I am currently a Research Affiliate at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. My CV.
My first love is the physics of information and computation, and the informational modeling of physics. This was the subject of my PhD thesis (published version, searchable version), and has been the focus of most of my subsequent research. I was privileged to work with Edward Fredkin, Tom Toffoli and Charles Bennett at the MIT Information Mechanics Group between 1980 and 1995, first as a PhD student, and then as a Research Scientist.
At MIT, in addition to (and often instead of) more theoretical work on physics and on reversible cellular automata, I worked with Tom Toffoli on the design and use of Cellular Automata Machines (book), and led the CAM-8 CA machine project, working closely with Tom. CAM-8 was a spatially-organized mesh-architecture multiprocessor that provided a tool for investigating the possibilities of the kind of large-scale fine-grained parallelism that is available in nature. It was successful in this, but DARPA canceled all of its parallel processing projects before CAM-8 machines had been built that were large enough to let us see into the previously inaccessible "band of the computational spectrum" that was our true target. My later SPACERAM design generalized CAM-8's architecture into an almost-ideally-efficient building-block for spatial SIMD computations and bit-mapped virtual reality, but has not yet been built.
My current research is again focused on theoretical questions at the interface between physics and computation. A finite physical system with finite energy has only a finite set of distinct (mutually orthogonal) quantum states, and changes between distinct states at only a finite rate. This finite-state character makes all physical systems close kin to digital computers, with fundamental physical quantities such as energy, momentum and action being generalizations of fundamental computing quantities. Classical spacetime is effectively discrete, because finite energy and momentum play the role of finite bandwidth in rate-limiting distinctness in the quantum wavefunction. Quantum uncertainty reflects a continuous description of discrete quantities. Classical finite-state models can play the same foundational role in dynamics that they do in statistical mechanics.
The models depicted in these movies are discussed in the paper "Crystalline Computation" listed above, and appear in the lectures listed above. All simulations were performed on CAM-8.
Lattice gas fluid flow
A simulation of a six direction lattice gas fluid flowing past a half cylinder, exhibiting vortex shedding. Visualized by also simulating a "smoke" fluid within the CA. System is 2Kx1K.
Diffusion and sound waves in a reversible lattice gas
The four direction TM lattice gas is started with a 50% density of particles, except for an empty region (black) in the center. Half of the particles are colored blue and half yellow, so that both diffusion and waves are visible at the same time. The lattice is 512x512.
Slow-time model of refraction and reflection
Block-partitioning version of invertible momentum-conserving lattice gas, with particles moving diagonally. Locations marked with blue are left unchanged in half of the updates. We show a soliton colliding with a circular slow-time region. The lattice is 512x512.
Long range forces in a lattice gas
A simulation of a six direction lattice gas fluid with long-range forces. Force particles act at three discrete distances to produce clumps that form an elastic crystal. The model is discussed in A lattice gas with long range interactions coupled to a heat bath (Yepez, 1993).A reversible model of crystal growth
When a grey gas particle diffuses next to a green crystal particle, it joins the crystal and emits a red heat particle. The reverse also happens. The model is discussed in A thermodynamically reversible generalization of diffusion limited aggregation (D'Souza and Margolus, 1998).
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