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568: Mainline

Now, as soon as analyze_trades works on the test.data file a second time, it allocates memory for three new trade objects in addition to the memory previously allocated for three other trade objects:

              0                   1                   2    <-- Trades 
              |                   |                   |        array 
              v                   v                   v        index 
     ------------------- ------------------- ----------------- 
    |  First pointer    |  Second pointer   |  Third pointer    | 
              |                   |                   | 
              v                   v                   v 
     *-----------------* *-----------------* *-----------------* 
     | Fourth allocated| | Fifth allocated | | Sixth allocated | 
     | chunk of memory | | chunk of memory | | chunk of memory | 
     *-----------------* *-----------------* *-----------------* 
     *-----------------* *-----------------* *-----------------* 
     | First allocated | | Second allocated| | Third allocated | 
     | chunk of memory | | chunk of memory | | chunk of memory | 
     *-----------------* *-----------------* *-----------------* 

Now, however, there are no pointers to the first three of the memory chunks allocated at run time for trade objects. Accordingly, they are completely inaccessible.