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662: Mainline

One other possibility remains: If you use none of the protection keywords—public, protected, or private—then you provide access to the rest of the compilation unit and to the rest of the package, but to nothing else:

| Everywhere else                                            | 
*------------------------ | ---------------------------------* 
                          | ^  
| *--------------------------------*   *-------------------* | 
| |                *-------------* |   |                   | | 
| |                |    Same     | |   |                   | | 
| |                |    class    | |   |                   | | 
| |                |      |      | |   |                   | | 
| | Rest of the    |      v      | |   | Other compilation | | 
| | compilation -----> minutes <-------- unit, same package| | 
| | unit           |             | |   |                   | | 
| |                *-------------* |   |                   | | 
| *--------------------------------*   *-------------------* | 
                          | v 
*------------------------ | ---------------------------------* 
| *---------------------- | -------------------------------* | 
| |          *----------- | -------*                       | | 
| |          | Subclass in another |                       | | 
| |          | compilation unit in |                       | | 
| |          | another package     |                       | | 
| |          *---------------------*                       | | 
| *--------------------------------------------------------* | 