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971: Mainline

To do the actual layout, you add the layoutContainer method. That method first obtains the dimensions of the container using the instance variables of the Dimension instance returned by getSize. Then, that method positions and sizes all the known components using setBounds expressions:

import java.awt.*; 
public class MovieApplicationLayout implements LayoutManager { 
 private Component meter; 
 private Component list; 
 private Component form; 
 private Component poster; 
 // addLayoutComponent and removeLayoutComponent definitions as in Segment 970 
 public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { 
  Dimension d = parent.getSize(); 
  int height = d.height; 
  int width = d.width; 
  if(meter != null) { 
   meter.setBounds(0, 0, (int) (width / 3), (int) (height * 2 / 3)); 
  if(list != null) { 
   list.setBounds((int) (2 * width / 3), 0, (int) (width / 3), height); 
  if(form != null) { 
   form.setBounds(0, (int) (height * 2 / 3),  
                  (int) (2 * width / 3), (int)(height / 3)); 
  if(poster != null) { 
   poster.setBounds((int) (width / 3), 0, 
                    (int) (width / 3), (int) (height * 2 / 3)); 
 // Other definitions 