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1008: Mainline

Listeners, such as the one defined in Segment 1007, are connected to list-selection model inside the table, which you obtain using the getSelectionModel method, as illustrated in the following, RowMovieTableApplication subclass of the MovieTableApplication class. All that the subclass definition does is to define a zero-parameter constructor that connects the table to an instance of the MovieRowSelectionListener class defined in Segment 1007.

import javax.swing.*; 
public class RowMovieTableApplication extends MovieTableApplication { 
 public RowMovieTableApplication () {  
  ListSelectionModel lsm = getRatingTable().getSelectionModel(); 
  lsm.addListSelectionListener(new MovieRowSelectionListener(this)); 
 public static void main (String argv []) { 
  JFrame frame = new JFrame("Movie Data Table"); 
                             new RowMovieTableApplication()); 
  frame.setSize(750, 210); 
  frame.addWindowListener(new ApplicationClosingWindowListener()); 