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759: Mainline

Similarly, the first_link_pointer and current_link_pointer member variables are included in the header class definition. You might reasonably suppose that they should be accessible only to the member functions of the header class:

// An interim definition of header; as given, it does not work! 
class header { 
    header ( ) { 
      first_link_pointer = NULL; 
      current_link_pointer = first_link_pointer; 
    void add (railroad_car *new_element) { 
      first_link_pointer = new link (new_element, first_link_pointer); 
      current_link_pointer = first_link_pointer; 
    void advance ( ) { 
      current_link_pointer = current_link_pointer -> next_link_pointer; 
    railroad_car* access ( ) { 
      return current_link_pointer -> element_pointer; 
    int endp ( ) { 
      return ! current_link_pointer; 
    void reset ( ) { 
      current_link_pointer = first_link_pointer; 
    link *first_link_pointer; 
    link *current_link_pointer; 

At this point, six member functions—add, advance, access, endp, reset, and header—remain generally accessible. Accordingly, as you may recall from Chapter 14, these six functions are said to constitute the public interface to the link and header classes.

Note, however, that moving the member variables and the constructor of the link class to the private portion of the class definition makes them inaccessible not only for general use, but also for the use of the member functions in the header class.

*-----------------------*                 *-------------------------* 
| header                |                 | link                    | 
|                       |                 |                         | 
|   *-----------------* |    Access       |   *-------------------* | 
|   | Public portion  | |    denied       |   | Private portion   | | 
|   |               -----------------*    |   |                   | |   
|   |                 | |            |    |   |                   | | 
|   *-----------------* |        <---*    |   *-------------------* | 
*-----------------------*                 *-------------------------*