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762: Mainline

Once the friend declaration is included, the header class is said to be a friend of the link class. Then, all member variables and member functions in the link class acts as though they were public with respect to the member functions of the header class. Thus, the member functions of the header class can get at the constructor, link, and the member variables, next_link_pointer and element_pointer, in link objects.

*-----------------------*     Friend      *-----------------------* 
| header                | <-------------- | link                  | 
|                       |                 |                       | 
|   *-----------------* |    Access       |   *-----------------* | 
|   | Public portion  | |    permitted    |   | Private portion | | 
|   |               ---------------------------->               | |   
|   |                 | |                 |   |                 | | 
|   *-----------------* |                 |   *-----------------* | 
*-----------------------*                 *-----------------------*