The Table of Contents for On To Smalltalk follows.
Additional information about this book, along with access to software, is
available via
1 How this Book Teaches You the Language
- Why you should learn Smalltalk
- Methods versus functions
- Programming idioms and programming principles
2 How To Experiment Using the Workspace and the Transcript
- The workspace and the transcript
- Expressions, receivers, messages, and answers
- Methods and arguments
- Unary, binary, and keyword methods
- Method precedence
- Expression separation
- Strings
- Patterns and instantiation
3 How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
- Arithmetic messages
- Integer, floating-point, and rational numbers
- Absence of special precedence conventions for arithmetic
- Number-class conversion
4 How To Define Simple Methods
- Method definition
- The self object
- Returning from methods
- Blank insensitivity and case sensitivity
- Message cascading
- String concatenation
- Comments
5 How To Define Methods with Parameters
- Arguments and parameters
- Parameters and local scope
6 How To Perform Tests using Predicates
- Equal and not equal
- Greater than and less than
- Negation
- Class-membership predicates
7 How To Write Conditional Expressions
- Boolean expressions
- ifTrue: and ifFalse: messages
- Blocks
8 How To Combine Boolean Expressions
9 How To Introduce Local Variables
- Local-variable initialization and assignment
- The role of nil
- Local scope
10 How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
- Making programs easier to reuse, read, and debug
- Making programs easier to augment, improve, and change
11 How To Create Classes and Instances
- Instance variables, setters, and getters
- Derived attributes
12 How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
- Subclasses and superclasses
- Inheriting instance variables and methods
- Method overriding
- Class-membership predicates
- Polymorphism
13 How To Define Instance-Creation Methods
- Instance-creation methods and initializors
- Definition of new versions of new
14 How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
- Hiding implementation details
- Making programs easier write and maintain
15 How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
- Explicit representation
- The modularity principle
- The no-duplication principle
- The look-it-up principle
- The is-a versus has-a principle
16 How To Write Iteration Statements
- Iteration expressions
- whileTrue: and whileFalse: expressions
- timesRepeat: expressions
17 How To Write Recursive Methods
- Methods that use themselves recursively
- The base part and the recursion part
- Recursion versus iteration efficiency
18 How To Store Values in Class Variables
- Class variables and class-variable access
- Class-variable setters and getters
19 How To Store Values in Dictionaries
- The Smalltalk dictionary
- Creation of new dictionaries
- Pool dictionaries
20 How To Work With Arrays
- Manipulating arrays of numeric elements
- Iterating with elements as parameter values
- Iterating with numeric indexes as parameter values
- Combining array elements with inject:into:
- Arrays of arrays
21 How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
- Ordered collections of elements
- Iteration over ordered collections
- Bags and sets
- Sorted collections and sort blocks
22 How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
- Creating file streams
- Reading strings, integers, and floats from input streams
- Writing to output streams
- Closing streams
23 How To Work with Characters and Strings
- Strings and characters
- Reading lines from files
- Extracting characters from strings
- Converting strings to streams
24 How To Produce Formatted Text
- Understanding field widths and padding characters
- Determining the length of a string
- Creating strings with specified length and filler
25 How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
- System simulation
- Event queues
- Application classes
26 How to Work with Dates and Times
- Time and Date objects
- Time and date creation, manipulation, and comparison
- Use of dates in simulations
27 How To Define Binary Methods
- Defining binary methods
- Creating new classes for numberlike objects
28 How to Use Debugging Tools
- The walkback window
- The debugger
- The inspector
- The stepper
- Senders and implementers
29 How to Program Defensively
- Indicating definitions are expected
- Defining class predicates
- Announcing errors
30 How to Exchange Software
- Absence of text files
- Filing in and filing out
- The chunk-file format
31 How To Create Points and Rectangles
- Screen coordinate system
- Points and rectangles
32 How To Draw Lines and To Display Text in Windows
- View managers, top panes, and graph panes
- The createViews method
- The when:perform: method
- Pens, lines, and displaying text
33 How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
- Using pens and graphics contexts
- Changing colors, widths, and fonts
- Drawing plain and filled polygons
34 How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
- Creating list boxes
- Loading list boxes with elements
- Determining which element has been selected
35 How To Connect Together Display Elements
- Sending messages to named views
- Broadcasting messages to all views
36 How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
- Menu items, menus, and menu bars
- Access to files via file dialogs
37 How To Develop a GUI using a GUI Builder
- Entering the GUI builder
- Installing graphical elements
- Sizing and alignment
- Understanding events and callbacks
38 How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
- Understanding categories and protocols
- Filing out categories and protocols
- Reading and writing file-stream distinctions
39 How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
- Change and update messages
- Dependent parts and views
40 How To Use VisualWork's Value Holders and Aspect Adapters
- Using value holders to hold values
- Using aspect adapters to translate messages
41 How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
- Application models
- VisualWorks GUI Builder
42 How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
- Defining new viewers
- Defining new controllers
Appendix A: The Calorie Application
Appendix B: Packaging Applications for Users
Appendix C: The VisualWorks GUI Builder
Appendix D: The VisualWorks Drawing Methods