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686: Mainline

The class definitions and function prototypes in the containers.h and cars.h header files are all that the C++ compiler needs to compile the trains.cxx file. Similarly, the information in the containers.h header file is all that the C++ compiler needs to compile containers.cxx, and the cars.h header file is all that the C++ compiler needs to compile cars.cxx:

                        containers.h            cars.h 
                        *--------------*        *--------------* 
                        | Class        | --*    | Class        | --* 
                        | definitions  |   |    | definitions  |   | 
                        *--------------*   |    *--------------*   | 
                                           |                       | 
trains.cxx              containers.cxx     |    cars.cxx           | 
*--------------*        *--------------*   |    *--------------*   | 
| main         |<----*  | Member-      |<--|    | Member-      |<--| 
| definition   |<--* |  | function     |   |    | function     |   | 
|              |   | |  | definitions  |   |    | definitions  |   | 
*--------------*   | |  *--------------*   |    *--------------*   | 
                   | *---------------------*                       | 