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Jaehyun Koo

I am a first-year PhD student at MIT, and I am fortunate to be advised by Mohsen Ghaffari. My interest is in theoretical computer science, in particular distributed algorithms.

Contact Information

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
32 Vassar Street, Room 32-G585B
Cambridge, MA, USA 02139

Email: koosaga at mit dot edu



An Optimal MPC Algorithm for Subunit-Monge Matrix Multiplication, with Applications to LIS (arXiv)
SPAA '24

Anarchy in the APSP: Algorithm and Hardness for Incorrect Implementation of Floyd-Warshall (arXiv)
FUN '24

Programming Contests

I have spent a lot of time solving and creating problems from algorithmic programming contests. I especially had a deep involvement within the informatics olympiad community of Korea, creating team selection / national olympiad problems, and teaching our national IOI team. Some related links:
