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529: Mainline

If you like, you can write another simple function, company_name, that returns a pointer to the portion of the description that contains the company-identifying characters.

Because the company name occupies the final portion of the description string, there is no need to create a new character array. Instead, you can view the final portion of the description string as a substring.

Thus, the company_name function can do its job by locating the character in the description string immediately following the hyphen, whereupon the company_name function can return the address of that character. That address is the address of a substring containing the company-identifying characters. In the following, for example, company_name is to return 922:

     |  C        -        I        B        M        Null character 
     |  |        |        |        |        |         | 
     v  v        v        v        v        v         v 
     -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------  
     920      921      922      923      924      925 

The following is one interesting way to implement company_name. Note that nothing needs to be initialized in the for statement; hence, nothing appears before the first semicolon. Also note that the iteration terminates when the cptr pointer points to the hyphen; hence, the pointer has to be incremented once after leaving the for loop so as to move the pointer forward to the first character in the company name:

char* company_name (struct trade *t) { 
  char* cptr = t -> for; 
  description (; cptr[0] != '-'; ++cptr) ; 
  return ++cptr; 