS h k# l, dr pl sl# sw#, acknowl# EDGERS 3 GREEDS ome SERGED CESTTU a CUTEST CCOOOR ROCOCO s a style of architecture and decoration, also ROCAILLE AKPRSY SPARKY {lively=adj} [adj SPARKIER, SPARKIEST] AGGILN LAGGIN# g s#, gs, gly# 2 the angle between the side and bottom of a wooden dish, also LAGGEN# GINGAL l s, ls a heavy musket, also GINGALL, JINGAL, JINGALL BCELOS COBLES DEEGLS SLEDGE d r# s, rs#, hammer, hammers, hammered, hammering 4 to convey on a type of sled GLEEDS GLEDES f g# p s, al#, imp rep, kent kint# know ..5 LEDGES AESSTV VESTAS 2 di, pal# tip, cowl flag hand# pike, quarter STAVES acre, acres LOOPRS ORLOPS EHOSSY HOSEYS CKMOPU MOCKUP s a full-sized model FLOSTY SOFTLY in a soft manner HKOOST SHTOOK# s# trouble AABNYY BAYYAN# s# an official declaration in Islam BELLUY BLUELY in a blue manner AEEKLR b LEAKER s one that {leaks=v} AHSSWY SWASHY# {slushy=adj} [adj SWASHIER#, SWASHIEST#] CEHLMU MUCHEL# l# s#, ls# a great deal, also MUCHELL# EEELPS ELPEES# AEHRST HATERS 3 ox un#, black green sweet, purple HEARTS eed# ick ink# ome ore, ease eeds# ..9 d h, in un, brick# EARTHS et, ets tar, hine tars, haker hines ..4 AAEGLS GALEAS DEGPPY GYPPED CFFLOS CLOFFS# AAGISS SAIGAS BDLMUY DUMBLY in a dumb manner GIKNNU NUKING 2 b d f j, bl# ch cl fl pl sk sp th tr#, beg# ..3 UNKING# s#, ed# ly, ing#, lier# like#, liest# to deprive of a king DEORSW DROWSE d s 5 to {doze=v} WORSED# DOWSER s one that {dowses=v} SOWDER# s# as in soft sowder, flattery en wi, sha, disen, foresha DOWERS KLNPSU ker PLUNKS DEIMSU MEDIUS es# the middle finger [n MEDIUSES# or MEDII] DENOST a#, un, key#, holy, rhine, charle# cobble rotten# STONED CCEHNO CONCHE# d# s to knead and mix chocolate EORRSW WORSER 2 worse c g, st# th, bor bur fur har sor, wind ..5 ROWERS AHIKST TAKHIS# 2 SKAITH# s#, ed#, ing#, less# to {injure=v} AFHSST air# cam lay# sub, jack mine rock ..5 SHAFTS AEHHST s, ens ins HEATHS 2 en in SHEATH e s y#, ed er es, ers ier# ing, bill fish# ..5 to put into a protective casing, also SHEATHE ABBGHU GUBBAH# s# a white man, also GUB# DEILST mo DELIST s, ed, ing 6 to remove from a list IDLEST de en re un, back grey# long# play# ..6 LISTED TILDES po# STILED# SILTED AGMMNU MAGNUM s a large wine bottle ACKLSU CAULKS ACHHOO AHCHOO expressing a sneeze DDLMUY MUDDLY disordered [adj MUDDLIER#, MUDDLIEST#] EHILST TEHSIL# s#, dar#, dars# 2 an administrative division of some countries of South Asia tal LITHES# t, ome, omeness#, omenesses# BEFFRU REBUFF s, ed, ing 2 to reject or refuse curtly BUFFER s, ed, ing to protect against shock more BUFF GILNOP pitch ranti# POLING s# 2 poles collectively e s, de# ga, dol gal gol# lol wal, deve ..15 LOPING AFLLTY FLATLY in a flat manner AEKNRT super, strato# TANKER s a ship designed to transport liquids ISSTTW en in re un, inter super# TWISTS AHMORS OMRAHS# ENPRSU SPURNE# d r s#, rs 2 to {spur=v} PRUNES ELMOOS OSMOLE s a unit of osmotic pressure, also OSMOL ABILMM IMBALM s, ed er, ers ing to preserve a dead body, also EMBALM AEGGLR GARGLE d r s, rs 3 to rinse the mouth or throat d, st, bed RAGGLE d# s to cut a groove in masonry b# f LAGGER s one who lags, also LAGGARD GORSUY GYROUS# marked with wavy lines, also GYROSE GORSTU TRUGOS# 2 GROUTS EILMRS go MERILS# 3 SMILER s one who {smiles=v} s MILERS ACHLST SLATCH es a calm between breaking waves EOORST TOROSE cylindrical and swollen at intervals, also TOROUS AEFLRS FARLES 5 FALSER s# a falsifier trans FERALS auto# FLARES FLASER# s# a streaky appearance in rocks ADKLSY ALKYDS DEGORS SODGER# s#, ed#, ing# a soldier / to {soldier=v} AEIKLS t w# ALKIES 2 ALSIKE s a {clover=n} ERRSTY TRYERS# DEMMRY RYMMED# CCINSY CYNICS AHILPS PHIALS 2 PALISH somewhat pale DEHKSU un HUSKED ACEKRR RERACK s, ed, ing 2 to rack again c t, bar, nutc, firec racet safec wisec ..3 RACKER s one that {racks=v} ABORST BOARTS 3 ABORTS TABORS ACEHHL CHALEH s a kind of bread BBNOOO BONOBO s an anthropoid ape AACHLT CALTHA# s# a type of plant CHISTU trek# SCHUIT s a Dutch sailing vessel ADMNSU MAUNDS 3 UNDAMS# DUNAMS DEEILS SEDILE 6 a seat in a church for officiating clergy, also SEDILIUM [n SEDILIA] bio# DIESEL s, ed, ing ise# ize, ings ised# ises# ..8 to continue running after ignition is turned off eph# ELIDES a EDILES SEIDEL s a large beer glass ab SEILED# EKMSTU MUSKET s, ry, eer oon#, eers oons# ries a type of {firearm=n} ACMPRS CRAMPS OPRSTY SPORTY {showy=adj} [adj SPORTIER, SPORTIEST] / a sporty person [n SPORTIES#] CIKNPY PYKNIC s a person with a broad, stocky build ACEKLY LACKEY s, ed, ing to serve in a servile manner, also LACQUEY AGNSTU GAUNTS# AGLOST GLOATS BEPRSU SUPERB ad er ly ug, ank est ike# ity# old# ..26 of excellent quality ADESTU tran SUDATE# d# s# 2 to {sweat=v} SAUTED ANNSWY SWANNY swan-like [adj SWANNIER#, SWANNIEST#] EILOST e, es# TOILES ADINRS or#, molen# DINARS 4 NADIRS ser RANIDS apple# under# DRAINS CIKLRY p t RICKLY# pertaining to a loose heap HKNRSU un, pre SHRUNK en CCDEIS SICCED EIKNPP KIPPEN EPSTXY ana PTYXES# DELNOS LODENS 2 b# g#, emb imb OLDENS# CEMOSY CYMOSE ly resembling a cyme, also CYMOUS ACDEPP be re un, ice mud, knee snow, handi, nonhandi CAPPED NPRSUU UPRUNS# 2 PRUNUS es a type of fruit tree AEFRST h r w, cr dr gr sh#, here, handicr AFTERS un#, how# uns#, ales# haft# have ..11 4 the latter part of a meal SAFTER# STRAFE d r s, rs to attack with machine-gun fire from an airplane break FASTER s# someone who fasts more FAST FFHISW WHIFFS AHOPST POTASH ed# es, ing# 2 to treat with an alkali PATHOS es a quality that arouses feelings of pity or compassion AGRSUY SUGARY containing sugar [adj SUGARIER, SUGARIEST] CEIKLN NICKLE d s 2 to plate with a metallic element, also NICKEL cupro ferro#, pumper NICKEL s, ed ic, ine# ing ise# ize# led ous ..11 to plate with a metallic element (pa t NICKELLED, NICKELED), also NICKLE CMNOSY SYNCOM s a type of communications satellite ILMNSU botu LINUMS 3 MUSLIN s, ed# et#, ets# a cotton fabric ULMINS# EEEKRS RESEEK s, ing 3 to seek again [v RESOUGHT, RESEEKING, RESEEKS] KREESE# d# s# to stab with a Malay dagger, also KRIS, CREESE job# sun SEEKER s one who {seeks=v} ACNNOS CANONS DEEELS un# SEELED CDEOST ac COSTED EGNORS GENROS 4 ERGONS# wa, wag GONERS GRONES# AEORRS SOARER s one that {soars=v} CEOSTT OCTETS INPPSU PINUPS AEELPS ASLEEP 4 sleeping dis mis# PLEASE d r s, rs th#, dly# man# men# to give enjoyment or satisfaction to, also PLEASURE SAPELE# s# a West African tree d# r ELAPSE d s to pass by AAFFRY AFFRAY s, ed er, ers ing to {frighten=v} AIMMSU IMAUMS 2 UMAMIS BEELST BETELS ACHHNU snap# HAUNCH ed es, ing# to throw with an underhand motion, also HAINCH# EEEGRS GREESE# s# a step, also GRECE#, GRECIAN#, GREECE#, GREESING#, GRESE#, GRESSING#, GRIECE#, GRIZE# AAHMPY MAYHAP pen maybe AEEGRS d RAGEES 6 GEARES# de GREASE d r s, rs, ball band# bush# less wood ..8 to smear with grease (a lubricant) dis fil, fill vill# AGREES EAGERS m# EAGRES AABLLN BALLAN# s# t#, ts#, ted#, ting#, wrasse#, wrasses# a species of wrasse EGINNS ENSIGN s, cy ed#, ing#, cies ship#, ships# to mark with a badge or sign AILLMS MAILLS EEGRST REGEST# s# 3 a register r EGRETS re, con# GREETS AAHLNS NAHALS# ADLLOS ALLODS 2 ALDOLS AACELS SCALAE# 2 CALESA s a light carriage, also CALASH, CALECHE CEORST ESCORT s, ed, age# ing, ages# 7 to accompany bi, dis pro sub tri, vivi SECTOR s, al ed, ial ing ise# ize#, ials ised# ..9 to divide into sections CORSET s, ed ry, ier# ing, iere iers# ries, ieres to fit with a supporting undergarment SCROTE# s# a worthless person COSTER s, monger, mongers a hawker with a cart of produce RECTOS SCOTER s a sea duck CDENOS arc#, nano pico, femto micro milli ..2 SECOND e i o s, ed ee# er es ly, ary ees# ers ..8 2 to give support to CODENS BBGRUY GRUBBY {dirty=adj} [adj GRUBBIER, GRUBBIEST] AABHMS SHAMBA# s# an E African farm AELPRT electro# PLATER s, esque 2 one that {plates=v} PALTER s, ed er, ers ing to talk or act insincerely LOPSUU OPULUS# es# 2 the guelder-rose LUPOUS pertaining to {lupus=n} ELNORS NORSEL# s#, led# ler#, lers# ling# 4 to attach fastening lines to a net dis# mis ENROLS c LONERS ban NEROLS ACGRSS SCRAGS AAHKMS HAKAMS# CDEPSU CUSPED having a cusp ADDERR DARRED# 2 RADDER# AELPPU UPLEAP s t, ed, ing 2 to leap up PAPULE s a pimple, also PAPULA AGLNSY SLANGY containing slang [adj SLANGIER, SLANGIEST] DEIMPP PIMPED EERSTU RETUSE describing leaves with a rounded apex and a shallow notch DEMNOS eu, caco DEMONS trate, trable trably trated trates ..11 2 demi MONDES BBEEMX BEMBEX# es# a noisy sand-wasp, also BEMBIX# AEILPP LAPPIE# s# a rag ABBGMU BUMBAG# s# a small bag attached to the waist DDEENR t, aff#, downt RENDED 2 sp#, out#, disp# REDDEN s, da# do# ed, dos# dum# ing to become {red=adj} ACEPRS ESCARP s, ed, ing, ment, ments 9 to cause to slope steeply SCRAPE d r s, rs, gut#, good# guts#, goods# ..4 to rub and make a grating sound kilo mega PARSEC s a unit of astronomical distance SECPAR s a unit of astronomical distance s CRAPES es, out, lands CAPERS RECAPS s, backs# PACERS back# SPACER s one that {spaces=v} BEOORS BROOSE# s# a wedding race, also BROUZE# DEHOPP c s w, bar car, hedge teles works#, photos# HOPPED ADENPS SPANED# BORSWY BROWSY# relating to casual shopping [adj BROWSIER#, BROWSIEST#] AAERST ASTARE# 3 in a state of staring SEARAT# s# a pirate REATAS BEERST BERETS 2 BREEST# s# (Scots) breast, also BREIST# BFLOSU SOBFUL given to sobbing ENNPSU UNPENS ioned# GINORS GRISON s 6 a carnivorous animal as, con mon SIGNOR a e i s y, as es# ia#, ial# ias# ies ina ..4 an Italian title of courtesy for a man, also SIGNIOR, SIGNORE [n SIGNORS or SIGNIORI or SIGNIORS] GIRONS p, bep# fib# nec, prim# scle ROSING li GROINS vi, cen, scis spon unvi#, recen, cospon precen SORING s the training of a horse to high step ACHKWY WHACKY irrational [adj WHACKIER, WHACKIEST] EEGGRS k l#, pr sk#, squ#, bootl EGGERS ADDDEW WADDED 2 DAWDED# EEILLS EISELL# s# vinegar, also EISEL#, ESILE# EORSTW SOWTER# s# 7 a shoemaker WORSET s a woollen yarn, also WORSTED be STOWER# s# one who {stows=v} TWOERS# TOWSER# s# a {hauler=n} STOWRE# s# a battle s#, ko, bes kow out, mini over#, watch TOWERS BNORSU SUBORN s, ed er, ers ing, ation ative#, ations 2 to induce to commit perjury BOURNS ABEKRS in# up#, day out par# tie, fire gaol# ..9 BREAKS 4 KEBARS BAKERS un, aero band# cane foot# hand# ..3 BRAKES man# men# EEHKRS SHREEK# s#, ed#, ing# to utter a scream, also SHREIK#, SHRIECH#, SHRIEK EMOPST up TEMPOS DEGNSU SNUDGE# d# s# 2 to be snug and quiet s# NUDGES CIMMOT de# re, over COMMIT s, tal ted tee ter#, ment tals tees ..10 to perpetrate BIMSTU re SUBMIT s, tal ted ter, tals ters ting, table# tings# to yield to the power of another AACNNS CANNAS ACOPST COAPTS 2 CAPOTS# ACCHNR s# CRANCH ed es, ing to chew with a crackling sound, also CRUNCH, CRAUNCH DEHPPU w HUPPED# ABBIMS BAMBIS# AAMORS mal AROMAS AEIMMS MAMIES AHNRSY SHARNY {dungy=adj} [adj SHARNIER#, SHARNIEST#] BLOSUY BLOUSY {slovenly=adj} [adj BLOUSIER, BLOUSIEST] AFLPSU SAPFUL# full of sap CHIKRS CHIRKS 3 KIRSCH es, wasser#, wassers# a kind of brandy SCHRIK s a sudden fright GINOPS PINGOS 3 ap de ex im op re, com dis pre# pro ..30 POSING s#, ly the act of posing GIPONS DEMPRU DUMPER s 2 one that {dumps=v} c f# g t, sc# sk#, outt, overt, undert# RUMPED# DDEEOS EDDOES ACCIRS CRAICS# 2 SICCAR# {sicker=adj} ENORSY g p# ROYNES# EMOPSY MYOPES AEFMRS en re, air bed mis sub, door# head# ..4 FRAMES hift, hifts AACFRS FRACAS es a brawl AEESSW SEESAW s, ed, ing to move up and down or back and forth DDIMSU DUDISM# s# {foppery=n} AELRST o# v, anc fen pal sem, camp orch pala# ..3 ESTRAL 12 pertaining to estrus, also OESTRAL#, ESTROUS, OESTROUS, ESTRUAL TARSEL# s# a male hawk, also TARCEL#, TASSELL# STELAR relating to a [adj STELA] ALERTS c m# ARTELS b p, pi, arb# bal bep# emp# rep, alab# ..5 LASTER s one that {lasts=v} SLATER s a {woodlouse=n} RATELS f h p s, ex ps re, des mis pre, asph# drys wagh# ALTERS STALER p, de mi, dry SALTER n s, ns one that {salts=v} day#, hospi# teeto, neander# TALERS AINNPS INSPAN s, ned, ning 2 to harness or yoke animals to a vehicle PINNAS AHMMOW WHAMMO s# impressive verve and energy HIMOPS MOPISH ly, ness#, nesses# given to moping AHLOSY SHOALY full of shallow areas [adj SHOALIER, SHOALIEST] ANRSUY SYNURA e 2 any of a genus of protozoa SUNRAY s a {sunbeam=n} EELRST STREEL s, ed, ing 2 to {saunter=v} mur spi# RELETS AFLMMS FLAMMS# HILMSY HYLISM# s# materialism AABKRS KABARS 2 BAKRAS# ELOSTY TOLSEY# s# a merchants' meeting place, also TOLSEL#, TOLZEY# DLNOSU LOUNDS# 2 UNSOLD er, ers, ered, ering ierly, ierlike# not sold HMOOSW WHOMSO ever objective case of WHOSO AGLSTU GAULTS 2 GALUTS# EEEMRS EMEERS 3 d# EMERSE# d (Of leaves) rising above the surface of water SEEMER s one who {seems=v} AMPSUW WAMPUS es 2 a heavy jacket, also WAMMUS, WAMUS MAWPUS# es# a small coin BKOOOO BOOKOO s a great amount (variant of BEAUCOUP), also BOOCOO EEMSTU MUSTEE s a person of one-eighth black ancestry, also MESTEE ADEKST out SKATED 3 at# ou, out, mono# over, multi TASKED grub STAKED BELLRU BULLER# s#, ed#, ing# to {seethe=v} CEHPSY PSYCHE d s, delia delic, delias delics, delically the mental structure of a person CDDEKO re un, pad DOCKED AELLMY LAMELY 2 in a lame manner MELLAY# s# a confused fight, also MELEE GIPRSS SPRIGS EEHNRS NESHER# ELOPPT s TOPPLE d s to fall forward EILNPS PENSIL e s, ity#, eness# ities#, enesses# 3 a small pennon, also PENSEL# SPLINE d s to provide with a key to make a wheel and shaft revolve SPINEL s, le, ess ike les, essly, essness, essnesses a mineral, also SPINELLE CEEHSY CHEESY resembling a food made from milk curds [adj CHEESIER, CHEESIEST] DELOSW SOWLED# 5 for#, fore# SLOWED b LOWSED# DOWLES# DOWELS EFMORS FORMES DEEKRY YERKED EMMPTU METUMP s a strap across the forehead or chest for hauling goods ENORST NESTOR s 8 a wise old man ex TENSOR s, ial a muscle that stretches a body part STONER n# s, ag# aw#, ags# aws# one that {stones=v} es, oes, mines, enterogas TRONES helden, counter TENORS f RONTES# a s, in, but wan TONERS key NOTERS IIKLNS spi, spil LIKINS# DEPRSY PRYSED# AIKLPS PALKIS# 2 KALPIS# es# a water-jar DEILOS c# OLDIES 3 SILOED as un, sub top, shop# SOILED DEEHMS em# en im in un, inter MESHED ABBDDE DABBED DDEINS SNIDED# 2 SINDED# HINOPS thermo# SIPHON s, al ed et# ic, age ate# ets# ing, ages ..10 to draw off through a tube, also SYPHON INOPRS SPINOR s 5 a type of mathematical vector im un#, dis#, post, disim# PRISON s, ed er, ers ing ous#, ment#, ments# to {imprison=v} ORPINS PRIONS PROINS# ulin, ulins ADELSU SALUED# ADDDEE DEADED# CCHORT CROTCH ed es et, ets ety, eted#, eteer# etier# ..4 the human genital area ELLMPU PELLUM# s# (English dialect) dust ACORSU SOUCAR s a Hindu banker, also SOWCAR BEKLRU BULKER# s# a street thief GILNSY ana dia, atmo# auto cata# hemo# ..12 LYSING 3 lo mu po, amu his# mis# pas pau# rou ..49 SINGLY without the company of others f, bel# jol# ral LYINGS ADIPRS RAPIDS 3 SPRAID# SPARID s any of a family of marine fishes, also SPAROID AEMSTT sh#, sch MATTES 2 TAMEST BHLOSY BOLSHY left-wing, also BOLSHIE [adj BOLSHIER#, BOLSHIEST#] ACKRST STRACK# 2 (Obs.) Scots pt. of STRIKE am ha re un, coa whi, back flap# half ..8 TRACKS ide uit, ides uits COOSTY OOCYST s a {zygote=n} ADEPPT s#, un, wire TAPPED DGIINS re, pre sub, blind broad SIDING s a short railway track for shunting DENPSS di su, for# mis out, fore# over resu, under# SPENDS EHIPRS p, fi fo#, sto, squi# umpi#, lectu, creatu#, indentu# RESHIP s, ped per, ment# pers ping, ments# 4 to ship again SERIPH# s# a short decorative foot em# vi, cop#, flap# trip# PERISH ed er# es, ers# ing, able ably#, ables ..4 to {die=v} pa# PISHER s a young or inexperienced person CEHKLO HOCKLE# d# s# (English dialect) to spit ACEFLS FALCES CCEEHR CRECHE s a day nursery MSTTUY SMUTTY mildly obscene [adj SMUTTIER, SMUTTIEST] EEMMRY YEMMER# s# (English dialect) an ember AEKNRR c f RANKER s an enlisted soldier EGIKLS GLIKES# CEMOOS COMOSE bearing a tuft of silky hairs, also COMOUS EEOPRS p# REPOSE d r s, rs, dly ful, dness# fully, dnesses# ..2 to lie at rest CEEKRS CREEKS CEILPS CLIPES# 2 re SPLICE d r s, rs to join at both ends DENOSU UNDOES AKLOPS POLKAS 2 POKALS# EEPSTY STEEPY# {steep=adj} [adj STEEPIER#, STEEPIEST#] ABBEIS cry, bush#, grand BABIES t DEFFPU be# PUFFED AABNST BASANT# s# (Urdu) a Pakistani spring festival AAGMNR RAGMAN s# a catalogue / a man who collects and deals in rags [n RAGMEN] EILPSU EPULIS# es# 2 a tumor of the gums [n EPULISES# or EPULIDES#] PILEUS the umbrella-shaped part of a mushroom [n PILEI] AIMNRS INARMS 3 se, prose MINARS# su# RAMINS# AAHKLS KAHALS# EIMMNR NIMMER# s# one that {steals=v} EMOPRR ROMPER s one who {romps=v} CKLOPU UPLOCK# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to lock up LOCKUP s a jail AAKLRS KRAALS AEEMST MESETA# s# a {plateau=n} ACCSUY YUCCAS ACDDIS CADDIS h, ed es, fly hly, worm, flies hness ..2 a coarse woollen braid, also CADDICE GIINST po re ro# vi, depo expo repo revi ..6 SITING EHINST xan THEINS 2 SITHEN# s, ce {since=adv} DOORRS SORDOR s a sordid state IPPQUY QUIPPY {witty=adj} [adj QUIPPIER, QUIPPIEST] ANORSY c RAYONS AABBHL BABLAH# s# a tree BHIKSU BUKSHI# s# a paymaster, also BUKSHEE# IMRRSU MURRIS# ACHNST en et, bac mer pen, disen plain CHANTS 3 bander# SNATCH y, ed er es, ers ier ily# ing, iest ings#, ingly# to seize suddenly STANCH ed el# er es ly, els# ers est ing ion ..12 to stop the flow of blood, also STAUNCH / firm and dependable, also STAUNCH DLSTUY STUDLY muscular and attractive [adj STUDLIER, STUDLIEST] GIKLSS GLISKS# ABGINS a, de em# im#, data free BASING ELLMRU MULLER s, ed#, ing# to inflict a severe defeat on AACCLO CLOACA e l s, line# a sewer EILSTT STILET# s#, to, tos, toed toes, toing 2 a probe be# en in re, mis sub sur, disen super# TITLES DEOOPP POOPED IMORSU RIMOUS marked by cracks, also RIMOSE ABDELL ca em#, eye gim low pin ver#, hand# ..7 BALLED BDEILS BIELDS ELRSTY free life# STYLER s 2 one who {styles=v} s, frees lifes# TYLERS# EFLSTU wald# FLUTES HILSTY HYLIST# s# a materialist, also HYLICIST#, HYLOIST# AGILOS OILGAS# es# 2 a gaseous mixture of hydrocarbons used as a fuel GOLIAS# ed# es#, ing# to behave irreverently EHIPPR c s w, un#, res, wors, trans#, horsew ..2 HIPPER ACOPRS COPRAS CDDEKU be# DUCKED EGIPRS GRIPES ALLOSW b# c# f g h m s t w, sh sw, dis enw# unh ..5 ALLOWS 2 di SALLOW s y, ed er ly, est ing ish, ness, nesses to make a pale yellowish colour / pale yellowish ABCKPU BACKUP s a {standby=n} DEFKSY SKYFED# BOSSWY SYBOWS# CCINPY iso PYCNIC# having a stocky build CEHHTT THETCH# ed# es#, ing# to {thaw=v} ILOPPY POLYPI de ll# ne# te#, des dom# lls# tes#, doms# ARSTTU ASTRUT# 2 protrudingly TUARTS# BDESTU DEBUTS 4 BEDUST# s#, ed#, ing# to cover with dust BESTUD s, ded, ding to adorn with dots un, com, block BUSTED DEEHPS PHESED# 2 HESPED# ILOPST un SPOILT 4 co, auto gyro heli# PILOTS PISTOL e s, ed es et#, eer ero ets# ier ing ..5 to shoot with a small firearm a POSTIL# s#, ed#, ing# ion led# ler#, ions late# ..11 to {gloss=v} AEHMST SMEATH# s# 2 a duck s# MEATHS# ACDERS mas non, semi SACRED ly, ness, nesses 4 consecrated or holy a SCARED er, est frightened CEDARS CADRES ELORSW SLOWER 5 LOWSER# b f h j# y, gr pr sc, bob#, batf, wildf, waterf OWLERS# b f g p, bef bel def enf# fol hal ref ..33 LOWERS t ROWELS AFOSST FATSOS 2 SOFTAS EEHSTT es, aes, logo# nomo#, agono#, thesmo# THETES# ILMRSY LYRISM s the quality of being lyrics, also LYRICISM ELOORS LOOSER BEKOST BOSKET s a {thicket=n} ABBELW WABBLE d r s, rs 2 to {wobble=v} BAWBLE# s# a cheap trinket, also BAUBLE DENSTU malen# TENDUS 2 NUDEST AHMOSY SHAMOY s, ed, ing to wash with a chamois (cloth) ACEFRS de ef, pre sur, resur FACERS 2 FARCES AELNST p LATENS ification DDEIPP re un# DIPPED EERSTW SWEERT# 5 {slothful=adj} north south WESTER n s, ed ly ns, ing ner, ings# lies ners ..17 to move towards the west, also WEST STEWER# s# one who {stews=v} TWEERS# REWETS ALOSTT re, sub tee TOTALS HOPPTU c# HUPPOT# h# AAMMUZ MAZUMA s {money=n} APRSWY PSYWAR s a psychological warfare EHRSTY THYRSE s a type of flower cluster, also THYRSUS EHMNSU UNMESH ed es, ing to disentangle AEGLMS out, fore# GLEAMS EHJOSS JOSHES ALOPPR POPLAR s a fast-growing tree CDEHKU c s, upc HUCKED# AAABNS ANABAS es is an E Indian fish EMOPRS PROEMS 2 MOPERS ACEPRR s CARPER s one who {carps=v} AHKNRS pre SHRANK EEFRSU REFUSE d r s, rs, nik, niks to decline to take or accept AAHKSY KHAYAS# CKLNSU CLUNKS DOPRSY hy DROPSY unnatural accumulation of serous fluid [n DROPSIES] AEGLSY SAGELY in a sage manner CDIMOS COSMID s a hybrid vector used in cloning AORRST ROSTRA l, te, lly ted# 2 SARTOR s, ii, ial ian# ius, ially iuses# a tailor MNOSTU a, de re un#, dis sea sur, cata over# ..2 MOUNTS 2 MUTONS EEKSTY KEYSET s a system of finger levers CDDDEO CODDED AADPYY PAYDAY s the day on which wages are paid EEPSTT SEPTET s, te, tes a group of seven, also SEPTETTE, SEPTUOR# AACEST v, pl, agu ACATES# bought provisions AGHLSU out, horse overs LAUGHS ome# CIMSTU MISCUT s, ting to cut incorrectly [v MISCUT, MISCUTTING, MISCUTS] DEELSW WEDELS 2 SLEWED ACHMPS CHAMPS DEERST DETERS ion# ive, ions# ives 3 un#, mis# non, semi DESERT s, ed er ic, ers ify ing ion, ions less# ..8 to {abandon=v} c p# w, ar fo un, affo defo enfo# inte ..11 RESTED AGLNOS SLOGAN s, eer ise# ize, eers ised# ises# ..9 4 a motto adopted by a group ANGLOS LONGAS# s, poke# LOGANS EIKMSY MISKEY# s#, ed#, ing# to key in date incorrectly EIPSSW side SWIPES ACCHNO CONCHA e l s, te# the outer ear cavity CKOORS CROOKS ADDELR sp st, ast, best# RADDLE d s, man# men# 3 to weave together en#, pol, over#, inter LARDED b c# g, step, gallb LADDER s y#, ed, ing, like to provide with equipment with rungs ACDEST mob# out# pod# vod# web, fore hind# ..9 CASTED# 2 cast off mus CADETS hip, hips ADMNOS pseudo tricho MONADS 3 DAMSON s a small purple plum semi NOMADS AAGMMT GAMMAT# s#, ia#, ion# (South Africa) offensive term for the accent of a Cape Coloured person NNPSUU UNSPUN not spun ACLMOS CLOAMS# CFIKLY FICKLY in a fickle manner ABORSY BOYARS AACNST SANCTA 2 TACANS# GINSSW in# up, bee out, back down over SWINGS DEFFHU c, disc# HUFFED MOOSTY ur#, col ile, cyst#, enter gastr# ..4 OSTOMY a type of surgical operation [n OSTOMIES] EILMPP be PIMPLE d s an inflamed swelling of the skin ENORRS SNORER s 2 one that {snores=v} SORNER s one who {sorns=v} DEKRSY SKYRED# BEKSTU BUSKET# s# a little bush HMNPUY HYPNUM# s# a type of moss DEFFRU DUFFER s, dom# ism#, doms# isms# 2 a clumsy person g, over, cross RUFFED NOSTTY SNOTTY {arrogant=adj} [adj SNOTTIER, SNOTTIEST] ADENRS DEARNS# 5 en in SNARED DENARS REDANS goo, pali# SANDER s, ses#, ling, lings swood#, swoods# one that {sands=v} ACCMOY OCCAMY# a silvery alloy [n OCCAMIES#] CEHKLU c HUCKLE d# s, bone#, berry bones#, berries ..2 to force roughly AEKMRS KERMAS# 3 co re un up#, bed cap car die fly# ..61 MAKERS un MASKER s one who wears a mask, also MASQUER AEPRRY s PRAYER s, ful, less#, fully, lessly#, fulness ..2 a devout petition to a deity ACCELR homo, aniso# diphy# lepto#, hetero CERCAL 2 pertaining to a tail CARCEL s a unit of illumination EFLSTY FLYEST# 2 FLYTES DELOST b c g OLDEST 2 pi STOLED wearing a stole ACNORS NARCOS e, es is, yntheses# ynthesis# 4 ACORNS mas# CARONS# RACONS DEIPST de re, unre# SPITED 2 STIPED having a stipe BDDESU DEBUDS# KSTTUU TUKTUS# CGHHOU CHOUGH s a crow-like bird OOPRSU im sa so# va, lea# non oos# stu, apos ..11 POROUS ly, ness, nesses having minute openings, also POROSE AAIRST b ARISTA e s, te 7 a bristlelike structure AARTIS# in TARSIA s a decorative wood inlay TIARAS RAITAS RIATAS he TAIRAS# DILLSY IDYLLS GIINRS a g# i k# p, ag# do# re up, app dia# lai# ..184 RISING s 2 the act of one that {rises=v} de, unde# SIRING s# the act of {begetting=v} CHOPSY PSYCHO s, id#, gas# ids# ses sis tic, gony# ..155 a mentally unstable person ADEHPP c w, sc#, mis#, widec# HAPPED ABEMRS BREAMS 4 BRAMES# c j# l t#, ch cl, bedch, antech AMBERS EMBARS CDEOPP COPPED AEILRS fo RESAIL s, ed, ing 6 to sail again ARIELS SERAIL s a harem, also SERAGLIO bi#, non tri# uni#, multi# pluri# recti# SERIAL s, ly, ise ism ist ity# ize, ised ises ..11 a publication presented in instalments g# RAILES# as, day# was SAILER s a vessel that sails DEHIPS wam PISHED EGIMNS phor# MINGES# AGLORS GORALS 5 ROLAGS# LARGOS ALGORS ARGOLS AERSTU a# c, ep#, dep ind mat obd# obt sat ..23 URATES HIRSTT THRIST# s# y#, ed# le#, ing# les# 2 to {thirst=v} a, under# THIRST s y, ed er, ers ful# ier ily ing, iest ..3 to have a need to drink IMOPRS PRIMOS 2 PORISM s, atic#, atical# a type of mathematical proposition AEERRS ERASER s 3 one that {erases=v} SERRAE# SEARER BBCELO COBBLE d r s, rs ry#, ries#, stone, stoned stones, stoning# to {mend=v} BGLOSU GLOBUS# any spherelike structure [n GLOBI#] EKNSTU SUNKET s a {tidbit=n} CEEMRS CREMES 2 a, com, ecom# MERCES CLOOPS CLOOPS# AORSTU SOUTAR# s# a shoemaker, also SOUTER EEFFKL KEFFEL# s# a horse CELORS ESCROL# l# s#, ls# 4 a heraldic scroll, also ESCROLL# CEORLS en in, dis CLOSER s one who {closes=v} trinitro# CRESOL s a chemical disinfectant EIOPPS POPSIE s a girlfriend, also POPSY EHLSTU super SLEUTH s, ed, ing, hound, hounds 2 to act as a detective out HUSTLE d r s, rs to {hurry=v} MMOOTT MOTMOT s a tropical bird CHMSTU be# SMUTCH y, ed es, ier ing, iest 2 to {smudge=v} SCHTUM# quiet, dumb DEFFIR DIFFER s, ed, ent ing, ence ency#, enced ences ..20 2 to be unlike se ta RIFFED ADDRSY hama DRYADS EEPRSU PUREES 4 RUPEES PERSUE# d# s# to follow, in order to overtake or capture, also PURSUE, POURSEW#, POURSUE#, PURSEW# re# PERUSE d r s, rs to {read=v} ADLPSU SPAULD# s# the shoulder, also SPAUL# AIKMNS KAMSIN s a hot, dry wind, also KAMSEEN CIRRSU cumulo# CIRRUS a {tendril=n} [n CIRRI] EMOORS ROMEOS 2 MOROSE r#, ly st#, ness, nesses {sullen=adj} EMMOYZ ZYMOME# s#, ter, ters part of a gluten BBDEMU BEDUMB s, ed, ing to render speechless EFFHRU c HUFFER# s# a blustering bully DEOPSY POYSED# AACMNS CAMANS# EENSSV SEVENS CENNOS NONCES 2 fa#, cha CONNES# ABEILL bal#, tempo#, thermo LABILE 3 likely to change ALIBLE nourishing p, al re, app non sul tal# unp, affi# ..7 LIABLE ness#, nesses# subject to an obligation AFFLUX AFFLUX es, ion#, ions# an {inflow=n} ABFFLS BLAFFS BBEIRR BRIBER s y, ies 2 one who {bribes=v} c d# RIBBER s one who {ribs=v} CHPSTU PUTSCH es, ist, ists a sudden attempt to overthrow a government BCHORS BORSCH t, es ts 2 a beetroot soup, also BORSHCH#, BORSCHT, BORSHT, BORTSCH# pi BROCHS# ELLMUY MULLEY s a hornless cow, also MULEY, MOOLEY, MOOLY# AIMNSU ANIMUS es hostility CEILOS COLIES ABSWYY BYWAYS CEFFLO COFFLE d s to chain slaves together AEIPRS ASPIRE d r s, rs 6 to aim for higher things SPIREA s a flowering shrub, also SPIRAEA PERAIS# em# PAIRES# t# u, ap be# un#, dis mis#, over reap, super# under# PRAISE d r s, rs, ach# ful#, achs# less#, worthy, worthily to express admiration or approval of poly vivi# PARIES the wall of an organ [n PARIETES] BBDETU s TUBBED ELMOSY SMOYLE# d# s# 2 to {smile=v} s# MOYLES# ILPSTU TULIPS DENSST di mi STENDS# GGPSUY SPUGGY# (Scots) a house sparrow, also SPUG#, SPEUG# [n SPUGGIES#] ACEHKS HACEKS 2 CHEKAS# HIKMUZ MUZHIK s a Russian peasant, also MOUJIK, MUJIK, MUZJIK NOOSSW SWOONS CCOOOO COOCOO {crazy=adj} CELMOS CELOMS ORSSTW WORSTS 2 be STROWS IOPRST PROSIT 3 used in a drinking toast, also PROST RIPOST e s, ed es, ing to make a return thrust in fencing, also RIPOSTE TRIPOS es a stand with three legs, also TRIPOD CEKLMU MUCKLE s a large amount ACDEHK c# s t w, un#, bullw# bushw HACKED BGHMUU HUMBUG s, ged ger, gers gery ging, gable#, geries to {deceive=v} LMOSTY MOSTLY {mainly=adv} DNOSST STONDS# DEIKPP s, lands# overs# KIPPED AEGLPS PAGLES# 2 PLAGES AEEPRS PEARES# 3 SERAPE s a colourful woollen shawl, also SARAPE PREASE# d# s# to press, also PREACE#, PREASSE# CEHSWY WYCHES ACERSY CREASY 4 having wrinkles [adj CREASIER, CREASIEST] CARSEY# s# a {lavatory=n} SCRAYE# s# the tern, also SCRAY# SCAREY frightening, also SCARY LRRSUY SLURRY ing to convert into a type of watery mixture [v SLURRIED, SLURRYING, SLURRIES] EGPRSU SPURGE s 2 a tropical plant s, ex# PURGES ADDEPS re SPADED CNOORS CROONS BCEKLU un, par, turn, swash BUCKLE d r s, rs, red, ring to bend or warp CFHLSY FLYSCH es a sandstone deposit DDDEEE un# DEEDED ACHKLY CHALKY 2 resembling chalk [adj CHALKIER, CHALKIEST] HACKLY {jagged=adj} [adj HACKLIER, HACKLIEST] CELOPP COPPLE# s# a bird's crest ANPSSW frog# SPAWNS AADRRS anti RADARS cope, copes 2 SARDAR s a person of rank in India, also SIRDAR AACRSU ACARUS a {mite=n} [n ACARI] AARSWW WARSAW s a marine fish EKOPRR PORKER s 2 a pig PROKER# s# a {poker=n} AHMNOS HANSOM s a light carriage EENNST TENNES# 2 SENNET s a call on a trumpet for the entrance or exit of actors ELNRSU NURSLE# d# s# to foster, also NOURSLE#, NOUSELL#, NOUSLE# CIIMMS MIMICS AACDHS DACHAS AALMRS ALARMS 2 MALARS BELOST BOTELS CDDHUY CHUDDY# chewing gum [n CHUDDIES#] AAGMMN GNAMMA# as in gnamma hole, an Australian term for a natural well in rock, also GNAMMA# CEKMRU MUCKER s, ed#, ing# ish# to {squander=v} BBEKNU NEBBUK# s# a prickly shrub, the Christ's-thorn, also NABK#, NEBECK#, NEBEK# BISTTU TUBIST s a tuba player, also TUBAIST HISTTY SHITTY 2 very unpleasant [adj SHITTIER, SHITTIEST] STITHY ing to forge on an anvil [v STITHIED, STITHYING, STITHIES] ACLSTU SCUTAL# 3 pertaining to a {scute=n} CLAUTS# CUTLAS s, es, ses a {cutlass=n} EELLSV bi un, sub LEVELS BLSTUY iso BUTYLS 2 un SUBTLY in a subtle manner OORSTY ROOTSY# reminiscent of folk styles [adj ROOTSIER#, ROOTSIEST#] ACEERS SEARCE# d# s# 2 to {sift=v} de en# in, pre, rein# CREASE d r s, rs, less to make a wrinkle in GHORSU b# g# t, bo en#, tho#, farbo# yarbo# ..7 ROUGHS hod ACHVVY CHAVVY# like a CHAV# [adj CHAVVIER#, CHAVVIEST#] EKMNSY SKYMEN BDDDEU de# un#, dis, under BUDDED AHILLS SHALLI# s# a soft silky fabric APRRSY SPARRY having a confused crystalline structure [adj SPARRIER, SPARRIEST] ALNNSU dis ANNULS MOPSTU UPMOST {highest=adj} ACPSTU CATSUP s 2 a spicy tomato sauce, also KETCHUP, CATCHUP UPCAST s, ing to cast up [v UPCAST, UPCASTING, UPCASTS] EHORSY HORSEY resembling a horse [adj HORSIER, HORSIEST] ADLRSU epi, extra# proce DURALS# CEHLMS SCHELM# s# a rascal, also SCHELLUM# BEKLOS BLOKES DDDILY DIDDLY the least amount, also DIDDLEY [n DIDDLIES] AABCRS BARCAS 2 SCARAB s, ee#, aei ees# oid, aean# aeid# aeus ..8 a large black beetle AAGLST STALAG s, ma#, mas#, mite, mites mitic, mitical# ..5 a German prisoner-of-war camp ADEMPP re un, bit, photo MAPPED GHPSUU UPGUSH# ed# es#, ing# to gush up DEFFMU MUFFED ADEMPR c t, st# RAMPED 2 under# DAMPER s a kind of unleavened bread ADEHST pre, mega DEATHS man men 3 g# HASTED s, po# TASHED# CCHILO melan CHOLIC# pertaining to {bile=n} EFFOST OFFSET s, able# ting 2 to compensate for SETOFF s something that offsets something else CMORSU MUCROS# 3 MUCORS CORMUS# es# the whole body of a compound animal ANRSTY TYRANS# CEHOPS sub EPOCHS DEEHRS HERSED# 2 in harrow form c HEDERS DEEHMM re HEMMED CHIKOR CHOKRI# s# 2 a {girl=n} CHIKOR# s# a type of partridge EGRSYY GRYESY# grim, also GRISY#, GRIESIE#, GRIESY#, GRYSIE# AARRSY w#, dis mis#, micro# ARRAYS ELORSY SORELY in a sore manner EHMORS HORMES# es# is# 3 fat out HOMERS MOSHER s one that {moshes=v} EGLMSU GLUMES DEFRSU sky, body wind SURFED BEMNSU BUSMEN 2 SUBMEN# u, ta# us, tal# tum# CDEFFU s, un, hand CUFFED ACRSUY SCAURY# a young gull [n SCAURIES#] KMOSUX MUSKOX en a large bovid of arctic regions FFHIOS t#, sp#, stand OFFISH ly, ness, nesses {aloof=adj} ALLOST ATOLLS 2 b t#, re sh, mis pre ALLOTS AEILNS LIANES 6 mes non, hyper SALINE s a salt solution brom chat porc, semiporc ELAINS SILANE s a chemical compound ALIENS m s v, hy op pr se#, beng harm# mesc ..14 ALINES DEELRS g m w, fi sk# sp# wi yi, shi, infi, backv# ..3 ELDERS hip, hips EENPRS out PREENS 2 NEPERS# AHLLWY WHALLY# wall-eyed ABCKRS sha#, barm# barn# BRACKS# CEHIST bio, meta ETHICS 4 THEICS# a b d f h m# p t# w, br fl gl kn# qu sk# ..42 ITCHES fe po, mas pas pos TICHES# DEEERS RESEED s, ed, ing 3 to seed again ar# REEDES# SEEDER s one that {seeds=v} EFKLSS SKELFS# DDDELO DODDLE# s# an easy task EGLNOS p#, al, emp# pro, maska#, maskal# LONGES t ELORRS SORREL s a reddish-brown colour, also SOREL, SORELL# HLPSUY PLUSHY luxurious [adj PLUSHIER, PLUSHIEST] ANOPRS PARSON s, ic, age ish, ages ical# 3 a clergyman SANPRO# s# sanitary protection products as an advertising market n# APRONS ADESTT re un, dis pre, fore TASTED 2 e, co# ge ha# in re un, con# cri cru# ..10 STATED ly CDELOS e#, en in re# un up#, dis, fore unen ..4 CLOSED own, owns 2 agro# DOLCES# AAGNST SATANG s 2 a monetary unit of Thailand ash#, kawana# kotahi#, rangatira# TANGAS# EIINSS NISEIS 2 dis SEISIN g s, gs legal possession of land, also SEIZIN LNOPSY pro# PYLONS GIMMNU b g h m s v#, ch dr sc sl st, deg scr str ..4 UMMING# HIIRSS SIRIHS# 2 maha RISHIS CIKLTY TICKLY# easily tickled [adj TICKLIER#, TICKLIEST#] ABENST ABSENT s, ed ee er ly, ees ers ing, eeism, eeisms ..2 2 to keep away BASNET# s# a light helmet, also BASCINET#, BASINET IMNOST TIMONS# 3 INMOST farthest within de si, har mam mne#, eude# hege#, eudae MONIST s, ic, ical#, ically# an adherent of {monism=n} ABLOST bi# my ne# zo#, ect end ent hyp idi ..26 OBLAST i s 2 an administrative division of Russia BLOATS AGINST a, therea# wherea# GAINST rive# rove#, rived# riven# rives#, riving# 5 {against=prep} NGATIS# bos#, putangi# TANGIS# alle, super GIANTS hip#, hips# un#, iri# pul sen, decus inten#, compen ..7 SATING CENORS ONCERS# 4 in# li re, pre CENSOR s, ed, ial ian# ing, able# ious ship ..3 to delete a word or passage mu CRONES RECONS ign ole ult, ider igns oled oles ..40 DLOORS DROOLS 3 LOORDS# DOLORS ABERSU BURSAE 3 ABUSER s one who {abuses=v} BUSERA# s# porridge made from millet BEEMRS m, com nov# rem, dism nonm, disrem misrem EMBERS 2 BERMES EFFKOY OFFKEY out of tune CERRSY SCRYER# s# one who {descries=v} ANOPST PANTOS cope#, copes# copic# CEKRTU TUCKER s, ed, bag# box# ing, bags#, boxes# to {weary=v} CEOPPR COPPER s y, ah as ed, ahs ing ish#, ases head ..12 to cover with a metallic element AACHKW KWACHA s a monetary unit of Zambia CINNOS me# CONINS HIMORS MORISH# such that one wants more BBEENS SNEBBE# d# s# to {rebuke=v} IKNNSY SKINNY information [n SKINNIES#] AGLRYY GRAYLY in a gray manner, also GREYLY DELMOS re, super MODELS 2 un# SELDOM ly, ness#, nesses# infrequent AENRRS SERRAN# o s#, id os, ids oid, oids# 2 a fish en in SNARER s one that {snares=v} CEKLNU LUCKEN# booth# gowan#, booths# gowans# closed ABBESY ABBEYS OOPSSW SWOOPS take IMPRSY PRISMY# having colours as from a prism CLLORS e#, en in SCROLL s, ed er#, ers# ing, able# ings# wise# ..2 to move text across a display screen AINSTT ny, myo#, lova, somato STATIN g s 4 any of a class of drugs that reduce serum cholesterol levels bo lu sa, geobo nonbo, ethnobo paleobo ..4 TANIST s, ry, ries the heir apparent to a Celtic chief TITANS at TAINTS ADDENR DARNED er, est, ests 4 {damned=adj} DANDER s, ed, ing to stroll, also DAWNER# NARDED# b, st, reb# unb war#, misb, multist RANDED# AGMRSU GARUMS# EEKLPS KELEPS AIKMST KISMAT s destiny, also KISMET AILMSY MISLAY s, er, ers ing to put in a forgotten place [v MISLAID, MISLAYING, MISLAYS] AEEGLS b t#, kl, inv#, porb EAGLES tone#, tones# ABEMMR BAMMER# s# a fool AEEMRS AMEERS 5 MEARES# REAMES# RAMEES SEAMER s one that {seams=v} AABBLO BALBOA s the monetary unit of Panama CEIRSU CRUSIE# s# 3 a type of iron lamp, also CRUISIE#, CRUSY# e#, de, mer, kilo mega# pico#, micro ..2 CURIES CRUISE d r s, rs, way#, ways# wear#, wears# ..2 to progress smoothly EGILST GILETS# 3 e, sacri# LEGIST s one skilled in the law e LEGITS AEGLSU SAULGE# s# a garden plant DELOOS un LOOSED 5 DOOLES# SOOLED# SOLOED b d n p, cr#, cab can, flapd, labrad#, timberd OODLES a large amount, also OODLINS [n OODLES] ACCEHT CACHET s, ed, ing to print a design on an envelope BNSUUY UNBUSY not busy EIKNPS PEKINS AEHPRS HEPARS# 9 PHARES# RAPHES re, mis, holo# meta para peri#, catch PHRASE d r# s, rs#, man# men#, less#, maker ..19 to express in words SERAPH s, ic im in, ims ine# ins#, ical# ines#, ically a winged celestial being, also SERAPHIM SHERPA s a soft fabric for linings SPHAER# e# s#, es#, ite#, idia# ites#, idium# ..3 a solid circle, also SPHAERE#, SPHEAR#, SPHEARE# re, mis SHAPER s one who {shapes=v} SPHEAR# e# s#, es# a solid circle, also SPHAER#, SPHAERE#, SPHEARE# ACEKSW gray grey# WACKES t EGGORS GREGOS 3 REGGOS# en re, dis, over# GORGES DNORSU g, en# un, run sur, howl# runa semi ..16 ROUNDS man men DEEIMS DEMISE d s, miquaver, miquavers 2 to {bequeath=v} aca DEMIES CIMRSS SCRIMS haw, hank# haws, handy# hanks# hawed ..12 ACHKOR CHOKRA# s# a boy ELRSUY un, lei, cock, unlei# SURELY certainly BIKPSU BUPKIS# a trifle ACEKLS ALECKS# ABKRSU BURKAS AACCOS CACAOS AANRRS NARRAS# es# a melonlike fruit, also NARAS# CDNOOS CONDOS 2 anti CODONS CCEERS RECCES DESTTU DUETTS# 2 TUTSED# HMOOPS OOMPHS AACHSW CASHAW s a variety of squash, also CUSHAW ALRSTU ULTRAS afe low oft, harp hort lick mall ..16 2 LUSTRA l, te, ted tes, ting tion tive#, tions AALRSU LAURAS AALNST ASLANT 3 on the slant, also ASKLENT#, SLANTLY t#, se ze#, exh inh ALANTS SANTAL# s#, ic in# ol, ins# ols, aceous# a sandalwood ACOPPR COPPRA s dried coconut meat, also COPRA, COPPERAH, COPRAH ABBEKS KEBABS AKLSTU TALUKS ACENPS cre#, occu#, comeup discre# PANCES# 2 PECANS ANRSTU ARNUTS# 2 SANTUR s a Persian stringed instrument, also SANTIR, SANTOOR, SANTOUR LOPRSU PROULS# CCILNY prosta CYCLIN g s, gs any of a group of proteins that control the cell cycle DEILLL LILLED# IIMMST IMMITS# AGORST le ne, avi, abne abro alli arro dele ..29 GATORS 3 esc ARGOTS GROATS worth#, worths# CHLOST oil wax#, back cere dish drop face ..23 CLOTHS ABCORS BRASCO# s# 5 (Australian slang) a lavatory CAROBS COARBS# CARBOS COBRAS DEERRS SERRED# 2 DRERES# AKMUYZ MUZAKY# like piped music EEGRRS SERGER s a machine for serging BBCDEU CUBBED# EILMOS SMOILE# d# s# 2 to {smile=v} MOLIES ANORST TRONAS 4 od, col ign# rob son, comm# corm deod ..4 ORANTS# TORANS# ROTANS# AHSTWY SWATHY# of swathes [adj SWATHIER#, SWATHIEST#] CCIKRY CRICKY# a mild oath of surprise ABCCLU BUCCAL ly pertaining to the cheek BGMSUU SUBGUM s a Chinese dish of mixed vegetables AOSTTT STATTO# s# (Coll.) a person who is preoccupied with the facts and figures of a particular subject, esp a sport BLNOOS BOLSON s a flat arid valley DEOSTT as# be SOTTED ly BDEORS DESORB s, ed, ing 3 to release a sorbed substance, compare ABSORB, ADSORB, SORB ab ad de di# re, reab unab, chemi chemo preab SORBED BORDES# AIKNPS PANISK# s# an inferior god, also PANISC# CHIRRS CHIRRS AAGLSY GAYALS ADEHMM s w HAMMED BBEEKL LEBBEK# s# a timber tree KMPRSU SKRUMP# s#, ed#, ing# to steal windfalls, also SKRIMP# KNOORS KROONS EEGRSY GEYSER s, ite, ites a spring that ejects jets of hot water and steam BENSTU SUBNET s, work, works, worked, working a system contained within a communications system AAABKS k ABAKAS ERRSUY SURREY s a light carriage KLOOPS u# PLOOKS# EILMNS SIMNEL s 2 a fruitcake covered with almond paste, made at Easter and Christmas mo# LIMENS ADELST DELTAS 6 DESALT s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to remove the salt from b, bal out, beadb# sandb unbal LASTED re, legi tran, retran untran, mistran SLATED pede STALED de un, over SALTED ACENNS fi pe so, ord, asso cofi domi lumi ..35 NANCES IKRSTU TURKIS# es# a gemstone, also TURKIES# EPRSUU re, out PURSUE d r s, rs to follow, in order to overtake or capture, also PERSUE#, POURSEW#, POURSUE#, PURSEW# HLSTUY THUSLY in this manner ACIPRS PICRAS# 2 CAPRIS tapering trousers for women DEHNOS NOSHED FLOOSY FLOOSY a prostitute, also FLOOSIE, FLOOZIE, FLOOZY, FLOSSIE [n FLOOSIES] AHNPSU UNHASP# s#, ed#, ing# to unfasten a hasp CLNOSU pro sub CONSUL s t, ar ta# ts, age# ars# ate tas# ted ..25 2 an official serving abroad myo CLONUS es a form of muscular spasm EGMORS oli GOMERS ABEKLR BALKER s one who {balks=v} AEGGGR GAGGER s y#, ies# one that {gags=v} AEEPPR f# RAPPEE s a strong snuff ABELSU ab am ca re un, acc aro exc foc non ..9 USABLE ness, nesses 2 able to be used is, pur, reis# SUABLE able to be sued ACEHHT CHETAH s a swift-running wildcat, also CHEETAH AELLPY PALELY in a pale manner BEISSU em#, over# BUSIES t ACRSSW SCRAWS# CFSSTU SCUFTS# BFFOSU BUFFOS GLNOOS ana# LOGONS AAAKLM KAMALA s an Asian tree yielding an orange dye, also KAMELA#, KAMILA# BLMOOS em# re, out, checker# BLOOMS CEKORT b c, sp, sky, retro# ROCKET s, ed er ry, eer ers ing, eers ries to be projected by the backward jet thrust of hot gases GLOSST GLOSTS IMOSSX SIXMOS GLLMUY GLUMLY in a glum manner EKNOST be, fore TOKENS AEERRR d# REARER s one that {rears=v} ACERSU CAUSER s, ie, ies 3 one that {causes=v} CESURA e l# s a pause in a line of verse, also CAESURA SAUCER s, ful#, fuls# less# like a small shallow dish EGMNOS GNOMES 2 GENOMS IPPQUU QUIPPU s a device to help memory, also QUIPO#, QUIPU CELNSU n, car fur hom# ped, carb siph#, grand, vibrati# UNCLES hip#, hips# CEPPRU s CUPPER s a cupbearer AESTTU ASTUTE r#, ly st#, ness, nesses 2 shrewd and perceptive STATUE d s, tte, sque ttes, squely, squeness# a three-dimensional work or art ABBERY YABBER s, ed, ing to {jabber=v} BBELNU k# NUBBLE d# s to beat with the fists, also KNUBBLE#, KNOBBLE# ILMOSU LIMOUS# ine, ines {muddy=adj} ENRSST ci pa po te# we, morgen# STERNS on, ons, heet#, heets# CIMNSU MUCINS 2 cur# CUMINS EGGRRU d# RUGGER s a form of football, also RUGBY AELRSU ALURES# 2 SAUREL s a marine fish CHLORS SCHORL s, omite#, aceous# omites# a mineral, also SHORL AAKPST PATKAS# GGPRUY PUGGRY a cloth band wrapped around a hat, also PUGREE, PUGAREE, PUGGAREE, PUGGREE [n PUGGRIES] AINPST PTISAN s 4 a tea of herbs or barley, also TISANE PINTAS be de im re un#, mis out, over#, grease PAINTS PATINS BEGRSU GEBURS# EHIRST THEIRS elf, elves possessive form of THEY AIMSTT STATIM# immediately AADKMS DAMASK s, ed in#, een ing ins#, eens ined# ..3 to weave with elaborate design ABMNSU BUSMAN 2 a bus operator [n BUSMEN] SUBMAN# ager, agers, dibular, dibulars a primitive being [n SUBMEN#] AEKNPS PEKANS AGNRSU SUNGAR# s# a look-out post AGHLSY GASHLY# {hideous=adj} AALMPS myco piro toxo PLASMA s, gel sol tic, gels gene sols, genes ..6 2 the liquid part of the blood, also PLASM LAMPAS es se#, ses# inflammation of the roof of a horse's mouth, also LAMPASSE#, LAMPERS DERRSY hair# DRYERS ACCHOU CACHOU s a resin used in tanning, also CATECHU, CASHOO, CUTCH, KUTCH# GHHOSU c s# HOUGHS# 2 SHOUGH# s# a shaggy lapdog, also SHOWGHE# AGMNOS MANGOS tan#, tans# teen, teens 2 sa# NGOMAS# ENPSTU UNSTEP s, ped, ping 2 to remove from a socket UPSENT AGGHSY SHAGGY mane, manes covered with long coarse hair [adj SHAGGIER, SHAGGIEST] EEKNPP KEPPEN AABKNR BARKAN# s#, tine#, tines# a crescent-shaped sand dune, also BARKHAN#, BARCHAN, BARCHANE# EHHSTY HYTHES# ALMNSU MANULS# EHIMRS RHIMES# BEEGRS GERBES# 2 sun# GREBES CDEIKR DICKER s, ed, ing 2 to {bargain=v} b c p t w, der# fab#, mave# outt pinp, goldb RICKED DEHORS HORDES 5 RESHOD un, dis#, hobby# HORSED off# SHORED SHODER# s# a set of skins CHNOOS CHOONS# BGGLUY BLUGGY# {bloody=adj} [adj BLUGGIER#, BLUGGIEST#] ADENST STANED DEHMSU s MUSHED CEIRRS de su#, des CRIERS 3 CERRIS# es# the turkey oak g# p RICERS BEMSTU BESMUT s, ch#, ted, ched# ches# ting, ching# to blacken with soot AMNRSU UNARMS 2 URMANS# BDEMMU BUMMED EEPSSW en# up, out pee SWEEPS take#, takes AHHRST THRASH ed er es, ers ing, ings to {beat=v} ACCHLT CLATCH# ed# es#, ing# to {dabble=v} HILMOS w, alco, shopa# worka, antialco HOLISM s a philosophical theory ABBELR BARBEL l s, ls, late# 2 a freshwater fish b d g p#, sc, hardsc RABBLE d r s, rs, ment, ments to {mob=v} AHLSTU HAULST# BEORRS RESORB s, ed, ent# ing, ence#, ences# 2 to absorb again la ta, har, cork# corn# wood, stone# BORERS ADDIMS MISADD s, ed, ing, ress, ressed resses, ressing to add incorrectly EKMRSS SMERKS DRSTUY STURDY a disease of sheep [n STURDIES] / strong and durable [adj STURDIER, STURDIEST] AFLSTY sted#, sooth# stead, unstead# FASTLY# {firmly=adv} CEOPRS in CORPSE d# s 2 to forget one's lines COPERS CLLOOY COOLLY in a cool manner ACHKST THACKS AELPST PLASTE# r, rs ry, red rer, rers ring, rings rwork ..7 11 tran, inter# SEPTAL pertaining to a {septum=n} PASTEL s, ist, ists list, lists a soft, delicate hue non STAPLE d r s, rs to fasten with a U-shaped metal clip PETALS PLEATS PELTAS# t, ts PALETS PALEST ra, rae ral ras TEPALS im# re, bed end hot# omo# tem tin ..25 PLATES ful EINNST SINNET# s# 3 a flat braid SENNIT s a braided straw used for making hats TENNIS t, es ts an outdoor ball game BEILRS BIRSLE# d# s# 3 to {scorch=v} BIRLES ca LIBERS HNPSXY SPHYNX es a cat of a breed of hairless cats FLRSUU de SULFUR s y, ed et ic yl, ate ets ing ise# ize ..20 a non metallic element / to treat with sulfur, also SULPHUR ALNOPS NOPALS ADEPPY YAPPED GLNSUY SNUGLY in a snug manner AMMPUW WAMPUM s, peag, peags a form of currency once used by North American Indians, also PEAG, PEAGE EOOPPR POOPER# s# as in party pooper, someone who spoils the fun BCKSUU BUCKUS# ALPSTY PLATYS ma#, mas# 2 YPLAST# CEHHST HECHTS# 2 CHETHS FILPPY FLIPPY flaring at the bottom [adj FLIPPIER#, FLIPPIEST#] CCHNRU s CRUNCH y, ed er es ie#, ers ier ies# ily ing ..5 to chew with a crackling sound, also CRANCH, CRAUNCH CHILST LICHTS ADEGGR DAGGER s, ed, ing, like, board#, boards# 2 to stab with a small knife b c d f, sc sp#, def upd#, outb outd, bally bully RAGGED y, er ly, est ier, iest ness, nesses tattered EEIKLS SELKIE s a seal DEESTT DETEST s, ed er, ers ing, able ably, ation, ations ..3 2 to hate intensely at de ob re un, con pre pro, coat unat ..3 TESTED EGINRS RESIGN s, ed er, ers ing, edly ment#, ation ..4 8 to give up an office or position GREINS# ta#, trou# SERING a, as co, out#, sove REIGNS NIGERS# as co de re, con non SIGNER s one that {signs=v} RENIGS folk, minne super, master SINGER s one who {sings=v} ABBILL LIBLAB s a person supporting a coalition of liberal and labour groups DDENRU DURNED er, est 2 {damned=adj} [adj DURNDEST, DURNEDER, DURNEDEST] DUNDER# s#, funk# head pate#, funks# heads ..4 dregs of sugar-cane juice EHOPPR c s w, mud#, clod flea frog leaf rock ..5 HOPPER s, car#, cars# one that {hops=v} EEMNRS ag# REMENS# ACCLOY ACCLOY# s#, ed#, ing# to prick with a horse shoe nail DLOPSU UPSOLD# ABENRS mem, cytomem, supermem#, pseudomem# BRANES# CMOSUU sub# MUCOUS containing mucus, also MUCOSE EEMRST RESTEM# s#, med#, ming# 6 to force against the current am di la#, bio dia geo lux# odo ohm ..272 METERS tick, ticks MEREST one#, ones# bi ga mi# ri se, rhy tri MESTER# s# (English dialect) master RETEMS mis#, deca# deci deka kilo nano ..5 METRES ACNPSU UNCAPS izable# 2 PUCANS# ELLPRU wire# PULLER s one that {pulls=v} AILMST SMALTI ne te, nes tes 3 ani for, deci# maxi mini, antifor MALIST# MISTAL# s# (English dialect) a cow shed BBEIKL KIBBLE d s to grind coarsely ADEMST DEMAST s, ed, ing 2 to strip masts from de, dis, over#, under# MASTED EEKPPU UPKEEP s the cost of maintaining something in good condition AEOPSS PASEOS AABDLS LABDAS# ACCIOS SACCOI# DEEEMS SEMEED# 2 strewn be in# me, mis#, unbe#, misbe# SEEMED CCIIST fas leu# nar, exor sole, rhota#, classi organi# CISTIC# like a cist ERSSUV VERSUS {against=prep} ADHNSS SHANDS# AMNOST MANTOS# 2 ot TOMANS BCEKRU hum# BUCKER s, oo, oos a bucking horse DEERSY REDYES EKLLSY SKELLY# ing# cross-eyed [adj SKELLIER#, SKELLIEST#] EHOSSU di# ga, alm dos, glas, custom SHOUSE# s# 2 a toilet / feeling badly c s#, re un, ale art# bag bug cat cow# ..102 HOUSES at it, its, itting AFIMSS MASSIF s, ication#, ications# a principal mountain mass ELNPPU LUPPEN# AEEMMS MAMEES# CEEKLS CLEEKS 3 SECKLE# s# a variety of pear, also SECKEL# SECKEL# s# a variety of pear, also SECKLE# AGLRSU GUSLAR# s# 2 one who plays the gusla GLAURS# BLOORS BROOLS# IMORRS MORRIS ed# es, ing# to perform by dancing AHILST TAHSIL s, dar, dars 4 a district in India LATHIS pre# LATISH somewhat late THALIS# BLMRUY c g RUMBLY tending to rumble [adj RUMBLIER#, RUMBLIEST#] CIKMSU MUSICK s, ed er#, ers# ing to compose music for ALPSSW SPAWLS# DRSUYY DYSURY# pain in passing urine, also DYSURIA [n DYSURIES#] AADPSY SPAYAD# s# a male deer in his third year, also SPAYD# AAELPP APPEAL s, ed er, ers ing, able, ingly, ability ..3 to make an earnest request ABDEKS BASKED EIKPRS SPIKER s y#, ies# 2 one that {spikes=v} s, shun PIKERS ABCKRU BUCKRA m s, ke# ms, kes# med, ming a white man EGORRS GROSER# s# t#, ts# 2 a gooseberry, also GROSERT#, GROSET# d# ROGERS EPRSSW SPREWS# AACIMS CAMISA s, de do, des dos, does a type of robe, also CAMIS#, CAMISE, CAMISIA GGINOS in# on# up#, out way, fore# over# ..9 GOINGS 2 h# n, pr#, scr# tob#, tarb# OGGINS# ACCEHN be, mis mum# per, happen CHANCE d l r s y#, ls rs ry, ful, less# llor ries ..7 to {risk=v} DEMMOS MODEMS ADILMS DISMAL s, er ly, est ity# ler#, lest# ness ..2 a swamp / {gloomy=adj} EMRSTU o, an# di, ano#, sequ ESTRUM s 4 the period of heat in female mammals, also OESTRUM, ESTRUS, OESTRUS TURMES# MUSTER s, ed er#, ers# ing to gather together co STUMER# s# counterfeit money ERSTUY SURETY ing#, ship, ships 2 to be security for [v SURETIED#, SURETYING#, SURETIES] TUYERS CCEMSU CUMECS# HORSTY HOSTRY# 2 a {lodging=n} [n HOSTRIES#] SHORTY one who is not tall, also SHORTIE [n SHORTIES] IMPSTU SUMPIT# s#, an#, ans# a blow pipe, also SUMPITAN# AELMRS MAERLS# 3 MARLES# REALMS ALNSTU UNLAST# e# 2 SULTAN a s, as ic, ate ess, ates ship#, esses ships# the ruler of a Muslim country DEEKPP s# KEPPED AADPPY APPAYD# BDEELS nose BLEEDS 3 DEBELS# BEDELS hip#, hips# DDERRU RUDDER s, head# less post, heads# posts ..2 a vertical blade used to direct the course of a vessel CEEHKL HECKLE d r s, rs to harass a speaker DEEPRS SPREED# DEGLSU SLUDGE d s to cover with a muddy deposit EHLLSY SHELLY coat#, coats# abounding in shells [adj SHELLIER, SHELLIEST] ACELST ECLATS 5 SCLATE# s# slate (a sedimentary rock composed of clay or volcanic ash) fore sand# CASTLE d s to make a certain move in chess CLEATS p LACETS# AHMSSW SHAWMS MNOORS oxy MORONS BBLRSU BLURBS AIRSTT ch, non ARTIST e s, es ic ry, ical# ries, ically 5 one who is skilled in art s, ex# re#, por TRAITS ca, alto, cirro nimbo, cumulo# fracto# STRATI fy, fied fies form, fying, culate# ..12 SITTAR# s# an Indian lute, also SITAR di STRAIT s, ed# en er ly, ens est ing#, ened ness ..10 to {tighten=v} / {narrow=adj} CMSTUU pre# SCUTUM a horny plate or scale, also SCUTE [n SCUTA] BGINSU a, de# em#, anti disa BUSING s the act of transporting by bus, also BUSSING AKLPRY s PARKLY# like a park ABEFFL BAFFLE d r s, rs, gab, gabs ment, ments to {confound=v} AGMORS super ORGASM s, ed ic, ing, ically# 2 to experience the height of sexual excitement hy# GROMAS# DEKOOS SOOKED# DEIMRS DIMERS 2 epi exo, endo hypo DERMIS es a layer of the skin, also DERM, DERMA GIILSS SIGILS ABCSTU SACBUT s 2 a medieval trombone, also SACKBUT, SAGBUT SUBACT# s#, ed#, ing# ion#, ions# to {subdue=v} ALMNOS am MONALS# 2 SALMON s y#, et# id, ets# ids oid, ella oids ..6 a food fish AEILMS r, fac#, voic EMAILS 5 MESAIL# s# a visor, also MEZAIL# MAILES MESIAL ly situated in the middle, also MESIAN SAMIEL s a hot, dry desert wind, also SIMOOM, SIMOON CLMPSU CLUMPS EHLOPP HOPPLE d r# s, rs# to {hobble=v} ACKNRS CRANKS haft, hafts BBDOSU DUBBOS# EGOOSS mon mun way#, wayz# GOOSES DEERSW REWEDS AAEPPR co re, dis APPEAR s, ed er#, ers# ing, ance, ances to become visible AEMRSU AMUSER s one who {amuses=v} ABBMOX BOMBAX es# a tropical tree AEKSSV KVASES ELNOPS PLEONS EKNOPS be re un up#, for# mis out, fore unbe#, plain SPOKEN HLLOSU HULLOS BBDEIL DIBBLE d r s, rs 2 to fish by floating the bait, also DIB g# LIBBED# DDEOPP DOPPED# EMORSU s# MOUSER s y#, ies# an animal that catches mice ACEORS COARSE n r, ly ns st, ned, ness ning, nesses 2 {rough=adj} ROSACE# a s#, as, ous a {rosette=n} AEHLLL HALLEL s, uiah# ujah, uiahs# ujahs a chant of praise HIOPPS s# HIPPOS 3 SHIPPO# n s#, ns, und#, unds# Japanese cloisonne ware POPISH ly pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church CCHINO CHICON# s# 2 a shoot of a chicory plant COCHIN s, eal, eals a large domestic chicken EKLRRU LURKER s one who {lurks=v} CEOPSU COUPES CLORSU CLOURS CEHMOS SCHMOE s 2 a stupid person, also SCHMO, SCHMOCK#, SHMO CHEMOS orb tat, orbs tats, moses# mosis# ..12 CEIKRT c p RICKET# s y, ty#, ier ily#, iest tier# tsia ..6 2 a mistake or blunder s, de, pigs poli, bills# spits# TICKER s one that {ticks=v} AAEPRS AREPAS 3 PASEAR# s#, ed#, ing# to take a walk SARAPE s a colourful woollen shawl, also SERAPE ACHHTT de nu un# THATCH t# y, ed er es, ers ier ing, iest ings less# to cover with foliage DEKMSU MUSKED# CDEKOS DECKOS# 2 cas# tus SOCKED AGNPSS SPANGS# ABDRSU ABSURD s, er ly, est ism ist ity, isms ists ..3 the condition of man's existence in an irrational universe / ridiculous AEKWYY KEYWAY s a slot for a key ACCHTT CATCHT# CLOSTU dish, breech CLOUTS 2 LOCUST a s, ae al ed#, ing# to lay waste in the manner of locusts CEKNSS un# SNECKS AMRSSW be, after# SWARMS AGGNSY SNAGGY full of snags [adj SNAGGIER, SNAGGIEST] EELMSU a# EMULES# OORRST tilt ROTORS AERTTT be TATTER s y#, ed, ing, sall, salls, demalion ..2 to become torn and worn BMOORS clu, witch# BROOMS taff# tick, taffs# ticks 2 BROMOS DEEFSS con pro, uncon unpro, dispro# FESSED AHLPSU SULPHA s, te, ted tes tic#, tase# ting tion# ..10 a bacteria-inhibiting drug, also SULFA BEKPSU BUPKES (Yiddish) literally beans. Small reward, also BUBKES, BUPKUS ILLMPY LIMPLY in a limp manner AHMSTU MUTHAS# GINPPU c d h# p s t, wh, sht# tit#, hicc titt, overs UPPING s the process of marking young swans for identification purposes IKMPSY SKIMPY {scanty=adj} [adj SKIMPIER, SKIMPIEST] AALLLN LALLAN d s, ds lowland, also LALLAND AEMNRS ENARMS# 4 sur, nick NAMERS REMANS du fo RAMENS# EFIRRS shot# FIRERS 2 FRIERS HPRSUU UPRUSH ed es, ing to rush up ACMRSY CYMARS GILNSU NISGUL# s# 3 (English dialect) the smallest and weakest in a brood of chickens LUNGIS SLUING AHKNSU ANKUSH es an elephant goad, also ANKUS AFFLNY NAFFLY# in an incompetent manner EKMORS non, anti SMOKER s one who {smokes=v} AGIMMS i MAGISM# s# the teaching of the magi EERSSX SEXERS# DEORRS DERROS# 3 b c, re sw# un#, acc dis emb imb# mis ..7 ORDERS en in DORSER s a basket carrier on the back, also DOSSER AAAKLS ALASKA s a heavy fabric AAEMRS ASMEAR# 3 smeared over MARAES# ARAMES ORSTTU STROUT# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to {bulge=v} s#, sea TROUTS tone#, tones# mis, insti resti#, consti# prosti TUTORS hip, hips AEPPRY PREPAY s, ing, able# ment, ments 3 to pay in advance [v PREPAID, PREPAYING, PREPAYS] sand PAPERY resembling paper [adj PAPERIER#, PAPERIEST#] YAPPER s one that {yaps=v} CEOSSW SOWCES# ALRSTY a, sub#, mono# peri# poly#, amphi#, amphipro# STYLAR pertaining to a {stylus=n} CDDEEK be un, over DECKED AIPPRY PAPYRI an ne CERSST fire# gold# hill, under# CRESTS ALMMUW WAMMUL# s# (English dialect) a dog AEHLMS ALMEHS BCOOSY SCOOBY# as in the phrase I don't have a scooby doo, a clue [n SCOOBIES#] GGSTUY STUGGY# thick-set [adj STUGGIER#, STUGGIEST#] ADELLL ha#, hal# LALLED AKNPSU PUNKAS CLMOSY CYMOLS EELMPS SEMPLE r#, st# of humble birth FFOSSW SOWFFS# CELNOS cy, snow#, anticy mesocy CLONES CGOSSU SCOUGS# MOORRS MORROS DEEEPS SEEPED ABCHKU CHABUK s a type of whip, also CHABOUK ACEISS SAICES HIMSTY SMITHY ing# to forge metal, also SMITH [v SMITHIED#, SMITHYING#, SMITHIES] AGINSY as es re un, for# mis nay out, doom ..7 SAYING s a maxim, proverb AKLLNY b LANKLY in a land manner CCHRTU CRUTCH ed es, ing, ings# to {support=v} LORSUY SOURLY in a sour manner ELPSTU LETUPS 2 oc, cen sep sex, quin TUPLES# ACHMRS be en# un#, out, counter# CHARMS AEELRS p, re, timep LEASER s 8 one who {leases=v} p RESALE s, able# the act of selling again fi LAREES SEALER s y, ies one that {seals=v} RESEAL s, ed, ing, able to seal again LEEARS# REALES t coch# LEARES# ACDEKR CRAKED# 5 ARCKED DACKER s, ed, ing to lounge, also DAKER# CARKED c t w, re un#, bar ret unc unt, over# ..6 RACKED EHNOPS PHEONS# 2 di#, cam# car# dia ear geo iso# pay# ..55 PHONES DENNSU un# SUNNED BBCESU CUBEBS AANPRS PRANAS# ELMMOP be# POMMEL e# s, ed, ing led, ling to strike with the fists, also PUMMEL DDEPPU DUPPED ADEKNR be DARKEN s, ed er, ers ing 4 to make {dark=adj} DANKER NARKED b# c f p, en# un, dis# out unf#, pref RANKED ABDEST BESTAD# de# 2 beset by, also BESTADDE# un, bom# lam BASTED AEFLNS FLANES EGGGIN b d# k l p v, ab al# fl#, all# rep squ ..7 EGGING EEFRRS con FRERES 3 FREERS p, mis REFERS ADDEFF DAFFED EHMTYY THYMEY abounding in thyme, also THYMY [adj THYMIER, THYMIEST] FORSST de, hoar, perma FROSTS ABBCOS BOBACS# 2 CABOBS EHKMSS SHMEKS# DEIISS DIESIS a reference mark in printing [n DIESES] EEKRSY REKEYS 3 SKEERY# {scary=adj} [adj SKEERIER#, SKEERIEST#] KERSEY s, mere, meres a woollen cloth CHMOSU SMOUCH# ed# es#, ing# to {kiss=v} EHISTT a, di, non pan tri, anti# auto# heno ..4 THEIST s, ic, ical, ically 2 one who believes in the existence of a God TITHES AFLSWY SAWFLY a winged insect [n SAWFLIES] AEGMNS GASMEN 3 blanc mange# MANGES MAGNES# es# ia ic, ial# ian ias ite ium, ites ..3 a magnet (Spenser) CDEHOS COSHED EEGLRS GERLES# 2 al, col, sorti# LEGERS AEKPRS SPARKE# d r s#, rs a weapon BCERSU CUBERS AADMYY MAYDAY s a radio distress call EILNPP NIPPLE d s, wort#, worts# 2 to provide with a nipple mis# LIPPEN s, ed, ing to {trust=v} ACORST SCROTA l 5 TAROCS COSTAR d s, ds, red, ring, dmonger#, dmongers# to star equally with another actor f, ab# co en ex re tr, cof imp non red ..28 ACTORS CASTOR s y#, eum ies#, eums a small, swivelling wheel, also CASTER AEMMRY YAMMER s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to {whine=v} MOSSTW SMOWTS# ANNSTU NAUNTS# 2 SUNTAN s, ned, ning a brown skin colour as a result of sun exposure\v to tan in the sun EHOPST TOPHES CORRSU pre CURSOR s y, es#, ary# ial ily, iness, inesses 2 a light indicator on a computer display CRUORS AEFKLS corn snow soot# FLAKES AAGLNS l# ALANGS# 2 LAGANS AELMST bi, gun non pro#, semi, misch# METALS mith, miths 3 LAMEST ream#, reams# SAMLET s a young salmon, also SALMONET# FILLLU LIFULL# full of life CLMOSU LOCUMS HOORST p# ORTHOS# es is, cope#, copes# copic tatic ..5 DDESST STEDDS# EEGNRS re, sen# sha, ever over#, micro# monde#, winter GREENS and ick ome#, ands hank omes# peak# ..13 3 sub GENRES GERNES# AALPSU meno, premeno, perimeno# postmeno PAUSAL pertaining to a break or rest in speaking or writing EMSTTU MUTEST ACGINS en in un, car# dis, show, lower stair# upper CASING s, head#, heads# a protective outer covering IJKMUZ MUZJIK s a Russian peasant, also MUZHIK, MOUJIK, MUJIK EHSTTY TYTHES EEOPPS OPEPES# ACCINS SICCAN {such=adj} CEEHLS SLEECH# y#, es#, ier#, iest# 2 a mud flat f, ca, parf LECHES CHLNSU SCHULN DEERSU REUSED AANNST ANNATS# 2 pla# TANNAS# HNSSTU SHUNTS ADDENS DESAND s, ed, ing 4 to remove sand from DEDANS a gallery for tennis spectators [n DEDANS] SADDEN s, ed, ing to make {sad=adj} de SANDED EGILNS b# d g# j k# l# m p# s t, cr sh sw tr#, bem ..9 INGLES 3 cas SINGLE d s t, ts, dom# ton, doms# hood# ness ..9 to select from a group LIGNES# AABLLR LABRAL# relating to the LABRUM, lip-like CDEKLU c p, mis# unp LUCKED DDEFFU DUFFED# AADMMN MADMAN a man who is insane [n MADMEN] CCENOS a#, en in#, pig# SCONCE d s to {fine=v} DEKNRU DUNKER s one that {dunks=v} CCEEHL CLECHE# voided HMPRUY MURPHY a {potato=n} [n MURPHIES] AEHMMR s, re, bush# claw jack trip#, ninny ..2 HAMMER s, ed er, ers ing kop man# men# toe ..13 to strike repeatedly FFIOST SOFFIT s the underside of an architectural structure AGILNS pre SIGNAL s, ed er ly, ers ing ise ize led ler ..18 7 to notify by means of communication LASING s# the act of using a laser LINGAS m, re, mis ALIGNS ALGINS kao LIANGS hoo mul LIGANS AINSSW cox, boat cock SWAINS CCHNOO CONCHO s, id, ids, idal logy, idally logies ..3 concha (ornamental disk) CDEIKL c f s, un, fro gar rol, boot outs, hydrau# LICKED AABEMS end ent myx AMEBAS ALLNSU NULLAS# GIIKNN d f j k l o p r# s t# w z#, bl bo ch cl dr ..40 INKING BCEEKS BECKES# ACMOPS CAMPOS 2 COMPAS s t#, sed ses, sing sion, sable sings# ..10 a popular music of Haiti BDEKSU BUSKED CIMMNU CUMMIN s, gtonite#, gtonites# seed used for flavouring, also CUMIN AALNSY i# NYALAS CHIIPP HIPPIC# about horses DEELPP sh, sch LEPPED# ELMSST re, jack SMELTS EKLMSU SKELUM# s# 2 a scamp MUSKLE# s# an edible marine shellfish DDDEIL un# LIDDED 2 con#, para tara, tarra DIDDLE d r s y, rs ys to {swindle=v} DEGGOS SOGGED ABILRS BRASIL s, in, ein ins, eins 3 a {dyewood=n} BRAILS LIBRAS ACMNOS SOCMAN 3 a tenant by socage, also SOCAGER, SOCKMAN, SOKEMAN [n SOCMEN] li, stra#, panphar# MACONS MASCON s dense material lying beneath the moon's surface AEGGGL GAGGLE d s to {cackle=v} ENNSTU UNSENT enced#, imental 2 not sent d f UNNEST# s#, ed#, ing# to turn out of a nest AEPRRT PRATER s 2 one who {prates=v} de# im PARTER# s#, re, res one that {parts=v} AHMPSU s MASHUP# s# a blend of music sources or web pages MNOOSY MONOSY# llabic llable mmetry# naptic ..7 a separation of parts normally fused, also MONOSIS# [n MONOSIES#] EHKORS un, non KOSHER s, ed, ing to prepare food according to Jewish dietary law BEIKRS mini BIKERS BIKNSU BUSKIN g s, ed gs# a boot DEHLSU SHULED# 2 b f s, unf#, outb outf# LUSHED FLORSU rye#, corn# FLOURS 3 fur# FUROLS# electro# FLUORS par, pars EEEPPS PEEPES# IPRSTU SPRUIT# s# 4 a watercourse UPSTIR s, red, ring to stir up PURIST s, ic, ical#, ically one who practises purism UPRIST# s# a {rising=n} ACHNOS SANCHO# s# 3 a West African guitar r s# ANCHOS NACHOS DKORSY DROSKY an open carriage, also DROSHKY [n DROSKIES] HLMOOS SHOLOM s a Jewish greeting or farewell, also SHALOM IIKMNS SIMKIN# s# champagne AELPPY APPLEY# like an apple EGMNSU e# MUNGES# EFILRS de, pro FILERS 4 low mid, anti, umbel LIFERS high FLIERS t RIFLES AERRSU c URARES 2 e, emb RASURE s an {erasure=n} ACMOST SCAMTO# s# 2 the argot of urban South African blacks MASCOT s a talisman, or anything supposed to bring good luck ADDDEL d f# p r s w, sw tw, res spr str uns, offs# ..3 ADDLED 2 ske DADDLE d s to {diddle=v} AABMNS AMBANS# EOPPSU POUPES# AAPRRS PARRAS# AEHNPS un, mis, under# SHAPEN GHIOSS SHOGIS FFHORS SHROFF s, ed, age# ing, ages# to test for authenticity (coins) ADDEMM un#, god DAMMED AEGMRS litho# MARGES 3 GAMERS GRAMES# FFKOSS SKOFFS# DEELST ELDEST 3 {oldest=adj} mo, unmo LESTED# STEELD# AAARST SATARA s a woollen fabric AAIKLS bala LAIKAS# BJLMUY JUMBLY# {messy=adj} [adj JUMBLIER#, JUMBLIEST#] CCOPUY re, pre OCCUPY ing to reside in, also OCCUPATE# [v OCCUPIED, OCCUPYING, OCCUPIES] ENRRSU fo RERUNS 2 NURSER s y, ies, yman ymen, ymaid#, ymaids# a baby's bottle EGMRSU GRUMES BBDEOR DOBBER s 2 one who {dobs=v} be# th, outth ROBBED ACCDEH CACHED 2 CHACED# BDENSU s# UNBEDS# 2 SUNBED# s# a sun lounger EIMRST de MERITS 7 SMITER s one who {smites=v} de la, pal, beet# MISTER m s y#, ed# ms, ies# ing# med, ming to address as mister f# REMITS s, fe# la# li ly# un vo, sci, deli dyna MITERS un MITRES rag#, auto# flex over# TIMERS CDEEKL DECKLE d# s 2 a frame used in making paper by hand, also DECKEL DECKEL s a frame used in making paper by hand, also DECKLE BBERTU RUBBET# 2 TUBBER s one that {tubs=v} BDEERS BREDES 2 in re, out sub, over, color cross inter, incross# BREEDS HNOOPS PHONOS cope#, copes# ILSTTY STILTY# 2 {stiff=adj} [adj STILTIER#, STILTIEST#] SLITTY of an opening, long and narrow [adj SLITTIER, SLITTIEST] KOORST STROOK e#, en# es# AEFHSS SHEAFS 2 FASHES BBGLOY GLOBBY full of globs [adj GLOBBIER, GLOBBIEST] CEKPRU un PUCKER s y, ed er, ers ier ing, iest ooed# to gather into small wrinkles or folds BILSST STILBS# BEEKRS BREEKS trousers CCHLNU CLUNCH# es# a tough clay CEISSY pseudo CYESIS pregnancy [n CYESES] AALMNY LAYMAN a member of the laity [n LAYMEN] AIKNST TAKINS DORSSW mi, cus pas, back cros, broad short# small SWORDS man men, tick#, ticks#, manship, manships CEHSTY CHESTY 2 {proud=adj} [adj CHESTIER, CHESTIEST] SCYTHE d r# s, rs#, man# men#, like# to cut with a single-bladed cutting implement, also SITHE# ACLMPY CAMPLY# in an effeminate manner BBEKOS KEBOBS BKMNUU BUNKUM s {nonsense=n} ELMOST METOLS 3 MOTELS MOLEST s, ed er, ers ful# ing, ation, ations to touch or interfere with HIKSSW egg# WHISKS AGINNS f# INGANS# 2 SANING EIMSSX hetero# SEXISM s prejudice or discrimination against one sex EGGGIL GIGGLE d r s, rs, some# to laugh in a silly manner AEHMRS HAREMS 4 SHAMER# s# one who causes shame SHMEAR s an aggregate of related things s MASHER s one that {mashes=v} CEEHKS CHEEKS DEELSU d, pr ELUDES 2 LEUDES BBEOSU BUBOES AEHRRS SHARER s 2 one who {shares=v} b c t, th, gatec# RASHER s a thin slice of meat ABDERR de em im# un, dis out#, crow unde#, cross BARRED DELORS p RESOLD er, ers, ered, ering 4 DROLES# t# DORSEL s an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar, also DOSSAL, DOSSEL re un SOLDER s, ed er, ers ing, able# ings#, ability, abilities to join together with heat BBILLU BULBIL s a small bulb, also BULBEL, BULBLET ACMSTU MUSCAT s, el, els, oria#, orium# a sweet, white grape BBEILR g LIBBER s a liberationist AOPRST ASPORT# s#, ed#, ing#, ation#, ations# 3 to wrongfully carry away co PASTOR s, al ed ly, ale ali als ate ing ium ..12 to serve as a spiritual head PORTAS# es# a portable book of devotions, also PORTESSE#, PORTEOUS#, PORTESS#, PORTHORS#, PORTHOS#, PORTOUS# CEHHSU s HEUCHS 2 SHEUCH s, ed#, ing# to plant temporarily, also SHEUGH AACCSY YACCAS# AAMNNS MANNAS AALNNS ANNALS DEILPS SPILED 5 DISPLE# d# s#, ase, ased ases nish#, asant# ..16 to discipline DISPEL s, led ler, lers ling to drive away and scatter SLIPED LISPED EOPPST EPOPTS# AAHPPR PARAPH s, ed#, ing#, asia# asic# ilia# onia# ..29 to {initial=v} BERRRU BURRER s one that {burrs=v} CCEHIL CLICHE d s, ed# 2 a stereotyped phrase CHICLE s a tree gum IKSVVY SKIVVY ing to work as a female servant [v SKIVVIED, SKIVVYING, SKIVVIES] GIINPP bag, tail# PIPING s, ly a system of pipes AKNRSY SNARKY {snappish=adj} [adj SNARKIER, SNARKIEST] MOPRSU RUMPOS# FIRSST stand# FIRSTS 2 FRISTS# ACLOST sub, infra# inter sacro# supra#, sterno COSTAL s#, ly, gia#, gias# 2 a rib which supports an insect's wing OCTALS# ALRRSU RURALS# ACESTT SCEATT# as# 2 a small coin, also SCEAT# STACTE s a spice used to make incense EFFORS REFFOS# 2 c d g, fe pr re sc sw# tr, counter OFFERS CEEHMS SMEECH# ed# es#, ing# 2 to {smoke=v} out SCHEME d r s, rs to plan or plot GIMNSU a, be, una, manda MUSING s, ly contemplation HMOSUU HOUMUS# es# 2 a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre post HUMOUS# pertaining to {humus=n} CEORRS SCORER s 3 one who {scores=v} CRORES s, suc CORERS ALNRSU LUNARS EKORST in up, key out sun two#, back dead# ..9 STROKE d n# r s, rs, play# 4 to rub gently s TOKERS STOKER s one who {stokes=v} s, ins ups, keys outs suns, backs downs ..8 TROKES CEKORS c d h l m r, bl cl kn sh st tw#, hav, schl# ..8 OCKERS ABDELS di, nondi SABLED# 2 saw#, snow# tway, spule#, roller# switch BLADES AABBLR BARBAL pertaining to the beard AEHLRS t w, in, mars#, neandert# HALERS 4 ASHLER s, ed, ing, ings# to build with squared stones, also ASHLAR HALSER# s# a small cable c f p s, sp, back LASHER s one who {lashes=v} AKPSTU UPTAKS# DDEIMS DESMID s, ian a freshwater alga GMNOOS MONGOS ELLLOR LOLLER s one who {lolls=v} EFFLMU be# un MUFFLE d r s, rs, red to dull the sound of EGMMRY GREMMY an inexperienced surfer, also GREMMIE [n GREMMIES] EKRSTY TRYKES# CCHIKT TCHICK# s#, ed#, ing# to make a clicking sound ACIMST ono, doci# poly#, antono# parono MASTIC h# s, he hs# ot#, ate hes ots#, able# ..9 2 an aromatic resin, also MASTICHE, MASTIX MISACT s, ed, ing to act badly IMMOSU irid# OSMIUM s a metallic element FIKLSS FLISKS# EKPRSU PUKERS# AEMNST l, arm atr# fil lig orn par viz#, firm ..24 AMENTS 3 STAMEN s, ed a pollen-bearing organ of a flowering plant dia spu# MANTES ACHKRU CHUKAR s a game bird CHNSSY SYNCHS AAMMNT AMTMAN# s# a district magistrate, also AMMAN# EHHNPY HYPHEN s, ed ic, ate ing ise# ism# ize#, ated ..16 to connect words with a punctuation mark BBDENU s NUBBED# HOOSSW SWOOSH ed es, ing to make a noise like a rush or air or water CEEISS ECESIS es the establishment of a plant or animal in a new environment EGLSUY GUYLES# ACILLS LILACS 2 SCILLA s a flowering plant BCKNUU NUBUCK s a soft sueded leather AABBGS GABBAS# ACDEHS en in#, pur, repur unpur#, prepur, steeple# CHASED 2 en un CASHED DDHOSY SHODDY a low-quality wool [n SHODDIES] / of inferior quality [adj SHODDIER, SHODDIEST] DEHOST g, co HOSTED 2 TOSHED# EEKNRS SKREEN# s# 2 a partition KERNES ABDERS SERDAB s 7 a chamber within an ancient Egyptian tomb de, blue gray grey#, goats# hawks# white BEARDS ARDEBS SABRED em#, bee fry rye# sow tea# way#, clap# ..10 BREADS tick# tuff, ticks# tuffs si DEBARS bom# BARDES ACHIST TAISCH# es# 2 second sight, also TAISH# SCAITH# s#, ed#, ing#, less# to {injure=v} ABHHIS SHIBAH s a period of mourning, also SHIVA, SHIVAH EGRSTU GUTSER# s# a heavy fall, also GUTZER# CMOSUY CYMOUS resembling a cyme, also CYMOSE DEHMMU c HUMMED ACCOSY ACCOYS# BEORST STROBE d# s 3 to produce vibrating bright light BESORT# s#, ed#, ing# to {match=v} SORBET s a {sherbet=n} BBOOOO BOOBOO k# s, ks# a mistake EGLNSU GUNSEL s 2 a {gunman=n} b p, imp# rep, muskel# LUNGES CEKLRU b# t RUCKLE d s to wrinkle or crease, also RUCK CDIMSU MUSCID s any of a genus of flies, also MUSCA OPSSTW STOWPS EMNOST me mo pi, diverti risorgi, aggiorna, pronuncia MENTOS# 2 MONTES EHMRSU en# RHEUMS 2 MUSHER s one that {mushes=v} AABBCY ABBACY the office of an abbot, also ABBOTCY [n ABBACIES] AAKLPS KALPAS IIKNPP PIPKIN s a small pot ABLMSU ALBUMS DDESTU a#, be#, saw#, over# DUSTED EHNRSU RUSHEN# made of rushes CLMOPY COMPLY ing to {obey=v} [v COMPLIED, COMPLYING, COMPLIES] ADHHWY WHYDAH s an African bird ADEKRR DARKER 2 RARKED# ACDELS phyllo CLADES 3 DECALS de# re un up, bera down over SCALED BBDELO b f# LOBBED HKNOOS SHNOOK s an easily deceived person, also SCHNOOK NOPRSY PROYNS# GLMPSU GLUMPS# the sulks AADMRS docu melo mono, choreo# psycho DRAMAS 3 DAMARS MADRAS a, ah as es sa, ahs sah sas, sahs a cotton fabric IMPRSU PURISM s 2 strict adherence to traditional correctness PRIMUS es the head bishop of Scotland DDENOS un# SODDEN s, ed ly, ing, ness, nesses to make {soggy=adj} GIINPS gos SIPING ADLNSU SULDAN s 2 a Muslim ruler, also SOLDAN, SOUDAN LAUNDS# BEELNS NEBELS# 2 LEBENS raum, raums DDEERR sh REDDER s one that {redds=v} EGGINS GINGES# ENOPRS un, bar# lay non, news post# wait ..19 PERSON a s, ae al as, age als ate ify ise# ize# ..54 3 a human being PREONS# PRONES# t# ACENRS CASERN e s, es 6 a barracks for soldiers, also CASERNE CRENAS# CRANES bill, bills co#, cor# NACRES chi CANERS p t, du su#, amo# ent ite out vib, aber ..62 RANCES MPSTUY STUMPY cash [n STUMPIES#] / short and thick [adj STUMPIER, STUMPIEST] CCEIRS CERCIS es a shrub AAEKLS AKELAS 2 ASLAKE# d# s# to {slake=v} DELOSU be# en in un# SOULED 2 having a soul b f#, de ja#, cal jea#, uncal LOUSED MOORST pro# pul tri, aero# dyna loco, servo ..3 MOTORS hip, hips EEHKLS SHEKEL s, im an ancient unit of weight and money, also SHEQEL [n SHEKELS or SHEKALIM or SHEKELIM] EIPPRY YIPPER# s# a golfer suffering from yips EMNORS cre# cro# MORNES# 2 SERMON s, ed# er# et# ic, eer# ers# ets# ing# ..17 to preach a religious discourse AAGNNS NGANAS# EEHLST LETHES DMOOSY SODOMY anal intercourse [n SODOMIES] ANSTTU TAUNTS 2 TUTSAN# s# park leaves AHIKLS LAKISH# resembling the Lake school CCKNOU UNCOCK s, ed, ing to remove from a cocked position CELOOS LOCOES ACMRSU SACRUM s a bone of the pelvis [n SACRUMS or SACRA] AHILMS LAMISH# somewhat lame EEGGLS a#, al# LEGGES# AILPST ho, nonho, postho, multiho SPITAL s 3 a {hospital=n} un PLAITS PASTIL s y#, le, les a lozenge, also PASTILLE DMOSUU DUMOUS# bushy, also DUMOSE# KNNSUU UNSUNK not sunk ALNOST STANOL s 4 a fully saturated phytosterol SANTOL s, ina, inas a tropical tree e, pan# TALONS or, por# TOLANS CCOSTU STUCCO s, ed er es, ers ing, work, works 2 to coat with a type of plaster SUCCOT# h, ash, ashes AMRSTY SMARTY pants# a would-be smart person, also SMARTASS, SMARTIE [n SMARTIES] GINPSY PIGSNY# 3 a term of endearment to a woman, also PIGSNEY, PIGSNIE# [n PIGSNIES#] SYPING# e, counter# SPYING s# the act of spying AAIMNS api ego zoo, dino# ergo# hypo info# ..50 MANIAS 2 ANIMAS ABBKOS KABOBS 2 BOBAKS# EELSTT f k m n p s, res uns, pres teak ETTLES# 2 re un, pre SETTLE d r s, rs, able ment, dness# ments, dnesses# to place in a desired order ERSTUU UTERUS es 2 an organ of female mammals [n UTERUSES or UTERI] SUTURE d s to unite by sewing BHMRSU RHUMBS CEESSX EXCESS ed es, ing ive, ively, iveness, ivenesses to eliminate the position of AINSSV SAVINS ALOPRS exo# SPORAL 3 resembling a spore PAROLS POLARS CEHMSY mesen, sarcen# CHYMES KLMRUY MURKLY darkly CCEHSY YECCHS CCEKOT COCKET# s# a custom-house certificate DEMPPU re, over PUMPED AEKLST SKLATE# d# s# 3 to cover with slate LATKES f LASKET# s# a loop at the foot of a sail EGPPRY GYPPER s one that {gyps=v} ACHKOS SHACKO s, es a type of military hat, also SHAKO CHIKST THICKS et, ets kin#, kins# 5 KITSCH y, es, ier# ify ily#, iest# ness#, ified ..3 faddish art or literature SCHTIK s a corny comedy routine, also SHTICK, SCHTICK SKITCH# ed# es#, ing# (New Zealand) of a dog, to attack SHTICK s y, ier, iest a corny comedy routine, also SCHTICK, SHTIK CCEHIR CHICER AAHLRS ASHLAR s, ed, ing, ings# 2 to build with squared stones, also ASHLER LAHARS AANSYY NAYSAY s, er, ers ing, ings to oppose or deny [v NAYSAID, NAYSAYING, NAYSAYS] MPSTUU SPUTUM {saliva=n} [n SPUTA] DENORS REDONS 6 la ma pa, squa#, epiden#, norethin DRONES out SNORED RONDES# SORNED SONDER s a class of small yachts AALRSW SALWAR# s# a long tunic worn over a pair of baggy trousers, worn by women in Pakistan AAALPP PALAPA s an open-sided dwelling with a roof of palm leaves DEOPRS PEDROS 4 SPORED be# PROSED DOPERS HIRRSS SHIRRS GINRSU r# UNRIGS 3 RUINGS# u#, as en in, cen clo fis lei# mea ton ..18 SURING# CHHOOT HOOTCH es cheap whiskey, also HOOCH BEOSSU BOUSES EILOPS PILOSE 3 covered with hair, also PILEOUS, PILOUS necro POLEIS duo, mono, oligo, biblio# POLIES CLNOOS CONSOL e s, ed er es, ate# ers ing ute#, able# ..22 2 a government bond semi COLONS AIMRST AMRITS# CCHIPU HICCUP s y#, ed, ing ped, ping to make a peculiar-sounding spasmodic inhalation, also HICCOUGH AELNSY in SANELY in a sane manner ELLOST TOLSEL# s# a merchants' meeting place, also TOLSEY#, TOLZEY# ABBDRY DRABBY# sluttish, also DRABBISH# [adj DRABBIER#, DRABBIEST#] CHHNOO HONCHO s, ed, ing to take charge of DELOPS SLOPED AEHKSY ASHKEY# s# the winged fruit of the ash tree EGLLOS SOLGEL involving changes in the state of a colloidal system EOPRSY OSPREY s an American hawk ELOSTU ab re, con# dis, irre SOLUTE s 2 a dissolved substance TOUSLE d s to dishevel, also TOUSE, TOUZLE EGRRSU REGURS# 3 b p s, sco spl, hamb, beefb# fishb# ..3 URGERS SURGER s y, ies one that {surges=v} EELMRS MERLES 2 go MERELS# CILNOS pi, per#, fran COLINS 2 NICOLS AHNSTY SHANTY man men, town, towns a small, crudely built dwelling [n SHANTIES] HOPSTU UPSHOT s 2 the final result TOPHUS a deposit of urates in the tissue around a joint [n TOPHI] EIIRSS la#, sat, vamp# IRISES ABERRT BARRET s, or ry te, ors ter# tes, ries rous# ..2 2 a flat cap BARTER s, ed er, ers ing to trade by exchange CEERSU in re, non SECURE d r s, ly rs st, ment ness, ments, nesses 6 to make safe or certain / free from danger RESCUE d r s, rs to free from danger CEREUS es a tall cactus RECUSE d s to disqualify or challenge as judge in a particular case CESURE# s# a break CERUSE s a lead compound ABNRSU BURANS 2 UNBARS ABLSTY homo#, hetero# BLASTY 2 {gusty=adj} [adj BLASTIER, BLASTIEST] un, adju# dete meta, conte#, contra#, inconte STABLY in a stable manner EEPRRS SPERRE# d# s# to {bolt=v} CEHORS t, mo, smo OCHERS 5 b# c# t, ca so, car ROCHES# COSHER s y#, ed er#, ers# ies# ing, ings# to {coddle=v} iso poe zoo, anemo# hydro#, kineto CHORES OCHRES EHMMOS gentils# HOMMES# CCORSU re OCCURS 3 CROCUS es a flowering plant [n CROCUSES or CROCI] SUCCOR s y, ed er, ers ies ing, able# less# to go to the aid of, also SUCCOUR IKLSTY SKYLIT having a skylight BEELLS ga, mira BELLES ADNSST up, bed cab hat# ink out, band book ..18 STANDS till, tills AACSSV CAVASS# es# a type of servant EGGILS LIGGES# ABNORS BARONS COPRSU CROUPS 2 CORPUS es, cle, cles cule#, cular cules# ..3 a human or animal body [n CORPUSES or CORPORA] BEELMS as en re, dis, reas, disas misas subas# SEMBLE# d# s# to {collect=v} EEMRSU d# l EMURES# 2 p RESUME d r s, rs to begin again EGOPRS dra GROPES 2 PORGES# CMMNOO un, dis# COMMON s, ed# er ey# ly, age ers est eys# ing# ..23 to {board=v} / {ordinary=adj} ABBGRY GRABBY tending to grab [adj GRABBIER, GRABBIEST] ABRSTU ABURST# in a bursting condition ABCISS ultra BASICS CEEHRS CREESH y#, ed es, ier# ing, iest# 2 to {grease=v} en# up# CHEERS AGHHSU SHAUGH s 2 a {thicket=n} s HAUGHS ABELMM EMBALM s, ed er, ers ing, ings# ment, ments to preserve a dead body, also IMBALM CCEHLO CLOCHE s a close-fitting hat EOPPRY POPERY 2 Roman Catholicism [n POPERIES] PYROPE s a variety of garnet CCEHLU CLEUCH# s# a ravine, also CLOUGH, CLEUGH# ABEORS BOREAS es the north wind AEGRST a# GRASTE# 8 of grace RETAGS GREATS up STAGER s y#, ies# an experienced person theolo# GASTER s, opod#, opods#, opodous# the enlarged part of the abdomen in some insects ag# in mi re, emi, deni immi inte remi ..6 GRATES ne, tail, divul# GATERS TARGES CLOSSW SCOWLS DENNOS DONNES# ENRSTU UNREST s, ed, ful ing, ored, ingly# raint, rained ..9 2 a disturbed or uneasy state impor TUNERS ANPRSU UNSPAR# s#, ed#, ing red#, ring#, ingly, ingness#, ingnesses# to withdraw a spa from DIMSSY MYSIDS FFLPUY PLUFFY# {fluffy=adj} [adj PLUFFIER#, PLUFFIEST#] EGISSU a#, dis, epilo# prolo#, catalo# monolo# GUISES 2 GUSSIE d s to dress up in fine or showy clothes, also GUSSY CCILOS bu COLICS AAILMS LAMIAS 3 ALISMA# s#, ceous# a water plant SALAMI s a seasoned sausage CEIMRS be, non, auto#, cyber# CRIMES AESSTY YEASTS 2 SAYEST AEMRST on up, air bit jet mid, blog# down ..12 STREAM s y, ed er, bed ers ier ing let, beds ..19 8 to flow in a steady current ani, inti MATERS TREMAS# re, cre# mix# out pay spy sur# web ..39 MASTER s y, ed ly, ate# dom ful ies ing, ates# ..28 to accomplish ARMETS ap# me vi TAMERS RAMETS MATRES familias# HMPTUY HUMPTY# 2 a low padded seat [n HUMPTIES#] TUMPHY# a blockhead [n TUMPHIES#] DEIPRS c RISPED# 6 REDIPS cy# PRIDES ap re, com mis# sur, unap#, enter# ..2 PRISED SPIDER s y, ier ish man# men# web, iest like ..7 a type of {arachnid=n} a, in re su, con per, rein tran unin SPIRED AACCLP CALPAC k s, ks a sheepskin hat, also CALPACK, KALPAC BLOSWY BLOWSY {slovenly=adj} [adj BLOWSIER, BLOWSIEST] EHMSTY cyclo# THYMES HIPPWY WHIPPY {whiplike=adj} [adj WHIPPIER, WHIPPIEST] MOOPRS PROMOS AAMPRS PRAAMS LLOSWY SLOWLY in a slow manner IMNOOS SIMOON s 2 a hot, dry desert wind, also SIMOOM, SAMIEL SOMONI a monetary unit of Tajikistan AENNPS PANNES EIPRRS SPRIER 4 u, ap, sur, enter PRISER# e s#, es a contestant for a prize, also PRIZER g, st RIPERS# PRIERS ELPSUY PUSLEY s 2 a herb used in salads, also PURSLANE, PURPIE#, PURPY#, PURSLAIN#, PUSSLEY, PUSSLY SPULYE# d# s#, ing# to plunder (pr p SPULYEING#), also SPULYIE#, SPULZIE# AHHLPY HYPHAL pertaining to {hypha=n} ADHHIS SHAHID# s# a martyr for the Islamic faith, also SHAHEED# CERSTU CRUSET s 7 a melting pot ERUCTS CURETS p RECUTS RECTUS a straight muscle [n RECTI] CRUETS TRUCES EEHMMR HEMMER s one that {hems=v} EIKLST LIKEST AFFLWY WAFFLY in an wordy manner [adj WAFFLIER, WAFFLIEST] EOSSTV cook wood STOVES EILMPS IMPELS 2 over, ultra SIMPLE d# r s x, rs# st, sse# ton xes, ness sses# ..4 to gather medicinal plants / not complicated ACILST re CITALS# 2 me, poe# rus ver via, prac, ellip sabba ..5 TICALS ACELRS SCLERA e l s 6 the outermost membrane of the eyeball pre, over, mononu CLEARS kin#, kins# tory, toried# tories p, fi# so, rep, disp outp# LACERS RECALS# SCALER s one that {scales=v} CARLES s AHMRSY MARSHY resembling a {marsh=n} [adj MARSHIER, MARSHIEST] ACFFHU CHAUFF# s#, ed# er, ers eur ing#, eurs euse# ..5 to {chafe=v} EILMMR g s, ag LIMMER s a scoundrel EIKPPR s, muds KIPPER s, ed er, ers ing to cure fish by salting and smoking ELNSTU LUNETS ACDISS ASDICS CKLPSU PLUCKS AEILMM LAMMIE# s# a thin jumper or coat, also LAMMY# ACDEKL CALKED 2 b c f s, fors# shel, fores# LACKED HMOOST be re un#, super ultra SMOOTH s y, ed en er es ie ly, ens ers est ies ..13 2 to free from lumps, also SMOOTHEN / having a surface free from irregularities SHTOOM# {quiet=adj} BIMNSU cumulo NIMBUS ed es a luminous cloud [n NIMBUSES or NIMBI] AELMNS bi, com MENSAL 2 belonging to the table LEMANS ACIMRS ost, anti RACISM s 2 a doctrine of racial superiority CIMARS# AHOSST HOSTAS 3 HOASTS# SHOATS ACDEMM s CAMMED# DEPSTU STUPED# AENPRS p#, sh, resh ARPENS AHRSTY TRASHY worthless [adj TRASHIER, TRASHIEST] IKLPSU PIKULS# AIIMMS MISAIM s, ed, ing to aim badly ABELSY BELAYS 3 BASELY lowly BAYLES# EINPPR s, galli NIPPER s, ed#, ing# kin#, kins# to seize together ADERST up, out, over# STARED 6 up DATERS STEARD# es#, out, anti news# over, balus, counter TRADES man men, folk#, folks# woman# women# ..5 be# ou re un TREADS DERATS CHLSTU SLUTCH# y#, es#, ier#, iest# (English dialect) mud AEKNRS NERKAS# 4 b c h j# r t w y#, fl fr sk sp sw# th, emb# ..3 ANKERS# gen, spin NAKERS# RANKES# t BEFFLU BUFFEL# as in buffel duck, the [adj BUFFLEHEAD] ABMMOS MAMBOS BBHJOO HOBJOB# s#, bed# ber#, bers# bing#, bings# to do odd jobs EINPRS counter SNIPER s, scope, scopes 3 one who {snipes=v} over#, dukke# RIPENS REPINS HMSUUY HUMUSY# having much humus GLLOOS LOLOGS# DEKSTU TUSKED ELOPPR sa PROPEL s, led ler lor, lant lent lers ling ..5 2 to drive forward f LOPPER s, ed, ing to curdle, also LAPPER CCEORS ESCROC# s# 3 a {swindler=n} RECCOS# SOCCER s a type of ball game BELORS tem BLORES# 2 ROBLES AEGNRS SERANG# s# 5 an Oriental boatswain b d g h l# m r s, ch cl fl fr# gr sk# sl# ..25 ANGERS RENGAS# SANGER s a sandwich, also SANGO# g o, ar de en# st, cit# est mid out, omni ..5 RANGES LSTTUY SUTTLY# 2 in a subtle manner SLUTTY characteristic of a slut [adj SLUTTIER, SLUTTIEST] ELLLRU LULLER s one that {lulls=v} AMRSTU STRUMA e s, tic a disease of the lymph glands, also SCROFULA BMORSU RUMBOS# 2 MORBUS# es# disease ALMRSY MYLARS AACCLR CALCAR s, ia, ate ine#, eous, iform#, eously, iferous# a type of {oven=n} / in anatomy, a spur-like projection DEMMPU MUMPED BOORST ae# ROBOTS ACHIRS co ma# un, arm bed, deck# head# high ..3 CHAIRS 2 a# RACHIS es, chises# chisis# the spinal column, also RHACHIS [n RACHISES or RACHIDES] ELSTTY STYLET s a small, stiff organ of certain animals BBEILS ri# BIBLES s KNOPSS KNOSPS ALMOST MATLOS# 4 SMALTO s coloured glass used in mosaics [n SMALTOS or SMALTI] ALMOST very nearly peri#, entero STOMAL pertaining to the stoma, also STOMATAL AERSTT ARETTS# 7 ASTERT# s#, ed#, ing# to start up, also ASTART# up, down STATER s, oom, ooms one who {states=v} cy, poe tea, cheese# TASTER s one who {tastes=v} TETRAS emic# pore tich# tyle#, pores poric ..12 s, ups, hesi, downs gravi# TATERS en es ex# in re, mal mis pre, over, misen# TREATS AHHIRS HARISH# somewhat like a hare CEISSU CUISSE r# s, rs# a piece of armour for the thigh, also CUISH AFFLSU LUFFAS AEHKMS SAMEKH s a Hebrew letter, also SAMEK, SAMECH FFIPSY SPIFFY ing {stylish=adj} [adj SPIFFIER, SPIFFIEST] / to make {spiffy=adj} [v SPIFFIED, SPIFFYING, SPIFFIES] CHKOOS CHOOKS 2 CHOKOS# AELLST ca# ro, hau, fene# STELLA r s, te, ted, tely#, rator#, rators# 2 a former coin of the United States SALLET s a light medieval helmet ADEGGG un#, lally lolly GAGGED AHIPPS PAPISH# er# es#, ers# a {papist=n} DEEKMS SMEKED# ACHPPU CHUPPA h s, hs a Jewish wedding ceremony, also CHUPPAH, HUPPAH BCCISU CUBICS ABCCOS CABOCS# 3 saltim BOCCAS# to BACCOS# AEMMSY MAMEYS AENPST PESANT# e# s# 2 a peasant, also PESAUNT#, PEZANT# PATENS CHIORS ORCHIS es 4 an {orchid=n} ICHORS CHIROS po#, mou, ante, retro# CHOIRS creen# talls#, creens# ACHILS LAICHS DELPSS SPELDS# ALLMSU MULLAS ACKPRS SPRACK# le#, led# les#, ling# {vigorous=adj} BKOSXY SKYBOX es an enclosure of seats high in a stadium BBIMOS BIMBOS AKLPSU PULKAS# GLOPPY GLOPPY being or resembling glop [adj GLOPPIER, GLOPPIEST] ACCHRT s, backs# CRATCH es a feed box for cattle APSSUW WASSUP# what's up DEEPPR p REPPED KNOSST STONKS# AILRST en, con dis#, breas# disen# TRAILS ide 2 pa# re, mis pre, indus, terres, subterres# TRIALS GINPSU PIGNUS 2 property held as security for a debt [n PIGNORA] con# SPUING CKMOSS SMOCKS AEELLS c m s# ALLEES 3 SALLEE# s# the Australian acacia tes# vul# SELLAE# AANNNS NANNAS# EILPST STIPEL s, late# a small appendage of a leaf AHLRSY b, over# RASHLY in a rash manner AILSSW SWAILS CCIRSU CIRCUS y, es sy# a public entertainment CCISTY oto, poly, fibro sporo#, nemato# tricho# CYSTIC erci, ercus, ercoid, ercoids ercoses ercosis pertaining to a {cyst=n} CIIRSS ec#, epi# non pre, post CRISIS a crucial turning point [n CRISES] CELPSY CLYPES# AEGLST e h# AGLETS EERRST TERSER 2 p w, ar fo, defo#, agrofo RESTER s one that {rests=v} AILMRS ARMILS# EFFSTU tar TUFFES# AEGPRS SPARGE d r s, rs 6 to {sprinkle=v} GAPERS ram, radio# PAGERS GRAPES eed# hot, eeds# hots# tone#, tones# GASPER s, eau, eaus# eaux a cigarette s PARGES EEKRSU RESKUE# d# s# to rescue, also RESKEW# AACHNS tr# ASHCAN s 3 a metal receptacle for garbage CHANAS# NACHAS pride in another's accomplishments [n NACHAS] FHISSU HUSSIF# s# a pocket sewing-kit AADMNS DAMANS HIOPST PITHOS# a type of Greek storage jar [n PITHOI#] ELORSU t# ROULES# 3 de LOUSER# s# an unpleasant person LOURES# CEHSTU para rota# CHUTES 2 TUSCHE s a liquid used in lithography ACELNS re, pre, over, house CLEANS e, ed er es, ers ing kin#, able# ings# kins# 3 ANCLES# e# g, ba va, par, ambu free imba jubi ..26 LANCES AAKSTT ATTASK# s# t#, ed#, ing# to take to task ACHSTU CUSHAT s a pigeon, also QUEEST#, QUIST#, QUOIST# BHLMUY HUMBLY in a humble manner IIMOSS se MIOSIS excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye, also MYOSIS [n MIOSES] ABEGRS BEGARS# 3 GARBES# BARGES t#, ts# CEMMRU s CUMMER s, bund, bunds a godmother, also KIMMER# CMMOOT COMMOT# e# s#, es#, ion, ions, ional# an early English land division, also COMMOTE# ILLSSW pig# SWILLS GIIKNS mono# para# turf, water SKIING s the sport of travelling on skis ELSTTU SUTTLE# d# s#, tie#, ties# to trade as a camp hawker BBEORS BEROBS# 2 SOBBER s one who {sobs=v} CEIKNS SICKEN s, ed er, ers ing, ings#, ingly to make {sick=adj} CILLSU port CULLIS es a gutter in a roof GIIMMN panto MIMING BBDELU BULBED AACCIM CAIMAC# s#, am#, ams# a Turkish officer, also CAIMACAM# ABIMRS MBIRAS 3 BISMAR# s# a type of weighing machine m IMBARS# EMOSSY MOSEYS 2 MYOSES AMNNSU UNMANS AGGGOS GOGGAS# ADEESS di SEASED# AGNORS SARONG s 6 a draped cloth worn around the hips NAGORS# ORANGS be GROANS j ARGONS m, centim ORGANS LMORSU MUSROL# s# the nose-band of a bridle AACHHL CHALAH s a kind of bread [n CHALAHS or CHALOT or CHALOTH] ELOPSY POLEYS# ABHMSU AMBUSH ed er es, ers ing, ment, ments to attack from a concealed place AAKNST ASKANT s#, ed#, ing# 2 to turn aside, also ASKANCE TANKAS AEMSTU MEATUS es 2 a natural body passage MUTASE s an {enzyme=n} ABPRSU SUBPAR t, ts, allel, agraph, agraphs below par AEOPPS p, tr APPOSE d r s, rs to place side by side DDEHSU DUSHED# ABBDEL be DABBLE d r s, rs to {splash=v} DEMSTU MUSTED EMPSTU SEPTUM s a dividing membrane or partition [n SEPTUMS or SEPTA] OSSTXY XYSTOS a roofed area for athletic training ancient Greece, also XYSTUS, XYST [n XYSTOI] BBEIKS KIBBES IINSST INSIST s, ed er, ent ers ing, ence ency, ences ..3 to maintain very firmly ABIRRS sweet BRIARS AEELMS MEASLE d s to infect with an infectious fever EHORRS SHORER# s# one who props up things ABEKST hand work, bread waste BASKET s, ry, ful, ball fuls like ries sful ..7 a container made of flexible material EORRST RETROS pect, exual# pects, exuals# pected ..6 5 p RESORT s, ed er, ers ing to sort again or differently re STORER s, oom, ooms one who stores things def ROSTER s, ed#, ing#, ings# to put on a list of duties as re, con#, kick# wool# SORTER s one that {sorts=v} CCIORS SCIROC# s#, co, cos a hot, gusty wind AHIPRS inter PARISH ad# en# es, ads# ens#, ioner, ioners 2 an ecclesiastical district RAPHIS a needle-shaped crystal occurring in plant cells, also RAPHIDE [n RAPHIDES] DDDEMU be# MUDDED AEHSSU HAUSES# AGRSTU TUGRAS# 2 anti TRAGUS a part of the external opening of the ear [n TRAGI] EGHRSU GUSHER s a gushing oil well BBKNOY KNOBBY full of knobs [adj KNOBBIER, KNOBBIEST] HIOSST ec# up# HOISTS EHLPPS SHLEPP s, ed er#, ers# ing to drag, also SCHLEP, SCHLEPP, SHLEP DEILMS be SLIMED 3 MISLED be, out SMILED LRSTUY SULTRY very hot and humid [adj SULTRIER, SULTRIEST] CEORSU re#, dis# COURES# 5 in# re, out, crowd# multi SOURCE d s, ful, book less, books to originate from s#, re, con dis mid, belt# damp# fore# ..10 COURSE d r s, rs, book# ware work#, books# ..2 to chase and hunt CROUSE ly {lively=adj} a, ul, can sor, mono#, adipo#, brachy# ..3 CEROUS pertaining to {cerium=n} CEMMOR dot# COMMER# e# s#, ce es# ge#, ced ces ged# ges# ..22 someone who comes AHPSSW PSHAWS AMMRRU MURRAM# s# 2 a tough gravel MARRUM# s# a beach grass, also MARRAM IRSSTY SYRTIS# an area of quicksand [n SYRTES#] BBDIKU DIBBUK s, im, kim# a wandering soul in Jewish folklore FFILLU under# FULFIL l s, ls, led ler, lers ling ment, lings# ..3 to bring about the accomplishment of, also FULFILL EGSSUY GUYSES# CHIPPY CHIPPY a prostitute, also CHIPPY [n CHIPPIES] / belligerent [adj CHIPPIER, CHIPPIEST] ILPPRY RIPPLY marked by ripples [adj RIPPLIER, RIPPLIEST] ALLNOS LLANOS 2 b g, sh# ALLONS# let us go ABBERR BARBER s, ed ry, ing, ries shop, shops to shave or cut the hair EORRSU SOURER 2 a g t, ca ROUSER s one that {rouses=v} AAHNST THANAS# AABCLS CABALS AORSSV out SAVORS ACCHOY COACHY# a {coachman=n} [n COACHIES#] / relating to a coach [adj COACHIER#, COACHIEST#] BEMMRU BUMMER s one that bums more BUM AAHHPT n APHTHA e the disease thrush AELSTU re SALUTE d r s, rs to greet with a sign of respect AEIMST MISEAT s, en, ing 5 to eat improperly [v MISATE, MISEATEN, MISEATING, MISEATS] SAMITE s a silk fabric TAMISE# s a woollen fabric MISATE MATIES# t GIPPRY GRIPPY affected with the grippe [adj GRIPPIER, GRIPPIEST] CCEHOR CROCHE# s# t, ts, ted ter, ters ting, tings# a knob at the top of a deer's horn AAABRS ARABAS# GLMSUY SMUGLY in a smug manner CDLLOY COLDLY 2 in a cold manner CLODLY# in a cloddy manner AIRSSU RUSSIA# s# Russian leather PRSTUY UPRYST# BEMORS BROMES 5 b c s#, fireb#, beachc superb OMBERS SOMBRE d# r# s#, ly ro st#, ros, ness# rite# ..2 to make {dismal=adj} / {gloomy=adj} SOMBER s#, ed# er# ly, est# ing#, ness, nesses to make {dismal=adj} / {gloomy=adj} h s# OMBRES BDELOS BODLES# CHKLOO KLOOCH# es#, man# men#, mans# a North American Indian woman, also KLOOTCH# AACPRS SCARPA# s#, ed#, ing# 2 to {escape=v} CARAPS# CHILOS CHOLIS# CDLOSS out SCOLDS IMRRSS SMIRRS# FFIKSS SKIFFS BFFOUY BUYOFF s a payment for a consideration ACHLLY epo, monar#, acrony#, patriar# CHALLY a light fabric, also CHALLIE, CHALLIS [n CHALLIES] CEFFLU s CUFFLE# d# s#, ss to {scuffle=v} AIPRST the, aromathe chemothe hydrothe# ..5 RAPIST s 3 one who {rapes=v} TAPIRS PARTIS# an, ans, anly, anship, anships AAEMNS SEAMAN ly, like ship, ships a {sailor=n} [n SEAMEN] AABRRS BARRAS# HOOPST tele wire, radio PHOTOS et, can ets hop# tat, cans hoot# hops# ..36 2 POTHOS a climbing plant with glossy variegated leaves ELPRSY PLYERS EELMST TELESM# s#, atic#, atical#, atically# 2 a {talisman=n} st# EMLETS# as in blood-drop emlets, a Chilean flower. LMMOUX f LUMMOX es a clumsy person HLMPSY endo hemo peri, karyo LYMPHS CFFOSS SCOFFS ACELMS SCAMEL# s# 6 the bar-tailed godwit re CLAMES# MACLES s# CAMELS MASCLE# d# s# a lozenge-shaped plate for scale-armour (heraldry) MESCAL s, in#, ine ins# ism#, ines isms# a cactus, also MEZCAL IORSSU ne, ama, apone, aerone#, psychone trophone# UROSIS# disease of the urinary organs [n UROSES#] AHMNSU non pre sub, infra proto HUMANS AMORST MORATS# 3 STROAM# s#, ed#, ing# to {wander=v} STROMA l, ta, tic, tous#, tolite, tolites tolitic a supporting framework of connecting tissue DEGRSU re up SURGED EEGMRS e, de im re, com# ree sub, mail# MERGES ADDELS DALEDS# 3 re un, off#, pack side SADDLE d r s, rs ry, bag bow, back# bags bill# ..14 to put a leather seat for a rider on a horse d f# p r s w, st sw tw, res spr str uns ..6 ADDLES DNOSSW SOWNDS# AABBSY YABBAS# ACNRSS SCRANS# AAGGRS RAGGAS# 2 SAGGAR d s, ds ed, ing to bake in a protective clay casing, also SAGGER ADHRSY HYDRAS e, es, tis, tine#, tines# tises, tinine#, tinines# ACCERS ARCSEC# s#, ond#, onds# 2 an angular measure, one three hundred and sixtieth of a degree SCARCE r, ly st, ment# ness, ments#, nesses in short supply BCEMOS bun COMBES AEKRST be#, lap red#, hair STREAK s y, ed er, ers ier ily ing, iest ings ..3 5 to cover with long narrow marks non SKATER s one who {skates=v} lap STRAKE d s the planking extending along a ship's hull re, mis par, care copy# poll, grubs ..2 TAKERS TASKER# s# one who performs a task AMOPPY MAYPOP s a flowering vine DIPPRY DRIPPY {inane=adj} [adj DRIPPIER, DRIPPIEST] ALSTTY LYTTAS EEPRST PRESET s, tle, ting tled tles, tling, tlement 4 to set beforehand [v PRESET, PRESETTING, PRESETS] be# do hy# PESTER s, ed er, ers ing ous#, ment#, ingly# ments# to {bother=v} salt trum PETERS ham#, hams# salt PETRES# FFOPSU POUFFS ALMSUY ASYLUM s an institution for the mentally ill [n ASYLUMS or ASYLA] EMPPRU REPUMP s, ed, ing 2 to pump again PUMPER s, nickel, nickels one that {pumps=v} INSSTT STINTS AILNPS inter#, cerebro SPINAL s, ly 3 an injection of an anesthetic into the spinal cord ja LAPINS ex, cha com, pene reex, flood, overex PLAINS man men ong, ongs, poken tanes# tones#, pokenness CORSSW e SCROWS# ELMORS MORELS 2 MORSEL s, ed, ing led, ling to divide into small pieces CELLSU SCULLE# d r s#, rs ry, ries school, also SCUL# DEGGSU SUGGED# CIOPSS PISCOS CIMMOX COMMIX t, ed es, ing, tion# ture, tions# tures to mix together COOPRS SCROOP s, ed, ing to make a harsh grating sound AHLPSY s PLASHY {marshy=adj} [adj PLASHIER, PLASHIEST] AACHKP PACHAK# s# 2 an aromatic root resembling ginger, also PUTCHOCK#, PUTCHUK# CHAPKA# s# a type of military hat, also CZAPKA# AACLNS CANALS ALORST SORTAL# s# 2 in linguistics, a word which requires individual characteristics TOLARS CEEKPS PECKES# ACHOST TACHOS# AKOPPS KOPPAS AFLWYY FLYWAY s an established air route of migratory birds AINPRS SPRAIN s t#, ed ts#, ing 2 to injure by twisting or wrenching SPINAR# s# a galactic body EHHIKS SHEIKH a# s, as#, dom, doms an Arab chief, also SHEIK CEHINS ar ma, zec#, paro# CHINES e# 3 c f l# p w, ch cl fl gr ha# pa qu#, squ ..9 INCHES cor sub, ouana# NICHES AKMNSU UNMASK s, ed er, ers ing, ings# to remove a mask from AENPPR PARPEN# d# s# t#, ds# ts# 3 a partition, also PARPANE#, PARPEND#, PARPENT#, PARPOINT# k s, cat dog kid pet sch, snippers whippers NAPPER s one that {naps=v} RAPPEN a monetary unit of Switzerland [n RAPPEN] IPPRTY TRIPPY suggesting a trip on psychedelic drugs [adj TRIPPIER, TRIPPIEST] EGGGLU mis#, mish# GUGGLE d s to {gurgle=v} GINSST ba bu# ca co# du ea fa ha# ho# hu je ..54 STINGS AAHRST ARHATS hip, hips 2 pa# RATHAS# EFHLSS SHELFS# ACEHKR w, bushw HACKER s y#, ies# one that {hacks=v} IIMSSZ SIZISM# s# discrimination against fat people EMORRS d f w, st#, def dew inf ref, conf perf ..7 ORMERS ABEKNR em# BANKER s, ly 2 a person who works in a bank BARKEN# s#, ed#, ing#, tine, tines to dry up in a barky crust AHNORS SHARON# 2 as in sharon fruit, persimmon SHORAN s a type of navigational system EEGISS as# be SIEGES 2 a, el, strat# EGISES ALOPST PLOATS# 2 non, semi POSTAL s, ly a {postcard=n} EEJSSS JESSES ADFLYY LADYFY# ing# 2 to make a lady of, also LADIFY# [v LADYFIED#, LADYFYING#, LADYFIES#] DAYFLY a {mayfly=n} [n DAYFLIES] AEHSTT THETAS EEOSST SETOSE covered with setae, also SETOUS ILNPSU LUPINS ACLRSU suc# CURSAL# pertaining to {cursus=n} EKMOSY SMOKEY filled with smoke, also SMOKY [adj SMOKIER, SMOKIES#] EINPPS PEPSIN e s, es, ate, ated ates ogen, ating ogens a digestive enzyme of the stomach, also PEPSINE AABBDS DABBAS# 2 h# ABDABS# a state of extreme nervousness ACOSTT ri, terra# COTTAS ABHHJU JUBHAH s a loose outer garment, also JUBBAH, DJIBBAH# AAKMMO MAMAKO# s# a tall edible New Zealand tree fern ABBLRU retro# BULBAR relating to a bulb CCHIOR en, iso, hydro# CHORIC pertaining to a chorus ADMRSU MUDRAS LMPRUY c RUMPLY wrinkled [adj RUMPLIER, RUMPLIEST] EPRSTU ERUPTS 3 UPREST# s# a {rising=n} im PUREST DELLLU LULLED ACCOST ACCOST s, ed, ing, able# 2 to approach and speak to COACTS AFFRST STRAFF# s#, ed#, ing# to {bombard=v} GIKNSY en, marrow# SKYING FLOPPY mini#, micro# FLOPPY a type of computer disk [n FLOPPIES] / soft and flexible [adj FLOPPIER, FLOPPIEST] ACLORS CLAROS 3 hydro# CORALS CAROLS ADELRS SARDEL# s#, le#, les# 3 a small fish, also SARDELLE# b, esca, snowb#, rollerb# LADERS ch# sc# ALDERS ANNOST ab as re, con dis uni, alti#, horri# ..3 SONANT s, al ic 2 a sound made by vibration of the vocal chords SANTON# s#, in, ica ins, icas an Eastern saint KRRSUY SKURRY# ing# to hurry briskly [v SKURRIED#, SKURRYING#, SKURRIES#] CCHNOY CONCHY a conscientious objector, also CONCHIE [n CONCHIES] AAELPS PASELA# s# 2 a gratuity to a black South African, also BONSELA#, BONSELLA#, BANSELA# SALPAE AFKLSS FLASKS FLLOSY LOSLYF# s# (Afrikaans) a promiscuous female EGGGLO GOGGLE d r s, rs, box#, boxes# to stare with wide eyes EEHHSW WHEESH# t#, ed# es# ts#, ing# ted#, ting# to move with a whizzing sound OOPRST ou#, para TROOPS hip, hips 2 POORTS# DEHNSU d# UNSHED not shed EILLRS SILLER s 2 silver g, zo, quad tred#, escad espad RILLES ACLOPS COPALS ACCEHR CREACH# s# a foray, also CREAGH# AABCKR BACKRA# s# white person BLMOSY SYMBOL e# s, ed es# ic, ics# ing ise ism ist ..36 to serve as a representation AABLST BASALT s, es ic, ine, ware#, wares# 2 an igneous rock TABLAS AILLST TALLIS h, es im a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLITH, TALLIT HILMSU MULISH ly, ness, nesses stubborn AALPPU PAPULA e r, tion#, tions# a pimple, also PAPULE EILMST caco MISTLE# d# s#, toe, toes 2 to rain in small drops SMILET# s# a little smile EFISST FEISTS CCINOS gly CONICS ELPPRU REPULP# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to {recycle=v} PULPER s one that {pulps=v} em im# PURPLE d r s, st, ness#, heart, hearts nesses# to make the colour purple / of a colour which is a mixture between blue and red CHOOSY CHOOSY hard to please [adj CHOOSIER, CHOOSIEST] AERSSV mi, life time, super#, screen# SAVERS AACRST CARTAS# 2 na#, bac CARATS ABMSSY ABYSMS CNORSS out SCORNS ACFRSS SCARFS kin, kins AALRST c# g, di pl, cad sub, epipl# hyopl# ..2 ASTRAL s, ly 5 a type of oil lamp meta, inter#, tarsometa# TARSAL s, gia#, gias# a bone of the foot TALARS super# ALTARS RATALS AEISST SIESTA s 2 an afternoon nap TASSIE s a drinking cup, also TASS ELLNSU SULLEN s#, er ly, est, ness, nesses 2 showing brooding ill humour / a sullen mood UNSELL s, ing, able to speak disparagingly about [v UNSOLD, UNSELLING, UNSELLS] ADLNOS SOLAND s, er, ers 2 a large sea bird (the gannet), also SOLAN SOLDAN s a Muslim ruler, also SOUDAN, SULDAN ELLOSY SOLELY {singly=adv} COSTTU COTTUS# es# a type of fish, also COTTID# ERRSTU RUSTRE# d# s# a pierced lozenge (heraldry) FRSSTU FRUSTS# AEMRSY SMEARY smeared [adj SMEARIER, SMEARIEST] CEIKRR p t RICKER# s# a young tree trunk ALNRSS en un SNARLS FHISST un up, man# red, blue down gear loan ..3 SHIFTS CDERSU CRUDES t 2 ac be ex# un, out CURSED er ly, est, ness, nesses {wicked=adj} ACHLSU LAUCHS# ADELMS be# MEDALS 3 DAMSEL s, fly, fish, flies, fishes a young woman, also DAMOISEL# LAMEDS GOPRSS SPROGS# ARSSTW WRASTS# 2 bed, jack, windle STRAWS DEHPSY PHYSED s a physical education ACHMOS MOCHAS 3 pro# MACHOS CAMSHO# ch# crooked, also CAMSHOCH# ACHINS ka, kat tri, mata#, china# tibou# CHINAS 2 en un, disen# inter# CHAINS aw, aws hot#, awed hots#, awing titch#, titches# AGINRS sa# RANGIS# 5 f# p, he, enhe# inhe# misp rehe unhe# ARSING# en in, feed fili# gros over# wood GRAINS e, ph, reph, misph, metaph# paraph periph# RASING SARING# AAHMST anti ASTHMA s, tic, tics, tical#, tically 2 a chronic respiratory disorder MATSAH s an unleavened bread, also MATZO, MATZA, MATZAH, MATZOH AAGMNS MANGAS 2 GASMAN employee of a gas company [n GASMEN] ELLSSW up, out# pin#, over#, ground SWELLS ADEGGS GADGES# 2 SAGGED EELPST PESTLE d s to crush with a club-shaped hand tool ABLORS be, mis, over LABORS aving 2 BORALS AEHMMY MAYHEM s malicious damage; havoc DEHRSS pot SHERDS 2 SHREDS AMPSSW SWAMPS ADEMRS pyo, chil# hypo xero, leuco# leuko#, sclero DERMAS 3 re, day out DREAMS MADRES HHOOSW WHOOSH ed es, ing to move with a hissing sound, also WOOSH AALMSU ULAMAS 2 MASULA# s# an Indian surf-boat, also MASOOLAH#, MASSOOLA# ADDDER b, supe RADDED KOOPSY SPOOKY {scary=adj} [adj SPOOKIER, SPOOKIEST] AADHMM DHAMMA# s# conformity to Hindu law, also DHARMA AEKNSY SNEAKY 2 deceitful [adj SNEAKIER, SNEAKIEST] SNAKEY resembling a snake, also SNAKY DEKNSU DUSKEN# s#, ed#, ing# to grow dark GIINNS de# re ro, coo# SINING# EEMMST EMMETS 2 STEMME# d r s#, rs ry, ries to {encircle=v} DEISSU t, re un, over, entert# intert# ISSUED 2 DISUSE d s to stop using EIRSSV SIVERS DDDEER sh, out#, over# REDDED HLOSTU THOLUS# a cupola [n THOLI#] AACHLL CHALLA h n# s, hs ns# a kind of bread, also CHALLAH DEIMMR DIMMER s 2 a device for dimming lights more DIM b p t, st#, beg bet# ret unt, pret, overb# overt RIMMED DHOSSW SHOWDS# CDORSS SCRODS SSTUXY XYSTUS a roofed area for athletic training ancient Greece, also XYST, XYSTOS [n XYSTI] EENSSW ENSEWS# 3 SEWENS# NEWSES# DEHHSU s HUSHED ly EIPPST micro PIPETS 2 SIPPET s a small piece of bread soaked in gravy LLOOPY POLYOL s, efin, efins an alcohol containing three or more hydroxyl groups BBILOS BILBOS BEEESS BESEES# AEPRSY p REPAYS 3 SPEARY# like a spear [adj SPEARIER#, SPEARIEST#] tax, rate PAYERS CEEHST f k l r v, fl kv qu# sk sp# th# wr, str ..7 ETCHES EHMMRU HUMMER s one that {hums=v} CCHOOT s COOTCH# ed# es#, ing# (Welsh) to hide, to cuddle up, also CWTCH# DEISSW WISSED DENRSU NURSED 3 DRUSEN# accumulations of extracellular material on the retina and optical disc a, dis# SUNDER s, ed er, ers ing, able# ance# ings# ..3 to break apart AHKMOS MOKSHA# s# (Hindu) freedom from the endless cycle of transmigration GIRSST GRISTS 2 STRIGS# HOOPSY SHYPOO# s# (Australian slang) liquor of poor quality EFILLS FILLES ter#, ters# ACHPRS SCARPH s, ed, ing to unite by means of a type of joint BBELMU BUMBLE d r s, rs, bee dom#, bees doms#, berry#, berries# to bungle, also BUMMLE# AACLRS CRAALS 5 sub#, lumbo, cranio SACRAL s, gia# ise# ity# ize, gias# ised# ..10 a vertebra or nerve near the sacrum super#, pseudo# SCALAR e s, es, iform, iformly a mathematical quantity possessing only magnitude LASCAR s an East Indian sailor, also LASHKAR be RASCAL s, ly, dom# ism# ity, doms# isms# lion# ..3 a rogue or scamp FFLPSU PLUFFS# CFFHSU CHUFFS GIMNOS os va, anasto MOSING# ACCSUU CAUCUS ed es, ing sed ses, sing to hold a political meeting DEHMOS MOSHED CEEPRS euro# CREEPS 4 CREPES em# PERCES# PRECES# s, sed ses, sing sion, sions, sional, sionally# prayers, esp in preces and responses EFFLRU t, un# RUFFLE d r s, rs to disturb the smoothness of AEGLNS GLEANS 3 m, ev, arch ANGELS b c# d f# j m t w, br# sp tr# tw wr, det# ..18 ANGLES ite, ites ABLSUY un#, acc exc, inexc irrec unacc# USABLY 2 in a usable manner is SUABLY in a suable manner AAKMRS KARMAS 3 MARKAS MAKARS AGNSST ANGSTS 2 mu, gammer# STANGS EMMPRU MUMPER s one who {mumps=v} HPSTUY TYPHUS es an infectious disease BCCIOS BOCCIS FFILPS SPLIFF s a marijuana cigarette HISSWY SWISHY swishing [adj SWISHIER, SWISHIEST] EMORST METROS tyle#, exual# tyles#, exuals# 2 MOTSER# s# a large amount of money, also MOTZA# ADISSY SAYIDS ABBFLY FLABBY hanging loose [adj FLABBIER, FLABBIEST] BFLOYY FLYBOY s a pilot in the air force ACCDSY CYCADS BBLNUY k# NUBBLY having nubbles [adj NUBBLIER, NUBBLIEST] ALPSTU TULPAS# BEERRS ta# um# BRERES# 2 BREERS# HHMRTY bio, poly RHYTHM i# s, al# ed# ic us#, ics ise# ist ize ..21 a pattern of recurrence, also RHYTHMUS# AEMORS bi, uni# RAMOSE ly having many branches, also RAMOUS CEOSSY COSEYS CCEKOR RECOCK s, ed, ing 2 to cock again COCKER s, ed el, els ing, nony#, nonies# to {pamper=v} NOSSUW SWOUNS AEMPPR PREAMP s, lifier, lifiers 3 an amplifier MAPPER s y#, ies# one who {maps=v} PAMPER o s, ed er os, ers ing, edness#, ednesses# to treat with excessive indulgence ELOPPY POLYPE# d s#, ds, ptide, ptides ptidic talous an animal with many tentacles, also POLYP, POLYPIDE FFRRUU FURFUR s#, al an es ol#, als ans ole# ols# ..6 dandruff, also FURFAIR# BBELMO MOBBLE# d# s# to {muffle=v} EORSTU STOURE s 7 dust, also STOUR TROUSE# r s#, rs, red#, ring#, rings# rless# {trews=n} j r OUSTER s the act or ousting c d# f# m# p r s t, cl fl gr pl# sc sh sp ..2 OUTERS SOUTER s, ly#, rain#, rains# a shoemaker, also SOUTAR# TOUSER# s# one who {touses=v} c, re, mis, auto, chouc# stock# ROUTES ACKLPY PACKLY intimately GINNOS diag prod# prog, brown, trichi#, misdiag NOSING s a projecting edge AEESSY EYASES DELSTU LUSTED AAHLMS ALMAHS 4 HALMAS s# HAMALS SHAMAL# s# a northwesterly wind blowing over Iraq and the Persian Gulf states, often strong during the day, but decreasing at night ADEMMR DAMMER s 2 a hard resin, also DAMMAR c d t, sc, anag diag prog, mailg# monog ..8 RAMMED BBEORR th, dog ROBBER s y, ies one who {robs=v} MNOOPP POMPON s an ornamental tuft or ball MOPSST STOMPS CFKPUU FUCKUP s a {bungler=n} KMOSUY KOUMYS s, es, ses a beverage made from camel's milk, also KOUMIS, KOUMISS, KOUMYSS, KUMISS, KUMYS AAHLST LATAHS# EIMPRS SPIREM e s, es 3 a filament forming part of a cell nucleus, also SPIREME SIMPER s, ed er, ers ing, ings#, ingly# to smirk in a silly manner re#, sub# PRIMES EIOSST por# tor, ghet#, allan# TOISES# AGPRSS en# GRASPS 2 SPRAGS CELLOS ponti#, violon CELLOS e#, es# ACLRSY LYCRAS ACNSST de di SCANTS AILMPS MILPAS 2 LIMPAS AILPRS lepto multi# SPIRAL s, ed ly, ing ism# ist# ity led, isms# ..4 2 to move in a tapering or conical way PRIALS# ABLRSU dis BURSAL 2 pertaining to {bursa=n} LUBRAS# CEHILS ELCHIS# 6 CHESIL# s# gravel CHISEL s, ed er, ers ing led ler, lers ling, lings# to use a cutting tool c e#, ca LICHES CHIELS CHILES EGLSTU GULETS# 2 GLUTES AORSTT te, atte# deva rein# STATOR s 5 a part of a machine about which the rotor revolves c OTTARS TAROTS TORTAS TROATS# BBERRU d g, sc, non RUBBER s y, ed, ier ing ise# ize, iest ised# ..14 to provide with an eraser EELMSY be# un SEEMLY hed#, heds# of pleasing appearance [adj SEEMLIER, SEEMLIEST] AACCKR CRACKA# s#, jack, jacks 2 a poor white CARACK s a type of merchant ship, also CARRACK, CARRECT# ACEHRS ESCHAR s, otic, otics 6 a portion of dead tissue en, pur sub, steeple CHASER s one that {chases=v} re, word# SEARCH ed er es, ers ing, able less, ingly ..4 to look carefully for something CHARES b o, ea, hua RACHES# l m p, en# in se st, dem men, outm over ..9 ARCHES t#, pore#, pores# poria, porial porium AEKLRR sky LARKER s one who {larks=v} AHIMPS PASHIM# s# 2 fine goat underfleece used for rugs, also PASHM#, PASHMINA MISHAP s t#, ped# pen#, pens# ping#, pened#, pening# to have an unfortunate accident ACEPPR handi CAPPER s, noity#, noities# a {capmaker=n} DIRSSU URSIDS EEMMNS MNEMES# EFFILS SIFFLE# d# s#, ur, urs use#, uses# to {whistle=v} EKOPRS POKERS 2 PROKES# AAHMNS SHAMAN s, ic, ism ist, isms ists, istic 2 a North American Indian medicine man m#, tr ASHMAN one who collects and removes ashes [n ASHMEN] CIKPSS a# SPICKS BEHRSU am BUSHER s a minor league baseball player FOORSS FOSSOR# s#, ial a grave-digger EIPRSU UPRISE n r s, rs to rise up [v UPROSE or UPRYST# or UPRIST#, UPRISEN or UPRYST#, UPRISING, UPRISES] CNORSU CORNUS es a hardwood tree or shrub, also CORNEL ELRRSU al LURERS 2 co, over# RULERS hip, hips ABBCSY SCABBY covered with scabs [adj SCABBIER, SCABBIEST] GMPSUY GYPSUM s a mineral ENOOSS bur, slip# NOOSES ABCERS CABERS 2 em re# su un, vam, main# reem rere ..3 BRACES DEGLOS p#, sp, dis eco# mis LODGES AHOPRS PHASOR# s# 2 a rotating vector whose phase varies sinusoidally PHAROS es a lighthouse or beacon to guide seamen EIKSSV SKIVES AELRSY mi, man SLAYER s 4 one who {slays=v} fo# ow# vi RELAYS f p s, al be bi de in, gun# mis way, disp ..17 LAYERS g#, disent# RAYLES# s, sly#, sness, snesses KNOSSW SNOWKS# CHLMUY MUCHLY very much EIRSSU re ISSUER s 3 one that {issues=v} mes SIEURS an di en, par#, olig#, natri URESIS# urination [n URESES#] DEHRSU b c f#, sp# un up, out unb unc, airb, underb# RUSHED BCMOOS COMBOS 2 COOMBS DEMORS MODERS# 3 SMORED# ha#, air pro sea syn, aero aqua# heli# ..7 DROMES# AAAPPY PAPAYA n s a melon-like fruit AALOSS bre# SAOLAS# CIMNOS COSMIN# e# s#, es# a hard substance in fish scales, also COSMINE# BFFLSU out, counter# BLUFFS CHLOSU SLOUCH y, ed er es, ers ier ily ing, iest, iness ..2 to sit, stand, or move with a drooping posture AALWYY WAYLAY s, er, ers ing to {ambush=v} [v WAYLAID, WAYLAID, WAYLAYING, WAYLAYS] EIPPRT TIPPER s one that {tips=v} AEKRSY KARSEY# s# 2 a lavatory, also KHAZI#, KAZI#, CARSEY#, KARZY#, KARSY# SKEARY# {scary=adj} [adj SKEARIER#, SKEARIEST#] AALLNS NALLAS# BEORSU BOURSE s a stock exchange CEIPRS SPICER s y, ies 4 one that {spices=v} CRIPES used as a mild oath, also CRIPE PRECIS e, ed er es, ely est ian ing ion ive# ..12 to make a concise summary of ca re, mis out pre, over, under PRICES EFLLOS FOLLES AAHMRS HARAMS# 3 MARAHS# ASHRAM a# s, as#, ite#, ites# an Indian retreat house CLOORS CROOLS# 2 bi de re, dis mis non tri, over, multi water COLORS EKNNSU SUNKEN AELSTT TASLET# s# 4 a piece of armour in a skirt STEALT# h, hs hy, hed#, hful# hier hily hing# ..4 b# LATEST s the most recent development dolce# LATTES BEOOSS ca, cam#, cala BOOSES# DDDEOR DODDER s y, ed er, ers ier# ing, iest# 2 to {totter=v} b# p, ram RODDED ADELPS u#, im re, mis, inter, counter# PLEADS 4 e, de# il# re, col pro LAPSED back over PEDALS PADLES DEMOOS SOOMED# BHHIKU BHIKHU# s# a fully ordained Buddhist monk BBELPY PEBBLY 2 resembling pebbles [adj PEBBLIER, PEBBLIEST] PLEBBY# {boorish=adj} [adj PLEBBIER#, PLEBBIEST#] AOORSS ROOSAS# HISSTW WHISTS BEHLSU BUSHEL s, ed er, ers ing led ler man men, lers ..4 to mend clothing DEILPP b c f s, inc unc, hare#, backf kickf# ..2 LIPPED AIKLLS KILLAS# es# clay slate ALLORS SOLLAR# s# an upper room, also SOLLER# CCEKOP COPECK s a Russian coin CHRRSU CHURRS AHIKRS RAKISH ly, ness, nesses 2 {dapper=adj} SHIKAR i s, ee is, ees red, ring to {hunt=v} EILLST w#, br# ch ev st, shr, tranqu ILLEST 2 LISTEL s a narrow moulding DEELMS MEDLES# ACCMOS OCCAMS# KOPRSS SPORKS# EEIPSS s, counter# PEISES 3 SPEISE s a metallic mixture obtained in smelting, also SPEISS ESPIES ADEHPS PHASED own, owns 4 re un, mis pre, trans SHAPED un# HASPED PASHED DDEELS SLEDED# an irregular form of sleaved (Shakespeare), also SLEIDED# AEKSSU UKASES ALLMOS MOLLAS# 2 SLALOM s, ed er, ers ing ist, ists to ski in a zigzag course AABHKS KASBAH s 2 the old section of a North African city, also CASBAH SABKHA# h# s# t#, hs# ts# a coastal plain, also SABKHAH#, SABKHAT# ABBLWY WABBLY {wobbly=adj} [adj WABBLIER, WABBLIEST] CEIOSS COSIES t 2 COSSIE# s# a swimming costume CHOOST COHOST s, ed, ess ing, essed esses, essing to host jointly BMOOSY BOSOMY having large breasts [adj BOSOMIER#, BOSOMIEST#] MOSTTU o UTMOST s the greatest degree or amount AGIMSS m#, im, sav, geoph# suffr# AGISMS 2 SIGMAS ABESSY ABSEYS# INOPPS sh IPPONS# ELRSTU RESULT s, ed, ant ful ing, ants less, antly ..2 7 to follow as a consequence SUTLER s y#, ies#, ship#, ships# one who peddles goods to soldiers f, di sa, pol LUTERS# ULSTER s, ed#, ette#, ettes# a long, loose overcoat b c f, ba de, lack outb# subc, interc superc LUSTER s, ed, ing, less ware, wares to make lustrous, also LUSTRE ap#, dis# out#, lack# LUSTRE d s, less# ware#, wares# to make lustrous, also LUSTER RUSTLE d r s, rs ss to steal cattle ADEKMS da im# un, dis# MASKED AKMNSY SKYMAN an {aviator=n} [n SKYMEN] HOSSUY SHOYUS ACHMSY CHASMY full of chasms [adj CHASMIER#, CHASMIEST#] CCHORU CROUCH ed es, ing to {stoop=v} CCKOOU CUCKOO s, ed, ing, pint, pints, flower, flowers to repeat monotonously EEGSSU SEGUES BDELSU BLUDES# BBMOOS BOMBOS# ACCHIS CHICAS HMNPSY para NYMPHS EGMMRU GUMMER s one that {gums=v} DEMPSU SPUMED ILSSTT STILTS ABBIST TABBIS es a silk fabric AEPSTT APTEST 3 TAPETS# PATTES# CFFNUU UNCUFF s, ed, ing to remove handcuffs from ALMMUY par AMYLUM s starch ABBOOS ru, rub BABOOS h#, hes# ABCELS vo, cas edu, cryo#, predi CABLES IMMOOS SIMOOM s a hot, dry desert wind, also SAMIEL, SIMOON JOOPPY JOYPOP s, ped per, pers ping 2 to use habit-forming drugs occasionally POPJOY# s#, ed#, ing# to amuse oneself DMMRUY DRUMMY# (South Africa) a drum majorette [n DRUMMIES#] CEESSY SYCEES 2 pseudo CYESES DELOPP c f g p s, ga# un#, flipf LOPPED AGISST im, gar# vis#, coll mass# pays#, geoph# ..9 AGISTS 2 STAIGS EERSTT p, sec, disc# RETEST s, ed, ify ing, ified ifies, ifying 4 to test again at de, con pro TESTER n# s, ns#, ned#, ning# one who {tests=v} by, back STREET s y#, ed#, age# boy# car ful# ier# ..26 a public thoroughfare / to provide with a street be in on# re up, pin wad#, bone film ..5 SETTER s, ed#, ing#, wort#, worts# to treat with a seton KOOSST STOOKS GOPPSY GYPPOS# LLOSTY TOLYLS AELSTY dia, auto pyro, hydro LYSATE s 3 a product of lysis ch, unch ASTELY# absence of a central cylinder [n ASTELIES#] SLATEY resembling slate, also SLATY ABLRSY LABRYS# es# a double-headed axe EEIKRS SEIKER# ADLMSU t# ALMUDS CHLOOS CHOLOS 2 de# re, non pre, home mini play#, inter super SCHOOL e# s, ed es# ie#, bag boy day# ery# ..56 to educate in an institution of learning AIKLNS LAKINS# HLLOOS HOLLOS CHSTUY CUSHTY# 2 of pleasure SCHUYT# s# a Dutch boat ADEKLS a# y#, un SLAKED AELLSY g v, tom ALLEYS BEELRS REBELS EMPRSS oo, epi# zoo, endo peri# zygo#, angio ..2 SPERMS AIMSSW SWAMIS 2 MISSAW# AERRTT RATTER s y#, ies# 2 an animal used for catching rats s, res#, nons TARTER DDEEIS n t, st# EDDIES EOPRSU POSEUR s 3 an affected or insincere person UPROSE pea SOUPER# s# a soup dispenser AAHNSS HANSAS GIOPSS GOSSIP s y, ed er ry, ers ing ped per, ings# ..6 to talk idly about others' affairs HLMPUY sub, macro# super# PHYLUM a taxonomic division [n PHYLA] FLOSSY FLOSSY resembling a light soft fibre [adj FLOSSIER, FLOSSIEST] FILOSS non sub, ichno# macro micro FOSSIL s, ise ize, ised ises ized izes, ising ..8 the preserved remains of a plant or animal CHMOOS SMOOCH y, ed er es, ers ier# ing, iest# 2 to kiss, also SMOODGE#, SMOOGE# CHOOMS# AAFLLL FALLAL s, ery ish#, eries ishly# a showy article of dress AILOSS ASSOIL s, ed, ing zie#, ment zied# zies#, ments, zieing# to {absolve=v} AEHSSV re, draw, after spoke SHAVES 2 SHEVAS# ABLPYY BYPLAY s secondary action AHNRSS SHARNS ADEISS se ASIDES 3 DASSIE s a {hyrax=n} fa#, hollan DAISES ELOSTT ca cu, char mate#, bouil#, sanscu LOTTES LPRSUY SLURPY# like a slurp [adj SLURPIER#, SLURPIEST#] AAGMRS GRAMAS h#, hes# IMMSTU MUTISM s 2 {muteness=n} pre SUMMIT s, al ed ry, eer ing, eers less# ries to take part in a summit conference ADRSST STRADS# AMMSUW WAMMUS es a heavy jacket, also WAMPUS, WAMUS EELLRS p RESELL s, er, ers ing 2 to sell again [v RESOLD, RESELLING, RESELLS] re, chi nor# tea wea#, best# book ..2 SELLER s one who {sells=v} AEINSS cy# ky, avi# bot hum jap# mel# org ..42 ANISES 4 SASINE# s# the symbolical giving possession of land SANSEI s a grandchild of Japanese immigrants to the United States in# SANIES a fluid discharged from wounds [n SANIES] EISSTV dige, combu#, contrage# STIVES# ACCHTY un CATCHY pleasing and easily remembered [adj CATCHIER, CATCHIEST] AHMMWY WHAMMY a malevolent spell [n WHAMMIES] AEILLS b d g p# r s t w, ch re# sc#, cav dis# mis ..10 ALLIES DDEILS SIDLED 2 SLIDED# ELMPPU PEPLUM s, ed a flounce attached to the waistline of a garment [n PEPLUMS or PEPLA] CCEKLY CLECKY# {broody=adj} [adj CLECKIER#, CLECKIEST#] MORSTU anti TUMORS IMRSST ala# STRIMS# CIPRSS CRISPS 2 SCRIPS ENRSSY SYRENS AAIPSS PAISAS ADDEPP DAPPED ILMPPY PIMPLY covered with pimples [adj PIMPLIER, PIMPLIEST] AIMNST he, hae, chro thau#, achro#, euchro MATINS 3 e, vi, his pro, provi, antivi megavi, multivi TAMINS# MANTIS es sa, sas a predatory insect, also MANTID [n MANTISES or MANTES] HNOPSY SYPHON s, ed, ing to draw off through a tube, also SIPHON NOOPSY SPOONY 3 one who is overly sentimental [n SPOONIES] / overly sentimental, also SPOONEY [adj SPOONIER, SPOONIEST] SNOOPY {nosy=adj} [adj SNOOPIER, SNOOPIEST] POYSON# s#, ed#, ing# to {poison=v} AACHKN ACHKAN# s# an Indian knee-length coat EFRRSU sky, body wind# SURFER s one who surfs, also SURFIE# AARRST TARRAS# es# a terrace FFSTUY un STUFFY poorly ventilated [adj STUFFIER, STUFFIEST] AAKLMS KALAMS ILMSTU LITMUS es a substance that changes colour with acidity, also LACMUS# EIKLNS k# t w, cr tw wr, spr str#, unwr, bespr ..5 INKLES s 3 SILKEN s#, ed#, ing# to make soft and smooth dis# LIKENS AORSSW SOWARS FFISTY STIFFY# an erect penis, also STIFFIE [n STIFFIES] ACLLMY CALMLY in a calm manner ABILMS ka LIMBAS ILOSSU d#, tor#, gran, agran# pedic, furunc ..2 ULOSIS# scar formation [n ULOSES#] CLMSUY MUSCLY 2 having big strong muscles, also MUSCULAR [adj MUSCLIER#, MUSCLIEST#] CLUMSY {awkward=adj} [adj CLUMSIER, CLUMSIEST] ACHIPS a, bi di, ana dys pro, mono# para# poly ..2 PHASIC relating to a phase HKNSUU UNHUSK s, ed, ing to remove the husks from EIKMRS KERMIS es a festival, also KERMESS, KIRMESS ACCHNY un, mis# wan#, tren CHANCY risky, also CHANCEY# [adj CHANCIER, CHANCIEST] IKLPSY PLISKY a practical joke, also PLISKIE [n PLISKIES] ELOPRS SPLORE s 5 a boisterous drinking party, also CAROUSAL SLOPER s one that {slopes=v} e s, gal gol# wal, deve enve land scal ..3 LOPERS POLERS PROLES CELSTU pi# CULETS ABBHJU JUBBAH s a loose outer garment, also DJIBBAH#, JUBHAH AADMMR DAMMAR s a hard resin, also DAMMER ENOSSY NOSEYS# ACMNSU MANCUS# es# an old English coin APPSUY APPUYS# CEKSTU SUCKET# s# candied fruit of vegetable, also SUCCADE# BORSTU ROBUST a, as er ly, est, ious ness, iously nesses, iousness 2 strong and healthy TURBOS haft, hafts ACELSU sub CLAUSE s 2 a part of a document CAULES cent# EHPRSU pen#, octo# tool# PUSHER s one that {pushes=v} CMMRUY s# CRUMMY of little value [adj CRUMMIER, CRUMMIEST] BCHLSU SCHLUB s (Yiddish) a stupid or unattractive person, also SHLUB ERSTTU b c g m n p r#, ab cl fl re sc sh sp st, inp ..15 UTTERS 2 un TRUEST DELPPU re# PULPED DELMSU LEDUMS# EKORRS b p#, st, pawnb shipb#, stockb, breastst ROKERS# AAMRSU ASARUM s the dried root of the wild ginger ACHRST SCARTH# s# 3 a cormorant, also SKART#, SKARTH# re, flow wall# CHARTS un#, corn STARCH y, ed er# es, ers# ier ily ing, edly# ..6 to stiffen a fabric CELMSU out MUSCLE d s, man men to force one's way AHHKPS KHAPHS AELPRS be# im PEARLS 4 re LAPSER s one who {lapses=v} LEPRAS# PARLES AAMPPS PAMPAS es# a treeless plain, also PAMPA DEHPPY HYPPED# CCEILS CECILS# fried meatballs ADPPRY DRAPPY# a little drop, also DRAPPIE# [n DRAPPIES#] BBMOSU BUMBOS# ADLPSS SPALDS# CIOSST STOICS EMOPPR MOPPER s one that {mops=v} DORSSY un# DROSSY worthless [adj DROSSIER, DROSSIEST] INORSS nig, eryth ROSINS BEGLSU out BULGES 2 key# BUGLES AMNORS t RANSOM s, ed er, ers ing, able# less# 6 to pay a price for redemption from captivity MANORS RAMSON s a broad-leaved garlic NORMAS# ca# MARONS# bildungs ROMANS ACERRS SCARER s 5 one that {scares=v} SCARRE# d s# an unexplained Shakespearian word CRARES# b t, emb ret, disg, radiot RACERS s CARERS AILMNS MASLIN# s# 2 a mixed grain, also MASHLAM#, MASHLIM#, MASHLIN#, MASHLOCH#, MASHLUM#, MONGCORN# LIMANS AAMMRT TAMMAR# s# a {wallaby=n} ENSSTT o#, exi, resi#, persi# STENTS AHLLPY ALPHYL s a univalent radical AAKMSY YASMAK s a veil worn by Muslim women, also YASHMAK, YASHMAC CEKLPU PUCKLE# s# a small {quantity=n} EPRRSY SPRYER 2 PRYERS HRSSTU HURSTS EHMRSY be, mono para# RHYMES ter, ters ANRSST STARNS# AAGLMM MALMAG# s# an East Indian monkey EIIMMS g j, sh IMMIES AAGLRS GRAALS 2 ARGALS ACHRRS CHARRS EEGHSS GHESSE# d# s# to {guess=v} [v GHEST# or GHESSED#, GHESSING#, GHESSES#] DOPRSS SPRODS# FIKRSS FRISKS AELNPS em im re un#, sub PANELS 2 bi de em en, air sea ski spy# tow tri ..26 PLANES ide, ides CPRSUY CYPRUS es 2 a thin black fabric SPRUCY neat and trim [adj SPRUCIER, SPRUCIEST] CEHKOS un, sun, arti CHOKES ADEHHS s#, re HASHED AENSST ASSENT s, ed er or, ers ing ive ors, ator# ient# ..8 5 to express agreement SNASTE# s# a wick in SANEST co#, teleo# STEANS# cam# ela# pri, calm# caum# whun#, plain# STANES HLOPSY POSHLY in a posh manner BBSTUY STUBBY a small squat beer bottle, also STUBBIE# [n STUBBIES#] / short and thick [adj STUBBIER, STUBBIEST] BGIOSS GOSSIB# s# a gossip, someone who talks idly about others' affairs AACPPY PAPACY the office of the pope [n PAPACIES] EFHISS bat box cat cod cow dog fin fox gar ..135 FISHES KOOSSU KOUSSO s an Ethiopian tree, also CUSSO, KUSSO GILNOS c, ec#, enc inc rec# unc upc#, anky ..5 LOSING s, ly 3 a {loss=n} re, con, recon SOLING LOGINS ALNSST SLANTS ABBELS BABELS AFNSSU SNAFUS ABORRS h ARBORS DDDERU DUDDER# s# y#, ies# 2 confusion c, unc# RUDDED# CCHILY un CHICLY in a elegant manner HHRSTU wood#, water THRUSH es a {songbird=n} AAGNRS SANGAR s, ee, ees 3 a temporary fortification for two or three men, also SANGA ka#, cha# RANGAS# ARGANS# EENSSU ENSUES AABLNS NABLAS# EMOPPY POMPEY# s#, ed#, ing# to {pamper=v} AMMOSU ab OMASUM the third stomach of a ruminant [n OMASA] AAGMMR en# GRAMMA r s, ge# rs, ges# tic#, rian tist#, logue# ..24 a pasture grass, also GRAMA EGIMMS GIMMES FFINSS SNIFFS DEEKSY YESKED# ABBCRY CRABBY {grumpy=adj} [adj CRABBIER, CRABBIEST] AEGMMS SMEGMA s 2 fatty matter secreted by glands, also SEBUM GAMMES# EISSTU TISSUE d s y 3 to weave into a fine, sheer fabric c, dep#, subc, absol# UTISES# SUITES AGLMMY GLAMMY# 2 glamorous [adj GLAMMIER#, GLAMMIEST#] GYMMAL# s# a pair of interlocked rings, also GIMMAL, GIMMOR# HQSSUU SQUUSH ed es, ing to {squash=v} AIMPRS PRIMAS ABCRSS SCRABS# AELSSV VALSES 4 SELVAS be# en, reen, disen# SLAVES lip# SALVES GINNSY de# SYNING# AMMOXY MYXOMA s, ta, tous, toses tosis a tumour composed of mucous tissue BEILLS LIBELS EELPSY SLEEPY head, heads, headed# inclined to sleep [adj SLEEPIER, SLEEPIEST] CCHSTU SCUTCH ed er es, eon ers ing, eons ings#, eonless# to separate the woody fibre by beating, also SWINGLE CCKLUY CLUCKY# {broody=adj} [adj CLUCKIER#, CLUCKIEST#] BBCHUY CHUBBY {plump=adj} [adj CHUBBIER, CHUBBIEST] CELPSU CUPELS ADEGRS DEGRAS# 3 a fat from sheepskins [n DEGRAS#] ag de re up, dis# mis pay pro# sub ..10 GRADES RADGES# t# ABRRSU BURSAR s y, ial ies, ship#, ships# a treasurer EELSSV VESSEL s, ed 2 a craft for travelling on water un#, non our, them your, their under# SELVES CEPRSY CYPRES s, es, ses a legal doctrine EHLLSS en# in# un, day# egg nut sea sub, aero# ..9 SHELLS hock#, hocks#, hocked# AAAMRS ASRAMA s 2 an {ashram=n} SAMARA s a dry one-seeded fruit HIIMMS MISHMI# s# the bitter root stock of a plant, also MISHMEE# DEMRSU DEMURS GILNSS ai# go mo# un, bri nur qui rie SLINGS hot, hots tone#, tones# ACHPPY CHAPPY# cracked [adj CHAPPIER#, CHAPPIEST#] DEEMRS MERDES CEKPSS fly SPECKS ioneer#, ioneers# AEGRRS ba# GARRES# 3 fo, arbit dispa encou, discou RAGERS# REGARS# NORSST SNORTS BEIRRS cat, bull, green sweet BRIERS EEENSS NEESES# BBELOR c s, bes# LOBBER s one who {lobs=v} AAAMNS SAMAAN# s# the rain tree, also SAMAN# HMSSTU MUSTHS DEIPPR DIPPER s, ful, fuls 2 one that {dips=v} d g t, st un, unst#, outst overt#, fieldst RIPPED EEHPRS en in oo un, bio eco exo geo# noo, aero# ..33 SPHERE d s, less# like# 3 to form into a type of geometric solid circle anti HERPES es#, virus, viruses a skin infection [n HERPESES# or HERPES] PHEERS# AANRST RATANS 2 c# k, almac# almuc# ANTARS# DIOPSS DIPSOS EFIRSS san SERIFS 2 FRISES HLLOPY PHYLLO s, de dy# id me, des dia ids mes mic ..29 very thin pastry dough HLORSS SHORLS ADHHKU DUHKHA# s# suffering due to the desire for permanence, also DUKKHA# AELMPS MAPLES s# 3 PELMAS# en re, sub SAMPLE d r s, rs ry#, ries# to test a specimen of DDEIKS DISKED PRRSUY SPURRY a European weed, also SPURREY [n SPURRIES] ALOSSV SALVOS DIOSST c# m#, ex#, mel mon par sar, hymn meth ..6 ODISTS LMMTUU MULTUM# s# an adulterant in brewing CMOOPS COMPOS e t, ed er es ts, ers ing ite ted ter ..29 CDEKRU t RUCKED 2 DUCKER s one that {ducks=v} EMMOST MESTOM# e# s#, es# biological conducting tissue, also MESTOME# FFLRUY g RUFFLY not smooth [adj RUFFLIER, RUFFLIEST] HMOORS mu wa SHROOM# s#, ed# er#, ers# ing# a magic mushroom / to take magic mushrooms EOPPRR im un# PROPER s, er ly ty, din est, dins ness tied ..6 a part of the Mass / {suitable=adj} EIKRRS b f RISKER s one that {risks=v} APRSTY PASTRY cook#, cooks# articles made of dough [n PASTRIES] EISSTW un WISEST HLOSTY g, ung# HOSTLY pertaining to one who hosts ACMRSS SCRAMS AAILSS v# w, re ASSAIL s, ed er, ant ers ing, able ants ment#, ments# to {attack=v} AAMNST an# ATMANS 3 MANTAS MANATS AHLSSW SHAWLS EKLMMU KUMMEL s a type of liqueur ELMNSU LUMENS ADDERS a#, mis#, spee DREADS 4 g l m p w, bl cl#, stepl, gallbl ADDERS tone#, tones# READDS SADDER BBDDEU re un, over DUBBED DDEENS SENDED EIMRRS p t, lo, dend pilg#, longp# RIMERS EMMRRU b# d g, st th, kettled# RUMMER s a large drinking glass, also ROEMER# CCEHOS COSECH# s# 2 a hyperbolic cosecant COCHES# BBKNUY KNUBBY having little lumps, also NUBBY, KNUBBLY# [adj KNUBBIER, KNUBBIEST] BBLOWY BLOWBY s 2 leakage of exhaust fumes WOBBLY a member of the Industrial Workers of the world [n WOBBLIES] / {unsteady=adj} [adj WOBBLIER, WOBBLIEST] AEFSST FESTAS# 3 out, bean# FEASTS un# SAFEST AFORSS SOFARS ACHOPS PHOCAS# AAMMRR MARRAM s a beach grass, also MARRUM# EIORSS c# h r#, cr OSIERS 3 dis SEISOR s one that takes seizing, also SEIZOR lep ROSIES# t LMOSST SMOLTS GHOSST GOSHTS# 2 GHOSTS AIMPPS caesaro# PAPISM s {popery=n} AHLOPS PHOLAS# a type of {mollusc=n} [n PHOLADES#] AAKPRS PARKAS EEKMRS KERMES s, se, ite# ses, ites# a red dye [n KERMES] INPPSY SNIPPY {snappish=adj} [adj SNIPPIER, SNIPPIEST] DMOORS DROMOS# a Greek race-course [n DROMOI#] AMRRSU MURRAS ACEHKL s, uns, hams# rams rans# HACKLE d r s t#, rs ts# to {hack=v} ACFFLS SCLAFF s, ed er, ers ing to strike the ground with a club before hitting the ball CIKSST be# un, can# dip gun# joy lip lob ..33 STICKS eed, eeds AEKLPS SPLAKE s a freshwater fish EORSTT c d h# j l p r t, bl cl# kn pl sl sn# sp ..12 OTTERS 4 TOTERS TORTES ga, gar ROTTES DEIKSS be un, out KISSED IKMRSS SMIRKS ACCHOR CAROCH e, es a stately carriage, also CAROCHE, CAROACH, CARROCH AIPPST non PAPIST s, ic ry, ical# ries, ically# a follower of the pope, also PAPISHER# AEHSSW kicks# HAWSES 2 s, re si#, bag# car egg# eye hog out ..16 WASHES AEESST pro, strip TEASES NSSTTU out STUNTS BBENSU SNUBBE# d r s#, rs a snub HIMMWY WHIMMY# full of whims [adj WHIMMIER#, WHIMMIEST#] CCHKOO CHOCKO# s# a type of conscript ACFFSS SCAFFS# AMMOSY leio, rhabdo# MYOMAS AEGGRS SEGGAR s 5 a protective clay casing en, mort GAGERS b s EGGARS b d g j l n s t w y#, bl# br dr fl sh# st ..8 AGGERS SAGGER s, ed, ing to bake in a protective clay casing, also SAGGAR AEHPST SPATHE d s a leaflike organ of certain plants AGMMSU GUMMAS OPRSTU STROUP# s#, an#, ach# ans#, achs# 3 a spout a#, re SPROUT s, ed, ing, ings# to begin to grow STUPOR s, ous a state of reduced sensibility ADEKRS DAKERS# 2 man, fire shel, shell# shiel# DRAKES tone#, tones# BBNOSY SNOBBY {snobbish=adj} [adj SNOBBIER, SNOBBIEST] CKOSST ca# cu# de# re un#, bit die fat gun ..24 STOCKS AACCHN CANCHA s a court for playing the ball game jai alai ACFISS FASCIS# m t, mi# mo# ms ta# ti# ts, tic, tically a bundle of rods [n FASCES] BBEERS REBBES IMOSSY MYOSIS excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye, also MIOSIS [n MYOSES] AMORRS ca MORRAS# 3 ARMORS MARORS# AERRST re, post ARREST s, ed ee er or, ant ees ers ing ive ors ..7 8 to bring to a standstill STARER s one who {stares=v} spi# RASTER s, ed#, ing# ise# ize#, ised# ises# ..4 the area reproducing images on the picture tube of a television set / to create a raster image RAREST b g ARRETS# c f g k p, bar nar reg#, cast mace satu ..6 RATERS TERRAS es a volcanic rock, also TRASS TARRES AFLPPY FLAPPY flapping [adj FLAPPIER, FLAPPIEST] CMMOOR ROMCOM# s# a romantic comedy GGGLOS GLOGGS IKLLSY SKILLY# having skill, also SKILLFUL, SKILFUL [adj SKILLIER#, SKILLIEST#] / a thin soup [n SKILLIES#] CGOOSS SCOOGS# ACPRSU en#, arto# meta, eccremo# strepto#, carpometa# CARPUS the {wrist=n} [n CARPI] CDIOSS DISCOS ACHKRS CHARKS EOOPRS so# POROSE s# having minute openings, also POROUS CEHIMS MICHES 2 iso CHIMES EHKRSU corn# HUSKER s one that {husks=v} HMOSTY MYTHOS a type of traditional story, also MYTH, MYTHUS# [n MYTHOI] ABELMS BLAMES 2 g h# r w, br sc# sh, pre scr, outg prae# ..2 AMBLES ACEHST SCATHE d s, ful#, less, fulness#, fulnesses# 5 to criticize severely at de, mus pis sou, hear mous reat, sabre# TACHES un CHASTE n r, ly ns st, ned ner, ners ness ning ..4 sexually virtuous es ex# re, out CHEATS SACHET s, ed a small bag containing pot-pourri AANNPS SANPAN# s# an Oriental skiff ELLMSY SMELLY having an unpleasant odour [adj SMELLIER, SMELLIEST] AKRSST KARSTS 3 SKARTS# STARKS# KNOOSS SNOOKS BELSTU BLUETS 6 BUSTLE d r s, rs to move noisily BUTLES un, over, super SUBTLE r, st ty, ness ties, nesses insidious, also SUBTILE SUBLET s, hal ter#, ters# ting, hally tings# to rent leased property to another (pa t SUBLET), also SUBLEASE BLUEST em, ems one, ones, ocking, ockings ACHKLS be CHALKS tone#, tones# AABESS an di, cat# dat kat# met# par# ABASES 2 ou# BAASES CEHLSY blasto# CHYLES 2 LYCHES IOSSTT STOITS# 2 TSOTSI# s#, taal#, taals# a {thug=n} AKNSST STANKS CEPRSU SPRUCE d r s, ly st, ness, nesses to {neaten=v} / neat and trim in appearance ADKLSS SKALDS hip, hips DEOPPR DOPPER# s# a {dabchick=n} ELLSTU TULLES 2 en vi TELLUS# es# the earth AEGLRS d# g ARGLES 5 non out GLARES en, reen LARGES s t, se, ses pil sch# vil, socdo# sogdo#, sockdo, slockdo# LAGERS pe# REGALS# EOPPRT s, car uns, gobs#, shows TOPPER s one that {tops=v} NNOSST STONNS# ADELPP PALPED 3 DAPPLE d s to mark with spots c f k# p# s, dew unf, over ship#, backs ..2 LAPPED HIKSST SHTIKS AACHPS PACHAS ALLMSY MYALLS# EIOPSS mis por, equi over#, centi#, avoirdu# counter POISES 3 POSSIE# s# a position POSIES t# CEISST CITESS# es# not a gentlewoman AENSSU USNEAS 2 tet tot#, pand, parabol#, antonini# ANUSES EEINSS SENSEI s 2 a teacher of Japanese martial arts, also SENSI# SEINES AAISST SATAIS# EOOPPS re OPPOSE d r s, rs, less to conflict with GISSTU GIUSTS# EHRSSW be SHREWS HLMPSU SHLUMP s y, ed, ing to dress sloppily, also SCHLUMP FFISUX SUFFIX al ed es, ing ion, ions, ation, ations to add to the end of a root word ACDLSS sun SCALDS hip#, hips# AMRSST out SMARTS EIKSST perov samar, blather SKITES CILMSS SCLIMS# CIKPPU PICKUP s a small truck DKLSUY DUSKLY# in a darkish manner PRSUYY SYRUPY like syrup [adj SYRUPIER, SYRUPIEST] AIKNSS KISANS# ACMPSY SPYCAM# s# a camera set up for hidden surveillance purposes, esp a webcam relaying pictures to a computer AADLLS SALLAD# s# a dish of green raw vegetables, also SALAD EINSSW in# un# SINEWS 3 SWINES# tone#, tones# SEWINS# AIKPRS PARKIS# h# BFLSYY FLYBYS ABEKRR de BARKER s one that {barks=v} ACHMSU SUMACH s a flowering tree or shrub, also SUMAC AEHKRS KASHER s, ed, ing 2 to prepare food according to Jewish dietary laws bone# salt, earth SHAKER s one that {shakes=v} DEINSS SDEINS# 2 SNIDES# t ACMORS MACROS cale pore#, cales copic pores# ..7 2 CAROMS HIKRSS SHIRKS EENOSS k#, ad st, blu con sel thr# tub, bioc ..6 ENOSES# 2 a# NOESES# IIMMNS MINIMS AEHLST SHELTA s 5 an esoteric jargon of Gaelic l, semil ETHALS# HALEST HASLET s the edible viscera of an animal, also HARSLET LATHES AAPRST SATRAP s y, al#, ies a governor of a province in ancient Persia AIMMOS MIMOSA e# s, ceous# a plant of the genus Mimosa GLOSSY non, xeno# GLOSSY a type of photograph [n GLOSSIES] / {lustrous=adj} [adj GLOSSIER, GLOSSIEST] BILMSU LIMBUS es a distinctive border [n LIMBUSES or LIMBI] MORRSU RUMORS ACKMSS SMACKS EIISSS ISSEIS CHOPPY CHOPPY full of irregular waves [adj CHOPPIER, CHOPPIEST] CCIMOS COMICS 2 pan#, macro micro COSMIC al, ally pertaining to the cosmos, also COSMICAL CCEPSY SPECCY# the wearing of spectacles [n SPECCIES#] APPRTY s TRAPPY# full of traps [adj TRAPPIER#, TRAPPIEST#] CIMOSS OSMICS the study of the sense of smell AGGGIN en, mort reen, disen, remort# GAGING AAILPS PALAIS a {palace=n} [n PALAIS] CHKLOS SHLOCK s y, ier, iest inferior merchandise, also SCHLOCK CEKLOS CLOKES# AINRSS SARINS EHRRSU b c, jawc# RUSHER s one that {rushes=v} AESTTT f w, co fl ph, squ ATTEST s, ed er or, ant ers ing ors, able# ants ..5 to affirm to be genuine DEEISS dis SEISED 2 DIESES BBDERU DUBBER s 2 one that {dubs=v} d g, sc sh# un#, unsh# RUBBED FFNSUY SNUFFY {huffy=adj} [adj SNUFFIER, SNUFFIEST] ADERRS calen# DARERS 3 DREARS DARRES# EEIKSS krom# ESKIES# GOSSTU GUSTOS# DERSTU c RUDEST 3 c t, th un, bec enc ent inc int, dist ..4 RUSTED crop#, knuckle# DUSTER s one that {dusts=v} AFMSSU SAMFUS# BBDEOS SOBBED AGINPS SPAING# s# the act of having a spa bath BEKRSU BURKES 2 BUSKER s a street entertainer GIMOSS GISMOS ELLNSS SNELLS BCRSSU under# SCRUBS BIKRSS BRISKS ADEPRS un# SPARED 7 be un DRAPES g, eng# RASPED a#, be di re, bed out, muck# over wide wing SPREAD s, er, ers ing, able ings#, ingly# sheet ..3 to stretch over an area [v SPRAD#, SPREADING, SPREADS] mis PARSED com PADRES SPADER s one that {spades=v} EPPSTU UPSTEP s, ped, ping to step up EEMPRS SEMPRE 2 in the same manner throughout (a musical direction) SEMPER# vivum, vivums {always=adv} AFLMYY MAYFLY a winged insect [n MAYFLIES] CEKOST un# SOCKET s, ed te#, ing tes# to provide with an opening for an appliance IKRRSS SKIRRS BEMRSU BRUMES 3 UMBRES# c l n, cl cr pl sc# sl, cuc enc inc ren ..6 UMBERS ACEESS de, sur, prede CEASES 2 AESCES# EIMMRS penthe#, hephthe# MIMERS 3 di eu#, chi epi# iso mes tri, allo# ..12 MERISM# s# repetition of parts SIMMER s, ed, ing to cook just below boiling point ABCEHS am# BACHES AAHKPS PASHKA# s# a rich Russian dessert, traditionally served at Easter CDEESS ac ex re, abs pre pro, repro unpro ..2 CESSED EHPSST THESPS EELSTY STYLEE# s# 3 a facetious or jocular rendering of style SLEETY resembling sleet [adj SLEETIER, SLEETIEST] STEELY ard, ards resembling steel [adj STEELIER, STEELIEST] CCKRSU CRUCKS IKNPSS gold# gowd# SPINKS# ACNOSS CANSOS ADISST TSADIS 3 SADIST s, ic, ically one who inflicts pain for pleasure SAIDST# ADEPPR PARPED# 3 di DAPPER s#, er ly, est, ling# ness, lings#, nesses a bouncing fish bait / {spruce=adj} c d# f t w, sc st, aff# att# bew ent enw ..13 RAPPED EEIMSS mono# poly SEMIES# 3 MISSEE# m# n# s#, ms#, ing# med#, ming#, mings# to see wrongly [v MISSAW#, MISSEEN#, MISSEEING#, MISSEES#] n, hemat# hyper#, haemat# EMESIS the act of vomiting [n EMESES] ABISST BASTIS# 2 ABSITS# AEKLNS c# f# r, cr pr# ANKLES EHISST t, at, dit, nont pant trit, antit# autot# ..5 HEISTS 6 a, bu cu da di fi gu ha# hu# lu# ma# ..28 SHIEST SITHES# SIETHS# an es ma#, aes# dia epi# pro syn, anti ..26 THESIS a proposition put forward for discussion [n THESES] gob SHITES# FFIKLS SKLIFF# s# a small segment EOOSST SOOTES# AAALMS SALAAM s, ed, ing 2 to greet with a low bow MASALA s a mixture of ground spices used in Indian cookery ANPPSY SNAPPY {snappish=adj} [adj SNAPPIER, SNAPPIEST] AEMMST agro# STEMMA s, ta, tic, tous# a family tree HIOSSW WHOSIS es an unnamed person or object, also WHOOSIS EGGRSU GURGES CEOSST ESTOCS# 6 COSSET s, ed, ing to {pamper=v} ESCOTS COSETS CESTOS es# a belt or girdle [n CESTOSES# or CESTOI] COSTES# ACPPSU CUPPAS CEHRSU gama# RUCHES ELPRSU PULERS 2 re PULSER s a device that causes pulsations EHLRSU b f p LUSHER s# a heavy drinker ABERST BESTAR# s#, red#, ring# 5 to cover with stars BAREST hesia#, hesias# ala bom BASTER s one who {bastes=v} a, red, blue#, chimney# BREAST s, ed, fed ing pin, bone feed pins rail# ..17 to confront boldly TABERS AHLLOS c HOLLAS 2 HALLOS AALLSU ALULAS# CCHOOS SCOOCH ed es, ing 2 to slide with short movements CHOCOS# EHLOSS HOSELS 2 SHEOLS HRSSUU SUHURS# ACIPSS ASPICS 2 SPICAS ACEKLR c g, sp# RACKLE 3 impetuous; rash CALKER s one that {calks=v} b c f# s, shel# LACKER s, ed, ing to coat with a glossy substance, also LACQUER AMMNOS g m, ps, backg AMMONS# GGGINU b f h j l m p r s# t, ch dr fr gl pl sc# sk# ..11 UGGING# CCKMOU MOCUCK# s# a North American bark box, also MOCOCK# CCEKLS CLECKS# AEKLRS SLAKER s 2 one that {slakes=v} f s LAKERS EIRSSW SWEIRS# 2 new SWIRES# AALSTT para# STATAL pertaining to a national government CERRSU CURSER s 3 one that {curses=v} se, obs# pro CURERS RECURS ion ive, ions, ively, iveness, ivenesses CDEEKR quarter# DECKER s 2 a person who adorns t# w, un#, shipw RECKED DDEKSU DUSKED DEFFLU DUFFEL s 3 a coarse woollen fabric, also DUFFLE b f p# s, outb LUFFED DUFFLE s a coarse woollen fabric, also DUFFEL EILLMS fa# MILLES imal, imals, imally AAPPWW PAWPAW s a fleshy fruit, also PAPAW AEIPSS SEPIAS IKRSST STIRKS 2 out, fore# hoop midi mini over, micro# under SKIRTS AACISS CASSIA s a variety of cinnamon DELPSU PUSLED# 3 non sur PLUSED# ex im re, com# PULSED ELMRSU LEMURS CEKNSU in#, hame# SUCKEN# s#, er#, ers# grain having to be ground at a certain mill ACLLSY fi ra SCALLY# wag, wags a scallywag or rogue [n SCALLIES#] AALLSY ALLAYS ELLPSS re un#, bon mis out, counter SPELLS topt# EGPSSU SPEUGS# CHIPSY SCYPHI form#, stoma, stomae stomas 2 meta PHYSIC s, al ky#, als ian ism# ist ked, ally ..20 to treat with medicine AAHLPS pent# ALPHAS ort#, orts#, orted#, orting# CCIKRS CRICKS ACNOST CANTOS 4 COTANS OCTANS ACTONS# AKSSTT SKATTS# AELLPS SPALLE# d r s#, rs 2 the shoulder LAPELS IMMSWY SWIMMY {dizzy=adj} [adj SWIMMIER, SWIMMIEST] ACEHPS CHAPES s#, ses# 2 CHEAPS kate, kates AACLPS CALPAS# 2 kilo PASCAL s a unit of pressure CCLOSY CYCLOS es is, tome tyle, erine porin# tomes ..11 LMPPUY PLUMPY# somewhat fat, also PLUMPIE# [adj PLUMPIER#, PLUMPIEST#] BELMSU BLUMES 3 UMBELS b f h j m n r t, cr dr gr sc st, bej, outf, autoj# UMBLES the entrails of a deer EEKLSY SKEELY# 2 {skilful=adj} [adj SKEELIER#, SKEELIEST#] SLEEKY {sleek=adj} [adj SLEEKIER, SLEEKIEST] ILMPSY over SIMPLY 2 in a simple manner s LIMPSY lacking strength or vigour, also LIMPSEY [adj LIMPSIER, LIMPSIEST] ACPPRY s CRAPPY inferior in quality [adj CRAPPIER, CRAPPIEST] EEILSS SESELI# s# 3 a plant r ESILES# EISELS# ACDEKS un CASKED 2 ran, knap SACKED AGRSST du STRAGS# ABPSSY BYPASS ed es, ing to avoid by going around ABBLSU BABULS 2 BUBALS ACCSTU zygo# CACTUS es a plant native to arid regions [n CACTUSES or CACTI] CEHSST CHESTS BISSTU BUSTIS# 2 BUISTS# FFOPSY SPOFFY# {fussy=adj} BELRSU su ze# BRULES# 3 RUBELS RUBLES GILSSU GUSLIS# AAHHLL c, ins# mas# HALLAH s a kind of bread [n HALLAHS or HALLOT or HALLOTH] AKLMMU MAMLUK s a slave in Muslim countries, also MAMELUKE HKOOSS gras# SHOOKS 2 SKOOSH# ed# es#, ing# to squirt, also SCOOSH# AARSTT ASTART# s#, ed#, ing# 4 to start up, also ASTERT# sub, super under# STRATA l s, gem, gems {stratum=n} ATTARS TATARS LOPPSU POULPS# HMMSTU SHTUMM# {quiet=adj} BBEIRS out BRIBES DNOSSY SYNODS man# men# AILPPS PIPALS AABBLL LABLAB# s# a tropical bean EINSST tw INSETS 3 cy, ein hol, geni, schal# STEINS tran SIENTS# ABERRS REBARS 2 BARRES ABEHSS SAHEBS# 2 a, ear# kur, cala kour# squa# BASHES CCHHII CHICHI s, er, est elaborate ornamentation / elaborately ornamented IKLMSS SKLIMS# BBIKOS SKIBOB s, bed# ber, bers bing, bings to travel in a sleigh-type vehicle over snow EEGSST r# EGESTS 3 GESTES GEESTS EGNOSS ho li#, dia geo# pro ste#, baro# para# ..10 GNOSES 2 SEGNOS GHRSSU SHRUGS EKSSTY SKYTES# ACLSST pyro#, icono idolo# litho# osteo CLASTS AIMSSY MISSAY s, ing, ings# 2 to say incorrectly [v MISSAID, MISSAYING, MISSAYS] MYASIS infestation of human tissue by fly maggots, also MYIASIS [n MYASES] ALMPSU AMPULS ACLMMY CLAMMY {sticky=adj} [adj CLAMMIER, CLAMMIEST] DEPRSS di# SPREDS# BEKORS pem# BROKES# 2 BOSKER very good AHLMSS SHALMS# BERSTU car BURETS 6 sur# REBUTS em im BRUTES TUBERS SURBET# ro, sod, bonk# fili gang tank#, block ..5 BUSTER s a horse-breaker AKNPSS SPANKS AILNSS SNAILS AEHHRS REHASH ed es, ing to go over old ideas again ADELMM c f g# s, flimf LAMMED EKRSTU TUSKER s an animal with tusks ADHRSS pot SHARDS AABBKS KABABS 2 BABKAS EMNRSU c#, ce RUMENS DEPRSU DUPERS 5 DRUPES PERDUS un#, dis# PURSED PRUDES ABEISS un#, ame mis, amoe, entero BIASES CHILLS pre, over wind CHILLS BBOOSY YOBBOS ACCHHI CHICHA# s# a type of dye CEHIRS en mo# st#, est# ost, tova RICHES t, se#, ses# ADSSTU ADUSTS# EKLMSS SKELMS EGISST a, hy, zeit, polter GEISTS# ABRSST BRASTS# EIMMRR b c g k p t RIMMER s a tool used to enlarge holes, also REAMER ACEHLS SEALCH# s# 3 a seal CHELAS hip, hips re#, pot LACHES es# undue delay in carrying out a legal right AENNSS tran# SENNAS AABLMS opo# BALSAM s y#, ed ic, ing, iferous#, inaceous# 2 to anoint with an aromatic resin SAMBAL s a food served with curry DDENSU a# SUDDEN s, ly ty#, ness ties#, nesses an occurrence without warning HNOSSY HYSONS DERSSY DRESSY {stylish=adj} [adj DRESSIER, DRESSIEST] AGGLSY SLAGGY resembling residue of smelted ore [adj SLAGGIER, SLAGGIEST] AOPPRS APPROS# AKLLSY ALKYLS BBLOOS BOBOLS# AABSSU SAUBAS# KNPSSU SPUNKS BEOSSW BOWSES AGIMNS MASING# 2 GAMINS AMPSST en# re, mis pre, back hand time# STAMPS CCEKLO corn# COCKLE d r# s, rs#, bur ert# man# men#, boat# ..5 a shellfish / to {wrinkle=v} CHKSTU SHTUCK# s# trouble AGLNSS boom# SLANGS EINRSS pre RINSES 4 ce#, oleo RESINS lepido# SIRENS kai SERINS ACIKSS SAICKS# CIKLSY brain SICKLY ing to make {sick=adj} [v SICKLIED, SICKLYING, SICKLIES] / inclined to be ailing [adj SICKLIER, SICKLIEST] ABELRS BELARS# 4 cym BALERS BLARES BLEARS AAMNPS SAMPAN s a flat-bottomed Chinese skiff CERSSY CRESSY resembling {cress=n} [adj CRESSIER#, CRESSIEST#] CIKNSS SNICKS EINOSS ESSOIN s, er#, ers# 8 an excuse for not appearing in court, also ESSOYNE# OSSEIN s a protein substance in the bone un SONSIE r, st comely, also SONSY k, ad st, sel, bioc poll synt#, bioco, molybd# ENOSIS es political union [n ENOSISES or ENOSES#] brom# EOSINS ge, anti# NOISES a# NOESIS es intellectual reasoning [n NOESISES or NOESES#] mo#, geog, pharmacog NOSIES# t HLOOST THOLOS a circular, underground tomb [n THOLOI] ACMPSU non, hippo inter multi CAMPUS ed es, ing to restrict a student to the school ground EENRSS SNEERS ACCHST SCATCH# es# a stilt DEEGSS GESSED# 2 di#, nut SEDGES AHLPSS back SPLASH y, ed er es, ers ier ily ing, back# down ..9 to scatter liquid about CIORSS SIROCS# DEISST geo DESIST s, ed, ing, ance ence#, ances ences# 3 to {stop=v} fi DEISTS as de in re, con per sub, coas unas ..2 SISTED# AAIMMS MIASMA l s, ta, tic, tous#, tical# a noxious vapor, also MIASM LOPPRY iso PROPYL a s, ic on, aea ene ite ons#, aeum enes ..13 a univalent radical AHMMSU UMMAHS# AELMSU ULEMAS DDERSU b d# j m p# r s#, ch sc# sh sp UDDERS 2 SUDDER# s# a supreme court ADNSSY SDAYNS# AENOSS NAOSES# 2 re un#, off# pre, post SEASON s, al ed er, als ers ing, able ably ally ..9 to improve flavour AANSSU SAUNAS AAKMMU MAMAKU# s# a tall edible New Zealand tree fern CCLMUU MUCLUC s a soft boot worn by Eskimos, also MUKLUK, MUCKLUCK IMPRSS bi#, macro# micro ortho# penta#, brachy# PRISMS HHMPSU HUMPHS ANNSSU SUNNAS EHHRSU s HUSHER# s#, ed#, ing# to {usher=v} ACEHMS MACHES 4 sub# SCHEMA s, ta, tic, tics tise# tism tist# tize ..14 a plan SAMECH s a Hebrew letter, also SAMEK, SAMEKH SACHEM s, ic, dom#, doms# ship#, ships# a North American indian chief CCIKLS CLICKS tream#, treams# ABBORS re, pre ABSORB s, ed er, ant ate# ent ers ing, able ..15 to gather and hold another substance within, compare ADSORB, SORB, DESORB AABMRS SAMBAR s a large Asian deer, also SAMBHAR, SAMBHUR, SAMBUR CEENSS in li re#, reli, subli, frankin CENSES 2 dama demo# SCENES ter#, ters#, hifter, hifters ACMMOS COMMAS EENSSY SEYENS# KORSST STORKS bill, bills 3 TORSKS SKORTS FILSSU FUSILS GGGORY GROGGY dazed [adj GROGGIER, GROGGIEST] ACCHLS CLACHS BBOSUY BUSBOY s a waiter's assistant ILLPSS over SPILLS ERSSTT foo TRESTS# NPSSUU SUNUPS ALSSVY SYLVAS BBMRUY BRUMBY a wild horse [n BRUMBIES] GGGILY GIGGLY tending to giggle [adj GIGGLIER, GIGGLIEST] EERSSV di# in ob re, con ren# sub# tra uni ..5 VERSES 3 as#, dis SEVERS de ob re, con dis out pre sub, reob ..4 SERVES EEHMMS EMMESH# ed# es#, ing# to entangle, also ENMESH, IMMESH, INMESH ACHHIS r, shaku# HACHIS# a narcotic made from hemp, also HASHISH [n HACHIS#] COPSSU SCOUPS# ABLLSY BALLSY {gutsy=adj} [adj BALLSIER, BALLSIEST] AEIMSS MAISES# 3 MISSAE# c k# t, ch, dyn# inf# pyr#, macad# polyg# AMISES# ACHIMS CHIASM a i s, al as ic us, ata, atic a connection formed during meiosis, also CHIASMA AACHRS CHARAS es 2 {hashish=n} ACHARS# DEOSSU SOUSED 2 DOUSES ALMORS SAMLOR# s# 5 a three-wheeled taxi in Thailand MORSAL# pertaining to a bite pre MOLARS b ROMALS# bal MORALS ACCORS CORSAC s an Asian fox BIMOSS BISOMS# 2 IMBOSS# ed# es#, ing# to decorate with a raised design, also EMBOSS EIMMSY MIMSEY# {prim=adj} [adj MIMSIER#, MIMSIEST#] DNOOSS de# SNOODS AASSTY SATAYS CELRSU ULCERS 3 CRUELS# a disease supposedly cured by touch of the monarch, also CRUELLS# invo LUCRES CEIRSS ec#, epa# epi# non CRISES 2 de SCRIES LMOOSY SLOOMY# {sleepy=adj} [adj SLOOMIER#, SLOOMIEST#] GGGIIN b d f g j l# p r t# w z, fr gr# pr sn# sw ..19 IGGING EMMOSU MOUSME# e# s#, es# a Japanese girl, also MOUSMEE# AACCHM CHACMA s a large {baboon=n} BBNSUY SNUBBY {blunt=adj} [adj SNUBBIER, SNUBBIEST] ABOSST BASTOS# 3 out BOASTS SABOTS AHMPSS PASHMS# AEIRSS lama#, caravan SERAIS 3 p, di# re#, cid# cur# mac# not# pol ..46 ARISES a# b f p, re up, app bep# heb# mis out ..8 RAISES EMMSTY STEMMY abounding in stems [adj STEMMIER, STEMMIEST] PRSSUU USURPS ABNOSS BASONS# AELMMR RAMMLE# s# 3 (English dialect) things saved in case they might prove useful t, st#, ent# RAMMEL# s# (English dialect) discarded waste c s, flimf LAMMER# s#, geier geyer, geiers geyers {amber=n} FFIPSS SPIFFS IKLRSS SKIRLS CHKMOS SHMOCK# s# a stupid person IRSSTU ma# TSURIS es# a series of misfortunes, also TSOORIS, TSORIS, TSORES, TSORRISS, TZURIS [n TSURISES# or TSURIS] CEOPSS bio dia# epi iri# myo oto, aero auri# ..107 SCOPES 2 COPSES AEMPRS REMAPS AEORSS SEROSA e l s 2 a thin membrane lining some bodily cavities SOARES# ACLPSU CAPULS# 2 CUSPAL relating to a cusp EELLMS LEMELS# IKMPSS SKIMPS ADENSS SEDANS 2 SNEADS# BDERSU REDUBS 3 SURBED# s#, ded#, ding# to set on edge DEBURS# BDOOSS DSOBOS# ILNSSY auto cyto hemo, haemo#, fibrino ..2 LYSINS AEMMSU SUMMAE ACEKST CASKET s, ed, ing to place in a burial case ALPRSU PULSAR s a celestial source of radio waves COPPRY CROPPY# an Irish rebel of 1798 [n CROPPIES] EEPSSU UPSEES# BEHISS ne#, fur neb rub, refur BISHES# ACIRSS CRISSA l 2 CRASIS a vowel contraction [n CRASES] CHORSU semi# CHORUS ed es, ing sed ses, sing, master#, masters# to sing in unison LMPSUY SLUMPY# {marshy=adj} [adj SLUMPIER#, SLUMPIEST#] ADHISS DASHIS 2 SIDHAS# ALMSST SMALTS CCKORS CROCKS IMMNOS eco# NOMISM s 2 strict adherence to moral law de, mam, eude# hege#, eudae eudai ..2 MONISM s a philosophical theory ABBDES SABBED BOOSST BOOSTS HOSSTW SOWTHS# ABMRSU SAMBUR s 3 a large Asian deer, also SAMBAR, SAMBHAR, SAMBHUR pen UMBRAS RUMBAS HMSTUY MYTHUS# 2 a type of traditional story, also MYTH, MYTHOS [n MYTHI#] THYMUS es a glandular structure in the body [n THYMUSES or THYMI] CEKRSU b d f m p s t y#, ch# pl sh tr, unp, bums# ..15 UCKERS# 2 a form of ludo [n UCKERS#] bum# gum# sap, cock goat lump# sand# ..5 SUCKER s, ed, ing, fish#, fishes# to strip off superfluous shoots GLOPSS SPLOGS# ADELLS DALLES 2 LADLES EFILSS FISSLE# d# s# to {rustle=v} EEPPST STEPPE d r s, rs a vast treeless plain CIMSSU non, anti, techno# MUSICS AHHIKS SHAIKH# s# an Arab chief ABKLSY SKYLAB# s# an experimental sky-station BELMMU BUMMEL# s# 3 a stroll MUMBLE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# typeg#, typegs# to speak indistinctly BUMMLE# d# s# to bungle, also BUMBLE EGIRSS a#, amber misti# verdi GRISES# ANORSS SONARS 2 p, squ# ARSONS AEILSS LAISSE# s# 5 a tirade of verses on one rhyme g LASSIE s a young woman, also LASS EASSIL# eastward, also EASSEL# wh# AISLES a, go#, moni, fascio, materfami paterfami# LIASES# AGHSST GHASTS# EMNOSS MESONS CIKOSS SICKOS EFFRSU t RUFFES 2 SUFFER s, ed er, ers ing, able ably ance ings ..3 to feel pain or distress AEMRRS p, fi fo REARMS 2 f h w, ch sw, dis, bedw legw nonf, benchw sharef# ARMERS AEGSSU ab# pl# sa, dis# mis spo#, surpl USAGES AEFRSS FARSES# CDISSU holo# DISCUS s, es, sed ser ses, sant sers sing sion ..6 a disc hurled in athletic competition [n DISCUSES or DISCI] ALSSUU USUALS ACMPSS SCAMPS BEOSSY SYBOES EKLPSS SPELKS# 2 SKELPS AELLLY LEALLY in a leal manner LPPRUY PURPLY {purplish=adj} [adj PURPLIER#, PURPLIEST#] COOSST SCOOTS RSSTTY mis TRYSTS MOSSTU MOUSTS# 2 SMOUTS# EPSSUY UPSEYS# AKLSST eye, bean corn cros foot leaf root STALKS AAKPPS KAPPAS CCERSU cysti CERCUS 2 a sensory appendage of an insect [n CERCI] CRUCES AABRST RABATS EKLLSS SKELLS BBEMOS BOMBES in, ins EOORSS b# ROOSES AEGLLS il, para LEGALS IKNSST over# STINKS tone#, tones# EHISSW s, un, out, wishton# WISHES ELLORS LORELS# 4 g# h j# l p r s# t, ch# kn pr# tr, car enr ..12 OLLERS# SORELL# s# a reddish-brown colour, also SORREL, SOREL SOLLER# s#, et, ets an upper room, also SOLLAR# AAMOSS SAMOSA s a filled pastry turnover EFLSSU FUSELS EOPRRS va PORERS# 5 PROSER s a writer of prose, also PROSAIST g p, out#, sandg# ROPERS PRORES# REPROS BEIKSS BEKISS ed es, ing to cover with kisses MMRRUU be re# MURMUR s, ed er, ers ing ous, ings#, ation# ..3 to make a subdued muttered sound GGGLOY GOGGLY wide-eyed [adj GOGGLIER, GOGGLIEST] AAHLLS HALALS CINOSS tran#, hyper# super ultra SONICS 2 the study of technological application of sounds SCIONS DEIRSS RESIDS 2 in re, con off# out pre sub top, ring# ..2 SIDERS# ACLLSU SULCAL ise# ize#, ised# ises# ized# izes# ..2 2 pertaining to {sulcus=n} CALLUS ed es, ing to form a hard growth BNOSSU BOSUNS CCHLSU SCULCH es clean trash eg string, paper, also CULCH, CULTCH, SCULTCH HIMSST gun tin, gold iron jack# joke# lock ..8 SMITHS onite, onites ARRSST STARRS# ACKPSY SKYCAP s a porter in an airport DILOSS SLOIDS 3 DOSSIL s a cloth roll for wiping ink bio non, semi SOLIDS DEGOSS GOSSED# BKOOSY BOOKSY# in a literary way, also BOOKSIE# [adj BOOKSIER#, BOOKSIEST#] CCKLSU CLUCKS AEPRRS g RASPER s 6 one that {rasps=v} SPARER s, ib, ibs one who {spares=v} s, com pre, cheese# PARERS s PARSER s one who {parses=v} d, sc, skysc RAPERS SPARRE# d r# s#, rs# a rafter ELMMPU PUMMEL o s, ed os, ing led, ling to strike with the fists, also POMMEL CEOSSU SOUCES# 2 lob SCOUSE r# s, rs# a type of meat stew ACHOSS OSHACS# EEORSS x, het scl sid tub, dipt#, anapl# monoc# ..6 EROSES 2 SOREES# IPSSTU SITUPS BILSSY SYBILS# 2 SIBYLS MPRSUU RUMPUS es a noisy disturbance ABBIRS RABBIS CCHLTU s CULTCH es 2 clean trash, eg string, paper, also CULCH, SCULCH, SCULTCH de# un# CLUTCH y, ed es, ing to grasp and hold tightly EIPSSU UPSIES# EKMOSS be, out, over SMOKES tack, creen# tacks, creens# CEHMMY CHEMMY# a type of {baccarat=n} [n CHEMMIES#] IKLSSU SUSLIK s an Eurasian rodent HORSST HORSTS 2 boy#, walk#, under SHORTS top, tops word#, words#, ighted, ightedly EIRSST photo RESIST s, ed er or, ant ent# ers ing ive ors ..17 5 to strive against, oppose b# REISTS# STIRES# as in re, per sub, koek# step SISTER s, ed ly, ing, hood less# like#, hoods ..2 to treat like a female sibling RESITS ELMPSU de em# un#, dis, filo semi# PLUMES HILPSS SPLISH# ed# es#, ing# to {splash=v} ABESSU SUBSEA 2 situated below the surface of the sea dat# dis, cott# syll ABUSES CCEHKS re un#, air hat pay pin pre, back body ..9 CHECKS um, ums AAGMMS MAGMAS 2 di GAMMAS AAKRST KARATS ACHMMY CHAMMY ing to clean with a chamois [v CHAMMIED, CHAMMYING, CHAMMIES] HORSSW SHROWS# AAANSS ASANAS ACCHIK CHIACK# s#, ed#, ing#, ings# to {tease=v} EHOPPS SHOPPE d r s, rs a small store AHPRSS card SHARPS hooter, hooters hooting, hootings AOSSTT ASSOTT# ed#, ing# 3 infatuated milk#, milque# TOASTS STOATS AHLOSS ASLOSH 4 sloshing SOLAHS# SHOALS SHOLAS# CCKLOS over# CLOCKS FFISST ma, bullma STIFFS AEPRST TAPERS tick, ticks 8 PASTER n s, ns one that {pastes=v} PEARST# perforated fo REPAST s, ed, ing ure#, ures# to partake of a meal TRAPES ed es, ing, ings# to walk in an aimless manner, also TRAIPSE, TRAPE# dissi PATERS PETARS# u, ca#, stu#, constu# PRATES ACDSSU SCAUDS# AELLPP LAPPEL# s# an extension of the collar of a garment, also LAPEL AACHLS CALASH es a light carriage, also CALECHE, CALESA CEKLSU honey SUCKLE d r s, rs ss to feed mild from the breast LMMPUY PLUMMY full of plums [adj PLUMMIER, PLUMMIEST] IKLNSS di# SLINKS kin#, kins# ACEFSS FASCES an ancient Roman symbol of power [n FASCES] EIMSSU MISUSE d r s, rs to use incorrectly [v MISUST# or MISUSED, MISUSING, MISUSES] BINOSS BISONS 2 BISSON# blind, also BEESOME# ILLSST be# di in, redi, stand STILLS EELPRS LEPERS 2 REPELS DEHOSS DOSEHS# 2 DOSHES# ABBERS BARBES CDEIKS mu, fos phy SICKED AEHNSS sc# HANSES EEHNSS SNEESH an# es in#, ans# ing# ins#, ings# 2 snuff, powdered tobacco, also SNEESHAN#, SNEESHIN# ar# da, dri# SHEENS DEESSW SWEDES EIKLRS dis mis LIKERS CIPPSU CIPPUS# the stocks [n CIPPI#] AKNSSW SWANKS AALLMS LLAMAS CFFRSU SCRUFF s y, ier ily, iest, iness, inesses the back of the neck MORSST be#, barn dust fire hail rain sand ..4 STORMS tayed# DEKRSU DUSKER# LLSXYY XYLYLS EEOPSS d r, pr# EPOSES ACCEKL CACKLE d r s, rs, berry#, berries# to make the sound of a hen EILSSV mi SLIVES# DEESSY YESSED ADRSSW u#, green SWARDS CCELSY bi re, bio epi tri uni, auto# exer ..12 CYCLES CEORSS la CROSSE d r s, rs st, tte#, ttes# 4 a lacrosse stick SCORSE# d# r# s#, rs# to {chase=v} re, out pre six# top#, nine# over ..3 SCORES heet#, heets# s# CORSES CCHOST hop, butter SCOTCH ed es, ing to {quash=v} EHIKSS SHEIKS 3 KISHES# SHIKSE h s, hs a non-Jewish girl or woman, also SHIKSA, SHIKSEH, SHICKSA EEEMMS SEMEME s a unit of meaning ADEGSS de, out, tear GASSED DEOSST be# up TOSSED BBELRU BURBLE d r s, rs 3 to speak quickly and incoherently b c f s, bes#, land, nightc LUBBER s, ly, liness, linesses a clumsy person g# RUBBLE d s, work#, works# to reduce into pieces EOSSTW TOWSES# EEERSS fo RESEES AGINSS re, mis pre ASSIGN s, at ed ee er or, ats ees ers ing ors ..8 to designate BKPSUU BUPKUS (Yiddish) literally beans. Small reward, also BUPKES, BUBKES HIPPSU eo, meso# HIPPUS# es# 2 a clonic spasm of the iris UPPISH ly, ness, nesses tending to be snobbish and arrogant, also UPPITY ACLLOS non LOCALS GHISST in re un, dis# eye gun# out, back# ..5 SIGHTS aw ee, een eer ees man# men#, eers ..4 AEEPSS PASSEE 2 outmoded ap PEASES AEHSST pl# ASHETS# 4 over# post HASTES nort sout HEASTS# s, po, succo TASHES# ACCHKU KUCCHA# s# the short trousers traditionally worn by Sikhs, also KACCHA# EHIMMS IMMESH ed es, ing to entangle, also ENMESH, EMMESH#, INMESH AGLLSU GALLUS ed es a suspender for trousers CESSTU SCUTES 2 CESTUS es a hand covering for ancient Roman boxers, also CAESTUS [n CESTUSES or CESTI] EPRSST SPERST# 3 u#, im PRESTS STREPS ipterous# CCKOPU COCKUP s a turned-up part of something MMNOSU MUSMON# s# 2 a wild sheep re SUMMON s, ed er, ers ing sed ses, able sing to order to appear ABBSWY SWABBY a sailor, also SWABBIE [n SWABBIES] HIKSSY SKYISH# like the sky OOPPST POSTOP s, erative, eratively a patient after undergoing a surgical operation ANOSSY SAYONS# KMOOSS SMOKOS# 2 KOSMOS# es# the universe as an orderly system, also COSMOS ELLOPS ELLOPS# es# a type of sturgeon, also ELOPS# CRSSTU be en in, pie sub#, duri# CRUSTS AEEMSS per MEASES# 3 SESAME s an East Indian plant, also SEMSEM#, TEEL SEAMES# LMORSS SLORMS# EISSTT ovo TESTIS a male reproductive gland, also TESTICLE [n TESTES] CEHMSU over MUCHES AACLLS CALLAS AERSSW ballan# WRASSE s 5 a marine fish RESAWS SAWERS un, for men# out, fore over#, ladie# ..2 SWEARS SEWARS AABGSS BAGASS e, es, oses# osis# dry refuse in sugar-making, also BAGASSE GOORSS SORGOS LLLOOP LOLLOP s y, ed, ing to lounge, also LOLL ACLMSU LACMUS# es# a substance that changes colour with acidity, also LITMUS ELOOSS un LOOSES t, trife, trifes 2 SOOLES# EHLMMU HUMMEL# s#, led# ler#, lers# ling# 2 to make {hornless=adj} w# HUMMLE# as in hummle bonnet, a type of Scottish cap NORSSU URSONS# ACORSS OSCARS# 2 ACROSS from one side to the other ILSSTU SLUITS# BDEOSS DEBOSS# ed# es#, ing# 2 to impress a design into de# em im# BOSSED EEMSSW MEWSES# CHHIST SHTCHI# s# cabbage soup CIKLSS out SLICKS ter, ters tone#, tones# ALNOSS SLOANS# 3 SOLANS SALONS FFNSSU SNUFFS HIRSST red, camp over, brown night sweat under SHIRTS leeve, leeved leeves ADDDES mi SADDED# EGLRSU GLUERS 3 LUGERS GRUELS AESSTW for# out rad WASTES 3 TAWSES muck# SWEATS hop uit, hirt hops uits, hirts CFFSSU SCUFFS EIMMST MISMET re#, red# res#, ring# 2 SEMMIT# s# a vest BBLLUU BULBUL s a {songbird=n} ALMRSU photo MURALS 3 a LARUMS RUMALS# EMMSUU MUSEUM s a repository for the collection, exhibition and study of objects IORSST ROISTS# 4 TSORIS a series of misfortunes, also TSOORIS, TSORES, TSORRISS, TSURIS, TZURIS [n TSORIS] ROSTIS# ROSITS# CCESSU CUSECS 2 SUCCES# s, ses sor, sful sion sive sors, sions ..16 {success=n} [n SUCCES#] EILPPR a# c g t# RIPPLE d r s t, rs ts 2 to form small waves c f s LIPPER s, ed, ing to {ripple=v} AEGSST SAGEST 2 ho la# po re up wa, off sub, back down ..2 STAGES truck HILSSY SLYISH# somewhat sly ACCELS CALCES AHHISS SHISHA# s# a pipe with a long flexible stem, a hookah ACSSTU TUSSAC# as in tussac grass, a kind of grass ACCHSU SUCCAH s a shelter where meals are eaten during Jewish festivals [n SUCCAHS or SUCCOS# or SUCCOT# or SUCCOTH or SUKKOS# or SUKKOT or SUKKOTH] AALLPP APPALL s, ed, ing, ingly 2 to {horrify=v} PALPAL pertaining to a {palpus=n} IKNSSU UNKISS# ed es#, ing# to annul by a kiss EESSTW bitter meadow SWEETS op, hop ops, hops ABHISS mem SAHIBS BBEKSU BUBKES (Yiddish) literally beans. Small reward, also BUPKES, BUPKUS AIRSST SISTRA 3 up, back down fore#, below# STAIRS tep, teps, tepped, tepping SITARS LMSSTU STULMS# ALLSTY LASTLY 2 in conclusion SALTLY# full of salt ABMOSS SAMBOS CEERSS pro CESSER# s# 3 a type of legal liability p RECESS ed es, ing ion ive, ions ives, ional ..7 to place in a hollow SCREES ENSSTU SUNSET s, ting#, tings# 2 the descent of the sun below the horizon in the evening s UNSETS ALRSST SLARTS# OSSTTU STOUTS AIRRSS SIRRAS AILSSV SILVAS EIRRSS p#, up, app, apho# colo# ethe# memo# ..37 RISERS DENOSS ENDOSS# ed# es#, ing# 2 to {endorse=v} drop iono, radio rawin, electro#, endoradio# SONDES ADESST be on#, bed, farm heap# home road ..2 STEADS 3 TSADES crou STADES HORSSU SOHURS# AGNOSS GOSSAN s 2 a type of decomposed rock, also GOZZAN# SANGOS# EIPPRR d f# g t, st RIPPER s one that {rips=v} CKSSTU concert# STUCKS# BBCLUY CLUBBY characteristic of a club [adj CLUBBIER, CLUBBIEST] LLSSTU STULLS ANSSUY UNSAYS CCHORS be SCORCH ed er es, ers ing, ings#, ingly, ingness#, ingnesses# to burn slightly EOPPRS PREOPS ACSSTT SCATTS COORSS CORSOS# EELMSS MESELS# CMRSSU SCRUMS KLLOSY SKOLLY# a Coloured hooligan, also SKOLLIE# [n SKOLLIES#] AHISSW SIWASH# ed# es#, ing# to camp out using only natural shelter ELOSSV ab re, dis pre, redis SOLVES EEIRSS SIREES 4 SEISER s one that seizes, also SEIZER REISES# mi ro, boi cau goo# mou# nur sub, bras ..12 SERIES an arrangement of one after another [n SERIES] CGLLYY GLYCYL s a radical derived from glucose ABBHSY SHABBY {ragged=adj} [adj SHABBIER, SHABBIEST] HLSSUY SLUSHY resembling slush [adj SLUSHIER, SLUSHIEST] / an unskilled kitchen assistant [n SLUSHIES#] AEERSS l t, cr gr pl, app rel, degr incr, cockt# ..3 EASERS# 3 est, copp epim isom, dinoc# lucif ..5 ERASES SAREES ORSSTY de STROYS 2 ROYSTS# DEHISS w# HISSED 2 ea# ed# ra, kad pie# tun, blan bran ..7 DISHES BBLRUY BURBLY 2 burbling [adj BURBLIER, BURBLIEST] RUBBLY abounding in rubble [adj RUBBLIER, RUBBLIEST] AANRSS SANSAR s 2 a cold, whistling wind, also SARSAR SARANS EILRSS SILERS# ELLSST mi# STELLS# AENRSS en in SNARES 2 SARSEN s, et, ets a large sandstone block EHLPSS SHLEPS EIMOSS MOSSIE# r s#, st 2 a winged insect, also MOSQUITO se MIOSES IMOSST su MOISTS# CCHIOS CHICOS DDDEOS re SODDED MOOSSU OSMOUS containing osmium EMMORS MOMSER s a bastard, also MOMZER CENSSU CENSUS ed es, ing to take an official count of ELLMSS out SMELLS AALMST TAMALS 2 TALMAS# AHKRSS fox# saw#, land# SHARKS kin, kins, ucker#, uckers# EKLRSU SULKER s one who {sulks=v} ENOSST TOSSEN# 6 (Spenser) to toss (no inflections) mo ONSETS SETONS STENOS ed es is SESTON# s# a small plankton organism a#, hi, bur cam# cap ear eye fel gem ..117 STONES hot#, hots# ADDOSS SADDOS# AACHMS CAMASH# es# a type of plant EMRRSU MURRES HOSSTT SHOTTS DEESSU SUEDES CCEOSS COSECS 2 pro# SECCOS CHISST di ma#, tri, deca# hemi hexa mono ..5 STICHS 3 SICHTS# put SCHIST s, ose ous, osity osome, osomal osomes ..3 a metamorphic rock, also SHIST AEKRSS KESARS# 5 ESKARS m t#, unm ASKERS ro#, for SAKERS SKEARS# EILSST gri mea SLIEST 5 ISLETS m#, br ep gr th wh, thr#, cacom, pennywh ISTLES STEILS# ba ho, turn, areosy# STILES DDEISS DISSED AEPPRT wire TAPPER s one that {taps=v} EHINSS k, ba da fi li# mi mo pu va, bur eva fur ..20 NISHES# 2 ar# be# re, eye out sun, moon over# ..4 SHINES s#, ses# DLOSSY SLOYDS CCEHKY CHECKY# chequered [adj CHECKIER#, CHECKIEST#] DEKLSU out SULKED 2 LUSKED# BLMMUY MUMBLY given to mumbling [adj MUMBLIER#, MUMBLIEST#] HPSSTU SHTUPS# ACCKRY CRACKY used to express surprise MPSSTU re# STUMPS EERSST f j m# n p r t w z, di dy# ke ki pr qu wr ..38 ESTERS 6 SEREST b# REESTS p RESETS deca# deci#, hecto# STERES mis out, over, under STEERS man men, mate#, mates# EJOSSS JOSSES GPRSSU SPRUGS COOPSS out SCOOPS ful GINOSS dia geo# pro ste#, baro# para# tele# ..9 GNOSIS mystical knowledge [n GNOSES] AELRSS w RASSLE d s 2 to {wrestle=v} f#, atto# LASERS AGLOSS para# GLOSSA e l s, ry, tor, rial ries rist tors, rists, rially# the tongue ACCKLS CLACKS BELSSU BULSES# BEISST BESITS# 2 BESTIS# AKSWYY SKYWAY s an elevated highway AAHLLL HALLAL i# s#, is# oo#, led# oos#, ling# to slaughter according to Muslim law, also HALAL MMTUUU MUTUUM# s# a bailment consisting of a loan of goods AENPPS ge#, lag NAPPES ACLPSS SCALPS 2 be en in re un, tie, hand CLASPS AELPPR RAPPEL s, ed, ing led, ling, lings# 2 to descend from a steep height by means of a rope c f s, backs LAPPER s, ed, ing to curdle, also LOPPER EELNSS LESSEN s, ed, ing 2 to become {less=adj} f LENSES ACOSST m ASCOTS 2 ac#, sea COASTS AELNSS pur SLANES# ADIPSS DIPSAS a fabled serpent [n DIPSADES] BLRSSU SLURBS LPRSYY SPRYLY in a spry manner EFRSSU FUSSER s one who {fusses=v} EIPPRS bag, sand PIPERS 2 gos SIPPER s one who {sips=v} ALMMSY SMALMY# {slimy=adj} ADIRZZ d# g, bl IZZARD s the letter Z ADESSY SAYEDS AEPSSU dia, aero iono# meno meso, andro# ..5 PAUSES 2 UPASES ELNOSS LESSON s, ed, ing, ings# to {instruct=v} BBHLUY HUBBLY having an uneven surface EELSSW SWEELS# 2 SEWELS# NOOPSS SNOOPS 2 tea, soup, table, dessert SPOONS ful BBIKSU BUBKIS# (Yiddish) a nothing, a trifle ALLSST in, bor# lay#, back# book foot fore ..9 STALLS EMMRSY RYMMES# HLOSST SLOTHS AEKPSS be re un up#, for# mis net# new out ..9 SPEAKS EKNOSS SNOEKS# 3 frith# SOKENS# SNOKES# AFFSST di re, pal# tip, cowl flag hand# over ..8 STAFFS INSSTU SUINTS KOOPSS SPOOKS AIKMSS SMAIKS# EEKMSS SMEEKS 2 SMEKES# ALLPPU PULPAL ly pertaining to pulp BEOSST BESOTS 3 BETOSS# ed# es#, ing# to {agitate=v} BOSSET# s# a rudimentary antler of a young deer ANOSSW SOWANS porridge made from oat husks, also SOWENS [n SOWANS] ABCSSU SCUBAS AALSSV en#, sub VASSAL s, ry#, age ess# ise# ize# led#, ages ..9 a person holding land in return for homage and allegiance HIORSS ka# ROSHIS EHSSTY SHYEST 2 SYTHES# ABINSS sub, wash BASINS 2 SABINS ABLSST o, ar#, bio# epi myo neo# zoo#, bead# ..37 BLASTS AORSST re ASSORT s, ed er, ers ing ive#, ment, ative ments ..3 2 to {classify=v} over ROASTS CCHIMY CHYMIC s a chemist, also CHEMIC ALLMSS SMALLS at#, ats#, word, words ACERSS ESCARS 7 SERACS vi# CARESS ed er es, ers ing ive, ings#, ingly ively to touch lovingly CARSES SCRAES# su, ido, hippo CRASES SCARES AEFLSS FALSES# t ALLPSY PSYLLA s any of various plant lice, also PSYLLID IMSSTU MUISTS# 4 MUSITS# TUISMS# MISUST# DEOSSW SOWSED# 2 DOWSES DEENSS un# SENSED ADHSSU SADHUS CHMMUY CHUMMY a {criminal=n} [n CHUMMIES#] / {friendly=adj} [adj CHUMMIER, CHUMMIEST] CDEKSU un#, lipo# SUCKED AEMMRR c, anag# prog, monog, deprog, nonprog RAMMER s one that {rams=v} BBMOXY BOMBYX es a {silkworm=n} AERSSU re, pre ASSURE d r s, ds rs, dly, dness, dnesses 2 to {insure=v} URASES AALPST ca TALPAS# EGINSS GNEISS es ic, oid ose, itic# 2 a type of rock SINGES AAPPST TAPPAS# AHNPSS SHNAPS a strong liquor, also SCHNAPPS, SCHNAPS, SHNAPPS [n SHNAPS] CMSSUU CUSUMS# AENSSW SEWANS AABDSS BADASS ed es a difficult person ILPPSU SLIPUP s 3 a mistake out PUPILS hip#, hips# PIPULS# AEKRRS moon# muck RAKERS CKRSUU RUCKUS es a noisy disturbance, also RUCTION AENSSY NYASES# AABMMS MAMBAS AIKLSS SKAILS# DEMMSU un#, out# SUMMED AAHLMM HAMMAL s 2 a porter in eastern countries, also HAMAL, HAMAUL MAHMAL# s# the empty litter sent to Mecca EILNSS ELSINS# 2 SILENS# AAHSSY SHAYAS# 2 SASHAY s, ed, ing to {flounce=v} AGHNSS SANGHS AHNSST SNATHS EEELSS co, sub LESSEE s, ship#, ships# 2 one to whom a lease is granted LEESES# AGHSSU SAUGHS EEMSSU s#, char MEUSES# 2 SMEUSE# s# an escapeway through a hedge ILLMSY SLIMLY in a slim manner ACKNSS SNACKS AADMMS be MADAMS ERSSTY ac, seams#, headmis#, schoolmis# TRESSY 3 abounding in tresses [adj TRESSIER, TRESSIEST] STYRES# SYRTES# HILLSS SHILLS EERSSW SWEERS# 3 SEWERS RESEWS CLLSSU SCULLS HIOWZZ WHIZZO# excellent, impressive, also WHIZZY ACLLSS mi SCALLS CCLSUY CYCLUS# es# a series of poems BBELLU BULBEL s a small bulb, also BULBIL, BULBLET ACHSSU SAUCHS CCHNOS CONCHS DEIMSS fi DEISMS 4 un#, dis pre# MISSED braga# DISMES DEMISS# ly#, ion ive#, ions {humble=adj} ADEPSS by re, com out sur, fore hand# over ..4 PASSED 3 mou SEPADS# re SPADES man# men# CCHKUY CHUCKY a little chick [n CHUCKIES] AESSTT TASSET s 3 a piece of armour for the upper thigh, also TACE, TASSE, TUILLE e, ge in re te un up, apo con# mis out ..16 STATES ide man men, manly woman# women# ..5 re, dis pre, fore, after TASTES ACRSSY SCRAYS# AGNSSY SYNGAS es, ses a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen ILPPSY SLIPPY {slippery=adj} [adj SLIPPIER, SLIPPIEST] ACPSSU SCAUPS 2 SCAPUS# a flower stalk [n SCAPI#] DEIPSS PISSED 2 cu SPIDES# ABILSS BASILS DEIPPS gos SIPPED LMMSUY SLUMMY resembling a slum [adj SLUMMIER, SLUMMIEST] EMOSSU SMOUSE# d# r# s#, rs# 3 to trade as a pedlar s#, fa# za#, hou#, pampel# pompel# MOUSES MOUSSE d s, line, lines to apply a hair-styling lotion EESSTT TSETSE s 3 an African fly, also TZETZE SESTET s t#, te# to# ts#, tes# tos# a stanza of six lines ovo TESTES AAIKSS SAKAIS# 2 SAKIAS# EMSSTY eco non sub, inter multi photo super SYSTEM s, ed# ic, ics ise# ize, atic ised# ..41 2 a group of interacting elements forming a unified whole STYMES# AABCCS asara# BACCAS# CCHHIN CHINCH y, es, ier, iest illa, illas, erinchee, erinchees a {bedbug=n} EIIVZZ VIZZIE# d# s#, ing# to look at closely, also VIZY# DDDDEO DODDED# ILMOSS LISSOM e, ly, ely, ness#, eness, nesses#, enesses lithe, also LISSOME LLPPUU PULLUP s the act of raising oneself while hanging by the hands ENOSSU b n t, cl, hemi#, myocl, photot#, electrot ONUSES 2 bur, numi# NOUSES AEELSS EASSEL# gate# ward# 4 eastward, also EASSIL# p, re, nuc sub, disp head# misp# rere ..5 LEASES m EASLES# t w EASELS ARSSTY e STRAYS 2 SATYRS BHRSSU sub, under SHRUBS DDMMUU DUMDUM s a soft-nosed expanding bullet HOSSTU be un# wa, out SHOUTS 3 SOUTHS ay#, aid# ays#, aying# STOUSH# ed# es# ie#, ies# ing# to {fight=v} EHIRSS HISSER s 4 one that {hisses=v} SEHRIS# che SHIRES ca SHIERS AEJSSS JASSES# AEJRZZ JAZZER s one that {jazzes=v} FLLLUY LYFULL# full of life MOOSST SMOOTS# EEMNSS SEMENS 3 de MESNES MENSES BEMOSS BESOMS 2 EMBOSS ed er es, ers ing, able ment, ments to decorate with a raised design (pa t EMBOSSED, pa p EMBOSSED, EMBOST#), also IMBOSS# [v EMBOSSED, EMBOST#, EMBOSSING, EMBOSSES] HOPPSY SHOPPY# commercial [adj SHOPPIER#, SHOPPIEST#] CHKOSS anti fore wood#, after shell#, electro SHOCKS tall#, talls# EEMMRS h y#, st EMMERS CDESSU fo ho, cau con dis per suc, defo refo ..7 CUSSED ly, ness, nesses 2 SCUSED# CHKMSU SHMUCK s a foolish person, also SCHMUCK CIPSSU CUSPIS a {cusp=n} [n CUSPIDES] AESSTU m UTASES# 2 SAUTES ALMPSS PSALMS 2 axo bio exo# neo, allo cata cyto ..20 PLASMS EORSSU SOURSE# s# 4 a spring an SEROUS ness#, nesses# resembling {serum=n} ne, ama, apone, aerone#, psychone trophone# UROSES# a g t#, ca up, rea, sandg woodg# ROUSES AAPSST PASTAS ELNSSY SELSYN s a type of remote-control device, also SYNCHRO ELLPSU UPSELL# s#, ing# to attempt to persuade a customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale [v UPSOLD#, UPSELLING#, UPSELLS#] HLLSUY p LUSHLY in a lush manner AHPSST STAPHS EETTZZ TZETZE s an African fly, also TSETSE DEMOSS en# MOSSED BMOOSS em im un, dis, disem# BOSOMS GHOSSU SOUGHS OSSTTT STOTTS CCKMOO MOCOCK# s# a North American bark box, also MOCUCK# EOSSTU SETOUS 2 covered with setae, also SETOSE por# ven# TOUSES AAHPSS PASHAS EELRSS b LESSER AABBST SABBAT h s, hs ic, ics ine# ise# ism# ize# ..10 an assembly of demons and witches, also SABBATH AAHSSW SAWAHS# ACKSST re un, hay, smoke STACKS CCHIKS t#, boy dab dip# dob# CHICKS AEMSSU co re ASSUME d r s, rs, dly 2 to take for granted c# w, sh, mand, gaude# ignor novod# ..2 AMUSES NPRSSU SPURNS EEPSSY PEYSES# BBDKUY DYBBUK s, im, kim# a wandering soul in Jewish folklore ADLOSS DOSSAL s an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar, also DORSEL, DOSSEL LOSSTY STYLOS# tixes# tixis# EORSSW SOWERS 4 RESOWS SEROWS boere# WORSES DNOSSU re, mis, infra# super# ultra SOUNDS cape# tage, capes# tages ADEHSS eye sun, lamp over, night SHADES 4 SADHES un# SASHED be# em en, bar# ber# bur#, dish# slap ..4 DASHES ACPRSS SCRAPS 2 e, counter# SCARPS HLPSYY SYLPHY like a sylph [adj SYLPHIER#, SYLPHIEST#] ABELLS re, mis, radio LABELS BEESST BESETS CCDEKO re un, pea, cold, spatch# spitch# ..2 COCKED ERSSUU USURES# s#, ses# 2 mi#, erem, thesa, allosa dolich# ..10 URUSES EIPSST PISTES 3 STIPES a slender supporting part of a plant, also STIPE [n STIPITES] de re, wood# SPITES AAPPSY APPAYS# ADPSSY SPAYDS# DEESST STEDES# 2 STEEDS EHORSS snow, horse SHOERS 4 un, bat# dis# red saw sea war, cart ..16 HORSES hit hod hoe, hits hoed hoer hoes ..3 HOSERS dog# off sea, anga# back fore lake SHORES ide man# men#, ides# AEPPSY APEPSY# digestive weakness [n APEPSIES#] CHHOOS COHOSH es a medicinal plant AIKMMS IMMASK# s#, ed#, ing# to {mask=v} ELPSST SPELTS EGSSTU bar non, house GUESTS 3 GUSSET s, ed, ing, ings# to furnish with a reinforcing piece of material GUTSES# ENOSSW SOWNES# 2 SOWENS porridge made from oat husks, also SOWANS [n SOWENS] ELORSS p, co, sub LESSOR s 4 one who grants a lease c, enc inc, disc LOSERS con SOLERS# SORELS MOSSTY MYSOST s a mild cheese ABBRSU BUSBAR s a type of electrical conductor ACCESS multi# ACCESS ed es, ary ing ion ory, ible ibly ions ..25 to have entrance IPRSSY PRISSY one who is affectedly proper [n PRISSIES] / affectedly proper [adj PRISSIER, PRISSIEST] EIKMSS SMEIKS# AAHKSS KASHAS DEPPSU over SUPPED anea#, aneum# EHNOSS NOSHES BEHOSS de# ki ky BOSHES ABERSS BASSER# 4 steen# BRASES# SABRES SABERS FFSSTU re, dye, feed food over vein#, bread ..2 STUFFS EENSST po, mango STEENS# 2 pre pro# sub# TENSES t AANPPS NAPPAS 2 SAPPAN# s#, wood#, woods# brazil-wood AHRSSU SURAHS 3 HUSSAR s a cavalry soldier SHURAS# ORSSTU ROUSTS 4 TUSSOR e s, es an Asian silkworm, also TUSSAR, TUSSEH, TUSSER, TUSSORE, TUSSUR SUTORS# STOURS ALLLSY ALLYLS EGHSSU up#, out GUSHES ILPSST re SPLITS DEEMSS MESSED AKPRSS di# SPARKS EEKSST STEEKS 2 SKEETS AIMSST du# MAISTS BHLSSU SHLUBS AIMPSS p, esc pri sin, caesarop# APISMS# 3 SAMPIS# PASSIM eter#, eters# here and there AERSST re, over ASSERT s, ed er or, ers ing ion ive ors ory# ..8 7 to state positively b, redb, blueb#, chimneyb# REASTS# windle# STRAES# b c e f# g l m p r t w, bl bo co di fe pi pl ..100 ASTERS TASERS# STEARS# man# men#, mate#, mates# up, out, over# STARES DEPSSU PSEUDS AINSST ab be# de di su, over# tear, blood, counter STAINS 3 i SATINS be# un# SAINTS hip, hips ABIMSS SIMBAS# ELOSSY SOYLES# ABIRSS SABIRS AKNRSS SNARKS 2 SKRANS# DEFSSU FUSSED AENPSS SNEAPS 4 ASPENS SPANES# SPEANS ACHSSW SCHWAS AHKNSS red, fore hind, green scrim# sheep ..2 SHANKS AHSSTU TUSSAH s an Asian silkworm ELOSSW SOWLES# 2 b#, ga#, gal, scapegal# LOWSES# t# ADORSS SARODS HMPSSU SUMPHS# BELOSS LESBOS ARRSSU SURRAS OPRSST a#, be# di go, mar# out# pas, kiwi# ..3 SPORTS man men, cast wear, casts manly wears ..14 2 STROPS ACHLOS CHOLAS CHKSSU SHUCKS AGILSS SIGLAS# ACRSST SCARTS 2 SCRATS# AKKOQU QUOKKA s a {wallaby=n} BEORSS fi, myelofi osteofi# BROSES 3 em BOSSER# SOBERS ided ides, idedness CISSTU CISTUS es a flowering shrub HOOSST re un# up, off out, crap over side# ..4 SHOOTS 2 SOOTHS ay, aid ays, ayer, ayers aying, ayings ADEMMS SAMMED# BNOOSS BOSONS IPRSSU SIRUPS ILOPSS de SPOILS man men, port, ports ADEPPS un# SAPPED ALSSWY SWAYLS# ACLSSY un CLASSY {stylish=adj} [adj CLASSIER, CLASSIEST] ADOPSS SPADOS# IOPSST de ex re, ovi, rede, prede#, eurode#, electrode POSITS 2 apo pro sym#, entero# nephro#, viscero#, onychocry# PTOSIS a drooping of the upper eyelid [n PTOSES] EPRSSY PRYSES# 2 SPYRES# ALOSST SALTOS# EEILZZ LEZZIE s a lesbian, also LEZ, LEZZ#, LEZZA#, LEZZY OORSST un# ROOSTS 3 TORSOS STOORS# ABSSTU TSUBAS# NOOSST NOSTOS# 2 a Greek poem describing a return journey [n NOSTOI#] SNOOTS EHRSSY SHYERS AALPPS ch# APPALS AELSST de TASSEL l# s, ed ls# ly#, ing led, ling, lings# 7 to adorn with dangling ornaments LEASTS nano TESLAS STEALS STALES t re, legi tran, retran, mistran SLATES SALETS# IKMOSS SKIMOS CENOSS SONCES# 2 mu#, girdle# SCONES IKPPSY SKIPPY# frolicsome [adj SKIPPIER#, SKIPPIEST#] ENNOSS cloi SONNES# AALLMM MALLAM# s# a Muslim scholar, used as title, also MALAM# MMOOPP POMPOM s an anti-aircraft cannon ANSSTU ASTUNS# 3 STAUNS# pe# SAUNTS# EMOOSS ex, end# OSMOSE d s to undergo osmosis ACCKRS gim jim#, sand wise, hydro micro# CRACKS man men AKNOSS SANKOS# IKNOSS i# NKOSIS# DORSSU SUDORS AGLSSY GLASSY headed# resembling glass [adj GLASSIER, GLASSIEST] HOPPSU HOPPUS# as in hoppus foot, a unit of volume for round timber LMPPSU PLUMPS EHSSTU TUSSEH s 4 an Asian silkworm, also TUSSAR, TUSSER, TUSSOR. TUSSORE, TUSSUR SHUTES TUSHES en, acan dian, ailan amian ceano ..8 THUSES# AEKSST beef, grill#, cheese# STEAKS 3 out, cheap, blether#, bletheran# SKATES mi, kid#, grub, sweep STAKES BEIRSS BIRSES 2 hu hy ne#, decere# BRISES ABDESS BASSED# ADEJZZ JAZZED ARSSTT a#, re up, mis out red, kick STARTS y ELOPPS PEPLOS es a garment worn by women in ancient Greece, also PEPLUS EKOPSS SPOKES man men, have, haves woman women ..5 BRSSTU in up#, air out sun, down star, cloud ..2 BURSTS 2 BRUSTS# RSSTTU STRUTS 3 en in un#, dis mis uni, over# TRUSTS STURTS EEHRSS HERSES# 3 f, th, ref RESHES taba# SHEERS EPPRSU c s, cr sc, afters# UPPERS 2 after# SUPPER s, ed#, ing#, less# time#, times# to supply with an evening meal AACCHK KACCHA# s# a type of short trousers worn by Sikhs LLPSUU PULLUS# a chick or young bird [n PULLI#] ENORSS brown NOSERS# 5 bio SENSOR s y, ia, ial ily# ium, iums, ially, imotor, ineural a device that responds to a stimulus out SNORES SERONS# SENORS IPRSST un#, air out, drag film tear, field STRIPS 4 STIRPS a family or branch of a family [n STIRPES] SPIRTS e, bow SPRITS ail, ails ELRSSU RUSSEL# s# 2 a ribbed material LUSERS# EILPPS SIPPLE# d# s# to sip at leisure ABHSSU SUBAHS hip#, hips# 2 SUBHAS# tation#, tations# DEOPPS SOPPED ACRSSU SCAURS IKMSSU KUMISS es a beverage made from camel's milk, also KOUMIS, KOUMISS, KOUMYS, KOUMYSS, KUMYS ACENSS SCENAS AGORSS SARGOS es# a fish KLLSSU num, numb SKULLS INOPSS dela# PSIONS# 2 iod, amyl rhod, porphyr OPSINS ENRUZZ NUZZER# s# a present to a superior AMMSTU SUMMAT# e s#, ed es, ing ion ive, ions, ional something HPRSSU SPRUSH# ed# es#, ing# to {spruce=v} ACCEHS CACHES 2 CHACES# ADELSS SLADES# EEHKSS KESHES# AARSST br ASSART# s#, ed#, ing# 3 to reclaim land SASTRA# s# a holy writing of HInduism, also SHASTRA#, SHASTER# TASARS# HLPSSY SYLPHS GILOSS SIGLOS an ancient Persian coin [n SIGLOI] ACELPS by# em re un#, dis mis out pre, fire ..7 PLACES 2 CAPLES# s AHHPPU c HUPPAH s a wedding canopy [n HUPPAHS or HUPPOTH# or HUPPOT#] EOPSSU re POUSSE# s#, tte, tted ttes, tting 3 {pease=n} m#, oct pyr# ser# xen, rhiz, paranthr# ..2 OPUSES e, be, dise# SPOUSE d s, less# to {marry=v} AOPRSS PSORAS# 3 SAPORS ASPROS# EHPSSU out, octo# PUSHES EORSST SOREST 9 ma, cab ESTROS# TOSSER s one that {tosses=v} TSORES a series of misfortunes, also TSOORIS, TSORIS, TSORRISS, TSURIS, TZURIS [n TSORES] p, cab RESTOS# g#, ha#, cha# ROSETS TORSES re, pre, book drug mega#, super STORES hip, hips SORTES# divination by chance opening of the bible ADDDDE DADDED# BBRSUU SUBURB s, an ed ia, ans ias, anise anism# anite ..14 a residential area adjacent to a city AMMRSS SMARMS LSSTUY STYLUS es a pointed instrument for writing, marking or engraving [n STYLUSES or STYLI] AABNSS BASANS# AILMMS LIMMAS# 2 ani for, deci# mini, abnor# MALISM# s# belief in the predominance of evil EENPSS di su SPENSE s a pantry, also SPENCE MOORSS SMOORS# ACESSU con# sub, erema# CAUSES 2 over, apple SAUCES IIKNSS SISKIN s an Eurasian finch AMRSSY SYMARS# AFLSSU SULFAS EPRRSU PURSER s, ship#, ships# an officer in charge of a ship's accounts EERRSS SERRES# CRSSUU RUSCUS# es# 2 an evergreen shrub ex, dis# CURSUS# a prehistoric earthwork [n CURSI#] ERSSTU o, an di, ano# dio met pro, meto# ESTRUS es 4 the period of heat in female mammals, also ESTRUM, OESTRUM, OESTRUS un# SUREST RUSSET s y, ed#, ing, ings ting, tings to become reddish brown in colour TUSSER s an Asian silkworm, also TUSSAR, TUSSEH, TUSSOR. TUSSORE, TUSSUR AADMSS ADMASS es advertising for the masses BBLOSY SLOBBY characteristic of a slob [adj SLOBBIER, SLOBBIEST] AHIPSS SPAHIS 3 r w ASPISH like an asp em, apo, reem, misem, overem, underem PHASIS a phase [n PHASES] CEILSS pre SLICES AAEMSS MAASES# ALPSST SPLATS 2 SPALTS# AELMMS di, ana axi# axo# tri#, poly#, neuri ..3 LEMMAS DDEOSS en# DOSSED HHISSY SHYISH# somewhat shy AGRSSY GRASSY resembling or pertaining to grass [adj GRASSIER, GRASSIEST] DELSSU DULSES EEHLSS SHEELS# AORRSS SORRAS# CHPSSY PSYCHS ACILSS SCAILS# CIMMOS COMMIS# sar, sars sary sion sure, erate saire# ..29 an agent [n COMMIS#] CCHHRU un, dis# non pro, anti mega#, inter super CHURCH y, ed es ly, ier ing ism# man men way# ..27 to bring to a building for Christian worship ABJOZZ JAZZBO s a devotee of jazz (a style of lively syncopated music) AALMMS MALAMS# DEOPSS POSSED# 2 SPODES ELOSSU h, car, carr OUSELS 5 b f#, de ja#, cal jea#, overb LOUSES d#, lev tor#, cell gran laev#, agran# ..8 ULOSES# EUSOLS# SOLEUS es a leg muscle [n SOLEUSES or SOLEI] ENRSSU sick#, super# NURSES AEPPRS re un#, end fly gun oil tar, curl news ..6 PAPERS 3 SAPPER s, ment# a military engineer f RAPPES# AMMRSY SMARMY marked by excessive flattery [adj SMARMIER, SMARMIEST] EEHHSS ha, bak, back# SHEESH a#, as# of annoyance HLOSSY SLOSHY {slushy=adj} [adj SLOSHIER, SLOSHIEST] DEORSS DOSERS 5 DOSSER s, et, ets a basket carrier on the back, also DORSER RESODS en in DORSES# SORDES# dark incrustations on the lips of fever patients EHLSSU SHULES# 2 b f p s, unf#, outb outf#, overf# LUSHES t EEMSST STEMES# 4 e, dise mise STEEMS# TEMSES# TMESES CCHKSU up, num nun#, salt wood CHUCKS ELUWZZ WUZZLE# d# s# to {jumble=v} AEIPZZ PIAZZE ACCHKS CHACKS# CHIMSS SCHISM a# s, as#, atic, atics atise# atize ..9 a division of unity EOPSST ESTOPS 6 PESTOS STOPES POSSET s, ed#, ing# to {curdle=v} he, apo pro sym#, entero# nephro# ..2 PTOSES STOEPS# IOOSSS SISSOO# s# an Indian tree OPSSTU TOSSUP s 4 an even choice or chance be#, down rain sand#, water SPOUTS STOUPS UPTOSS ed es, ing to toss upward GINSSU pur# SUINGS# ELPSSY SLYPES EHOSST SHOTES 2 macin, mackin TOSHES AHRSSY SYRAHS# EERSSU ce va#, cho#, chart REUSES 2 an di en, par#, olig#, natri URESES# BBDESU SUBDEB s, utante, utantes 2 a girl the year before she becomes a debutante SUBBED CCHKOS put# CHOCKS tone#, tones# AEGHSS fo# GASHES t IOPSSY PYOSIS the formation of pus [n PYOSES] EFOSSS FOSSES AHKOSS SOKAHS# 2 SHAKOS AERSSY fo# RESAYS 2 as es, nay yea, doom gain, sooth SAYERS CLPSSU in SCULPS it# MOOPSS SPOOMS# HOOPSS POSHOS# AEMNSS MESSAN s 3 a {lapdog=n} MANSES MENSAS EILPSS PLISSE s 5 a puckered texture of cloth SLIPES SPEILS bon, lang# sing, krieg#, kinder# ..2 SPIELS SPILES ABBESS ABBESS es a woman who is head of an abbey AIMRSS SIMARS AOPSST POTASS# a#, as# es# ic, ium, iums a powerful alkali HIMMSY SHIMMY ing to {vibrate=v} [v SHIMMIED, SHIMMYING, SHIMMIES] AHLSSU SHAULS EGORSS GORSES 3 pr, retr OGRESS es a female {ogre=n} SOGERS# AEGRSS de GASSER s 3 one that {gasses=v} SEGARS# SARGES PRSSUY SYRUPS AAMMNS land# AMMANS# EEEMSS n, hemat# hyper#, haemat# EMESES LLMMUU MULMUL# l# s#, ls# a soft muslin, also MULMULL# EIMSST MISSET s, ting 4 to set incorrectly [v MISSET, MISSETTING, MISSETS] TMESIS the splitting of a word with other words [n TMESES] mi pa STIMES SMITES EHIPSS pa#, wam PISHES EIPRSS PISSER s 5 a difficult person e# SPIERS back# SPEIRS u, ap em re, com mes# mis# sur, main# ..2 PRISES a, in re su, con per, acro rein tran, lepto SPIRES AABHSS SABHAS# LPRSSU SLURPS EEGRSS SERGES 3 GRESES# n# r EGRESS ed es, ing ion ive#, ions ives# to go out EIILZZ LIZZIE# s# as in tin lizzie, an old car AEMSSY MYASES AELSSW j l, cl fl th, str# AWLESS 3 without awe, also AWELESS SWEALS# SWALES DEHSSU kid DUSHES# CHHOSU CHOUSH es a Turkish messenger EEHSST bed fly tip, clip dope dust# fact# ..14 SHEETS 2 an es ma#, aes# dia epi# pro syn, anti ..24 THESES EIKLSS KISSEL# s# a Russian fruit dessert AALNSS ori pre#, labio# NASALS EMNSSU SENSUM an object of sensation [n SENSA] HLOPSS SPLOSH ed es, ing to {splash=v} AMNOSS free, stone MASONS 2 SOMANS ELSSTU TUSSLE d s to {struggle=v} LNOOSS SNOOLS 2 SOLONS DEEPSS be#, air god# out, super#, ground# SPEEDS ter, ters, kating#, katings# BBKOOS BOSBOK# s# a small South African antelope AGNSSU SUGANS# NOSSTU STOUNS# 2 SNOUTS BERSSU im#, dis, reim, redis# BURSES 2 SUBERS APRSSY re, fly#, hair SPRAYS CKLSSU SCULKS ALORSS SOLARS# ADIMSS SADISM s pleasure gained from inflicting pain on another DEMSSU SEDUMS 2 MUSSED AAHRSS HASSAR# s# 2 an amphibious catfish HARASS ed er es, ers ing, edly# ings# ment ..2 to bother persistently EINPSS a#, albe# SPINES cent#, cence#, cences# 2 jack, gutter SNIPES APRSST di mi SPARTS# 3 un, boot chin jock, watch# STRAPS SPRATS EIKNSS SKEINS EORRSS c g, eng ROSSER# s# a policeman, also ROZZER AADLSS SALADS AIPSST SPAITS 3 PASTIS es a French liqueur STIPAS# AEMRSS MARSES 3 MASERS be SMEARS HIPSSY apo dia epi sym, hypo para, diapo# ..5 PHYSIS the principle of growth or change in nature [n PHYSES] CHMOSS SCHMOS ELNSSU g r s, no sh# UNLESS oned# except on the condition that EHRSSU b g h# l# m p r, bl br cr fl sh, amb, penp# ..3 USHERS hip#, hips# 4 b c f#, in on qu sp# th up, bul out, airb ..20 RUSHES scir RHUSES RHESUS es an Asian monkey BEHSSU am, hag may tar, blue# fire# rose ..14 BUSHES CELOSS SOCLES 2 e#, cy en in re# un up#, dis par, fore ..2 CLOSES t, tool, tools CEIPSS au be# ho, all aru, haru over SPICES CCIOSS CISCOS ACHSST SCATHS# CEHSSU jac# tro# ura#, deinony oxyrhyn# CHUSES# 2 namay CUSHES# ANOSST SANTOS EEPSST en# STEEPS AQUYZZ QUAZZY# (English dialect) queasy [adj QUAZZIER#, QUAZZIEST#] AINPSS SPINAS# 2 SPAINS# DMOOSS DSOMOS# 2 SODOMS AEPRSS g j r, cl gr ASPERS e, ed er es or, ers ing ion ive oir# ..9 9 sur, tres PASSER s, by, ine sby, ines one who {passes=v} REPASS ed es, age ing, ages to pass again mi SPARSE r, ly st, dly#, ness, nesses thinly distributed up# SPEARS chryso PRASES mis PARSES SPARES t SPAERS# KOSSSU KUSSOS DEILSS SIDLES 2 mud, back down land rock snow tail SLIDES BDESSU de# em# BUSSED AHSSTW SWATHS AELSSU SALUES# CEEHSS SECESH# er# es#, ers# a secessionist, also SECESHER# AAGNSS SANGAS AEHKSS anti# hand head# milk wind# SHAKES AEHMSS a#, be, out, rake# SHAMES 2 s, ca# ga, bad# bud# chu# gra# qua ..2 MASHES CHLSSU SCHULS HMMOOS HOMMOS es a paste of pureed chickpeas and tahini EIMOZZ MOZZIE# s# a {mosquito=n} ESSTTY STYTES# AEPSST SPEATS# 4 im, pre, tooth PASTES SPATES STAPES a bone of the middle ear [n STAPEDES] EGLOSS SEGOLS# EIMRSS p REMISS ly, ion ive ory#, ible ibly ions ness ..5 2 {careless=adj} ato ite# pro sur, maxi# mini# opti# ..12 MISERS ACKLSS for#, fore# SLACKS AKLOSS SKOALS EEKLSS SLEEKS tone#, tones# ARSSTU TUSSAR s 4 an Asian silkworm, also TUSSEH, TUSSER, TUSSOR. TUSSORE, TUSSUR meta, tibio#, tarsometa TARSUS a part of the foot [n TARSI] SURATS# mangal# SUTRAS EIKRSS KISSER s 4 one that {kisses=v} non, mono# sera# SKIERS KRISES SKRIES# CEHOSS psy tri, doli#, proma#, parapsy# ..3 CHOSES 2 COSHES AEKNSS KANSES# 4 SNEAKS by#, bies# SKEANS bull king whip, black, rattle SNAKES kin, kins tone#, tones# COSSTU sea, super SCOUTS 3 COSTUS# es# an aromatic root CUSTOS a guardian or keeper AEGMSS MEGASS e, es crushed sugarcane, also MEGASSE LOPPSY hydro# POLYPS 2 slip# SLOPPY {messy=adj} [adj SLOPPIER, SLOPPIEST] LOOSST bar, camp fald foot step toad, close frith# STOOLS 3 SOTOLS SLOOTS# EKOSST re STOKES ia, ias ACHMSS iso# CHASMS PRSSTU SPURTS DEERSS super SEDERS ACEPSS e, in, air sea sky#, city land moon ..11 SCAPES 2 di# my# re, air mid mis sub, aero back ..9 SPACES hip uit, hips uits AELSSY LYASES AKORSS KAROSS es an African garment ELNUZZ s# NUZZLE d r s, rs to caress with the nose, also SNUZZLE# BEMSSU SEBUMS DELOSS DOSSEL s 2 an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar, also DORSEL, DOSSAL SOLDES# OOPSST SPOOTS# 2 STOOPS EIJSZZ JIZZES# ACESST CESTAS 2 out sub CASTES HLOOSS SHOOLS 2 SLOOSH# ed# es#, ing# to {wash=v} AGRSSU de, non SUGARS 2 SARGUS# es# a fish AERRSS SERRAS# almo#, almos# 2 e, ph#, paraph RASERS ELMSSU MUSSEL s, led#, cracker#, crackers# 2 a bivalve mollusc MULSES# ABESST BASEST 4 BEASTS BASSET s t, ed ts, ing ted, ting to outcrop (geog), also BASSETT lam BASTES IKLLSS de# re# up#, sub, multi# SKILLS EOPRSS POSSER# s# 4 a wooden stick for washing ap de ex im op re, com dis pro sup, cocom ..5 POSERS oo, dia epi# exo zoo, asco auto# auxo# ..29 SPORES be# PROSES AAIRZZ RAZZIA# s# a pillaging incursion EIKPSS mu, aero# hand, marlin, marline marling# SPIKES AEMSST STEAMS hip, hips EILPZZ PIZZLE s the penis of an animal EOPSSY SEPOYS 3 POYSES# PYOSES BBESSY SYBBES# ABLSSY BASSLY 2 in a low-pitched manner a, hypa BYSSAL pertaining to a mollusc's byssus EILMSS MISSEL l# s, ls#, ling#, lings# 3 a European thrush be, out SMILES be SLIMES ELOPSS hill SLOPES ILMSSU SIMULS# FFLSSU SLUFFS AHISST SAITHS# CORSSU be SCOURS e#, ed# es#, ing# EFILZZ FIZZLE d s to come to nothing AMMPSY SPAMMY# bland, unexciting [adj SPAMMIER#, SPAMMIEST#] EEMRSS de# im, sub, reim MERSES# AEPPRR c t w, sc st, ent, underst RAPPER s one that {raps=v} MOPSSU o POSSUM s, ed#, ing# to feign ignorance (ie to play possum) OOPRSS PROSOS 3 SPOORS SOPORS AELPPS l# r APPELS 3 SAPPLE# d# s# to {wash=v} d s#, gr kn# sc# st#, may scr thr#, bake ..2 APPLES auce, auces AGLSSU GUSLAS# LOOPSS re un, ces ses SPOOLS 2 SLOOPS EKRSSY SKYRES# 2 SKYERS# EEKNSS SKENES 2 dama SKEENS EMORSS SMORES# 3 MOSSER s one who works with or gathers moss re MORSES# EPSSTU SETUPS 3 STUPES UPSETS AMORSS MORASS y, es a {marsh=n} AARRSS SARSAR s a cold, whistling wind, also SANSAR EFINZZ FIZZEN# s#, less# strength, also FOISON, FUSHION# AACMSS CAMASS es a perennial herb, also CAMAS ACCHKY CHYACK# s#, ed#, ing# to {tease=v} ELNOZZ sch NOZZLE s a projecting spout EELPSS dog# out, over, micro# SLEEPS uit#, uits# 2 SPEELS ABRSSY BRASSY resembling brass [adj BRASSIER, BRASSIEST] AELLLS h, par, antipar# ALLELS# ADEMSS a, una MASSED ly ALPSSY di mi, redi SPLAYS 2 SPYALS# ALSSTU per TUSSAL 3 pertaining to a cough as, somer, summer, counteras SAULTS SALTUS# es# a jump to a conclusion AMMRSU SUMMAR# y, ies ily ise ist ize, ised iser# ..17 condensed LMOOSS SLOOMS# 2 milli OSMOLS EMSSTU MUSETS# ALMMSS SMALMS# CMOOSS micro COSMOS es, phere#, pheres# the universe as an orderly system, also KOSMOS# AACPSS SCAPAS# AANPSS SAPANS# ACCHOS CHACOS# DEHIZZ c# w HIZZED# EEHPSS a, telegra PHESES# EINWZZ WIZZEN s the {gullet=n} DERSSU DURESS e#, es 3 compulsion by force, also DURESSE# DRUSES SUDSER s one that {sudses=v} LMOSSU SOLUMS AEJJNU JEJUNA l MRSSTU e, lu no oe ra# ro si, die hum# pla, colo ..4 STRUMS LPSSUY PUSSLY a herb used in salads, also PURSLANE, PURPIE#, PURPY#, PURSLAIN#, PUSLEY, PUSSLEY [n PUSSLIES] AAKMSS SMAAKS# AABLSS SABALS 2 BALSAS EHMOSS mish MOSHES 2 SHMOES AGNOZZ GOZZAN# s# a type of decomposed rock, also GOSSAN HMMSUU HUMMUS es a paste of pureed chickpeas and tahini AHINSS NASHIS# ACCOSS CASCOS# 2 SACCOS# es# a Bishop's vestment like an alb, also SAKKOS# [n SACCOSES# or SACCOI#] EELSST SLEEST# 4 un STEELS eu, mono, proto, dictyo, siphono STELES SLEETS DIMOSS i, fo#, meth, photoperi ODISMS# AEKMSS SAMEKS AMOSST bla, xero#, scyphi, gliobla, neurobla ..2 STOMAS LMPSSU SLUMPS AEMUZZ MEZUZA h s, hs a Jewish scroll, also MEZUZAH CHHISS SHCHIS# KLOOSS SKOOLS# 2 SOKOLS ELSSTY SLYEST 2 di# en# eu# re sy#, dia# epi mis non ..28 STYLES LLOSSY LYSOLS# AFOSSS FOSSAS EILLSS LISLES CCHHOO CHOCHO# s# a type of plant EGLUZZ GUZZLE d r s, rs to drink rapidly AHMMSY SHAMMY ing a soft leather, also CHAMOIS, CHAMOIX [n SHAMMIES] / to prepare leather like chamois, also CHAMOIS [v SHAMMIED, SHAMMYING, SHAMMIES] EGLSSU GUSLES# ESSTTU TUTSES# CERSSU SUCRES 4 dis CUSSER s a stallion, also COOSER#, CUISSER# ana CRUSES ac# be ex# un#, out pre# CURSES EEHMSS em# en im in un, inter micro#, synchro MESHES AGGIZZ ZIGZAG s, gy, ged ger, gers gery# ging, geries# ..2 to turn sharply from side to side CHOOSS SCOOSH# ed# es#, ing# to squirt, also SKOOSH# ABBLSY SLABBY# {muddy=adj} [adj SLABBIER#, SLABBIEST#] EEKRSS ESKERS 2 SKEERS# EGINZZ GIZZEN# s#, ed#, ing# to {shrink=v} AALLSS SALALS EMRSSU a MUSERS 2 anti SERUMS EILMZZ MIZZLE d s to rain in fine droplets APSSTU STUPAS IORRZZ RIZZOR# s#, ed#, ing# to dry in the sun, also RIZZAR#, RIZZER# ADELZZ be un#, out, anti# DAZZLE d r s, rs, ment#, ments# to blind with a bright light HPPSUU PUSHUP s a type of exercise ALLOSS SALOLS AEHRSS car# job# pot#, flat# mind# plow ..3 SHARES man# men# 3 b c t, th, gyt#, cornb# gatec, stoneb# RASHES t mi, clip# SHEARS AILMSS dis MISSAL s 2 a prayer book SALMIS ELOSST pi sy, asy# dia, extrasy STOLES EHHISS w, has, baks, backs# bakhs# bucks# HISHES# AAIPZZ PIAZZA s a public square in an Italian town [n PIAZZAS or PIAZZE] EEPRSS back# SPEERS 5 a, di, inter, monodi polydi SPERSE# d# s# to {disperse=v} [v SPERSED#, SPERST# or SPERSED#, SPERSING#, SPERSES#] cy im, enco# PRESES# a chairman or president, also PRAESES# [n PRESES#] s#, as, dis lam, inters PERSES SPREES ACHKSS cook SHACKS ALLPSS SPALLS ABELSS di, reu, brow, confu# dispo, indispen SABLES RSSTUU TUSSUR s an Asian silkworm, also TUSSAR, TUSSEH, TUSSER, TUSSOR. TUSSORE AEHLSS b# c f p s, ca sp un, eye gou out# tap# ..12 LASHES 7 HASSLE d s to {argue=v} SELAHS HASSEL s an {argument=n} dei# SHEALS un# SHALES ring rink# HALSES# ELLOSS LOSELS HIITZZ ZIZITH tassels on a Jewish prayer shawl, also ZIZIT CMMOOS COMMOS# ERSSST di fo# in# mi re un, pre tap#, ance ..23 STRESS ed es or, ful ing ors, less, fully, buster# ..5 to place emphasis on ALPPSU pedi# PALPUS a sensory organ of an arthropod [n PALPI] HLPSSU SULPHS# OOOOZZ ZOOZOO# s# the wood-pigeon AELRZZ f RAZZLE# s# a rowdy frolic EGRSSU re up SURGES DDESSU over SUDSED EHMSSU s MUSHES EHILSS SHIELS FIRYZZ FRIZZY of hair, tightly curled [adj FRIZZIER, FRIZZIEST] / a frizzy hairdo, also FRIZZLY [n FRIZZIES] AEJSZZ JAZZES ILMSSY SLIMSY flimsy, also SLIMPSY [adj SLIMSIER, SLIMSIEST] EIRRZZ f RIZZER# s#, ed#, ing# to dry in the sun, also RIZZAR#, RIZZOR# CMMSUY SCUMMY covered with scum, dirty, unpleasant [adj SCUMMIER, SCUMMIEST] AAISSS ASSAIS ASSTTU STATUS y, es 2 a relative position SUTTAS ELPPSU un# SUPPLE d r s, ly st, jack ment ness tion tive ..18 2 to make {pliant=adj} / {pliant=adj} PEPLUS es a garment worn by women in ancient Greece, also PEPLOS AAMNSS SAMANS# HISSST feti SHISTS AILPSS SPAILS 2 e SPIALS# BBLSUY SLUBBY# {lumpy=adj} [adj SLUBBIER#, SLUBBIEST#] ACMSSU SUMACS BSSSUU BUSSUS# ESSSUW WUSSES CESUZZ s CUZZES# ACELSS de# re un# up, sub, down grey# lime# ..5 SCALES EHOPSS s# POSHES# t ELMOZZ she# shi#, sche# shle# MOZZLE# s# bad luck AMRSSU MUSARS# 2 RUSMAS# AHIKSS SHIKSA s a non-Jewish girl or woman, also SHIKSE, SHIKSEH, SHICKSA ACEHSS en in#, pur, repur, prepur, steeple CHASES 3 en CASHES CHASSE d s, ed# ur, ing pot urs, pots to perform a dance movement CEIUZZ CUZZIE# s# (NZ) a close friend or family member AALLLS SALLAL# s# an American shrub CCKOSY COCKSY# self-important, also COXY# [adj COCKSIER#, COCKSIEST#] AABMSS t# SAMBAS BDEUZZ BUZZED ELPSSU PUSSEL# s# 5 a slut, also PUZZEL# PUSLES# SPULES# ap ex im re, com#, aero mono# PULSES pe, non sur, over peri#, super# PLUSES ABRSSU BURSAS CLSSUU SULCUS a long narrow furrow [n SULCI] EEFSSS con pro, chie#, dispro# FESSES ABJJOO JOJOBA s a small tree AHMSSU SAMSHU s 2 a Chinese alcoholic drink, also SAMSHOO# SHAMUS es a private detective LPPSUY re, over, under SUPPLY ing, ment#, ments# to provide with service or goods [v SUPPLIED, SUPPLYING, SUPPLIES] AELPSS PASSEL s 6 a large number e, de# il# re, col pro LAPSES SEPALS SALEPS SPEALS# SPALES AALPSS SALPAS AABRSS SABRAS EMMRSU mid, bres#, breast# SUMMER s y, ed ly, ier ing set, iest ings# less# ..20 to pass the warmest season of the year BEELZZ em BEZZLE# d# s# to drink hard HIWYZZ WHIZZY marvelous in construction or operation [adj WHIZZIER, WHIZZIEST] EMPSSU SPUMES cent#, cence#, cences# AEESSS ca di mi, heart SEASES# EINSSS SENSIS# m# t#, ms# ts# 2 NISSES# AAKLSS LAKSAS# EHPSSY apo dia epi sym, hypo para, diapo# ..6 PHYSES CISSSU nar, rhoi# CISSUS# es# a type of climbing vine BORSSU SORBUS# es# a large deciduous tree or shrub OPPSSY PSYOPS DEFIZZ FIZZED HOPSSY SPOSHY# 3 {slushy=adj} [adj SPOSHIER#, SPOSHIEST#] HYSSOP s a medicinal herb PHOSSY# as in phossy jaw, an affliction of match workers in the 19th century ALOPSS SALOPS# BESSTU SUBSET s a mathematical set contained within a larger set EEIIKK KIEKIE# s# (Maori) a climbing plant with edible berries ABOSSS contra#, contrab# BASSOS AEHPSS cali, calli# PASHES 3 em, ana apo pro sub, meta moon# reem ..7 PHASES re un#, mis pre, wave, trans SHAPES BBLSSU SLUBBS# EOSSSW SOWSSE# d# s# 2 to {pickle=v} SOWSES# ARSSST STRASS es a brilliant glass used to make imitation gems EILSZZ ZIZELS# 2 SIZZLE d r s, rs to fry with a hissing sound EEISSS dis SEISES EEMMSS SEMSEM# s# an East Indian plant, also SESAME, TEEL ALSSSU LASSUS# EELLSS mo# ro, mam#, filo#, damoi# demoi ..2 SELLES BIOSZZ BIZZOS# DEEFZZ FEZZED wearing a fez AHMOSS SHAMOS im a minor official of a synagogue, also SHAMMES, SHAMAS, SHAMMAS, SHAMMASH, SHAMMOS ALPSSU pro LAPSUS 2 a mistake no plural? SPAULS# AASSSY bio mis, immuno ASSAYS EGOSSS GOSSES# AISTZZ IZZATS# ENORZZ NOZZER# s# a raw naval recruit HHMMUU HUMHUM# s# an East Indian cotton cloth AESSSY ESSAYS EOSSST s#, be# up, ring TOSSES AIRRZZ RIZZAR# s# t#, ed# ts#, ing# to dry in the sun, also RIZZER#, RIZZOR# EOSSSU SOUSES EISSSU t, re, non, over ISSUES AEHHSS s#, re, dob#, tata# HASHES EIOSZZ m# p# OZZIES# AAHMSS SHAMAS a minor official of a synagogue, also SHAMMES, SHAMMAS, SHAMMASH, SHAMMOS, SHAMOS HIOSSS SHISOS# ISSSTU per TUSSIS es a cough [n TUSSISES or TUSSES] BERUZZ BUZZER s a signaling device AEGSSS av ba de me, bio fou# out syn, tear GASSES AAPWXX PAXWAX es the nuchal ligament of a quadruped, also PACKWAX AEKLSS a# SLAKES EPRSSU SUPERS ex py, afe ale alt# aur ede ell how ..142 5 SPUERS# SPRUES un#, cut dis# PURSES PUSSER# s# a supply officer AILSSS SISALS 2 c LASSIS EIMNZZ MIZZEN s, mast, masts a type of sail, also MIZEN AINSSS SASINS CCSSUU CUSCUS es 2 an arboreal mammal SUCCUS# s, sed ses, sing sion# sive#, sions# ..2 juice [n SUCCI#] ACISSS CASSIS es a European bush AISSST b, cl co, contrab ASSIST s, ed er or, ant ers ing ive ors, ance ..4 2 to {help=v} ec#, ana# dia# epi, cata# hemo hypo ..9 STASIS a stoppage of the normal flow of bodily fluids [n STASES] DEMUZZ MUZZED# ACOSZZ SCOZZA# s# a rowdy heavy drinker ESTUZZ TUZZES# ADESSS SASSED HISSSU SUSHIS AAIIKK KAIKAI# s# a feast AASTZZ TAZZAS HMOOSS SMOOSH ed es, ing to {squash=v} EMSUZZ MUZZES# MMUUUU MUUMUU s a long, loose dress, also MUMU EESSSY o YESSES ELOSZZ SOZZLE# d s# to intoxicate ANSSSY NYSSAS# EEGSSS bur dog# lar, combur# GESSES# AELSSS SALSES# 2 c g, fi# mo, cut dec, boni# eyeg mate ..28 LASSES ELPUZZ un PUZZLE d r s, rs, dly dom#, doms# ment, ments, headed 2 to {perplex=v} PUZZEL# s# a slut, also PUSSEL# AIPSZZ PIZZAS IMSSSU MISSUS es a wife, also MISSIS EIKKOO KOOKIE r, st eccentric EHISSS w# HISSES CEOSSS impeti# COSSES# AOSSST ASSOTS# AESSST po#, demi smar tigh#, taran# TASSES 3 b t, br# ASSETS ec#, ana# dia ela epi, cata# hemo ..10 STASES BSSSUY BYSSUS es a fine linen [n BYSSUSES or BYSSI] / the mass of filaments by which mulloscs cling [n BYSSUSES or BYSSI] EISSSW s WISSES EHISZZ c# p# w HIZZES# AEPSSS by im re, com lam# out sur, hand# over ..6 PASSES EEIKKT TEKKIE s a technician, also TECHIE AAEEKK AKEAKE# s# a New Zealand tree with silver leaves and reddish bark AMMSSU SUMMAS DEFUZZ FUZZED AERSSS SASERS# 2 b f g t w, ha mo st ti#, cui mat zeb, cowg# ..46 RASSES# AHSUZZ HUZZAS AIIKKW WAKIKI s shell money AELLSS ro#, bon# SELLAS# 2 SALLES# DEOSSS SOSSED# 2 en#, rere# DOSSES AEHSSS c HASSES# 2 SASHES ALSSSY LYSSAS EEMSZZ MEZZES# EKOSSS KOSSES# CSUYZZ SCUZZY dirty or shabby [adj SCUZZIER, SCUZZIEST] AANSSS SANSAS# ELMUZZ be un MUZZLE d r s, rs to cover the mouth of EIPSSS a, anti SEPSIS 3 a bacterial invasion of the body SPEISS es a metallic mixture obtained in smelting, also SPEISE PISSES CCOSSU SUCCOS# e# EHOSSS HOSSES# BEOSSS OBSESS ed es or, ing ion ive ors, ions ives ..7 2 to dominate the thoughts of de# em im#, under BOSSES t# EEHSSS SESHES# ALOSSS LASSOS EFIRZZ FIZZER s one that {fizzes=v} DEESSS god her#, drui, leopar stewar, demigod shepher DESSES# GHHHIT HIGHTH s the highest point, also HEIGHT OPSSSY SYSOPS AEIMXX MAXIXE s a Brazilian dance ANSYZZ SNAZZY very stylish and trendy [adj SNAZZIER, SNAZZIEST] KKLOOZ KOLKOZ y, es a collective farm in Russia, also KOLHOZ, KOLKHOS, KOLKHOZ EFLUZZ bum FUZZLE# d# s# to {fuddle=v} AAHNZZ c HAZZAN s, im a cantor, also HAZAN, KHAZEN EMOSSS oak MOSSES BEJJUU JUJUBE s a fruit-flavored candy CESSSU fo ho, cau con dis per suc, defo refo ..5 CUSSES 2 cu di ru#, hibi meni, holodi# trochi# SCUSES# DESSSU SUSSED 2 over SUDSES COSSSU CUSSOS EMOSZZ inter passa# MEZZOS 2 MOZZES# AEHJJS HAJJES EORRZZ ROZZER s a policeman, also ROSSER# EGISZZ GIZZES# CHSSSU SCHUSS ed er es, ers ing, boomer, boomers to make a fast, straight run in skiing EEJJNU JEJUNE ly, ness, nesses {naive=adj} EFISZZ FIZZES EHSSSU sc HUSSES# AANSZZ ZANZAS AESSZZ SAZZES# EIMSSS brady# micro SEISMS 2 a#, ku, dis kou pre MISSES EILSSS b p, pe, cou LISSES# AHHUZZ HUZZAH s, ed, ing to {cheer=v} GGIIJJ JIGJIG# s#, ged#, ging# to copulate, also JICKAJOG#, JIGAJIG#, JIGAJOG# DEISSS ven# DISSES EERSZZ REZZES# IIMSSS MISSIS h#, es, hness#, hnesses# a wife, also MISSUS EFSSSU FUSSES AEIKKP PIKAKE s an East Indian vine ENOSSS SONSES# EIKSSS be un#, out KISSES ABIKKU KABUKI s popular Japanese theatre with men playing all roles AIKKNO KONAKI# s# a farm vehicle with runners at the front and wheels at the rear AMPSSS vaso, broncho laryngo#, blepharo SPASMS EHHSSU s HUSHES AAJJMR JAMJAR# s# a jar for jam, also JAMPOT# ELOSSS f g, bug reg sch#, isog, semig, candyf ..2 LOSSES EEPSSS a, anti SEPSES ELSSSU SLUSES# EELSZZ LEZZES ABESSS ru, sub, white#, contra, thorough BASSES t# ADERZZ RAZZED EEKKNO KONEKE# s# 2 a farm vehicle with runners at the front and wheels at the rear KEKENO# s# a New Zealand fur seal IINPPP PIPPIN g s any of several varieties of apple ABIIKK KABIKI s a tropical tree CEIKKR drop goal#, place KICKER s one that {kicks=v} CEESSS ac ex re, abs pre pro suc, prin, repro ..6 CESSES AAMSSS ASSAMS# 2 MASSAS auga, augas BEISZZ show BIZZES LOSYZZ SOZZLY# {drunk=adj} [adj SOZZLIER#, SOZZLIEST#] AKKORU KAKURO# s# a kind of logic puzzle, resembling a mathematical crossword AELSZZ LEZZAS# EISTZZ TIZZES# EEFSZZ FEZZES DIKKOP DIKKOP# s# the stone-curlew ILMYZZ MIZZLY {drizzly=adj} [adj MIZZLIER#, MIZZLIEST#] EEMSSS ker kir, entre# MESSES BESUZZ hum# BUZZES APSSSU PASSUS es a section of a story ESSSTU per TUSSES EISWZZ s# WIZZES CCCDIO COCCID s, ia, ium, ioses iosis, iostat#, iostats# an {insect=n} AIMMSS MIASMS AALSSS SALSAS AENSZZ ZAZENS 2 ZANZES# EKKOPU PUKEKO# s# a New Zealand wading bird EENSSS fi, all# apt bad big coy dim dry due ..3252 NESSES 2 un#, mis non sub, under# SENSES CEKKSY KECKSY# a dry stalk, also KEX, KECKS, KEKSYE# [n KECKSIES#] EELSSS b, id, feb# nob unb#, cord devi# hair# ..12 LESSES# AAKKOP KAKAPO s a flightless parrot EMSSSU MUSSES CCCOXY COCCYX es a bone of the spine [n COCCYXES or COCCYGES] IIKKOR KOKIRI# s# the rough-skinned New Zealand triggerfish AKKOOP PAKOKO# s# (New Zealand) a small freshwater fish OOPWWW POWWOW s, ed, ing to confer, also PAWAW# CDEIKK mis out, place KICKED DEKKOS DEKKOS DEEEKK KEEKED BBBDEO ca# ka# ke# un, ski# BOBBED EFFFOS en in FEOFFS AHIJJS HAJJIS AEEMMM MAMMEE s a tropical tree, also MAMEY, MAMIE, MAMMEY AEIMMM MAMMIE s mother, also MAMMY ADEFFF FAFFED# ADEKKR KARKED# EIMSZZ MIZZES# AOPWWW POWWAW# pooh EPSSSU sour, glamour# PUSSES AIKKLU KULAKI 2 KALUKI# s# a card game similar to rummy, using two packs of cards and two jokers CIKKPU KICKUP s a noisy argument ADHKKU DUKKAH# s# 2 a mix of ground nuts and spices, used as a dip, also DUKKA# DUKKHA# s# suffering due to the desire for permanence, also DUHKHA# AAHHJJ HAJJAH# s# a Muslim woman who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca AAAKKR KARAKA# s# a New Zealand fruit tree IKKUUY KIKUYU# s# a type of African grass KKOTUU KOTUKU# s#, tuku#, tukus# a kind of heron with brilliant white plumage, black legs, yellow eyes and bill AIKKOS SAKKOI# ACCCLO gono, diplo# micro proto#, crypto ..6 COCCAL pertaining to a coccus, also COCCIC DDIIKK DIKDIK s a small {antelope=n} KKOOPU KOKOPU# s# any of several small freshwater fish of New Zealand EOPSSS POSSES s, sed ses sor, sing sion sive sors ..17 CEKKOP KOPECK s a Russian coin, also KOPEK IKKORR KORKIR# s# a lichen used for dyeing, also CORKIR# ELSUZZ LUZZES# EFSUZZ FUZZES ACCCIL CALCIC ole, oles, olous pertaining to lime of calcium CKKNOS anti door# KNOCKS DEKKUY YUKKED BESSSU de# em#, air, auto data# heli# mini ..10 BUSSES AAIKKS KAIAKS 2 KAIKAS# ADEKKY YAKKED AAKKPU KAPUKA# s# a large evergreen tree of New Zealand AEMSSS a, ad ca, bio egg#, land, ground MASSES BBBEIR wine# BIBBER s y, ies a {tippler=n} AMMMOU AMOMUM# s# a plant of the ginger family BBBEIL BIBBLE# s# (Eng. dialect) a pebble BOOWWW BOWWOW s, ed, ing to bark like a dog BBBHUU HUBBUB s, oo#, oos# an uproar, also ROWDEDOW#, ROWDYDOW# AAABKK KABAKA s a Ugandan emperor EEKKSY KEKSYE# s# a dry stalk, also KEX, KECKS, KECKSY# AHIKKS KISHKA s 2 a sausage, also KISHKE KHAKIS DIKKLU KUDLIK# s# a soapstone seal-oil lamp GSYYYZ anti# SYZYGY the configuration of the earth, moon and sun lying in a straight line [n SYZYGIES] AKKSUW WUKKAS# (Australian slang) in the phrase no wukkas, no worries (no wukking furries) AAKKSY YAKKAS# 2 KAYAKS EIKKRY YIKKER# s#, ed#, ing# to utter sharp little cries of an animal, also YICKER# CCCOOS COCCOS# CEEKKL KECKLE d s to protect by binding with rope EEKKLR LEKKER# (South African slang) pleasing, tasty FFFLOY FLYOFF s a competitive testing of model aircraft ABEIKK BAKKIE# s# (South Africa) a small truck with an open body and low sides AAHKKT KATHAK# s#, ali#, alis# a dance of India including mime CDEEKK KECKED KKNSUY SKUNKY having a smell suggestive of a skunk [adj SKUNKIER, SKUNKIEST] BBBINO BOBBIN g s, et, ets a thread holder ACKKNY KNACKY# cunning, also KNACKISH# [adj KNACKIER#, KNACKIEST#] BEIIKK BIKKIE# s# (colloquial) a biscuit, also BICKIE# AAKKLP KALPAK s a sheepskin hat EIMMMR MIMMER# KKNORS SKRONK# s# music that is grating, dissonante, and frequently avante garde DEEKKL LEKKED CEOSZZ COZZES BBBDEI BIBBED KKNRSU KRUNKS# AERSZZ RAZZES IIKKOS KIKOIS# IKKRSU KUKRIS AEKKNR KRAKEN s a legendary sea monster EIKKRS SKRIKE# d# s# (English dialect) to shriek AKKNRU KUNKAR# s# a limestone found in India, also KUNKUR# ABBBLY BABBLY# 2 {chattery=adj} [adj BABBLIER#, BABBLIEST#] BLABBY talkative AABBBO BAOBAB s a tropical tree with a swollen trunk, also BOAB# ABIZZZ BIZAZZ# es# flamboyance, also BAZAZZ#, BEZZAZZ#, PAZAZZ, PAZZAZZ#, PIZAZZ, PIZZAZ, PIZZAZZ, PIZZAZZ, PZAZZ# BBBELY BLEBBY {blistery=adj} [adj BLEBBIER#, BLEBBIEST#] BBBELO BOBBLE d s, head#, heads# to {fumble=v} ABBBSU BUBBAS CCCILY a, bi di en eu#, ali con# epi exo iso ..12 CYCLIC al ly, als ism# ity, ally isms#, ality ..2 moving in complete circles FFFLSU bum# FLUFFS AKKOPS KAPOKS ACKKNS nic, knick KNACKS AKKLSU KULAKS AEMMMY MAMMEY s a tropical tree, also MAMEY, MAMIE, MAMMEE KKMTUU MUKTUK s a whale skin used for food EEPPPR be# PEPPER s y, ed er, box ers ier# ing oni, corn ..21 to season with a pungent condiment EOPPPT POPPET s a mechanical valve IOPPPT POPPIT# s# one of a chain of beads joined by lumps and sockets EPPPRY PREPPY denoting the style and behaviour of preparatory school students [adj PREPPIER, PREPPIEST] DEPPPU PUPPED EPPPTU PUPPET s, ry, eer, eers like ries, eered, eering a doll manipulated by the hand or strings AESSSS SASSES 2 re ASSESS ed es or, ing ors, able ment, ments ..3 to {estimate=v} IKKNSS SKINKS OPPPRU UPPROP s, ped, ping to prop up BEKKRY BREKKY# (slang) breakfast [n BREKKIES#] AIMMMU MUMMIA# s# mummy as a drug AAAKKN KANAKA s a Hawaiian CCCOSU gono, diplo micro, crypto echino ..6 COCCUS a spherical bacterium [n COCCI] APPPSU PAPPUS es# a ring of downy hair on a seed [n PAPPUSES# or PAPPI] IKKNNU UNKINK s, ed, ing to remove curls from EIKKLN KINKLE# s# a slight kink ELOPPP POPPLE d s to move in a bubbling or rippling manner IKKRSS SKRIKS# EKKORS KOKERS# KKNRUU KUNKUR# s# a limestone found in India, also KUNKAR# AAMMMS grand# MAMMAS AMMMNO MAMMON s, ish# ism ist ite#, isms ists ites#, istic# material wealth EESSSS as ob, pos, reas, repos, dispos prepos SESSES# AKKNSY SKANKY filthy or sleazy [adj SKANKIER, SKANKIEST] EOSSSS SOSSES# CIKKNS cami# KNICKS# underpants, also KNICKERS DEKKOY YOKKED# CCCHOY CHOCCY# chocolate [n CHOCCIES#] / having the taste or smell of chocolate [adj CHOCCIER#, CHOCCIEST#] CIKKLS KLICKS AEKKRY YAKKER s one who {yaks=v} DEIKKR KIRKED# BBBLOY BOBBLY# 2 like pilled cloth [adj BOBBLIER#, BOBBLIEST#] BLOBBY# having blobs, blob-shaped [adj BLOBBIER#, BLOBBIEST#] EKKOPS KOPEKS KKOSTU SUKKOT h DEKKNO KONKED IMMMOS MOMISM s an excessive dependence on mothers EEEKKR KEEKER# s# someone who peeps DEIKKN s, un KINKED EHIKKS KISHKE s a sausage, also KISHKA DEKKOO KOOKED# ABBBEL psycho techno BABBLE d r s, rs, ment, ments to talk incessantly DEMMMU MUMMED EMMMOT MOMMET# s# an {idol=n} AEMMMT MAMMET s, ry#, ries# an idol, also MAUMET, MAWMET# DEEPPP PEPPED DEIPPP PIPPED AAKKNU KANUKA# s# a New Zealand myrtaceous tree AABZZZ BAZAZZ# es# flamboyance, also BEZZAZZ#, BIZAZZ#, PAZAZZ, PAZZAZZ#, PIZAZZ, PIZZAZ, PIZZAZZ, PIZZAZZ, PZAZZ# ABEZZZ BEZAZZ es {pizazz=n} BBBEOR ski BOBBER s y, ies one who {bobs=v} BBBELU a BUBBLE d r s, rs, gum, gums head, heads, headed to form a globule of liquid blown out with gas BBBLUY BUBBLY champagne [n BUBBLIES] / full of bubbles [adj BUBBLIER, BUBBLIEST] ACHKKU CHUKKA r s, rs a type of boot, also CHUKKAR CCCCIO gono#, diplo#, meningo strepto, staphylo COCCIC pertaining to a coccus, also COCCAL ADKKSU DUKKAS# AFFFLS FLAFFS# FFFLUY FLUFFY downy, light and soft [adj FLUFFIER, FLUFFIEST] DEFFFU FUFFED# AAHMMM HAMMAM s a Turkish bath, also HUMMAUM#, HUMMUM# HMMMUU HUMMUM# s# a Turkish bath, also HAMMAM, HUMMAUM# AIJJMM JIMJAM# s a knick-knack AIKKMS KAMIKS IKKOSS KIOSKS AKKKOO KOKAKO# s# a large dark grey wattled crow of New Zealand AKKORS KOKRAS# KKMOSU KOKUMS# ACKKSY KYACKS AAEMMM MAMMAE AALMMM MAMMAL s, ian ity ogy, ians, ities ogies ogist ..3 any of a class of warm-blooded vertebrates AEMMMR MAMMER s, ed, ing 2 to {hesitate=v} MARMEM# as in marmem alloy, an alloy which, under the influence of temperature changes, can be changed from one condition to another and back again AAKKMR MARKKA a s a monetary unit of Finland [n MARKKAS or MARKKAA or MARKKA] AEKKMS MEKKAS# AMMMOS MOMMAS KKLMUU MUKLUK s a soft boot worn by Eskimos, also MUCKLUCK, MUCLUC EMMMRU MUMMER s y, ies one who {mums=v} ADEPPP PAPPED# AAPZZZ PAZAZZ es flamboyance, also BAZAZZ#, BEZZAZZ#, BIZAZZ#, PAZZAZZ#, PIZAZZ, PIZZAZ, PIZZAZZ, PIZZAZZ, PZAZZ# AIPZZZ PIZAZZ y, es 2 flamboyance, also BAZAZZ#, BEZZAZZ#, BIZAZZ#, PAZAZZ, PAZZAZZ#, PIZZAZ, PIZZAZZ, PIZZAZZ, PZAZZ# PIZZAZ z, es zy, zes flamboyance, also BAZAZZ#, BEZZAZZ#, BIZAZZ#, PAZAZZ, PAZZAZZ#, PIZAZZ, PIZZAZZ, PIZZAZZ, PZAZZ# AOPPPS POPPAS DEOPPP joy POPPED EOPPPR eye joy POPPER s, ing#, ings# one that {pops=v} LOPPPY POPPLY# like a rippling sound [adj POPPLIER#, POPPLIEST#] AKKOSS SAKKOS# es# a Bishop's vestment like an alb, also SACCOS# [n SAKKOSES# or SAKKOI#] EISSSS SISSES AKKNSS SKANKS KKLSSU SKULKS KKNSSU SKUNKS AHKKSU SUKKAH s a shelter where meals are eaten during Jewish festivals [n SUKKAHS or SUKKOS# or SUKKOT or SUKKOTH] KKOSSU SUKKOS# KKSSUU SUKUKS# ESSSSU SUSSES AIKKST TIKKAS KKSSTT TSKTSK s, ed, ing to utter an exclamation of annoyance, also TSK DEIZZZ ZIZZED# EISZZZ ZIZZES# EILZZZ ZIZZLE d s to {sizzle=v} IMUZZZ ZUZZIM#