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322: Mainline

The following is a revised version of the analyze_trades program shown in Segment 295. This version uses a trade pointer parameter in the trade_price function:

/* Define the trade structure */ 
struct trade {double price; int number;}; 
/* Define value-computing function */ 
double trade_price (struct trade *tptr) { 
  return tptr -> price * tptr -> number; 
/* Define trade array */ 
struct trade trades[100]; 
main ( ) { 
  /* Declare various variables */ 
  int limit, counter; 
  double sum = 0.0; 
  /* Read numbers and stuff them into array */ 
  for (limit = 0; 
       2 == scanf ("%lf%i", 
  /* Display value of shares traded */ 
  for (counter = 0; counter < limit; ++counter) 
    sum = sum + trade_price(&trades[counter]); 
  printf ("The total value of the %i trades is %f.\n", 
                                  limit,       sum); 
--- Data ---
10.2    600 
12.0    100 
13.2    200 
--- Result --- 
The total value of the 3 trades is 9960.000000.