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701: Mainline

The f specification is for floating-point numbers. Note that xs are included in the printf statement to clarify the placement of padding characters.

Display float or double:

printf ("x %f x\n", 3.14159); printf ("x %f x\n", -3.14159); 
--- Result --- 
x 3.141590 x 
x -3.141590 x 

Display with two digits following the decimal point:

printf ("x %.2f x\n", 3.14159); printf ("x %.2f x\n", -3.14159); 
--- Result --- 
x 3.14 x 
x -3.14 x 

Display with spaces, if necessary, to fill a six-character field:

printf ("x %6.2f x\n", 3.14159); printf ("x %6.2f x\n", -3.14159); 
--- Result --- 
x   3.14 x 
x  -3.14 x 

Display with spaces, if necessary, to fill a six-character field; if more than six characters are involved, display them all anyway:

printf ("x %6f x\n", 3.14159); printf ("x %6f x\n", -3.14159); 
--- Result --- 
x 3.141590 x 
x -3.141590 x 

Display with spaces on the right, if necessary:

printf ("x %-6.2f x\n", 3.14159); printf ("x %-6.2f x\n", -3.14159); 
--- Result --- 
x 3.14   x 
x -3.14  x 

Always include sign:

printf ("x %+6.2f x\n", 3.14159); printf ("x %+6.2f x\n", -3.14159); 
--- Result --- 
x  +3.14 x 
x  -3.14 x 

Always include sign and pad on the right:

printf ("x %+-6.2f x\n", 3.14159); printf ("x %+-6.2f x\n", -3.14159); 
--- Result --- 
x +3.14  x 
x -3.14  x