Algebra and Computation

Course number: 6.885
Prereq: 6.840 + 6.046 + 18.703.
Time: MW 11:00-12:30pm
Location: 36-155
3-0-9 H-Level Grad Credit
Instructor: Madhu Sudan

Bulletin Board
1. Sign up for scribing. Send email volunteering for specific dates. See scribes.txt for    
2. Here's feedback on lecture 4.

3. Problem set (tex, ps, pdf) out now. Due Monday, November 14, 2005

Course announcement

Tentative schedule of topics: (to be added)


For the time being, we'll use scribe notes from the last time the course was taught as the references. The full set of notes is here. The course website is here.
Over time, we'll add others.

For scribes, here is a sample file and the preamble.tex file that it uses.