Ryan R. Newton

I've Moved! See my new homepage here.

Ph.D. Candidate (Completed Jan'09)

Room 32-G890
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL)
The Stata Center, 32 Vassar St.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139


E-mail: username=newton
Domain: csail.mit.edu

Research Interests

I work on programming tools to enable distributed and parallel programming, mostly in the context of wireless sensor networks. I am interested in compiler construction, language design, and novel parallel architectures. I'm advised by Sam Madden and Arvind at MIT, but I also work on Macroprogramming with Matt Welsh and Greg Morrisett at Harvard. I'm the designer and implementor of the Regiment programming language, as well as the more recent WaveScript programming language (which is part of the WaveScope project).

Curriculum Vitae (CV) | Resume





Here are some links to freely available software packages that I have written. Many of these are simple utilities that I've written for my own convenience. If you know of common unix commands that accomplish the same behavior let me know -- I missed them!

Also, most of the open-sourced packages I'm currently working on are here, on github.


Recently I've been writing a few blog posts. Below are some recent ones. I used Yahoo Pipes and feedburner to aggregate my posts from different locations into one feed that is available here.