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Paul Robertson


University of Oxford, Self-Adaptive Software.
University of Essex, First Class in Computing Science.

Employment History

Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Researching diagnosis, planning, and repair of hardware and software systems for military and space applications. Where I have worked on and managed contracts funded by DARPA (SRS program), NASA (IS and AISR programs), ONR, Boeing, Toyota.
Adjunct Professor, University of Massachusetts at Boston.
Teaching: The Structure of High Level Languages based on Abelson & Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.
Affiliate member of MIT CSAIL under contract from DOLL Inc.
Working under contract on several DARPA funded projects (MOBIES, NEST programs). Researched into hand gesture/sign recognition and real-time tracking for controlling a public information kiosk (Using the DOLL IGOR robot head).
Chief Scientist, DOLL, Inc.
Designed a new research language called Yolambda and developed a compiler and development environment for it in support of reflective programming research. Yolambda was later used in customer applications as an embedded language and went on to be used in research into Self-Adaptive software. Developed DOIT, an expert system tool that was used in customer applications and as a research tool at the Navel Postgraduate School. Principle Investigator on DARPA funded research project (EDCS program) to design a next generation presentation based user interface and later on tools to support a Self-Adaptive platform for image understanding. Developed a robot head (IGOR) supporting real-time vision based tracking, speech recognition, and control of appliances as an HCI research platform.
1999 to 2000
Visiting Research Scientist, University of Oxford.
Conducted research into Self-Adaptive Software for Computer Vision funded by DARPA (SAFER and ANTS program). This appointment allowed me to continue my research into the robust, automatic, interpretation of multispectral infrared satellite images and monochromatic GIS images. Robustness was achieved by automatically adapting to a changing visual environment.
1990 to 1993
Vice President, Chief Technical Officer, Teela Technology, Inc.
Developed image analysis software in support of a client project to build 3D models of the human heart and eye. Researched techniques for the automatic recognition, cleanup, extraction of duplicate line drawing images in Navy manuals as part of a project to convert legacy maintenance manuals into Intelligent Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM) under a subcontract with Lockheed Martin on an ONR funded project. Developed a Lisp Machine emulator under a contract from Symbolics Inc. that became their software only product. Worked under contract to Macsyma, Inc. where I helped build the graphical front end for the PC version of Macsyma and generally helped productize the first and second versions of their PC product which was based upon the Lisp compiler that I developed for Symbolics between 1986 and 1990.
1987 to 1990
Manager PC Products Group, Symbolics, Inc.
Managed an R&D group that was primarily developing language products for the Intel platform and included developing a Common Lisp compiler for the Intel 80386, Symbolics CLOS for both the Lisp Machine and the PC platform, and a plug in board for the Symbolics 3600 class machines. The Lisp compiler went on to be Symbolics' standard platform Lisp compiler and was used in products such as Macsyma - a symbolic mathematics package.
1985 to 1986
Chief Technical Officer, Artelligence, Inc.
Developed one of the first production quality expert system tools for the PC, Macintosh, and Sun platforms. Designed and implemented a compact backward chaining expert system kernel under contract to a defense contractor (Electrospace Systems). Consulted on expert systems applications. Principle investigator on NASA funded real-time expert systems research contract.
1982 to 1985
Vice President of R&D, Computer * Thought Corp.
Managed R&D group that was building an intelligent training system to teach Ada programming to government contractors. Developed an Ada interpreter with support for dynamic runtime analysis for use in the knowledge based training system. Designed a rule based langauge that translates into Ada (OPSAda3).
1981 to 1982
Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas.
Taught graduate courses in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.
1980 to 1981
Lecturer, Computer Science, University of Essex (UK).
Taught undergraduate courses in Computer Science.

Professional Affiliations

Member of the Association for Computing Machinery.
Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Member of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence.

Journal Publications

Semantic Segmentation,
(with Mike Brady) Forthcoming in Artificial Intelligence Journal.

Image to Interpretation: An MDL Agent Architecture To Read Ancient Roman Texts,
(with Melissa Terras, Mike Brady, XiaoBo Pan, and Alan Bowman) Submitted to Artificial Intelligence Journal.
Image and Interpretation. Using Artificial Intelligence to Read Ancient Roman Texts,
(with Melissa Terras). Human IT
GRAVA: An Architecture Supporting Automatic Context Transitions and its Application to Robust Computer Vision,
(with Robert Laddaga). WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Volume 3, Issue 4, June 2004: pp. 1743-1750.

Downs and Acrosses: Textual Markup on a Stroke Level.
(with Melissa Terras) Literary and Linguistic Computing Volume 19, Issue 3, September 2004: pp.397-414.

Magazine Publications

Automatic Recovery from Software Failure.
(co-authored with Brian Williams), Communications of the ACM Volume 49 #3, pages 41-45.
Seeing Clearly and Moving Forward.
(co-authored with Robert Laddaga and Mark Swinson), IEEE Intelligent Systems Volume 15 #6, pages 46-50
Adaptive Image Analysis for Aerial Surveillance,
(co-authored with J. M. Brady), IEEE Intelligent Systems Volume 14 #3, pages 30-36.
Integrating Legacy Systems with Modern Corporate Applications,
Communications of the ACM Volume 40 #5, pages 39-46.

Books and Book Chapters

Image to Interpretation-Using Artificial Intelligence to Read the Vindolanda Texts.
in Image to Interpretation An Intelligent System to Aid Historians in Reading the Vindolanda Texts (chapters 4 and 5), Oxford University Press.

Self-Adaptive Software: Internalized Feedback.
(Co-authored with Robert Laddaga and Howard Shrobe) in Software Evolution and Feedback Theory and Practice (Chapter 26), Wiley.
Shadow Stereo, Image Filtering, and Constraint Propagation.
(Co-authored with Michael Brady, Xiao-Bo Pan, Veit Schenk, Melissa Terras, and Nicholas Molton) in Images and Artefacts of the Ancient World (Chapter 2), Oxford University Press.
Dynamic Object Technology.
(Co-authored with R. Laddaga and H. Shrobe). Harcourt Brace Forthcoming.

Self-Adaptive Software.
(P. Robertson, R. Laddaga, H. Shrobe eds.), Springer Verlag LNCS Forthcoming.
Self-Adaptive Software: Applications.
(P. Robertson, R. Laddaga, H. Shrobe eds.), Springer Verlag LNCS 2614.
Self-Adaptive Software. (P. Robertson, R. Laddaga, H. Shrobe eds.), Springer Verlag LNCS 1936.

Other Publications

Autonomous Robust Execution of Complex Robotic Missions
(with Robert Effinger and Brian Williams). Proceedings Intelligent Autonomous Systems 9
A Model-Based System Supporting Automatic Self-Regeneration of Critical Software
(with Brian Williams). Proceedings SelfMan2005

Model Based Diagnosis and Contexts in Self Adaptive Software
(with Robert Laddaga). Springer Verlag LNCS 3460 'Self-star Properties in Complex Information Systems'
Model Based Diagnosis and Contexts in Self Adaptive Software
(with Robert Laddaga). Proceedings Intelligent Systems Design and Applications Conference Budapest.

Cached Plans for Soft Real-Time Self-Adaptive Software,
Self-Adaptive Software, Springer-Verlag LNCS Forthcoming.

Using Contexts to Manage System Complexity,
Proceedings International Conference on Engineering of Complex Systems Florence (ICECCS 2004), Italy

The GRAVA Self-Adaptive Architecture: History; Design; Applications; and Challenges,
Proceedings DARES 2004, Tokyo, Japan.

Virtual Mouse Vision Based Interface,
Proceedings IUI 2004, Madeira, Portugal
GRAVA: An Architecture Supporting Automatic Context Transitions and its Application to Robust Computer Vision,
Proceedings of the 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference CONTEXT 2003, Stanford, CA

Model Based Diagnosis in Self Adaptive Software,
Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, Washington DC.

Confidence From Self Knowledge and Domain Knowledge,
Self-Adaptive Software: Applications, Springer-Verlag LNCS 2614 2003.

An Agent Architecture for Information Fusion and its Application to Robust Face Identification,
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, Austria.
Principle Component Decomposition for Automatic Context Induction,
(with Robert Laddaga), Proceedings of the Artificial and Computational Intelligence conference, Tokyo Japan, 2002

Adaptive, Intelligent Control of Embedded Applications.
(with Robert Laddaga), Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems and Control conference, Tsukuba Japan, 2002

A Self-adaptive Architecture and its Application to Robust Face Identification,
(with Robert Laddaga), Proceedings PRICAI-2002 LNAI 2417 2002.

Algorithms for Adaptation in Aerial Surveillance.
(with Steven Reece and Michael Brady), AFRL-IF-RS-TR-2002-52.
A Self-Adaptive Architecture for Image Understanding,
DPhil Thesis, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford.
An architecture for self-adaptation and its application to aerial image understanding,
Self-Adaptive Software, Springer-Verlag LNCS 1936 2000, Pages 199-223.
A Corpus-Based Approach to the Interpretation of Aerial Images,
Proceedings IPA99, Manchester, UK.
On Reflection and Refraction,
Proceedings of Workshop on Reflection, Tokyo Japan.
A Rule-Based Expert Simulation Environment,
Intelligent Simulation Environments, Simulation Series Volume 17 #1
Proceedings of the Washington Ada Symposium.
An Experimental Architecture that Supports Non-Temporal Prediction,
Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society.

Non-Temporal Prediction: A Distributed System For Concept Acquisition,
Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference of the CSCSI/SCEIO