Section 1
Want more of a challenge? View in iconic form (experimental)

       # MATH introduce equality for unary numbers
       # The intro operator does nothing essential, and could be
       # omitted - it just tags the first use of a new operator.
       # The = operator is introduced alongside a duplication of
       # unary numbers. The meaning will not quite by nailed down
       # until we see other relational operators.
[hear] (=-in-unary 010 010);

[hear] (=-in-unary 0110 0110);

[hear] (=-in-unary 01110 01110);

[hear] (=-in-unary 011110 011110);

[hear] (=-in-unary 0111110 0111110);

[hear] (=-in-unary 01111110 01111110);

[hear] (=-in-unary 011111110 011111110);

[hear] (=-in-unary 0111111110 0111111110);

[hear] (=-in-unary 010 010);

[hear] (=-in-unary 01111110 01111110);

[hear] (=-in-unary 0110 0110);