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¶ I don't want to go to med school, damnit
took a trip down to NYC for the new year. that was fun. stayed with lixi tuesday night. lunch on wednesday with lixi, mike simon and doreen wong. met up with bryant, sumi, and sonic later. went to some punk/indie rock club to celebrate the new year, but we didn't really like the bands there and the music was deafeningly loud, so we left early and went back to bryant's. ended up watching iron chef for 3 hours. thursday hung out with bryant at macy's and museum of natural history (the dinosaurs are so cool!), cooked dinner at rich's place and played halo for a really long time. crashed at bryant's, ate pizza for lunch and watched resident evil the movie. caught greyhound bus home. nice trip.download movies, buy movies,download mp3,hindi mp3 download

Re: I don't want to go to med school, damnit
Posted 3 weeks, 1 day ago by Brandon Fuller • wwwReply
Maybe you should go into music school. I hear that is popular these days.

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