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535: Mainline

When you delimit a sequence of characters by double quotation marks, you are really telling C++ to create an array in which the elements are the particular characters between the double quotation marks. The following, for example, is what C++ stores on encountering "box".

        0        1        2        3     <----- Array index 
        |        |        |        |   
        v        v        v        v 
     -------- -------- -------- --------      Memory addresses --* 
----*--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*---   | 
    |01100010|01101111|01111000|00000000|        |        |      | 
 ---*--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*----  | 
     920      921      922      923      924      925      926 <-* 
     -------- -------- -------- -------- 
        ^        ^        ^        ^ 
        |        |        |        *----- End-of-string code 
        b        o        x      <----- Encoded characters 

Note that the three characters in box are actually stored in a four-element array in which the last element is filled by the null character, rather than by an actual character's code.

Character arrays terminated by null characters are called character strings, or, more succinctly, strings. Thus, "box" is a notation for a string. Somewhat colloquially, most programmers say that "box" is a string.