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658: Mainline

Suppose that the minutes instance variable lies in the private part of the Attraction class's definition. Then, access to that variable is possible only via methods defined in the Attraction class:

| Everywhere else                                            | 
*------------------------ | ---------------------------------* 
                          | ^  
| *--------------------------------*   *-------------------* | 
| |                *-------------* |   |                   | | 
| |                |    Same     | |   |                   | | 
| |                |    class    | |   |                   | | 
| |                |      |      | |   |                   | | 
| | Rest of the    |      v      | |   | Other compilation | | 
| | compilation --*|   minutes   | |*--- unit, same package| | 
| | unit          ||             | ||  |                   | | 
| |             <-*|             | |*->|                   | | 
| |                *-------------* |   |                   | | 
| *--------------------------------*   *-------------------* | 
                          | v 
*------------------------ | ---------------------------------* 
| *---------------------- | -------------------------------* | 
| |          *----------- | -------*                       | | 
| |          | Subclass in another |                       | | 
| |          | compilation unit in |                       | | 
| |          | another package     |                       | | 
| |          *---------------------*                       | | 
| *--------------------------------------------------------* | 