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726: Mainline

Thus, to display your nascent meter, you need to augment the MovieApplication class definition provided in Segment 702. You add a declaration that declares an instance variable, meter, you add an initialization statement that creates a Meter instance and assigns that Meter instance to the meter instance variable, and you add an add statement that attaches the meter to the center of the content pane. The meter is created via the two-argument constructor that sets to zero and thirty the minimum and maximum values shown on the meter .

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MovieApplication extends JFrame {
 public static void main (String argv []) {
  new MovieApplication("Movie Application");
 // Declare instance variables:
 private Meter meter;                                   
 // Define constructor
 public MovieApplication(String title) {
  meter = new Meter(0, 30);                             
  getContentPane().add("Center", meter);                
  addWindowListener(new LocalWindowListener()); 
  setSize(350, 150); 
 // Define window adapter 
 private class LocalWindowListener extends WindowAdapter { 
  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { 