Jason Chang

View CV



All code is interfaced through Matlab and has been tested in a Linux environment compiled with GCC.

Please contact me by email if you have questions. I will do my best to answer them in a timely fashion.


HDPs with Sub-Cluster Splits
The following code is the Hierarchical Dirichlet process sampler as described in our NIPS 2014 paper. It includes code for a Categorical observation model with a Dirichlet prior.
[ zip ] - [ tar.gz ]

Dirichlet Process Mixtures
The following code is the Dirichlet process mixture model sampler as described in our NIPS 2013 paper. It includes code for Gaussian observation models with Normal-Inverse Wishart and Multinomial observation models with a Dirichlet prior.

A major bug fix was released on 4/8/2014. Previous versions will produce incorrect results.
[ zip ] - [ tar.gz ]

Layered Tracking Sampler
The following code is from our ICCV 2013 paper on layered tracking. It combines the level-set sampling algorithm in a temporal framework to track multiple objects in videos.
[ Coming Soon ]

Temporal Superpixels
The following code infers Temporal Superpixels for a particular video sequence as described in our CVPR 2013 paper.
[ zip ] - [ tar.gz ]

Level-Set / MRF Sampler
The following code is our latest level-set/MRF sampler as described in our ICCV 2013 paper. It fixes errors that were in the ICIP 2012 and CVPR 2011 paper that slightly biased results towards the mode (thank you Janick and Ivo identifying inconsistencies).
[ zip/tar ]

For completeness, our erroneous code is listed below. These should not be used and will not sample from the distribution of interest.
ICIP 2012: [ zip/tar ]     CVPR 2011: [ zip/tar ]