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478: Mainline

Thus, you can view one operand of the bitwise-and operation as a mask: The bits set to 1 in the mask pass along the bits set to 1 in the other operand, whereas the bits set to 0 in the mask filter out—or mask off—any corresponding bits set to 1 in the other operand.

Accordingly, to determine whether, say, the bad-price bit in the status variable is set, indicating that the analyze_trades program has encountered a 0 or negative price, you can mask off the other bits and determine whether the on bit gets through. If the on bit does get through, the result, viewed as an integer, is not zero, thus causing the statement embedded in the following if statement to be executed.

                   *-- Mask 
if (status & bad_price_bit)  ... 

Alternatively, you can use a mask with several bits set to test both bits that deal with the appearance of negative or zero numbers in the trade-describing file:

                            *-- Mask 
if (status & (bad_price_bit | bad_size_bit) ...