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¶ Building Fire Nunchaku
2  1' long 1" diameter wooden dowels
1  Nunchaku swivel kit
1  roll of aluminum foil tape
2  bottle caps
2  strips of kevlar tape 2' long, 2" wide, 1/16" thick
4  penny nails
6  1 1/2" wood screws
kevlar tape can be purchased online from www.dube.com or other fire juggling supply store. dowel, foil tape, penny nails, wood screws can be purchased at a hardware store. nunchaku swivel kits can be purchased in Chinatown or at an online martial arts supply store. Bottle caps... go drink a few beers.

This is what the swivel kit looks like.

This is what the dowels should look like


Lathe the last 1" of each dowel to be just barely narrower than the interior diameter of the swivel kits. If no lathe is available, then you can try shaving the dowel by hand, or buy dowels that are already the correct diameter. I like the lathe because the swivel kit fits better this way.

Fit the swivel kit onto the lathed section and mark the hole.

Remove swivel kit. Drill a small hole in the dowel where marked, about half the diameter of the swivel kit hole.

Reattach swivel kit and line up the holes. Hammer the pin into the dowel.

Wrap the unlathed ends of the dowels in foil tape, so that it covers about half of the dowel's length. Be sure to cover the ends as well.

Place bottle cap over taped ends of dowels.

Hammer two penny nails into each bottle cap to hold them in place

Wrap the bottle cap end of each dowel with a strip of kevlar.

Fold in the end of the kevlar. This protects from fraying.

Anchor the kevlar with two wood screws. Be sure to direct them so that they don't hit the penny nalis.

Add a third wood screw on the opposite side. This isn't completely necessary, but I like to do it. Prevents the kevlar from shifting

Finished pair.

While we're at it, why not double the supplies and make two pairs?

And burn.

Re: Building Fire Nunchaku
Posted 19 years, 5 months ago by Stryda • @Reply
this is a gd guide to makin them, and i imagine it looks amazin wen done, however uve gotta be crazy or stupid, or both to try it.

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