Space Time Programming Group


jonathan bachrach
jake beal



hayes raffle, mit media lab


dany qumsiyeh, mit csail


dan vickery, mit csail
omari stephens, mit csail
dimitri turbiner, mit csail
leonardo urbina, mit csail


rangel dokov, mit csail
tony grue, mit csail
tom hsu, mit csail
dany qumsiyeh, mit csail
mark tobenkin, mit csail
velin tzanov, mit csail
adam eames, mit csail
andrew sutherland, mit csail
christopher taylor, mit csail
chih-han yu, harvard eecs

affiliated researchers

hal abelson, mit csail
drew endy, mit bio
radhika nagpal, harvard eecs
tom knight, mit csail
howard shrobe, mit csail
gerry sussman, mit csail


to understand and control space-time through the invention and application of high level programming languages and to invent and choreograph new high degree of freedom structures and federations of parts. applications range from bioengineering to swarm robotics and substrates range from cells to silicon.


beal, bachrach, vickery, and tobenkin, fast self-healing gradients, SAC'08, march 16-20 2008

beal, bachrach, and fujiwara, continuous space-time semantics allow adaptive program execution, ieee SASO, july 2007

abelson, beal, sussman, amorphous computing, to be published by springer-verlag

bachrach and beal, building spatial computers, MIT CSAIL tech report 2007-01, march 2007

bachrach and beal, programming a sensor network as an amorphous medium, extended abstract for poster at DCOSS 2006, june 2006

beal and bachrach, infrastructure for engineered emergence on sensor/actuator networks, ieee intelligent systems, march/april 2006

beal, amorphous medium language, large-scale multi-agent systems workshop, AAMAS 2005, july 2005

beal and sussman, biologically-inspired robust spatial programming, MIT AI Memo 2005-001, January 2005

sutherland, towards rseam: resilient serial execution on amorphous machines, mit master's thesis, june 2003


bachrach, interactive multimedia programming in gooze, lightweight languages 4, november 2004


proto to be available soonish