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••• Unprocessable paragraph: \beginbullets \o \If you want to control display spacing, \then use the \code{printf} function, rather than the output operator, \and instantiate the following pattern: \begincode printf (\m{a string, with one print specification per argument}, \m{argument 1}, \m{argument 2}, \d/ \m{argument n}); \endcode \o \If you want to include a string argument, \then use the \code{\o \If you want to include an integer argument, \then use the \code{\o \If you want to specify a field width, \and you want the displayed characters to be to the right of the padding, \then include an integer between the percent sign and the character. \o \If you want to specify a field width, \and you want the displayed characters to be to the left of the padding, \then include a negative integer between the percent sign and the character. \endbullets \par C:\Phw\Onto\CPP\formatc.tex ••• C:\Phw\Onto\CPP\formatc.tex •••