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587: Mainline

Finally, you can hide all the detail in a function:

/* Define global time variables */ 
int year, month, day, hour, minute; 
/* Define function to establish time-variable values */ 
void assign_time_variables ( ) { 
  /* Declare variable to hold elapsed seconds since 1970 */ 
  time_t elapsed_seconds; 
  /* Declare pointer to an object containing time information */ 
  struct tm *time_structure_pointer; 
  /* Fetch elapsed seconds from operating system */ 
  /* Use elapsed seconds to update time-structure object */ 
  time_structure_pointer = localtime (&elapsed_seconds); 
  /* Extract useful information from the time structure */ 
  year = 1900 + time_structure_pointer -> tm_year; 
  month = time_structure_pointer -> tm_mon; 
  day = time_structure_pointer -> tm_mday; 
  hour = time_structure_pointer -> tm_hour; 
  minute = time_structure_pointer -> tm_min; 