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275: Mainline

You prevent direct instance-variable access by marking instance variables with the private keyword.

You can, for example, redefine the Attraction class as follows, with minutes marked with the private keyword, rather than with the public keyword:

public class Attraction { 
 // First, define instance variable: 
 private int minutes; 
 // Define zero-parameter constructor: 
 public Attraction () {minutes = 75;} 
 // Define one-parameter constructor: 
 public Attraction (int m) {minutes = m;} 
 // Define getter: 
 public int getMinutes () {return minutes;} 
 // Define setter: 
 public void setMinutes (int m) {minutes = m;} 

With the Attraction class so redefined, attempts to access an attraction's instance-variable values from outside the Attraction class fail to compile:

x.minutes      <-- Access fails to compile; 
                   the minutes instance variable is private 
x.minutes = 6  <-- Assignment fails to compile; 
                   the minutes instance variable is private