Contact info

2023-10-17 Learning Lens Blur Fields preprint uplloaded to arXiv.

2023-09-01 Self-Supervised Burst Super-Resolution accepted to ICCV.

2023-03 I am serving on the SIGGRAPH 2023 papers committee.

2022-08-16 Splatting-based Synthesis for Video Frame Interpolation accepted to WACV.

2022-08-04 Neural Photo-Finishing accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia.

2022-01-25 Splatting-based Synthesis for Video Frame Interpolation preprint uploaded to arXiv.

2022-03 I am serving on the SIGGRAPH 2022 technical papers committee.

2021-12-15 Handheld Neural Depth Refinement preprint uploaded to arXiv.

2021-12-14 Flare removal code now posted to GitHub.

2021-11-05 ICCV 2021 code and datasets available.

2021-10-27 Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro launched with HDRnet built into Google Tensor!

2021-09-08 Two papers accepted to ICCV 2021.

2020-11-30 New paper: Single-Image Lens Flare Removal, posted to arXiv.

2020-11-09 New paper on fast video style transfer accepted at WACV 2021 and available on arXiv.

2020-09-28 I am now at Adobe.

2020-08-03 Live HDR+ and Dual Exposure Controls on Pixel 4 and 4a published on the Google AI Blog.

2020-07-29 CUDA implementation of (dense regular grid) Kinect Fusion open sourced on GitHub. The code is a bit old and some work is neeed to update its dependencies (Eigen instead of libcgt, absl instead of gflags), but it should work with a little elbow grease.

2020-07-22 Fast photographic style transfer paper accepted at ECCV 2020.

2020-04-28 New paper on fast photorealistic style transfer posted to arXiv.

2019-12-12 libsoftwaresync code now available on GitHub.

2019-05-01 Learning Raw Denoising was accepted at CVPR 2019. Dark Flash Stereo and Software Camera Synchronization was accepted at ICCP 2019.

2019-01-08 Preprints of our work on Dark Flash Stereo, Software Camera Synchronization, and Learning Raw Denoising have been submitted to arXiv.

2018-03-05 Our deep burst denoising paper has been accepted at CVPR 2018.

2017-12-06 Preprint of our deep burst denoising paper was submitted to arXiv.

2017-06-01 Our paper on deep bilateral learning has been accepted at SIGGRAPH 2017.

2016-12-20 Bilateral Guided Upsampling talk from SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 available on YouTube.

2016-10-17 Bilateral Guided Upsampling code now available on GitHub.

2016-09-22 Two papers accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2016.

2016-06-10 I will be serving as webchair for ICCP 2017, taking place at Stanford in May.


I received my PhD from the Computer Graphics Group, part of the Computer Science and Artificial Inteligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT in June 2011. My advisor was Prof. Frédo Durand. My thesis was on efficient data structures for video processing. I also did research in rendering and graphics hardware.

From 2011-2013, I was a postdoc at Microsoft Research, Cambridge (UK).

From 2013-2020, I was a software engineer at Google[X] and Google Research under Marc Levoy.

I am currently a research scientist at Adobe.


Learning Lens Blur Fields
Esther Y. H. Lin, Zhecheng Wang, Rebecca Lin, Daniel Miau, Florian Kainz, Jiawen Chen, Xuaner Cecilia Zhang, David B. Lindell, Kiriakos N. Kutulakos
arXiv preprint (2023)

Self-Supervised Burst Super-Resolution
Goutam Bhat, Michaël Gharbi, Jiawen Chen, Luc Van Gool, Zhihao Xia
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2023)
CVF Open Access (PDF)

Splatting-based Synthesis for Video Frame Interpolation
Simon Niklaus, Ping Hu, Jiawen Chen
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023)

Neural Photo-Finishing
Ethan Tseng, Yuxuan Zhang, Lars Jebe, Cecilia Zhang, Zhihao Xia, Yifei Fan, Felix Heide, Jiawen Chen
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022)

The Implicit Values of A Good Hand Shake: Handheld Multi-Frame Neural Depth Refinement
Ilya Chugunov, Yuxuan Zhang, Zhihao Xia, Xuaner (Cecilia) Zhang, Jiawen Chen, Felix Heide
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022, Oral Presentation)
arXiv CVF Open Access (PDF) GitHub

Defocus Map Estimation and Deblurring from a Single Dual-Pixel Image
Shumian Xin, Neal Wadhwa, Tianfan Xue, Jonathan T. Barron, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Jiawen Chen, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Rahul Garg
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2021)
arXiv CVF Open Access (PDF) Code and Data (GitHub)

How to Train Neural Networks for Flare Removal
Yicheng Wu, Qiurui He, Tianfan Xue, Rahul Garg, Jiawen Chen, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Jonathan T. Barron
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2021)
arXiv CVF Open Access (PDF) Code (GitHub) How to get the dataset

Real-time Localized Photorealistic Video Style Transfer
Xide Xia, Tianfan Xue, Wei-sheng Lai, Zheng Sun, Abby Chang, Brian Kulis, Jiawen Chen
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2021)

Joint Bilateral Learning for Real-time Universal Photorealistic Style Transfer
Xide Xia, Meng Zhang, Tianfan Xue, Zheng Sun, Hui Fang, Brian Kulis, Jiawen Chen
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020)

Stereoscopic Dark Flash for Low-light Photography
Jian Wang, Tianfan Xue, Jonathan T. Barron, Jiawen Chen
IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP 2019)

Wireless Software Synchronization of Multiple Distributed Cameras
Sameer Ansari, Neal Wadhwa, Rahul Garg, Jiawen Chen
IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP 2019)
arXiv GitHub

Unprocessing Images for Learned Raw Denoising
Tim Brooks, Ben Mildenhall, Tianfan Xue, Jiawen Chen, Dillon Sharlet, Jonathan T. Barron
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2019)

Burst Denoising with Kernel Prediction Networks
Ben Mildenhall, Jonathan T. Barron, Jiawen Chen, Dillon Sharlet, Ren Ng, Robert Carroll
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018)

Deep Bilateral Learning for Real-Time Image Enhancement
Michaël Gharbi, Jiawen Chen, Jonathan T. Barron, Samuel W. Hasinoff, Frédo Durand
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2017)

Bilateral Guided Upsampling
Jiawen Chen, Andrew Adams, Neal Wadhwa, Samuel W. Hasinoff
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2016)
Paper (pdf) Code YouTube

Burst Photography for High Dynamic Range and Low-light Imaging on Mobile Cameras
Samuel W. Hasinoff, Dillon Sharlet, Ryan Geiss, Andrew Adams, Jonathan T. Barron, Florian Kainz, Jiawen Chen, Marc Levoy
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2016)

Do-It-Yourself Lighting Design for Product Videography
Ivaylo Boyadzhiev, Jiawen Chen, Sylvain Paris, Kavita Bala
IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP 2016)
Paper (pdf)

Scalable Real-time Volumetric Surface Reconstruction
Jiawen Chen, Dennis Bautembach, Shahram Izadi
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2013)
Paper (pdf) Video (YouTube)

KinÊtre: Animating the World with the Human Body
Jiawen Chen, Shahram Izadi, Andrew Fitzgibbon
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2012)
Also in ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Talks
Paper (pdf) Video (YouTube)

Digits: Freehand 3D Interactions Anywhere Using a Wrist-Worn Gloveless Sensor
David Kim, Otmar Hilliges, Shahram Izadi, Alex Butler, Jiawen Chen, Iason Oikonomidis, Patrick Olivier
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2012)
Paper (pdf) Video (YouTube)

Temporal Light Field Reconstruction for Rendering Distribution Effects
Jaakko Lehtinen, Timo Aila, Jiawen Chen, Samuli Laine, Frédo Durand
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2011)

Decoupled Sampling for Real-Time Graphics Pipelines
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Jaakko Lehtinen, Jiawen Chen, Michael Doggett, Frédo Durand
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG 2011)

The Video Mesh: A Data Structure for Image-based Three-dimensional Video Editing
Jiawen Chen, Sylvain Paris, Jue Wang, Wojciech Matusik, Michael Cohen, Frédo Durand
IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP 2011)
Also in MIT CSAIL Technical Reports 2009, MIT-CSAIL-TR-2009-062

Real-Time Volumetric Shadows using 1D Min-Max Mipmaps
Jiawen Chen, Ilya Baran, Frédo Durand, Wojciech Jarosz
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (i3D 2011)

A Hierarchical Volumetric Shadow Algorithm for Single Scattering
Ilya Baran, Jiawen Chen, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Frédo Durand, Jaakko Lehtinen
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2010)

Real-time Edge-Aware Image Processing with the Bilateral Grid
Jiawen Chen, Sylvain Paris, Frédo Durand
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007)

Texture Transfer Using Geometry Correlation
Tom Mertens, Jan Kautz, Jiawen Chen, Philippe Bekaert and Frédo Durand
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR 2006)

A Reconfigurable Architecture for Load-Balanced Rendering
Jiawen Chen, Michael I. Gordon, William Thies, Matthias Zwicker, Kari Pulli, Frédo Durand
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Graphics Hardware (GH 2005)

Pervasive Pose-Aware Applications and Infrastructure
Seth Teller, Jiawen Chen, Hari Balakrishnan
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Vol. 23, No. 4 (CG&A 2003)
Paper (pdf) BibTeX


Depth Fusion (CUDA regulard grid KinectFusion implementation) - GitHub

I have released the source code to the GPU version of the Bilateral Grid. It can be found on the project page.

Bilateral Filter
A standalone MATLAB implementation of Paris and Durand's A Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter using a Signal Processing Approach (ECCV 2006).

Version 1.11 (11/5/2007)

Version 1.0 (03/07/2007)

Local Histogram Equalization
A standalone MATLAB implementation of Local Histogram Equalization using the Bilateral Grid.

Version 1.1 (10/19/2007)

2D Hilbert Curve Generator
A standalone C# implementation of 2D Hilbert Curves. Unlike most samples found on the web, this program actually returns an array of points over which you can iterate to walk the unit square.

Version 1.0 (05/15/2009)

Some Hilbert curves of orders 1 through 10 directly usable as C/C++ arrays: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I am emacs/vim ambidextrous: .emacs .vimrc

I use GNU Screen: .screenrc

I map CAPSLOCK to CTRL and the useless right "Windows" key to CAPSLOCK: Swap CAPSLOCK and Right Windows Key

All the code is released under the MIT License.




I TA-ed 6.837: Computer Graphics in Fall 2010

GnuPG Public Key

my_username 'at' mit [dot] edu


Room temperature in wavenumbers