
1 minute read

Find out what is important to you and let go of everything else. (paraphrased from Joshua Becker)

This key message of minimalism manifests itself in de-cluttering ones life, giving away or selling un-needed things, letting go of projects that don’t add to ones life, and letting go of toxic or unhappy relationships. It also means being content with having and needing less. In the last few months, I have been thinking about and experimenting with this idea.

Having less stuff in my life is lets me enjoy and care for the things I have more. It means focus and importance to the people and things that remain. It is like shining a stage light onto them. I want to really talk to my friends and family and not just chit-chat. I want to enjoy all my things as much as my puffy winter jacket that I got a few years back. I still love wearing it every time. Recently, I started taking better care of it: it has its own hanger in my closet and I put it back there right when I come home. I don’t just throw it somewhere anymore. It is important to me.

Minimalism means less waisted energy and time on cleaning or taking care of stuff I don’t even enjoy. It means maximizing free time to enjoy the important things in my life. It allows me to take 1h to 1:30h every morning to meditate and/or run because these are very important to me. Since there is less stuff distracting me at night, getting up early and taking that time has been easy.

Less is beautiful. Since I donated five (yes five!) trash bags of cloths, shoes and other stuff my room and shelves have more space and no clutter. I love coming home to my room now. It is beautiful and spacious. The funny thing is I don’t even remember what was in those five trash bags.

I like where this path leads. I will keep walking.

If you want to read a bit more checkout the amazing minimalist blogs of Leo Babouta (mnmlist and zen habits), of Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, and of Joshua Becker.

