
Balios is written in Java. It calls Sicstus Prolog to perform the logical inference; therefore, we assume that you have installed Sicsuts including its Java interface Jasper. Balios - as it can be downloaded here - features a GUI graphically representing Bayesian logic programs and approximative inference methods (rejection, likelihood and Gibbs sampling), as well as parameter estimation methods (hard EM and EM).

You can download the whole Balios system as a tgz archive. To extract the archive use the 'tar -xvfz' command (Unix/Linux). To start Balios, follow the instructions in the README. Balios was tested using SICStus Prolog 3.12.5 and Java 1.4.2 under Linux.

Please read the LICENCE!

CREDITS: Luc De Raedt, Uwe Dick, Kristian Kersting.