Dewey Odhner's spidrweb fractal

Post to sci.fractals newsgroup, 1995-06-26

spidrweb           { ; by Dewey Odhner. Public domain.
  reset=1920 type=mandel passes=1
  4.4e+058 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=65535 inside=0 logmap=yes

I wrote my own deep zoom Mandelbrot program using GMP, the core of which is here. The following pages show successive magnification by a factor of 2. Note the the linked PNG images are 16-bit greyscale, so there may be more detail to see if you have a monitor that can show greater than 8 bits of color depth. Someday, I will rerender these in color so I may have a larger palette.

The maximum iterations was 65535, though orbit detection (fast-slow rho method) was also performed. The hexadecimal coordinates of the center are -63FB7E3866F97D34E0D7EA2DC815514C5EBB2101EFDA8EEFB269D and 9638A81D5F0456934CBFF2FA474405D24008CAFB7C5008A3BCDC0 divided by a sufficiently high power of 2, I think 2212. Approximately 1.5 months of CPU time was used to compute these images.

Go to thumbnail gallery

The thumbnail gallery was generated by
for file in *.png ; do echo $file ; pngtopnm $file | pnmscale -xsize 100 | pgmnorm | pnmdepth 15 | pnmtopng > ../thumb/$file ; done
16-bit color gets renormalized to 16 colors (4-bit).

Go to slide show

Click on each image to go to the next. We play a trick with image caching to load the next image (small, below the main image) while viewing the current image.


Here is the original (well, semi-original, it used to be a GIF, but in a silly bit of GIF patent stupidity, they converted the GIF to a PNG, but did not transfer over fractint metadata attached to the GIF about the coordinates and colormap of the image, good thing it was archived on usenet) from the Fractint Deep-zooming webpage

Ken T Takusagawa Last modified: Sat Mar 10 01:46:51 EST 2007