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¶ 安い刺身 (cheap sashimi!)
Today, I found heaven, and it is called Yoshinoya. After splurging at Oishii a couple weeks ago and feeling our wallets cry out in pain, a cheaper way to good sushi was desired. Enter Yoshinoya. Japanese market selling sushi-quality raw fish. You can't just go to Shaw's or Stop and Shop or even Whole Foods to buy fish cause it's never fresh enough there. But the Japanese markets - they know you're not gonna cook that fish, so it damn well better be fresh. And at $13.00 / lb, it sure beats any sushi bar I know if. So I bought a whole lot of raw salmon, brought it home, and ate it. いただきます!

Re: 安い刺身 (cheap sashimi!)
Posted 21 years, 2 months ago by ごちそうさま • • Reply
私はこのゼリーの準備ができていることを考えない。 And also, where do you get the rice? Does the store sell prepped sushi rice?

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