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Marina Meila

Learning with Mixtures of Trees

PhD Thesis

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(see also the Table of Contents)


One of the challenges of density estimation as it is used in machine learning is that usually the data are multivariate and often the dimensionality is large. Operating with joint distributions over multidimensional domains raises specific problems that are not encountered in the univariate case. Graphical models are representations of joint densities that are specifically tailored to address these problems. They take advantage of the (conditional) independencies between subsets of variables in the domain which they represent by means of a graph. When the graph is sparse, graphical models provide an excellent support for human intuition and allow for efficient inference algorithms. However, learning the underlying dependence graph from data is generally NP-hard.

The purpose of this thesis is to propose and to study a class of models that admits tractable inference and learning algorithms yet is rich enough for practical applications. This class is the class of mixtures of trees models. Mixtures of trees inherit the excellent computational properties of tree distributions (themselves a subset of graphical models) but combine several trees in order to augment their modeling power, thereby going beyond the standard graphical model framework.

The thesis demonstrates the performance of the mixture of trees in density estimation and classification tasks. In the same time it deepens the understanding of the properties of the tree distribution as a multivariate density model. Among others, it shows that the tree classifier implements an implicit variable selection mechanism.

Learning mixtures of trees from data is a central subject of this thesis. The learning algorithm that is introduced here is based on the the EM and the Minimum Weight Spanning Tree algorithms and is quadratic in the dimension of the domain.

This algorithm can serve as a tool for discovering hidden variables in a special but important class of models where, conditioned on the hidden variable, the dependencies between the observed variables become sparse. Finally, it is shown that in the case of sparse discrete data, the original learning algorithm can be transformed in an algorithm that is jointly subquadratic and that in simulations achieves speedups factors of up to a thousand.

Learning with Mixtures of Trees

Marina Meila-Predoviciu

Table of Contents

Marina Meila
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