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¶ senior tiles
For a number of years at my high school, there was this tradition called "senior tiles". The idea is that the school gives graduating seniors a 4"x4" blank ceramic tile and you get to paint whatever you want on it. The school would then have it glazed and fired, and all the senior tiles of your class would be mounted together in a high-traffic corridor.

Naturally, people would paint images of importance or significance in their life. Athletes might paint footballs and uniforms, people would paint friends' names, the cynicists would paint their tiles all black, etc. I decided to paint the phrase "幹你娘" (gan4 ni3 niang2)1 in large characters on my tile, and nothing else. So I did it, and they glazed and fired and mounted my tile, and there it stood for quite a long time. Most people who passed by didn't understand it, as there really aren't that many chinese kids at my high school. I'd like to think people would look at it and think they were some obscure words of wisdom and blessing, but who knows.

Yesterday I had my 5-year high school reunion, so I went back to the hallway and checked to see if it was still there. Someone must've figured it out, cause my tile had been ripped straight out of the wall. Everyone else's tile was still there, only mine was gone. I know it was still up last fall cause I saw it while walking by with a friend, so it managed to escape the authorities for almost five years. In Bryant's words, "it had a good run."
1 translation: f**k your mom

Re: senior tiles
Posted 21 years, 8 months ago by albert • • Reply
damnit, can't you at least thread the replies so that it looks pretty? and the tone changing is only reflected in conversation. written, it's still the same.

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