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¶ if I could
if I could change my undergraduate concentration, I would:

1) have done math/cs instead of pure CS. Well, maybe not. At least I think I would've taken a math class. I'm definitely regretting not having taken a math class since high school (no, I don't think discrete math counts) bhsigelm had the right idea. Math has always been one of those things that just intimidates me. it's like, if you're a math major, then you've got to be freaky smart. cause you're transcending the physical into some bizarre world of abstraction that actually kinda makes sense if you can think about it hard enough without bursting a blood vessel.

2) Not have been a philosophy major. god, what a waste of time. The only reason I took The Nature of Morality is that stacy was taking it too. After that, it was one of those well i only need three more courses for the degree so why not? kinda things. I used to think philosophy was like math.. an elevation of the mind to a plane unfettered by the chains of reality. but now I just think it's all a load of horseshit.

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Re: if I could
Posted 21 years, 11 months ago by xwong • • Reply
Wow, if I were to take a course because this chick I liked was in it, she'd have to be damn cute/hot/sexy/funny/intelligent. So... is she cute/hot/sexy/funny/intelligent? ;)

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