User Comments

Upon completing the survey, users were given the option to share their comments and insights on the study in free form. In general, users found the survey interesting and fun. Out of the 273 MT workers, only one worker complained about the price that was allocated for the hit. Two users found the survey "confusing", and one user thought that the instructions "should be made simpler".

An unedited selection of the user comments is given below, conveniently partitioned into the following categories:

A complete list of all comments can be found in this Excel sheet.

General supportive

I like this very,very interesting
Great survey! Good luck!
It was a very interesting survey. Very nice experience
thanks for the hit opportunity
Very interesting survery.  Will love to do more.
phiew, that took a while but was interesting none the less.
Fun, thanks
nice survey.
Thanks for the HIT
waooooooooooooooo   the experience was awesome very interesrting photos was there.......
Interesting Survey.
Very interesting.
Nice one. Really enjoyed.
it is very simple to do. thanks
Thank you.  The pictures have good color quality.
Interesting survey. I enjoyed taking it.
Good survey!
It was a good survey wish to do more surveys like Image Retargeting survey.
pretty interesting survey
The hit was interesting.
Thanks. Hope this helps.
it was a great experiance for me.
this survey is very useful and amazing..
i like these type of survey thanks for it.
nice survey
very super
Enjoyable HIT.
Great survey!
Really good survey.  Thanks a lot.  Have a nice day.
Loved it. Thank you.
I enjoyed the survey :)
Very interesting
That was fun!
Nice Survey
it's a very interesting survey.
Really this survey is very good. I am able to judge completely and successfully this total survey. Really fantastic.
excellent survey
very easy
Nice innovative HIT & fun too, need more like this
Enjoyable survey.
My favorite images, were the ones that had a piece of car on the man fist bumping with a child. It made me laugh.
Thanks for the HIT
Very Interesting..
That was fun
I really enjoyed doing it. Want ir more.
Good Hit, thanks a lot.
good survey make know about photography
niece done
Interesting surevy - good luck!
I really enjoyed this HIT.  I would be interested in doing more like this if any more are put up on MTurk.
i need your more  survey so that i can help u a lot 


On some of the pairs both were horrible, I felt bad picking one over the other because the lines in both were totally wacked...did that matter?
It was odd that some of the pictures weren't actually retargetted, but completely different pictures (i.e. the picture in front of the Colliseum where one is a father and two sons and one is a father with only one son)
Interesting survey.  In general, I favored images that preserved the original proportions and cut off unimportant parts of the composition.  But it was not always possible to do both.
The amount of information lost in some of the pictures was a bit frightening.  People tend to believe what they see, and in many cases background elements disappeared completely.  Yikes!
it was an interesting survey. most images had very subtle difference and made it a bit difficult to choose which one was better.
The main issue seems to be what's included in the frame.
It was an interesting survey, the pictures were interesting and it was interesting to evaluate why I indeed did prefer one over the other.
Since many of the images were very similar it was difficult to see diffiences without looking very closely,
Some of the images were obviously skewed (esp. the guy in the plaza some of the images he had no face) but others there was little difference except in the zoom.
I haven't realized that the same image, but retargeted can evoke different feelings and make me like it or not. It was very interesting experience :)
It was harder than I thought - I tried to look at things like the sidewalk and lampposts to see if they were in proportion or leaning weirdly - things like that.  I also looked at whether or not things got cut off or were centered.
This was harder to do than I thought it would be.  On a couple of the images I couldn't put my finger on precisely what I didn't like.  Most of the time I was looking for the most possible visual data that didn't disturb the aspect ratio. Hope my input helped!
I would be very interested in learning about your results from this survey.  I can see that retargeting could have a big impact on what people believe about the things in the pictures. The survey was quite informative, and a bit unnerving!
I enjoyed doing this. In many cases I was trying to balance cropping against distortion. It would be interesting to hear about your results.
Interesting Survey. Hated the Eiffel tower example - on almost every comparison I had to think lengthly why I like one instead of the other. I mean that the meaningful content was to similar at each example.


The survey was too long for $0.25
Interesting, but I am not sure of the point. It says to choose which one you like better, but in the "trial" image selection, it kept telling me I was choosing wrong.
It was a little long
Instruction to be made somewhat simpler.
mind-numbing, but kind of interesting
That was rather a lot of images.  And some of the edits on the Obama photo were kind of freakish!
There were so many similar photographs with no difference at all....what exactly is the purpose of having so many similar photographs...please reply at XXX (removed by authors)
This survey is very confusing.
Well it was interesting but was really confusing sometimes.

No-reference version related

Some of the pictures of the models were difficult to choose since I didn't know how thin they actually were in real life.
That island thing was really hard to judge without knowing what it really looks like.