## Sentence ## Subjectivity ## Opinion ## ============================= ## +17 ## judahhertz Seeing this Thursday night at 9:50, so excited. ## 1 ## 1 ## ============================= ## +3 ## FitteMas just cant hide it!!!! ## 1 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +4 ## Laiden HA. ## 1 ## 0 ## 7pm Thursday. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +2 ## Georgy Dammit, friday 9:40pm Stupid exams ## 1 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +2 ## Avare Very interesting. ## 1 ## 1 ## Will see soon! ## 1 ## 1 ## ============================= ## +4 ## smacksaw Will see soon? ## 1 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +29 ## TheWriteGuy I saw it at a preview screening. ## 0 ## 0 ## I went in with doubts but was very surprised at how good, and broadly appealing, it is. ## 1 ## 1 ## In fact, I'm considering paying to see it in the theater again, which I haven't felt compelled to do for a movie in several years. ## 1 ## 1 ## ============================= ## +2 ## leftysrevenge do it in Imax ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## -11 ## theavenger2 Why the hell has Digg been promoting this movie nonstop? ## 0 ## -1 ## Remember, this treatment did not work for Watchmen. ## 0 ## -1 ## ============================= ## (R) ## 8 ## RealmDown Because Watchmen didn't deserve it. ## 1 ## -1 ## ============================= ## (R) ## -1 ## CaptainPedantic Because all praise belongs to Allah. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## (R) ## 4 ## Chrysalii You mean those articles saying how much it sucked? ## 1 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +8 ## HooyahUSN i worked on this movie and got it prepared for theaters and dvd. ## 0 ## 0 ## your all going to love it!!! ## 1 ## 1 ## amazing film!!! ## 1 ## 1 ## ============================= ## -1 ## Pixelante It's their way to tell the fans "you're not welcome on this intellectual property". ## 1 ## -1 ## The destruction of Vulcan destroys the fan-loved continuity forever: the original series as it has been never happened, TNG never happened, DS9 and VOY never happened. ## 1 ## -1 ## No surprise, really, because in order to make the franchise marketable again they needed to get rid of the trekkies who are the antithesis of coolness. ## 1 ## -1 ## and the best part of them screwing up the timeline is that Enterprise, the least liked series (i liked it!), is still cannon, and they even mentioned archer's dog. ## 1 ## -1 ## i'm excited for the fanboy reactions Thread + Reply to this thread o +15 diggs +15 / -0 smacksawsmacksaw on 05/06/2009 Where's my screener? ## 1 ## 1 ## ============================= ## +4 ## bushobamabot seriously? ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +2 ## IOhBot Best prequel ever? ## 0 ## 0 ## I hightly doubt that. ## 1 ## -1 ## What about the amazing Star Wars prequels? ## 0 ## 0 ## *ducks* ;c) ## 1 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +2 ## RealmDown "Ducks"?! ## 1 ## -1 ## Lucas made *another* one?! ## 1 ## -1 ## Needs a better title. ## 1 ## 0 ## "Ducks" is lame. ## 1 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +2 ## Perdido It´s actually better than "The Phantom menace" ## 0 ## 1 ## I would definitely go watch "Star Wars: Ducks". ## 1 ## 1 ## Especially if Howard was in it. ## 0 ## 0 ## Do the flashback scenes of Godfather II count? ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +5 ## zip000 I wouldn't count them really, but if so then that definitely wins. ## 1 ## 1 ## Those sections were my favorite part of the Godfather movies. ## 1 ## 1 ## Sometimes, I really wish I could un-see the Godfather III. ## 1 ## -1 ## ============================= There is a actual edition of the Godfather - Godfather 2 movies where you can see the entire two movies in chronological order. ## 0 ## 0 ## Flashbacks first from G2, then the Godfather, and last G2 when Micheal is in control of the family. ## 0 ## 0 ## It amazing how it all fits together. ## 0 ## 1 ## It kinda makes the GF3 make more sense, but it too bad the movie itself wasn't as great and as connected as the first two where. ## 1 ## -1 ## The redshirt's name is Olson? ## 0 ## 0 ## Come on. ## 0 ## -1 ## Shoulda named him Ensign Rickey. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +24 ## guytoronto "Reboot" - the most overused word of 2008/2009 ## 0 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +14 ## bubbameister33 They need to bring "Reboot" out on DVD I would buy the complete series. ## 1 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +3 ## FredFredrickson Hold on a sec, gotta reboot my computer. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +6 ## sprkoolguy I am not sure if we have enough Data ## 1 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +18 ## macweirdo42 Life-forms, you tiny little life-forms, you precious little life-forms, where are you? ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +8 ## thegator25 I love searching for life-forms! ## 1 ## 1 ## I'll wait a week for the real reviews to hit rotten tomatoes. ## 1 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +2 ## bjs3171 they have. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## -15 ## Napiertt This is just an attempt to milk money from a franchise. ## 0 ## -1 ## If someone wants to have a piece of the Star trek universe, go ahead, but be original. ## 0 ## 0 ## ng it for free. ## 0 ## -1 ## Not going to give my money away to these people. ## 1 ## -1 ## ============================= ## (R) ## 7 ## zip000 I think that's the wrong attitude to have - if you want to see it, go see it and pay for it. ## 0 ## -1 ## If you don't want to pay for it then don't see it. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +10 ## 1google1 The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly would have to disagree with that title. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +7 ## dynamojoe Spoiler alert: Kirk, Bones, and the crew all survive. ## 0 ## 0 ## God damn it I hate prequels. ## 1 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +12 ## zibox That's how its done Mr. Lucas... ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## -1 ## mugwumpz Sure, Napiertt... ## 0 ## 0 ## that's the attitude to have. ## 0 ## 0 ## Make people serve you, or steal it. ## 0 ## 0 ## THAT's how a society runs best. ## 0 ## 0 ## If it has enough value to watch, then pay for it... ## 0 ## 0 ## or wait for it to come to cable or broadcast TV someday. ## 0 ## 0 ## You're pathetic. ## 1 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +18 ## Falldog Um. ## 1 ## -1 ## You can't claim it's a prequel and a reboot. ## 1 ## -1 ## Things don't work that way. ## 0 ## -1 ## ============================= ## -2 ## PrtSc Yes you can. ## 1 ## 1 ## The reason why it's a prequel is obvious. ## 0 ## 0 ## The reason why it's a reboot is because the franchise has been on a steady decline into pure ***** since First Contact. ## 0 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +2 ## KillsTheWeak If you read the prequel comics to the prequel movie, you'd see it all ties in rather well. ## 0 ## 1 ## Some ***** up star blows up Romula. ## 0 ## 0 ## So future Spock flies some spaceship built by one of them Next Generation folks into it to stop it. ## 0 ## 0 ## Which is where the comic ends, so i assume that was a time portal of some such. ## 0 ## 0 ## And the bad guy follows him in there. ## 0 ## 0 ## Which is how real Spock is in the movie. ## 0 ## 0 ## Don't know how it's a reboot though. ## 1 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +5 ## Bloodwine Movies are like everything else, I'll wait for (movie) history to expose the truth. ## 1 ## 0 ## In a few months we should have more sober reviews of the film. ## 0 ## 0 ## So many movies are hyped, initially acclaimed by everyone, do an awesome opening weekend, and then fizzle. ## 0 ## 0 ## The same people who are like, "OMG THIS MOVIE ROCKS! I SEEN IT 14 TIMES!", are saying, "That movie was meh. It was borderline fail.", a few months later. ## 0 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +3 ## bubbameister33 All that will happen here on Digg. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +2 ## ibgarrett I've seen it and this commentary is pretty much right on, although I didn't like the fact that the whole movie is a splinter in the timeline from the get go... ## 1 ## -1 ## I would have much preferred it to stay true to the original lore... ## 1 ## 1 ## but of course the story wouldn't work then. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## -7 ## shadowspawn James "Cyberius" Kirk kinda killed it for me. ## 1 ## -1 ## I mean the very first trailer, 35 seconds in, and they fucked up his name. ## 0 ## -1 ## ============================= ## -6 ## Kyderdog Seen the preview save your money. ## 1 ## -1 ## Worst Story ever! ## 0 ## -1 ## This is a Total Special Effects Movie, if you like Die hard or Transformers or rest of SF on TV was crap. ## 0 ## -1 ## Back then it had to contend with Lost in Space and other Irwin Allen sh*t. ## 0 ## 0 ## And even that wasn't enough to save it from cancellation: lots of fans whined and they did a crappy 3rd season, purposefully made so bad that they then needed no justifications at all to drop it into the shredder. ## 0 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +4 ## seantubridy A phaser just overloaded. ## 0 ## 0 ## In my pants. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +2 ## kaosethema engage... ## 0 ## 0 ## oh wait ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +2 ## angelczek While you're waiting for opening night check out some of Star Trek's smoking hot babes. ## 0 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +3 ## mrjit This movie was fantastic, and I'm hardly a Star Trek fan. ## 0 ## 1 ## ============================= ***SPOILER BELOW***. ## 0 ## 0 ## The film got a lot of things right, and a few things really, really wrong. ## 0 ## -1 ## Good stuff: The whole back story with Kirk's dad was pretty cool. ## 0 ## 1 ## Action packed, great energy. ## 0 ## 1 ## Some really great shots mixed in with the bad ones. ## 0 ## 0 ## Bad: The action sequences were a little over-board... ## 0 ## -1 ## like seizure inducing. ## 0 ## -1 ## Like... ## 0 ## 0 ## almost as bad as Michael Bay. ## 0 ## -1 ## I would argue that the opening battle WAS as bad as michael bay for a minute or two there. ## 0 ## -1 ## I'm all for epic battle scenes, but they had so much going on that sometimes you didn't know what the hell you were looking at. ## 0 ## -1 ## Good: Kirk being a total womanizer ## 0 ## 1 ## Bad; Kirk being a towny?! ## 0 ## -1 ## Kirk being a snot-nosed kid stealing a car? ## 0 ## -1 ## Good: The new spock. ## 0 ## 1 ## He's not great, but I think he''ll grow into it. ## 0 ## 1 ## Bad: The old spock! ## 0 ## -1 ## Is it just me, or did Nemoy totally phone in that performance?! ## 0 ## -1 ## Good: The new checkov, the new sulu, the new scotty, the new ohura, the new bonth no particular charm- shatneresque or otherwise. ## 0 ## 1 ## Good: special effects and sounds! ## 0 ## 1 ## warp drive sounded awesome! ## 0 ## 1 ## Bad: retarded product placement. ## 0 ## -1 ## Like offensively bad. ## 0 ## -1 ## good: snazzy uniforms guys! ## 0 ## 1 ## Bad; slap stick humor! ## 0 ## -1 ## with scotty stuck in the water tube, with kirk and the swollen hands. ## 0 ## -1 ## Really, wtf was that doing in the movie? ## 0 ## -1 ## and his cute alien friend? ## 0 ## -1 ## Fuck you jj abrams. ## 0 ## -1 ## very good: spock telling the vulcan academy to go fuck itself ## 0 ## 1 ## very bad: the fact that the bad guy felt the need to drop 'red matter" into the core of a planet, when it's perfectly clear that he could just drop the thing on the surface and achieve the same effect (we saw that with the supernova) ## 0 ## -1 ## excellent: erasing the timeline that we know and love so that the writers don't have to twist every story to fit with the known star trek universe ## 0 ## 1 ## Fucking epically bad; Erasing the timeline that we know and love so that the writes don't have to twist every story to fit with the known star trek universe. ## 0 ## -1 ## I appreciate that it was a great plot device- and a very brave choice. ## 1 ## 1 ## But it means that instead of star trek fans having to suffer at every tiny inconsistency, now we have to choke on the much bigger pill- that all our favorite characters were essentially erased from existence. ## 1 ## -1 ## Rather than letting us believe that these new characters will someday evolve into the spock and kirk and crew that we know- we've been told that they most certainly will not! ## 0 ## -1 ## Their destinies are much dark. ## 0 ## 0 ## They will never be a light-hearted crew, because they were born under a dark sign. ## 0 ## 0 ## WORST PART OF ALL: ## 0 ## -1 ## This crew isn't as good as the old one. ## 0 ## -1 ## I'm not talking about the acting, I'm talking about their abilities as a crew. ## 1 ## 0 ## The James Kirk I know, and the Spock I know would never have let vulcan and romulus get destroyed! ## 1 ## 0 ## When did they become so incompetent?! ## 0 ## -1 ## Actually, the worst part is that this is all blamed on the failure of the spock we KNOW would never fuck up that bad. ## 0 ## -1 ## oh well. ## 1 ## -1 ## Final thoughts: It was a fun movie, but the franchise should never have been give te literally threw out all the old star trek lore- erased it from existence. ## 1 ## 0 ## If Roddenberry had done it, it would have been brave- but coming from jj it seems lazy and kind of mean-spirited. ## 0 ## -1 ## ============================= ## +3 ## Hazardc I think you're pretty spot on, especially with the last bit. ## 1 ## 0 ## I liked the movie, but i wish it wasn't star trek. ## 1 ## 1 ## I'm 27 and have watched every episode of every series of trek and all of the movies, most of them many times over. ## 1 ## 0 ## I was elated to have a new star trek movie, and devastated to see 40 years of character development, ## 1 ## 1 ## The worst part about calling this star trek, is that there was no science aspect to it. ## 0 ## -1 ## It was an action/adventure film. ## 0 ## 0 ## period. ## 1 ## -1 ## I even grew to like enterprise after season 3 and was sad to see it go. ## 1 ## -1 ## I don't think I'll ever like to think of this movie as star trek. ## 1 ## -1 ## Much like the last episode of Enterprise took a giant fuck on the whole cast of that show, the new movie took a giant fuck on everyone who has worked on star trek for the past 40 years. ## 0 ## -1 ## ============================= THIS MOVIE WAS GREAT, im not critic so I give it an A for handling the difficult task of not screwing it all up. ## 1 ## 1 ## I got a STAR TREK IX background for my twitter. ## 1 ## 0 ## ============================= ## +2 ## goettel Just seen it. ## 1 ## 0 ## Classic. ## 0 ## 1 ## =============================