Welcome to my home page. I am an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Brown University, where I lead the Humans to
Robots Laboratory. The aim of my research program is to construct
robots that seamlessly use natural language to communicate with
humans. In twenty years, every home will have a personal robot which
can perform tasks such as clearing the dinner
table, doing
laundry, and preparing
dinner. As these machines become more powerful and more
autonomous, it is critical to develop methods for enabling people to
tell them what to do. Robots that can communicate with people using
language can respond
appropriately to commands given by humans, ask questions when they are
confused, and request help
when they get stuck. We apply probabilistic methods, corpus-based
training, and decision theory to develop interactive robotic systems
that can understand and generate natural language. I completed my
Ph.D. at the MIT Media Lab in 2010, where I developed models for the
meanings of spatial prepositions and motion verbs. My postdoctoral
work at MIT CSAIL focused on creating robots that understand natural
language. I have published at SIGIR, HRI, RSS, AAAI, IROS, and ICMI,
winning Best Student Paper at SIGIR and ICMI. I was named one of IEEE
Spectrum’s AI’s 10 to Watch and won the Richard B. Salomon Faculty
Research Award at Brown University.
Here is our
language-understanding system running on a forklift:
Direction-understanding on a robotic helicopter:
Direction-understanding for the PR2:
I am also interested in reinforcement learning as applied to
“human-cat communication”:projects/gizmo.html: