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1117: Mainline

Once you have constructed a path, you specify the shape of that path using path-defining methods. The two most commonly used path-defining methods in the GeneralPath class are moveTo and lineTo. The moveTo method specifies a virtual pen move from the current position to a specified position without leaving a track; the lineTo method specifies a virtual pen move from the current position to a specified position with a track.

Thus, to specify the straight lines required by the meter, you use the following moveTo and lineTo operations, once you have converted the int variables of Segment 1113 to float variables.

path.moveTo(lineXOffset, lineYOffset);                              
path.lineTo(lineXOffset + meterWidth, lineYOffset);                 
path.moveTo(lineXOffset + pointerPosition, lineYOffset);               
path.lineTo(lineXOffset + pointerPosition, lineYOffset - meterHeight);