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350: Mainline

You can hand an array to a function by passing the name of the array as an argument.

Suppose, for example, that you want to define a function, sum_trade_prices, to be used as follows:

                          *-- An array name, a pointer 
sum = sum_trade_prices (trades, limit) 
                                 *-- Number of trades in array 

To define sum_trade_prices, you declare that the first argument is a pointer to a trade object. That tells the C compiler what it needs to know to increment the corresponding parameter appropriately inside sum_trade_prices:

double sum_trade_prices (struct trade *p, int counter) { 
  double result = 0; 
  int i; 
  for (i = 0; i < counter; i++, p++) 
    result = result + trade_price (p); 
  return result; 